/*------------------------------------------------------------------------- * * planagg.c * Special planning for aggregate queries. * * Portions Copyright (c) 1996-2008, PostgreSQL Global Development Group * Portions Copyright (c) 1994, Regents of the University of California * * * IDENTIFICATION * $PostgreSQL: pgsql/src/backend/optimizer/plan/planagg.c,v 1.43 2008/08/25 22:42:33 tgl Exp $ * *------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ #include "postgres.h" #include "catalog/pg_aggregate.h" #include "catalog/pg_am.h" #include "catalog/pg_type.h" #include "nodes/makefuncs.h" #include "nodes/nodeFuncs.h" #include "optimizer/clauses.h" #include "optimizer/cost.h" #include "optimizer/pathnode.h" #include "optimizer/paths.h" #include "optimizer/planmain.h" #include "optimizer/predtest.h" #include "optimizer/subselect.h" #include "parser/parse_clause.h" #include "parser/parsetree.h" #include "utils/lsyscache.h" #include "utils/syscache.h" typedef struct { Oid aggfnoid; /* pg_proc Oid of the aggregate */ Oid aggsortop; /* Oid of its sort operator */ Expr *target; /* expression we are aggregating on */ Expr *notnulltest; /* expression for "target IS NOT NULL" */ IndexPath *path; /* access path for index scan */ Cost pathcost; /* estimated cost to fetch first row */ bool nulls_first; /* null ordering direction matching index */ Param *param; /* param for subplan's output */ } MinMaxAggInfo; static bool find_minmax_aggs_walker(Node *node, List **context); static bool build_minmax_path(PlannerInfo *root, RelOptInfo *rel, MinMaxAggInfo *info); static ScanDirection match_agg_to_index_col(MinMaxAggInfo *info, IndexOptInfo *index, int indexcol); static void make_agg_subplan(PlannerInfo *root, MinMaxAggInfo *info); static Node *replace_aggs_with_params_mutator(Node *node, List **context); static Oid fetch_agg_sort_op(Oid aggfnoid); /* * optimize_minmax_aggregates - check for optimizing MIN/MAX via indexes * * This checks to see if we can replace MIN/MAX aggregate functions by * subqueries of the form * (SELECT col FROM tab WHERE ... ORDER BY col ASC/DESC LIMIT 1) * Given a suitable index on tab.col, this can be much faster than the * generic scan-all-the-rows plan. * * We are passed the preprocessed tlist, and the best path * devised for computing the input of a standard Agg node. If we are able * to optimize all the aggregates, and the result is estimated to be cheaper * than the generic aggregate method, then generate and return a Plan that * does it that way. Otherwise, return NULL. */ Plan * optimize_minmax_aggregates(PlannerInfo *root, List *tlist, Path *best_path) { Query *parse = root->parse; FromExpr *jtnode; RangeTblRef *rtr; RangeTblEntry *rte; RelOptInfo *rel; List *aggs_list; ListCell *l; Cost total_cost; Path agg_p; Plan *plan; Node *hqual; QualCost tlist_cost; /* Nothing to do if query has no aggregates */ if (!parse->hasAggs) return NULL; Assert(!parse->setOperations); /* shouldn't get here if a setop */ Assert(parse->rowMarks == NIL); /* nor if FOR UPDATE */ /* * Reject unoptimizable cases. * * We don't handle GROUP BY, because our current implementations of * grouping require looking at all the rows anyway, and so there's not * much point in optimizing MIN/MAX. */ if (parse->groupClause) return NULL; /* * We also restrict the query to reference exactly one table, since join * conditions can't be handled reasonably. (We could perhaps handle a * query containing cartesian-product joins, but it hardly seems worth the * trouble.) However, the single real table could be buried in several * levels of FromExpr. */ jtnode = parse->jointree; while (IsA(jtnode, FromExpr)) { if (list_length(jtnode->fromlist) != 1) return NULL; jtnode = linitial(jtnode->fromlist); } if (!IsA(jtnode, RangeTblRef)) return NULL; rtr = (RangeTblRef *) jtnode; rte = planner_rt_fetch(rtr->rtindex, root); if (rte->rtekind != RTE_RELATION || rte->inh) return NULL; rel = find_base_rel(root, rtr->rtindex); /* * Since this optimization is not applicable all that often, we want to * fall out before doing very much work if possible. Therefore we do the * work in several passes. The first pass scans the tlist and HAVING qual * to find all the aggregates and verify that each of them is a MIN/MAX * aggregate. If that succeeds, the second pass looks at each aggregate * to see if it is optimizable; if so we make an IndexPath describing how * we would scan it. (We do not try to optimize if only some aggs are * optimizable, since that