" Vim syntax file " Filename: icinga2.vim " Language: Icinga2 object configuration file " Author: Carlos Cesario , Michael Friedrich " Version: 1.0.0 " Based: javascript.vim / nagios.vim " For version 5.x: Clear all syntax items " For version 6.x: Quit when a syntax file was already loaded if !exists("main_syntax") if version < 600 syntax clear elseif exists("b:current_syntax") finish endif let main_syntax = 'icinga2' endif " case off syntax case ignore " ######################################## " ### General settings " comments syn keyword icinga2CommentTodo TODO FIXME XXX TBD contained syn match icinga2LineComment "\/\/.*" contains=icinga2CommentTodo syn match icinga2LineComment "#.*" contains=icinga2CommentTodo syn match icinga2CommentSkip "^[ \t]*\*\($\|[ \t]\+\)" syn region icinga2Comment start="/\*" end="\*/" contains=icinga2CommentTodo " type definitions " - double quotes " " - single quotes ' " - brackets <> syn match angleBrackets "<.*>" syn region macro start=+\$+ end=+\$+ oneline syn region StringD start=+"+ end=+"\|$+ contains=macro syn region StringS start=+'+ end=+'\|$+ contains=macro " Braces and Parens definition " Braces are used in dictionary definition syn match Braces "[{}\[\]]" syn match Parens "[()]" syn match Lambda "{{}}" " ######################################## " ### Match objects, attributes and keywords " Object types syn keyword icinga2ObjType ApiListener ApiUser CheckCommand CheckerComponent syn keyword icinga2ObjType Comment Dependency Downtime ElasticsearchWriter syn keyword icinga2ObjType Endpoint EventCommand ExternalCommandListener syn keyword icinga2ObjType FileLogger GelfWriter GraphiteWriter Host HostGroup syn keyword icinga2ObjType IcingaApplication IdoMysqlConnection IdoPgsqlConnection syn keyword icinga2ObjType InfluxdbWriter LivestatusListener Notification NotificationCommand syn keyword icinga2ObjType NotificationComponent OpenTsdbWriter PerfdataWriter syn keyword icinga2ObjType ScheduledDowntime Service ServiceGroup SyslogLogger syn keyword icinga2ObjType TimePeriod User UserGroup Zone " Object/Template marker (simplified) syn match icinga2ObjDef "\(object\|template\)[ \t]\+.*" " Apply rules syn match icinga2ApplyDef "apply[ \t]\+\(Service\|Dependency\|Notification\|ScheduledDowntime\)" " Objects attributes " " find . -type f -name '*.ti' -exec sh -c 'grep config {}' \; " Don't add 'host', etc. from apply rules here, they should match icinga2ObjType instead. syn keyword icinga2ObjAttr contained accept_commands accept_config access_control_allow_origin action_url address address6 arguments author bind_host syn keyword icinga2ObjAttr contained bind_port ca_path categories cert_path check_command check_interval syn keyword icinga2ObjAttr contained check_period check_timeout child_host_name child_options child_service_name cipher_list syn keyword icinga2ObjAttr contained cleanup client_cn command command_endpoint command_path syn keyword icinga2ObjAttr contained comment compat_log_path concurrent_checks crl_path database disable_checks disable_notifications syn keyword icinga2ObjAttr contained display_name duration email enable_active_checks enable_event_handlers enable_event_handler syn keyword icinga2ObjAttr contained enable_flapping enable_ha enable_host_checks enable_notifications enable_passive_checks enable_perfdata syn keyword icinga2ObjAttr contained enable_send_metadata enable_send_perfdata enable_send_thresholds enable_tls enable_service_checks syn keyword icinga2ObjAttr contained endpoints env event_command excludes failover_timeout fixed flapping_threshold_low flapping_threshold_high syn keyword icinga2ObjAttr contained flush_interval flush_threshold global groups syn keyword icinga2ObjAttr contained host_format_template host_name host_name_template host_perfdata_path host_temp_path host_template icon_image syn keyword icinga2ObjAttr contained icon_image_alt ignore_soft_states includes index instance_description instance_name interval key_path log_dir syn keyword icinga2ObjAttr contained log_duration max_anonymous_clients