/* Copyright comment */ %{ #include #include #include #include "catalog/catname.h" #include "type.h" #include "extern.h" #ifdef MULTIBYTE #include "mb/pg_wchar.h" #endif #define STRUCT_DEPTH 128 /* * Variables containing simple states. */ static int struct_level = 0; static char errortext[128]; static int QueryIsRule = 0; static enum ECPGttype actual_type[STRUCT_DEPTH]; static char *actual_storage[STRUCT_DEPTH]; /* temporarily store struct members while creating the data structure */ struct ECPGstruct_member *struct_member_list[STRUCT_DEPTH] = { NULL }; struct ECPGtype ecpg_no_indicator = {ECPGt_NO_INDICATOR, 0L, {NULL}}; struct variable no_indicator = {"no_indicator", &ecpg_no_indicator, 0, NULL}; /* * Handle the filename and line numbering. */ char * input_filename = NULL; static void output_line_number() { if (input_filename) fprintf(yyout, "\n#line %d \"%s\"\n", yylineno, input_filename); } /* * store the whenever action here */ static struct when when_error, when_nf; static void print_action(struct when *w) { switch (w->code) { case W_SQLPRINT: fprintf(yyout, "sqlprint();"); break; case W_GOTO: fprintf(yyout, "goto %s;", w->command); break; case W_DO: fprintf(yyout, "%s;", w->command); break; case W_STOP: fprintf(yyout, "exit (1);"); break; case W_BREAK: fprintf(yyout, "break;"); break; default: fprintf(yyout, "{/* %d not implemented yet */}", w->code); break; } } static void whenever_action(int mode) { if (mode == 1 && when_nf.code != W_NOTHING) { output_line_number(); fprintf(yyout, "\nif (sqlca.sqlcode == ECPG_NOT_FOUND) "); print_action(&when_nf); } if (when_error.code != W_NOTHING) { output_line_number(); fprintf(yyout, "\nif (sqlca.sqlcode < 0) "); print_action(&when_error); } output_line_number(); } /* * Handling of variables. */ /* * brace level counter */ int braces_open; static struct variable * allvariables = NULL; static struct variable * new_variable(const char * name, struct ECPGtype * type) { struct variable * p = (struct variable*) mm_alloc(sizeof(struct variable)); p->name = strdup(name); p->type = type; p->brace_level = braces_open; p->next = allvariables; allvariables = p; return(p); } static struct variable * find_variable(char * name); static struct variable * find_struct_member(char *name, char *str, struct ECPGstruct_member *members) { char *next = strchr(++str, '.'), c = '\0'; if (next != NULL) { c = *next; *next = '\0'; } for (; members; members = members->next) { if (strcmp(members->name, str) == 0) { if (c == '\0') { /* found the end */ switch (members->typ->typ) { case ECPGt_array: return(new_variable(name, ECPGmake_array_type(members->typ->u.element, members->typ->size))); case ECPGt_struct: return(new_variable(name, ECPGmake_struct_type(members->typ->u.members))); default: return(new_variable(name, ECPGmake_simple_type(members->typ->typ, members->typ->size))); } } else { *next = c; if (c == '-') { next++; return(find_struct_member(name, next, members->typ->u.element->u.members)); } else return(find_struct_member(name, next, members->typ->u.members)); } } } return(NULL); } static struct variable * find_struct(char * name, char *next) { struct variable * p; char c = *next; /* first get the mother structure entry */ *next = '\0'; p = find_variable(name); /* restore the name, we will need it later on */ *next = c; if (c == '-') { next++; return find_struct_member(name, next, p->type->u.element->u.members); } else return find_struct_member(name, next, p->type->u.members); } static struct variable * find_simple(char * name) { struct variable * p; for (p = allvariables; p; p = p->next) { if (strcmp(p->name, name) == 0) return p; } return(NULL); } /* Note that this function will end the program in case of an unknown */ /* variable */ static struct variable * find_variable(char * name) { char * next; struct variable * p; if ((next = strchr(name, '.')) != NULL) p = find_struct(name, next); else if ((next = strstr(name, "->")) != NULL) p = find_struct(name, next); else p = find_simple(name); if (p == NULL) { sprintf(errortext, "The variable %s is not declared", name); yyerror(errortext); } return(p); } static void remove_variables(int brace_level) { struct variable * p, *prev; for (p = prev = allvariables; p; p = p ? p->next : NULL) { if (p->brace_level >= brace_level) { /* remove it */ if (p == allvariables) prev = allvariables = p->next; else prev->next = p->next; ECPGfree_type(p->type); free(p->name); free(p); p = prev; } else prev = p; } } /* * Here are the variables that need to be handled on every request. * These are of two kinds: input and output. * I will make two lists for them. */ struct arguments * argsinsert = NULL; struct arguments * argsresult = NULL; static void reset_variables(void) { argsinsert = NULL; argsresult = NULL; } /* Add a variable to a request. */ static void add_variable(struct arguments ** list, struct variable * var, struct variable * ind) { struct arguments * p = (struct arguments *)mm_alloc(sizeof(struct arguments)); p->variable = var; p->indicator = ind; p->next = *list; *list = p; } /* Dump out a list of all the variable on this list. This is a recursive function that works from the end of the list and deletes the list as we go on. */ static void dump_variables(struct arguments * list, int mode) { if (list == NULL) { return; } /* The list is build up from the beginning so lets first dump the end of the list: */ dump_variables(list->next, mode); /* Then the current element and its indicator */ ECPGdump_a_type(yyout, list->variable->name, list->variable->type, (list->indicator->type->typ != ECPGt_NO_INDICATOR) ? list->indicator->name : NULL, (list->indicator->type->typ != ECPGt_NO_INDICATOR) ? list->indicator->type : NULL, NULL, NULL); /* Then release the list element. */ if (mode != 0) free(list); } static void check_indicator(struct ECPGtype *var) { /* make sure this is a valid indicator variable */ switch (var->typ) { struct ECPGstruct_member *p; case ECPGt_short: case ECPGt_int: case ECPGt_long: case ECPGt_unsigned_short: case ECPGt_unsigned_int: case ECPGt_unsigned_long: break; case ECPGt_struct: for (p = var->u.members; p; p = p->next) check_indicator(p->typ); break; case ECPGt_array: check_indicator(var->u.element); break; default: yyerror ("indicator variable must be integer type"); break; } } static char * make1_str(const char *str) { char * res_str = (char *)mm_alloc(strlen(str) + 1); strcpy(res_str, str); return res_str; } static char * make2_str(char *str1, char *str2) { char * res_str = (char *)mm_alloc(strlen(str1) + strlen(str2) + 1); strcpy(res_str, str1); strcat(res_str, str2); free(str1); free(str2); return(res_str); } static char * cat2_str(char *str1, char *str2) { char * res_str = (char *)mm_alloc(strlen(str1) + strlen(str2) + 2); strcpy(res_str, str1); strcat(res_str, " "); strcat(res_str, str2); free(str1); free(str2); return(res_str); } static char * make3_str(char *str1, char *str2, char * str3) { char * res_str = (char *)mm_alloc(strlen(str1) + strlen(str2) + strlen(str3) + 1); strcpy(res_str, str1); strcat(res_str, str2); strcat(res_str, str3); free(str1); free(str2); free(str3); return(res_str); } static char * cat3_str(char *str1, char *str2, char * str3) { char * res_str = (char *)mm_alloc(strlen(str1) + strlen(str2) + strlen(str3) + 3); strcpy(res_str, str1); strcat(res_str, " "); strcat(res_str, str2); strcat(res_str, " "); strcat(res_str, str3); free(str1); free(str2); free(str3); return(res_str); } static char * make4_str(char *str1, char *str2, char *str3, char *str4) { char * res_str = (char *)mm_alloc(strlen(str1) + strlen(str2) + strlen(str3) + strlen(str4) + 1); strcpy(res_str, str1); strcat(res_str, str2); strcat(res_str, str3); strcat(res_str, str4); free(str1); free(str2); free(str3); free(str4); return(res_str); } static char * cat4_str(char *str1, char *str2, char *str3, char *str4) { char * res_str = (char *)mm_alloc(strlen(str1) + strlen(str2) + strlen(str3) + strlen(str4) + 4); strcpy(res_str, str1); strcat(res_str, " "); strcat(res_str, str2); strcat(res_str, " "); strcat(res_str, str3); strcat(res_str, " "); strcat(res_str, str4); free(str1); free(str2); free(str3); free(str4); return(res_str); } static char * make5_str(char *str1, char *str2, char *str3, char *str4, char *str5) { char * res_str = (char *)mm_alloc(strlen(str1) + strlen(str2) + strlen(str3) + strlen(str4) + strlen(str5) + 1); strcpy(res_str, str1); strcat(res_str, str2); strcat(res_str, str3); strcat(res_str, str4); strcat(res_str, str5); free(str1); free(str2); free(str3); free(str4); free(str5); return(res_str); } static char * cat5_str(char *str1, char *str2, char *str3, char *str4, char *str5) { char * res_str = (char *)mm_alloc(strlen(str1) + strlen(str2) + strlen(str3) + strlen(str4) + strlen(str5) + 5); strcpy(res_str, str1); strcat(res_str, " "); strcat(res_str, str2); strcat(res_str, " "); strcat(res_str, str3); strcat(res_str, " "); strcat(res_str, str4); strcat(res_str, " "); strcat(res_str, str5); free(str1); free(str2); free(str3); free(str4); free(str5); return(res_str); } static char * make_name(void) { char * name = (char *)mm_alloc(yyleng + 1); strncpy(name, yytext, yyleng); name[yyleng] = '\0'; return(name); } static void output_statement(char * stmt, int mode) { int i, j=strlen(stmt); fputs("ECPGdo(__LINE__, \"", yyout); /* do this char by char as we have to filter '\"' */ for (i = 0;i < j; i++) if (stmt[i] != '\"') fputc(stmt[i], yyout); fputs("\", ", yyout); /* dump variables to C file*/ dump_variables(argsinsert, 1); fputs("ECPGt_EOIT, ", yyout); dump_variables(argsresult, 1); fputs("ECPGt_EORT);", yyout); whenever_action(mode); free(stmt); } %} %union { double dval; int ival; char * str; struct when action; struct index index; int tagname; struct this_type type; enum ECPGttype type_enum; } /* special embedded SQL token */ %token SQL_BREAK SQL_CALL SQL_CONNECT SQL_CONNECTION SQL_CONTINUE %token SQL_DISCONNECT SQL_FOUND SQL_GO SQL_GOTO %token SQL_IDENTIFIED SQL_IMMEDIATE SQL_INDICATOR SQL_OPEN SQL_RELEASE %token SQL_SECTION SQL_SEMI SQL_SQLERROR SQL_SQLPRINT SQL_START %token SQL_STOP SQL_WHENEVER /* C token */ %token S_ANYTHING S_AUTO S_BOOL S_CHAR S_CONST S_DOUBLE S_ENUM S_EXTERN %token S_FLOAT S_INT S %token S_LONG S_REGISTER S_SHORT S_SIGNED S_STATIC S_STRUCT %token S_UNSIGNED S_VARCHAR /* I need this and don't know where it is defined inside the backend */ %token TYPECAST /* Keywords (in SQL92 reserved words) */ %token ACTION, ADD, ALL, ALTER, AND, ANY AS, ASC, BEGIN_TRANS, BETWEEN, BOTH, BY, CASCADE, CAST, CHAR, CHARACTER, CHECK, CLOSE, COLLATE, COLUMN, COMMIT, CONSTRAINT, CREATE, CROSS, CURRENT, CURRENT_DATE, CURRENT_TIME, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, CURRENT_USER, CURSOR, DAY_P, DECIMAL, DECLARE, DEFAULT, DELETE, DESC, DISTINCT, DOUBLE, DROP, END_TRANS, EXECUTE, EXISTS, EXTRACT, FETCH, FLOAT, FOR, FOREIGN, FROM, FULL, GRANT, GROUP, HAVING, HOUR_P, IN, INNER_P, INSERT, INTERVAL, INTO, IS, JOIN, KEY, LANGUAGE, LEADING, LEFT, LIKE, LOCAL, MATCH, MINUTE_P, MONTH_P, NAMES, NATIONAL, NATURAL, NCHAR, NO, NOT, NOTIFY, NULL_P, NUMERIC, ON, OPTION, OR, ORDER, OUTER_P, PARTIAL, POSITION, PRECISION, PRIMARY, PRIVILEGES, PROCEDURE, PUBLIC, REFERENCES, REVOKE, RIGHT, ROLLBACK, SECOND_P, SELECT, SET, SUBSTRING, TABLE, TIME, TIMESTAMP, TIMEZONE_HOUR, TIMEZONE_MINUTE, TO, TRAILING, TRANSACTION, TRIM, UNION, UNIQUE, UPDATE, USER, USING, VALUES, VARCHAR, VARYING, VIEW, WHERE, WITH, WORK, YEAR_P, ZONE /* Keywords (in SQL3 reserved words) */ %token FALSE_P, TRIGGER, TRUE_P /* Keywords (in SQL92 non-reserved words) */ %token TYPE_P /* Keywords for Postgres support (not in SQL92 reserved words) */ %token ABORT_TRANS, AFTER, AGGREGATE, ANALYZE, BACKWARD, BEFORE, BINARY, CACHE, CLUSTER, COPY, CYCLE, DATABASE, DELIMITERS, DO, EACH, EXPLAIN, EXTEND, FORWARD, FUNCTION, HANDLER, INCREMENT, INDEX, INHERITS, INSTEAD, ISNULL, LANCOMPILER, LISTEN, UNLISTEN, LOAD, LOCK_P, LOCATION, MAXVALUE, MINVALUE, MOVE, NEW, NONE, NOTHING, NOTNULL, OIDS, OPERATOR, PROCEDURAL, RECIPE, RENAME, RESET, RETURNS, ROW, RULE, SERIAL, SEQUENCE, SETOF, SHOW, START, STATEMENT, STDIN, STDOUT, TRUSTED, VACUUM, VERBOSE, VERSION, ENCODING /* Keywords (obsolete; retain through next version for parser - thomas 1997-12-0 4) */ %token ARCHIVE /* * Tokens for pg_passwd support. The CREATEDB and CREATEUSER tokens should go a way * when some sort of pg_privileges relation is introduced. * * Todd A. Brandys */ %token PASSWORD, CREATEDB, NOCREATEDB, CREATEUSER, NOCREATEUSER, VALID, UNTIL /* Special keywords, not in the query language - see the "lex" file */ %token IDENT SCONST Op CSTRING CVARIABLE CPP_LINE %token ICONST PARAM %token FCONST /* these are not real. they are here so that they get generated as #define's*/ %token OP /* precedence */ %left OR %left AND %right NOT %right '=' %nonassoc '<' '>' %nonassoc LIKE %nonassoc BETWEEN %nonassoc IN %nonassoc Op /* multi-character ops and user-defined operators */ %nonassoc NOTNULL %nonassoc ISNULL %nonassoc IS %left '+' '-' %left '*' '/' %left '|' /* this is the relation union op, not logical or */ /* Unary Operators */ %right ':' %left ';' /* end of statement or natural log */ %right UMINUS %left '.' %left '[' ']' %nonassoc TYPECAST %left UNION %type Iconst Fconst Sconst TransactionStmt CreateStmt UserId %type CreateAsElement OptCreateAs CreateAsList CreateAsStmt %type OptArchiveType OptInherit key_reference key_action %type key_match constraint_expr ColLabel SpecialRuleRelation %type ColId default_expr ColQualifier columnDef ColQualList %type ColConstraint ColConstraintElem default_list NumericOnly FloatOnly %type OptTableElementList OptTableElement TableConstraint %type ConstraintElem key_actions constraint_list %type res_target_list res_target_el res_target_list2 %type res_target_el2 opt_id relation_name database_name %type access_method attr_name class index_name name func_name %type file_name recipe_name AexprConst ParamNo TypeId %type in_expr_nodes not_in_expr_nodes