#! /usr/bin/env python3 """ Testcases for zziplib build system """ __copyright__ = "(C) Guido Draheim, all rights reserved""" __version__ = "0.13.71" import subprocess import os.path import time import datetime import unittest import shutil import inspect import types import logging import re from fnmatch import fnmatchcase as fnmatch from glob import glob import json import sys if sys.version[0] == '3': basestring = str xrange = range logg = logging.getLogger("TESTING") _python = "/usr/bin/python" SAVETO = "localhost:5000/zziplib" IMAGES = "localhost:5000/zziplib/image" CENTOS = "centos:7.7.1908" UBUNTU = "ubuntu:16.04" OPENSUSE = "opensuse/leap:15.1" DOCKER_SOCKET = "/var/run/docker.sock" def decodes(text): if text is None: return None if isinstance(text, bytes): encoded = sys.getdefaultencoding() if encoded in ["ascii"]: encoded = "utf-8" try: return text.decode(encoded) except: return text.decode("latin-1") return text def sh____(cmd, shell=True): if isinstance(cmd, basestring): logg.info(": %s", cmd) else: logg.info(": %s", " ".join(["'%s'" % item for item in cmd])) return subprocess.check_call(cmd, shell=shell) def sx____(cmd, shell=True): if isinstance(cmd, basestring): logg.info(": %s", cmd) else: logg.info(": %s", " ".join(["'%s'" % item for item in cmd])) return subprocess.call(cmd, shell=shell) def output(cmd, shell=True): if isinstance(cmd, basestring): logg.info(": %s", cmd) else: logg.info(": %s", " ".join(["'%s'" % item for item in cmd])) run = subprocess.Popen(cmd, shell=shell, stdout=subprocess.PIPE) out, err = run.communicate() return decodes(out) def output2(cmd, shell=True): if isinstance(cmd, basestring): logg.info(": %s", cmd) else: logg.info(": %s", " ".join(["'%s'" % item for item in cmd])) run = subprocess.Popen(cmd, shell=shell, stdout=subprocess.PIPE) out, err = run.communicate() return decodes(out), run.returncode def output3(cmd, shell=True): if isinstance(cmd, basestring): logg.info(": %s", cmd) else: logg.info(": %s", " ".join(["'%s'" % item for item in cmd])) run = subprocess.Popen(cmd, shell=shell, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) out, err = run.communicate() return decodes(out), decodes(err), run.returncode def background(cmd, shell=True): BackgroundProcess = collections.namedtuple("BackgroundProcess", ["pid", "run", "log" ]) log = open(os.devnull, "wb") run = subprocess.Popen(cmd, shell=shell, stdout=log, stderr=log) pid = run.pid logg.info("PID %s = %s", pid, cmd) return BackgroundProcess(pid, run, log) def _lines(lines): if isinstance(lines, basestring): lines = lines.split("\n") if len(lines) and lines[-1] == "": lines = lines[:-1] return lines def lines(text): lines = [] for line in _lines(text): lines.append(line.rstrip()) return lines def grep(pattern, lines): for line in _lines(lines): if re.search(pattern, line.rstrip()): yield line.rstrip() def greps(lines, pattern): return list(grep(pattern, lines)) def download(base_url, filename, into): if not os.path.isdir(into): os.makedirs(into) if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(into, filename)): sh____("cd {into} && wget {base_url}/{filename}".format(**locals())) def text_file(filename, content): filedir = os.path.dirname(filename) if not os.path.isdir(filedir): os.makedirs(filedir) f = open(filename, "w") if content.startswith("\n"): x = re.match("(?s)\n( *)", content) indent = x.group(1) for line in content[1:].split("\n"): if line.startswith(indent): line = line[len(indent):] f.write(line+"\n") else: f.write(content) f.close() def shell_file(filename, content): text_file(filename, content) os.chmod(filename, 0o770) def copy_file(filename, target): targetdir = os.path.dirname(target) if not os.path.isdir(targetdir): os.makedirs(targetdir) shutil.copyfile(filename, target) def copy_tool(filename, target): copy_file(filename, target) os.chmod(target, 0o750) def get_caller_name(): frame = inspect.currentframe().f_back.f_back return frame.f_code.co_name def get_caller_caller_name(): frame = inspect.currentframe().f_back.f_back.f_back return frame.f_code.co_name def os_path(root, path): if not root: return path if not path: return path while path.startswith(os.path.sep): path = path[1:] return os.path.join(root, path) def docname(path): return os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(path))[0] class ZZiplibBuildTest(unittest.TestCase): def caller_testname(self): name = get_caller_caller_name() x1 = name.find("_") if x1 < 0: return name x2 = name.find("_", x1+1) if x2 < 0: return name return name[:x2] def testname(self, suffix = None): name = self.caller_testname() if suffix: return name + "_" + suffix return name def testdir(self, testname = None): testname = testname or self.caller_testname() newdir = "tmp/tmp."+testname if os.path.isdir(newdir): shutil.rmtree(newdir) os.makedirs(newdir) return newdir def rm_testdir(self, testname = None): testname = testname or self.caller_testname() newdir = "tmp/tmp."+testname if os.path.isdir(newdir): shutil.rmtree(newdir) return newdir def makedirs(self, path): if not os.path.isdir(path): os.makedirs(path) def user(self): import getpass getpass.getuser() def ip_container(self, name): values = output("docker inspect "+name) values = json.loads(values) if not values or "NetworkSettings" not in values[0]: logg.critical(" docker inspect %s => %s ", name, values) return values[0]["NetworkSettings"]["IPAddress"] def local_system(self): distro, version = "", "" if os.path.exists("/etc/os-release"): # rhel:7.4 # VERSION="7.4 (Maipo)" ID="rhel" VERSION_ID="7.4" # centos:7.3 # VERSION="7 (Core)" ID="centos" VERSION_ID="7" # centos:7.4 # VERSION="7 (Core)" ID="centos" VERSION_ID="7" # centos:7.7.1908 # VERSION="7 (Core)" ID="centos" VERSION_ID="7" # opensuse:42.3 # VERSION="42.3" ID=opensuse VERSION_ID="42.3" # opensuse/leap:15.0 # VERSION="15.0" ID="opensuse-leap" VERSION_ID="15.0" # ubuntu:16.04 # VERSION="16.04.3 LTS (Xenial Xerus)" ID=ubuntu VERSION_ID="16.04" # ubuntu:18.04 # VERSION="18.04.1 LTS (Bionic Beaver)" ID=ubuntu VERSION_ID="18.04" for line in open("/etc/os-release"): key, value = "", "" m = re.match('^([_\\w]+)=([^"].*).*', line.strip()) if m: key, value = m.group(1), m.group(2) m = re.match('^([_\\w]+)="([^"]*)".*', line.strip()) if m: key, value = m.group(1), m.group(2) # logg.debug("%s => '%s' '%s'", line.strip(), key, value) if key in ["ID"]: distro = value.replace("-","/") if key in ["VERSION_ID"]: version = value if os.path.exists("/etc/redhat-release"): for line in open("/etc/redhat-release"): m = re.search("release (\\d+[.]\\d+).*", line) if m: distro = "rhel" version = m.group(1) if os.path.exists("/etc/centos-release"): # CentOS Linux release 7.5.1804 (Core) for line in open("/etc/centos-release"): m = re.search("release (\\d+[.]\\d+).*", line) if m: distro = "centos" version = m.group(1) logg.info(":: local_system %s:%s", distro, version) if distro and version: return "%s:%s" % (distro, version) return "" def with_local_ubuntu_mirror(self, ver = None): """ detects a local ubuntu mirror or starts a local docker container with a ubunut repo mirror. It will return the extra_hosts setting to start other docker containers""" rmi = "localhost:5000/mirror-packages" rep = "ubuntu-repo" ver = ver or UBUNTU.split(":")[1] universe = "ubuntu-repo/universe" ok = self.with_local(rmi, universe, ver, "archive.ubuntu.com", "security.ubuntu.com") if ok: return ok return self.with_local(rmi, rep, ver, "archive.ubuntu.com", "security.ubuntu.com") def with_local_centos_mirror(self, ver = None): """ detects a local centos mirror or starts a local docker container with a centos repo mirror. It will return the setting for extrahosts""" rmi = "localhost:5000/mirror-packages" rep = "centos-repo" ver = ver or CENTOS.split(":")[1] return self.with_local(rmi, rep, ver, "mirrorlist.centos.org") def with_local_opensuse_mirror(self, ver = None): """ detects a local opensuse mirror or starts a local docker container with a centos repo mirror. It will return the extra_hosts setting to start other docker containers""" rmi = "localhost:5000/mirror-packages" rep = "opensuse-repo" ver = ver or OPENSUSE.split(":")[1] return self.with_local(rmi, rep, ver, "download.opensuse.org") def with_local(self, rmi, rep, ver, *hosts): image = "{rmi}/{rep}:{ver}".format(**locals()) container = "{rep}-{ver}".format(**locals()).replace("/","-") out, err, ok = output3("docker inspect {image}".format(**locals())) image_found = json.loads(out) if not image_found: return {} out, err, ok = output3("docker inspect {container}".format(**locals())) container_found = json.loads(out) if container_found: container_status = container_found[0]["State"]["Status"] logg.info("::: %s -> %s", container, container_status) latest_image_id = image_found[0]["Id"] container_image_id = container_found[0]["Image"] if latest_image_id != container_image_id or container_status not in ["running"]: cmd = "docker rm --force {container}" sx____(cmd.format(**locals())) container_found = [] if not container_found: cmd = "docker run --rm=true --detach --name {container} {image}" sh____(cmd.format(**locals())) ip_a = self.ip_container(container) logg.info("::: %s => %s", container, ip_a) return dict(zip(hosts, [ ip_a ] * len(hosts))) def with_local_mirror(self, image): """ attach local centos-repo / opensuse-repo to docker-start enviroment. Effectivly when it is required to 'docker start centos:x.y' then do 'docker start centos-repo:x.y' before and extend the original to 'docker start --add-host mirror...:centos-repo centos:x.y'. """ hosts = {} if image.startswith("centos:"): version = image[len("centos:"):] hosts = self.with_local_centos_mirror(version) if image.startswith("opensuse/leap:"): version = image[len("opensuse/leap:"):] hosts = self.with_local_opensuse_mirror(version) if image.startswith("opensuse:"): version = image[len("opensuse:"):] hosts = self.with_local_opensuse_mirror(version) if image.startswith("ubuntu:"): version = image[len("ubuntu:"):] hosts = self.with_local_ubuntu_mirror(version) return hosts def add_hosts(self, hosts): return " ".join(["--add-host %s:%s" % (host, ip_a) for host, ip_a in hosts.items() ]) # for host, ip_a in mapping.items(): # yield "--add-host {host}:{ip_a}" def local_image(self, image): """ attach local centos-repo / opensuse-repo to docker-start enviroment. Effectivly when it is required to 'docker start centos:x.y' then do 'docker start centos-repo:x.y' before and extend the original to 'docker start --add-host mirror...:centos-repo centos:x.y'. """ if os.environ.get("NONLOCAL",""): return image hosts = self.with_local_mirror(image) if hosts: add_hosts = self.add_hosts(hosts) logg.debug("%s %s", add_hosts, image) return "{add_hosts} {image}".format(**locals()) return image def local_addhosts(self, dockerfile): image = "" for line in open(dockerfile): m = re.match('[Ff][Rr][Oo][Mm] *"([^"]*)"', line) if m: image = m.group(1) break m = re.match("[Ff][Rr][Oo][Mm] *(\w[^ ]*)", line) if m: image = m.group(1).strip() break logg.debug("--\n-- '%s' FROM '%s'", dockerfile, image) if image: hosts = self.with_local_mirror(image) return self.add_hosts(hosts) return "" def drop_container(self, name): cmd = "docker rm --force {name}" sx____(cmd.format(**locals())) def drop_centos(self): self.drop_container("centos") def drop_ubuntu(self): self.drop_container("ubuntu") def drop_opensuse(self): self.drop_container("opensuse") def make_opensuse(self): self.make_container("opensuse", OPENSUSE) def make_ubuntu(self): self.make_container("ubuntu", UBUNTU) def make_centos(self): self.make_container("centos", CENTOS) def make_container(self, name, image): self.drop_container(name) local_image = self.local_image(image) cmd = "docker run --detach --name {name} {local_image} sleep 1000" sh____(cmd.format(**locals())) print(" # " + local_image) print(" docker exec -it "+name+" bash") # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # def test_100(self): logg.info("\n CENTOS = '%s'", CENTOS) self.with_local_centos_mirror() def test_201_centos7_automake_dockerfile(self): if not os.path.exists(DOCKER_SOCKET): self.skipTest("docker-based test") testname=self.testname() testdir = self.testdir() dockerfile="testbuilds/centos7-am-build.dockerfile" addhosts = self.local_addhosts(dockerfile) savename = docname(dockerfile) saveto = SAVETO images = IMAGES build = "build --build-arg=no_check=true" cmd = "docker {build} . -f {dockerfile} {addhosts} --tag {images}:{testname}" sh____(cmd.format(**locals())) cmd = "docker rm --force {testname}" sx____(cmd.format(**locals())) cmd = "docker run -d --name {testname} {images}:{testname} sleep 60" sh____(cmd.format(**locals())) #:# container = self.ip_container(testname) cmd = "docker exec {testname} ls -l /usr/local/bin" sh____(cmd.format(**locals())) cmd = "docker exec {testname} find /usr/local/include -type f" sh____(cmd.format(**locals())) cmd = "docker exec {testname} bash -c 'ls -l /usr/local/lib64/libzz*'" sh____(cmd.format(**locals())) # cmd = "docker exec {testname} bash -c 'test ! -d /usr/local/include/SDL_rwops_zzip'" sh____(cmd.format(**locals())) cmd = "docker exec {testname} rpm -q --whatprovides /usr/lib64/pkgconfig/zlib.pc" sh____(cmd.format(**locals())) cmd = "docker exec {testname} pkg-config --libs zlib" zlib = output(cmd.format(**locals())) self.assertEqual(zlib.strip(), "-lz") # cmd = "docker rm --force {testname}" sx____(cmd.format(**locals())) cmd = "docker rmi {saveto}/{savename}:latest" sx____(cmd.format(**locals())) cmd = "docker tag {images}:{testname} {saveto}/{savename}:latest" sh____(cmd.format(**locals())) cmd = "docker rmi {images}:{testname}" sx____(cmd.format(**locals())) self.rm_testdir() def test_202_centos8_automake_dockerfile(self): if not os.path.exists(DOCKER_SOCKET): self.skipTest("docker-based test") testname=self.testname() testdir = self.testdir() dockerfile="testbuilds/centos8-am-build.dockerfile" addhosts = self.local_addhosts(dockerfile) savename = docname(dockerfile) saveto = SAVETO images = IMAGES build = "build --build-arg=no_check=true" cmd = "docker {build} . -f {dockerfile} {addhosts} --tag {images}:{testname}" sh____(cmd.format(**locals())) cmd = "docker rm --force {testname}" sx____(cmd.format(**locals())) cmd = "docker run -d --name {testname} {images}:{testname} sleep 60" sh____(cmd.format(**locals())) #:# container = self.ip_container(testname) cmd = "docker exec {testname} ls -l /usr/local/bin" sh____(cmd.format(**locals())) cmd = "docker exec {testname} find /usr/local/include -type f" sh____(cmd.format(**locals())) cmd = "docker exec {testname} bash -c 'ls -l /usr/local/lib64/libzz*'" sh____(cmd.format(**locals())) # cmd = "docker exec {testname} bash -c 'test ! -d /usr/local/include/SDL_rwops_zzip'" sh____(cmd.format(**locals())) cmd = "docker exec {testname} rpm -q --whatprovides /usr/lib64/pkgconfig/zlib.pc" sh____(cmd.format(**locals())) cmd = "docker exec {testname} pkg-config --libs zlib" zlib = output(cmd.format(**locals())) self.assertEqual(zlib.strip(), "-lz") # cmd = "docker rm --force {testname}" sx____(cmd.format(**locals())) cmd = "docker rmi {saveto}/{savename}:latest" sx____(cmd.format(**locals())) cmd = "docker tag {images}:{testname} {saveto}/{savename}:latest" sh____(cmd.format(**locals())) cmd = "docker rmi {images}:{testname}" sx____(cmd.format(**locals())) self.rm_testdir() def test_211_centos7_build_dockerfile(self): if not os.path.exists(DOCKER_SOCKET): self.skipTest("docker-based test") testname=self.testname() testdir = self.testdir() dockerfile="testbuilds/centos7-build.dockerfile" addhosts = self.local_addhosts(dockerfile) savename = docname(dockerfile) saveto = SAVETO images = IMAGES build = "build --build-arg=no_check=true" cmd = "docker {build} . -f {dockerfile} {addhosts} --tag {images}:{testname}" sh____(cmd.format(**locals())) cmd = "docker rm --force {testname}" sx____(cmd.format(**locals())) cmd = "docker run -d --name {testname} {images}:{testname} sleep 60" sh____(cmd.format(**locals())) #:# container = self.ip_container(testname) cmd = "docker exec {testname} ls -l /usr/local/bin" sh____(cmd.format(**locals())) cmd = "docker exec {testname} find /usr/local/include -type f" sh____(cmd.format(**locals())) cmd = "docker exec {testname} bash -c 'ls -l /usr/local/lib64/libzz*'" sh____(cmd.format(**locals())) # cmd = "docker exec {testname} bash -c 'test ! -d /usr/local/include/SDL_rwops_zzip'" sh____(cmd.format(**locals())) cmd = "docker exec {testname} rpm -q --whatprovides /usr/lib64/pkgconfig/zlib.pc" sh____(cmd.format(**locals())) cmd = "docker exec {testname} pkg-config --libs zlib" zlib = output(cmd.format(**locals())) self.assertEqual(zlib.strip(), "-lz") # cmd = "docker rm --force {testname}" sx____(cmd.format(**locals())) cmd = "docker rmi {saveto}/{savename}:latest" sx____(cmd.format(**locals())) cmd = "docker tag {images}:{testname} {saveto}/{savename}:latest" sh____(cmd.format(**locals())) cmd = "docker rmi {images}:{testname}" sx____(cmd.format(**locals())) self.rm_testdir() def test_212_centos8_build_dockerfile(self): if not os.path.exists(DOCKER_SOCKET): self.skipTest("docker-based test") testname=self.testname() testdir = self.testdir() dockerfile="testbuilds/centos8-build.dockerfile" addhosts = self.local_addhosts(dockerfile) savename = docname(dockerfile) saveto = SAVETO images = IMAGES build = "build --build-arg=no_check=true" cmd = "docker {build} . -f {dockerfile} {addhosts} --tag {images}:{testname}" sh____(cmd.format(**locals())) cmd = "docker rm --force {testname}" sx____(cmd.format(**locals())) cmd = "docker run -d --name {testname} {images}:{testname} sleep 60" sh____(cmd.format(**locals())) #:# container = self.ip_container(testname) cmd = "docker exec {testname} ls -l /usr/local/bin" sh____(cmd.format(**locals())) cmd = "docker exec {testname} find /usr/local/include -type f" sh____(cmd.format(**locals())) cmd = "docker exec {testname} bash -c 'ls -l /usr/local/lib64/libzz*'" sh____(cmd.format(**locals())) # cmd = "docker exec {testname} bash -c 'test ! -d /usr/local/include/SDL_rwops_zzip'" sh____(cmd.format(**locals())) cmd = "docker exec {testname} rpm -q --whatprovides /usr/lib64/pkgconfig/zlib.pc" sh____(cmd.format(**locals())) cmd = "docker exec {testname} pkg-config --libs zlib" zlib = output(cmd.format(**locals())) self.assertEqual(zlib.strip(), "-lz") # cmd = "docker rm --force {testname}" sx____(cmd.format(**locals())) cmd = "docker rmi {saveto}/{savename}:latest" sx____(cmd.format(**locals())) cmd = "docker tag {images}:{testname} {saveto}/{savename}:latest" sh____(cmd.format(**locals())) cmd = "docker rmi {images}:{testname}" sx____(cmd.format(**locals())) self.rm_testdir() def test_221_ubuntu16_build_dockerfile(self): if not os.path.exists(DOCKER_SOCKET): self.skipTest("docker-based test") testname=self.testname() testdir = self.testdir() dockerfile="testbuilds/ubuntu16-build.dockerfile" addhosts = self.local_addhosts(dockerfile) savename = docname(dockerfile) saveto = SAVETO images = IMAGES build = "build --build-arg=no_check=true" cmd = "docker {build} . -f {dockerfile} {addhosts} --tag {images}:{testname}" sh____(cmd.format(**locals())) cmd = "docker rm --force {testname}" sx____(cmd.format(**locals())) cmd = "docker run -d --name {testname} {images}:{testname} sleep 600" sh____(cmd.format(**locals())) #:# container = self.ip_container(testname) cmd = "docker exec {testname} ls -l /usr/local/bin" sh____(cmd.format(**locals())) cmd = "docker exec {testname} find /usr/local/include -type f" sh____(cmd.format(**locals())) cmd = "docker exec {testname} bash -c 'ls -l /usr/local/lib/libzz*'" sh____(cmd.format(**locals())) # cmd = "docker exec {testname} bash -c 'test ! -d /usr/local/include/SDL_rwops_zzip'" sh____(cmd.format(**locals())) cmd = "docker exec {testname} dpkg -S /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/pkgconfig/zlib.pc" sh____(cmd.format(**locals())) cmd = "docker exec {testname} pkg-config --libs zlib" zlib = output(cmd.format(**locals())) self.assertEqual(zlib.strip(), "-lz") # cmd = "docker rm --force {testname}" sx____(cmd.format(**locals())) cmd = "docker rmi {saveto}/{savename}:latest" sx____(cmd.format(**locals())) cmd = "docker tag {images}:{testname} {saveto}/{savename}:latest" sh____(cmd.format(**locals())) cmd = "docker rmi {images}:{testname}" sx____(cmd.format(**locals())) self.rm_testdir() def test_222_ubuntu18_build_dockerfile(self): if not os.path.exists(DOCKER_SOCKET): self.skipTest("docker-based test") testname=self.testname() testdir = self.testdir() dockerfile="testbuilds/ubuntu18-build.dockerfile" addhosts = self.local_addhosts(dockerfile) savename = docname(dockerfile) saveto = SAVETO images = IMAGES build = "build --build-arg=no_check=true" cmd = "docker {build} . -f {dockerfile} {addhosts} --tag {images}:{testname}" sh____(cmd.format(**locals())) cmd = "docker rm --force {testname}" sx____(cmd.format(**locals())) cmd = "docker run -d --name {testname} {images}:{testname} sleep 600" sh____(cmd.format(**locals())) #:# container = self.ip_container(testname) cmd = "docker exec {testname} ls -l /usr/local/bin" sh____(cmd.format(**locals())) cmd = "docker exec {testname} find /usr/local/include -type f" sh____(cmd.format(**locals())) cmd = "docker exec {testname} bash -c 'ls -l /usr/local/lib/libzz*'" sh____(cmd.format(**locals())) # cmd = "docker exec {testname} bash -c 'test ! -d /usr/local/include/SDL_rwops_zzip'" sh____(cmd.format(**locals())) cmd = "docker exec {testname} dpkg -S /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/pkgconfig/zlib.pc" sh____(cmd.format(**locals())) cmd = "docker exec {testname} pkg-config --libs zlib" zlib = output(cmd.format(**locals())) self.assertEqual(zlib.strip(), "-lz") # cmd = "docker rm --force {testname}" sx____(cmd.format(**locals())) cmd = "docker rmi {saveto}/{savename}:latest" sx____(cmd.format(**locals())) cmd = "docker tag {images}:{testname} {saveto}/{savename}:latest" sh____(cmd.format(**locals())) cmd = "docker rmi {images}:{testname}" sx____(cmd.format(**locals())) self.rm_testdir() def test_225_ubuntu16_32bit_dockerfile(self): if not os.path.exists(DOCKER_SOCKET): self.skipTest("docker-based test") testname=self.testname() testdir = self.testdir() dockerfile="testbuilds/ubuntu16-32bit.dockerfile" addhosts = self.local_addhosts(dockerfile) savename = docname(dockerfile) saveto = SAVETO images = IMAGES build = "build --build-arg=no_check=true" cmd = "docker {build} . -f {dockerfile} {addhosts} --tag {images}:{testname}" sh____(cmd.format(**locals())) cmd = "docker rm --force {testname}" sx____(cmd.format(**locals())) cmd = "docker run -d --name {testname} {images}:{testname} sleep 600" sh____(cmd.format(**locals())) #:# container = self.ip_container(testname) cmd = "docker exec {testname} ls -l /usr/local/bin" sh____(cmd.format(**locals())) cmd = "docker exec {testname} find /usr/local/include -type f" sh____(cmd.format(**locals())) cmd = "docker exec {testname} bash -c 'ls -l /usr/local/lib/libzz*'" sh____(cmd.format(**locals())) # cmd = "docker exec {testname} bash -c 'test ! -d /usr/local/include/SDL_rwops_zzip'" sh____(cmd.format(**locals())) cmd = "docker exec {testname} dpkg -S /usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/pkgconfig/zlib.pc" sh____(cmd.format(**locals())) cmd = "docker exec {testname} pkg-config --libs zlib" zlib = output(cmd.format(**locals())) self.assertEqual(zlib.strip(), "-lz") # cmd = "docker rm --force {testname}" sx____(cmd.format(**locals())) cmd = "docker rmi {saveto}/{savename}:latest" sx____(cmd.format(**locals())) cmd = "docker tag {images}:{testname} {saveto}/{savename}:latest" sh____(cmd.format(**locals())) cmd = "docker rmi {images}:{testname}" sx____(cmd.format(**locals())) self.rm_testdir() def test_231_opensuse15_build_dockerfile(self): if not os.path.exists(DOCKER_SOCKET): self.skipTest("docker-based test") testname=self.testname() testdir = self.testdir() dockerfile="testbuilds/opensuse15-build.dockerfile" addhosts = self.local_addhosts(dockerfile) savename = docname(dockerfile) saveto = SAVETO images = IMAGES build = "build --build-arg=no_check=true" cmd = "docker {build} . -f {dockerfile} {addhosts} --tag {images}:{testname}" sh____(cmd.format(**locals())) cmd = "docker rm --force {testname}" sx____(cmd.format(**locals())) cmd = "docker run -d --name {testname} {images}:{testname} sleep 60" sh____(cmd.format(**locals())) #:# container = self.ip_container(testname) cmd = "docker exec {testname} ls -l /usr/local/bin" sh____(cmd.format(**locals())) cmd = "docker exec {testname} find /usr/local/include -type f" sh____(cmd.format(**locals())) cmd = "docker exec {testname} bash -c 'ls -l /usr/local/lib64/libzz*'" sh____(cmd.format(**locals())) # cmd = "docker exec {testname} bash -c 'test ! -d /usr/local/include/SDL_rwops_zzip'" sh____(cmd.format(**locals())) cmd = "docker exec {testname} rpm -q --whatprovides /usr/lib64/pkgconfig/zlib.pc" sh____(cmd.format(**locals())) cmd = "docker exec {testname} pkg-config --libs zlib" zlib = output(cmd.format(**locals())) self.assertEqual(zlib.strip(), "-lz") # cmd = "docker rm --force {testname}" sx____(cmd.format(**locals())) cmd = "docker rmi {saveto}/{savename}:latest" sx____(cmd.format(**locals())) cmd = "docker tag {images}:{testname} {saveto}/{savename}:latest" sh____(cmd.format(**locals())) cmd = "docker rmi {images}:{testname}" sx____(cmd.format(**locals())) self.rm_testdir() @unittest.expectedFailure def test_251_windows_static_x64_dockerfile(self): logg.warning(" windows-static-x64 compiles fine but segfaults on linking an .exe") if not os.path.exists(DOCKER_SOCKET): self.skipTest("docker-based test") testname=self.testname() testdir = self.testdir() dockerfile="testbuilds/windows-static-x64.dockerfile" addhosts = self.local_addhosts(dockerfile) savename = docname(dockerfile) saveto = SAVETO images = IMAGES build = "build --build-arg=no_check=true" cmd = "docker {build} . -f {dockerfile} {addhosts} --tag {images}:{testname}" sh____(cmd.format(**locals())) cmd = "docker rm --force {testname}" sx____(cmd.format(**locals())) cmd = "docker run -d --name {testname} {images}:{testname} sleep 600" sh____(cmd.format(**locals())) #:# container = self.ip_container(testname) # cmd = "docker exec {testname} ls -l /usr/local/bin" sh____(cmd.format(**locals())) # cmd = "docker rm --force {testname}" sx____(cmd.format(**locals())) cmd = "docker rmi {saveto}/{savename}:latest" sx____(cmd.format(**locals())) cmd = "docker tag {images}:{testname} {saveto}/{savename}:latest" sh____(cmd.format(**locals())) cmd = "docker rmi {images}:{testname}" sx____(cmd.format(**locals())) self.rm_testdir() @unittest.expectedFailure def test_252_windows_shared_x64_dockerfile(self): logg.warning(" windows-shared-x64 compiles fine but segfaults on linking an .exe") if not os.path.exists(DOCKER_SOCKET): self.skipTest("docker-based test") testname=self.testname() testdir = self.testdir() dockerfile="testbuilds/windows-shared-x64.dockerfile" addhosts = self.local_addhosts(dockerfile) savename = docname(dockerfile) saveto = SAVETO images = IMAGES build = "build --build-arg=no_check=true" cmd = "docker {build} . -f {dockerfile} {addhosts} --tag {images}:{testname}" sh____(cmd.format(**locals())) cmd = "docker rm --force {testname}" sx____(cmd.format(**locals())) cmd = "docker run -d --name {testname} {images}:{testname} sleep 600" sh____(cmd.format(**locals())) #:# container = self.ip_container(testname) # cmd = "docker exec {testname} ls -l /usr/local/bin" sh____(cmd.format(**locals())) # cmd = "docker rm --force {testname}" sx____(cmd.format(**locals())) cmd = "docker rmi {saveto}/{savename}:latest" sx____(cmd.format(**locals())) cmd = "docker tag {images}:{testname} {saveto}/{savename}:latest" sh____(cmd.format(**locals())) cmd = "docker rmi {images}:{testname}" sx____(cmd.format(**locals())) self.rm_testdir() def test_301_centos7_automake_sdl2_dockerfile(self): if not os.path.exists(DOCKER_SOCKET): self.skipTest("docker-based test") testname=self.testname() testdir = self.testdir() dockerfile="testbuilds/centos7-am-sdl2.dockerfile" addhosts = self.local_addhosts(dockerfile) savename = docname(dockerfile) saveto = SAVETO images = IMAGES build = "build --build-arg=no_check=true" cmd = "docker {build} . -f {dockerfile} {addhosts} --tag {images}:{testname}" sh____(cmd.format(**locals())) cmd = "docker rm --force {testname}" sx____(cmd.format(**locals())) cmd = "docker run -d --name {testname} {images}:{testname} sleep 60" sh____(cmd.format(**locals())) #:# container = self.ip_container(testname) cmd = "docker exec {testname} ls -l /usr/local/bin" sh____(cmd.format(**locals())) cmd = "docker exec {testname} find /usr/local/include -type f" sh____(cmd.format(**locals())) cmd = "docker exec {testname} bash -c 'ls -l /usr/local/lib64/libzz*'" sh____(cmd.format(**locals())) # cmd = "docker exec {testname} bash -c 'test -d /usr/local/include/SDL_rwops_zzip'" sh____(cmd.format(**locals())) # cmd = "docker rm --force {testname}" sx____(cmd.format(**locals())) cmd = "docker rmi {saveto}/{savename}:latest" sx____(cmd.format(**locals())) cmd = "docker tag {images}:{testname} {saveto}/{savename}:latest" sh____(cmd.format(**locals())) cmd = "docker rmi {images}:{testname}" sx____(cmd.format(**locals())) self.rm_testdir() def test_302_centos8_automake_sdl2_dockerfile(self): if not os.path.exists(DOCKER_SOCKET): self.skipTest("docker-based test") testname=self.testname() testdir = self.testdir() dockerfile="testbuilds/centos8-am-sdl2.dockerfile" addhosts = self.local_addhosts(dockerfile) savename = docname(dockerfile) saveto = SAVETO images = IMAGES build = "build --build-arg=no_check=true" cmd = "docker {build} . -f {dockerfile} {addhosts} --tag {images}:{testname}" sh____(cmd.format(**locals())) cmd = "docker rm --force {testname}" sx____(cmd.format(**locals())) cmd = "docker run -d --name {testname} {images}:{testname} sleep 60" sh____(cmd.format(**locals())) #:# container = self.ip_container(testname) cmd = "docker exec {testname} ls -l /usr/local/bin" sh____(cmd.format(**locals())) cmd = "docker exec {testname} find /usr/local/include -type f" sh____(cmd.format(**locals())) cmd = "docker exec {testname} bash -c 'ls -l /usr/local/lib64/libzz*'" sh____(cmd.format(**locals())) # cmd = "docker exec {testname} bash -c 'test -d /usr/local/include/SDL_rwops_zzip'" sh____(cmd.format(**locals())) # cmd = "docker rm --force {testname}" sx____(cmd.format(**locals())) cmd = "docker rmi {saveto}/{savename}:latest" sx____(cmd.format(**locals())) cmd = "docker tag {images}:{testname} {saveto}/{savename}:latest" sh____(cmd.format(**locals())) cmd = "docker rmi {images}:{testname}" sx____(cmd.format(**locals())) self.rm_testdir() def test_311_centos7_sdl2_dockerfile(self): if not os.path.exists(DOCKER_SOCKET): self.skipTest("docker-based test") testname=self.testname() testdir = self.testdir() dockerfile="testbuilds/centos7-sdl2.dockerfile" addhosts = self.local_addhosts(dockerfile) savename = docname(dockerfile) saveto = SAVETO images = IMAGES build = "build --build-arg=no_check=true" cmd = "docker {build} . -f {dockerfile} {addhosts} --tag {images}:{testname}" sh____(cmd.format(**locals())) cmd = "docker rm --force {testname}" sx____(cmd.format(**locals())) cmd = "docker run -d --name {testname} {images}:{testname} sleep 60" sh____(cmd.format(**locals())) #:# container = self.ip_container(testname) cmd = "docker exec {testname} ls -l /usr/local/bin" sh____(cmd.format(**locals())) cmd = "docker exec {testname} find /usr/local/include -type f" sh____(cmd.format(**locals())) cmd = "docker exec {testname} bash -c 'ls -l /usr/local/lib64/libzz*'" sh____(cmd.format(**locals())) # cmd = "docker exec {testname} bash -c 'test -d /usr/local/include/SDL_rwops_zzip'" sh____(cmd.format(**locals())) # cmd = "docker rm --force {testname}" sx____(cmd.format(**locals())) cmd = "docker rmi {saveto}/{savename}:latest" sx____(cmd.format(**locals())) cmd = "docker tag {images}:{testname} {saveto}/{savename}:latest" sh____(cmd.format(**locals())) cmd = "docker rmi {images}:{testname}" sx____(cmd.format(**locals())) self.rm_testdir() def test_312_centos8_sdl2_dockerfile(self): if not os.path.exists(DOCKER_SOCKET): self.skipTest("docker-based test") testname=self.testname() testdir = self.testdir() dockerfile="testbuilds/centos8-sdl2.dockerfile" addhosts = self.local_addhosts(dockerfile) savename = docname(dockerfile) saveto = SAVETO images = IMAGES build = "build --build-arg=no_check=true" cmd = "docker {build} . -f {dockerfile} {addhosts} --tag {images}:{testname}" sh____(cmd.format(**locals())) cmd = "docker rm --force {testname}" sx____(cmd.format(**locals())) cmd = "docker run -d --name {testname} {images}:{testname} sleep 60" sh____(cmd.format(**locals())) #:# container = self.ip_container(testname) cmd = "docker exec {testname} ls -l /usr/local/bin" sh____(cmd.format(**locals())) cmd = "docker exec {testname} find /usr/local/include -type f" sh____(cmd.format(**locals())) cmd = "docker exec {testname} bash -c 'ls -l /usr/local/lib64/libzz*'" sh____(cmd.format(**locals())) # cmd = "docker exec {testname} bash -c 'test -d /usr/local/include/SDL_rwops_zzip'" sh____(cmd.format(**locals())) # cmd = "docker rm --force {testname}" sx____(cmd.format(**locals())) cmd = "docker rmi {saveto}/{savename}:latest" sx____(cmd.format(**locals())) cmd = "docker tag {images}:{testname} {saveto}/{savename}:latest" sh____(cmd.format(**locals())) cmd = "docker rmi {images}:{testname}" sx____(cmd.format(**locals())) self.rm_testdir() def test_321_ubuntu18_sdl2_dockerfile(self): if not os.path.exists(DOCKER_SOCKET): self.skipTest("docker-based test") testname=self.testname() testdir = self.testdir() dockerfile="testbuilds/ubuntu16-sdl2.dockerfile" addhosts = self.local_addhosts(dockerfile) savename = docname(dockerfile) saveto = SAVETO images = IMAGES build = "build --build-arg=no_check=true" cmd = "docker {build} . -f {dockerfile} {addhosts} --tag {images}:{testname}" sh____(cmd.format(**locals())) cmd = "docker rm --force {testname}" sx____(cmd.format(**locals())) cmd = "docker run -d --name {testname} {images}:{testname} sleep 600" sh____(cmd.format(**locals())) #:# container = self.ip_container(testname) cmd = "docker exec {testname} ls -l /usr/local/bin" sh____(cmd.format(**locals())) cmd = "docker exec {testname} find /usr/local/include -type f" sh____(cmd.format(**locals())) cmd = "docker exec {testname} bash -c 'ls -l /usr/local/lib/libzz*'" sh____(cmd.format(**locals())) # cmd = "docker exec {testname} bash -c 'test -d /usr/local/include/SDL_rwops_zzip'" sh____(cmd.format(**locals())) # cmd = "docker rm --force {testname}" sx____(cmd.format(**locals())) cmd = "docker rmi {saveto}/{savename}:latest" sx____(cmd.format(**locals())) cmd = "docker tag {images}:{testname} {saveto}/{savename}:latest" sh____(cmd.format(**locals())) cmd = "docker rmi {images}:{testname}" sx____(cmd.format(**locals())) self.rm_testdir() def test_331_opensuse15_sdl2_dockerfile(self): if not os.path.exists(DOCKER_SOCKET): self.skipTest("docker-based test") testname=self.testname() testdir = self.testdir() dockerfile="testbuilds/opensuse15-sdl2.dockerfile" addhosts = self.local_addhosts(dockerfile) savename = docname(dockerfile) saveto = SAVETO images = IMAGES build = "build --build-arg=no_check=true" cmd = "docker {build} . -f {dockerfile} {addhosts} --tag {images}:{testname}" sh____(cmd.format(**locals())) cmd = "docker rm --force {testname}" sx____(cmd.format(**locals())) cmd = "docker run -d --name {testname} {images}:{testname} sleep 60" sh____(cmd.format(**locals())) #:# container = self.ip_container(testname) cmd = "docker exec {testname} ls -l /usr/local/bin" sh____(cmd.format(**locals())) cmd = "docker exec {testname} find /usr/local/include -type f" sh____(cmd.format(**locals())) cmd = "docker exec {testname} bash -c 'ls -l /usr/local/lib64/libzz*'" sh____(cmd.format(**locals())) # cmd = "docker exec {testname} bash -c 'test -d /usr/local/include/SDL_rwops_zzip'" sh____(cmd.format(**locals())) # cmd = "docker rm --force {testname}" sx____(cmd.format(**locals())) cmd = "docker rmi {saveto}/{savename}:latest" sx____(cmd.format(**locals())) cmd = "docker tag {images}:{testname} {saveto}/{savename}:latest" sh____(cmd.format(**locals())) cmd = "docker rmi {images}:{testname}" sx____(cmd.format(**locals())) self.rm_testdir() def test_411_centos7_sdl2_destdir_dockerfile(self): if not os.path.exists(DOCKER_SOCKET): self.skipTest("docker-based test") testname=self.testname() testdir = self.testdir() dockerfile="testbuilds/centos7-destdir-sdl2.dockerfile" addhosts = self.local_addhosts(dockerfile) savename = docname(dockerfile) saveto = SAVETO images = IMAGES build = "build --build-arg=no_check=true" cmd = "docker {build} . -f {dockerfile} {addhosts} --tag {images}:{testname}" sh____(cmd.format(**locals())) cmd = "docker rm --force {testname}" sx____(cmd.format(**locals())) cmd = "docker run -d --name {testname} {images}:{testname} sleep 60" sh____(cmd.format(**locals())) #:# container = self.ip_container(testname) cmd = "docker exec {testname} ls -l /new/usr/local/bin" sh____(cmd.format(**locals())) cmd = "docker exec {testname} find /new/usr/local/include -type f" sh____(cmd.format(**locals())) cmd = "docker exec {testname} bash -c 'ls -l /new/usr/local/lib64/libzz*'" sh____(cmd.format(**locals())) # cmd = "docker exec {testname} bash -c 'test -d /new/usr/local/include/SDL_rwops_zzip'" sh____(cmd.format(**locals())) # cmd = "docker rm --force {testname}" sx____(cmd.format(**locals())) cmd = "docker rmi {saveto}/{savename}:latest" sx____(cmd.format(**locals())) cmd = "docker tag {images}:{testname} {saveto}/{savename}:latest" sh____(cmd.format(**locals())) cmd = "docker rmi {images}:{testname}" sx____(cmd.format(**locals())) self.rm_testdir() def test_412_centos8_sdl2_destdir_dockerfile(self): if not os.path.exists(DOCKER_SOCKET): self.skipTest("docker-based test") testname=self.testname() testdir = self.testdir() dockerfile="testbuilds/centos8-destdir-sdl2.dockerfile" addhosts = self.local_addhosts(dockerfile) savename = docname(dockerfile) saveto = SAVETO images = IMAGES build = "build --build-arg=no_check=true" cmd = "docker {build} . -f {dockerfile} {addhosts} --tag {images}:{testname}" sh____(cmd.format(**locals())) cmd = "docker rm --force {testname}" sx____(cmd.format(**locals())) cmd = "docker run -d --name {testname} {images}:{testname} sleep 60" sh____(cmd.format(**locals())) #:# container = self.ip_container(testname) cmd = "docker exec {testname} ls -l /new/usr/local/bin" sh____(cmd.format(**locals())) cmd = "docker exec {testname} find /new/usr/local/include -type f" sh____(cmd.format(**locals())) cmd = "docker exec {testname} bash -c 'ls -l /new/usr/local/lib64/libzz*'" sh____(cmd.format(**locals())) # cmd = "docker exec {testname} bash -c 'test -d /new/usr/local/include/SDL_rwops_zzip'" sh____(cmd.format(**locals())) # cmd = "docker rm --force {testname}" sx____(cmd.format(**locals())) cmd = "docker rmi {saveto}/{savename}:latest" sx____(cmd.format(**locals())) cmd = "docker tag {images}:{testname} {saveto}/{savename}:latest" sh____(cmd.format(**locals())) cmd = "docker rmi {images}:{testname}" sx____(cmd.format(**locals())) self.rm_testdir() def test_421_ubuntu16_azure_dockerfile(self): if not os.path.exists(DOCKER_SOCKET): self.skipTest("docker-based test") testname=self.testname() testdir = self.testdir() dockerfile="testbuilds/ubuntu16-azure.dockerfile" addhosts = self.local_addhosts(dockerfile) savename = docname(dockerfile) saveto = SAVETO images = IMAGES build = "build --build-arg=no_install=true" cmd = "docker {build} . -f {dockerfile} {addhosts} --tag {images}:{testname}" sh____(cmd.format(**locals())) cmd = "docker rm --force {testname}" sx____(cmd.format(**locals())) cmd = "docker run -d --name {testname} {images}:{testname} sleep 600" sh____(cmd.format(**locals())) #:# container = self.ip_container(testname) # cmd = "docker exec {testname} find src -name *.xml" sh____(cmd.format(**locals())) # cmd = "docker rm --force {testname}" sx____(cmd.format(**locals())) cmd = "docker rmi {saveto}/{savename}:latest" sx____(cmd.format(**locals())) cmd = "docker tag {images}:{testname} {saveto}/{savename}:latest" sh____(cmd.format(**locals())) cmd = "docker rmi {images}:{testname}" sx____(cmd.format(**locals())) self.rm_testdir() def test_431_opensuse15_ninja_sdl2_dockerfile(self): if not os.path.exists(DOCKER_SOCKET): self.skipTest("docker-based test") testname=self.testname() testdir = self.testdir() dockerfile="testbuilds/opensuse15-ninja-sdl2.dockerfile" addhosts = self.local_addhosts(dockerfile) savename = docname(dockerfile) saveto = SAVETO images = IMAGES build = "build --build-arg=no_check=true" cmd = "docker {build} . -f {dockerfile} {addhosts} --tag {images}:{testname}" sh____(cmd.format(**locals())) cmd = "docker rm --force {testname}" sx____(cmd.format(**locals())) cmd = "docker run -d --name {testname} {images}:{testname} sleep 60" sh____(cmd.format(**locals())) #:# container = self.ip_container(testname) cmd = "docker exec {testname} ls -l /usr/local/bin" sh____(cmd.format(**locals())) cmd = "docker