#!/bin/sh # # Ensure that strace can detach from stopped processes. # # Copyright (c) 2013-2015 Dmitry V. Levin # Copyright (c) 2014-2018 The strace developers. # All rights reserved. # # SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later . "${srcdir=.}/init.sh" run_prog_skip_if_failed \ kill -0 $$ $STRACE -d -enone / > /dev/null 2> "$LOG" if grep -x "[^:]*strace: PTRACE_SEIZE doesn't work" "$LOG" > /dev/null; then skip_ "PTRACE_SEIZE doesn't work" fi check_prog sleep trap - TERM sleep $TIMEOUT_DURATION & kill -TERM $! wait $! expected_rc=$? set -e > "$LOG" ../set_ptracer_any sleep $((2*$TIMEOUT_DURATION)) > "$LOG" & while ! [ -s "$LOG" ]; do kill -0 $! 2> /dev/null || fail_ 'set_ptracer_any sleep failed' $SLEEP_A_BIT done tracee_pid=$! kill -STOP $tracee_pid cleanup() { set +e kill $tracee_pid kill -CONT $tracee_pid wait $tracee_pid 2> /dev/null return 0 } > "$LOG" $STRACE -p $tracee_pid 2> "$LOG" & while ! grep -F "Process $tracee_pid attached" "$LOG" > /dev/null; do kill -0 $! 2> /dev/null || { cleanup dump_log_and_fail_with "$STRACE -p failed to attach" } $SLEEP_A_BIT done while ! grep -F -e '--- stopped by ' "$LOG" > /dev/null; do kill -0 $! 2> /dev/null || { cleanup dump_log_and_fail_with "$STRACE -p missed stop notifications" } $SLEEP_A_BIT done kill -TERM $! wait $! && rc=0 || rc=$? grep -F "Process $tracee_pid detached" "$LOG" > /dev/null || { cleanup dump_log_and_fail_with "$STRACE -p failed to detach" } [ "$rc" = "$expected_rc" ] || { cleanup dump_log_and_fail_with "$STRACE -p failed to terminate itself" } if [ -f /proc/self/status ]; then $SLEEP_A_BIT test -d /proc/$tracee_pid || { cleanup dump_log_and_fail_with 'tracee died after detach' } grep_pid_status "$tracee_pid" '^State:.*T (stopped)' > /dev/null || { grep_pid_status "$tracee_pid" '^State:' cleanup dump_log_and_fail_with 'tracee is not group-stopped after detach' } fi cleanup exit 0