-- -- AGGREGATES -- SELECT avg(four) AS avg_1 FROM onek; avg_1 -------------------- 1.5000000000000000 (1 row) SELECT avg(a) AS avg_32 FROM aggtest WHERE a < 100; avg_32 --------------------- 32.6666666666666667 (1 row) -- In 7.1, avg(float4) is computed using float8 arithmetic. -- Round the result to 3 digits to avoid platform-specific results. SELECT avg(b)::numeric(10,3) AS avg_107_943 FROM aggtest; avg_107_943 ------------- 107.943 (1 row) SELECT avg(gpa) AS avg_3_4 FROM ONLY student; avg_3_4 --------- 3.4 (1 row) SELECT sum(four) AS sum_1500 FROM onek; sum_1500 ---------- 1500 (1 row) SELECT sum(a) AS sum_198 FROM aggtest; sum_198 --------- 198 (1 row) SELECT sum(b) AS avg_431_773 FROM aggtest; avg_431_773 ------------- 431.773 (1 row) SELECT sum(gpa) AS avg_6_8 FROM ONLY student; avg_6_8 --------- 6.8 (1 row) SELECT max(four) AS max_3 FROM onek; max_3 ------- 3 (1 row) SELECT max(a) AS max_100 FROM aggtest; max_100 --------- 100 (1 row) SELECT max(aggtest.b) AS max_324_78 FROM aggtest; max_324_78 ------------ 324.78 (1 row) SELECT max(student.gpa) AS max_3_7 FROM student; max_3_7 --------- 3.7 (1 row) SELECT stddev_pop(b) FROM aggtest; stddev_pop ----------------- 131.10703231895 (1 row) SELECT stddev_samp(b) FROM aggtest; stddev_samp ------------------ 151.389360803998 (1 row) SELECT var_pop(b) FROM aggtest; var_pop ------------------ 17189.0539234823 (1 row) SELECT var_samp(b) FROM aggtest; var_samp ------------------ 22918.7385646431 (1 row) SELECT stddev_pop(b::numeric) FROM aggtest; stddev_pop ------------------ 131.107032862199 (1 row) SELECT stddev_samp(b::numeric) FROM aggtest; stddev_samp ------------------ 151.389361431288 (1 row) SELECT var_pop(b::numeric) FROM aggtest; var_pop -------------------- 17189.054065929769 (1 row) SELECT var_samp(b::numeric) FROM aggtest; var_samp -------------------- 22918.738754573025 (1 row) -- population variance is defined for a single tuple, sample variance -- is not SELECT var_pop(1.0), var_samp(2.0); var_pop | var_samp ---------+---------- 0 | (1 row) SELECT stddev_pop(3.0::numeric), stddev_samp(4.0::numeric); stddev_pop | stddev_samp ------------+------------- 0 | (1 row) -- SQL2003 binary aggregates SELECT regr_count(b, a) FROM aggtest; regr_count ------------ 4 (1 row) SELECT regr_sxx(b, a) FROM aggtest; regr_sxx ---------- 5099 (1 row) SELECT regr_syy(b, a) FROM aggtest; regr_syy ------------------ 68756.2156939293 (1 row) SELECT regr_sxy(b, a) FROM aggtest; regr_sxy ------------------ 2614.51582155004 (1 row) SELECT regr_avgx(b, a), regr_avgy(b, a) FROM aggtest; regr_avgx | regr_avgy -----------+------------------ 49.5 | 107.943152273074 (1 row) SELECT regr_r2(b, a) FROM aggtest; regr_r2 -------------------- 0.0194977982031803 (1 row) SELECT regr_slope(b, a), regr_intercept(b, a) FROM aggtest; regr_slope | regr_intercept -------------------+------------------ 0.512750700441271 | 82.5619926012309 (1 row) SELECT covar_pop(b, a), covar_samp(b, a) FROM aggtest; covar_pop | covar_samp -----------------+------------------ 653.62895538751 | 871.505273850014 (1 row) SELECT