a_expr b_expr %type opt_indirection expr_list extract_list extract_arg %type position_list position_expr substr_list substr_from %type trim_list in_expr substr_for not_in_expr attr attrs %type Typename Array Generic Numeric generic opt_float opt_numeric %type opt_decimal Character character opt_varying opt_charset %type opt_collate Datetime datetime opt_timezone opt_interval %type numeric a_expr_or_null row_expr row_descriptor row_list %type SelectStmt union_clause select_list SubSelect result %type opt_table opt_union opt_unique sort_clause sortby_list %type sortby OptUseOp opt_inh_star relation_name_list name_list %type group_clause having_clause from_clause c_list %type from_list from_val join_expr join_outer join_spec join_list %type join_using where_clause relation_expr row_op sub_type %type opt_column_list insert_rest InsertStmt OptimizableStmt %type columnList DeleteStmt LockStmt UpdateStmt CursorStmt %type NotifyStmt columnElem copy_dirn SubUnion c_expr UnlistenStmt %type copy_delimiter ListenStmt CopyStmt copy_file_name opt_binary %type opt_with_copy FetchStmt opt_direction fetch_how_many opt_portal_name %type ClosePortalStmt DestroyStmt VacuumStmt opt_verbose %type opt_analyze opt_va_list va_list ExplainStmt index_params %type index_list func_index index_elem opt_type opt_class access_method_clause %type index_opt_unique IndexStmt set_opt func_return def_rest %type func_args_list func_args opt_with ProcedureStmt def_arg %type def_elem def_list definition def_name def_type DefineStmt %type opt_instead event event_object OptStmtMulti OptStmtBlock %type OptStmtList RuleStmt opt_column opt_name oper_argtypes %type MathOp RemoveFuncStmt aggr_argtype %type RemoveAggrStmt remove_type RemoveStmt ExtendStmt RecipeStmt %type RemoveOperStmt RenameStmt all_Op user_valid_clause %type VariableSetStmt var_value zone_value VariableShowStmt %type VariableResetStmt AddAttrStmt alter_clause DropUserStmt %type user_passwd_clause user_createdb_clause opt_trans %type user_createuser_clause user_group_list user_group_clause %type CreateUserStmt AlterUserStmt CreateSeqStmt OptSeqList %type OptSeqElem TriggerForSpec TriggerForOpt TriggerForType %type DropTrigStmt TriggerOneEvent TriggerEvents %type TriggerActionTime CreateTrigStmt DropPLangStmt PLangTrusted %type CreatePLangStmt IntegerOnly TriggerFuncArgs TriggerFuncArg %type ViewStmt LoadStmt CreatedbStmt opt_database1 opt_database2 location %type DestroydbStmt ClusterStmt grantee RevokeStmt encoding %type GrantStmt privileges operation_commalist operation %type ECPGWhenever ECPGConnect connection_target ECPGOpen open_opts %type indicator ECPGExecute ecpg_expr dotext %type storage_clause opt_initializer vartext c_anything blockstart %type blockend variable_list variable var_anything do_anything %type opt_pointer cvariable ECPGDisconnect dis_name %type stmt symbol opt_symbol ECPGRelease execstring server_name %type connection_object opt_server opt_port c_thing %type user_name opt_user char_variable ora_user ident %type db_prefix server opt_options opt_connection_name %type ECPGSetConnection c_line cpp_line s_enum %type enum_type %type simple_type %type type %type action %type opt_array_bounds nest_array_bounds %% prog: statements; statements: /* empty */ | statements statement statement: ecpgstart stmt SQL_SEMI | ECPGDeclaration | c_thing { fprintf(yyout, "%s", $1); free($1); } | cpp_line { fprintf(yyout, "%s", $1); free($1); } | blockstart { fputs($1, yyout); free($1); } | blockend { fputs($1, yyout); free($1); } stmt: AddAttrStmt { output_statement($1, 0); } | AlterUserStmt { output_statement($1, 0); } | ClosePortalStmt { output_statement($1, 0); } | CopyStmt { output_statement($1, 0); } | CreateStmt { output_statement($1, 0); } | CreateAsStmt { output_statement($1, 0); } | CreateSeqStmt { output_statement($1, 0); } | CreatePLangStmt { output_statement($1, 0); } | CreateTrigStmt { output_statement($1, 0); } | CreateUserStmt { output_statement($1, 0); } | ClusterStmt { output_statement($1, 0); } | DefineStmt { output_statement($1, 0); } | DestroyStmt { output_statement($1, 0); } | DropPLangStmt { output_statement($1, 0); } | DropTrigStmt { output_statement($1, 0); } | DropUserStmt { output_statement($1, 0); } | ExtendStmt { output_statement($1, 0); } | ExplainStmt { output_statement($1, 0); } | FetchStmt { output_statement($1, 1); } | GrantStmt { output_statement($1, 0); } | IndexStmt { output_statement($1, 0); } | ListenStmt { output_statement($1, 0); } | UnlistenStmt { output_statement($1, 0); } | LockStmt { output_statement($1, 0); } | ProcedureStmt { output_statement($1, 0); } | RecipeStmt { output_statement($1, 0); } | RemoveAggrStmt { output_statement($1, 0); } | RemoveOperStmt { output_statement($1, 0); } | RemoveFuncStmt { output_statement($1, 0); } | RemoveStmt { output_statement($1, 0); } | RenameStmt { output_statement($1, 0); } | RevokeStmt { output_statement($1, 0); } | OptimizableStmt { if (strncmp($1, "/* " , sizeof("/* ")-1) == 0) { fputs($1, yyout); free($1); } else output_statement($1, 1); } | RuleStmt { output_statement($1, 0); } | TransactionStmt { fprintf(yyout, "ECPGtrans(__LINE__, \"%s\");", $1); whenever_action(0); free($1); } | ViewStmt { output_statement($1, 0); } | LoadStmt { output_statement($1, 0); } | CreatedbStmt { output_statement($1, 0); } | DestroydbStmt { output_statement($1, 0); } | VacuumStmt { output_statement($1, 0); } | VariableSetStmt { output_statement($1, 0); } | VariableShowStmt { output_statement($1, 0); } | VariableResetStmt { output_statement($1, 0); } | ECPGConnect { fprintf(yyout, "no_auto_trans = %d;\n", no_auto_trans); fprintf(yyout, "ECPGconnect(__LINE__, %s);", $1); whenever_action(0); free($1); } | ECPGDisconnect { fprintf(yyout, "ECPGdisconnect(__LINE__, \"%s\");", $1); whenever_action(0); free($1); } | ECPGExecute { fprintf(yyout, "ECPGdo(__LINE__, %s, ECPGt_EOIT, ECPGt_EORT);", $1); whenever_action(0); free($1); } | ECPGOpen { struct cursor *ptr; for (ptr = cur; ptr != NULL; ptr=ptr->next) { if (strcmp(ptr->name, $1) == 0) break; } if (ptr == NULL) { sprintf(errortext, "trying to open undeclared cursor %s\n", $1); yyerror(errortext); } fprintf(yyout, "ECPGdo(__LINE__, \"%s\",", ptr->command); /* dump variables to C file*/ dump_variables(ptr->argsinsert, 0); fputs("ECPGt_EOIT, ", yyout); dump_variables(ptr->argsresult, 0); fputs("ECPGt_EORT);", yyout); whenever_action(0); free($1); } | ECPGRelease { /* output already done */ } | ECPGSetConnection { fprintf(yyout, "ECPGsetconn(__LINE__, %s);", $1); whenever_action(0); free($1); } | ECPGWhenever { fputs($1, yyout); output_line_number(); free($1); } /* * We start with a lot of stuff that's very similar to the backend's parsing */ /***************************************************************************** * * Create a new Postgres DBMS user * * *****************************************************************************/ CreateUserStmt: CREATE USER UserId user_passwd_clause user_createdb_clause user_createuser_clause user_group_clause user_valid_clause { $$ = cat3_str(cat5_str(make1_str("create user"), $3, $4, $5, $6), $7, $8); } ; /***************************************************************************** * * Alter a postresql DBMS user * * *****************************************************************************/ AlterUserStmt: ALTER USER UserId user_passwd_clause user_createdb_clause user_createuser_clause user_group_clause user_valid_clause { $$ = cat3_str(cat5_str(make1_str("alter user"), $3, $4, $5, $6), $7, $8); } ; /***************************************************************************** * * Drop a postresql DBMS user * * *****************************************************************************/ DropUserStmt: DROP USER UserId { $$ = cat2_str(make1_str("drop user"), $3); } ; user_passwd_clause: WITH PASSWORD UserId { $$ = cat2_str(make1_str("with password") , $3); } | /*EMPTY*/ { $$ = make1_str(""); } ; user_createdb_clause: CREATEDB { $$ = make1_str("createdb"); } | NOCREATEDB { $$ = make1_str("nocreatedb"); } | /*EMPTY*/ { $$ = make1_str(""); } ; user_createuser_clause: CREATEUSER { $$ = make1_str("createuser"); } | NOCREATEUSER { $$ = make1_str("nocreateuser"); } | /*EMPTY*/ { $$ = NULL; } ; user_group_list: user_group_list ',' UserId { $$ = cat3_str($1, make1_str(","), $3); } | UserId { $$ = $1; } ; user_group_clause: IN GROUP user_group_list { $$ = cat2_str(make1_str("in group"), $3); } | /*EMPTY*/ { $$ = make1_str(""); } ; user_valid_clause: VALID UNTIL Sconst { $$ = cat2_str(make1_str("valid until"), $3);; } | /*EMPTY*/ { $$ = make1_str(""); } ; /***************************************************************************** * * Set PG internal variable * SET name TO 'var_value' * Include SQL92 syntax (thomas 1997-10-22): * SET TIME ZONE 'var_value' * *****************************************************************************/ VariableSetStmt: SET ColId TO var_value { $$ = cat4_str(make1_str("set"), $2, make1_str("to"), $4); } | SET ColId '=' var_value { $$ = cat4_str(make1_str("set"), $2, make1_str("="), $4); } | SET TIME ZONE zone_value { $$ = cat2_str(make1_str("set time zone"), $4); } | SET NAMES encoding { #ifdef MB $$ = cat2_str(make1_str("set names"), $3); #else yyerror("SET NAMES is not supported"); #endif } ; var_value: Sconst { $$ = $1; } | DEFAULT { $$ = make1_str("default"); } ; zone_value: Sconst { $$ = $1; } | DEFAULT { $$ = make1_str("default"); } | LOCAL { $$ = make1_str("local"); } ; VariableShowStmt: SHOW ColId { $$ = cat2_str(make1_str("show"), $2); } | SHOW TIME ZONE { $$ = make1_str("show time zone"); } ; VariableResetStmt: RESET ColId { $$ = cat2_str(make1_str("reset"), $2); } | RESET TIME ZONE { $$ = make1_str("reset time zone"); } ; /***************************************************************************** * * QUERY : * addattr ( attr1 = type1 .. attrn = typen ) to [*] * *****************************************************************************/ AddAttrStmt: ALTER TABLE relation_name opt_inh_star alter_clause { $$ = cat4_str(make1_str("alter table"), $3, $4, $5); } ; alter_clause: ADD opt_column columnDef { $$ = cat3_str(make1_str("add"), $2, $3); } | ADD '(' OptTableElementList ')' { $$ = make3_str(make1_str("add("), $3, make1_str(")")); } | DROP opt_column ColId { yyerror("ALTER TABLE/DROP COLUMN not yet implemented"); } | ALTER opt_column ColId SET DEFAULT default_expr { yyerror("ALTER TABLE/ALTER COLUMN/SET DEFAULT not yet implemented"); } | ALTER opt_column ColId DROP DEFAULT { yyerror("ALTER TABLE/ALTER COLUMN/DROP DEFAULT not yet implemented"); } | ADD ConstraintElem { yyerror("ALTER TABLE/ADD CONSTRAINT not yet implemented"); } ; /***************************************************************************** * * QUERY : * close * *****************************************************************************/ ClosePortalStmt: CLOSE opt_id { $$ = cat2_str(make1_str("close"), $2); } ; /***************************************************************************** * * QUERY : * COPY [BINARY] FROM/TO * [USING DELIMITERS ] * *****************************************************************************/ CopyStmt: COPY opt_binary relation_name opt_with_copy copy_dirn copy_file_name copy_delimiter { $$ = cat3_str(cat5_str(make1_str("copy"), $2, $3, $4, $5), $6, $7); } ; copy_dirn: TO { $$ = make1_str("to"); } | FROM { $$ = make1_str("from"); } ; /* * copy_file_name NULL indicates stdio is used. Whether stdin or stdout is * used depends on the direction. (It really doesn't make sense to copy from * stdout. We silently correct the "typo". - AY 9/94 */ copy_file_name: Sconst { $$ = $1; } | STDIN { $$ = make1_str("stdin"); } | STDOUT { $$ = make1_str("stdout"); } ; opt_binary: BINARY { $$ = make1_str("binary"); } | /*EMPTY*/ { $$ = make1_str(""); } ; opt_with_copy: WITH OIDS { $$ = make1_str("with oids"); } | /*EMPTY*/ { $$ = make1_str(""); } ; /* * the default copy delimiter is tab but the user can configure it */ copy_delimiter: USING DELIMITERS Sconst { $$ = cat2_str(make1_str("using delimiters"), $3); } | /*EMPTY*/ { $$ = make1_str(""); } ; /***************************************************************************** * * QUERY : * CREATE relname * *****************************************************************************/ CreateStmt: CREATE TABLE relation_name '(' OptTableElementList ')' OptInherit OptArchiveType { $$ = cat5_str(make1_str("create table"), $3, make3_str(make1_str("("), $5, make1_str(")")), $7, $8); } ; OptTableElementList: OptTableElementList ',' OptTableElement { $$ = cat3_str($1, make1_str(","), $3); } | OptTableElement { $$ = $1; } | /*EMPTY*/ { $$ = make1_str(""); } ; OptTableElement: columnDef { $$ = $1; } | TableConstraint { $$ = $1; } ; columnDef: ColId Typename ColQualifier { $$ = cat3_str($1, $2, $3); } | ColId SERIAL { $$ = make2_str($1, make1_str(" serial")); } ; ColQualifier: ColQualList { $$ = $1; } | /*EMPTY*/ { $$ = make1_str(""); } ; ColQualList: ColQualList ColConstraint { $$ = cat2_str($1,$2); } | ColConstraint { $$ = $1; } ; ColConstraint: CONSTRAINT name ColConstraintElem { $$ = cat3_str(make1_str("constraint"), $2, $3); } | ColConstraintElem { $$ = $1; } ; ColConstraintElem: CHECK '(' constraint_expr ')' { $$ = make3_str(make1_str("check("), $3, make1_str(")")); } | DEFAULT default_expr { $$ = cat2_str(make1_str("default"), $2); } | NOT NULL_P { $$ = make1_str("not null"); } | UNIQUE { $$ = make1_str("unique"); } | PRIMARY KEY { $$ = make1_str("primary key"); } | REFERENCES ColId opt_column_list key_match key_actions { fprintf(stderr, "CREATE TABLE/FOREIGN KEY clause ignored; not yet implemented"); $$ = make1_str(""); } ; default_list: default_list ',' default_expr { $$ = cat3_str($1, make1_str(","), $3); } | default_expr { $$ = $1; } ; default_expr: AexprConst { $$ = $1; } | NULL_P { $$ = make1_str("null"); } | '-' default_expr %prec UMINUS { $$ = cat2_str(make1_str("-"), $2); } | default_expr '+' default_expr { $$ = cat3_str($1, make1_str("+"), $3); } | default_expr '-' default_expr { $$ = cat3_str($1, make1_str("-"), $3); } | default_expr '/' default_expr { $$ = cat3_str($1, make1_str("/"), $3); } | default_expr '*' default_expr { $$ = cat3_str($1, make1_str("*"), $3); } | default_expr '=' default_expr { yyerror("boolean expressions not supported in DEFAULT"); } | default_expr '<' default_expr { yyerror("boolean expressions not supported in DEFAULT"); } | default_expr '>' default_expr { yyerror("boolean expressions not supported in DEFAULT"); } /* not possible in embedded sql | ':' default_expr { $$ = cat2_str(make1_str(":"), $2); } */ | ';' default_expr { $$ = cat2_str(make1_str(";"), $2); } | '|' default_expr { $$ = cat2_str(make1_str("|"), $2); } | default_expr TYPECAST Typename { $$ = cat3_str($1, make1_str("::"), $3); } | CAST '(' default_expr AS Typename ')' { $$ = cat3_str(make2_str(make1_str("cast("), $3) , make1_str("as"), make2_str($5, make1_str(")"))); } | '(' default_expr ')' { $$ = make3_str(make1_str("("), $2, make1_str(")")); } | func_name '(' ')' { $$ = cat2_str($1, make1_str("()")); } | func_name '(' default_list ')' { $$ = cat2_str($1, make3_str(make1_str("("), $3, make1_str(")"))); } | default_expr Op default_expr { if (!strcmp("<=", $2) || !strcmp(">=", $2)) yyerror("boolean expressions not supported in DEFAULT"); $$ = cat3_str($1, $2, $3); } | Op default_expr { $$ = cat2_str($1, $2); } | default_expr Op { $$ = cat2_str($1, $2); } /* XXX - thomas 1997-10-07 v6.2 function-specific code to be changed */ | CURRENT_DATE { $$ = make1_str("current_date"); } | CURRENT_TIME { $$ = make1_str("current_time"); } | CURRENT_TIME '(' Iconst ')' { if ($3 != 0) fprintf(stderr, "CURRENT_TIME(%s) precision not implemented; zero used instead",$3); $$ = "current_time"; } | CURRENT_TIMESTAMP { $$ = make1_str("current_timestamp"); } | CURRENT_TIMESTAMP '(' Iconst ')' { if ($3 != 0) fprintf(stderr, "CURRENT_TIMESTAMP(%s) precision not implemented; zero used instead",$3); $$ = "current_timestamp"; } | CURRENT_USER { $$ = make1_str("current_user"); } | USER { $$ = make1_str("user"); } ; /* ConstraintElem specifies constraint syntax which is not embedded into * a column definition. ColConstraintElem specifies the embedded form. * - thomas 1997-12-03 */ TableConstraint: CONSTRAINT name ConstraintElem { $$ = cat3_str(make1_str("constraint"), $2, $3); } | ConstraintElem { $$ = $1; } ; ConstraintElem: CHECK '(' constraint_expr ')' { $$ = make3_str(make1_str("check("), $3, make1_str(")")); } | UNIQUE '(' columnList ')' { $$ = make3_str(make1_str("unique("), $3, make1_str(")")); } | PRIMARY KEY '(' columnList ')' { $$ = make3_str(make1_str("primary key("), $4, make1_str(")")); } | FOREIGN KEY '(' columnList ')' REFERENCES ColId opt_column_list key_match key_actions { fprintf(stderr, "CREATE TABLE/FOREIGN KEY clause ignored; not yet implemented"); $$ = ""; } ; constraint_list: constraint_list ',' constraint_expr { $$ = cat3_str($1, make1_str(","), $3); } | constraint_expr { $$ = $1; } ; constraint_expr: AexprConst { $$ = $1; } | NULL_P { $$ = make1_str("null"); } | ColId { $$ = $1; } | '-' constraint_expr %prec UMINUS { $$ = cat2_str(make1_str("-"), $2); } | constraint_expr '+' constraint_expr { $$ = cat3_str($1, make1_str("+"), $3); } | constraint_expr '-' constraint_expr { $$ = cat3_str($1, make1_str("-"), $3); } | constraint_expr '/' constraint_expr { $$ = cat3_str($1, make1_str("/"), $3); } | constraint_expr '*' constraint_expr { $$ = cat3_str($1, make1_str("*"), $3); } | constraint_expr '=' constraint_expr { $$ = cat3_str($1, make1_str("="), $3); } | constraint_expr '<' constraint_expr { $$ = cat3_str($1, make1_str("<"), $3); } | constraint_expr '>' constraint_expr { $$ = cat3_str($1, make1_str(">"), $3); } /* this one doesn't work with embedded sql anyway | ':' constraint_expr { $$ = cat2_str(make1_str(":"), $2); } */ | ';' constraint_expr { $$ = cat2_str(make1_str(";"), $2); } | '|' constraint_expr { $$ = cat2_str(make1_str("|"), $2); } | constraint_expr TYPECAST Typename { $$ = cat3_str($1, make1_str("::"), $3); } | CAST '(' constraint_expr AS Typename ')' { $$ = cat3_str(make2_str(make1_str("cast("), $3), make1_str("as"), make2_str($5, make1_str(")"))); } | '(' constraint_expr ')' { $$ = make3_str(make1_str("("), $2, make1_str(")")); } | func_name '(' ')' { { $$ = cat2_str($1, make1_str("()")); } } | func_name '(' constraint_list ')' { $$ = cat2_str($1, make3_str(make1_str("("), $3, make1_str(")"))); } | constraint_expr Op constraint_expr { $$ = cat3_str($1, $2, $3); } | constraint_expr LIKE constraint_expr { $$ = cat3_str($1, make1_str("like"), $3); } | constraint_expr NOT LIKE constraint_expr { $$ = cat3_str($1, make1_str("not like"), $4); } | constraint_expr AND constraint_expr { $$ = cat3_str($1, make1_str("and"), $3); } | constraint_expr OR constraint_expr { $$ = cat3_str($1, make1_str("or"), $3); } | NOT constraint_expr { $$ = cat2_str(make1_str("not"), $2); } | Op constraint_expr { $$ = cat2_str($1, $2); } | constraint_expr Op { $$ = cat2_str($1, $2); } | constraint_expr ISNULL { $$ = cat2_str($1, make1_str("isnull")); } | constraint_expr IS NULL_P { $$ = cat2_str($1, make1_str("is null")); } | constraint_expr NOTNULL { $$ = cat2_str($1, make1_str("notnull")); } | constraint_expr IS NOT NULL_P { $$ = cat2_str($1, make1_str("is not null")); } | constraint_expr IS TRUE_P { $$ = cat2_str($1, make1_str("is true")); } | constraint_expr IS FALSE_P { $$ = cat2_str($1, make1_str("is false")); } | constraint_expr IS NOT TRUE_P { $$ = cat2_str($1, make1_str("is not true")); } | constraint_expr IS NOT FALSE_P { $$ = cat2_str($1, make1_str("is not false")); } | constraint_expr IN '(' c_list ')' { $$ = cat4_str($1, make1_str("in ("), $4, make1_str(")")); } | constraint_expr NOT IN '(' c_list ')' { $$ = cat4_str($1, make1_str("not in ("), $5, make1_str(")")); } | constraint_expr BETWEEN c_expr AND c_expr { $$ = cat5_str($1, make1_str("between"), $3, make1_str("and"), $5); } | constraint_expr NOT BETWEEN c_expr AND c_expr { $$ = cat5_str($1, make1_str("not between"), $4, make1_str("and"), $6); } ; c_list: c_list ',' c_expr { $$ = make3_str($1, make1_str(", "), $3); } | c_expr { $$ = $1; } c_expr: AexprConst { $$ = $1; } key_match: MATCH FULL { $$ = make1_str("match full"); } | MATCH PARTIAL { $$ = make1_str("match partial"); } | /*EMPTY*/ { $$ = make1_str(""); } ; key_actions: key_action key_action { $$ = cat2_str($1, $2); } | key_action { $$ = $1; } | /*EMPTY*/ { $$ = make1_str(""); } ; key_action: ON DELETE key_reference { $$ = cat2_str(make1_str("on delete"), $3); } | ON UPDATE key_reference { $$ = cat2_str(make1_str("on update"), $3); } ; key_reference: NO ACTION { $$ = make1_str("no action"); } | CASCADE { $$ = make1_str("cascade"); } | SET DEFAULT { $$ = make1_str("set default"); } | SET NULL_P { $$ = make1_str("set null"); } ; OptInherit: INHERITS '(' relation_name_list ')' { $$ = make3_str(make1_str("inherits ("), $3, make1_str(")")); } | /*EMPTY*/ { $$ = make1_str(""); } ; /* * "ARCHIVE" keyword was removed in 6.3, but we keep it for now * so people can upgrade with old pg_dump scripts. - momjian 1997-11-20(?) */ OptArchiveType: ARCHIVE '=' NONE { $$ = make1_str("archive = none"); } | /*EMPTY*/ { $$ = make1_str(""); } ; CreateAsStmt: CREATE TABLE relation_name OptCreateAs AS SubSelect { $$ = cat5_str(make1_str("create table"), $3, $4, make1_str("as"), $6); } ; OptCreateAs: '(' CreateAsList ')' { $$ = make3_str(make1_str("("), $2, make1_str(")")); } | /*EMPTY*/ { $$ = make1_str(""); } ; CreateAsList: CreateAsList ',' CreateAsElement { $$ = cat3_str($1, make1_str(","), $3); } | CreateAsElement { $$ = $1; } ; CreateAsElement: ColId { $$ = $1; } ; /***************************************************************************** * * QUERY : * CREATE SEQUENCE seqname * *****************************************************************************/ CreateSeqStmt: CREATE SEQUENCE relation_name OptSeqList { $$ = cat3_str(make1_str("create sequence"), $3, $4); } ; OptSeqList: OptSeqList OptSeqElem { $$ = cat2_str($1, $2); } | { $$ = make1_str(""); } ; OptSeqElem: CACHE IntegerOnly { $$ = cat2_str(make1_str("cache"), $2); } | CYCLE { $$ = make1_str("cycle"); } | INCREMENT IntegerOnly { $$ = cat2_str(make1_str("increment"), $2); } | MAXVALUE IntegerOnly { $$ = cat2_str(make1_str("maxvalue"), $2); } | MINVALUE IntegerOnly { $$ = cat2_str(make1_str("minvalue"), $2); } | START IntegerOnly { $$ = cat2_str(make1_str("start"), $2); } ; NumericOnly: FloatOnly { $$ = $1; } | IntegerOnly { $$ = $1; } FloatOnly: Fconst { $$ = $1; } | '-' Fconst { $$ = cat2_str(make1_str("-"), $2); } ; IntegerOnly: Iconst { $$ = $1; } | '-' Iconst { $$ = cat2_str(make1_str("-"), $2); } ; /***************************************************************************** * * QUERIES : * CREATE PROCEDURAL LANGUAGE ... * DROP PROCEDURAL LANGUAGE ... * *****************************************************************************/ CreatePLangStmt: CREATE PLangTrusted PROCEDURAL LANGUAGE Sconst HANDLER def_name LANCOMPILER Sconst { $$ = cat4_str(cat5_str(make1_str("create"), $2, make1_str("precedural language"), $5, make1_str("handler")), $7, make1_str("langcompiler"), $9); } ; PLangTrusted: TRUSTED { $$ = make1_str("trusted"); } | { $$ = make1_str(""); } DropPLangStmt: DROP PROCEDURAL LANGUAGE Sconst { $$ = cat2_str(make1_str("drop procedural language"), $4); } ; /***************************************************************************** * * QUERIES : * CREATE TRIGGER ... * DROP TRIGGER ... * *****************************************************************************/ CreateTrigStmt: CREATE TRIGGER name TriggerActionTime TriggerEvents ON relation_name TriggerForSpec EXECUTE PROCEDURE name '(' TriggerFuncArgs ')' { $$ = cat2_str(cat5_str(cat5_str(make1_str("create trigger"), $3, $4, $5, make1_str("on")), $7, $8, make1_str("execute procedure"), $11), make3_str(make1_str("("), $13, make1_str(")"))); } ; TriggerActionTime: BEFORE { $$ = make1_str("before"); } | AFTER { $$ = make1_str("after"); } ; TriggerEvents: TriggerOneEvent { $$ = $1; } | TriggerOneEvent OR TriggerOneEvent { $$ = cat3_str($1, make1_str("or"), $3); } | TriggerOneEvent OR TriggerOneEvent OR TriggerOneEvent { $$ = cat5_str($1, make1_str("or"), $3, make1_str("or"), $5); } ; TriggerOneEvent: INSERT { $$ = make1_str("insert"); } | DELETE { $$ = make1_str("delete"); } | UPDATE { $$ = make1_str("update"); } ; TriggerForSpec: FOR TriggerForOpt TriggerForType { $$ = cat3_str(make1_str("for"), $2, $3); } ; TriggerForOpt: EACH { $$ = make1_str("each"); } | /*EMPTY*/ { $$ = make1_str(""); } ; TriggerForType: ROW { $$ = make1_str("row"); } | STATEMENT { $$ = make1_str("statement"); } ; TriggerFuncArgs: TriggerFuncArg { $$ = $1 } | TriggerFuncArgs ',' TriggerFuncArg { $$ = cat3_str($1, make1_str(","), $3); } | /*EMPTY*/ { $$ = make1_str(""); } ; TriggerFuncArg: Iconst { $$ = $1; } | Fconst { $$ = $1; } | Sconst { $$ = $1; } | ident { $$ = $1; } ; DropTrigStmt: DROP TRIGGER name ON relation_name { $$ = cat4_str(make1_str("drop trigger"), $3, make1_str("on"), $5); } ; /***************************************************************************** * * QUERY : * define (type,operator,aggregate) * *****************************************************************************/ DefineStmt: CREATE def_type def_rest { $$ = cat3_str(make1_str("create"), $2, $3); } ; def_rest: def_name definition { $$ = cat2_str($1, $2); } ; def_type: OPERATOR { $$ = make1_str("operator"); } | TYPE_P { $$ = make1_str("type"); } | AGGREGATE { $$ = make1_str("aggregate"); } ; def_name: PROCEDURE { $$ = make1_str("procedure"); } | JOIN { $$ = make1_str("join"); } | ColId { $$ = $1; } | MathOp { $$ = $1; } | Op { $$ = $1; } ; definition: '(' def_list ')' { $$ = make3_str(make1_str("("), $2, make1_str(")")); } ; def_list: def_elem { $$ = $1; } | def_list ',' def_elem { $$ = cat3_str($1, make1_str(","), $3); } ; def_elem: def_name '=' def_arg { $$ = cat3_str($1, make1_str("="), $3); } | def_name { $$ = $1; } | DEFAULT '=' def_arg { $$ = cat2_str(make1_str("default ="), $3); } ; def_arg: ColId { $$ = $1; } | all_Op { $$ = $1; } | NumericOnly { $$ = $1; } | Sconst { $$ = $1; } | SETOF ColId { $$ = cat2_str(make1_str("setof"), $2); } ; /***************************************************************************** * * QUERY: * destroy [, .. ] * *****************************************************************************/ DestroyStmt: DROP TABLE relation_name_list { $$ = cat2_str(make1_str("drop table"), $3); } | DROP SEQUENCE relation_name_list { $$ = cat2_str(make1_str("drop sequence"), $3); } ; /***************************************************************************** * * QUERY: * fetch/move [forward | backward] [number | all ] [ in ] * *****************************************************************************/ FetchStmt: FETCH opt_direction fetch_how_many opt_portal_name INTO into_list { $$ = cat4_str(make1_str("fetch"), $2, $3, $4); } | MOVE opt_direction fetch_how_many opt_portal_name { $$ = cat4_str(make1_str("fetch"), $2, $3, $4); } ; opt_direction: FORWARD { $$ = make1_str("forward"); } | BACKWARD { $$ = make1_str("backward"); } | /*EMPTY*/ { $$ = make1_str(""); /* default */ } ; fetch_how_many: Iconst { $$ = $1; if (atol($1) <= 0) yyerror("Please specify nonnegative count for fetch"); } | ALL { $$ = make1_str("all"); } | /*EMPTY*/ { $$ = make1_str(""); /*default*/ } ; opt_portal_name: IN name { $$ = cat2_str(make1_str("in"), $2); } | name { $$ = cat2_str(make1_str("in"), $1); } | /*EMPTY*/ { $$ = make1_str(""); } ; /***************************************************************************** * * QUERY: * GRANT [privileges] ON [relation_name_list] TO [GROUP] grantee * *****************************************************************************/ GrantStmt: GRANT privileges ON relation_name_list TO grantee opt_with_grant { $$ = cat2_str(cat5_str(make1_str("grant"), $2, make1_str("on"), $4, make1_str("to")), $6); } ; privileges: