Explicitly truncate the query prompt string to QBUFSZ-1 characters.
For tty and Amiga, no longer include the choices and default within that
length limit; use a bigger buffer to hold them along with the prompt.
While trying to eliminate the "Query truncated" entries present in
nethack.alt.org's paniclog, I seem to keep going backwards. Allowing
<win>_yn_function() to accept a full QBUFSZ worth of characters will
simplify the existing yn_function() in the core and greatly simplify the
revised safe_qbuf() I've been working on.
Some interfaces don't seem to care how long the prompt string is; I've
left those along. Several of the others already copied the prompt string
into a BUFSZ sized buffer instead of a QBUFSZ sized one, making them
unlikely to suffer from buffer overflows. This changes the rest (just tty
and Amiga, I think) to do the same. Also for all that have any size
constraint, it now truncates the prompt query to QBUFSZ-1 chars as it is
used rather than continue to rely on the caller doing so. This assumes
that appending the set of acceptable choices and the default response won't
overflow, which is a safe assumption unless/until QBUFSZ gets enlarged til
it's too close to BUFSZ.
Only tty's topl.c has been tested. The others should work ok, but
might possibly be bitten by a typo or two. Qt's implementation of the X11
"slow" method (reusing a persistant one-line window for prompts) has been
handled, but its C++ class-based variant is untouched; NetHackQtYnDialog::
Exec() is completely baffling to me but doesn't appear to have any length