MagickWand  6.8.3
pixel-wand.h File Reference
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typedef struct _PixelWand PixelWand


WandExport char * PixelGetColorAsNormalizedString (const PixelWand *)
WandExport char * PixelGetColorAsString (const PixelWand *)
WandExport char * PixelGetException (const PixelWand *, ExceptionType *)
WandExport double PixelGetAlpha (const PixelWand *)
WandExport double PixelGetBlack (const PixelWand *)
WandExport double PixelGetBlue (const PixelWand *)
WandExport double PixelGetCyan (const PixelWand *)
WandExport double PixelGetFuzz (const PixelWand *)
WandExport double PixelGetGreen (const PixelWand *)
WandExport double PixelGetMagenta (const PixelWand *)
WandExport double PixelGetRed (const PixelWand *)
WandExport double PixelGetYellow (const PixelWand *)
WandExport ExceptionType PixelGetExceptionType (const PixelWand *)
WandExport MagickBooleanType IsPixelWand (const PixelWand *)
WandExport MagickBooleanType IsPixelWandSimilar (PixelWand *, PixelWand *, const double)
WandExport MagickBooleanType PixelClearException (PixelWand *)
WandExport MagickBooleanType PixelSetColor (PixelWand *, const char *)
WandExport PixelInfo PixelGetPixel (const PixelWand *)
WandExport PixelWandClonePixelWand (const PixelWand *)
WandExport PixelWand ** ClonePixelWands (const PixelWand **, const size_t)
WandExport PixelWandDestroyPixelWand (PixelWand *)
WandExport PixelWand ** DestroyPixelWands (PixelWand **, const size_t)
WandExport PixelWandNewPixelWand (void)
WandExport PixelWand ** NewPixelWands (const size_t)
WandExport Quantum PixelGetAlphaQuantum (const PixelWand *)
WandExport Quantum PixelGetBlackQuantum (const PixelWand *)
WandExport Quantum PixelGetBlueQuantum (const PixelWand *)
WandExport Quantum PixelGetCyanQuantum (const PixelWand *)
WandExport Quantum PixelGetGreenQuantum (const PixelWand *)
WandExport Quantum PixelGetIndex (const PixelWand *)
WandExport Quantum PixelGetMagentaQuantum (const PixelWand *)
WandExport Quantum PixelGetRedQuantum (const PixelWand *)
WandExport Quantum PixelGetYellowQuantum (const PixelWand *)
WandExport size_t PixelGetColorCount (const PixelWand *)
WandExport void ClearPixelWand (PixelWand *)
WandExport void PixelGetHSL (const PixelWand *, double *, double *, double *)
WandExport void PixelGetMagickColor (const PixelWand *, PixelInfo *)
WandExport void PixelGetQuantumPacket (const PixelWand *, PixelInfo *)
WandExport void PixelGetQuantumPixel (const Image *, const PixelWand *, Quantum *)
WandExport void PixelSetAlpha (PixelWand *, const double)
WandExport void PixelSetAlphaQuantum (PixelWand *, const Quantum)
WandExport void PixelSetBlack (PixelWand *, const double)
WandExport void PixelSetBlackQuantum (PixelWand *, const Quantum)
WandExport void PixelSetBlue (PixelWand *, const double)
WandExport void PixelSetBlueQuantum (PixelWand *, const Quantum)
WandExport void PixelSetColorFromWand (PixelWand *, const PixelWand *)
WandExport void PixelSetColorCount (PixelWand *, const size_t)
WandExport void PixelSetCyan (PixelWand *, const double)
WandExport void PixelSetCyanQuantum (PixelWand *, const Quantum)
WandExport void PixelSetFuzz (PixelWand *, const double)
WandExport void PixelSetGreen (PixelWand *, const double)
WandExport void PixelSetGreenQuantum (PixelWand *, const Quantum)
WandExport void PixelSetHSL (PixelWand *, const double, const double, const double)
WandExport void PixelSetIndex (PixelWand *, const Quantum)
WandExport void PixelSetMagenta (PixelWand *, const double)
WandExport void PixelSetMagentaQuantum (PixelWand *, const Quantum)
WandExport void PixelSetPixelColor (PixelWand *, const PixelInfo *)
WandExport void PixelSetQuantumPixel (const Image *, const Quantum *, PixelWand *)
WandExport void PixelSetRed (PixelWand *, const double)
WandExport void PixelSetRedQuantum (PixelWand *, const Quantum)
WandExport void PixelSetYellow (PixelWand *, const double)
WandExport void PixelSetYellowQuantum (PixelWand *, const Quantum)

Typedef Documentation

typedef struct _PixelWand PixelWand

Definition at line 25 of file pixel-wand.h.

