- Each DFA state under construction keeps a set of tag versions
(which version of each tag is actual for each NFA sub-state).
- Tag versions now have priorities which allow to disambuguate
between two competing configurations when building tagged epsilon-
closure. We try to maximaze value of each tag, thus versions
that correspond to greater tag value have greater priority.
- Comparison of DFA states (when trying to find an existing state
equal to the new one) has become more complex. We try to find
a similar enough (not necessarily identical) state: one that is
equal to the new state up to reordering of tag versions. Mapping
should be either bijective or injective (new state must be less
or equally versatile then the old one), default is bijective.
Mapping should not violate tag priorities: relative order of
versions must hold (absolute values of priorities don't have to
- On each update tag gets new version: if tag is updated to bottom,
it gets negative version; otherwise it gets positive version.
- Different tags that updated by the same transition still get
different versions. This may seem to be a waste: we know exactly
that input position is equal for all tags on the same transition,
even more, for all tags on all outgoung transitions from the same
state, so we can alocate exactly one version for all of them.
However, allocating one version for different tags creates states
with a very specific tag configurations: these states don't map
to existing states and the automaton gets bloated (sometimes
exponentially). Furthermore, allocating independent versions is
good for optimizations.
- Second pass of optimizations: it only makes difference for one
test case (usually the first pass does a good job), but it's cheap
(all the necessary infrastructure is in place) and powerful.
- The resulting automaton is similar to Laurikari's TDFA, except
for one important difference: re2c's automaton makes use of
lookahead tags, while Laurikari's does not.