import unittest import subprocess import logging import os import collections import shutil import random import re from fnmatch import fnmatchcase as matches from cStringIO import StringIO logg = logging.getLogger("test") topsrcdir = "../.." testdatadir = "testdata.d" readme = "README" mkzip = "zip" unzip = "unzip" exeext = "" def shell_string(command): return " ".join(["'%s'" % arg.replace("'","\\'") for arg in command]) def shell(command, shell=True, calls=False, cwd=None, env=None, lang=None, returncodes=None): returncodes = returncodes or [ None, 0 ] Shell = collections.namedtuple("Shell",["returncode", "output", "errors", "shell"]) if isinstance(command, basestring): sh_command = command command = [ command ] else: sh_command = shell_string(command) if lang: if not env: env = os.environ.copy() for name, value in env.items(): if name.startswith("LC_"): env[name] = lang env["LANG"] = lang # defines message format env["LC_ALL"] = lang # other locale formats try: output, errors = "", "" if calls: logg.debug("result from %s: %s", cwd and cwd+"/" or "shell", sh_command) run = subprocess.Popen(command, shell=shell, cwd=cwd, env=env) if run.returncode: logg.warning("EXIT %s: %s", run.returncode, command) run.wait() else: logg.debug("output from %s: %s", cwd and cwd+"/" or "shell", sh_command) run = subprocess.Popen(command, shell=shell, cwd=cwd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, stdin=None, env=env) if run.returncode: logg.warning("EXIT %s: %s", run.returncode, command) output, errors = run.communicate() # run.wait() except: logg.error("*E*: %s", sh_command) for line in output.split("\n"): if line: logg.error("OUT: %s", line) for line in errors.split("\n"): if line: logg.error("ERR: %s", line) raise if run.returncode not in returncodes: logg.warning("*%02i: %s", run.returncode, sh_command) for line in output.split("\n"): if line: logg.warning("OUT: %s", line) for line in errors.split("\n"): if line: logg.warning("ERR: %s", line) raise subprocess.CalledProcessError(run.returncode, sh_command, output) else: for line in output.split("\n"): if line: logg.debug("OUT: %s", line) for line in errors.split("\n"): if line: logg.debug("ERR: %s", line) return Shell(run.returncode, output, errors, sh_command) def testdir(testname): newdir = "tests/tmp."+testname if os.path.isdir(newdir): shutil.rmtree(newdir) os.makedirs(newdir) return newdir def download(base_url, filename, into): if not os.path.isdir(into): os.makedirs(into) if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(into, filename)): shell("cd {into} && wget {base_url}/{filename}".format(**locals())) def trycopy(srcdir, filename, into): if not os.path.isdir(into): os.makedirs(into) src_file = os.path.join(srcdir, filename) dst_file = os.path.join(into, filename) if os.path.isfile(src_file): shutil.copy(src_file, dst_file) def output(cmd, shell=True): run = subprocess.Popen(cmd, shell=shell, stdout=subprocess.PIPE) out, err = run.communicate() return out def grep(pattern, lines): if isinstance(lines, basestring): lines = lines.split("\n") for line in lines: if, line.rstrip()): yield line.rstrip() def greps(lines, pattern): return list(grep(pattern, lines)) class ZZipTest(unittest.TestCase): @property def t(self): if not os.path.isdir(testdatadir): os.makedirs(testdatadir) return testdatdir @property def s(self): return topsrcdir def src(self, name): return os.path.join(self.s, name) def readme(self): f = open(self.src(readme)) text = f.close() return text def mkfile(self, name, content): b = os.path.dirname(name) if not os.path.isdir(b): os.makedirs(b) f = open(name, "w") f.write(content) f.close() def bins(self, name): if name == "unzip": return unzip if name == "mkzip": return mkzip exe = os.path.join("..", "bins", name) if exeext: exe += exeext return exe def gentext(self, size): random.seed(1234567891234567890) result = StringIO() old1 = '' old2 = '' for i in xrange(size): while True: x = random.choice(" abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\n") if x == old1 or x == old2: continue old1 = old2 old2 = x break result.write(x) return result.getvalue() ################################################################ def test_100_make_test0_zip(self): """ create a for later tests using standard 'zip' It will fall back to a variant in the source code if 'zip' is not installed on the build host. The content is just the README file that we can check for equality later on. """ zipfile="" tmpdir="test0.tmp" exe=self.bins("mkzip") filename = os.path.join(tmpdir,"README") filetext = self.readme() self.mkfile(filename, filetext) shell("{exe} ../{zipfile} README".format(**locals()), cwd=tmpdir) self.assertGreater(os.path.getsize(zipfile), 10) def test_101_make_test1_zip(self): """ create a for later tests using standard 'zip' It will fall back to a variant in the source code if 'zip' is not installed on the build host. The archive has 10 generic files that we can check for their content later. """ zipfile="" tmpdir="test1.tmp" exe=self.bins("mkzip") for i in [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9]: filename = os.path.join(tmpdir,"file.%i" % i) filetext = "file-%i\n" % i self.mkfile(filename, filetext) filename = os.path.join(tmpdir,"README") filetext = self.readme() self.mkfile(filename, filetext) shell("{exe} ../{zipfile} ??*.* README".format(**locals()), cwd=tmpdir) self.assertGreater(os.path.getsize(zipfile), 10) def test_102_make_test2_zip(self): """ create a for later tests using standard 'zip' It will NOT fall back to a variant in the source code. The archive has 100 generic files with known content. """ zipfile="" tmpdir="test2.tmp" exe=self.bins("mkzip") for i in xrange(100): filename = os.path.join(tmpdir,"file.%02i" % i) filetext = "file-%02i\n" % i self.mkfile(filename, filetext) filename = os.path.join(tmpdir,"README") filetext = self.readme() self.mkfile(filename, filetext) shell("{exe} ../{zipfile} ??*.* README".format(**locals()), cwd=tmpdir) self.assertGreater(os.path.getsize(zipfile), 10) def test_103_make_test3_zip(self): """ create a for later tests using standard 'zip' It will NOT fall back to a variant in the source code. The archive has 1000 generic files with known content. """ zipfile="" tmpdir="test3.tmp" exe=self.bins("mkzip") for i in xrange(1000): filename = os.path.join(tmpdir,"file.%03i" % i) filetext = "file-%03i\n" % i self.mkfile(filename, filetext) filename = os.path.join(tmpdir,"README") filetext = self.readme() self.mkfile(filename, filetext) shell("{exe} ../{zipfile} ??*.* README".format(**locals()), cwd=tmpdir) self.assertGreater(os.path.getsize(zipfile), 10) def test_104_make_test4_zip(self): """ create a for later tests using standard 'zip' It will NOT fall back to a variant in the source code. The archive has 10000 generic files with known content and they are stored (NOT compressed) in the archive. """ zipfile="" tmpdir="test4.tmp" exe=self.bins("mkzip") for i in xrange(10000): filename = os.path.join(tmpdir,"file%04i.txt" % i) filetext = "file-%04i\n" % i self.mkfile(filename, filetext) filename = os.path.join(tmpdir,"README") filetext = self.readme() self.mkfile(filename, filetext) shell("{exe} -n README ../{zipfile} ??*.* README".format(**locals()), cwd=tmpdir) self.assertGreater(os.path.getsize(zipfile), 1000000) def test_105_make_test5_zip(self): """ create a for later tests using standard 'zip' It will NOT fall back to a variant in the source code. The archive has files at multiple subdirectories depth and of varying sizes each. """ zipfile="" tmpdir="test5.tmp" exe=self.bins("mkzip") for depth in xrange(20): dirpath = "" for i in xrange(depth): if i: dirpath += "subdir%i/" % i for size in xrange(18): size = 2 ** size filetext = self.gentext(size) filepart = "file%i-%i.txt" % (depth, size) filename = os.path.join(tmpdir, dirpath + filepart ) self.mkfile(filename, filetext) filename = os.path.join(tmpdir,"README") filetext = self.readme() self.mkfile(filename, filetext) shell("{exe} ../{zipfile} -r file* subdir* README".format(**locals()), cwd=tmpdir) self.assertGreater(os.path.getsize(zipfile), 1000000) def test_110_make_test0_dat(self): """ create test.dat from with xorcopy """ zipfile = "" datfile = "test0x.dat" exe = self.bins("zzxorcopy") shell("{exe} {zipfile} {datfile}".format(**locals())) self.assertGreater(os.path.getsize(datfile), 10) self.assertEqual(os.path.getsize(datfile), os.path.getsize(zipfile)) def test_111_make_test1_dat(self): """ create test.dat from with xorcopy """ zipfile = "" datfile = "test1x.dat" exe = self.bins("zzxorcopy") shell("{exe} {zipfile} {datfile}".format(**locals())) self.assertGreater(os.path.getsize(datfile), 10) self.assertEqual(os.path.getsize(datfile), os.path.getsize(zipfile)) def test_112_make_test2_dat(self): """ create test.dat from with xorcopy """ zipfile = "" datfile = "test2x.dat" exe = self.bins("zzxorcopy") shell("{exe} {zipfile} {datfile}".format(**locals())) self.assertGreater(os.path.getsize(datfile), 10) self.assertEqual(os.path.getsize(datfile), os.path.getsize(zipfile)) def test_113_make_test3_dat(self): """ create test.dat from with xorcopy """ zipfile = "" datfile = "test3x.dat" exe = self.bins("zzxorcopy") shell("{exe} {zipfile} {datfile}".format(**locals())) self.assertGreater(os.path.getsize(datfile), 10) self.assertEqual(os.path.getsize(datfile), os.path.getsize(zipfile)) def test_114_make_test4_dat(self): """ create test.dat from with xorcopy """ zipfile = "" datfile = "test4x.dat" exe = self.bins("zzxorcopy") shell("{exe} {zipfile} {datfile}".format(**locals())) self.assertGreater(os.path.getsize(datfile), 10) self.assertEqual(os.path.getsize(datfile), os.path.getsize(zipfile)) def test_200_zziptest_test0_zip(self): """ run zziptest on """ zipfile = "" logfile = "test0.log" exe = self.bins("zziptest") shell("{exe} --quick {zipfile} | tee {logfile}".format(**locals())) self.assertGreater(os.path.getsize(logfile), 10) def test_201_zziptest_test1_zip(self): """ run zziptest on """ zipfile = "" logfile = "test1.log" exe = self.bins("zziptest") shell("{exe} --quick {zipfile} | tee {logfile}".format(**locals())) self.assertGreater(os.path.getsize(logfile), 10) def test_202_zziptest_test2_zip(self): """ run zziptest on """ zipfile = "" logfile = "test2.log" exe = self.bins("zziptest") shell("{exe} --quick {zipfile} | tee {logfile}".format(**locals())) self.assertGreater(os.path.getsize(logfile), 10) def test_203_zziptest_test3_zip(self): """ run zziptest on """ zipfile = "" logfile = "test3.log" exe = self.bins("zziptest") shell("{exe} --quick {zipfile} | tee {logfile}".format(**locals())) self.assertGreater(os.path.getsize(logfile), 10) def test_204_zziptest_test4_zip(self): """ run zziptest on """ zipfile = "" logfile = "test4.log" exe = self.bins("zziptest") shell("{exe} --quick {zipfile} | tee {logfile}".format(**locals())) self.assertGreater(os.path.getsize(logfile), 10) def test_210_zzcat_test0_zip(self): """ run zzcat on using just test/README """ zipfile = "" getfile = "test0/README" logfile = "test0.readme.txt" exe = self.bins("zzcat") run = shell("{exe} {getfile} | tee {logfile}".format(**locals())) self.assertGreater(os.path.getsize(logfile), 10) self.assertEqual(run.output.split("\n"), self.readme().split("\n")) def test_211_zzcat_test1_zip(self): """ run zzcat on using just test/README """ zipfile = "" getfile = "test1/README" logfile = "test1.readme.txt" exe = self.bins("zzcat") run = shell("{exe} {getfile} | tee {logfile}".format(**locals())) self.assertGreater(os.path.getsize(logfile), 10) self.assertEqual(run.output.split("\n"), self.readme().split("\n")) getfile = "test1/file.1" run = shell("{exe} {getfile}".format(**locals())) self.assertEqual("file-1\n", run.output) def test_212_zzcat_test2_zip(self): """ run zzcat on using just test/README """ zipfile = "" getfile = "test2/README" logfile = "test2.readme.txt" exe = self.bins("zzcat") run = shell("{exe} {getfile} | tee {logfile}".format(**locals())) self.assertGreater(os.path.getsize(logfile), 10) self.assertEqual(run.output.split("\n"), self.readme().split("\n")) getfile = "test2/file.22" run = shell("{exe} {getfile}".format(**locals())) self.assertEqual("file-22\n", run.output) def test_213_zzcat_test3_zip(self): """ run zzcat on using just test/README """ zipfile = "" getfile = "test3/README" logfile = "test3.readme.txt" exe = self.bins("zzcat") run = shell("{exe} {getfile} | tee {logfile}".format(**locals())) self.assertGreater(os.path.getsize(logfile), 10) self.assertEqual(run.output.split("\n"), self.readme().split("\n")) getfile = "test3/file.999" run = shell("{exe} {getfile}".format(**locals())) self.assertEqual("file-999\n", run.output) def test_214_zzcat_test4_zip(self): """ run zzcat on using just test/README """ zipfile = "" getfile = "test4/README" logfile = "test4.readme.txt" exe = self.bins("zzcat") run = shell("{exe} {getfile} | tee {logfile}".format(**locals())) self.assertGreater(os.path.getsize(logfile), 10) self.assertEqual(run.output.split("\n"), self.readme().split("\n")) getfile = "test4/file9999.txt" run = shell("{exe} {getfile}".format(**locals())) self.assertEqual("file-9999\n", run.output) def test_220_zzdir_test0_zip(self): """ run zzdir on using just 'test0' """ zipfile = "" getfile = "test0" exe = self.bins("zzdir") run = shell("{exe} {getfile} ".format(**locals())) self.assertIn(' README\n', run.output) self.assertIn(' defl:N ', run.output) self.assertLess(len(run.output), 30) def test_221_zzdir_test1_zip(self): """ run zzdir on using just 'test1' """ zipfile = "" getfile = "test1" exe = self.bins("zzdir") run = shell("{exe} {getfile} ".format(**locals())) self.assertIn(' file.1\n', run.output) self.assertIn(' file.2\n', run.output) self.assertIn(' file.9\n', run.output) self.assertIn(' README\n', run.output) self.assertIn(' defl:N ', run.output) self.assertIn(' stored ', run.output) def test_222_zzdir_test2_zip(self): """ run zzdir on using just 'test2' """ zipfile = "" getfile = "test2" exe = self.bins("zzdir") run = shell("{exe} {getfile} ".format(**locals())) self.assertIn(' file.01\n', run.output) self.assertIn(' file.22\n', run.output) self.assertIn(' file.99\n', run.output) self.assertIn(' defl:N ', run.output) self.assertIn(' stored ', run.output) def test_223_zzdir_test3_zip(self): """ run zzdir on using just 'test3' """ zipfile = "" getfile = "test3" exe = self.bins("zzdir") run = shell("{exe} {getfile} ".format(**locals())) self.assertIn(' file.001\n', run.output) self.assertIn(' file.222\n', run.output) self.assertIn(' file.999\n', run.output) self.assertIn(' defl:N ', run.output) self.assertIn(' stored ', run.output) def test_224_zzdir_test4_zip(self): """ run zzdir on using just 'test4' """ zipfile = "" getfile = "test4" exe = self.bins("zzdir") run = shell("{exe} {getfile} ".format(**locals())) self.assertIn(' file0001.txt\n', run.output) self.assertIn(' file2222.txt\n', run.output) self.assertIn(' file9999.txt\n', run.output) self.assertNotIn(' defl:N ', run.output) self.assertIn(' stored ', run.output) def test_320_zzxordir_test0_dat(self): """ run zzxordir on test0x.dat """ zipfile = "test0x.dat" getfile = "test0x.dat" exe = self.bins("zzdir") run = shell("{exe} {getfile} ".format(**locals()), returncodes = [0,1]) self.assertEqual(run.returncode, 1) self.assertEqual("", run.output) self.assertIn("did not open test", run.errors) exe = self.bins("zzxordir") run = shell("{exe} {getfile} ".format(**locals())) self.assertIn(' README\n', run.output) self.assertIn(' defl:N ', run.output) self.assertLess(len(run.output), 30) def test_321_zzxordir_test1_dat(self): """ run zzxordir on test1x.dat using just 'test1x' """ zipfile = "test1x.dat" getfile = "test1x.dat" exe = self.bins("zzdir") run = shell("{exe} {getfile} ".format(**locals()), returncodes = [0,1]) self.assertEqual(run.returncode, 1) self.assertEqual("", run.output) self.assertIn("did not open test", run.errors) exe = self.bins("zzxordir") run = shell("{exe} {getfile} ".format(**locals())) self.assertIn(' file.1\n', run.output) self.assertIn(' file.2\n', run.output) self.assertIn(' file.9\n', run.output) self.assertIn(' README\n', run.output) self.assertIn(' defl:N ', run.output) self.assertIn(' stored ', run.output) def test_322_zzxordir_test2_dat(self): """ run zzxordir on test2x.dat using just 'test2x' """ zipfile = "test2x.dat" getfile = "test2x" exe = self.bins("zzdir") run = shell("{exe} {getfile} ".format(**locals()), returncodes = [0,1]) self.assertEqual(run.returncode, 1) self.assertEqual("", run.output) self.assertIn("did not open test", run.errors) exe = self.bins("zzxordir") run = shell("{exe} {getfile} ".format(**locals())) self.assertIn(' file.01\n', run.output) self.assertIn(' file.22\n', run.output) self.assertIn(' file.99\n', run.output) self.assertIn(' defl:N ', run.output) self.assertIn(' stored ', run.output) def test_323_zzxordir_test3_dat(self): """ run zzxordir on test3x.dat using just 'test3x' """ zipfile = "test3x.dat" getfile = "test3x" exe = self.bins("zzdir") run = shell("{exe} {getfile} ".format(**locals()), returncodes = [0,1]) self.assertEqual(run.returncode, 1) self.assertEqual("", run.output) self.assertIn("did not open test", run.errors) exe = self.bins("zzxordir") run = shell("{exe} {getfile} ".format(**locals())) self.assertIn(' file.001\n', run.output) self.assertIn(' file.222\n', run.output) self.assertIn(' file.999\n', run.output) self.assertIn(' defl:N ', run.output) self.assertIn(' stored ', run.output) def test_324_zzxordir_test4_zip(self): """ run zzxordir on test4x.dat using just 'test4x' """ zipfile = "test4x.dat" getfile = "test4x" exe = self.bins("zzdir") run = shell("{exe} {getfile} ".format(**locals()), returncodes = [0,1]) self.assertEqual(run.returncode, 1) self.assertEqual("", run.output) self.assertIn("did not open test", run.errors) exe = self.bins("zzxordir") run = shell("{exe} {getfile} ".format(**locals())) self.assertIn(' file0001.txt\n', run.output) self.assertIn(' file2222.txt\n', run.output) self.assertIn(' file9999.txt\n', run.output) self.assertNotIn(' defl:N ', run.output) self.assertIn(' stored ', run.output) def test_340_zzxorcat_test0_zip(self): """ run zzxorcat on using just testx/README """ getfile = "test0x/README" logfile = "test0x.readme.txt" exe = self.bins("zzcat") run = shell("{exe} {getfile} ".format(**locals()), lang="C") self.assertEqual("", run.output) self.assertIn("No such file or directory", run.errors) exe = self.bins("zzxorcat") run = shell("{exe} {getfile} | tee {logfile}".format(**locals())) self.assertGreater(os.path.getsize(logfile), 10) self.assertEqual(run.output.split("\n"), self.readme().split("\n")) def test_341_zzxorcat_test1_zip(self): """ run zzxorcat on using just testx/README """ getfile = "test1x/README" logfile = "test1x.readme.txt" exe = self.bins("zzcat") run = shell("{exe} {getfile} ".format(**locals()), lang="C") self.assertEqual("", run.output) self.assertIn("No such file or directory", run.errors) exe = self.bins("zzxorcat") run = shell("{exe} {getfile} | tee {logfile}".format(**locals())) self.assertGreater(os.path.getsize(logfile), 10) self.assertEqual(run.output.split("\n"), self.readme().split("\n")) getfile = "test1x/file.1" run = shell("{exe} {getfile}".format(**locals())) self.assertEqual("file-1\n", run.output) def test_342_zzxorcat_test2_zip(self): """ run zzxorcat on using just testx/README """ getfile = "test2x/README" logfile = "test2x.readme.txt" exe = self.bins("zzcat") run = shell("{exe} {getfile} ".format(**locals()), lang="C") self.assertEqual("", run.output) self.assertIn("No such file or directory", run.errors) exe = self.bins("zzxorcat") run = shell("{exe} {getfile} | tee {logfile}".format(**locals())) self.assertGreater(os.path.getsize(logfile), 10) self.assertEqual(run.output.split("\n"), self.readme().split("\n")) getfile = "test2x/file.22" run = shell("{exe} {getfile}".format(**locals())) self.assertEqual("file-22\n", run.output) def test_343_zzxorcat_test3_zip(self): """ run zzxorcat on using just testx/README """ getfile = "test3x/README" logfile = "test3x.readme.txt" exe = self.bins("zzcat") run = shell("{exe} {getfile} ".format(**locals()), lang="C") self.assertEqual("", run.output) self.assertIn("No such file or directory", run.errors) exe = self.bins("zzxorcat") run = shell("{exe} {getfile} | tee {logfile}".format(**locals())) self.assertGreater(os.path.getsize(logfile), 10) self.assertEqual(run.output.split("\n"), self.readme().split("\n")) getfile = "test3x/file.999" run = shell("{exe} {getfile}".format(**locals())) self.assertEqual("file-999\n", run.output) def test_344_zzxorcat_test4_zip(self): """ run zzxorcat on using just testx/README """ getfile = "test4x/README" logfile = "test4x.readme.txt" exe = self.bins("zzxorcat") run = shell("{exe} {getfile} | tee {logfile}".format(**locals())) self.assertGreater(os.path.getsize(logfile), 10) self.assertEqual(run.output.split("\n"), self.readme().split("\n")) getfile = "test4x/file9999.txt" run = shell("{exe} {getfile}".format(**locals())) self.assertEqual("file-9999\n", run.output) ##################################################################### # check unzzip ##################################################################### def test_400_infozip_cat_test0_zip(self): """ run inzo-zip cat using just archive README """ zipfile = "" getfile = "README" logfile = "" exe = self.bins("unzip") run = shell("{exe} -p {zipfile} {getfile} | tee {logfile}".format(**locals())) self.assertGreater(os.path.getsize(logfile), 10) self.assertEqual(run.output.split("\n"), self.readme().split("\n")) def test_401_infozip_cat_test1_zip(self): """ run info-zip cat using just archive README """ zipfile = "" getfile = "README" logfile = "" exe = self.bins("unzip") run = shell("{exe} -p {zipfile} {getfile} | tee {logfile}".format(**locals())) self.assertGreater(os.path.getsize(logfile), 10) self.assertEqual(run.output.split("\n"), self.readme().split("\n")) getfile = "file.1" run = shell("{exe} -p {zipfile} {getfile}".format(**locals())) self.assertEqual("file-1\n", run.output) def test_402_infozip_cat_test2_zip(self): """ run info-zip cat using just archive README """ zipfile = "" getfile = "README" logfile = "" exe = self.bins("unzip") run = shell("{exe} -p {zipfile} {getfile} | tee {logfile}".format(**locals())) self.assertGreater(os.path.getsize(logfile), 10) self.assertEqual(run.output.split("\n"), self.readme().split("\n")) getfile = "file.22" run = shell("{exe} -p {zipfile} {getfile}".format(**locals())) self.assertEqual("file-22\n", run.output) def test_405_zzcat_big_test5_zip(self): """ run info-zip cat using archive README """ zipfile = "" getfile = "README" logfile = "" exe = self.bins("unzip") run = shell("{exe} -p {zipfile} {getfile} | tee {logfile}".format(**locals())) self.assertGreater(os.path.getsize(logfile), 10) self.assertEqual(run.output.split("\n"), self.readme().split("\n")) getfile = "subdir1/subdir2/subdir3/subdir4/subdir5/subdir6/file7-1024.txt" compare = self.gentext(1024) run = shell("{exe} -p {zipfile} {getfile}".format(**locals())) self.assertEqual(compare, run.output) def test_410_zzcat_big_test0_zip(self): """ run zzcat-big on using just archive README """ zipfile = "" getfile = "README" logfile = "test0.readme.big.txt" exe = self.bins("unzzip-big") run = shell("{exe} -p {zipfile} {getfile} | tee {logfile}".format(**locals())) self.assertGreater(os.path.getsize(logfile), 10) self.assertEqual(run.output.split("\n"), self.readme().split("\n")) def test_411_zzcat_big_test1_zip(self): """ run zzcat-big on using just archive README """ zipfile = "" getfile = "README" logfile = "test1.readme.big.txt" exe = self.bins("unzzip-big") run = shell("{exe} -p {zipfile} {getfile} | tee {logfile}".format(**locals())) self.assertGreater(os.path.getsize(logfile), 10) self.assertEqual(run.output.split("\n"), self.readme().split("\n")) getfile = "file.1" run = shell("{exe} -p {zipfile} {getfile}".format(**locals())) self.assertEqual("file-1\n", run.output) def test_412_zzcat_big_test2_zip(self): """ run zzcat-seeke on using just archive README """ zipfile = "" getfile = "README" logfile = "test2.readme.big.txt" exe = self.bins("unzzip-big") run = shell("{exe} -p {zipfile} {getfile} | tee {logfile}".format(**locals())) self.assertGreater(os.path.getsize(logfile), 10) self.assertEqual(run.output.split("\n"), self.readme().split("\n")) getfile = "file.22" run = shell("{exe} -p {zipfile} {getfile}".format(**locals())) self.assertEqual("file-22\n", run.output) def test_415_zzcat_big_test5_zip(self): """ run zzcat-big on using archive README """ zipfile = "" getfile = "README" logfile = "test5.readme.zap.txt" exe = self.bins("unzzip-big") run = shell("{exe} -p {zipfile} {getfile} | tee {logfile}".format(**locals())) self.assertGreater(os.path.getsize(logfile), 10) self.assertEqual(run.output.split("\n"), self.readme().split("\n")) getfile = "subdir1/subdir2/subdir3/subdir4/subdir5/subdir6/file7-1024.txt" compare = self.gentext(1024) run = shell("{exe} -p {zipfile} {getfile}".format(**locals())) self.assertEqual(compare, run.output) def test_420_zzcat_mem_test0_zip(self): """ run zzcat-mem on using just archive README """ zipfile = "" getfile = "README" logfile = "test0.readme.mem.txt" exe = self.bins("unzzip-mem") run = shell("{exe} -p {zipfile} {getfile} | tee {logfile}".format(**locals())) self.assertGreater(os.path.getsize(logfile), 10) self.assertEqual(run.output.split("\n"), self.readme().split("\n")) def test_421_zzcat_mem_test1_zip(self): """ run zzcat-mem on using archive README """ zipfile = "" getfile = "README" logfile = "test1.readme.mem.txt" exe = self.bins("unzzip-mem") run = shell("{exe} -p {zipfile} {getfile} | tee {logfile}".format(**locals())) self.assertGreater(os.path.getsize(logfile), 10) self.assertEqual(run.output.split("\n"), self.readme().split("\n")) getfile = "file.1" run = shell("{exe} -p {zipfile} {getfile} | tee {logfile}".format(**locals())) self.assertEqual("file-1\n", run.output) def test_422_zzcat_mem_test2_zip(self): """ run zzcat-mem on using archive README """ zipfile = "" getfile = "README" logfile = "test2.readme.mem.txt" exe = self.bins("unzzip-mem") run = shell("{exe} -p {zipfile} {getfile} | tee {logfile}".format(**locals())) self.assertGreater(os.path.getsize(logfile), 10) self.assertEqual(run.output.split("\n"), self.readme().split("\n")) getfile = "file.22" run = shell("{exe} -p {zipfile} {getfile}".format(**locals())) self.assertEqual("file-22\n", run.output) def test_423_zzcat_mem_test3_zip(self): """ run zzcat-mem on using archive README """ zipfile = "" getfile = "README" logfile = "test3.readme.mem.txt" exe = self.bins("unzzip-mem") run = shell("{exe} -p {zipfile} {getfile} | tee {logfile}".format(**locals())) self.assertGreater(os.path.getsize(logfile), 10) self.assertEqual(run.output.split("\n"), self.readme().split("\n")) getfile = "file.999" run = shell("{exe} -p {zipfile} {getfile}".format(**locals())) self.assertEqual("file-999\n", run.output) def test_424_zzcat_mem_test4_zip(self): """ run zzcat-mem on using archive README """ zipfile = "" getfile = "README" logfile = "test4.readme.mem.txt" exe = self.bins("unzzip-mem") run = shell("{exe} -p {zipfile} {getfile} | tee {logfile}".format(**locals())) self.assertGreater(os.path.getsize(logfile), 10) self.assertEqual(run.output.split("\n"), self.readme().split("\n")) getfile = "file9999.txt" run = shell("{exe} -p {zipfile} {getfile}".format(**locals())) self.assertEqual("file-9999\n", run.output) def test_425_zzcat_mem_test5_zip(self): """ run zzcat-mem on using archive README """ zipfile = "" getfile = "README" logfile = "test5.readme.zap.txt" exe = self.bins("unzzip-mem") run = shell("{exe} -p {zipfile} {getfile} | tee {logfile}".format(**locals())) self.assertGreater(os.path.getsize(logfile), 10) self.assertEqual(run.output.split("\n"), self.readme().split("\n")) getfile = "subdir1/subdir2/subdir3/subdir4/subdir5/subdir6/file7-1024.txt" compare = self.gentext(1024) run = shell("{exe} -p {zipfile} {getfile}".format(**locals())) self.assertEqual(compare, run.output) def test_430_zzcat_mix_test0_zip(self): """ run zzcat-mix on using just archive README """ zipfile = "" getfile = "README" logfile = "test0.readme.mix.txt" exe = self.bins("unzzip-mix") run = shell("{exe} -p {zipfile} {getfile} | tee {logfile}".format(**locals())) self.assertGreater(os.path.getsize(logfile), 10) self.assertEqual(run.output.split("\n"), self.readme().split("\n")) def test_431_zzcat_mix_test1_zip(self): """ run zzcat-mix on using archive README """ zipfile = "" getfile = "README" logfile = "test1.readme.mix.txt" exe = self.bins("unzzip-mix") run = shell("{exe} -p {zipfile} {getfile} | tee {logfile}".format(**locals())) self.assertGreater(os.path.getsize(logfile), 10) self.assertEqual(run.output.split("\n"), self.readme().split("\n")) getfile = "file.1" run = shell("{exe} -p {zipfile} {getfile} | tee {logfile}".format(**locals())) self.assertEqual("file-1\n", run.output) def test_432_zzcat_mix_test2_zip(self): """ run zzcat-mix on using archive README """ zipfile = "" getfile = "README" logfile = "test2.readme.mix.txt" exe = self.bins("unzzip-mix") run = shell("{exe} -p {zipfile} {getfile} | tee {logfile}".format(**locals())) self.assertGreater(os.path.getsize(logfile), 10) self.assertEqual(run.output.split("\n"), self.readme().split("\n")) getfile = "file.22" run = shell("{exe} -p {zipfile} {getfile}".format(**locals())) self.assertEqual("file-22\n", run.output) def test_433_zzcat_mix_test3_zip(self): """ run zzcat-mix on using archive README """ zipfile = "" getfile = "README" logfile = "test3.readme.mix.txt" exe = self.bins("unzzip-mix") run = shell("{exe} -p {zipfile} {getfile} | tee {logfile}".format(**locals())) self.assertGreater(os.path.getsize(logfile), 10) self.assertEqual(run.output.split("\n"), self.readme().split("\n")) getfile = "file.999" run = shell("{exe} -p {zipfile} {getfile}".format(**locals())) self.assertEqual("file-999\n", run.output) def test_434_zzcat_mix_test4_zip(self): """ run zzcat-mix on using archive README """ zipfile = "" getfile = "README" logfile = "test4.readme.mix.txt" exe = self.bins("unzzip-mix") run = shell("{exe} -p {zipfile} {getfile} | tee {logfile}".format(**locals())) self.assertGreater(os.path.getsize(logfile), 10) self.assertEqual(run.output.split("\n"), self.readme().split("\n")) getfile = "file9999.txt" run = shell("{exe} -p {zipfile} {getfile}".format(**locals())) self.assertEqual("file-9999\n", run.output) def test_435_zzcat_mix_test5_zip(self): """ run zzcat-mix on using archive README """ zipfile = "" getfile = "README" logfile = "test5.readme.zap.txt" exe = self.bins("unzzip-mix") run = shell("{exe} -p {zipfile} {getfile} | tee {logfile}".format(**locals())) self.assertGreater(os.path.getsize(logfile), 10) self.assertEqual(run.output.split("\n"), self.readme().split("\n")) getfile = "subdir1/subdir2/subdir3/subdir4/subdir5/subdir6/file7-1024.txt" compare = self.gentext(1024) run = shell("{exe} -p {zipfile} {getfile}".format(**locals())) self.assertEqual(compare, run.output) def test_440_zzcat_zap_test0_zip(self): """ run zzcat-zap on using just archive README """ zipfile = "" getfile = "README" logfile = "test0.readme.txt" exe = self.bins("unzzip") run = shell("{exe} -p {zipfile} {getfile} | tee {logfile}".format(**locals())) self.assertGreater(os.path.getsize(logfile), 10) self.assertEqual(run.output.split("\n"), self.readme().split("\n")) def test_441_zzcat_zap_test1_zip(self): """ run zzcat-zap on using archive README """ zipfile = "" getfile = "README" logfile = "test1.readme.zap.txt" exe = self.bins("unzzip") run = shell("{exe} -p {zipfile} {getfile} | tee {logfile}".format(**locals())) self.assertGreater(os.path.getsize(logfile), 10) self.assertEqual(run.output.split("\n"), self.readme().split("\n")) getfile = "file.1" run = shell("{exe} -p {zipfile} {getfile} | tee {logfile}".format(**locals())) self.assertEqual("file-1\n", run.output) def test_442_zzcat_zap_test2_zip(self): """ run zzcat-zap on using archive README """ zipfile = "" getfile = "README" logfile = "test2.readme.zap.txt" exe = self.bins("unzzip") run = shell("{exe} -p {zipfile} {getfile} | tee {logfile}".format(**locals())) self.assertGreater(os.path.getsize(logfile), 10) self.assertEqual(run.output.split("\n"), self.readme().split("\n")) getfile = "file.22" run = shell("{exe} -p {zipfile} {getfile}".format(**locals())) self.assertEqual("file-22\n", run.output) def test_443_zzcat_zap_test3_zip(self): """ run zzcat-zap on using archive README """ zipfile = "" getfile = "README" logfile = "test3.readme.zap.txt" exe = self.bins("unzzip") run = shell("{exe} -p {zipfile} {getfile} | tee {logfile}".format(**locals())) self.assertGreater(os.path.getsize(logfile), 10) self.assertEqual(run.output.split("\n"), self.readme().split("\n")) getfile = "file.999" run = shell("{exe} -p {zipfile} {getfile}".format(**locals())) self.assertEqual("file-999\n", run.output) def test_444_zzcat_zap_test4_zip(self): """ run zzcat-zap on using archive README """ zipfile = "" getfile = "README" logfile = "test4.readme.zap.txt" exe = self.bins("unzzip") run = shell("{exe} -p {zipfile} {getfile} | tee {logfile}".format(**locals())) self.assertGreater(os.path.getsize(logfile), 10) self.assertEqual(run.output.split("\n"), self.readme().split("\n")) getfile = "file9999.txt" run = shell("{exe} -p {zipfile} {getfile}".format(**locals())) self.assertEqual("file-9999\n", run.output) def test_445_zzcat_zap_test5_zip(self): """ run zzcat-zap on using archive README """ zipfile = "" getfile = "README" logfile = "test5.readme.zap.txt" exe = self.bins("unzzip") run = shell("{exe} -p {zipfile} {getfile} | tee {logfile}".format(**locals())) self.assertGreater(os.path.getsize(logfile), 10) self.assertEqual(run.output.split("\n"), self.readme().split("\n")) getfile = "subdir1/subdir2/subdir3/subdir4/subdir5/subdir6/file7-1024.txt" compare = self.gentext(1024) run = shell("{exe} -p {zipfile} {getfile}".format(**locals())) self.assertEqual(compare, run.output) def test_500_infozipdir_test0_zip(self): """ run info-zip dir """ zipfile = "" getfile = "" exe = self.bins("unzip") run = shell("{exe} -l {getfile} ".format(**locals())) self.assertIn(' README\n', run.output) self.assertLess(len(run.output), 230) def test_501_infozipdir_test1_zip(self): """ run info-zip dir """ zipfile = "" getfile = "" exe = self.bins("unzip") run = shell("{exe} -l {getfile} ".format(**locals())) self.assertIn(' file.1\n', run.output) self.assertIn(' file.2\n', run.output) self.assertIn(' file.9\n', run.output) self.assertIn(' README\n', run.output) def test_502_infozipdir_big_test2_zip(self): """ run info-zip dir """ zipfile = "" getfile = "" exe = self.bins("unzip") run = shell("{exe} -l {getfile} ".format(**locals())) self.assertIn(' file.01\n', run.output) self.assertIn(' file.22\n', run.output) self.assertIn(' file.99\n', run.output) def test_503_infozipdir_big_test3_zip(self): """ run info-zip dir """ zipfile = "" getfile = "" exe = self.bins("unzip") run = shell("{exe} -l {getfile} ".format(**locals())) self.assertIn(' file.001\n', run.output) self.assertIn(' file.222\n', run.output) self.assertIn(' file.999\n', run.output) def test_504_infozipdir_big_test4_zip(self): """ run info-zip dir """ zipfile = "" getfile = "" exe = self.bins("unzip") run = shell("{exe} -l {getfile} ".format(**locals())) self.assertIn(' file0001.txt\n', run.output) self.assertIn(' file2222.txt\n', run.output) self.assertIn(' file9999.txt\n', run.output) def test_505_infozipdir_big_test5_zip(self): """ run info-zip dir on """ zipfile = "" getfile = "" exe = self.bins("unzzip-mix") run = shell("{exe} -v {getfile} ".format(**locals())) self.assertIn('/subdir14/file15-128.txt\n', run.output) self.assertIn('/subdir5/subdir6/', run.output) self.assertIn(' defl:N ', run.output) self.assertIn(' stored ', run.output) def