max_check_attempts methods name notes notes_url objects_path syn keyword icinga2ObjAttr contained pager parent parent_host_name parent_service_name password path period permissions syn keyword icinga2ObjAttr contained port prefer_includes ranges retry_interval rotation_interval rotation_method syn keyword icinga2ObjAttr contained service_format_template service_name service_name_template service_perfdata_path service_temp_path service_template syn keyword icinga2ObjAttr contained severity socket_path socket_type source spool_dir syn keyword icinga2ObjAttr contained ssl_ca ssl_capath ssl_ca_cert ssl_cert ssl_cipher ssl_enable ssl_mode ssl_key syn keyword icinga2ObjAttr contained states status_path table_prefix ticket_salt syn keyword icinga2ObjAttr contained timeout times tls_handshake_timeout tls_protocolmin syn keyword icinga2ObjAttr contained types update_interval user user_groups username users volatile zone syn match icinga2ObjAttr contained "\(vars.\w\+\)" " keywords: https://icinga.com/docs/icinga2/latest/doc/17-language-reference/#reserved-keywords syn keyword icinga2Keyword object template include include_recursive include_zones library syn keyword icinga2Keyword const var this globals locals use default ignore_on_error syn keyword icinga2Keyword current_filename current_line apply to where import assign syn keyword icinga2Keyword ignore function return in " Assign conditions syn match icinga2AssignCond contained "\(assign[ \t]\+\where\|ignore[ \t]\+\where\)" " Documentation reference: https://icinga.com/docs/icinga2/latest/doc/18-library-reference/ " Global functions syn keyword icinga2GFunction contained regex match cidr_match range len union intersection keys string syn keyword icinga2GFunction contained number bool random log typeof get_time parse_performance_data dirname syn keyword icinga2GFunction contained basename path_exists glob glob_recursive syn keyword icinga2GFunction contained escape_shell_arg escape_shell_cmd escape_create_process_arg sleep exit syn keyword icinga2GFunction contained macro " Accessor Functions syn keyword icinga2AFunction contained get_check_command get_event_command get_notification_command syn keyword icinga2AFunction contained get_host get_service get_services get_user syn keyword icinga2AFunction contained get_host_group get_service_group get_user_group syn keyword icinga2AFunction contained get_timeperiod syn keyword icinga2AFunction contained get_object get_objects " Math functions syn match icinga2MathFunction contained "\(Math.E\|Math.LN2\|Math.LN10\|Math.LOG2E\|Math.PI\|Math.SQRT1_2\|Math.SQRT2\)" syn match icinga2MathFunction contained "\(Math.abs\|Math.acos\|Math.asin\|Math.atan\|Math.atan2\|Math.ceil\|Math.cos\)" syn match icinga2MathFunction contained "\(Math.exp\|Math.floor\|Math.isinf\|Math.isnan\|Math.log\|Math.max\|Math.min\)" syn match icinga2MathFunction contained "\(Math.pow\|Math.random\|Math.round\|Math.sign\|Math.sin\|Math.sqrt\|Math.tan\)" " Json functions syn match icinga2JsonFunction contained "\(Json.encode\|Json.decode\)" " Number functions syn match icinga2NumberFunction contained "\(\.to_string\)" " Boolean functions syn match icinga2BoolFunction contained "\(\.to_string\)" " String functions syn match icinga2StrFunction contained "\(\.find\)" syn match icinga2StrFunction contained "\(\.contains\)" syn match icinga2StrFunction contained "\(\.len\)" syn match icinga2StrFunction contained "\(\.lower\)" syn match icinga2StrFunction contained "\(\.upper\)" syn match icinga2StrFunction contained "\(\.replace\)" syn match icinga2StrFunction contained "\(\.split\)" syn match icinga2StrFunction contained "\(\.substr\)" syn match icinga2StrFunction contained "\(\.to_string\)" syn match icinga2StrFunction contained "\(\.reverse\)" syn match icinga2StrFunction contained "\(\.trim\)" " Object functions syn match icinga2ObjectFunction contained "\(\.clone\)" syn match icinga2ObjectFunction contained "\(\.to_string\)" syn match icinga2ObjectFunction contained "\(\.type\)" " Type functions syn match icinga2TypeFunction contained "\(\.base\)" " needs an exception for 'vars' syn match icinga2TypeFunction contained "\(^[vars]\.name\)" syn match icinga2TypeFunction contained "\(\.prototype\)" " Array functions syn match icinga2ArrFunction contained "\(\.add(\)" syn match icinga2ArrFunction contained "\(\.clear\)" syn match icinga2ArrFunction contained "\(\.shallow_clone\)" syn match icinga2ArrFunction contained "\(\.contains\)" syn match icinga2ArrFunction contained "\(\.freeze\)" syn match icinga2ArrFunction contained "\(\.len\)" syn match icinga2ArrFunction contained "\(\.remove\)" syn match icinga2ArrFunction contained "\(\.set\)" syn match icinga2ArrFunction contained "\(\.get\)" syn match icinga2ArrFunction contained "\(\.sort\)" syn match icinga2ArrFunction contained "\(\.join\)" syn match icinga2ArrFunction contained "\(\.reverse\)" syn match icinga2ArrFunction contained "\(\.map\)" syn match icinga2ArrFunction contained "\(\.reduce\)" syn match icinga2ArrFunction contained "\(\.filter\)" syn match icinga2ArrFunction contained "\(\.any\)" syn match icinga2ArrFunction contained "\(\.all\)" " Dictionary functions syn match icinga2DictFunction contained "\(\.shallow_clone\)" syn match icinga2DictFunction contained "\(\.contains\)" syn match icinga2DictFunction contained "\(\.freeze\)" syn match icinga2DictFunction contained "\(\.len\)" syn match icinga2DictFunction contained "\(\.remove\)" syn match icinga2DictFunction contained "\(\.set\)" syn match icinga2DictFunction contained "\(\.get\)" syn match icinga2DictFunction contained "\(\.keys\)" syn match icinga2DictFunction contained "\(\.values\)" " Function functions syn match icinga2FuncFunction contained "\(\.call\)" syn match icinga2FuncFunction contained "\(\.callv\)" " DateTime functions syn match icinga2DTFunction contained "\(DateTime\)" syn match icinga2DTFunction contained "\(\.format\)" syn match icinga2DTFunction contained "\(\.to_string\)" " Conditional statements syn keyword icinga2Cond if else " Loops syn keyword icinga2Loop while for break continue " Exceptions syn keyword icinga2Exception throw try except " Debugger syn keyword icinga2Debugger debugger " References syn keyword icinga2Reference & * " Namespace syn keyword icinga2Namespace namespace using " Operators syn match icinga2Operators "[ \t]\+\(\.\)\+" syn match icinga2Operators "[ \t]\+\(!\)\+" syn match icinga2Operators "[ \t]\+\(\~\)\+" syn match icinga2Operators "[ \t]\+\(+\)\+" syn match icinga2Operators "[ \t]\+\(-\)\+" syn match icinga2Operators "[ \t]\+\(*\)\+" syn match icinga2Operators "[ \t]\+\(/[^/\*]\)\+" syn match icinga2Operators "[ \t]\+\(%\)\+" syn match icinga2Operators "[ \t]\+\(+\)\+" syn match icinga2Operators "[ \t]\+\(-\)\+" syn match icinga2Operators "[ \t]\+\(=\)\+" syn match icinga2Operators "[ \t]\+\(<\)[ \t]\+" syn match icinga2Operators "[ \t]\+\(>\)[ \t]\+" syn match icinga2Operators "[ \t]\+\(<<\)\+" syn match icinga2Operators "[ \t]\+\(>>\)\+" syn match icinga2Operators "[ \t]\+\(<=\)\+" syn match icinga2Operators "[ \t]\+\(>=\)\+" syn match icinga2Operators "[ \t]\+\(in\)\+" syn match icinga2Operators "[ \t]\+\(!in\)\+" syn match icinga2Operators "[ \t]\+\(==\)\+" syn match icinga2Operators "[ \t]\+\(!=\)\+" syn match icinga2Operators "[ \t]\+\(&\)\+" syn match icinga2Operators "[ \t]\+\(\^\)\+" syn match icinga2Operators "[ \t]\+\(|\)\+" syn match icinga2Operators "[ \t]\+\(&&\)\+" syn match icinga2Operators "[ \t]\+\(||\)\+" syn match icinga2Operators "[ \t]\+\(=>\)\+" syn match icinga2Operators "[ \t]\+\(+=\)\+" syn match icinga2Operators "[ \t]\+\(-=\)\+" syn match icinga2Operators "[ \t]\+\(*=\)\+" syn match icinga2Operators "[ \t]\+\(/=\)\+" " ######################################## " ### Global settings " Global constants " https://icinga.com/docs/icinga2/snapshot/doc/17-language-reference/#icinga-2-specific-constants " Path specific constants syn keyword icinga2PathConstant CacheDir ConfigDir DataDir IncludeConfDir InitRunDir LocalStateDir LogDir ModAttrPath syn keyword icinga2PathConstant ObjectsPath PidPath PkgDataDir PrefixDir