ALL PRIVILEGES { $$ = make1_str("all privileges"); } | ALL { $$ = make1_str("all"); } | operation_commalist { $$ = $1; } ; operation_commalist: operation { $$ = $1; } | operation_commalist ',' operation { $$ = cat3_str($1, make1_str(","), $3); } ; operation: SELECT { $$ = make1_str("select"); } | INSERT { $$ = make1_str("insert"); } | UPDATE { $$ = make1_str("update"); } | DELETE { $$ = make1_str("delete"); } | RULE { $$ = make1_str("rule"); } ; grantee: PUBLIC { $$ = make1_str("public"); } | GROUP ColId { $$ = cat2_str(make1_str("group"), $2); } | ColId { $$ = $1; } ; opt_with_grant: WITH GRANT OPTION { yyerror("WITH GRANT OPTION is not supported. Only relation owners can set privileges"); } | /*EMPTY*/ ; /***************************************************************************** * * QUERY: * REVOKE [privileges] ON [relation_name] FROM [user] * *****************************************************************************/ RevokeStmt: REVOKE privileges ON relation_name_list FROM grantee { $$ = cat2_str(cat5_str(make1_str("revoke"), $2, make1_str("on"), $4, make1_str("from")), $6); } ; /***************************************************************************** * * QUERY: * create index on * using "(" ( with )+ ")" [with * ] * * [where ] is not supported anymore *****************************************************************************/ IndexStmt: CREATE index_opt_unique INDEX index_name ON relation_name access_method_clause '(' index_params ')' opt_with { /* should check that access_method is valid, etc ... but doesn't */ $$ = cat5_str(cat5_str(make1_str("create"), $2, make1_str("index"), $4, make1_str("on")), $6, $7, make3_str(make1_str("("), $9, make1_str(")")), $11); } ; index_opt_unique: UNIQUE { $$ = make1_str("unique"); } | /*EMPTY*/ { $$ = make1_str(""); } ; access_method_clause: USING access_method { $$ = cat2_str(make1_str("using"), $2); } | /*EMPTY*/ { $$ = make1_str(""); } ; index_params: index_list { $$ = $1; } | func_index { $$ = $1; } ; index_list: index_list ',' index_elem { $$ = cat3_str($1, make1_str(","), $3); } | index_elem { $$ = $1; } ; func_index: func_name '(' name_list ')' opt_type opt_class { $$ = cat4_str($1, make3_str(make1_str("("), $3, ")"), $5, $6); } ; index_elem: attr_name opt_type opt_class { $$ = cat3_str($1, $2, $3); } ; opt_type: ':' Typename { $$ = cat2_str(make1_str(":"), $2); } | FOR Typename { $$ = cat2_str(make1_str("for"), $2); } | /*EMPTY*/ { $$ = make1_str(""); } ; /* opt_class "WITH class" conflicts with preceeding opt_type * for Typename of "TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE" * So, remove "WITH class" from the syntax. OK?? * - thomas 1997-10-12 * | WITH class { $$ = $2; } */ opt_class: class { $$ = $1; } | USING class { $$ = cat2_str(make1_str("using"), $2); } | /*EMPTY*/ { $$ = make1_str(""); } ; /***************************************************************************** * * QUERY: * extend index [where ] * *****************************************************************************/ ExtendStmt: EXTEND INDEX index_name where_clause { $$ = cat3_str(make1_str("extend index"), $3, $4); } ; /***************************************************************************** * * QUERY: * execute recipe * *****************************************************************************/ RecipeStmt: EXECUTE RECIPE recipe_name { $$ = cat2_str(make1_str("execute recipe"), $3); } ; /***************************************************************************** * * QUERY: * define function * (language = , returntype = * [, arch_pct = ] * [, disk_pct = ] * [, byte_pct = ] * [, perbyte_cpu = ] * [, percall_cpu = ] * [, iscachable]) * [arg is ( { , })] * as * *****************************************************************************/ ProcedureStmt: CREATE FUNCTION func_name func_args RETURNS func_return opt_with AS Sconst LANGUAGE Sconst { $$ = cat2_str(cat5_str(cat5_str(make1_str("create function"), $3, $4, make1_str("returns"), $6), $7, make1_str("as"), $9, make1_str("language")), $11); } opt_with: WITH definition { $$ = cat2_str(make1_str("with"), $2); } | /*EMPTY*/ { $$ = make1_str(""); } ; func_args: '(' func_args_list ')' { $$ = make3_str(make1_str("("), $2, make1_str(")")); } | '(' ')' { $$ = make1_str("()"); } ; func_args_list: TypeId { $$ = $1; } | func_args_list ',' TypeId { $$ = cat3_str($1, make1_str(","), $3); } ; func_return: set_opt TypeId { $$ = cat2_str($1, $2); } ; set_opt: SETOF { $$ = make1_str("setof"); } | /*EMPTY*/ { $$ = make1_str(""); } ; /***************************************************************************** * * QUERY: * * remove function * (REMOVE FUNCTION "funcname" (arg1, arg2, ...)) * remove aggregate * (REMOVE AGGREGATE "aggname" "aggtype") * remove operator * (REMOVE OPERATOR "opname" (leftoperand_typ rightoperand_typ)) * remove type * (REMOVE TYPE "typename") * remove rule * (REMOVE RULE "rulename") * *****************************************************************************/ RemoveStmt: DROP remove_type name { $$ = cat3_str(make1_str("drop"), $2, $3);; } ; remove_type: TYPE_P { $$ = make1_str("type"); } | INDEX { $$ = make1_str("index"); } | RULE { $$ = make1_str("rule"); } | VIEW { $$ = make1_str("view"); } ; RemoveAggrStmt: DROP AGGREGATE name aggr_argtype { $$ = cat3_str(make1_str("drop aggregate"), $3, $4); } ; aggr_argtype: name { $$ = $1; } | '*' { $$ = make1_str("*"); } ; RemoveFuncStmt: DROP FUNCTION func_name func_args { $$ = cat3_str(make1_str("drop function"), $3, $4); } ; RemoveOperStmt: DROP OPERATOR all_Op '(' oper_argtypes ')' { $$ = cat3_str(make1_str("drop operator"), $3, make3_str(make1_str("("), $5, make1_str(")"))); } ; all_Op: Op | MathOp; MathOp: '+' { $$ = make1_str("+"); } | '-' { $$ = make1_str("-"); } | '*' { $$ = make1_str("*"); } | '/' { $$ = make1_str("/"); } | '<' { $$ = make1_str("<"); } | '>' { $$ = make1_str(">"); } | '=' { $$ = make1_str("="); } ; oper_argtypes: name { yyerror("parser: argument type missing (use NONE for unary operators)"); } | name ',' name { $$ = cat3_str($1, make1_str(","), $3); } | NONE ',' name /* left unary */ { $$ = cat2_str(make1_str("none,"), $3); } | name ',' NONE /* right unary */ { $$ = cat2_str($1, make1_str(", none")); } ; /***************************************************************************** * * QUERY: * rename in [*] to * rename to * *****************************************************************************/ RenameStmt: ALTER TABLE relation_name opt_inh_star RENAME opt_column opt_name TO name { $$ = cat4_str(cat5_str(make1_str("alter table"), $3, $4, make1_str("rename"), $6), $7, make1_str("to"), $9); } ; opt_name: name { $$ = $1; } | /*EMPTY*/ { $$ = make1_str(""); } ; opt_column: COLUMN { $$ = make1_str("colmunn"); } | /*EMPTY*/ { $$ = make1_str(""); } ; /***************************************************************************** * * QUERY: Define Rewrite Rule , Define Tuple Rule * Define Rule * * only rewrite rule is supported -- ay 9/94 * *****************************************************************************/ RuleStmt: CREATE RULE name AS { QueryIsRule=1; } ON event TO event_object where_clause DO opt_instead OptStmtList { $$ = cat2_str(cat5_str(cat5_str(make1_str("create rule"), $3, make1_str("as on"), $7, make1_str("to")), $9, $10, make1_str("do"), $12), $13); } ; OptStmtList: NOTHING { $$ = make1_str("nothing"); } | OptimizableStmt { $$ = $1; } | '[' OptStmtBlock ']' { $$ = cat3_str(make1_str("["), $2, make1_str("]")); } | '(' OptStmtBlock ')' { $$ = cat3_str(make1_str("("), $2, make1_str(")")); } ; OptStmtBlock: OptStmtMulti { $$ = $1; } | OptimizableStmt { $$ = $1; } ; OptStmtMulti: OptStmtMulti OptimizableStmt ';' { $$ = cat3_str($1, $2, make1_str(";")); } | OptStmtMulti OptimizableStmt { $$ = cat2_str($1, $2); } | OptimizableStmt ';' { $$ = cat2_str($1, make1_str(";")); } ; event_object: relation_name '.' attr_name { $$ = make3_str($1, make1_str("."), $3); } | relation_name { $$ = $1; } ; /* change me to select, update, etc. some day */ event: SELECT { $$ = make1_str("select"); } | UPDATE { $$ = make1_str("update"); } | DELETE { $$ = make1_str("delete"); } | INSERT { $$ = make1_str("insert"); } ; opt_instead: INSTEAD { $$ = make1_str("instead"); } | /*EMPTY*/ { $$ = make1_str(""); } ; /***************************************************************************** * * QUERY: * NOTIFY can appear both in rule bodies and * as a query-level command * *****************************************************************************/ NotifyStmt: NOTIFY relation_name { $$ = cat2_str(make1_str("notify"), $2); } ; ListenStmt: LISTEN relation_name { $$ = cat2_str(make1_str("listen"), $2); } ; UnlistenStmt: UNLISTEN relation_name { $$ = cat2_str(make1_str("unlisten"), $2); } ; /***************************************************************************** * * Transactions: * * abort transaction * (ABORT) * begin transaction * (BEGIN) * end transaction * (END) * *****************************************************************************/ TransactionStmt: ABORT_TRANS opt_trans { $$ = make1_str("rollback"); } | BEGIN_TRANS opt_trans { $$ = make1_str("begin transaction"); } | COMMIT opt_trans { $$ = make1_str("commit"); } | END_TRANS opt_trans { $$ = make1_str("commit"); } | ROLLBACK opt_trans { $$ = make1_str("rollback"); } opt_trans: WORK { $$ = ""; } | TRANSACTION { $$ = ""; } | /*EMPTY*/ { $$ = ""; } ; /***************************************************************************** * * QUERY: * define view '('target-list ')' [where ] * *****************************************************************************/ ViewStmt: CREATE VIEW name AS SelectStmt { $$ = cat4_str(make1_str("create view"), $3, make1_str("as"), $5); } ; /***************************************************************************** * * QUERY: * load make1_str("filename") * *****************************************************************************/ LoadStmt: LOAD file_name { $$ = cat2_str(make1_str("load"), $2); } ; /***************************************************************************** * * QUERY: * createdb dbname * *****************************************************************************/ CreatedbStmt: CREATE DATABASE database_name WITH opt_database1 opt_database2 { if (strlen($5) == 0 || strlen($6) == 0) yyerror("CREATE DATABASE WITH requires at least an option"); #ifndef MULTIBYTE if (strlen($6) != 0) yyerror("WITH ENCODING is not supported"); #endif $$ = cat5_str(make1_str("create database"), $3, make1_str("with"), $5, $6); } | CREATE DATABASE database_name { $$ = cat2_str(make1_str("create database"), $3); } ; opt_database1: LOCATION '=' location { $$ = cat2_str(make1_str("location ="), $3); } | /*EMPTY*/ { $$ = make1_str(""); } ; opt_database2: ENCODING '=' encoding { $$ = cat2_str(make1_str("encoding ="), $3); } | /*EMPTY*/ { $$ = NULL; } ; location: Sconst { $$ = $1; } | DEFAULT { $$ = make1_str("default"); } | /*EMPTY*/ { $$ = make1_str(""); } ; encoding: Sconst { $$ = $1; } | DEFAULT { $$ = make1_str("default"); } | /*EMPTY*/ { $$ = make1_str(""); } ; /***************************************************************************** * * QUERY: * destroydb dbname * *****************************************************************************/ DestroydbStmt: DROP DATABASE database_name { $$ = cat2_str(make1_str("drop database"), $3); } ; /***************************************************************************** * * QUERY: * cluster on * *****************************************************************************/ ClusterStmt: CLUSTER index_name ON relation_name { $$ = cat4_str(make1_str("cluster"), $2, make1_str("on"), $4); } ; /***************************************************************************** * * QUERY: * vacuum * *****************************************************************************/ VacuumStmt: VACUUM opt_verbose opt_analyze { $$ = cat3_str(make1_str("vacuum"), $2, $3); } | VACUUM opt_verbose opt_analyze relation_name opt_va_list { if ( strlen($5) > 0 && strlen($4) == 0 ) yyerror("parser: syntax error at or near \"(\""); $$ = cat5_str(make1_str("vacuum"), $2, $3, $4, $5); } ; opt_verbose: VERBOSE { $$ = make1_str("verbose"); } | /*EMPTY*/ { $$ = make1_str(""); } ; opt_analyze: ANALYZE { $$ = make1_str("analyse"); } | /*EMPTY*/ { $$ = make1_str(""); } ; opt_va_list: '(' va_list ')' { $$ = make3_str(make1_str("("), $2, make1_str(")")); } | /*EMPTY*/ { $$ = make1_str(""); } ; va_list: name { $$=$1; } | va_list ',' name { $$=cat3_str($1, make1_str(","), $3); } ; /***************************************************************************** * * QUERY: * EXPLAIN query * *****************************************************************************/ ExplainStmt: EXPLAIN opt_verbose OptimizableStmt { $$ = cat3_str(make1_str("explain"), $2, $3); } ; /***************************************************************************** * * * Optimizable Stmts: * * * * one of the five queries processed by the planner * * * * [ultimately] produces query-trees as specified * * in the query-spec document in ~postgres/ref * * * *****************************************************************************/ OptimizableStmt: SelectStmt | CursorStmt | UpdateStmt | InsertStmt | NotifyStmt | DeleteStmt ; /***************************************************************************** * * QUERY: * INSERT STATEMENTS * *****************************************************************************/ InsertStmt: INSERT INTO relation_name opt_column_list insert_rest { $$ = cat4_str(make1_str("insert into"), $3, $4, $5); } ; insert_rest: VALUES '(' res_target_list2 ')' { $$ = make3_str(make1_str("values("), $3, make1_str(")")); } | SELECT opt_unique res_target_list2 from_clause where_clause group_clause having_clause union_clause { $$ = cat4_str(cat5_str(make1_str("select"), $2, $3, $4, $5), $6, $7, $8); } ; opt_column_list: '(' columnList ')' { $$ = make3_str(make1_str("("), $2, make1_str(")")); } | /*EMPTY*/ { $$ = make1_str(""); } ; columnList: columnList ',' columnElem { $$ = cat3_str($1, make1_str(","), $3); } | columnElem { $$ = $1; } ; columnElem: ColId opt_indirection { $$ = cat2_str($1, $2); } ; /***************************************************************************** * * QUERY: * DELETE STATEMENTS * *****************************************************************************/ DeleteStmt: DELETE FROM relation_name where_clause { $$ = cat3_str(make1_str("delete from"), $3, $4); } ; /* * Total hack to just lock a table inside a transaction. * Is it worth making this a separate command, with * its own node type and file. I don't think so. bjm 1998/1/22 */ LockStmt: LOCK_P opt_table relation_name { $$ = cat3_str(make1_str("lock"), $2, $3); } ; /***************************************************************************** * * QUERY: * UpdateStmt (UPDATE) * *****************************************************************************/ UpdateStmt: UPDATE relation_name SET res_target_list from_clause where_clause { $$ = cat2_str(cat5_str(make1_str("update"), $2, make1_str("set"), $4, $5), $6); } ; /***************************************************************************** * * QUERY: * CURSOR STATEMENTS * *****************************************************************************/ CursorStmt: DECLARE name opt_binary CURSOR FOR SELECT opt_unique res_target_list2 from_clause where_clause group_clause having_clause union_clause sort_clause { struct cursor *ptr, *this; for (ptr = cur; ptr != NULL; ptr = ptr->next) { if (strcmp($2, ptr->name) == 0) { /* re-definition is a bug*/ sprintf(errortext, "cursor %s already defined", $2); yyerror(errortext); } } this = (struct cursor *) mm_alloc(sizeof(struct cursor)); /* initial definition */ this->next = cur; this->name = $2; this->command = cat4_str(cat5_str(cat5_str(make1_str("declare"), strdup($2), $3, make1_str("cursor for select"), $7), $8, $9, $10, $11), $12, $13, $14); this->argsinsert = argsinsert; this->argsresult = argsresult; argsinsert = argsresult = NULL; cur = this; $$ = cat3_str(make1_str("/*"), strdup(this->command), make1_str("*/")); } ; /***************************************************************************** * * QUERY: * SELECT STATEMENTS * *****************************************************************************/ SelectStmt: SELECT opt_unique res_target_list2 result from_clause where_clause group_clause having_clause union_clause sort_clause { $$ = cat2_str(cat5_str(cat5_str(make1_str("select"), $2, $3, $4, $5), $6, $7, $8, $9), $10); } ; SubSelect: SELECT opt_unique res_target_list2 from_clause where_clause group_clause having_clause union_clause { $$ =cat4_str(cat5_str(make1_str("select"), $2, $3, $4, $5), $6, $7, $8); } ; union_clause: UNION opt_union select_list { $$ = cat3_str(make1_str("union"), $2, $3); } | /*EMPTY*/ { $$ = make1_str(""); } ; select_list: select_list UNION opt_union SubUnion { $$ = cat4_str($1, make1_str("union"), $3, $4); } | SubUnion { $$ = $1; } ; SubUnion: SELECT opt_unique res_target_list2 from_clause where_clause group_clause having_clause { $$ = cat3_str(cat5_str(make1_str("select"), $2, $3, $4, $5), $6, $7); } ; result: INTO opt_table relation_name { $$= cat3_str(make1_str("into"), $2, $3); } | INTO into_list { $$ = make1_str(""); } | /*EMPTY*/ { $$ = make1_str(""); } ; opt_table: TABLE { $$ = make1_str("table"); } | /*EMPTY*/ { $$ = make1_str(""); } ; opt_union: ALL { $$ = make1_str("all"); } | /*EMPTY*/ { $$ = make1_str(""); } ; opt_unique: DISTINCT { $$ = make1_str("distinct"); } | DISTINCT ON ColId { $$ = cat2_str(make1_str("distinct on"), $3); } | ALL { $$ = make1_str("all"); } | /*EMPTY*/ { $$ = make1_str(""); } ; sort_clause: ORDER BY sortby_list { $$ = cat2_str(make1_str("order by"), $3); } | /*EMPTY*/ { $$ = make1_str(""); } ; sortby_list: sortby { $$ = $1; } | sortby_list ',' sortby { $$ = cat3_str($1, make1_str(","), $3); } ; sortby: a_expr OptUseOp { $$ = cat2_str($1, $2); } ; OptUseOp: USING Op { $$ = cat2_str(make1_str("using"), $2); } | USING '<' { $$ = make1_str("using <"); } | USING '>' { $$ = make1_str("using >"); } | ASC { $$ = make1_str("asc"); } | DESC { $$ = make1_str("desc"); } | /*EMPTY*/ { $$ = make1_str(""); } ; /* * jimmy bell-style recursive queries aren't supported in the * current system. * * ...however, recursive addattr and rename supported. make special * cases for these. */ opt_inh_star: '*' { $$ = make1_str("*"); } | /*EMPTY*/ { $$ = make1_str(""); } ; relation_name_list: name_list { $$ = $1; }; name_list: name { $$ = $1; } | name_list ',' name { $$ = cat3_str($1, make1_str(","), $3); } ; group_clause: GROUP BY expr_list { $$ = cat2_str(make1_str("groub by"), $3); } | /*EMPTY*/ { $$ = make1_str(""); } ; having_clause: HAVING a_expr { $$ = cat2_str(make1_str("having"), $2); } | /*EMPTY*/ { $$ = make1_str(""); } ; /***************************************************************************** * * clauses common to all Optimizable Stmts: * from_clause - * where_clause - * *****************************************************************************/ from_clause: FROM '(' relation_expr join_expr JOIN relation_expr join_spec ')' { yyerror("JOIN not yet implemented"); } | FROM from_list { $$ = cat2_str(make1_str("from"), $2); } | /*EMPTY*/ { $$ = make1_str(""); } ; from_list: from_list ',' from_val { $$ = cat3_str($1, make1_str(","), $3); } | from_val CROSS JOIN from_val { yyerror("CROSS JOIN not yet implemented"); } | from_val { $$ = $1; } ; from_val: relation_expr AS ColLabel { $$ = cat3_str($1, make1_str("as"), $3); } | relation_expr ColId { $$ = cat2_str($1, $2); } | relation_expr { $$ = $1; } ; join_expr: NATURAL join_expr { $$ = cat2_str(make1_str("natural"), $2); } | FULL join_outer { yyerror("FULL OUTER JOIN not yet implemented"); } | LEFT join_outer { yyerror("LEFT OUTER JOIN not yet implemented"); } | RIGHT join_outer { yyerror("RIGHT OUTER JOIN not yet implemented"); } | OUTER_P { yyerror("OUTER JOIN not yet implemented"); } | INNER_P { yyerror("INNER JOIN not yet implemented"); } | UNION { yyerror("UNION JOIN not yet implemented"); } | /*EMPTY*/ { yyerror("INNER JOIN not yet implemented"); } ; join_outer: OUTER_P { $$ = make1_str("outer"); } | /*EMPTY*/ { $$ = make1_str(""); /* no qualifiers */ } ; join_spec: ON '(' a_expr ')' { $$ = make3_str(make1_str("on ("), $3, make1_str(")")); } | USING '(' join_list ')' { $$ = make3_str(make1_str("using ("), $3, make1_str(")")); } | /*EMPTY*/ { $$ = make1_str(""); /* no qualifiers */ } ; join_list: join_using { $$ = $1; } | join_list ',' join_using { $$ = cat3_str($1, make1_str(","), $3); } ; join_using: ColId { $$ = $1; } | ColId '.' ColId { $$ = make3_str($1, make1_str("."), $3); } | Iconst { $$ = $1;; } ; where_clause: WHERE a_expr { $$ = cat2_str(make1_str("where"), $2); } | /*EMPTY*/ { $$ = make1_str(""); /* no qualifiers */ } ; relation_expr: relation_name { /* normal relations */ $$ = $1; } | relation_name '*' %prec '=' { /* inheritance query */ $$ = cat2_str($1, make1_str("*")); } opt_array_bounds: '[' ']' nest_array_bounds { $$.index1 = 0; $$.index2 = $3.index1; $$.str = cat2_str(make1_str("[]"), $3.str); } | '[' Iconst ']' nest_array_bounds { $$.index1 = atol($2); $$.index2 = $4.index1; $$.str = cat4_str(make1_str("["), $2, make1_str("]"), $4.str); } | /* EMPTY */ { $$.index1 = -1; $$.index2 = -1; $$.str= make1_str(""); } ; nest_array_bounds: '[' ']' nest_array_bounds { $$.index1 = 0; $$.index2 = $3.index1; $$.str = cat2_str(make1_str("[]"), $3.str); } | '[' Iconst ']' nest_array_bounds { $$.index1 = atol($2); $$.index2 = $4.index1; $$.str = cat4_str(make1_str("["), $2, make1_str("]"), $4.str); } | /* EMPTY */ { $$.index1 = -1; $$.index2 = -1; $$.str= make1_str(""); } ; /***************************************************************************** * * Type syntax * SQL92 introduces a large amount of type-specific syntax. * Define individual clauses to handle these cases, and use * the generic case to handle regular type-extensible Postgres syntax. * - thomas 1997-10-10 * *****************************************************************************/ Typename: Array opt_array_bounds { $$ = cat2_str($1, $2.str); } | Character { $$ = $1; } | SETOF Array { $$ = cat2_str(make1_str("setof"), $2); } ; Array: Generic | Datetime { $$ = $1; } | Numeric { $$ = $1; } ; Generic: generic { $$ = $1; } ; generic: ident { $$ = $1; } | TYPE_P { $$ = make1_str("type"); } ; /* SQL92 numeric data types * Check FLOAT() precision limits assuming IEEE floating types. * Provide rudimentary DECIMAL() and NUMERIC() implementations * by checking parameters and making sure they match what is possible with INTEGER. * - thomas 1997-09-18 */ Numeric: FLOAT opt_float { $$ = cat2_str(make1_str("float"), $2); } | DOUBLE PRECISION { $$ = make1_str("double precision"); } | DECIMAL opt_decimal { $$ = cat2_str(make1_str("decimal"), $2); } | NUMERIC opt_numeric { $$ = cat2_str(make1_str("numeric"), $2); } ; numeric: FLOAT { $$ = make1_str("float"); } | DOUBLE PRECISION { $$ = make1_str("double precision"); } | DECIMAL { $$ = make1_str("decimal"); } | NUMERIC { $$ = make1_str("numeric"); } ; opt_float: '(' Iconst ')' { if (atol($2) < 1) yyerror("precision for FLOAT must be at least 1"); else if (atol($2) >= 16) yyerror("precision for FLOAT must be less than 16"); $$ = make3_str(make1_str("("), $2, make1_str(")")); } | /*EMPTY*/ { $$ = make1_str(""); } ; opt_numeric: '(' Iconst ',' Iconst ')' { if (atol($2) != 9) { sprintf(errortext, make1_str("NUMERIC precision %s must be 9"), $2); yyerror(errortext); } if (atol($4) != 0) { sprintf(errortext, "NUMERIC scale %s must be zero", $4); yyerror(errortext); } $$ = cat3_str(make2_str(make1_str("("), $2), make1_str(","), make2_str($4, make1_str(")"))); } | '(' Iconst ')' { if (atol($2) != 9) { sprintf("NUMERIC precision %s must be 9",$2); yyerror(errortext); } $$ = make3_str(make1_str("("), $2, make1_str(")")); } | /*EMPTY*/ { $$ = make1_str(""); } ; opt_decimal: '(' Iconst ',' Iconst ')' { if (atol($2) != 9) { sprintf(errortext, "DECIMAL precision %s exceeds implementation limit of 9", $2); yyerror(errortext); } if (atol($4) != 0) { sprintf(errortext, "DECIMAL scale %s must be zero",$4); yyerror(errortext); } $$ = cat3_str(make2_str(make1_str("("), $2), make1_str(","), make2_str($4, make1_str(")"))); } | '(' Iconst ')' { if (atol($2) != 9) { sprintf(errortext, "DECIMAL precision %s exceeds implementation limit of 9",$2); yyerror(errortext); } $$ = make3_str(make1_str("("), $2, make1_str(")")); } | /*EMPTY*/ { $$ = make1_str(""); } ; /* SQL92 character data types * The following implements CHAR() and VARCHAR(). * We do it here instead of the 'Generic' production * because we don't want to allow arrays of VARCHAR(). * I haven't thought about whether that will work or not. * - ay 6/95 */ Character: character '(' Iconst ')' { if (strncasecmp($1, "char", strlen("char")) && strncasecmp($1, "varchar", strlen("varchar"))) yyerror("internal parsing error; unrecognized character type"); if (atol($3) < 1) { sprintf(errortext, "length for '%s' type must be at least 1",$1); yyerror(errortext); } else if (atol($3) > 4096) { /* we can store a char() of length up to the size * of a page (8KB) - page headers and friends but * just to be safe here... - ay 6/95 * XXX note this hardcoded limit - thomas 1997-07-13 */ sprintf(errortext, "length for type '%s' cannot exceed 4096",$1); yyerror(errortext); } $$ = cat2_str($1, make3_str(make1_str("("), $3, make1_str(")"))); } | character { $$ = $1; } ; character: CHARACTER opt_varying opt_charset opt_collate { if (strlen($4) > 0) fprintf(stderr, "COLLATE %s not yet implemented",$4); $$ = cat4_str(make1_str("character"), $2, $3, $4); } | CHAR opt_varying { $$ = cat2_str(make1_str("char"), $2); } | VARCHAR { $$ = make1_str("varchar"); } | NATIONAL CHARACTER opt_varying { $$ = cat2_str(make1_str("national character"), $3); } | NCHAR opt_varying { $$ = cat2_str(make1_str("nchar"), $2); } ; opt_varying: VARYING { $$ = make1_str("varying"); } | /*EMPTY*/ { $$ = make1_str(""); } ; opt_charset: CHARACTER SET ColId { $$ = cat2_str(make1_str("character set"), $3); } | /*EMPTY*/ { $$ = make1_str(""); } ; opt_collate: COLLATE ColId { $$ = cat2_str(make1_str("collate"), $2); } | /*EMPTY*/ { $$ = make1_str(""); } ; Datetime: datetime { $$ = $1; } | TIMESTAMP opt_timezone { $$ = cat2_str(make1_str("timestamp"), $2); } | TIME { $$ = make1_str("time"); } | INTERVAL opt_interval { $$ = cat2_str(make1_str("interval"), $2); } ; datetime: YEAR_P { $$ = make1_str("year"); } | MONTH_P { $$ = make1_str("month"); } | DAY_P { $$ = make1_str("day"); } | HOUR_P { $$ = make1_str("hour"); } | MINUTE_P { $$ = make1_str("minute"); } | SECOND_P { $$ = make1_str("second"); } ; opt_timezone: WITH TIME ZONE { $$ = make1_str("with time zone"); } | /*EMPTY*/ { $$ = make1_str(""); } ; opt_interval: datetime { $$ = $1; } | YEAR_P TO MONTH_P { $$ = make1_str("year to #month"); } | DAY_P TO HOUR_P { $$ = make1_str("day to hour"); } | DAY_P TO MINUTE_P { $$ = make1_str("day to minute"); } | DAY_P TO SECOND_P { $$ = make1_str("day to second"); } | HOUR_P TO MINUTE_P { $$ = make1_str("hour to minute"); } | MINUTE_P TO SECOND_P { $$ = make1_str("minute to second"); } | HOUR_P TO SECOND_P { $$ = make1_str("hour to second"); } | /*EMPTY*/ { $$ = make1_str(""); } ; /***************************************************************************** * * expression grammar, still needs some cleanup * *****************************************************************************/ a_expr_or_null: a_expr { $$ = $1; } | NULL_P { $$ = make1_str("null"); } ; /* Expressions using row descriptors * Define row_descriptor to allow yacc to break the reduce/reduce conflict * with singleton expressions. * Eliminated lots of code by defining row_op and sub_type clauses. * However, can not consolidate EXPR_LINK case with others subselects * due to shift/reduce conflict with the non-subselect clause (the parser * would