test_510_zzdir_big_test0_zip(self): """ run zzdir-big on """ zipfile = "" getfile = "" exe = self.bins("unzzip-big") run = shell("{exe} -l {getfile} ".format(**locals())) self.assertIn(' README\n', run.output) self.assertLess(len(run.output), 30) def test_511_zzdir_big_test1_zip(self): """ run zzdir-big on """ zipfile = "" getfile = "" exe = self.bins("unzzip-big") run = shell("{exe} -l {getfile} ".format(**locals())) self.assertIn(' file.1\n', run.output) self.assertIn(' file.2\n', run.output) self.assertIn(' file.9\n', run.output) self.assertIn(' README\n', run.output) def test_512_zzdir_big_test2_zip(self): """ run zzdir-big on """ zipfile = "" getfile = "" exe = self.bins("unzzip-big") run = shell("{exe} -l {getfile} ".format(**locals())) self.assertIn(' file.01\n', run.output) self.assertIn(' file.22\n', run.output) self.assertIn(' file.99\n', run.output) def test_513_zzdir_big_test3_zip(self): """ run zzdir-big on """ zipfile = "" getfile = "" exe = self.bins("unzzip-big") run = shell("{exe} -l {getfile} ".format(**locals())) self.assertIn(' file.001\n', run.output) self.assertIn(' file.222\n', run.output) self.assertIn(' file.999\n', run.output) def test_514_zzdir_big_test4_zip(self): """ run zzdir-big on """ zipfile = "" getfile = "" exe = self.bins("unzzip-big") run = shell("{exe} -l {getfile} ".format(**locals())) self.assertIn(' file0001.txt\n', run.output) self.assertIn(' file2222.txt\n', run.output) self.assertIn(' file9999.txt\n', run.output) def test_515_zzdir_big_test5_zip(self): """ run zzdir-big on """ zipfile = "" getfile = "" exe = self.bins("unzzip-mix") run = shell("{exe} -v {getfile} ".format(**locals())) self.assertIn('/subdir14/file15-128.txt\n', run.output) self.assertIn('/subdir5/subdir6/', run.output) self.assertIn(' defl:N ', run.output) self.assertIn(' stored ', run.output) def test_520_zzdir_mem_test0_zip(self): """ run zzdir-mem on """ zipfile = "" getfile = "" exe = self.bins("unzzip-mem") run = shell("{exe} -v {getfile} ".format(**locals())) self.assertIn(' README\n', run.output) self.assertIn(' defl:N ', run.output) self.assertLess(len(run.output), 30) def test_521_zzdir_mem_test1_zip(self): """ run zzdir-mem on """ zipfile = "" getfile = "" exe = self.bins("unzzip-mem") run = shell("{exe} -v {getfile} ".format(**locals())) self.assertIn(' file.1\n', run.output) self.assertIn(' file.2\n', run.output) self.assertIn(' file.9\n', run.output) self.assertIn(' README\n', run.output) self.assertIn(' defl:N ', run.output) self.assertIn(' stored ', run.output) def test_522_zzdir_mem_test2_zip(self): """ run zzdir-mem on """ zipfile = "" getfile = "" exe = self.bins("unzzip-mem") run = shell("{exe} -v {getfile} ".format(**locals())) self.assertIn(' file.01\n', run.output) self.assertIn(' file.22\n', run.output) self.assertIn(' file.99\n', run.output) self.assertIn(' defl:N ', run.output) self.assertIn(' stored ', run.output) def test_523_zzdir_mem_test3_zip(self): """ run zzdir-mem on """ zipfile = "" getfile = "" exe = self.bins("unzzip-mem") run = shell("{exe} -v {getfile} ".format(**locals())) self.assertIn(' file.001\n', run.output) self.assertIn(' file.222\n', run.output) self.assertIn(' file.999\n', run.output) self.assertIn(' defl:N ', run.output) self.assertIn(' stored ', run.output) def test_524_zzdir_mem_test4_zip(self): """ run zzdir-mem on """ zipfile = "" getfile = "" exe = self.bins("unzzip-mem") run = shell("{exe} -v {getfile} ".format(**locals())) self.assertIn(' file0001.txt\n', run.output) self.assertIn(' file2222.txt\n', run.output) self.assertIn(' file9999.txt\n', run.output) self.assertNotIn(' defl:N ', run.output) self.assertIn(' stored ', run.output) def test_525_zzdir_mem_test5_zip(self): """ run zzdir-mem on """ zipfile = "" getfile = "" exe = self.bins("unzzip-mix") run = shell("{exe} -v {getfile} ".format(**locals())) self.assertIn('/subdir14/file15-128.txt\n', run.output) self.assertIn('/subdir5/subdir6/', run.output) self.assertIn(' defl:N ', run.output) self.assertIn(' stored ', run.output) def test_530_zzdir_mix_test0_zip(self): """ run zzdir-mix on """ # self.skipTest("todo") zipfile = "" getfile = "" exe = self.bins("unzzip-mix") run = shell("{exe} -v {getfile} ".format(**locals())) self.assertIn(' README\n', run.output) self.assertIn(' defl:N ', run.output) self.assertLess(len(run.output), 30) def test_531_zzdir_mix_test1_zip(self): """ run zzdir-mix on """ zipfile = "" getfile = "" exe = self.bins("unzzip-mix") run = shell("{exe} -v {getfile} ".format(**locals())) self.assertIn(' file.1\n', run.output) self.assertIn(' file.2\n', run.output) self.assertIn(' file.9\n', run.output) self.assertIn(' README\n', run.output) self.assertIn(' defl:N ', run.output) self.assertIn(' stored ', run.output) def test_532_zzdir_mix_test2_zip(self): """ run zzdir-mix on """ zipfile = "" getfile = "" exe = self.bins("unzzip-mix") run = shell("{exe} -v {getfile} ".format(**locals())) self.assertIn(' file.01\n', run.output) self.assertIn(' file.22\n', run.output) self.assertIn(' file.99\n', run.output) self.assertIn(' defl:N ', run.output) self.assertIn(' stored ', run.output) def test_533_zzdir_mix_test3_zip(self): """ run zzdir-mix on """ zipfile = "" getfile = "" exe = self.bins("unzzip-mix") run = shell("{exe} -v {getfile} ".format(**locals())) self.assertIn(' file.001\n', run.output) self.assertIn(' file.222\n', run.output) self.assertIn(' file.999\n', run.output) self.assertIn(' defl:N ', run.output) self.assertIn(' stored ', run.output) def test_534_zzdir_mix_test4_zip(self): """ run zzdir-mix on """ zipfile = "" getfile = "" exe = self.bins("unzzip-mix") run = shell("{exe} -v {getfile} ".format(**locals())) self.assertIn(' file0001.txt\n', run.output) self.assertIn(' file2222.txt\n', run.output) self.assertIn(' file9999.txt\n', run.output) self.assertNotIn(' defl:N ', run.output) self.assertIn(' stored ', run.output) def test_535_zzdir_mix_test5_zip(self): """ run zzdir-mix on """ zipfile = "" getfile = "" exe = self.bins("unzzip-mix") run = shell("{exe} -v {getfile} ".format(**locals())) self.assertIn('/subdir14/file15-128.txt\n', run.output) self.assertIn('/subdir5/subdir6/', run.output) self.assertIn(' defl:N ', run.output) self.assertIn(' stored ', run.output) def test_540_zzdir_zap_test0_zip(self): """ run zzdir-zap on """ zipfile = "" getfile = "" exe = self.bins("unzzip") run = shell("{exe} -v {getfile} ".format(**locals())) self.assertIn(' README\n', run.output) self.assertIn(' defl:N ', run.output) self.assertLess(len(run.output), 30) def test_541_zzdir_zap_test1_zip(self): """ run zzdir-zap on """ zipfile = "" getfile = "" exe = self.bins("unzzip") run = shell("{exe} -v {getfile} ".format(**locals())) self.assertIn(' file.1\n', run.output) self.assertIn(' file.2\n', run.output) self.assertIn(' file.9\n', run.output) self.assertIn(' README\n', run.output) self.assertIn(' defl:N ', run.output) self.assertIn(' stored ', run.output) def test_542_zzdir_zap_test2_zip(self): """ run zzdir-zap on """ zipfile = "" getfile = "" exe = self.bins("unzzip") run = shell("{exe} -v {getfile} ".format(**locals())) self.assertIn(' file.01\n', run.output) self.assertIn(' file.22\n', run.output) self.assertIn(' file.99\n', run.output) self.assertIn(' defl:N ', run.output) self.assertIn(' stored ', run.output) def test_543_zzdir_zap_test3_zip(self): """ run zzdir-zap on """ zipfile = "" getfile = "" exe = self.bins("unzzip") run = shell("{exe} -v {getfile} ".format(**locals())) self.assertIn(' file.001\n', run.output) self.assertIn(' file.222\n', run.output) self.assertIn(' file.999\n', run.output) self.assertIn(' defl:N ', run.output) self.assertIn(' stored ', run.output) def test_544_zzdir_zap_test4_zip(self): """ run zzdir-zap on """ zipfile = "" getfile = "" exe = self.bins("unzzip") run = shell("{exe} -v {getfile} ".format(**locals())) self.assertIn(' file0001.txt\n', run.output) self.assertIn(' file2222.txt\n', run.output) self.assertIn(' file9999.txt\n', run.output) self.assertNotIn(' defl:N ', run.output) self.assertIn(' stored ', run.output) def test_545_zzdir_zap_test5_zip(self): """ run zzdir-zap on """ zipfile = "" getfile = "" exe = self.bins("unzzip") run = shell("{exe} -v {getfile} ".format(**locals())) self.assertIn('/subdir14/file15-128.txt\n', run.output) self.assertIn('/subdir5/subdir6/', run.output) self.assertIn(' defl:N ', run.output) self.assertIn(' stored ', run.output) def test_595_zzextract_zap_test5_zip(self): """ run zzextract-zap on => coughs up a SEGFAULT in zzip_dir_close() ?!?""" zipfile = "" getfile = "" tmpdir = "tmp.test_595" testdir(tmpdir) exe = self.bins("unzzip") run = shell("cd {tmpdir} && ../{exe} ../{getfile} ".format(**locals())) self.assertTrue(tmpdir+'/subdir1/subdir2/file3-1024.txt') url_CVE_2017_5977 = "" zip_CVE_2017_5977 = "00153-zziplib-invalidread-zzip_mem_entry_extra_block" def test_600_infozipdir_CVE_2017_5977(self): """ run info-zip dir """ tmpdir = "tmp.test_600" filename = self.zip_CVE_2017_5977 file_url = self.url_CVE_2017_5977 trycopy("tmp.test_601", filename, tmpdir) testdir(tmpdir) download(file_url, filename, tmpdir) exe = self.bins("unzip") run = shell("{exe} -l {tmpdir}/{filename} ".format(**locals()), returncodes = [0, 2]) self.assertIn(" didn't find end-of-central-dir signature at end of central dir", run.errors) self.assertIn(" 2 extra bytes at beginning or within zipfile", run.errors) self.assertLess(len(run.output), 280) def test_601_zzipdir_big_CVE_2017_5977(self): """ run info-zip -l $(CVE_2017_5977).zip """ tmpdir = "tmp.test_601" filename = self.zip_CVE_2017_5977 file_url = self.url_CVE_2017_5977 testdir(tmpdir) trycopy("tmp.test_600", filename, tmpdir) trycopy("tmp.test_602", filename, tmpdir) download(file_url, filename, tmpdir) exe = self.bins("unzzip-big") run = shell("{exe} -l {tmpdir}/{filename} ".format(**locals()), returncodes = [0]) self.assertLess(len(run.output), 30) self.assertLess(len(run.errors), 1) self.assertIn(" stored test", run.output) def test_602_zzipdir_mem_CVE_2017_5977(self): """ run unzzip-mem -l $(CVE_2017_5977).zip """ tmpdir = "tmp.test_602" filename = self.zip_CVE_2017_5977 file_url = self.url_CVE_2017_5977 testdir(tmpdir) trycopy("tmp.test_601", filename, tmpdir) trycopy("tmp.test_603", filename, tmpdir) download(file_url, filename, tmpdir) exe = self.bins("unzzip-mem") run = shell("{exe} -l {tmpdir}/{filename} ".format(**locals()), returncodes = [0]) self.assertLess(len(run.output), 30) self.assertLess(len(run.errors), 1) self.assertIn(" 3 test", run.output) def test_603_zzipdir_mix_CVE_2017_5977(self): """ run unzzip-mix -l $(CVE_2017_5977).zip """ tmpdir = "tmp.test_603" filename = self.zip_CVE_2017_5977 file_url = self.url_CVE_2017_5977 testdir(tmpdir) trycopy("tmp.test_602", filename, tmpdir) trycopy("tmp.test_604", filename, tmpdir) download(file_url, filename, tmpdir) exe = self.bins("unzzip-mix") run = shell("{exe} -l {tmpdir}/{filename} ".format(**locals()), returncodes = [0]) self.assertLess(len(run.output), 30) self.assertLess(len(run.errors), 1) self.assertIn(" 3 test", run.output) def test_604_zzipdir_zap_CVE_2017_5977(self): """ run unzzip -l $(CVE_2017_5977).zip """ tmpdir = "tmp.test_604" filename = self.zip_CVE_2017_5977 file_url = self.url_CVE_2017_5977 testdir(tmpdir) trycopy("tmp.test_603", filename, tmpdir) download(file_url, filename, tmpdir) exe = self.bins("unzzip") run = shell("{exe} -l {tmpdir}/{filename} ".format(**locals()), returncodes = [0, 255]) self.assertLess(len(run.output), 30) self.assertLess(len(run.errors), 1) self.assertIn(" 3 test", run.output) def test_605_zipext_info_CVE_2017_5977(self): """ run info' unzip $(CVE_2017_5977).zip """ tmpdir = "tmp.test_605" filename = self.zip_CVE_2017_5977 file_url = self.url_CVE_2017_5977 testdir(tmpdir) trycopy("tmp.test_604", filename, tmpdir) trycopy("tmp.test_606", filename, tmpdir) download(file_url, filename, tmpdir) exe = self.bins("unzip") run = shell("cd {tmpdir} && {exe} -o {filename}".format(**locals()), returncodes = [2]) self.assertLess(len(run.output), 90) self.assertLess(len(run.errors), 900) self.assertIn('test: mismatching "local" filename', run.errors) self.assertIn('test: unknown compression method', run.errors) self.assertEqual(os.path.getsize(tmpdir+"/test"), 0) def test_606_zzipext_big_CVE_2017_5977(self): """ run unzzip-big $(CVE_2017_5977).zip """ tmpdir = "tmp.test_606" filename = self.zip_CVE_2017_5977 file_url = self.url_CVE_2017_5977 testdir(tmpdir) trycopy("tmp.test_605", filename, tmpdir) trycopy("tmp.test_607", filename, tmpdir) download(file_url, filename, tmpdir) exe = self.bins("unzzip-big") run = shell("cd {tmpdir} && ../{exe} {filename} ".format(**locals()), returncodes = [0]) self.assertLess(len(run.output), 30) self.assertLess(len(run.errors), 1) self.assertEqual(os.path.getsize(tmpdir+"/test"), 0) @unittest.expectedFailure def test_607_zzipext_mem_CVE_2017_5977(self): """ run unzzip-mem $(CVE_2017_5977).zip """ tmpdir = "tmp.test_607" filename = self.zip_CVE_2017_5977 file_url = self.url_CVE_2017_5977 testdir(tmpdir) trycopy("tmp.test_606", filename, tmpdir) trycopy("tmp.test_608", filename, tmpdir) download(file_url, filename, tmpdir) exe = self.bins("unzzip-mem") run = shell("cd {tmpdir} && ../{exe} {filename} ".format(**locals()), returncodes = [0]) self.assertLess(len(run.output), 30) self.assertLess(len(run.errors), 1) self.assertEqual(os.path.getsize(tmpdir+"/test"), 0) def test_608_zzipext_mix_CVE_2017_5977(self): """ run unzzip-mix $(CVE_2017_5977).zip """ tmpdir = "tmp.test_608" filename = self.zip_CVE_2017_5977 file_url = self.url_CVE_2017_5977 testdir(tmpdir) trycopy("tmp.test_607", filename, tmpdir) trycopy("tmp.test_609", filename, tmpdir) download(file_url, filename, tmpdir) exe = self.bins("unzzip-mix") run = shell("cd {tmpdir} && ../{exe} {filename} ".format(**locals()), returncodes = [0]) self.assertLess(len(run.output), 30) self.assertLess(len(run.errors), 1) self.assertEqual(os.path.getsize(tmpdir+"/test"), 0) def test_609_zzipext_zap_CVE_2017_5977(self): """ run unzzip $(CVE_2017_5977).zip """ tmpdir = "tmp.test_609" filename = self.zip_CVE_2017_5977 file_url = self.url_CVE_2017_5977 testdir(tmpdir) trycopy("tmp.test_607", filename, tmpdir) trycopy("tmp.test_608", filename, tmpdir) download(file_url, filename, tmpdir) exe = self.bins("unzzip") run = shell("cd {tmpdir} && ../{exe} {filename} ".format(**locals()), returncodes = [0]) self.assertLess(len(run.output), 30) self.assertLess(len(run.errors), 1) self.assertEqual(os.path.getsize(tmpdir+"/test"), 3) # TODO url_CVE_2017_5978 = "" zip_CVE_2017_5978 = "00156-zziplib-oobread-zzip_mem_entry_new" def test_610_infozipdir_CVE_2017_5978(self): """ run info-zip dir """ tmpdir = "tmp.test_610" filename = self.zip_CVE_2017_5978 file_url = self.url_CVE_2017_5978 trycopy("tmp.test_611", filename, tmpdir) testdir(tmpdir) download(file_url, filename, tmpdir) exe = self.bins("unzip") run = shell("{exe} -l {tmpdir}/{filename} ".format(**locals()), returncodes = [0, 3]) self.assertIn(' missing 4608 bytes in zipfile', run.errors) self.assertIn(' attempt to seek before beginning of zipfile', run.errors) self.assertLess(len(run.output), 80) self.assertLess(len(run.errors), 430) def test_611_zzipdir_big_CVE_2017_5978(self): """ run info-zip -l $(CVE_2017_5978).zip """ tmpdir = "tmp.test_611" filename = self.zip_CVE_2017_5978 file_url = self.url_CVE_2017_5978 testdir(tmpdir) trycopy("tmp.test_610", filename, tmpdir) trycopy("tmp.test_612", filename, tmpdir) download(file_url, filename, tmpdir) exe = self.bins("unzzip-big") run = shell("{exe} -l {tmpdir}/{filename} ".format(**locals()), returncodes = [0]) self.assertLess(len(run.output), 30) self.assertLess(len(run.errors), 1) self.assertIn(" stored (null)", run.output) def test_612_zzipdir_mem_CVE_2017_5978(self): """ run unzzip-mem -l $(CVE_2017_5978).zip """ tmpdir = "tmp.test_612" filename = self.zip_CVE_2017_5978 file_url = self.url_CVE_2017_5978 testdir(tmpdir) trycopy("tmp.test_611", filename, tmpdir) trycopy("tmp.test_613", filename, tmpdir) download(file_url, filename, tmpdir) exe = self.bins("unzzip-mem") run = shell("{exe} -l {tmpdir}/{filename} ".format(**locals()), returncodes = [0]) self.assertLess(len(run.output), 1) self.assertLess(len(run.errors), 180) self.assertIn("zzip_mem_disk_load : unable to load entry", run.errors) self.assertIn("zzip_mem_disk_open : unable to load disk", run.errors) @unittest.expectedFailure def test_613_zzipdir_mix_CVE_2017_5978(self): """ run unzzip-mix -l $(CVE_2017_5978).zip """ tmpdir = "tmp.test_613" filename = self.zip_CVE_2017_5978 file_url = self.url_CVE_2017_5978 testdir(tmpdir) trycopy("tmp.test_612", filename, tmpdir) trycopy("tmp.test_614", filename, tmpdir) download(file_url, filename, tmpdir) exe = self.bins("unzzip-mix") run = shell("{exe} -l {tmpdir}/{filename} ".format(**locals()), returncodes = [0]) self.assertLess(len(run.output), 1) self.assertLess(len(run.errors), 180) self.assertIn("zzip_mem_disk_load : unable to load entry", run.errors) self.assertIn("zzip_mem_disk_open : unable to load disk", run.errors) @unittest.expectedFailure def test_614_zzipdir_zap_CVE_2017_5978(self): """ run unzzip -l $(CVE_2017_5978).zip """ tmpdir = "tmp.test_614" filename = self.zip_CVE_2017_5978 file_url = self.url_CVE_2017_5978 testdir(tmpdir) trycopy("tmp.test_613", filename, tmpdir) download(file_url, filename, tmpdir) exe = self.bins("unzzip") run = shell("{exe} -l {tmpdir}/{filename} ".format(**locals()), returncodes = [0, 255]) self.assertLess(len(run.output), 1) self.assertLess(len(run.errors), 180) self.assertIn("zzip_mem_disk_load : unable to load entry", run.errors) self.assertIn("zzip_mem_disk_open : unable to load disk", run.errors) def test_615_zipext_info_CVE_2017_5978(self): """ run info' unzip $(CVE_2017_5978).zip """ tmpdir = "tmp.test_615" filename = self.zip_CVE_2017_5978 file_url = self.url_CVE_2017_5978 testdir(tmpdir) trycopy("tmp.test_614", filename, tmpdir) trycopy("tmp.test_616", filename, tmpdir) download(file_url, filename, tmpdir) exe = self.bins("unzip") run = shell("cd {tmpdir} && {exe} -o {filename}".format(**locals()), returncodes = [3]) self.assertLess(len(run.output), 90) self.assertLess(len(run.errors), 900) self.assertIn('attempt to seek before beginning of zipfile', run.errors) self.assertFalse(os.path.exists(tmpdir+"/test")) @unittest.expectedFailure def test_616_zzipext_big_CVE_2017_5978(self): """ run unzzip-big $(CVE_2017_5978).zip """ tmpdir = "tmp.test_616" filename = self.zip_CVE_2017_5978 file_url = self.url_CVE_2017_5978 testdir(tmpdir) trycopy("tmp.test_615", filename, tmpdir) trycopy("tmp.test_617", filename, tmpdir) download(file_url, filename, tmpdir) exe = self.bins("unzzip-big") run = shell("cd {tmpdir} && ../{exe} {filename} ".format(**locals()), returncodes = [0]) self.assertLess(len(run.output), 30) self.assertLess(len(run.errors), 1) self.assertEqual(os.path.getsize(tmpdir+"/test"), 0) def test_617_zzipext_mem_CVE_2017_5978(self): """ run unzzip-mem $(CVE_2017_5978).zip """ tmpdir = "tmp.test_617" filename = self.zip_CVE_2017_5978 file_url = self.url_CVE_2017_5978 testdir(tmpdir) trycopy("tmp.test_616", filename, tmpdir) trycopy("tmp.test_618", filename, tmpdir) download(file_url, filename, tmpdir) exe = self.bins("unzzip-mem") run = shell("cd {tmpdir} && ../{exe} {filename} ".format(**locals()), returncodes = [0]) self.assertLess(len(run.output), 30) self.assertLess(len(run.errors), 300) self.assertIn("..(nil)", run.errors) self.assertFalse(os.path.exists(tmpdir+"/test")) # self.assertEqual(os.path.getsize(tmpdir+"/test"), 0) def test_618_zzipext_mix_CVE_2017_5978(self): """ run unzzip-mix $(CVE_2017_5978).zip """ tmpdir = "tmp.test_618" filename = self.zip_CVE_2017_5978 file_url = self.url_CVE_2017_5978 testdir(tmpdir) trycopy("tmp.test_617", filename, tmpdir) trycopy("tmp.test_619", filename, tmpdir) download(file_url, filename, tmpdir) exe = self.bins("unzzip-mem") run = shell("cd {tmpdir} && ../{exe} {filename} ".format(**locals()), returncodes = [0]) self.assertLess(len(run.output), 30) self.assertLess(len(run.errors), 300) self.assertIn("..(nil)", run.errors) self.assertFalse(os.path.exists(tmpdir+"/test")) # self.assertEqual(os.path.getsize(tmpdir+"/test"), 0) @unittest.expectedFailure def test_619_zzipext_zap_CVE_2017_5978(self): """ run unzzip $(CVE_2017_5978).zip """ tmpdir = "tmp.test_619" filename = self.zip_CVE_2017_5978 file_url = self.url_CVE_2017_5978 testdir(tmpdir) trycopy("tmp.test_617", filename, tmpdir) trycopy("tmp.test_618", filename, tmpdir) download(file_url, filename, tmpdir) exe = self.bins("unzzip") run = shell("cd {tmpdir} && ../{exe} {filename} ".format(**locals()), returncodes = [0]) self.assertLess(len(run.output), 30) self.assertLess(len(run.errors), 300) self.assertIn("..(nil)", run.errors) self.assertFalse(os.path.exists(tmpdir+"/test")) # self.assertEqual(os.path.getsize(tmpdir+"/test"), 0) url_CVE_2017_5979 = "" zip_CVE_2017_5979 = "00157-zziplib-nullptr-prescan_entry" def test_620_infozipdir_CVE_2017_5979(self): """ run info-zip dir """ tmpdir = "tmp.test_620" filename = self.zip_CVE_2017_5979 file_url = self.url_CVE_2017_5979 trycopy("tmp.test_621", filename, tmpdir) testdir(tmpdir) download(file_url, filename, tmpdir) exe = self.bins("unzip") run = shell("{exe} -l {tmpdir}/{filename} ".format(**locals()), returncodes = [0]) self.assertIn(' 1 file', run.output) self.assertLess(len(run.output), 330) self.assertLess(len(run.errors), 1) def test_621_zzipdir_big_CVE_2017_5979(self): """ run info-zip -l $(CVE_2017_5979).zip """ tmpdir = "tmp.test_621" filename = self.zip_CVE_2017_5979 file_url = self.url_CVE_2017_5979 testdir(tmpdir) trycopy("tmp.test_620", filename, tmpdir) trycopy("tmp.test_622", filename, tmpdir) download(file_url, filename, tmpdir) exe = self.bins("unzzip-big") run = shell("{exe} -l {tmpdir}/{filename} ".format(**locals()), returncodes = [0]) self.assertLess(len(run.output), 30) self.assertLess(len(run.errors), 1) self.assertIn(" stored a", run.output) def test_622_zzipdir_mem_CVE_2017_5979(self): """ run unzzip-mem -l $(CVE_2017_5979).zip """ tmpdir = "tmp.test_622" filename = self.zip_CVE_2017_5979 file_url = self.url_CVE_2017_5979 testdir(tmpdir) trycopy("tmp.test_621", filename, tmpdir) trycopy("tmp.test_623", filename, tmpdir) download(file_url, filename, tmpdir) exe = self.bins("unzzip-mem") run = shell("{exe} -l {tmpdir}/{filename} ".format(**locals()), returncodes = [0]) self.assertLess(len(run.output), 30) self.assertLess(len(run.errors), 1) self.assertIn(" 3 a", run.output) def test_623_zzipdir_mix_CVE_2017_5979(self): """ run unzzip-mix -l $(CVE_2017_5979).zip """ tmpdir = "tmp.test_623" filename = self.zip_CVE_2017_5979 file_url = self.url_CVE_2017_5979 testdir(tmpdir) trycopy("tmp.test_622", filename, tmpdir) trycopy("tmp.test_624", filename, tmpdir) download(file_url, filename, tmpdir) exe = self.bins("unzzip-mix") run = shell("{exe} -l {tmpdir}/{filename} ".format(**locals()), returncodes = [0]) self.assertLess(len(run.output), 30) self.assertLess(len(run.errors), 1) self.assertIn(" 3 a", run.output) def test_624_zzipdir_zap_CVE_2017_5979(self): """ run unzzip -l $(CVE_2017_5979).zip """ tmpdir = "tmp.test_624" filename = self.zip_CVE_2017_5979 file_url = self.url_CVE_2017_5979 testdir(tmpdir) trycopy("tmp.test_623", filename, tmpdir) download(file_url, filename, tmpdir) exe = self.bins("unzzip") run = shell("{exe} -l {tmpdir}/{filename} ".format(**locals()), returncodes = [0, 255]) self.assertLess(len(run.output), 30) self.assertLess(len(run.errors), 1) self.assertIn(" 3 a", run.output) def test_625_zipext_info_CVE_2017_5979(self): """ run info' unzip $(CVE_2017_5979).zip """ tmpdir = "tmp.test_625" filename = self.zip_CVE_2017_5979 file_url = self.url_CVE_2017_5979 testdir(tmpdir) trycopy("tmp.test_624", filename, tmpdir) trycopy("tmp.test_626", filename, tmpdir) download(file_url, filename, tmpdir) exe = self.bins("unzip") run = shell("cd {tmpdir} && {exe} -o {filename}".format(**locals()), returncodes = [0]) self.assertLess(len(run.output), 90) self.assertLess(len(run.errors), 1) self.assertIn('extracting: a', run.output) self.assertEqual(os.path.getsize(tmpdir+"/a"), 3) def test_626_zzipext_big_CVE_2017_5979(self): """ run unzzip-big $(CVE_2017_5979).zip """ tmpdir = "tmp.test_626" filename = self.zip_CVE_2017_5979 file_url = self.url_CVE_2017_5979 testdir(tmpdir) trycopy("tmp.test_625", filename, tmpdir) trycopy("tmp.test_627", filename, tmpdir) download(file_url, filename, tmpdir) exe = self.bins("unzzip-big") run = shell("cd {tmpdir} && ../{exe} {filename} ".format(**locals()), returncodes = [0]) self.assertLess(len(run.output), 30) self.assertLess(len(run.errors), 1) self.assertEqual(os.path.getsize(tmpdir+"/a"), 3) @unittest.expectedFailure def test_627_zzipext_mem_CVE_2017_5979(self): """ run unzzip-mem $(CVE_2017_5979).zip """ tmpdir = "tmp.test_627" filename = self.zip_CVE_2017_5979 file_url = self.url_CVE_2017_5979 testdir(tmpdir) trycopy("tmp.test_626", filename, tmpdir) trycopy("tmp.test_628", filename, tmpdir) download(file_url, filename, tmpdir) exe = self.bins("unzzip-mem") run = shell("cd {tmpdir} && ../{exe} {filename} ".format(**locals()), returncodes = [0]) self.assertLess(len(run.output), 30) self.assertLess(len(run.errors), 1) self.assertEqual(os.path.getsize(tmpdir+"/a"), 3) @unittest.expectedFailure def test_628_zzipext_mix_CVE_2017_5979(self): """ run unzzip-mix $(CVE_2017_5979).zip """ tmpdir = "tmp.test_628" filename = self.zip_CVE_2017_5979 file_url = self.url_CVE_2017_5979 testdir(tmpdir) trycopy("tmp.test_627", filename, tmpdir) trycopy("tmp.test_629", filename, tmpdir) download(file_url, filename, tmpdir) exe = self.bins("unzzip-mix") run = shell("cd {tmpdir} && ../{exe} {filename} ".format(**locals()), returncodes = [0]) self.assertLess(len(run.output), 30) self.assertLess(len(run.errors), 20) self.assertEqual(os.path.getsize(tmpdir+"/a"), 3) # @unittest.expectedFailure def test_629_zzipext_zap_CVE_2017_5979(self): """ run unzzip-mix $(CVE_2017_5979).zip """ tmpdir = "tmp.test_629" filename = self.zip_CVE_2017_5979 file_url = self.url_CVE_2017_5979 testdir(tmpdir) trycopy("tmp.test_627", filename, tmpdir) trycopy("tmp.test_628", filename, tmpdir) download(file_url, filename, tmpdir) exe = self.bins("unzzip") run = shell("cd {tmpdir} && ../{exe} {filename} ".format(**locals()), returncodes = [0]) self.assertLess(len(run.output), 30) self.assertLess(len(run.errors), 20) self.assertEqual(os.path.getsize(tmpdir+"/a"), 3) url_CVE_2017_5974 = "" zip_CVE_2017_5974 = "00150-zziplib-heapoverflow-__zzip_get32" def test_630_infozipdir_CVE_2017_5974(self): """ run info-zip dir """ tmpdir = "tmp.test_630" filename = self.zip_CVE_2017_5974 file_url = self.url_CVE_2017_5974 trycopy("tmp.test_631", filename, tmpdir) testdir(tmpdir) download(file_url, filename, tmpdir) exe = self.bins("unzip") run = shell("{exe} -l {tmpdir}/{filename} ".format(**locals()), returncodes = [0, 9]) self.assertIn(' 1 file', run.output) self.assertLess(len(run.output), 330) self.assertLess(len(run.errors), 1) def test_631_zzipdir_big_CVE_2017_5974(self): """ run unzzip-big -l $(CVE_2017_5974).zip """ tmpdir = "tmp.test_631" filename = self.zip_CVE_2017_5974 file_url = self.url_CVE_2017_5974 testdir(tmpdir) trycopy("tmp.test_630", filename, tmpdir) trycopy("tmp.test_632", filename, tmpdir) download(file_url, filename, tmpdir) exe = self.bins("unzzip-big") run = shell("{exe} -l {tmpdir}/{filename} ".format(**locals()), returncodes = [0]) self.assertLess(len(run.output), 30) self.assertLess(len(run.errors), 1) self.assertIn(" stored test", run.output) def test_632_zzipdir_mem_CVE_2017_5974(self): """ run unzzip-mem -l $(CVE_2017_5974).zip """ tmpdir = "tmp.test_632" filename = self.zip_CVE_2017_5974 file_url = self.url_CVE_2017_5974 testdir(tmpdir) trycopy("tmp.test_631", filename, tmpdir) trycopy("tmp.test_633", filename, tmpdir) download(file_url, filename, tmpdir) exe = self.bins("unzzip-mem") run = shell("{exe} -l {tmpdir}/{filename} ".format(**locals()), returncodes = [0]) self.assertLess(len(run.output), 30) self.assertLess(len(run.errors), 1) self.assertIn(" 3 test", run.output) @unittest.expectedFailure def test_633_zzipdir_mix_CVE_2017_5974(self): """ run unzzip-mix -l $(CVE_2017_5974).zip """ tmpdir = "tmp.test_633" filename = self.zip_CVE_2017_5974 file_url = self.url_CVE_2017_5974 testdir(tmpdir) trycopy("tmp.test_632", filename, tmpdir) trycopy("tmp.test_634", filename, tmpdir) download(file_url, filename, tmpdir) exe = self.bins("unzzip-mix") run = shell("{exe} -l {tmpdir}/{filename} ".format(**locals()), returncodes = [0]) self.assertLess(len(run.output), 30) self.assertLess(len(run.errors), 1) self.assertIn(" 3 test", run.output) def test_634_zzipdir_zap_CVE_2017_5974(self): """ run unzzip -l $(CVE_2017_5974).zip """ tmpdir = "tmp.test_634" filename = self.zip_CVE_2017_5974 file_url = self.url_CVE_2017_5974 testdir(tmpdir) trycopy("tmp.test_633", filename, tmpdir) download(file_url, filename, tmpdir) exe = self.bins("unzzip") run = shell("{exe} -l {tmpdir}/{filename} ".format(**locals()), returncodes = [0, 255]) self.assertLess(len(run.output), 30) self.assertLess(len(run.errors), 1) self.assertIn(" 3 test", run.output) def test_635_zzipext_zip_CVE_2017_5974(self): """ run info' unzip $(CVE_2017_5974).zip """ tmpdir = "tmp.test_635" filename = self.zip_CVE_2017_5974 file_url = self.url_CVE_2017_5974 testdir(tmpdir) trycopy("tmp.test_634", filename, tmpdir) trycopy("tmp.test_636", filename, tmpdir) download(file_url, filename, tmpdir) exe = self.bins("unzip") run = shell("cd {tmpdir} && {exe} -o {filename}".format(**locals()), returncodes = [0]) self.assertLess(len(run.output), 90) self.assertLess(len(run.errors), 1) self.assertIn(" extracting: test", run.output) self.assertEqual(os.path.getsize(tmpdir+"/test"), 3) def test_636_zzipext_big_CVE_2017_5974(self): """ run unzzip-big $(CVE_2017_5974).zip """ tmpdir = "tmp.test_636" filename = self.zip_CVE_2017_5974 file_url = self.url_CVE_2017_5974 testdir(tmpdir) trycopy("tmp.test_635", filename, tmpdir) trycopy("tmp.test_637", filename, tmpdir) download(file_url, filename, tmpdir) exe = self.bins("unzzip-big") run = shell("cd {tmpdir} && ../{exe} {filename} ".format(**locals()), returncodes = [0]) self.assertLess(len(run.output), 30) self.assertLess(len(run.errors), 1) self.assertEqual(os.path.getsize(tmpdir+"/test"), 3) @unittest.expectedFailure def test_637_zzipext_mem_CVE_2017_5974(self): """ run unzzip-mem $(CVE_2017_5974).zip """ tmpdir = "tmp.test_637" filename = self.zip_CVE_2017_5974 file_url = self.url_CVE_2017_5974 testdir(tmpdir) trycopy("tmp.test_636", filename, tmpdir) trycopy("tmp.test_638", filename, tmpdir) download(file_url, filename, tmpdir) exe = self.bins("unzzip-mem") run = shell("cd {tmpdir} && ../{exe} {filename} ".format(**locals()), returncodes = [0]) self.assertLess(len(run.output), 30) self.assertLess(len(run.errors), 1) self.assertEqual(os.path.getsize(tmpdir+"/test"), 3) @unittest.expectedFailure def test_638_zzipext_mix_CVE_2017_5974(self): """ run unzzip-mix $(CVE_2017_5974).zip """ tmpdir = "tmp.test_638" filename = self.zip_CVE_2017_5974 file_url = self.url_CVE_2017_5974 testdir(tmpdir) trycopy("tmp.test_637", filename, tmpdir) trycopy("tmp.test_639", filename, tmpdir) download(file_url, filename, tmpdir) exe = self.bins("unzzip-mix") run = shell("cd {tmpdir} && ../{exe} {filename} ".format(**locals()), returncodes = [0]) self.assertLess(len(run.output), 30) self.assertLess(len(run.errors), 1) self.assertEqual(os.path.getsize(tmpdir+"/test"), 3) def test_639_zzipext_zap_CVE_2017_5974(self): """ run unzzip $(CVE_2017_5974).zip """ tmpdir = "tmp.test_639" filename = self.zip_CVE_2017_5974 file_url = self.url_CVE_2017_5974 testdir(tmpdir) trycopy("tmp.test_638", filename, tmpdir) download(file_url, filename, tmpdir) exe = self.bins("unzzip") run = shell("cd {tmpdir} && ../{exe} {filename} ".format(**locals()), returncodes = [0]) self.assertLess(len(run.output), 30) self.assertLess(len(run.errors), 1) self.assertEqual(os.path.getsize(tmpdir+"/test"), 3) url_CVE_2017_5975 = "" zip_CVE_2017_5975 = "00151-zziplib-heapoverflow-__zzip_get64" def test_640_infozipdir_CVE_2017_5975(self): """ run info-zip dir """ tmpdir = "tmp.test_640" filename = self.zip_CVE_2017_5975 file_url = self.url_CVE_2017_5975 trycopy("tmp.test_641", filename, tmpdir) testdir(tmpdir) download(file_url, filename, tmpdir) exe = self.bins("unzip") run = shell("{exe} -l {tmpdir}/{filename} ".format(**locals()), returncodes = [0, 2]) self.assertIn(' missing 10 bytes in zipfile', run.errors) self.assertIn("didn't find end-of-central-dir signature at end of central dir", run.errors) self.assertIn(' 1 file', run.output) self.assertLess(len(run.output), 330) self.assertLess(len(run.errors), 430) def test_641_zzipdir_big_CVE_2017_5975(self): """ run info-zip -l $(CVE_2017_5975).zip """ tmpdir = "tmp.test_641" filename = self.zip_CVE_2017_5975 file_url = self.url_CVE_2017_5975 testdir(tmpdir) trycopy("tmp.test_640", filename, tmpdir) trycopy("tmp.test_642", filename, tmpdir) download(file_url, filename, tmpdir) exe = self.bins("unzzip-big") run = shell("{exe} -l {tmpdir}/{filename} ".format(**locals()), returncodes = [0]) self.assertLess(len(run.output), 30) self.assertLess(len(run.errors), 1) self.assertIn(" stored test", run.output) def test_642_zzipdir_mem_CVE_2017_5975(self): """ run unzzip-mem -l $(CVE_2017_5975).zip """ tmpdir = "tmp.test_642" filename = self.zip_CVE_2017_5975 file_url = self.url_CVE_2017_5975 testdir(tmpdir) trycopy("tmp.test_641", filename, tmpdir) trycopy("tmp.test_643", filename, tmpdir) download(file_url, filename, tmpdir) exe = self.bins("unzzip-mem") run = shell("{exe} -l {tmpdir}/{filename} ".format(**locals()), returncodes = [0]) self.assertLess(len(run.output), 1) self.assertLess(len(run.errors), 180) self.assertIn("zzip_mem_disk_load : unable to load entry", run.errors) self.assertIn("zzip_mem_disk_open : unable to load disk", run.errors) def test_643_zzipdir_mix_CVE_2017_5975(self): """ run unzzip-mix -l $(CVE_2017_5975).zip """ tmpdir = "tmp.test_643" filename = self.zip_CVE_2017_5975 file_url = self.url_CVE_2017_5975 testdir(tmpdir) trycopy("tmp.test_642", filename, tmpdir) trycopy("tmp.test_644", filename, tmpdir) download(file_url, filename, tmpdir) exe = self.bins("unzzip-mix") run = shell("{exe} -l {tmpdir}/{filename} ".format(**locals()), returncodes = [0]) self.assertLess(len(run.output), 1) self.assertLess(len(run.errors), 180) self.assertIn("zzip_mem_disk_load : unable to load entry", run.errors) self.assertIn("zzip_mem_disk_open : unable to load disk", run.errors) def test_644_zzipdir_zap_CVE_2017_5975(self): """ run unzzip -l $(CVE_2017_5975).zip """ tmpdir = "tmp.test_644" filename = self.zip_CVE_2017_5975 file_url = self.url_CVE_2017_5975 testdir(tmpdir) trycopy("tmp.test_643", filename, tmpdir) download(file_url, filename, tmpdir) exe = self.bins("unzzip") run = shell("{exe} -l {tmpdir}/{filename} ".format(**locals()), returncodes = [0, 255]) self.assertLess(len(run.output), 1) self.assertLess(len(run.errors), 180) self.assertIn(": Success", run.errors) def test_645_zipext_info_CVE_2017_5975(self): """ run info' unzip $(CVE_2017_5975).zip """ tmpdir = "tmp.test_645" filename = self.zip_CVE_2017_5975 file_url = self.url_CVE_2017_5975 testdir(tmpdir) trycopy("tmp.test_644", filename, tmpdir) trycopy("tmp.test_646", filename, tmpdir) download(file_url, filename, tmpdir) exe = self.bins("unzip") run = shell("cd {tmpdir} && {exe} -o {filename}".format(**locals()), returncodes = [2]) self.assertLess(len(run.output), 90) self.assertLess(len(run.errors), 900) self.assertIn('file #1: bad zipfile offset (local header sig): 127', run.errors) #self.assertEqual(os.path.getsize(tmpdir+"/test"), 3) self.assertFalse(os.path.exists(tmpdir+"/test")) def test_646_zzipext_big_CVE_2017_5975(self): """ run unzzip-big $(CVE_2017_5975).zip """ tmpdir = "tmp.test_646" filename = self.zip_CVE_2017_5975 file_url = self.url_CVE_2017_5975 testdir(tmpdir) trycopy("tmp.test_645", filename, tmpdir) trycopy("tmp.test_647", filename, tmpdir) download(file_url, filename, tmpdir) exe = self.bins("unzzip-big") run = shell("cd {tmpdir} && ../{exe} {filename} ".format(**locals()), returncodes = [0]) self.assertLess(len(run.output), 30) self.assertLess(len(run.errors), 1) self.assertEqual(os.path.getsize(tmpdir+"/test"), 0) # TODO def test_647_zzipext_mem_CVE_2017_5975(self): """ run unzzip-mem $(CVE_2017_5975).zip """ tmpdir = "tmp.test_647" filename = self.zip_CVE_2017_5975 file_url = self.url_CVE_2017_5975 testdir(tmpdir) trycopy("tmp.test_646", filename, tmpdir) trycopy("tmp.test_648", filename, tmpdir) download(file_url, filename, tmpdir) exe = self.bins("unzzip-mem") run = shell("cd {tmpdir} && ../{exe} {filename} ".format(**locals()), returncodes = [0]) self.assertLess(len(run.output), 30) self.assertLess(len(run.errors), 200) self.assertIn("..