ProgramData RunDir SpoolDir StatePath SysconfDir syn keyword icinga2PathConstant VarsPath ZonesDir " Global constants syn keyword icinga2GlobalConstant Vars NodeName Environment RunAsUser RunAsGroup MaxConcurrentChecks ApiBindHost ApiBindPort EventEngine AttachDebugger " Application runtime constants syn keyword icinga2GlobalConstant PlatformName PlatformVersion PlatformKernel PlatformKernelVersion BuildCompilerName BuildCompilerVersion BuildHostName syn keyword icinga2GlobalConstant ApplicationVersion " User proposed constants syn keyword icinga2UserConstant PluginDir ContribPluginContribDir ManubulonPluginDir TicketSalt NodeName ZoneName " Global types syn keyword icinga2GlobalType Number String Boolean Array Dictionary Value Object ConfigObject Command CheckResult syn keyword icinga2GlobalType Checkable CustomVarObject DbConnection Type PerfdataValue Comment Downtime Logger Application " Built-in Namespaces syn match icinga2Namespace contained "\(Icinga\.\|Internal\.\|System\.Configuration\.\|System\.\)" " Additional constants from Namespaces syn keyword icinga2GlobalConstant LogCritical LogDebug LogInformation LogNotice LogWarning MatchAll MatchAny " icinga2 console; keys(Icinga).join(" ") syn keyword icinga2GlobalConstant Acknowledgement Critical Custom DbCatAcknowledgement DbCatCheck DbCatComment DbCatConfig DbCatDowntime DbCatEventHandler DbCatEverything DbCatExternalCommand DbCatFlapping DbCatLog DbCatNotification DbCatProgramStatus DbCatRetention DbCatState DbCatStateHistory Down DowntimeEnd DowntimeNoChildren DowntimeNonTriggeredChildren DowntimeRemoved DowntimeStart DowntimeTriggeredChildren FlappingEnd FlappingStart HostDown HostUp OK Problem Recovery ServiceCritical ServiceOK ServiceUnknown ServiceWarning Unknown Up Warning " Value types "syn match valueNumber "[0-9]*" syn keyword valueBoolean contained true false syn keyword valueNull contained null " ######################################## " ### Where to apply syn region icingaDefBody start='{' end='}' \ contains=icinga2Comment, icinga2LineComment, StringS, StringD, macro, Braces, Parens, Lambda, icinga2ObjType, icinga2ObjDef, \ icinga2ApplyDef, icinga2ObjAttr, icinga2Keyword, icinga2AssignCond, \ icinga2Cond, icinga2Loop, icinga2Exception, icinga2Debugger, icinga2Operators, icinga2GFunction, icinga2AFunction, \ icinga2MathFunction, icinga2GlobalConstant, icinga2PathConstant, icinga2UserConstant, icinga2Gconst, icinga2Namespace, \ icinga2JsonFunction, icinga2NumberFunction, icinga2BoolFunction, \ icinga2StrFunction, icinga2ObjectFunction, icinga2TypeFunction, icinga2ArrFunction, icinga2DictFunction, \ icinga2DTFunction, valueNumber, valueBoolean, valueNull " ######################################## " ### Highlighting hi link icinga2Comment Comment hi link icinga2LineComment Comment hi link icinga2CommentTodo Todo hi link Braces Function hi link Parens Function hi link Lambda Function hi link macro Underlined hi link StringS String hi link StringD String hi link angleBrackets String hi link icinga2ObjType Type hi link icinga2ObjDef Statement hi link icinga2ApplyDef Statement hi link icinga2ObjAttr Define hi link icinga2Keyword Keyword hi link icinga2AssignCond Conditional hi link icinga2Cond Conditional hi link icinga2Loop Repeat hi link icinga2Exception Conditional hi link icinga2Debugger Debug hi link icinga2Operators Operator hi link icinga2AFunction Function hi link icinga2MathFunction Function hi link icinga2GFunction Function hi link icinga2JsonFunction Function hi link icinga2NumberFunction Function hi link icinga2BoolFunction Function hi link icinga2StrFunction Function hi link icinga2ObjectFunction Function hi link icinga2TypeFunction Function hi link icinga2ArrFunction Function hi link icinga2DictFunction Function hi link icinga2DTFunction Function hi link icinga2GlobalConstant Statement hi link icinga2PathConstant Statement hi link icinga2UserConstant Statement hi link icinga2Gconst Statement hi link icinga2Namespace Statement hi link valueNumber Number hi link valueBoolean Boolean hi link valueNull Special