have to look ahead more than one token to resolve the conflict). * - thomas 1998-05-09 */ row_expr: '(' row_descriptor ')' IN '(' SubSelect ')' { $$ = make5_str(make1_str("("), $2, make1_str(") in ("), $6, make1_str(")")); } | '(' row_descriptor ')' NOT IN '(' SubSelect ')' { $$ = make5_str(make1_str("("), $2, make1_str(") not in ("), $7, make1_str(")")); } | '(' row_descriptor ')' row_op sub_type '(' SubSelect ')' { $$ = make4_str(make5_str(make1_str("("), $2, make1_str(")"), $4, $5), make1_str("("), $7, make1_str(")")); } | '(' row_descriptor ')' row_op '(' SubSelect ')' { $$ = make3_str(make5_str(make1_str("("), $2, make1_str(")"), $4, make1_str("(")), $6, make1_str(")")); } | '(' row_descriptor ')' row_op '(' row_descriptor ')' { $$ = cat3_str(make3_str(make1_str("("), $2, make1_str(")")), $4, make3_str(make1_str("("), $6, make1_str(")"))); } ; row_descriptor: row_list ',' a_expr { $$ = cat3_str($1, make1_str(","), $3); } ; row_op: Op { $$ = $1; } | '<' { $$ = "<"; } | '=' { $$ = "="; } | '>' { $$ = ">"; } | '+' { $$ = "+"; } | '-' { $$ = "-"; } | '*' { $$ = "*"; } | '/' { $$ = "/"; } ; sub_type: ANY { $$ = make1_str("ANY"); } | ALL { $$ = make1_str("ALL"); } ; row_list: row_list ',' a_expr { $$ = cat3_str($1, make1_str(","), $3); } | a_expr { $$ = $1; } ; /* * This is the heart of the expression syntax. * Note that the BETWEEN clause looks similar to a boolean expression * and so we must define b_expr which is almost the same as a_expr * but without the boolean expressions. * All operations are allowed in a BETWEEN clause if surrounded by parens. */ a_expr: attr opt_indirection { $$ = cat2_str($1, $2); } | row_expr { $$ = $1; } | AexprConst { $$ = $1; } | ColId { $$ = $1; } | '-' a_expr %prec UMINUS { $$ = cat2_str(make1_str("-"), $2); } | a_expr '+' a_expr { $$ = cat3_str($1, make1_str("+"), $3); } | a_expr '-' a_expr { $$ = cat3_str($1, make1_str("-"), $3); } | a_expr '/' a_expr { $$ = cat3_str($1, make1_str("/"), $3); } | a_expr '*' a_expr { $$ = cat3_str($1, make1_str("*"), $3); } | a_expr '<' a_expr { $$ = cat3_str($1, make1_str("<"), $3); } | a_expr '>' a_expr { $$ = cat3_str($1, make1_str(">"), $3); } | a_expr '=' a_expr { $$ = cat3_str($1, make1_str("="), $3); } /* not possible in embedded sql | ':' a_expr { $$ = cat2_str(make1_str(":"), $2); } */ | ';' a_expr { $$ = cat2_str(make1_str(";"), $2); } | '|' a_expr { $$ = cat2_str(make1_str("|"), $2); } | a_expr TYPECAST Typename { $$ = cat3_str($1, make1_str("::"), $3); } | CAST '(' a_expr AS Typename ')' { $$ = cat3_str(make2_str(make1_str("cast("), $3), make1_str("as"), make2_str($5, make1_str(")"))); } | '(' a_expr_or_null ')' { $$ = make3_str(make1_str("("), $2, make1_str(")")); } | a_expr Op a_expr { $$ = cat3_str($1, $2, $3); } | a_expr LIKE a_expr { $$ = cat3_str($1, make1_str("like"), $3); } | a_expr NOT LIKE a_expr { $$ = cat3_str($1, make1_str("not like"), $4); } | Op a_expr { $$ = cat2_str($1, $2); } | a_expr Op { $$ = cat2_str($1, $2); } | func_name '(' '*' ')' { $$ = cat2_str($1, make1_str("(*)")); } | func_name '(' ')' { $$ = cat2_str($1, make1_str("()")); } | func_name '(' expr_list ')' { $$ = make4_str($1, make1_str("("), $3, make1_str(")")); } | CURRENT_DATE { $$ = make1_str("current_date"); } | CURRENT_TIME { $$ = make1_str("current_time"); } | CURRENT_TIME '(' Iconst ')' { if (atol($3) != 0) fprintf(stderr,"CURRENT_TIME(%s) precision not implemented; zero used instead", $3); $$ = make1_str("current_time"); } | CURRENT_TIMESTAMP { $$ = make1_str("current_timestamp"); } | CURRENT_TIMESTAMP '(' Iconst ')' { if (atol($3) != 0) fprintf(stderr,"CURRENT_TIMESTAMP(%s) precision not implemented; zero used instead",$3); $$ = make1_str("current_timestamp"); } | CURRENT_USER { $$ = make1_str("current_user"); } | USER { $$ = make1_str("user"); } | EXISTS '(' SubSelect ')' { $$ = make3_str(make1_str("exists("), $3, make1_str(")")); } | EXTRACT '(' extract_list ')' { $$ = make3_str(make1_str("extract("), $3, make1_str(")")); } | POSITION '(' position_list ')' { $$ = make3_str(make1_str("position("), $3, make1_str(")")); } | SUBSTRING '(' substr_list ')' { $$ = make3_str(make1_str("substring("), $3, make1_str(")")); } /* various trim expressions are defined in SQL92 - thomas 1997-07-19 */ | TRIM '(' BOTH trim_list ')' { $$ = make3_str(make1_str("trim(both"), $4, make1_str(")")); } | TRIM '(' LEADING trim_list ')' { $$ = make3_str(make1_str("trim(leading"), $4, make1_str(")")); } | TRIM '(' TRAILING trim_list ')' { $$ = make3_str(make1_str("trim(trailing"), $4, make1_str(")")); } | TRIM '(' trim_list ')' { $$ = make3_str(make1_str("trim("), $3, make1_str(")")); } | a_expr ISNULL { $$ = cat2_str($1, make1_str("isnull")); } | a_expr IS NULL_P { $$ = cat2_str($1, make1_str("is null")); } | a_expr NOTNULL { $$ = cat2_str($1, make1_str("notnull")); } | a_expr IS NOT NULL_P { $$ = cat2_str($1, make1_str("is not null")); } /* IS TRUE, IS FALSE, etc used to be function calls * but let's make them expressions to allow the optimizer * a chance to eliminate them if a_expr is a constant string. * - thomas 1997-12-22 */ | a_expr IS TRUE_P { { $$ = cat2_str($1, make1_str("is true")); } } | a_expr IS NOT FALSE_P { { $$ = cat2_str($1, make1_str("is not false")); } } | a_expr IS FALSE_P { { $$ = cat2_str($1, make1_str("is false")); } } | a_expr IS NOT TRUE_P { { $$ = cat2_str($1, make1_str("is not true")); } } | a_expr BETWEEN b_expr AND b_expr { $$ = cat5_str($1, make1_str("between"), $3, make1_str("and"), $5); } | a_expr NOT BETWEEN b_expr AND b_expr { $$ = cat5_str($1, make1_str("not between"), $4, make1_str("and"), $6); } | a_expr IN '(' in_expr ')' { $$ = make4_str($1, make1_str("in ("), $4, make1_str(")")); } | a_expr NOT IN '(' not_in_expr ')' { $$ = make4_str($1, make1_str("not in ("), $5, make1_str(")")); } | a_expr Op '(' SubSelect ')' { $$ = cat3_str($1, $2, make3_str(make1_str("("), $4, make1_str(")"))); } | a_expr '+' '(' SubSelect ')' { $$ = make4_str($1, make1_str("+("), $4, make1_str(")")); } | a_expr '-' '(' SubSelect ')' { $$ = make4_str($1, make1_str("-("), $4, make1_str(")")); } | a_expr '/' '(' SubSelect ')' { $$ = make4_str($1, make1_str("/("), $4, make1_str(")")); } | a_expr '*' '(' SubSelect ')' { $$ = make4_str($1, make1_str("*("), $4, make1_str(")")); } | a_expr '<' '(' SubSelect ')' { $$ = make4_str($1, make1_str("<("), $4, make1_str(")")); } | a_expr '>' '(' SubSelect ')' { $$ = make4_str($1, make1_str(">("), $4, make1_str(")")); } | a_expr '=' '(' SubSelect ')' { $$ = make4_str($1, make1_str("=("), $4, make1_str(")")); } | a_expr Op ANY '(' SubSelect ')' { $$ = cat3_str($1, $2, make3_str(make1_str("any("), $5, make1_str(")"))); } | a_expr '+' ANY '(' SubSelect ')' { $$ = make4_str($1, make1_str("+any("), $5, make1_str(")")); } | a_expr '-' ANY '(' SubSelect ')' { $$ = make4_str($1, make1_str("-any("), $5, make1_str(")")); } | a_expr '/' ANY '(' SubSelect ')' { $$ = make4_str($1, make1_str("/any("), $5, make1_str(")")); } | a_expr '*' ANY '(' SubSelect ')' { $$ = make4_str($1, make1_str("*any("), $5, make1_str(")")); } | a_expr '<' ANY '(' SubSelect ')' { $$ = make4_str($1, make1_str("' ANY '(' SubSelect ')' { $$ = make4_str($1, make1_str(">any("), $5, make1_str(")")); } | a_expr '=' ANY '(' SubSelect ')' { $$ = make4_str($1, make1_str("=any("), $5, make1_str(")")); } | a_expr Op ALL '(' SubSelect ')' { $$ = cat3_str($1, $2, make3_str(make1_str("all ("), $5, make1_str(")"))); } | a_expr '+' ALL '(' SubSelect ')' { $$ = make4_str($1, make1_str("+all("), $5, make1_str(")")); } | a_expr '-' ALL '(' SubSelect ')' { $$ = make4_str($1, make1_str("-all("), $5, make1_str(")")); } | a_expr '/' ALL '(' SubSelect ')' { $$ = make4_str($1, make1_str("/all("), $5, make1_str(")")); } | a_expr '*' ALL '(' SubSelect ')' { $$ = make4_str($1, make1_str("*all("), $5, make1_str(")")); } | a_expr '<' ALL '(' SubSelect ')' { $$ = make4_str($1, make1_str("' ALL '(' SubSelect ')' { $$ = make4_str($1, make1_str(">all("), $5, make1_str(")")); } | a_expr '=' ALL '(' SubSelect ')' { $$ = make4_str($1, make1_str("=all("), $5, make1_str(")")); } | a_expr AND a_expr { $$ = cat3_str($1, make1_str("and"), $3); } | a_expr OR a_expr { $$ = cat3_str($1, make1_str("or"), $3); } | NOT a_expr { $$ = cat2_str(make1_str("not"), $2); } | cinputvariable { $$ = make1_str(";;"); } ; /* * b_expr is a subset of the complete expression syntax * defined by a_expr. b_expr is used in BETWEEN clauses * to eliminate parser ambiguities stemming from the AND keyword. */ b_expr: attr opt_indirection { $$ = cat2_str($1, $2); } | AexprConst { $$ = $1; } | ColId { $$ = $1; } | '-' b_expr %prec UMINUS { $$ = cat2_str(make1_str("-"), $2); } | b_expr '+' b_expr { $$ = cat3_str($1, make1_str("+"), $3); } | b_expr '-' b_expr { $$ = cat3_str($1, make1_str("-"), $3); } | b_expr '/' b_expr { $$ = cat3_str($1, make1_str("/"), $3); } | b_expr '*' b_expr { $$ = cat3_str($1, make1_str("*"), $3); } /* not possible in embedded sql | ':' b_expr { $$ = cat2_str(make1_str(":"), $2); } */ | ';' b_expr { $$ = cat2_str(make1_str(";"), $2); } | '|' b_expr { $$ = cat2_str(make1_str("|"), $2); } | b_expr TYPECAST Typename { $$ = cat3_str($1, make1_str("::"), $3); } | CAST '(' b_expr AS Typename ')' { $$ = cat3_str(make2_str(make1_str("cast("), $3), make1_str("as"), make2_str($5, make1_str(")"))); } | '(' a_expr ')' { $$ = make3_str(make1_str("("), $2, make1_str(")")); } | b_expr Op b_expr { $$ = cat3_str($1, $2, $3); } | Op b_expr { $$ = cat2_str($1, $2); } | b_expr Op { $$ = cat2_str($1, $2); } | func_name '(' ')' { $$ = cat2_str($1, make1_str("()")); } | func_name '(' expr_list ')' { $$ = make4_str($1, make1_str("("), $3, make1_str(")")); } | CURRENT_DATE { $$ = make1_str("current_date"); } | CURRENT_TIME { $$ = make1_str("current_time"); } | CURRENT_TIME '(' Iconst ')' { if ($3 != 0) fprintf(stderr,"CURRENT_TIME(%s) precision not implemented; zero used instead", $3); $$ = make1_str("current_time"); } | CURRENT_TIMESTAMP { $$ = make1_str("current_timestamp"); } | CURRENT_TIMESTAMP '(' Iconst ')' { if (atol($3) != 0) fprintf(stderr,"CURRENT_TIMESTAMP(%s) precision not implemented; zero used instead",$3); $$ = make1_str("current_timestamp"); } | CURRENT_USER { $$ = make1_str("current_user"); } | USER { $$ = make1_str("user"); } | POSITION '(' position_list ')' { $$ = make3_str(make1_str("position ("), $3, make1_str(")")); } | SUBSTRING '(' substr_list ')' { $$ = make3_str(make1_str("substring ("), $3, make1_str(")")); } /* various trim expressions are defined in SQL92 - thomas 1997-07-19 */ | TRIM '(' BOTH trim_list ')' { $$ = make3_str(make1_str("trim(both"), $4, make1_str(")")); } | TRIM '(' LEADING trim_list ')' { $$ = make3_str(make1_str("trim(leading"), $4, make1_str(")")); } | TRIM '(' TRAILING trim_list ')' { $$ = make3_str(make1_str("trim(trailing"), $4, make1_str(")")); } | TRIM '(' trim_list ')' { $$ = make3_str(make1_str("trim("), $3, make1_str(")")); } | civariableonly { $$ = make1_str(";;"); } ; opt_indirection: '[' ecpg_expr ']' opt_indirection { $$ = cat4_str(make1_str("["), $2, make1_str("]"), $4); } | '[' ecpg_expr ':' ecpg_expr ']' opt_indirection { $$ = cat2_str(cat5_str(make1_str("["), $2, make1_str(":"), $4, make1_str("]")), $6); } | /* EMPTY */ { $$ = make1_str(""); } ; expr_list: a_expr_or_null { $$ = $1; } | expr_list ',' a_expr_or_null { $$ = cat3_str($1, make1_str(","), $3); } | expr_list USING a_expr { $$ = cat3_str($1, make1_str("using"), $3); } ; extract_list: extract_arg FROM a_expr { $$ = cat3_str($1, make1_str("from"), $3); } | /* EMPTY */ { $$ = make1_str(""); } | cinputvariable { $$ = make1_str(";;"); } ; extract_arg: datetime { $$ = $1; } | TIMEZONE_HOUR { $$ = make1_str("timezone_hour"); } | TIMEZONE_MINUTE { $$ = make1_str("timezone_minute"); } ; position_list: position_expr IN position_expr { $$ = cat3_str($1, make1_str("in"), $3); } | /* EMPTY */ { $$ = make1_str(""); } ; position_expr: attr opt_indirection { $$ = cat2_str($1, $2); } | AexprConst { $$ = $1; } | '-' position_expr %prec UMINUS { $$ = cat2_str(make1_str("-"), $2); } | position_expr '+' position_expr { $$ = cat3_str($1, make1_str("+"), $3); } | position_expr '-' position_expr { $$ = cat3_str($1, make1_str("-"), $3); } | position_expr '/' position_expr { $$ = cat3_str($1, make1_str("/"), $3); } | position_expr '*' position_expr { $$ = cat3_str($1, make1_str("*"), $3); } | '|' position_expr { $$ = cat2_str(make1_str("|"), $2); } | position_expr TYPECAST Typename { $$ = cat3_str($1, make1_str("::"), $3); } | CAST '(' position_expr AS Typename ')' { $$ = cat3_str(make2_str(make1_str("cast("), $3), make1_str("as"), make2_str($5, make1_str(")"))); } | '(' position_expr ')' { $$ = make3_str(make1_str("("), $2, make1_str(")")); } | position_expr Op position_expr { $$ = cat3_str($1, $2, $3); } | Op position_expr { $$ = cat2_str($1, $2); } | position_expr Op { $$ = cat2_str($1, $2); } | ColId { $$ = $1; } | func_name '(' ')' { $$ = cat2_str($1, make1_str("()")); } | func_name '(' expr_list ')' { $$ = make4_str($1, make1_str("("), $3, make1_str(")")); } | POSITION '(' position_list ')' { $$ = make3_str(make1_str("position("), $3, make1_str(")")); } | SUBSTRING '(' substr_list ')' { $$ = make3_str(make1_str("substring("), $3, make1_str(")")); } /* various trim expressions are defined in SQL92 - thomas 1997-07-19 */ | TRIM '(' BOTH trim_list ')' { $$ = make3_str(make1_str("trim(both"), $4, make1_str(")")); } | TRIM '(' LEADING trim_list ')' { $$ = make3_str(make1_str("trim(leading"), $4, make1_str(")")); } | TRIM '(' TRAILING trim_list ')' { $$ = make3_str(make1_str("trim(trailing"), $4, make1_str(")")); } | TRIM '(' trim_list ')' { $$ = make3_str(make1_str("trim("), $3, make1_str(")")); } ; substr_list: expr_list substr_from substr_for { $$ = cat3_str($1, $2, $3); } | /* EMPTY */ { $$ = make1_str(""); } ; substr_from: FROM expr_list { $$ = cat2_str(make1_str("from"), $2); } | /* EMPTY */ { $$ = make1_str(""); } ; substr_for: FOR expr_list { $$ = cat2_str(make1_str("for"), $2); } | /* EMPTY */ { $$ = make1_str(""); } ; trim_list: a_expr FROM expr_list { $$ = cat3_str($1, make1_str("from"), $3); } | FROM expr_list { $$ = cat2_str(make1_str("from"), $2); } | expr_list { $$ = $1; } ; in_expr: SubSelect { $$ = $1; } | in_expr_nodes { $$ = $1; } ; in_expr_nodes: AexprConst { $$ = $1; } | in_expr_nodes ',' AexprConst { $$ = cat3_str($1, make1_str(","), $3);} ; not_in_expr: SubSelect { $$ = $1; } | not_in_expr_nodes { $$ = $1; } ; not_in_expr_nodes: AexprConst { $$ = $1; } | not_in_expr_nodes ',' AexprConst { $$ = cat3_str($1, make1_str(","), $3);} ; attr: relation_name '.' attrs { $$ = make3_str($1, make1_str("."), $3); } | ParamNo '.' attrs { $$ = make3_str($1, make1_str("."), $3); } ; attrs: attr_name { $$ = $1; } | attrs '.' attr_name { $$ = make3_str($1, make1_str("."), $3); } | attrs '.' '*' { $$ = make2_str($1, make1_str(".