Disable GCC's -Woverloaded-virtual in the configure+make build. Clang's is better.
Turns out Clang's -Woverloaded-virtual is enabled by -Wall in both CMake
and Configure builds. We were only explicitly specifying it (thus
enabling GCC's version of the warning) in the Configure build.
The specific case of interest is:
struct base {
virtual void func();
virtual void func(int);
struct derived: base {
virtual void func(); // GCC warns here, because this causes
// func(int) to be hidden
I don't think that's worth getting fussed about (& Clang (indirectly
me... since I improved this warning in Clang) agrees or we would've made
the warning catch these cases.
Technically this could still lead to bugs/confusion if base had
func(int) and func(bool), derived overrode func(bool) and then a caller
with a derived object tried to call func(42) - it would silently call
func(bool). We should probably improve clang's warnings to catch this at
the call site at some point.
git-svn-id: https://llvm.org/svn/llvm-project/llvm/trunk@218059