- MFH: Fixed bug #37017 (strtotime fails before 13:00:00 with some time zones
identifiers). (Derick)
- MFH: Fixed bug #36988 (mktime freezes on long numbers). (Derick)
- MFH: Implemented better error and warning handling that is also used for the
date_parse() function.
- MFH: Fixed problems with "T" in front of a time string was seen as a time
zone string.
- MFH: Fixed a problem were 5 and 6 character timezone abbreviations where not
correctly parsed.
Experimental support (All MFH):
- Added the date_parse() function that returns a parsed date/time string
including warnings and errors.
- Added the timezone_name_from_abbr() function that exposes the guessing
mechanism that tries to find a timezone identifier from a timezone
abbreviation and GMT offset.