*")); } ; /***************************************************************************** * * target lists * *****************************************************************************/ res_target_list: res_target_list ',' res_target_el { $$ = cat3_str($1, make1_str(","),$3); } | res_target_el { $$ = $1; } | '*' { $$ = make1_str("*"); } ; res_target_el: ColId opt_indirection '=' a_expr_or_null { $$ = cat4_str($1, $2, make1_str("="), $4); } | attr opt_indirection { $$ = cat2_str($1, $2); } | relation_name '.' '*' { $$ = make2_str($1, make1_str(".*")); } ; /* ** target list for select. ** should get rid of the other but is still needed by the defunct select into ** and update (uses a subset) */ res_target_list2: res_target_list2 ',' res_target_el2 { $$ = cat3_str($1, make1_str(","), $3); } | res_target_el2 { $$ = $1; } ; /* AS is not optional because shift/red conflict with unary ops */ res_target_el2: a_expr_or_null AS ColLabel { $$ = cat3_str($1, make1_str("as"), $3); } | a_expr_or_null { $$ = $1; } | relation_name '.' '*' { $$ = make2_str($1, make1_str(".*")); } | '*' { $$ = make1_str("*"); } ; opt_id: ColId { $$ = $1; } | /* EMPTY */ { $$ = make1_str(""); } ; relation_name: SpecialRuleRelation { $$ = $1; } | ColId { /* disallow refs to variable system tables */ if (strcmp(LogRelationName, $1) == 0 || strcmp(VariableRelationName, $1) == 0) { sprintf(errortext, make1_str("%s cannot be accessed by users"),$1); yyerror(errortext); } else $$ = $1; } ; database_name: ColId { $$ = $1; }; access_method: ident { $$ = $1; }; attr_name: ColId { $$ = $1; }; class: ident { $$ = $1; }; index_name: ColId { $$ = $1; }; /* Functions * Include date/time keywords as SQL92 extension. * Include TYPE as a SQL92 unreserved keyword. - thomas 1997-10-05 */ name: ColId { $$ = $1; }; func_name: ColId { $$ = $1; }; file_name: Sconst { $$ = $1; }; recipe_name: ident { $$ = $1; }; /* Constants * Include TRUE/FALSE for SQL3 support. - thomas 1997-10-24 */ AexprConst: Iconst { $$ = $1; } | Fconst { $$ = $1; } | Sconst { $$ = $1; } | Typename Sconst { $$ = cat2_str($1, $2); } | ParamNo { $$ = $1; } | TRUE_P { $$ = make1_str("true"); } | FALSE_P { $$ = make1_str("false"); } ; ParamNo: PARAM { $$ = make_name(); } ; Iconst: ICONST { $$ = make_name();}; Fconst: FCONST { $$ = make_name();}; Sconst: SCONST { $$ = (char *)mm_alloc(strlen($1) + 3); $$[0]='\''; strcpy($$+1, $1); $$[strlen($1)+2]='\0'; $$[strlen($1)+1]='\''; free($1); } UserId: ident { $$ = $1;}; /* Column and type identifier * Does not include explicit datetime types * since these must be decoupled in Typename syntax. * Use ColId for most identifiers. - thomas 1997-10-21 */ TypeId: ColId { $$ = $1; } | numeric { $$ = $1; } | character { $$ = $1; } ; /* Column identifier * Include date/time keywords as SQL92 extension. * Include TYPE as a SQL92 unreserved keyword. - thomas 1997-10-05 * Add other keywords. Note that as the syntax expands, * some of these keywords will have to be removed from this * list due to shift/reduce conflicts in yacc. If so, move * down to the ColLabel entity. - thomas 1997-11-06 */ ColId: ident { $$ = $1; } | datetime { $$ = $1; } | ACTION { $$ = make1_str("action"); } | CACHE { $$ = make1_str("cache"); } | CYCLE { $$ = make1_str("cycle"); } | DATABASE { $$ = make1_str("database"); } | DELIMITERS { $$ = make1_str("delimiters"); } | DOUBLE { $$ = make1_str("double"); } | EACH { $$ = make1_str("each"); } | ENCODING { $$ = make1_str("encoding"); } | FUNCTION { $$ = make1_str("function"); } | INCREMENT { $$ = make1_str("increment"); } | INDEX { $$ = make1_str("index"); } | KEY { $$ = make1_str("key"); } | LANGUAGE { $$ = make1_str("language"); } | LOCATION { $$ = make1_str("location"); } | MATCH { $$ = make1_str("match"); } | MAXVALUE { $$ = make1_str("maxvalue"); } | MINVALUE { $$ = make1_str("minvalue"); } | OPERATOR { $$ = make1_str("operator"); } | OPTION { $$ = make1_str("option"); } | PASSWORD { $$ = make1_str("password"); } | PRIVILEGES { $$ = make1_str("privileges"); } | RECIPE { $$ = make1_str("recipe"); } | ROW { $$ = make1_str("row"); } | SERIAL { $$ = make1_str("serial"); } | START { $$ = make1_str("start"); } | STATEMENT { $$ = make1_str("statement"); } | TIME { $$ = make1_str("time"); } | TIMEZONE_HOUR { $$ = make1_str("timezone_hour"); } | TIMEZONE_MINUTE { $$ = make1_str("timezone_minute"); } | TRIGGER { $$ = make1_str("trigger"); } | TYPE_P { $$ = make1_str("type"); } | VALID { $$ = make1_str("valid"); } | VERSION { $$ = make1_str("version"); } | ZONE { $$ = make1_str("zone"); } ; /* Column label * Allowed labels in "AS" clauses. * Include TRUE/FALSE SQL3 reserved words for Postgres backward * compatibility. Cannot allow this for column names since the * syntax would not distinguish between the constant value and * a column name. - thomas 1997-10-24 * Add other keywords to this list. Note that they appear here * rather than in ColId if there was a shift/reduce conflict * when used as a full identifier. - thomas 1997-11-06 */ ColLabel: ColId { $$ = $1; } | ARCHIVE { $$ = make1_str("archive"); } | CLUSTER { $$ = make1_str("cluster"); } | CONSTRAINT { $$ = make1_str("constraint"); } | CROSS { $$ = make1_str("cross"); } | FOREIGN { $$ = make1_str("foreign"); } | GROUP { $$ = make1_str("group"); } | LOAD { $$ = make1_str("load"); } | ORDER { $$ = make1_str("order"); } | POSITION { $$ = make1_str("position"); } | PRECISION { $$ = make1_str("precision"); } | TABLE { $$ = make1_str("table"); } | TRANSACTION { $$ = make1_str("transaction"); } | TRUE_P { $$ = make1_str("true"); } | FALSE_P { $$ = make1_str("false"); } ; SpecialRuleRelation: CURRENT { if (QueryIsRule) $$ = make1_str("current"); else yyerror("CURRENT used in non-rule query"); } | NEW { if (QueryIsRule) $$ = make1_str("new"); else yyerror("NEW used in non-rule query"); } ; /* * and now special embedded SQL stuff */ /* * variable declaration inside the exec sql declare block */ ECPGDeclaration: sql_startdeclare variable_declarations sql_enddeclare {} sql_startdeclare : ecpgstart BEGIN_TRANS DECLARE SQL_SECTION SQL_SEMI { fputs("/* exec sql begin declare section */\n", yyout); output_line_number(); } sql_enddeclare: ecpgstart END_TRANS DECLARE SQL_SECTION SQL_SEMI { fputs("/* exec sql end declare section */\n", yyout); output_line_number(); } variable_declarations: /* empty */ | declaration variable_declarations; declaration: storage_clause type { actual_storage[struct_level] = $1; actual_type[struct_level] = $2.type_enum; if ($2.type_enum != ECPGt_varchar && $2.type_enum != ECPGt_struct) fprintf(yyout, "%s %s", $1, $2.type_str); free($2.type_str); } variable_list ';' { fputc(';', yyout); } storage_clause : S_EXTERN { $$ = "extern"; } | S_STATIC { $$ = "static"; } | S_SIGNED { $$ = "signed"; } | S_CONST { $$ = "const"; } | S_REGISTER { $$ = "register"; } | S_AUTO { $$ = "auto"; } | /* empty */ { $$ = ""; } type: simple_type { $$.type_enum = $1; $$.type_str = strdup(ECPGtype_name($1)); } | struct_type { $$.type_enum = ECPGt_struct; $$.type_str = make1_str(""); } | enum_type { $$.type_str = $1; $$.type_enum = ECPGt_int; } enum_type: s_enum '{' c_line '}' { $$ = cat4_str($1, make1_str("{"), $3, make1_str("}")); } s_enum: S_ENUM opt_symbol { $$ = cat2_str(make1_str("enum"), $2); } struct_type: s_struct '{' variable_declarations '}' { ECPGfree_struct_member(struct_member_list[struct_level]); free(actual_storage[struct_level--]); fputs("} ", yyout); } s_struct : S_STRUCT opt_symbol { struct_member_list[struct_level++] = NULL; if (struct_level >= STRUCT_DEPTH) yyerror("Too many levels in nested structure definition"); fprintf(yyout, "struct %s {", $2); free($2); } opt_symbol: /* empty */ { $$ = make1_str(""); } | symbol { $$ = $1; } simple_type: S_SHORT { $$ = ECPGt_short; } | S_UNSIGNED S_SHORT { $$ = ECPGt_unsigned_short; } | S_INT { $$ = ECPGt_int; } | S_UNSIGNED S_INT { $$ = ECPGt_unsigned_int; } | S_LONG { $$ = ECPGt_long; } | S_UNSIGNED S_LONG { $$ = ECPGt_unsigned_long; } | S_FLOAT { $$ = ECPGt_float; } | S_DOUBLE { $$ = ECPGt_double; } | S_BOOL { $$ = ECPGt_bool; }; | S_CHAR { $$ = ECPGt_char; } | S_UNSIGNED S_CHAR { $$ = ECPGt_unsigned_char; } | S_VARCHAR { $$ = ECPGt_varchar; } variable_list: variable | variable_list ',' { if (actual_type[struct_level] != ECPGt_varchar) fputs(", ", yyout); else fputs(";\n ", yyout); } variable variable: opt_pointer symbol opt_array_bounds opt_initializer { struct ECPGtype * type; int dimension = $3.index1; /* dimension of array */ int length = $3.index2; /* lenght of string */ char dim[14L]; switch (actual_type[struct_level]) { case ECPGt_struct: /* pointer has to get dimension 0 */ if (strlen($1) > 0) { length = dimension; dimension = 0; } if (length >= 0) yyerror("No multi-dimensional array support for structures"); if (dimension == 1 || dimension < 0) type = ECPGmake_struct_type(struct_member_list[struct_level]); else type = ECPGmake_array_type(ECPGmake_struct_type(struct_member_list[struct_level]), dimension); fprintf(yyout, "%s%s%s%s", $1, $2, $3.str, $4); break; case ECPGt_varchar: /* pointer has to get length 0 */ if (strlen($1) > 0) length=0; /* one index is the string length */ if (length < 0) { length = dimension; dimension = 1; } if (dimension == 1) type = ECPGmake_simple_type(actual_type[struct_level], length); else type = ECPGmake_array_type(ECPGmake_simple_type(actual_type[struct_level], length), dimension); switch(dimension) { case 0: strcpy("[]", dim); break; case 1: *dim = '\0'; break; default: sprintf(dim, "[%d]", dimension); break; } if (length > 0) fprintf(yyout, "%s struct varchar_%s { int len; char arr[%d]; } %s%s", actual_storage[struct_level], $2, length, $2, dim); else fprintf(yyout, "%s struct varchar_%s { int len; char *arr; } %s%s", actual_storage[struct_level], $2, $2, dim); break; case ECPGt_char: case ECPGt_unsigned_char: /* pointer has to get length 0 */ if (strlen($1) > 0) length=0; /* one index is the string length */ if (length < 0) { length = (dimension < 0) ? 1 : dimension; dimension = 1; } if (dimension == 1) type = ECPGmake_simple_type(actual_type[struct_level], length); else type = ECPGmake_array_type(ECPGmake_simple_type(actual_type[struct_level], length), dimension); fprintf(yyout, "%s%s%s%s", $1, $2, $3.str, $4); break; default: /* a pointer has dimension = 0 */ if (strlen($1) > 0) { length = dimension; dimension = 0; } if (length >= 0) yyerror("No multi-dimensional array support for simple data types"); if (dimension == 1 || dimension < 0) type = ECPGmake_simple_type(actual_type[struct_level], 1); else type = ECPGmake_array_type(ECPGmake_simple_type(actual_type[struct_level], 1), dimension); fprintf(yyout, "%s%s%s%s", $1, $2, $3.str, $4); break; } if (struct_level == 0) new_variable($2, type); else ECPGmake_struct_member($2, type, &(struct_member_list[struct_level - 1])); free($1); free($2); free($3.str); free($4); } opt_initializer: /* empty */ { $$ = make1_str(""); } | '=' vartext { $$ = make2_str(make1_str("="), $2); } opt_pointer: /* empty */ { $$ = make1_str(""); } | '*' { $$ = make1_str("*"); } /* * the exec sql connect statement: connect to the given database */ ECPGConnect: SQL_CONNECT TO connection_target opt_connection_name opt_user { $$ = make5_str($3, make1_str(","), $5, make1_str(","), $4); } | SQL_CONNECT TO DEFAULT { $$ = make1_str("NULL,NULL,NULL,\"DEFAULT\""); } /* also allow ORACLE syntax */ | SQL_CONNECT ora_user { $$ = make3_str(make1_str("NULL,"), $2, make1_str(",NULL")); } connection_target: database_name opt_server opt_port { /* old style: dbname[@server][:port] */ if (strlen($2) > 0 && *($2) != '@') { sprintf(errortext, "parse error at or near '%s'", $2); yyerror(errortext); } $$ = make5_str(make1_str("\""), $1, $2, $3, make1_str("\"")); } | db_prefix server opt_port '/' database_name opt_options { /* new style: :postgresql://server[:port][/dbname] */ if (strncmp($2, "://", 3) != 0) { sprintf(errortext, "parse error at or near '%s'", $2); yyerror(errortext); } if (strncmp($1, "unix", 4) == 0 && strncmp($2, "localhost", 9) != 0) { sprintf(errortext, "unix domain sockets only work on 'localhost'"); yyerror(errortext); } if (strncmp($1, "unix", 4) != 0 && strncmp($1, "tcp", 3) != 0) { sprintf(errortext, "only protocols 'tcp' and 'unix' are supported"); yyerror(errortext); } $$ = make4_str(make5_str(make1_str("\""), $1, $2, $3, make1_str("/")), $5, $6, make1_str("\"")); } | char_variable { $$ = $1; } | Sconst { $$ = strdup($1); $$[0] = '\"'; $$[strlen($$) - 1] = '\"'; free($1); } db_prefix: ident cvariable { if (strcmp($2, "postgresql") != 0 && strcmp($2, "postgres") != 0) { sprintf(errortext, "parse error at or near '%s'", $2); yyerror(errortext); } if (strcmp($1, "tcp") != 0 && strcmp($1, "unix") != 0) { sprintf(errortext, "Illegal connection type %s", $1); yyerror(errortext); } $$ = make3_str($1, make1_str(":"), $2); } server: Op server_name { if (strcmp($1, "@") != 0 && strcmp($1, "://") != 0) { sprintf(errortext, "parse error at or near '%s'", $1); yyerror(errortext); } $$ = make2_str($1, $2); } opt_server: server { $$ = $1; } | /* empty */ { $$ = make1_str(""); } server_name: ColId { $$ = $1; } | ColId '.' server_name { $$ = make3_str($1, make1_str("."), $3); } opt_port: ':' Iconst { $$ = make2_str(make1_str(":"), $2); } | /* empty */ { $$ = make1_str(""); } opt_connection_name: AS connection_target { $$ = $2; } | /* empty */ { $$ = make1_str("NULL"); } opt_user: USER ora_user { $$ = $2; } | /* empty */ { $$ = make1_str("NULL,NULL"); } ora_user: user_name { $$ = make2_str($1, make1_str(",NULL")); } | user_name '/' ColId { $$ = make3_str($1, make1_str(","), $3); } | user_name SQL_IDENTIFIED BY user_name { $$ = make3_str($1, make1_str(","), $4); } | user_name USING user_name { $$ = make3_str($1, make1_str(","), $3); } user_name: UserId { if ($1[0] == '\"') $$ = $1; else $$ = make3_str(make1_str("\""), $1, make1_str("\"")); } | char_variable { $$ = $1; } | SCONST { $$ = make3_str(make1_str("\""), $1, make1_str("\"")); } char_variable: cvariable { /* check if we have a char variable */ struct variable *p = find_variable($1); enum ECPGttype typ = p->type->typ; /* if array see what's inside */ if (typ == ECPGt_array) typ = p->type->u.element->typ; switch (typ) { case ECPGt_char: case ECPGt_unsigned_char: $$ = $1; break; case ECPGt_varchar: $$ = make2_str($1, make1_str(".arr")); break; default: yyerror("invalid datatype"); break; } } opt_options: Op ColId { if (strlen($1) == 0) yyerror("parse error"); if (strcmp($1, "?") != 0) { sprintf(errortext, "parse error at or near %s", $1); yyerror(errortext); } $$ = make2_str(make1_str("?"), $2); } | /* empty */ { $$ = make1_str(""); } /* * the exec sql disconnect statement: disconnect from the given database */ ECPGDisconnect: SQL_DISCONNECT dis_name { $$ = $2; } dis_name: connection_object { $$ = $1; } | CURRENT { $$ = make1_str("CURRENT"); } | ALL { $$ = make1_str("ALL"); } | /* empty */ { $$ = make1_str("CURRENT"); } connection_object: connection_target { $$ = $1; } | DEFAULT { $$ = make1_str("DEFAULT"); } /* * execute a given string as sql command */ ECPGExecute : EXECUTE SQL_IMMEDIATE execstring { $$ = $3; }; execstring: cvariable | CSTRING { $$ = make3_str(make1_str("\""), $1, make1_str("\"")); }; /* * open is an open cursor, at the moment this has to be removed */ ECPGOpen: SQL_OPEN name open_opts { $$ = $2; }; open_opts: /* empty */ { $$ = make1_str(""); } | USING cvariable { yyerror ("open cursor with variables not implemented yet"); } /* * for compatibility with ORACLE we will also allow the keyword RELEASE * after a transaction statement to disconnect from the database. */ ECPGRelease: TransactionStmt SQL_RELEASE { if (strncmp($1, "begin", 5) == 0) yyerror("RELEASE does not make sense when beginning a transaction"); fprintf(yyout, "ECPGtrans(__LINE__, \"%s\");", $1); whenever_action(0); fprintf(yyout, "ECPGdisconnect(\"\");"); whenever_action(0); free($1); } /* * set the actual connection, this needs a differnet handling as the other * set commands */ ECPGSetConnection: SET SQL_CONNECTION connection_object { $$ = $3; } /* * whenever statement: decide what to do in case of error/no data found * according to SQL standards we miss: SQLSTATE, CONSTRAINT, SQLEXCEPTION * and SQLWARNING */ ECPGWhenever: SQL_WHENEVER SQL_SQLERROR action { when_error.code = $3.code; when_error.command = $3.command; $$ = cat3_str(make1_str("/* exec sql whenever sqlerror "), $3.str, make1_str("; */\n")); } | SQL_WHENEVER NOT SQL_FOUND action { when_nf.code = $4.code; when_nf.command = $4.command; $$ = cat3_str(make1_str("/* exec sql whenever not found "), $4.str, make1_str("; */\n")); } action : SQL_CONTINUE { $$.code = W_NOTHING; $$.command = NULL; $$.str = make1_str("continue"); } | SQL_SQLPRINT { $$.code = W_SQLPRINT; $$.command = NULL; $$.str = make1_str("sqlprint"); } | SQL_STOP { $$.code = W_STOP; $$.command = NULL; $$.str = make1_str("stop"); } | SQL_GOTO name { $$.code = W_GOTO; $$.command = $2; $$.str = cat2_str(make1_str("goto "), $2); } | SQL_GO TO name { $$.code = W_GOTO; $$.command = $3; $$.str = cat2_str(make1_str("goto "), $3); } | DO name '(' dotext ')' { $$.code = W_DO; $$.command = make4_str($2, make1_str("("), $4, make1_str(")")); $$.str = cat2_str(make1_str("do"), strdup($$.command)); } | DO SQL_BREAK { $$.code = W_BREAK; $$.command = NULL; $$.str = make1_str("break"); } | SQL_CALL name '(' dotext ')' { $$.code = W_DO; $$.command = make4_str($2, make1_str("("), $4, make1_str(")")); $$.str = cat2_str(make1_str("call"), strdup($$.command)); } /* some other stuff for ecpg */ ecpg_expr: attr opt_indirection { $$ = cat2_str($1, $2); } | row_expr { $$ = $1; } | AexprConst { $$ = $1; } | ColId { $$ = $1; } | '-' ecpg_expr %prec UMINUS { $$ = cat2_str(make1_str("-"), $2); } | a_expr '+' ecpg_expr { $$ = cat3_str($1, make1_str("+"), $3); } | a_expr '-' ecpg_expr { $$ = cat3_str($1, make1_str("-"), $3); } | a_expr '/' ecpg_expr { $$ = cat3_str($1, make1_str("/"), $3); } | a_expr '*' ecpg_expr { $$ = cat3_str($1, make1_str("*"), $3); } | a_expr '<' ecpg_expr { $$ = cat3_str($1, make1_str("<"), $3); } | a_expr '>' ecpg_expr { $$ = cat3_str($1, make1_str(">"), $3); } | a_expr '=' ecpg_expr { $$ = cat3_str($1, make1_str("="), $3); } /* | ':' ecpg_expr { $$ = cat2_str(make1_str(":"), $2); }*/ | ';' ecpg_expr { $$ = cat2_str(make1_str(";"), $2); } | '|' ecpg_expr { $$ = cat2_str(make1_str("|"), $2); } | a_expr TYPECAST Typename { $$ = cat3_str($1, make1_str("::"), $3); } | CAST '(' a_expr AS Typename ')' { $$ = cat3_str(make2_str(make1_str("cast("), $3), make1_str("as"), make2_str($5, make1_str(")"))); } | '(' a_expr_or_null ')' { $$ = make3_str(make1_str("("), $2, make1_str(")")); } | a_expr Op ecpg_expr { $$ = cat3_str($1, $2, $3); } | a_expr LIKE ecpg_expr { $$ = cat3_str($1, make1_str("like"), $3); } | a_expr NOT LIKE ecpg_expr { $$ = cat3_str($1, make1_str("not like"), $4); } | Op ecpg_expr { $$ = cat2_str($1, $2); } | a_expr Op { $$ = cat2_str($1, $2); } | func_name '(' '*' ')' { $$ = cat2_str($1, make1_str("(*)")); } | func_name '(' ')' { $$ = cat2_str($1, make1_str("()")); } | func_name '(' expr_list ')' { $$ = make4_str($1, make1_str("("), $3, make1_str(")")); } | CURRENT_DATE { $$ = make1_str("current_date"); } | CURRENT_TIME { $$ = make1_str("current_time"); } | CURRENT_TIME '(' Iconst ')' { if (atol($3) != 0) fprintf(stderr,"CURRENT_TIME(%s) precision not implemented; zero used instead", $3); $$ = make1_str("current_time"); } | CURRENT_TIMESTAMP { $$ = make1_str("current_timestamp"); } | CURRENT_TIMESTAMP '(' Iconst ')' { if (atol($3) != 0) fprintf(stderr,"CURRENT_TIMESTAMP(%s) precision not implemented; zero used instead",$3); $$ = make1_str("current_timestamp"); } | CURRENT_USER { $$ = make1_str("current_user"); } | EXISTS '(' SubSelect ')' { $$ = make3_str(make1_str("exists("), $3, make1_str(")")); } | EXTRACT '(' extract_list ')' { $$ = make3_str(make1_str("extract("), $3, make1_str(")")); } | POSITION '(' position_list ')' { $$ = make3_str(make1_str("position("), $3, make1_str(")")); } | SUBSTRING '(' substr_list ')' { $$ = make3_str(make1_str("substring("), $3, make1_str(")")); } /* various trim expressions are defined in SQL92 - thomas 1997-07-19 */ | TRIM '(' BOTH trim_list ')' { $$ = make3_str(make1_str("trim(both"), $4, make1_str(")")); } | TRIM '(' LEADING trim_list ')' { $$ = make3_str(make1_str("trim(leading"), $4, make1_str(")")); } | TRIM '(' TRAILING trim_list ')' { $$ = make3_str(make1_str("trim(trailing"), $4, make1_str(")")); } | TRIM '(' trim_list ')' { $$ = make3_str(make1_str("trim("), $3, make1_str(")")); } | a_expr ISNULL { $$ = cat2_str($1, make1_str("isnull")); } | a_expr IS NULL_P { $$ = cat2_str($1, make1_str("is null")); } | a_expr NOTNULL { $$ = cat2_str($1, make1_str("notnull")); } | a_expr IS NOT NULL_P { $$ = cat2_str($1, make1_str("is not null")); } /* IS TRUE, IS FALSE, etc used to be function calls * but let's make them expressions to allow the optimizer * a chance to eliminate them if a_expr is a constant string. * - thomas 1997-12-22 */ | a_expr IS TRUE_P { { $$ = cat2_str($1, make1_str("is true")); } } | a_expr IS NOT FALSE_P { { $$ = cat2_str($1, make1_str("is not false")); } } | a_expr IS FALSE_P { { $$ = cat2_str($1, make1_str("is false")); } } | a_expr IS NOT TRUE_P { { $$ = cat2_str($1, make1_str("is not true")); } } | a_expr BETWEEN b_expr AND b_expr { $$ = cat5_str($1, make1_str("between"), $3, make1_str("and"), $5); } | a_expr NOT BETWEEN b_expr AND b_expr { $$ = cat5_str($1, make1_str("not between"), $4, make1_str("and"), $6); } | a_expr IN '(' in_expr ')' { $$ = make4_str($1, make1_str("in ("), $4, make1_str(")")); } | a_expr NOT IN '(' not_in_expr ')' { $$ = make4_str($1, make1_str("not in ("), $5, make1_str(")")); } | a_expr Op '(' SubSelect ')' { $$ = cat3_str($1, $2, make3_str(make1_str("("), $4, make1_str(")"))); } | a_expr '+' '(' SubSelect ')' { $$ = make4_str($1, make1_str("+("), $4, make1_str(")")); } | a_expr '-' '(' SubSelect ')' { $$ = make4_str($1, make1_str("-("), $4, make1_str(")")); } | a_expr '/' '(' SubSelect ')' { $$ = make4_str($1, make1_str("/("), $4, make1_str(")")); } | a_expr '*' '(' SubSelect ')' { $$ = make4_str($1, make1_str("*("), $4, make1_str(")")); } | a_expr '<' '(' SubSelect ')' { $$ = make4_str($1, make1_str("<("), $4, make1_str(")")); } | a_expr '>' '(' SubSelect ')' { $$ = make4_str($1, make1_str(">("), $4, make1_str(")")); } | a_expr '=' '(' SubSelect ')' { $$ = make4_str($1, make1_str("=("), $4, make1_str(")")); } | a_expr Op ANY '(' SubSelect ')' { $$ = cat3_str($1, $2, make3_str(make1_str("any ("), $5, make1_str(")"))); } | a_expr '+' ANY '(' SubSelect ')' { $$ = make4_str($1, make1_str("+any("), $5, make1_str(")")); } | a_expr '-' ANY '(' SubSelect ')' { $$ = make4_str($1, make1_str("-any("), $5, make1_str(")")); } | a_expr '/' ANY '(' SubSelect ')' { $$ = make4_str($1, make1_str("/any("), $5, make1_str(")")); } | a_expr '*' ANY '(' SubSelect ')' { $$ = make4_str($1, make1_str("*any("), $5, make1_str(")")); } | a_expr '<' ANY '(' SubSelect ')' { $$ = make4_str($1, make1_str("' ANY '(' SubSelect ')' { $$ = make4_str($1, make1_str(">any("), $5, make1_str(")")); } | a_expr '=' ANY '(' SubSelect ')' { $$ = make4_str($1, make1_str("=any("), $5, make1_str(")")); } | a_expr Op ALL '(' SubSelect ')' { $$ = make3_str($1, $2, make3_str(make1_str("all ("), $5, make1_str(")"))); } | a_expr '+' ALL '(' SubSelect ')' { $$ = make4_str($1, make1_str("+all("), $5, make1_str(")")); } | a_expr '-' ALL '(' SubSelect ')' { $$ = make4_str($1, make1_str("-all("), $5, make1_str(")")); } | a_expr '/' ALL '(' SubSelect ')' { $$ = make4_str($1, make1_str("/all("), $5, make1_str(")")); } | a_expr '*' ALL '(' SubSelect ')' { $$ = make4_str($1, make1_str("*all("), $5, make1_str(")")); } | a_expr '<' ALL '(' SubSelect ')' { $$ = make4_str($1, make1_str("' ALL '(' SubSelect ')' { $$ = make4_str($1, make1_str(">all("), $5, make1_str(")")); } | a_expr '=' ALL '(' SubSelect ')' { $$ = make4_str($1, make1_str("=all("), $5, make1_str(")")); } | a_expr AND ecpg_expr { $$ = cat3_str($1, make1_str("and"), $3); } | a_expr OR ecpg_expr { $$ = cat3_str($1, make1_str("or"), $3); } | NOT ecpg_expr { $$ = cat2_str(make1_str("not"), $2); } | civariableonly { $$ = make1_str(";;"); } ; into_list : coutputvariable | into_list ',' coutputvariable; ecpgstart: SQL_START { reset_variables();} dotext: /* empty */ { $$ = make1_str(""); } | dotext do_anything { $$ = make2_str($1, $2); } vartext: var_anything { $$ = $1; } | vartext var_anything { $$ = make2_str($1, $2); } coutputvariable : cvariable indicator { add_variable(&argsresult, find_variable($1), ($2 == NULL) ? &no_indicator : find_variable($2)); } cinputvariable : cvariable indicator { add_variable(&argsinsert, find_variable($1), ($2 == NULL) ? &no_indicator : find_variable($2)); } civariableonly : cvariable { add_variable(&argsinsert, find_variable($1), &no_indicator); } cvariable: CVARIABLE { $$ = $1; } indicator: /* empty */ { $$ = NULL; } | cvariable { check_indicator((find_variable($1))->type); $$ = $1; } | SQL_INDICATOR cvariable { check_indicator((find_variable($2))->type); $$ = $2; } | SQL_INDICATOR name { check_indicator((find_variable($2))->type); $$ = $2; } ident: IDENT { $$ = $1; } | CSTRING { $$ = $1; } /* * C stuff */ symbol: IDENT { $$ = $1; } cpp_line: CPP_LINE { $$ = $1; } c_line: c_anything { $$ = $1; } | c_line c_anything { $$ = make2_str($1, $2); } c_thing: c_anything | ';' { $$ = make1_str(";"); } c_anything: IDENT { $$ = $1; } | CSTRING { $$ = make3_str(make1_str("\""), $1, make1_str("\"")); } | Iconst { $$ = $1; } | Fconst { $$ = $1; } | '*' { $$ = make1_str("*"); } | S_AUTO { $$ = make1_str("auto"); } | S_BOOL { $$ = make1_str("bool"); } | S_CHAR { $$ = make1_str("char"); } | S_CONST { $$ = make1_str("const"); } | S_DOUBLE { $$ = make1_str("double"); } | S_EXTERN { $$ = make1_str("extern"); } | S_FLOAT { $$ = make1_str("float"); } | S_INT { $$ = make1_str("int"); } | S_LONG { $$ = make1_str("long"); } | S_REGISTER { $$ = make1_str("register"); } | S_SHORT { $$ = make1_str("short"); } | S_SIGNED { $$ = make1_str("signed"); } | S_STATIC { $$ = make1_str("static"); } | S_STRUCT { $$ = make1_str("struct"); } | S_UNSIGNED { $$ = make1_str("unsigned"); } | S_VARCHAR { $$ = make1_str("varchar"); } | S_ANYTHING { $$ = make_name(); } | '[' { $$ = make1_str("["); } | ']' { $$ = make1_str("]"); } | '(' { $$ = make1_str("("); } | ')' { $$ = make1_str(")"); } | '=' { $$ = make1_str("="); } | ',' { $$ = make1_str(","); } do_anything: IDENT { $$ = $1; } | CSTRING { $$ = make3_str(make1_str("\""), $1, make1_str("\""));} | Iconst { $$ = $1; } | Fconst { $$ = $1; } | ',' { $$ = make1_str(","); } var_anything: IDENT { $$ = $1; } | CSTRING { $$ = make3_str(make1_str("\""), $1, make1_str("\"")); } | Iconst { $$ = $1; } | Fconst { $$ = $1; } | '{' c_line '}' { $$ = make3_str(make1_str("{"), $2, make1_str("}")); } blockstart : '{' { braces_open++; $$ = make1_str("{"); } blockend : '}' { remove_variables(braces_open--); $$ = make1_str("}"); } %% void yyerror(char * error) { fprintf(stderr, "%s:%d: %s\n", input_filename, yylineno, error); exit(PARSE_ERROR); }