means we'll have to scan all the rows anyway.) * If that succeeds, we have enough info to compare costs against the * generic implementation. Only if that test passes do we build a Plan. */ /* Pass 1: find all the aggregates */ aggs_list = NIL; if (find_minmax_aggs_walker((Node *) tlist, &aggs_list)) return NULL; if (find_minmax_aggs_walker(parse->havingQual, &aggs_list)) return NULL; /* Pass 2: see if each one is optimizable */ total_cost = 0; foreach(l, aggs_list) { MinMaxAggInfo *info = (MinMaxAggInfo *) lfirst(l); if (!build_minmax_path(root, rel, info)) return NULL; total_cost += info->pathcost; } /* * Make the cost comparison. * * Note that we don't include evaluation cost of the tlist here; this is * OK since it isn't included in best_path's cost either, and should be * the same in either case. */ cost_agg(&agg_p, root, AGG_PLAIN, list_length(aggs_list), 0, 0, best_path->startup_cost, best_path->total_cost, best_path->parent->rows); if (total_cost > agg_p.total_cost) return NULL; /* too expensive */ /* * OK, we are going to generate an optimized plan. */ /* Pass 3: generate subplans and output Param nodes */ foreach(l, aggs_list) { make_agg_subplan(root, (MinMaxAggInfo *) lfirst(l)); } /* * Modify the targetlist and HAVING qual to reference subquery outputs */ tlist = (List *) replace_aggs_with_params_mutator((Node *) tlist, &aggs_list); hqual = replace_aggs_with_params_mutator(parse->havingQual, &aggs_list); /* * We have to replace Aggrefs with Params in equivalence classes too, * else ORDER BY or DISTINCT on an optimized aggregate will fail. * * Note: at some point it might become necessary to mutate other * data structures too, such as the query's sortClause or distinctClause. * Right now, those won't be examined after this point. */ mutate_eclass_expressions(root, replace_aggs_with_params_mutator, &aggs_list); /* * Generate the output plan --- basically just a Result */ plan = (Plan *) make_result(root, tlist, hqual, NULL); /* Account for evaluation cost of the tlist (make_result did the rest) */ cost_qual_eval(&tlist_cost, tlist, root); plan->startup_cost += tlist_cost.startup; plan->total_cost += tlist_cost.startup + tlist_cost.per_tuple; return plan; } /* * find_minmax_aggs_walker * Recursively scan the Aggref nodes in an expression tree, and check * that each one is a MIN/MAX aggregate. If so, build a list of the * distinct aggregate calls in the tree. * * Returns TRUE if a non-MIN/MAX aggregate is found, FALSE otherwise. * (This seemingly-backward definition is used because expression_tree_walker * aborts the scan on TRUE return, which is what we want.) * * Found aggregates are added to the list at *context; it's up to the caller * to initialize the list to NIL. * * This does not descend into subqueries, and so should be used only after * reduction of sublinks to subplans. There mustn't be outer-aggregate * references either. */ static bool find_minmax_aggs_walker(Node *node, List **context) { if (node == NULL) return false; if (IsA(node, Aggref)) { Aggref *aggref = (Aggref *) node; Oid aggsortop; Expr *curTarget; MinMaxAggInfo *info; ListCell *l; Assert(aggref->agglevelsup == 0); if (list_length(aggref->args) != 1) return true; /* it couldn't be MIN/MAX */ /* note: we do not care if DISTINCT is mentioned ... */ aggsortop = fetch_agg_sort_op(aggref->aggfnoid); if (!OidIsValid(aggsortop)) return true; /* not a MIN/MAX aggregate */ /* * Check whether it's already in the list, and add it if not. */ curTarget = linitial(aggref->args); foreach(l, *context) { info = (MinMaxAggInfo *) lfirst(l); if (info->aggfnoid == aggref->aggfnoid && equal(info->target, curTarget)) return false; } info = (MinMaxAggInfo *) palloc0(sizeof(MinMaxAggInfo)); info->aggfnoid = aggref->aggfnoid; info->aggsortop = aggsortop; info->target = curTarget; *context = lappend(*context, info); /* * We need not recurse into the argument, since it can't contain any * aggregates. */ return false; } Assert(!IsA(node, SubLink)); return expression_tree_walker(node, find_minmax_aggs_walker, (void *) context); } /* * build_minmax_path * Given a MIN/MAX aggregate, try to find an index it can be optimized * with. Build a Path describing the best such index path. * * Returns TRUE if successful, FALSE if not. In the TRUE case, info->path * is filled in. * * XXX look at sharing more code with indxpath.c. * * Note: check_partial_indexes() must have been run previously. */ static bool build_minmax_path(PlannerInfo *root, RelOptInfo *rel, MinMaxAggInfo *info) { IndexPath *best_path = NULL; Cost best_cost = 0; bool best_nulls_first = false; NullTest *ntest; List *allquals; ListCell *l; /* Build "target IS NOT NULL" expression for use below */ ntest = makeNode(NullTest); ntest->nulltesttype = IS_NOT_NULL; ntest->arg = copyObject(info->target); info->notnulltest = (Expr *) ntest; /* * Build list of existing restriction clauses plus the notnull test. We * cheat a bit by not bothering with a RestrictInfo node for the notnull * test --- predicate_implied_by() won't care. */ allquals = list_concat(list_make1(ntest), rel->baserestrictinfo); foreach(l, rel->indexlist) { IndexOptInfo *index = (IndexOptInfo *) lfirst(l); ScanDirection indexscandir = NoMovementScanDirection; int indexcol; int prevcol; List *restrictclauses; IndexPath *new_path; Cost new_cost; bool found_clause; /* Ignore non-btree indexes */ if (index->relam != BTREE_AM_OID) continue; /* * Ignore partial indexes that do not match the query --- unless their * predicates can be proven from the baserestrict list plus the IS NOT * NULL test. In that case we can use them. */ if (index->indpred != NIL && !index->predOK && !predicate_implied_by(index->indpred, allquals)) continue; /* * Look for a match to one of the index columns. (In a stupidly * designed index, there could be multiple matches, but we only care * about the first one.) */ for (indexcol = 0; indexcol < index->ncolumns; indexcol++) { indexscandir = match_agg_to_index_col(info, index, indexcol); if (!ScanDirectionIsNoMovement(indexscandir)) break; } if (ScanDirectionIsNoMovement(indexscandir)) continue; /* * If the match is not at the first index column, we have to verify * that there are "x = something" restrictions on all the earlier * index columns. Since we'll need the restrictclauses list anyway to * build the path, it's convenient to extract that first and then look * through it for the equality restrictions. */ restrictclauses = group_clauses_by_indexkey(index, index->rel->baserestrictinfo, NIL, NULL, SAOP_FORBID, &found_clause); if (list_length(restrictclauses) < indexcol) continue; /* definitely haven't got enough */ for (prevcol = 0; prevcol < indexcol; prevcol++) { List *rinfos = (List *) list_nth(restrictclauses, prevcol); ListCell *ll; foreach(ll, rinfos) { RestrictInfo *rinfo = (RestrictInfo *) lfirst(ll); int strategy; /* Could be an IS_NULL test, if so ignore */ if (!is_opclause(rinfo->clause)) continue; strategy = get_op_opfamily_strategy(((OpExpr *) rinfo->clause)->opno, index->opfamily[prevcol]); if (strategy == BTEqualStrategyNumber) break; } if (ll == NULL) break; /* none are Equal for this index col */ } if (prevcol < indexcol) continue; /* didn't find all Equal clauses */ /* * Build the access path. We don't bother marking it with pathkeys. */ new_path = create_index_path(root, index, restrictclauses, NIL, indexscandir, NULL); /* * Estimate actual cost of fetching just one row. */ if (new_path->rows > 1.0) new_cost = new_path->path.startup_cost + (new_path->path.total_cost - new_path->path.startup_cost) * 1.0 / new_path->rows; else new_cost = new_path->path.total_cost; /* * Keep if first or if cheaper than previous best. */ if (best_path == NULL || new_cost < best_cost) { best_path = new_path; best_cost = new_cost; if (ScanDirectionIsForward(indexscandir)) best_nulls_first = index->nulls_first[indexcol]; else best_nulls_first = !index->nulls_first[indexcol]; } } info->path = best_path; info->pathcost = best_cost; info->nulls_first = best_nulls_first; return (best_path != NULL); } /* * match_agg_to_index_col * Does an aggregate match an index column? * * It matches if its argument is equal to the index column's data and its * sortop is either the forward or reverse sort operator for the column. * * We return ForwardScanDirection if match the forward sort operator, * BackwardScanDirection if match the reverse sort operator, * and NoMovementScanDirection if there's no match. */ static ScanDirection match_agg_to_index_col(MinMaxAggInfo *info, IndexOptInfo *index, int indexcol) { ScanDirection result; /* Check for operator match first (cheaper) */ if (info->aggsortop == index->fwdsortop[indexcol]) result = ForwardScanDirection; else if (info->aggsortop == index->revsortop[indexcol]) result = BackwardScanDirection; else return NoMovementScanDirection; /* Check for data match */ if (!match_index_to_operand((Node *) info->target, indexcol, index)) return NoMovementScanDirection; return result; } /* * Construct a