exec {testname} find /usr/local/include -type f" sh____(cmd.format(**locals())) cmd = "docker exec {testname} bash -c 'ls -l /usr/local/lib64/libzz*'" sh____(cmd.format(**locals())) # cmd = "docker exec {testname} bash -c 'test -d /usr/local/include/SDL_rwops_zzip'" sh____(cmd.format(**locals())) # cmd = "docker rm --force {testname}" sx____(cmd.format(**locals())) cmd = "docker rmi {saveto}/{savename}:latest" sx____(cmd.format(**locals())) cmd = "docker tag {images}:{testname} {saveto}/{savename}:latest" sh____(cmd.format(**locals())) cmd = "docker rmi {images}:{testname}" sx____(cmd.format(**locals())) self.rm_testdir() def test_701_centos7_am_docs_dockerfile(self): if not os.path.exists(DOCKER_SOCKET): self.skipTest("docker-based test") testname=self.testname() testdir = self.testdir() dockerfile="testbuilds/centos7-am-docs.dockerfile" addhosts = self.local_addhosts(dockerfile) savename = docname(dockerfile) saveto = SAVETO images = IMAGES build = "build --build-arg=no_build=true" cmd = "docker {build} . -f {dockerfile} {addhosts} --tag {images}:{testname}" sh____(cmd.format(**locals())) cmd = "docker rm --force {testname}" sx____(cmd.format(**locals())) cmd = "docker run -d --name {testname} {images}:{testname} sleep 60" sh____(cmd.format(**locals())) #:# container = self.ip_container(testname) cmd = "docker exec {testname} ls -l /usr/local/bin" sh____(cmd.format(**locals())) cmd = "docker exec {testname} find /usr/local/include -type f" sh____(cmd.format(**locals())) # cmd = "docker exec {testname} bash -c 'test ! -d /usr/local/include/zzip/types.h'" sh____(cmd.format(**locals())) cmd = "docker exec {testname} bash -c 'test -d /usr/local/share/doc/zziplib'" sh____(cmd.format(**locals())) cmd = "docker exec {testname} bash -c 'test -f /usr/local/share/man/man3/zzip_opendir.3'" sh____(cmd.format(**locals())) # cmd = "docker rm --force {testname}" sx____(cmd.format(**locals())) cmd = "docker rmi {saveto}/{savename}:latest" sx____(cmd.format(**locals())) cmd = "docker tag {images}:{testname} {saveto}/{savename}:latest" sh____(cmd.format(**locals())) cmd = "docker rmi {images}:{testname}" sx____(cmd.format(**locals())) self.rm_testdir() def test_711_centos7_docs_dockerfile(self): if not os.path.exists(DOCKER_SOCKET): self.skipTest("docker-based test") testname=self.testname() testdir = self.testdir() dockerfile="testbuilds/centos7-docs.dockerfile" addhosts = self.local_addhosts(dockerfile) savename = docname(dockerfile) saveto = SAVETO images = IMAGES build = "build" # "build --build-arg=no_build=true" cmd = "docker {build} . -f {dockerfile} {addhosts} --tag {images}:{testname}" sh____(cmd.format(**locals())) cmd = "docker rm --force {testname}" sx____(cmd.format(**locals())) cmd = "docker run -d --name {testname} {images}:{testname} sleep 600" sh____(cmd.format(**locals())) #:# container = self.ip_container(testname) cmd = "docker exec {testname} ls -l /usr/local/bin" sh____(cmd.format(**locals())) cmd = "docker exec {testname} find /usr/local/include -type f" sh____(cmd.format(**locals())) # cmd = "docker exec {testname} bash -c 'test ! -d /usr/local/include/zzip/types.h'" sh____(cmd.format(**locals())) cmd = "docker exec {testname} bash -c 'test -d /usr/local/share/doc/zziplib'" sh____(cmd.format(**locals())) cmd = "docker exec {testname} bash -c 'test -f /usr/local/share/man/man3/zzip_opendir.3'" sh____(cmd.format(**locals())) # cmd = "docker rm --force {testname}" sx____(cmd.format(**locals())) cmd = "docker rmi {saveto}/{savename}:latest" sx____(cmd.format(**locals())) cmd = "docker tag {images}:{testname} {saveto}/{savename}:latest" sh____(cmd.format(**locals())) cmd = "docker rmi {images}:{testname}" sx____(cmd.format(**locals())) self.rm_testdir() def test_9211_centos7_automake_dockerfile(self): if not os.path.exists(DOCKER_SOCKET): self.skipTest("docker-based test") testname1=self.testname() + "_1" testname2=self.testname() + "_2" testdir = self.testdir() dockerfile1="testbuilds/centos7-am-build.dockerfile" dockerfile2="testbuilds/centos7-build.dockerfile" addhosts = self.local_addhosts(dockerfile1) savename1 = docname(dockerfile1) savename2 = docname(dockerfile2) saveto = SAVETO images = IMAGES cmd = "docker rm --force {testname1}" sx____(cmd.format(**locals())) cmd = "docker rm --force {testname2}" sx____(cmd.format(**locals())) cmd = "docker run -d --name {testname1} {addhosts} {saveto}/{savename1} sleep 600" sh____(cmd.format(**locals())) cmd = "docker run -d --name {testname2} {addhosts} {saveto}/{savename2} sleep 600" # sh____(cmd.format(**locals())) cmd = "docker exec {testname2} bash -c 'cd /usr/local && tar czvf /local.tgz .'" sh____(cmd.format(**locals())) cmd = "docker cp {testname2}:/local.tgz tmp.local.tgz" sh____(cmd.format(**locals())) cmd = "docker cp tmp.local.tgz {testname1}:/local.tgz" sh____(cmd.format(**locals())) cmd = "rm tmp.local.tgz" sh____(cmd.format(**locals())) cmd = "docker exec {testname1} mkdir -p /new/local" sh____(cmd.format(**locals())) cmd = "docker exec {testname1} bash -c 'cd /new/local && tar xzvf /local.tgz'" sh____(cmd.format(**locals())) # item="{}" end="\\;" A='"s:zzip-zlib-config:zlib:"' B='"s:=/usr/local/:=\\${prefix}/:"' C1='"/^exec_prefix=/d"' C2='"/^datarootdir=/d"' C3='"/^datadir=/d"' C4='"/^sysconfdir=/d"' C5='"/^bindir=/d"' G='"/ generated by configure /d"' cmd = "docker exec {testname1} bash -c 'find /usr/local -name *.pc -exec sed -i -e {A} -e {B} -e {C1} -e {C2} -e {C3} -e {C4} -e {C5} -e {G} {item} {end}'" sh____(cmd.format(**locals())) cmd = "docker exec {testname1} bash -c 'find /usr/local -name zzip-zlib-config.pc -exec rm -v {item} {end}'" sh____(cmd.format(**locals())) cmd = "docker exec {testname1} bash -c 'find /usr/local -name *.la -exec rm -v {item} {end}'" sh____(cmd.format(**locals())) cmd = "docker exec {testname1} bash -c 'find /new/local -name *-0.so -exec rm -v {item} {end}'" sh____(cmd.format(**locals())) cmd = "docker exec {testname1} diff -uw /usr/local/include/zzip/_config.h /new/local/include/zzip/_config.h" sx____(cmd.format(**locals())) cmd = "docker exec {testname1} diff -urw --no-dereference /usr/local /new/local --exclude _config.h" sx____(cmd.format(**locals())) out = output(cmd.format(**locals())) self.assertFalse(greps(out, "---")) self.assertFalse(greps(out, "Only")) # cmd = "docker rm --force {testname1}" sx____(cmd.format(**locals())) cmd = "docker rm --force {testname2}" sx____(cmd.format(**locals())) self.rm_testdir() def test_9212_centos7_automake_dockerfile(self): if not os.path.exists(DOCKER_SOCKET): self.skipTest("docker-based test") testname1=self.testname() + "_1" testname2=self.testname() + "_2" testdir = self.testdir() dockerfile1="testbuilds/centos8-am-build.dockerfile" dockerfile2="testbuilds/centos8-build.dockerfile" addhosts = self.local_addhosts(dockerfile1) savename1 = docname(dockerfile1) savename2 = docname(dockerfile2) saveto = SAVETO images = IMAGES cmd = "docker rm --force {testname1}" sx____(cmd.format(**locals())) cmd = "docker rm --force {testname2}" sx____(cmd.format(**locals())) cmd = "docker run -d --name {testname1} {addhosts} {saveto}/{savename1} sleep 600" sh____(cmd.format(**locals())) cmd = "docker run -d --name {testname2} {addhosts} {saveto}/{savename2} sleep 600" # sh____(cmd.format(**locals())) cmd = "docker exec {testname2} bash -c 'cd /usr/local && tar czvf /local.tgz .'" sh____(cmd.format(**locals())) cmd = "docker cp {testname2}:/local.tgz tmp.local.tgz" sh____(cmd.format(**locals())) cmd = "docker cp tmp.local.tgz {testname1}:/local.tgz" sh____(cmd.format(**locals())) cmd = "rm tmp.local.tgz" sh____(cmd.format(**locals())) cmd = "docker exec {testname1} mkdir -p /new/local" sh____(cmd.format(**locals())) cmd = "docker exec {testname1} bash -c 'cd /new/local && tar xzvf /local.tgz'" sh____(cmd.format(**locals())) # item="{}" end="\\;" A='"s:zzip-zlib-config:zlib:"' B='"s:=/usr/local/:=\\${prefix}/:"' C1='"/^exec_prefix=/d"' C2='"/^datarootdir=/d"' C3='"/^datadir=/d"' C4='"/^sysconfdir=/d"' C5='"/^bindir=/d"' G='"/ generated by configure /d"' cmd = "docker exec {testname1} bash -c 'find /usr/local -name *.pc -exec sed -i -e {A} -e {B} -e {C1} -e {C2} -e {C3} -e {C4} -e {C5} -e {G} {item} {end}'" sh____(cmd.format(**locals())) cmd = "docker exec {testname1} bash -c 'find /usr/local -name zzip-zlib-config.pc -exec rm -v {item} {end}'" sh____(cmd.format(**locals())) cmd = "docker exec {testname1} bash -c 'find /usr/local -name *.la -exec rm -v {item} {end}'" sh____(cmd.format(**locals())) cmd = "docker exec {testname1} bash -c 'find /new/local -name *-0.so -exec rm -v {item} {end}'" sh____(cmd.format(**locals())) cmd = "docker exec {testname1} diff -uw /usr/local/include/zzip/_config.h /new/local/include/zzip/_config.h" sx____(cmd.format(**locals())) cmd = "docker exec {testname1} diff -urw --no-dereference /usr/local /new/local --exclude _config.h" sx____(cmd.format(**locals())) out = output(cmd.format(**locals())) self.assertFalse(greps(out, "---")) self.assertFalse(greps(out, "Only")) # cmd = "docker rm --force {testname1}" sx____(cmd.format(**locals())) cmd = "docker rm --force {testname2}" sx____(cmd.format(**locals())) self.rm_testdir() def test_9311_centos7_automake_sdl2_dockerfile(self): if not os.path.exists(DOCKER_SOCKET): self.skipTest("docker-based test") testname1=self.testname() + "_1" testname2=self.testname() + "_2" testdir = self.testdir() dockerfile1="testbuilds/centos7-am-sdl2.dockerfile" dockerfile2="testbuilds/centos7-sdl2.dockerfile" addhosts = self.local_addhosts(dockerfile1) savename1 = docname(dockerfile1) savename2 = docname(dockerfile2) saveto = SAVETO images = IMAGES cmd = "docker rm --force {testname1}" sx____(cmd.format(**locals())) cmd = "docker rm --force {testname2}" sx____(cmd.format(**locals())) cmd = "docker run -d --name {testname1} {addhosts} {saveto}/{savename1} sleep 600" sh____(cmd.format(**locals())) cmd = "docker run -d --name {testname2} {addhosts} {saveto}/{savename2} sleep 600" # sh____(cmd.format(**locals())) cmd = "docker exec {testname2} bash -c 'cd /usr/local && tar czvf /local.tgz .'" sh____(cmd.format(**locals())) cmd = "docker cp {testname2}:/local.tgz tmp.local.tgz" sh____(cmd.format(**locals())) cmd = "docker cp tmp.local.tgz {testname1}:/local.tgz" sh____(cmd.format(**locals())) cmd = "rm tmp.local.tgz" sh____(cmd.format(**locals())) cmd = "docker exec {testname1} mkdir -p /new/local" sh____(cmd.format(**locals())) cmd = "docker exec {testname1} bash -c 'cd /new/local && tar xzvf /local.tgz'" sh____(cmd.format(**locals())) # item="{}" end="\\;" A='"s:zzip-zlib-config:zlib:"' B='"s:=/usr/local/:=\\${prefix}/:"' C1='"/^exec_prefix=/d"' C2='"/^datarootdir=/d"' C3='"/^datadir=/d"' C4='"/^sysconfdir=/d"' C5='"/^bindir=/d"' G='"/ generated by configure /d"' cmd = "docker exec {testname1} bash -c 'find /usr/local -name *.pc -exec sed -i -e {A} -e {B} -e {C1} -e {C2} -e {C3} -e {C4} -e {C5} -e {G} {item} {end}'" sh____(cmd.format(**locals())) cmd = "docker exec {testname1} bash -c 'find /usr/local -name zzip-zlib-config.pc -exec rm -v {item} {end}'" sh____(cmd.format(**locals())) cmd = "docker exec {testname1} bash -c 'find /usr/local -name *.la -exec rm -v {item} {end}'" sh____(cmd.format(**locals())) cmd = "docker exec {testname1} bash -c 'find /new/local -name *-0.so -exec rm -v {item} {end}'" sh____(cmd.format(**locals())) cmd = "docker exec {testname1} diff -uw /usr/local/include/zzip/_config.h /new/local/include/zzip/_config.h" sx____(cmd.format(**locals())) cmd = "docker exec {testname1} diff -urw --no-dereference /usr/local /new/local --exclude _config.h" sx____(cmd.format(**locals())) out = output(cmd.format(**locals())) self.assertFalse(greps(out, "---")) self.assertFalse(greps(out, "Only")) # cmd = "docker rm --force {testname1}" sx____(cmd.format(**locals())) cmd = "docker rm --force {testname2}" sx____(cmd.format(**locals())) self.rm_testdir() def test_9312_centos7_automake_sdl2_dockerfile(self): if not os.path.exists(DOCKER_SOCKET): self.skipTest("docker-based test") testname1=self.testname() + "_1" testname2=self.testname() + "_2" testdir = self.testdir() dockerfile1="testbuilds/centos8-am-sdl2.dockerfile" dockerfile2="testbuilds/centos8-sdl2.dockerfile" addhosts = self.local_addhosts(dockerfile1) savename1 = docname(dockerfile1) savename2 = docname(dockerfile2) saveto = SAVETO images = IMAGES cmd = "docker rm --force {testname1}" sx____(cmd.format(**locals())) cmd = "docker rm --force {testname2}" sx____(cmd.format(**locals())) cmd = "docker run -d --name {testname1} {addhosts} {saveto}/{savename1} sleep 600" sh____(cmd.format(**locals())) cmd = "docker run -d --name {testname2} {addhosts} {saveto}/{savename2} sleep 600" # sh____(cmd.format(**locals())) cmd = "docker exec {testname2} bash -c 'cd /usr/local && tar czvf /local.tgz .'" sh____(cmd.format(**locals())) cmd = "docker cp {testname2}:/local.tgz tmp.local.tgz" sh____(cmd.format(**locals())) cmd = "docker cp tmp.local.tgz {testname1}:/local.tgz" sh____(cmd.format(**locals())) cmd = "rm tmp.local.tgz" sh____(cmd.format(**locals())) cmd = "docker exec {testname1} mkdir -p /new/local" sh____(cmd.format(**locals())) cmd = "docker exec {testname1} bash -c 'cd /new/local && tar xzvf /local.tgz'" sh____(cmd.format(**locals())) # item="{}" end="\\;" A='"s:zzip-zlib-config:zlib:"' B='"s:=/usr/local/:=\\${prefix}/:"' C1='"/^exec_prefix=/d"' C2='"/^datarootdir=/d"' C3='"/^datadir=/d"' C4='"/^sysconfdir=/d"' C5='"/^bindir=/d"' G='"/ generated by configure /d"' cmd = "docker exec {testname1} bash -c 'find /usr/local -name *.pc -exec sed -i -e {A} -e {B} -e {C1} -e {C2} -e {C3} -e {C4} -e {C5} -e {G} {item} {end}'" sh____(cmd.format(**locals())) cmd = "docker exec {testname1} bash -c 'find /usr/local -name zzip-zlib-config.pc -exec rm -v {item} {end}'" sh____(cmd.format(**locals())) cmd = "docker exec {testname1} bash -c 'find /usr/local -name *.la -exec rm -v {item} {end}'" sh____(cmd.format(**locals())) cmd = "docker exec {testname1} bash -c 'find /new/local -name *-0.so -exec rm -v {item} {end}'" sh____(cmd.format(**locals())) cmd = "docker exec {testname1} diff -uw /usr/local/include/zzip/_config.h /new/local/include/zzip/_config.h" sx____(cmd.format(**locals())) cmd = "docker exec {testname1} diff -urw --no-dereference /usr/local /new/local --exclude _config.h" sx____(cmd.format(**locals())) out = output(cmd.format(**locals())) self.assertFalse(greps(out, "---")) self.assertFalse(greps(out, "Only")) # cmd = "docker rm --force {testname1}" sx____(cmd.format(**locals())) cmd = "docker rm --force {testname2}" sx____(cmd.format(**locals())) self.rm_testdir() def test_9411_centos7_automake_sdl2_dockerfile(self): if not os.path.exists(DOCKER_SOCKET): self.skipTest("docker-based test") testname1=self.testname() + "_1" testname2=self.testname() + "_2" testdir = self.testdir() dockerfile1="testbuilds/centos7-sdl2.dockerfile" dockerfile2="testbuilds/centos7-destdir-sdl2.dockerfile" addhosts = self.local_addhosts(dockerfile1) savename1 = docname(dockerfile1) savename2 = docname(dockerfile2) saveto = SAVETO images = IMAGES cmd = "docker rm --force {testname1}" sx____(cmd.format(**locals())) cmd = "docker rm --force {testname2}" sx____(cmd.format(**locals())) cmd = "docker run -d --name {testname1} {addhosts} {saveto}/{savename1} sleep 600" sh____(cmd.format(**locals())) cmd = "docker run -d --name {testname2} {addhosts} {saveto}/{savename2} sleep 600" # sh____(cmd.format(**locals())) cmd = "docker exec {testname2} bash -c 'cd /new/usr/local && tar czvf /local.tgz .'" sh____(cmd.format(**locals())) cmd = "docker cp {testname2}:/local.tgz tmp.local.tgz" sh____(cmd.format(**locals())) cmd = "docker cp tmp.local.tgz {testname1}:/local.tgz" sh____(cmd.format(**locals())) cmd = "rm tmp.local.tgz" sh____(cmd.format(**locals())) cmd = "docker exec {testname1} mkdir -p /new/local" sh____(cmd.format(**locals())) cmd = "docker exec {testname1} bash -c 'cd /new/local && tar xzvf /local.tgz'" sh____(cmd.format(**locals())) # DIRS="etc lib libexec sbin games src share/info share/applications share/man/mann" for i in xrange(1,10): DIRS+=" share/man/man%i share/man/man%ix" % (i,i) cmd = "docker exec {testname1} bash -c 'cd /new/local && (for u in {DIRS}; do mkdir -pv $u; done)'" sh____(cmd.format(**locals())) item="{}" end="\\;" cmd = "docker exec {testname1} diff -urw --no-dereference /usr/local /new/local" sx____(cmd.format(**locals())) out = output(cmd.format(**locals())) self.assertFalse(greps(out, "---")) self.assertFalse(greps(out, "Only")) # cmd = "docker rm --force {testname1}" sx____(cmd.format(**locals())) cmd = "docker rm --force {testname2}" sx____(cmd.format(**locals())) self.rm_testdir() def test_9412_centos7_automake_sdl2_dockerfile(self): if not os.path.exists(DOCKER_SOCKET): self.skipTest("docker-based test") testname1=self.testname() + "_1" testname2=self.testname() + "_2" testdir = self.testdir() dockerfile1="testbuilds/centos8-sdl2.dockerfile" dockerfile2="testbuilds/centos8-destdir-sdl2.dockerfile" addhosts = self.local_addhosts(dockerfile1) savename1 = docname(dockerfile1) savename2 = docname(dockerfile2) saveto = SAVETO images = IMAGES cmd = "docker rm --force {testname1}" sx____(cmd.format(**locals())) cmd = "docker rm --force {testname2}" sx____(cmd.format(**locals())) cmd = "docker run -d --name {testname1} {addhosts} {saveto}/{savename1} sleep 600" sh____(cmd.format(**locals())) cmd = "docker run -d --name {testname2} {addhosts} {saveto}/{savename2} sleep 600" # sh____(cmd.format(**locals())) cmd = "docker exec {testname2} bash -c 'cd /new/usr/local && tar czvf /local.tgz .'" sh____(cmd.format(**locals())) cmd = "docker cp {testname2}:/local.tgz tmp.local.tgz" sh____(cmd.format(**locals())) cmd = "docker cp tmp.local.tgz {testname1}:/local.tgz" sh____(cmd.format(**locals())) cmd = "rm tmp.local.tgz" sh____(cmd.format(**locals())) cmd = "docker exec {testname1} mkdir -p /new/local" sh____(cmd.format(**locals())) cmd = "docker exec {testname1} bash -c 'cd /new/local && tar xzvf /local.tgz'" sh____(cmd.format(**locals())) # DIRS="etc lib libexec sbin games src share/info share/applications share/man/mann" for i in xrange(1,10): DIRS+=" share/man/man%i share/man/man%ix" % (i,i) cmd = "docker exec {testname1} bash -c 'cd /new/local && (for u in {DIRS}; do mkdir -pv $u; done)'" sh____(cmd.format(**locals())) item="{}" end="\\;" cmd = "docker exec {testname1} diff -urw --no-dereference /usr/local /new/local" sx____(cmd.format(**locals())) out = output(cmd.format(**locals())) self.assertFalse(greps(out, "---")) self.assertFalse(greps(out, "Only")) # cmd = "docker rm --force {testname1}" sx____(cmd.format(**locals())) cmd = "docker rm --force {testname2}" sx____(cmd.format(**locals())) self.rm_testdir() def test_9431_opensuse_ninja_sdl2_dockerfile(self): if not os.path.exists(DOCKER_SOCKET): self.skipTest("docker-based test") testname1=self.testname() + "_1" testname2=self.testname() + "_2" testdir = self.testdir() dockerfile1="testbuilds/opensuse15-sdl2.dockerfile" dockerfile2="testbuilds/opensuse15-ninja-sdl2.dockerfile" addhosts = self.local_addhosts(dockerfile1) savename1 = docname(dockerfile1) savename2 = docname(dockerfile2) saveto = SAVETO images = IMAGES cmd = "docker rm --force {testname1}" sx____(cmd.format(**locals())) cmd = "docker rm --force {testname2}" sx____(cmd.format(**locals())) cmd = "docker run -d --name {testname1} {addhosts} {saveto}/{savename1} sleep 600" sh____(cmd.format(**locals())) cmd = "docker run -d --name {testname2} {addhosts} {saveto}/{savename2} sleep 600" # sh____(cmd.format(**locals())) cmd = "docker exec {testname2} bash -c 'cd /usr/local && tar czvf /local.tgz .'" sh____(cmd.format(**locals())) cmd = "docker cp {testname2}:/local.tgz tmp.local.tgz" sh____(cmd.format(**locals())) cmd = "docker cp tmp.local.tgz {testname1}:/local.tgz" sh____(cmd.format(**locals())) cmd = "rm tmp.local.tgz" sh____(cmd.format(**locals())) cmd = "docker exec {testname1} mkdir -p /new/local" sh____(cmd.format(**locals())) cmd = "docker exec {testname1} bash -c 'cd /new/local && tar xzvf /local.tgz'" sh____(cmd.format(**locals())) # item="{}" end="\\;" cmd = "docker exec {testname1} diff -urw --no-dereference /usr/local /new/local" sx____(cmd.format(**locals())) out = output(cmd.format(**locals())) self.assertFalse(greps(out, "---")) self.assertFalse(greps(out, "Only")) # cmd = "docker rm --force {testname1}" sx____(cmd.format(**locals())) cmd = "docker rm --force {testname2}" sx____(cmd.format(**locals())) self.rm_testdir() def test_9711_centos7_docs_dockerfile(self): if not os.path.exists(DOCKER_SOCKET): self.skipTest("docker-based test") testname1=self.testname() + "_1" testname2=self.testname() + "_2" testdir = self.testdir() dockerfile1="testbuilds/centos7-am-docs.dockerfile" dockerfile2="testbuilds/centos7-docs.dockerfile" addhosts = self.local_addhosts(dockerfile1) savename1 = docname(dockerfile1) savename2 = docname(dockerfile2) saveto = SAVETO images = IMAGES cmd = "docker rm --force {testname1}" sx____(cmd.format(**locals())) cmd = "docker rm --force {testname2}" sx____(cmd.format(**locals())) cmd = "docker run -d --name {testname1} {addhosts} {saveto}/{savename1} sleep 600" sh____(cmd.format(**locals())) cmd = "docker run -d --name {testname2} {addhosts} {saveto}/{savename2} sleep 600" # sh____(cmd.format(**locals())) cmd = "docker exec {testname2} bash -c 'cd /usr/local && tar czvf /local.tgz .'" sh____(cmd.format(**locals())) cmd = "docker cp {testname2}:/local.tgz tmp.local.tgz" sh____(cmd.format(**locals())) cmd = "docker cp tmp.local.tgz {testname1}:/local.tgz" sh____(cmd.format(**locals())) cmd = "rm tmp.local.tgz" sh____(cmd.format(**locals())) cmd = "docker exec {testname1} mkdir -p /new/local" sh____(cmd.format(**locals())) cmd = "docker exec {testname1} bash -c 'cd /new/local && tar xzvf /local.tgz'" sh____(cmd.format(**locals())) # cmd = "docker exec {testname1} bash -c 'cd /usr/local/share/doc/zziplib && mv man/html .'" sh____(cmd.format(**locals())) cmd = "docker exec {testname1} bash -c 'cd /usr/local/share/doc/zziplib && rm -rf man'" sh____(cmd.format(**locals())) cmd = "docker exec {testname1} bash -c 'cd /usr/local/share/doc/zziplib && mv html man'" sh____(cmd.format(**locals())) item="{}" end="\\;" cmd = "docker exec {testname1} diff -urw --no-dereference --brief /usr/local /new/local" sx____(cmd.format(**locals())) out = output(cmd.format(**locals())) self.assertFalse(greps(out, "---")) self.assertFalse(greps(out, "Only")) # cmd = "docker exec {testname1} diff -urw --no-dereference /usr/local /new/local" sx____(cmd.format(**locals())) # cmd = "docker rm --force {testname1}" sx____(cmd.format(**locals())) cmd = "docker rm --force {testname2}" sx____(cmd.format(**locals())) self.rm_testdir() if __name__ == "__main__": from optparse import OptionParser _o = OptionParser("%prog [options] test*", epilog=__doc__.strip().split("\n")[0]) _o.add_option("-v","--verbose", action="count", default=0, help="increase logging level [%default]") _o.add_option("-p","--python", metavar="EXE", default=_python, help="use another python execution engine [%default]") _o.add_option("-l","--logfile", metavar="FILE", default="", help="additionally save the output log to a file [%default]") _o.add_option("--xmlresults", metavar="FILE", default=None, help="capture results as a junit xml file [%default]") opt, args = _o.parse_args() logging.basicConfig(level = logging.WARNING - opt.verbose * 5) # _python = opt.python # logfile = None if opt.logfile: if os.path.exists(opt.logfile): os.remove(opt.logfile) logfile = logging.FileHandler(opt.logfile) logfile.setFormatter(logging.Formatter("%(levelname)s:%(relativeCreated)d:%(message)s")) logging.getLogger().addHandler(logfile) logg.info("log diverted to %s", opt.logfile) xmlresults = None if opt.xmlresults: if os.path.exists(opt.xmlresults): os.remove(opt.xmlresults) xmlresults = open(opt.xmlresults, "w") logg.info("xml results into %s", opt.xmlresults) # # unittest.main() suite = unittest.TestSuite() if not args: args = [ "test_*" ] for arg in args: for classname in sorted(globals()): if not classname.endswith("Test"): continue testclass = globals()[classname] for method in sorted(dir(testclass)): if "*" not in arg: arg += "*" if arg.startswith("_"): arg = arg[1:] if fnmatch(method, arg): suite.addTest(testclass(method)) # select runner if not logfile: if xmlresults: import xmlrunner Runner = xmlrunner.XMLTestRunner Runner(xmlresults).run(suite) else: Runner = unittest.TextTestRunner Runner(verbosity=opt.verbose).run(suite) else: Runner = unittest.TextTestRunner if xmlresults: import xmlrunner Runner = xmlrunner.XMLTestRunner Runner(logfile.stream, verbosity=opt.verbose).run(suite)