There were still some significant startup message problems
with win32tty.
I've spent a lot of time in the debugger tracing through them all.
I think I've got them all worked out now, certainly the ones that
I was aware of. There may be some I haven't discovered.
Testing welcomed of course!
This patch also attempts to diagnose the error where someone tries
to execute NetHack directly out of a zip file, and provide
them with a (hopefully) helpful message similar to what we
might end up telling them if they wrote in. If you want
to test that part, you can comment out the line in the
Makefile that adds "dungeon" to nhdat, and delete the nhdat
in your binary and src directories, and "make install".
Then add the value of your TEMP environment variable as a
DATADIR statement in defaults.nh (here's mine):
The diagnostic code engages if the game fails to open
dungeon. It then checks to see if it the game dir is the
TEMP directory for your system, and if so it prints the