support for multiple email adrresses in cert: will add one entry
to {keys, cetrificates}/.index now (for each mailbox)
support for certificates without intermediate certs (e.g. for
people who are their own CA: use root as intermediate, for it
probably wouldn't be known to anyone...)
bugfix in handle_pem: the checks if some type of cert is present;
die() could never be reached, as the variables checked wouldn't
have been set in that case, so it would break because of undefined
value or some such thing.... (so it has to check $iter instead)
- smime.c (init.h, ....)
support for importing certificates issued for multiple addresses.
introduced smime_fingerprint_cert_command, so finally certs can
get compared ... (so the above works..)
cleaned up some error messages, that would mess up the terminal.