- always write plname into save file, no longer conditional
- add 'selectsaved' wincap option to control the display of
a menu of save files for ports/platforms that support it.
- add support for win32 tty using normal nethack menus.
- the win/tty/wintty code is generalized enough that any
tty port could support the option if the appropriate port-specific
code hooks for wildcard file lookups are added to src/file.c
specifically in the get_saved_games() routine. There is posix
code in there from Warwick already, and there is findfirst/findnext
code in there from win32. Warwick has the posix code only
enabled for Qt at present, but with wintty support, that could be expanded
to other Unix environments quite easily I would think.
Here is what the tty support looks like:
NetHack, Copyright 1985-2005
By Stichting Mathematisch Centrum and M. Stephenson.
See license for details.
Select one of your saved games
a - Bob
b - Fred
c - June
d - mine3
e - Sirius
f - Start a new character
The following files existed in the NetHack SAVEDIR directory
at the time:
Note that despite the file names, the actual character name
is drawn from the savefile.
The WIN32CON support passes
to findfirst/findnext where USER is your login name of course.