suitable plan for a converted aggregate query */ static void make_agg_subplan(PlannerInfo *root, MinMaxAggInfo *info) { PlannerInfo subroot; Query *subparse; Plan *plan; Plan *iplan; TargetEntry *tle; SortGroupClause *sortcl; /* * Generate a suitably modified query. Much of the work here is probably * unnecessary in the normal case, but we want to make it look good if * someone tries to EXPLAIN the result. */ memcpy(&subroot, root, sizeof(PlannerInfo)); subroot.parse = subparse = (Query *) copyObject(root->parse); subparse->commandType = CMD_SELECT; subparse->resultRelation = 0; subparse->returningList = NIL; subparse->utilityStmt = NULL; subparse->intoClause = NULL; subparse->hasAggs = false; subparse->hasDistinctOn = false; subparse->groupClause = NIL; subparse->havingQual = NULL; subparse->distinctClause = NIL; subroot.hasHavingQual = false; /* single tlist entry that is the aggregate target */ tle = makeTargetEntry(copyObject(info->target), 1, pstrdup("agg_target"), false); subparse->targetList = list_make1(tle); /* set up the appropriate ORDER BY entry */ sortcl = makeNode(SortGroupClause); sortcl->tleSortGroupRef = assignSortGroupRef(tle, subparse->targetList); sortcl->eqop = get_equality_op_for_ordering_op(info->aggsortop, NULL); if (!OidIsValid(sortcl->eqop)) /* shouldn't happen */ elog(ERROR, "could not find equality operator for ordering operator %u", info->aggsortop); sortcl->sortop = info->aggsortop; sortcl->nulls_first = info->nulls_first; subparse->sortClause = list_make1(sortcl); /* set up LIMIT 1 */ subparse->limitOffset = NULL; subparse->limitCount = (Node *) makeConst(INT8OID, -1, sizeof(int64), Int64GetDatum(1), false, FLOAT8PASSBYVAL); /* * Generate the plan for the subquery. We already have a Path for the * basic indexscan, but we have to convert it to a Plan and attach a LIMIT * node above it. * * Also we must add a "WHERE target IS NOT NULL" restriction to the * indexscan, to be sure we don't return a NULL, which'd be contrary to * the standard behavior of MIN/MAX. XXX ideally this should be done * earlier, so that the selectivity of the restriction could be included * in our cost estimates. But that looks painful, and in most cases the * fraction of NULLs isn't high enough to change the decision. * * The NOT NULL qual has to go on the actual indexscan; create_plan might * have stuck a gating Result atop that, if there were any pseudoconstant * quals. * * We can skip adding the NOT NULL qual if it's redundant with either an * already-given WHERE condition, or a clause of the index predicate. */ plan = create_plan(&subroot, (Path *) info->path); plan->targetlist = copyObject(subparse->targetList); if (IsA(plan, Result)) iplan = plan->lefttree; else iplan = plan; Assert(IsA(iplan, IndexScan)); if (!list_member(iplan->qual, info->notnulltest) && !list_member(info->path->indexinfo->indpred, info->notnulltest)) iplan->qual = lcons(info->notnulltest, iplan->qual); plan = (Plan *) make_limit(plan, subparse->limitOffset, subparse->limitCount, 0, 1); /* * Convert the plan into an InitPlan, and make a Param for its result. */ info->param = SS_make_initplan_from_plan(&subroot, plan, exprType((Node *) tle->expr), -1); /* * Put the updated list of InitPlans back into the outer PlannerInfo. */ root->init_plans = subroot.init_plans; } /* * Replace original aggregate calls with subplan output Params */ static Node * replace_aggs_with_params_mutator(Node *node, List **context) { if (node == NULL) return NULL; if (IsA(node, Aggref)) { Aggref *aggref = (Aggref *) node; ListCell *l; Expr *curTarget = linitial(aggref->args); foreach(l, *context) { MinMaxAggInfo *info = (MinMaxAggInfo *) lfirst(l); if (info->aggfnoid == aggref->aggfnoid && equal(info->target, curTarget)) return (Node *) info->param; } elog(ERROR, "failed to re-find aggregate info record"); } Assert(!IsA(node, SubLink)); return expression_tree_mutator(node, replace_aggs_with_params_mutator, (void *) context); } /* * Get the OID of the sort operator, if any, associated with an aggregate. * Returns InvalidOid if there is no such operator. */ static Oid fetch_agg_sort_op(Oid aggfnoid) { HeapTuple aggTuple; Form_pg_aggregate aggform; Oid aggsortop; /* fetch aggregate entry from pg_aggregate */ aggTuple = SearchSysCache(AGGFNOID, ObjectIdGetDatum(aggfnoid), 0, 0, 0); if (!HeapTupleIsValid(aggTuple)) return InvalidOid; aggform = (Form_pg_aggregate) GETSTRUCT(aggTuple); aggsortop = aggform->aggsortop; ReleaseSysCache(aggTuple); return aggsortop; }