# src/test/regress/serial_schedule # This should probably be in an order similar to parallel_schedule. test: tablespace test: boolean test: char test: name test: varchar test: text test: int2 test: int4 test: int8 test: oid test: float4 test: float8 test: bit test: numeric test: txid test: uuid test: enum test: money test: rangetypes test: pg_lsn test: regproc test: strings test: numerology test: point test: lseg test: line test: box test: path test: polygon test: circle test: date test: time test: timetz test: timestamp test: timestamptz test: interval test: abstime test: reltime test: tinterval test: inet test: macaddr test: tstypes test: comments test: geometry test: horology test: regex test: oidjoins test: type_sanity test: opr_sanity test: insert test: insert_conflict test: create_function_1 test: create_type test: create_table test: create_function_2 test: copy test: copyselect test: copydml test: create_misc test: create_operator test: create_index test: create_view test: create_aggregate test: create_function_3 test: create_cast test: constraints test: triggers test: inherit test: create_table_like test: typed_table test: vacuum test: drop_if_exists test: updatable_views test: rolenames test: roleattributes test: create_am test: sanity_check test: errors test: select test: select_into test: select_distinct test: select_distinct_on test: select_implicit test: select_having test: subselect test: union test: case test: join test: aggregates test: transactions ignore: random test: random test: portals test: arrays test: btree_index test: hash_index test: update test: delete test: namespace test: prepared_xacts test: brin test: gin test: gist test: spgist test: privileges test: init_privs test: security_label test: collate test: matview test: lock test: replica_identity test: rowsecurity test: object_address test: tablesample test: groupingsets test: drop_operator test: alter_generic test: alter_operator test: misc test: psql test: async test: dbsize test: misc_functions test: rules test: psql_crosstab test: select_parallel test: amutils test: select_views test: portals_p2 test: foreign_key test: cluster test: dependency test: guc test: bitmapops test: combocid test: tsearch test: tsdicts test: foreign_data test: window test: xmlmap test: functional_deps test: advisory_lock test: json test: jsonb test: json_encoding test: indirect_toast test: equivclass test: plancache test: limit test: plpgsql test: copy2 test: temp test: domain test: rangefuncs test: prepare test: without_oid test: conversion test: truncate test: alter_table test: sequence test: polymorphism test: rowtypes test: returning test: largeobject test: with test: xml test: event_trigger test: stats