/* * Simple program to rotate Apache logs without having to kill the server. * * Contributed by Ben Laurie * * 12 Mar 1996 */ #define BUFSIZE 65536 #ifdef MAX_PATH #undef MAX_PATH #endif #define MAX_PATH 1024 #include "ap_config.h" #include #include #include void main (int argc, char **argv) { char buf[BUFSIZE], buf2[MAX_PATH]; time_t tLogEnd = 0; time_t tRotation; int nLogFD = -1; int nRead; char *szLogRoot; if (argc != 3) { fprintf(stderr, "%s \n\n", argv[0]); #ifdef OS2 fprintf(stderr, "Add this:\n\nTransferLog \"|%s.exe /some/where 86400\"\n\n", argv[0]); #else fprintf(stderr, "Add this:\n\nTransferLog \"|%s /some/where 86400\"\n\n", argv[0]); #endif fprintf(stderr, "to httpd.conf. The generated name will be /some/where.nnnn " "where nnnn is the\nsystem time at which the log nominally " "starts (N.B. this time will always be a\nmultiple of the " "rotation time, so you can synchronize cron scripts with it).\n" "At the end of each rotation time a new log is started.\n"); exit(1); } szLogRoot = argv[1]; tRotation = atoi(argv[2]); if (tRotation <= 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Rotation time must be > 0\n"); exit(6); } for (;;) { nRead = read(0, buf, sizeof buf); if (nRead == 0) exit(3); if (nRead < 0) if (errno != EINTR) exit(4); if (nLogFD >= 0 && (time(NULL) >= tLogEnd || nRead < 0)) { close(nLogFD); nLogFD = -1; } if (nLogFD < 0) { time_t tLogStart = (time(NULL) / tRotation) * tRotation; sprintf(buf2, "%s.%010d", szLogRoot, (int) tLogStart); tLogEnd = tLogStart + tRotation; nLogFD = open(buf2, O_WRONLY | O_CREAT | O_APPEND, 0666); if (nLogFD < 0) { perror(buf2); exit(2); } } if (write(nLogFD, buf, nRead) != nRead) { perror(buf2); exit(5); } } }