(nil)", run.errors) self.assertFalse(os.path.exists(tmpdir+"/test")) @unittest.expectedFailure def test_648_zzipext_mix_CVE_2017_5975(self): """ run unzzip-mix $(CVE_2017_5975).zip """ tmpdir = "tmp.test_648" filename = self.zip_CVE_2017_5975 file_url = self.url_CVE_2017_5975 testdir(tmpdir) trycopy("tmp.test_647", filename, tmpdir) trycopy("tmp.test_649", filename, tmpdir) download(file_url, filename, tmpdir) exe = self.bins("unzzip-mix") run = shell("cd {tmpdir} && ../{exe} {filename} ".format(**locals()), returncodes = [0]) self.assertLess(len(run.output), 30) self.assertLess(len(run.errors), 200) self.assertIn("..(nil)", run.errors) self.assertFalse(os.path.exists(tmpdir+"/test")) @unittest.expectedFailure def test_649_zzipext_zap_CVE_2017_5975(self): """ run unzzip $(CVE_2017_5975).zip """ tmpdir = "tmp.test_649" filename = self.zip_CVE_2017_5975 file_url = self.url_CVE_2017_5975 testdir(tmpdir) trycopy("tmp.test_647", filename, tmpdir) trycopy("tmp.test_648", filename, tmpdir) download(file_url, filename, tmpdir) exe = self.bins("unzzip") run = shell("cd {tmpdir} && ../{exe} {filename} ".format(**locals()), returncodes = [0]) self.assertLess(len(run.output), 30) self.assertLess(len(run.errors), 200) self.assertIn("..(nil)", run.errors) self.assertFalse(os.path.exists(tmpdir+"/test")) url_CVE_2017_5976 = "" zip_CVE_2017_5976 = "00152-zziplib-heapoverflow-zzip_mem_entry_extra_block" def test_650_infozipdir_CVE_2017_5976(self): """ run info-zip dir """ tmpdir = "tmp.test_650" filename = self.zip_CVE_2017_5976 file_url = self.url_CVE_2017_5976 trycopy("tmp.test_651", filename, tmpdir) testdir(tmpdir) download(file_url, filename, tmpdir) exe = self.bins("unzip") run = shell("{exe} -l {tmpdir}/{filename} ".format(**locals()), returncodes = [0, 2]) self.assertIn(' 27 extra bytes at beginning or within zipfile', run.errors) self.assertIn("didn't find end-of-central-dir signature at end of central dir", run.errors) self.assertIn(' 1 file', run.output) self.assertLess(len(run.output), 330) self.assertLess(len(run.errors), 500) def test_651_zzipdir_big_CVE_2017_5976(self): """ run info-zip -l $(CVE_2017_5976).zip """ tmpdir = "tmp.test_651" filename = self.zip_CVE_2017_5976 file_url = self.url_CVE_2017_5976 testdir(tmpdir) trycopy("tmp.test_650", filename, tmpdir) trycopy("tmp.test_652", filename, tmpdir) download(file_url, filename, tmpdir) exe = self.bins("unzzip-big") run = shell("{exe} -l {tmpdir}/{filename} ".format(**locals()), returncodes = [0]) self.assertLess(len(run.output), 30) self.assertLess(len(run.errors), 1) self.assertIn(" stored test", run.output) def test_652_zzipdir_mem_CVE_2017_5976(self): """ run unzzip-mem -l $(CVE_2017_5976).zip """ tmpdir = "tmp.test_652" filename = self.zip_CVE_2017_5976 file_url = self.url_CVE_2017_5976 testdir(tmpdir) trycopy("tmp.test_651", filename, tmpdir) trycopy("tmp.test_653", filename, tmpdir) download(file_url, filename, tmpdir) exe = self.bins("unzzip-mem") run = shell("{exe} -l {tmpdir}/{filename} ".format(**locals()), returncodes = [0]) self.assertLess(len(run.output), 30) self.assertLess(len(run.errors), 1) self.assertIn("3 test", run.output) def test_653_zzipdir_mix_CVE_2017_5976(self): """ run unzzip-mix -l $(CVE_2017_5976).zip """ tmpdir = "tmp.test_653" filename = self.zip_CVE_2017_5976 file_url = self.url_CVE_2017_5976 testdir(tmpdir) trycopy("tmp.test_652", filename, tmpdir) trycopy("tmp.test_654", filename, tmpdir) download(file_url, filename, tmpdir) exe = self.bins("unzzip-mix") run = shell("{exe} -l {tmpdir}/{filename} ".format(**locals()), returncodes = [0]) self.assertLess(len(run.output), 30) self.assertLess(len(run.errors), 1) self.assertIn("3 test", run.output) def test_654_zzipdir_zap_CVE_2017_5976(self): """ run unzzip -l $(CVE_2017_5976).zip """ tmpdir = "tmp.test_654" filename = self.zip_CVE_2017_5976 file_url = self.url_CVE_2017_5976 testdir(tmpdir) trycopy("tmp.test_653", filename, tmpdir) download(file_url, filename, tmpdir) exe = self.bins("unzzip") run = shell("{exe} -l {tmpdir}/{filename} ".format(**locals()), returncodes = [0, 255]) self.assertLess(len(run.output), 30) self.assertLess(len(run.errors), 1) self.assertIn("3 test", run.output) def test_655_zipext_info_CVE_2017_5976(self): """ run info' unzip $(CVE_2017_5976).zip """ tmpdir = "tmp.test_655" filename = self.zip_CVE_2017_5976 file_url = self.url_CVE_2017_5976 testdir(tmpdir) trycopy("tmp.test_654", filename, tmpdir) trycopy("tmp.test_656", filename, tmpdir) download(file_url, filename, tmpdir) exe = self.bins("unzip") run = shell("cd {tmpdir} && {exe} -o {filename}".format(**locals()), returncodes = [2]) self.assertLess(len(run.output), 190) self.assertLess(len(run.errors), 900) self.assertIn("extracting: test", run.output) self.assertIn('-27 bytes too long', run.errors) self.assertEqual(os.path.getsize(tmpdir+"/test"), 3) # self.assertFalse(os.path.exists(tmpdir+"/test")) def test_656_zzipext_big_CVE_2017_5976(self): """ run unzzip-big $(CVE_2017_5976).zip """ tmpdir = "tmp.test_656" filename = self.zip_CVE_2017_5976 file_url = self.url_CVE_2017_5976 testdir(tmpdir) trycopy("tmp.test_655", filename, tmpdir) trycopy("tmp.test_657", filename, tmpdir) download(file_url, filename, tmpdir) exe = self.bins("unzzip-big") run = shell("cd {tmpdir} && ../{exe} {filename} ".format(**locals()), returncodes = [0]) self.assertLess(len(run.output), 30) self.assertLess(len(run.errors), 1) self.assertEqual(os.path.getsize(tmpdir+"/test"), 3) def test_657_zzipext_mem_CVE_2017_5976(self): """ run unzzip-mem $(CVE_2017_5976).zip """ tmpdir = "tmp.test_657" filename = self.zip_CVE_2017_5976 file_url = self.url_CVE_2017_5976 testdir(tmpdir) trycopy("tmp.test_656", filename, tmpdir) trycopy("tmp.test_658", filename, tmpdir) download(file_url, filename, tmpdir) exe = self.bins("unzzip-mem") run = shell("cd {tmpdir} && ../{exe} {filename} ".format(**locals()), returncodes = [0]) self.assertLess(len(run.output), 30) self.assertLess(len(run.errors), 30) # TODO self.assertEqual(os.path.getsize(tmpdir+"/test"), 3) @unittest.expectedFailure def test_658_zzipext_mix_CVE_2017_5976(self): """ run unzzip-mix $(CVE_2017_5976).zip """ tmpdir = "tmp.test_658" filename = self.zip_CVE_2017_5976 file_url = self.url_CVE_2017_5976 testdir(tmpdir) trycopy("tmp.test_657", filename, tmpdir) trycopy("tmp.test_659", filename, tmpdir) download(file_url, filename, tmpdir) exe = self.bins("unzzip-mix") run = shell("cd {tmpdir} && ../{exe} {filename} ".format(**locals()), returncodes = [0]) self.assertLess(len(run.output), 30) self.assertLess(len(run.errors), 30) # TODO self.assertEqual(os.path.getsize(tmpdir+"/test"), 3) def test_659_zzipext_zap_CVE_2017_5976(self): """ run unzzip $(CVE_2017_5976).zip """ tmpdir = "tmp.test_659" filename = self.zip_CVE_2017_5976 file_url = self.url_CVE_2017_5976 testdir(tmpdir) trycopy("tmp.test_657", filename, tmpdir) trycopy("tmp.test_658", filename, tmpdir) download(file_url, filename, tmpdir) exe = self.bins("unzzip") run = shell("cd {tmpdir} && ../{exe} {filename} ".format(**locals()), returncodes = [0]) self.assertLess(len(run.output), 30) self.assertLess(len(run.errors), 30) self.assertEqual(os.path.getsize(tmpdir+"/test"), 3) url_CVE_2017_5980 = "" zip_CVE_2017_5980 = "00154-zziplib-nullptr-zzip_mem_entry_new" def test_660_infozipdir_CVE_2017_5980(self): """ run info-zip dir """ tmpdir = "tmp.test_660" filename = self.zip_CVE_2017_5980 file_url = self.url_CVE_2017_5980 trycopy("tmp.test_661", filename, tmpdir) testdir(tmpdir) download(file_url, filename, tmpdir) exe = self.bins("unzip") run = shell("{exe} -l {tmpdir}/{filename} ".format(**locals()), returncodes = [0, 2]) self.assertIn(' missing 6 bytes in zipfile', run.errors) self.assertIn("didn't find end-of-central-dir signature at end of central dir", run.errors) self.assertIn(' 1 file', run.output) self.assertLess(len(run.output), 330) self.assertLess(len(run.errors), 500) def test_661_zzipdir_big_CVE_2017_5980(self): """ run info-zip -l $(CVE_2017_5980).zip """ tmpdir = "tmp.test_661" filename = self.zip_CVE_2017_5980 file_url = self.url_CVE_2017_5980 testdir(tmpdir) trycopy("tmp.test_660", filename, tmpdir) trycopy("tmp.test_662", filename, tmpdir) download(file_url, filename, tmpdir) exe = self.bins("unzzip-big") run = shell("{exe} -l {tmpdir}/{filename} ".format(**locals()), returncodes = [0]) self.assertLess(len(run.output), 30) self.assertLess(len(run.errors), 1) self.assertIn(" stored (null)", run.output) def test_662_zzipdir_mem_CVE_2017_5980(self): """ run unzzip-mem -l $(CVE_2017_5980).zip """ tmpdir = "tmp.test_662" filename = self.zip_CVE_2017_5980 file_url = self.url_CVE_2017_5980 testdir(tmpdir) trycopy("tmp.test_661", filename, tmpdir) trycopy("tmp.test_663", filename, tmpdir) download(file_url, filename, tmpdir) exe = self.bins("unzzip-mem") run = shell("{exe} -l {tmpdir}/{filename} ".format(**locals()), returncodes = [0]) self.assertLess(len(run.output), 1) self.assertLess(len(run.errors), 180) self.assertIn("zzip_mem_disk_load : unable to load entry", run.errors) self.assertIn("zzip_mem_disk_open : unable to load disk", run.errors) @unittest.expectedFailure def test_663_zzipdir_mix_CVE_2017_5980(self): """ run unzzip-mix -l $(CVE_2017_5980).zip """ tmpdir = "tmp.test_663" filename = self.zip_CVE_2017_5980 file_url = self.url_CVE_2017_5980 testdir(tmpdir) trycopy("tmp.test_662", filename, tmpdir) trycopy("tmp.test_664", filename, tmpdir) download(file_url, filename, tmpdir) exe = self.bins("unzzip-mix") run = shell("{exe} -l {tmpdir}/{filename} ".format(**locals()), returncodes = [0]) self.assertLess(len(run.output), 1) self.assertLess(len(run.errors), 180) self.assertIn("zzip_mem_disk_load : unable to load entry", run.errors) self.assertIn("zzip_mem_disk_open : unable to load disk", run.errors) def test_664_zzipdir_zap_CVE_2017_5980(self): """ run unzzip -l $(CVE_2017_5980).zip """ tmpdir = "tmp.test_664" filename = self.zip_CVE_2017_5980 file_url = self.url_CVE_2017_5980 testdir(tmpdir) trycopy("tmp.test_663", filename, tmpdir) download(file_url, filename, tmpdir) exe = self.bins("unzzip") run = shell("{exe} -l {tmpdir}/{filename} ".format(**locals()), returncodes = [0, 255]) self.assertLess(len(run.output), 1) self.assertLess(len(run.errors), 180) self.assertIn(": Success", run.errors) def test_665_zipext_info_CVE_2017_5980(self): """ run info' unzip $(CVE_2017_5980).zip """ tmpdir = "tmp.test_665" filename = self.zip_CVE_2017_5980 file_url = self.url_CVE_2017_5980 testdir(tmpdir) trycopy("tmp.test_664", filename, tmpdir) trycopy("tmp.test_666", filename, tmpdir) download(file_url, filename, tmpdir) exe = self.bins("unzip") run = shell("cd {tmpdir} && {exe} -o {filename}".format(**locals()), returncodes = [3]) self.assertLess(len(run.output), 90) self.assertLess(len(run.errors), 900) self.assertIn('file #1: bad zipfile offset (lseek)', run.errors) # self.assertEqual(os.path.getsize(tmpdir+"/test"), 3) self.assertFalse(os.path.exists(tmpdir+"/test")) @unittest.expectedFailure def test_666_zzipext_big_CVE_2017_5980(self): """ run unzzip-big $(CVE_2017_5980).zip """ tmpdir = "tmp.test_666" filename = self.zip_CVE_2017_5980 file_url = self.url_CVE_2017_5980 testdir(tmpdir) trycopy("tmp.test_665", filename, tmpdir) trycopy("tmp.test_667", filename, tmpdir) download(file_url, filename, tmpdir) exe = self.bins("unzzip-big") run = shell("cd {tmpdir} && ../{exe} {filename} ".format(**locals()), returncodes = [0]) self.assertLess(len(run.output), 30) self.assertLess(len(run.errors), 1) # self.assertEqual(os.path.getsize(tmpdir+"/test"), 3) self.assertFalse(os.path.exists(tmpdir+"/test")) def test_667_zzipext_mem_CVE_2017_5980(self): """ run unzzip-mem $(CVE_2017_5980).zip """ tmpdir = "tmp.test_667" filename = self.zip_CVE_2017_5980 file_url = self.url_CVE_2017_5980 testdir(tmpdir) trycopy("tmp.test_666", filename, tmpdir) trycopy("tmp.test_668", filename, tmpdir) download(file_url, filename, tmpdir) exe = self.bins("unzzip-mem") run = shell("cd {tmpdir} && ../{exe} {filename} ".format(**locals()), returncodes = [0]) self.assertLess(len(run.output), 30) self.assertLess(len(run.errors), 200) self.assertFalse(os.path.exists(tmpdir+"/test")) # self.assertEqual(os.path.getsize(tmpdir+"/test"), 3) @unittest.expectedFailure def test_668_zzipext_mix_CVE_2017_5980(self): """ run unzzip-mix $(CVE_2017_5980).zip """ tmpdir = "tmp.test_668" filename = self.zip_CVE_2017_5980 file_url = self.url_CVE_2017_5980 testdir(tmpdir) trycopy("tmp.test_667", filename, tmpdir) trycopy("tmp.test_669", filename, tmpdir) download(file_url, filename, tmpdir) exe = self.bins("unzzip-mix") run = shell("cd {tmpdir} && ../{exe} {filename} ".format(**locals()), returncodes = [0]) self.assertLess(len(run.output), 30) self.assertLess(len(run.errors), 200) self.assertFalse(os.path.exists(tmpdir+"/test")) # self.assertEqual(os.path.getsize(tmpdir+"/test"), 3) def test_669_zzipext_zap_CVE_2017_5980(self): """ run unzzip $(CVE_2017_5980).zip """ tmpdir = "tmp.test_669" filename = self.zip_CVE_2017_5980 file_url = self.url_CVE_2017_5980 testdir(tmpdir) trycopy("tmp.test_667", filename, tmpdir) trycopy("tmp.test_668", filename, tmpdir) download(file_url, filename, tmpdir) exe = self.bins("unzzip") run = shell("cd {tmpdir} && ../{exe} {filename} ".format(**locals()), returncodes = [255]) # TODO self.assertLess(len(run.output), 30) self.assertLess(len(run.errors), 200) self.assertFalse(os.path.exists(tmpdir+"/test")) # self.assertEqual(os.path.getsize(tmpdir+"/test"), 3) url_CVE_2017_5981 = "" zip_CVE_2017_5981 = "00161-zziplib-assertionfailure-seeko_C" def test_670_infozipdir_CVE_2017_5981(self): """ run info-zip dir """ tmpdir = "tmp.test_670" filename = self.zip_CVE_2017_5981 file_url = self.url_CVE_2017_5981 trycopy("tmp.test_671", filename, tmpdir) testdir(tmpdir) download(file_url, filename, tmpdir) exe = self.bins("unzip") run = shell("{exe} -l {tmpdir}/{filename} ".format(**locals()), returncodes = [0, 3]) self.assertIn(' missing 4 bytes in zipfile', run.errors) self.assertIn("zipfile corrupt", run.errors) self.assertLess(len(run.output), 80) self.assertLess(len(run.errors), 500) def test_671_zzipdir_big_CVE_2017_5981(self): """ run info-zip -l $(CVE_2017_5981).zip """ tmpdir = "tmp.test_671" filename = self.zip_CVE_2017_5981 file_url = self.url_CVE_2017_5981 testdir(tmpdir) trycopy("tmp.test_670", filename, tmpdir) trycopy("tmp.test_672", filename, tmpdir) download(file_url, filename, tmpdir) exe = self.bins("unzzip-big") run = shell("{exe} -l {tmpdir}/{filename} ".format(**locals()), returncodes = [0]) self.assertLess(len(run.output), 1) self.assertLess(len(run.errors), 1) def test_672_zzipdir_mem_CVE_2017_5981(self): """ run unzzip-mem -l $(CVE_2017_5981).zip """ tmpdir = "tmp.test_672" filename = self.zip_CVE_2017_5981 file_url = self.url_CVE_2017_5981 testdir(tmpdir) trycopy("tmp.test_671", filename, tmpdir) trycopy("tmp.test_673", filename, tmpdir) download(file_url, filename, tmpdir) exe = self.bins("unzzip-mem") run = shell("{exe} -l {tmpdir}/{filename} ".format(**locals()), returncodes = [0]) self.assertLess(len(run.output), 1) self.assertLess(len(run.errors), 1) def test_673_zzipdir_mix_CVE_2017_5981(self): """ run unzzip-mix -l $(CVE_2017_5981).zip """ tmpdir = "tmp.test_673" filename = self.zip_CVE_2017_5981 file_url = self.url_CVE_2017_5981 testdir(tmpdir) trycopy("tmp.test_672", filename, tmpdir) trycopy("tmp.test_674", filename, tmpdir) download(file_url, filename, tmpdir) exe = self.bins("unzzip-mix") run = shell("{exe} -l {tmpdir}/{filename} ".format(**locals()), returncodes = [0]) self.assertLess(len(run.output), 1) self.assertLess(len(run.errors), 1) def test_674_zzipdir_zap_CVE_2017_5981(self): """ run unzzip-zap -l $(CVE_2017_5981).zip """ tmpdir = "tmp.test_674" filename = self.zip_CVE_2017_5981 file_url = self.url_CVE_2017_5981 testdir(tmpdir) trycopy("tmp.test_673", filename, tmpdir) download(file_url, filename, tmpdir) exe = self.bins("unzzip") run = shell("{exe} -l {tmpdir}/{filename} ".format(**locals()), returncodes = [0, 255]) self.assertLess(len(run.output), 1) self.assertLess(len(run.errors), 80) self.assertIn(": Success", run.errors) def test_675_zipext_info_CVE_2017_5981(self): """ run info' unzip $(CVE_2017_5981).zip """ tmpdir = "tmp.test_675" filename = self.zip_CVE_2017_5981 file_url = self.url_CVE_2017_5981 testdir(tmpdir) trycopy("tmp.test_674", filename, tmpdir) trycopy("tmp.test_676", filename, tmpdir) download(file_url, filename, tmpdir) exe = self.bins("unzip") run = shell("cd {tmpdir} && {exe} -o {filename}".format(**locals()), returncodes = [3]) self.assertLess(len(run.output), 90) self.assertLess(len(run.errors), 500) self.assertIn('zipfile corrupt.', run.errors) # self.assertEqual(os.path.getsize(tmpdir+"/test"), 3) self.assertFalse(os.path.exists(tmpdir+"/test")) def test_676_zzipext_big_CVE_2017_5981(self): """ run unzzip-big $(CVE_2017_5981).zip """ tmpdir = "tmp.test_676" filename = self.zip_CVE_2017_5981 file_url = self.url_CVE_2017_5981 testdir(tmpdir) trycopy("tmp.test_675", filename, tmpdir) trycopy("tmp.test_677", filename, tmpdir) download(file_url, filename, tmpdir) exe = self.bins("unzzip-big") run = shell("cd {tmpdir} && ../{exe} {filename} ".format(**locals()), returncodes = [0]) self.assertLess(len(run.output), 30) self.assertLess(len(run.errors), 1) # self.assertEqual(os.path.getsize(tmpdir+"/test"), 3) self.assertFalse(os.path.exists(tmpdir+"/test")) def test_677_zzipext_mem_CVE_2017_5981(self): """ run unzzip-mem $(CVE_2017_5981).zip """ tmpdir = "tmp.test_677" filename = self.zip_CVE_2017_5981 file_url = self.url_CVE_2017_5981 testdir(tmpdir) trycopy("tmp.test_676", filename, tmpdir) trycopy("tmp.test_678", filename, tmpdir) download(file_url, filename, tmpdir) exe = self.bins("unzzip-mem") run = shell("cd {tmpdir} && ../{exe} {filename} ".format(**locals()), returncodes = [0]) self.assertLess(len(run.output), 30) self.assertLess(len(run.errors), 10) # self.assertEqual(os.path.getsize(tmpdir+"/test"), 3) self.assertFalse(os.path.exists(tmpdir+"/test")) @unittest.expectedFailure def test_678_zzipext_mix_CVE_2017_5981(self): """ run unzzip-mix $(CVE_2017_5981).zip """ tmpdir = "tmp.test_678" filename = self.zip_CVE_2017_5981 file_url = self.url_CVE_2017_5981 testdir(tmpdir) trycopy("tmp.test_677", filename, tmpdir) trycopy("tmp.test_679", filename, tmpdir) download(file_url, filename, tmpdir) exe = self.bins("unzzip-mix") run = shell("cd {tmpdir} && ../{exe} {filename} ".format(**locals()), returncodes = [0]) self.assertLess(len(run.output), 30) self.assertLess(len(run.errors), 10) # self.assertEqual(os.path.getsize(tmpdir+"/test"), 3) self.assertFalse(os.path.exists(tmpdir+"/test")) @unittest.expectedFailure def test_679_zzipext_zap_CVE_2017_5981(self): """ run unzzip $(CVE_2017_5981).zip """ tmpdir = "tmp.test_679" filename = self.zip_CVE_2017_5981 file_url = self.url_CVE_2017_5981 testdir(tmpdir) trycopy("tmp.test_677", filename, tmpdir) trycopy("tmp.test_678", filename, tmpdir) download(file_url, filename, tmpdir) exe = self.bins("unzzip") run = shell("cd {tmpdir} && ../{exe} {filename} ".format(**locals()), returncodes = [0]) self.assertLess(len(run.output), 30) self.assertLess(len(run.errors), 10) # self.assertEqual(os.path.getsize(tmpdir+"/test"), 3) self.assertFalse(os.path.exists(tmpdir+"/test")) def test_800_zzshowme_check_sfx(self): """ create an *.exe that can extract its own zip content """ exe=self.bins("mkzip") exefile = "tmp.zzshowme" + exeext libstub = ".libs/zzipself" + exeext txtfile_name = readme txtfile = self.src(readme) # add the extract-stub so we have reserved the size run = shell("{exe} -0 -j {exefile}.zip {libstub}".format(**locals())) self.assertFalse(run.returncode) # add the actual content which may now be compressed run = shell("{exe} -9 -j {exefile}.zip {txtfile}".format(**locals())) self.assertFalse(run.returncode) # rename .zip to .exe and put the extract-stub at the start shutil.copy(exefile+".zip", exefile) setstub="./zzipsetstub" + exeext run = shell("{setstub} {exefile} {libstub}".format(**locals())) self.assertFalse(run.returncode) os.chmod(exefile, 0755) # now ask the new .exe to show some of its own content run = shell("./{exefile} {txtfile_name}".format(**locals())) self.assertFalse(run.returncode) txt = open(txtfile).read() self.assertEqual(txt.split("\n"), run.output.split("\n")) def test_900_make_test1w_zip(self): """ create a using zzip/write functions. """ exe=self.bins("zzip") run = shell("{exe} --version".format(**locals())) if "- NO -" in run.output: self.skipTest("- NO -D_ZZIP_ENABLE_WRITE") return zipfile="" tmpdir="test1w.tmp" exe=self.bins("zzip") for i in [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9]: filename = os.path.join(tmpdir,"file.%i" % i) filetext = "file-%i\n" % i self.mkfile(filename, filetext) filename = os.path.join(tmpdir,"README") filetext = self.readme() self.mkfile(filename, filetext) try: os.remove(zipfile) except: pass shell("../{exe} ../{zipfile} ??*.* README".format(**locals()), cwd=tmpdir) self.assertGreater(os.path.getsize(zipfile), 10) if __name__ == "__main__": import optparse _o = optparse.OptionParser("%prog [options] test_xxx") _o.add_option("-b", "--topsrcdir", metavar="DIR", default=topsrcdir, help="path to the top srcdir / unpack directory [%default]") _o.add_option("-t", "--testdatadir", metavar="DIR", default=testdatadir, help="path where temporary testdata is created [%default]") _o.add_option("-Z", "--mkzip", metavar="EXE", default=mkzip, help="name or path to zip.exe for *.zip creation [%default]") _o.add_option("-U", "--unzip", metavar="EXE", default=unzip, help="name or path to unzip.exe to unpack *.zip [%default]") _o.add_option("-E", "--exeext", metavar="EXT", default=exeext, help="the executable extension (automake $(EXEEXT)) [%default]") _o.add_option("--xmlresults", action="store_true", default=False, help="print output in junit xml testresult format [%default]") _o.add_option("-v", "--verbose", action="count", default=0, help="increase logging output [%default]") opt, args = _o.parse_args() logging.basicConfig(level = logging.WARNING - 10 * opt.verbose) topsrcdir = opt.topsrcdir testdatdir = opt.testdatadir mkzip = opt.mkzip unzip = opt.unzip exeext = opt.exeext if not args: args += [ "test_" ] suite = unittest.TestSuite() for arg in args: for classname in sorted(list(globals())): if not classname.endswith("Test"): continue testclass = globals()[classname] for method in sorted(dir(testclass)): if "*" not in arg: arg += "*" if arg.startswith("_"): arg = arg[1:] if matches(method, arg): suite.addTest(testclass(method)) # TextTestRunner(verbosity=opt.verbose).run(suite) if opt.xmlresults: import xmlrunner Runner = xmlrunner.XMLTestRunner Runner(xmlresults).run(suite) else: Runner = unittest.TextTestRunner Runner(verbosity=opt.verbose).run(suite)