Function Documentation

WandExport void ClearPixelWand ( PixelWand )
WandExport PixelWand* ClonePixelWand ( const PixelWand )
WandExport PixelWand ** ClonePixelWands ( const PixelWand **  ,
const size_t   
WandExport PixelWand * DestroyPixelWand ( PixelWand )
WandExport PixelWand ** DestroyPixelWands ( PixelWand **  ,
const size_t   
WandExport MagickBooleanType IsPixelWand ( const PixelWand )
WandExport MagickBooleanType IsPixelWandSimilar ( PixelWand ,
PixelWand ,
const double   
WandExport PixelWand * NewPixelWand ( void  )
WandExport MagickBooleanType PixelClearException ( PixelWand )
WandExport double PixelGetAlpha ( const PixelWand )
WandExport Quantum PixelGetAlphaQuantum ( const PixelWand )
WandExport double PixelGetBlack ( const PixelWand )
WandExport Quantum PixelGetBlackQuantum ( const PixelWand )
WandExport double PixelGetBlue ( const PixelWand )
WandExport Quantum PixelGetBlueQuantum ( const PixelWand )
WandExport char* PixelGetColorAsNormalizedString ( const PixelWand )
WandExport char * PixelGetColorAsString ( const PixelWand )
WandExport size_t PixelGetColorCount ( const PixelWand )
WandExport double PixelGetCyan ( const PixelWand )
WandExport Quantum PixelGetCyanQuantum ( const PixelWand )
WandExport char * PixelGetException ( const PixelWand ,
ExceptionType *   
WandExport ExceptionType PixelGetExceptionType ( const PixelWand )
WandExport double PixelGetFuzz ( const PixelWand )
WandExport double PixelGetGreen ( const PixelWand )
WandExport Quantum PixelGetGreenQuantum ( const PixelWand )
WandExport void PixelGetHSL ( const PixelWand ,
double *  ,
double *  ,
double *   
WandExport Quantum PixelGetIndex ( const PixelWand )
WandExport double PixelGetMagenta ( const PixelWand )
WandExport Quantum PixelGetMagentaQuantum ( const PixelWand )
WandExport void PixelGetMagickColor ( const PixelWand ,
PixelInfo *   
WandExport PixelInfo PixelGetPixel ( const PixelWand )
WandExport void PixelGetQuantumPacket ( const PixelWand ,
PixelInfo *   
WandExport void PixelGetQuantumPixel ( const Image *  ,
const PixelWand ,
Quantum *   
WandExport double PixelGetRed ( const PixelWand )
WandExport Quantum PixelGetRedQuantum ( const PixelWand )
WandExport double PixelGetYellow ( const PixelWand )
WandExport Quantum PixelGetYellowQuantum ( const PixelWand )
WandExport void PixelSetAlpha ( PixelWand ,
const double   
WandExport void PixelSetAlphaQuantum ( PixelWand ,
const Quantum   
WandExport void PixelSetBlack ( PixelWand ,
const double   
WandExport void PixelSetBlackQuantum ( PixelWand ,
const Quantum   
WandExport void PixelSetBlue ( PixelWand ,
const double   
WandExport void PixelSetBlueQuantum ( PixelWand ,
const Quantum   
WandExport MagickBooleanType PixelSetColor ( PixelWand ,
const char *   
WandExport void PixelSetColorCount ( PixelWand ,
const size_t   
WandExport void PixelSetColorFromWand ( PixelWand ,
const PixelWand  
WandExport void PixelSetCyan ( PixelWand ,
const double   
WandExport void PixelSetCyanQuantum ( PixelWand ,
const Quantum   
WandExport void PixelSetFuzz ( PixelWand ,
const double   
WandExport void PixelSetGreen ( PixelWand ,
const double   
WandExport void PixelSetGreenQuantum ( PixelWand ,
const Quantum   
WandExport void PixelSetHSL ( PixelWand ,
const double  ,
const double  ,
const double   
WandExport void PixelSetIndex ( PixelWand ,
const Quantum   
WandExport void PixelSetMagenta ( PixelWand ,
const double   
WandExport void PixelSetMagentaQuantum ( PixelWand ,
const Quantum   
WandExport void PixelSetPixelColor ( PixelWand ,
const PixelInfo *   
WandExport void PixelSetQuantumPixel ( const Image *  ,
const Quantum *  ,
WandExport void PixelSetRed ( PixelWand ,
const double   
WandExport void PixelSetRedQuantum ( PixelWand ,
const Quantum   
WandExport void PixelSetYellow ( PixelWand ,
const double   
WandExport void PixelSetYellowQuantum ( PixelWand ,
const Quantum   