corr(b, a) FROM aggtest; corr ------------------- 0.139634516517873 (1 row) SELECT count(four) AS cnt_1000 FROM onek; cnt_1000 ---------- 1000 (1 row) SELECT count(DISTINCT four) AS cnt_4 FROM onek; cnt_4 ------- 4 (1 row) select ten, count(*), sum(four) from onek group by ten order by ten; ten | count | sum -----+-------+----- 0 | 100 | 100 1 | 100 | 200 2 | 100 | 100 3 | 100 | 200 4 | 100 | 100 5 | 100 | 200 6 | 100 | 100 7 | 100 | 200 8 | 100 | 100 9 | 100 | 200 (10 rows) select ten, count(four), sum(DISTINCT four) from onek group by ten order by ten; ten | count | sum -----+-------+----- 0 | 100 | 2 1 | 100 | 4 2 | 100 | 2 3 | 100 | 4 4 | 100 | 2 5 | 100 | 4 6 | 100 | 2 7 | 100 | 4 8 | 100 | 2 9 | 100 | 4 (10 rows) -- user-defined aggregates SELECT newavg(four) AS avg_1 FROM onek; avg_1 -------------------- 1.5000000000000000 (1 row) SELECT newsum(four) AS sum_1500 FROM onek; sum_1500 ---------- 1500 (1 row) SELECT newcnt(four) AS cnt_1000 FROM onek; cnt_1000 ---------- 1000 (1 row) SELECT newcnt(*) AS cnt_1000 FROM onek; cnt_1000 ---------- 1000 (1 row) SELECT oldcnt(*) AS cnt_1000 FROM onek; cnt_1000 ---------- 1000 (1 row) SELECT sum2(q1,q2) FROM int8_tbl; sum2 ------------------- 18271560493827981 (1 row) -- test for outer-level aggregates -- this should work select ten, sum(distinct four) from onek a group by ten having exists (select 1 from onek b where sum(distinct a.four) = b.four); ten | sum -----+----- 0 | 2 2 | 2 4 | 2 6 | 2 8 | 2 (5 rows) -- this should fail because subquery has an agg of its own in WHERE select ten, sum(distinct four) from onek a group by ten having exists (select 1 from onek b where sum(distinct a.four + b.four) = b.four); ERROR: aggregates not allowed in WHERE clause -- -- test for bitwise integer aggregates -- CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE bitwise_test( i2 INT2, i4 INT4, i8 INT8, i INTEGER, x INT2, y BIT(4) ); -- empty case SELECT BIT_AND(i2) AS "?", BIT_OR(i4) AS "?" FROM bitwise_test; ? | ? ---+--- | (1 row) COPY bitwise_test FROM STDIN NULL 'null'; SELECT BIT_AND(i2) AS "1", BIT_AND(i4) AS "1", BIT_AND(i8) AS "1", BIT_AND(i) AS "?", BIT_AND(x) AS "0", BIT_AND(y) AS "0100", BIT_OR(i2) AS "7", BIT_OR(i4) AS "7", BIT_OR(i8) AS "7", BIT_OR(i) AS "?", BIT_OR(x) AS "7", BIT_OR(y) AS "1101" FROM bitwise_test; 1 | 1 | 1 | ? | 0 | 0100 | 7 | 7 | 7 | ? | 7 | 1101 ---+---+---+---+---+------+---+---+---+---+---+------ 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 0 | 0100 | 7 | 7 | 7 | 3 | 7 | 1101 (1 row) -- -- test boolean aggregates -- -- first test all possible transition and final states SELECT -- boolean and transitions -- null because strict booland_statefunc(NULL, NULL) IS NULL AS "t", booland_statefunc(TRUE, NULL) IS NULL AS "t", booland_statefunc(FALSE, NULL) IS NULL AS "t", booland_statefunc(NULL, TRUE) IS NULL AS "t", booland_statefunc(NULL, FALSE) IS NULL AS "t", -- and actual computations booland_statefunc(TRUE, TRUE) AS "t", NOT booland_statefunc(TRUE, FALSE) AS "t", NOT booland_statefunc(FALSE, TRUE) AS "t", NOT booland_statefunc(FALSE, FALSE) AS "t"; t | t | t | t | t | t | t | t | t ---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+--- t | t | t | t | t | t | t | t | t (1 row) SELECT -- boolean or transitions -- null because strict boolor_statefunc(NULL, NULL) IS NULL AS "t", boolor_statefunc(TRUE, NULL) IS NULL AS "t", boolor_statefunc(FALSE, NULL) IS NULL AS "t", boolor_statefunc(NULL, TRUE) IS NULL AS "t", boolor_statefunc(NULL, FALSE) IS NULL AS "t", -- actual computations boolor_statefunc(TRUE, TRUE) AS "t", boolor_statefunc(TRUE, FALSE) AS "t", boolor_statefunc(FALSE, TRUE) AS "t", NOT boolor_statefunc(FALSE, FALSE) AS "t"; t | t | t | t | t | t | t | t | t ---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+--- t | t | t | t | t | t | t | t | t (1 row) CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE bool_test( b1 BOOL, b2 BOOL, b3 BOOL, b4 BOOL); -- empty case SELECT BOOL_AND(b1) AS "n", BOOL_OR(b3) AS "n" FROM bool_test; n | n ---+--- | (1 row) COPY bool_test FROM STDIN NULL 'null'; SELECT BOOL_AND(b1) AS "f", BOOL_AND(b2) AS "t", BOOL_AND(b3) AS "f", BOOL_AND(b4) AS "n", BOOL_AND(NOT b2) AS "f", BOOL_AND(NOT b3) AS "t" FROM bool_test; f | t | f | n | f | t ---+---+---+---+---+--- f | t | f | | f | t (1 row) SELECT EVERY(b1) AS "f", EVERY(b2) AS "t", EVERY(b3) AS "f", EVERY(b4) AS "n", EVERY(NOT b2) AS "f", EVERY(NOT b3) AS "t" FROM bool_test; f | t | f | n | f | t ---+---+---+---+---+--- f | t | f | | f | t (1 row) SELECT BOOL_OR(b1) AS "t", BOOL_OR(b2) AS "t", BOOL_OR(b3) AS "f", BOOL_OR(b4) AS "n", BOOL_OR(NOT b2) AS "f", BOOL_OR(NOT b3) AS "t" FROM bool_test; t | t | f | n | f | t ---+---+---+---+---+--- t | t | f | | f | t (1 row) -- -- Test several cases that should be optimized into indexscans instead of -- the generic aggregate implementation. We can't actually verify that they -- are done as indexscans, but we can check that the results are correct. -- -- Basic cases select max(unique1) from tenk1; max ------ 9999 (1 row) select max(unique1) from tenk1 where unique1 < 42; max ----- 41 (1 row) select max(unique1) from tenk1 where unique1 > 42; max ------ 9999 (1 row) select max(unique1) from tenk1 where unique1 > 42000; max ----- (1 row) -- multi-column index (uses tenk1_thous_tenthous) select max(tenthous) from tenk1 where thousand = 33; max ------ 9033 (1 row) select min(tenthous) from tenk1 where thousand = 33; min ----- 33 (1 row) -- check parameter propagation into an indexscan subquery select f1, (select min(unique1) from tenk1 where unique1 > f1) AS gt from int4_tbl; f1 | gt -------------+---- 0 | 1 123456 | -123456 | 0 2147483647 | -2147483647 | 0 (5 rows) -- check some cases that were handled incorrectly in 8.3.0 select distinct max(unique2) from tenk1; max ------ 9999 (1 row) select max(unique2) from tenk1 order by 1; max ------ 9999 (1 row) select max(unique2) from tenk1 order by max(unique2); max ------ 9999 (1 row) select max(unique2) from tenk1 order by max(unique2)+1; max ------ 9999 (1 row) select max(unique2), generate_series(1,3) as g from tenk1 order by g desc; max | g ------+--- 9999 | 3 9999 | 2 9999 | 1 (3 rows)