/*------------------------------------------------------------------------- * * initsplan.c * Target list, qualification, joininfo initialization routines * * Portions Copyright (c) 1996-2002, PostgreSQL Global Development Group * Portions Copyright (c) 1994, Regents of the University of California * * * IDENTIFICATION * $Header: /cvsroot/pgsql/src/backend/optimizer/plan/initsplan.c,v 1.78 2002/12/12 15:49:32 tgl Exp $ * *------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ #include "postgres.h" #include "catalog/pg_operator.h" #include "catalog/pg_type.h" #include "nodes/makefuncs.h" #include "optimizer/clauses.h" #include "optimizer/cost.h" #include "optimizer/joininfo.h" #include "optimizer/pathnode.h" #include "optimizer/paths.h" #include "optimizer/planmain.h" #include "optimizer/tlist.h" #include "optimizer/var.h" #include "parser/parsetree.h" #include "parser/parse_expr.h" #include "parser/parse_oper.h" #include "utils/builtins.h" #include "utils/lsyscache.h" #include "utils/syscache.h" static void mark_baserels_for_outer_join(Query *root, Relids rels, Relids outerrels); static void distribute_qual_to_rels(Query *root, Node *clause, bool ispusheddown, bool isouterjoin, bool isdeduced, Relids qualscope); static void add_join_info_to_rels(Query *root, RestrictInfo *restrictinfo, Relids join_relids); static void add_vars_to_targetlist(Query *root, List *vars); static bool qual_is_redundant(Query *root, RestrictInfo *restrictinfo, List *restrictlist); static void check_mergejoinable(RestrictInfo *restrictinfo); static void check_hashjoinable(RestrictInfo *restrictinfo); /***************************************************************************** * * JOIN TREES * *****************************************************************************/ /* * add_base_rels_to_query * * Scan the query's jointree and create baserel RelOptInfos for all * the base relations (ie, table and subquery RTEs) appearing in the * jointree. Also, create otherrel RelOptInfos for join RTEs. * * The return value is a list of all the baserel indexes (but not join RTE * indexes) included in the scanned jointree. This is actually just an * internal convenience for marking join otherrels properly; no outside * caller uses the result. * * At the end of this process, there should be one baserel RelOptInfo for * every non-join RTE that is used in the query. Therefore, this routine * is the only place that should call build_base_rel. But build_other_rel * will be used again later to build rels for inheritance children. */ List * add_base_rels_to_query(Query *root, Node *jtnode) { List *result = NIL; if (jtnode == NULL) return NIL; if (IsA(jtnode, RangeTblRef)) { int varno = ((RangeTblRef *) jtnode)->rtindex; build_base_rel(root, varno); result = makeListi1(varno); } else if (IsA(jtnode, FromExpr)) { FromExpr *f = (FromExpr *) jtnode; List *l; foreach(l, f->fromlist) { result = nconc(result, add_base_rels_to_query(root, lfirst(l))); } } else if (IsA(jtnode, JoinExpr)) { JoinExpr *j = (JoinExpr *) jtnode; RelOptInfo *jrel; result = add_base_rels_to_query(root, j->larg); result = nconc(result, add_base_rels_to_query(root, j->rarg)); /* the join's own rtindex is NOT added to result */ jrel = build_other_rel(root, j->rtindex); /* * Mark the join's otherrel with outerjoinset = list of baserel * ids included in the join. Note we must copy here because * result list is destructively modified by nconcs at higher * levels. */ jrel->outerjoinset = listCopy(result); /* * Safety check: join RTEs should not be SELECT FOR UPDATE targets */ if (intMember(j->rtindex, root->rowMarks)) elog(ERROR, "SELECT FOR UPDATE cannot be applied to a join"); } else elog(ERROR, "add_base_rels_to_query: unexpected node type %d", nodeTag(jtnode)); return result; } /***************************************************************************** * * TARGET LISTS * *****************************************************************************/ /* * build_base_rel_tlists * Creates targetlist entries for each var seen in 'tlist' and adds * them to the tlist of the appropriate rel node. */ void build_base_rel_tlists(Query *root, List *tlist) { List *tlist_vars = pull_var_clause((Node *) tlist, false); add_vars_to_targetlist(root, tlist_vars); freeList(tlist_vars); } /* * add_vars_to_targetlist * For each variable appearing in the list, add it to the owning * relation's targetlist if not already present. * * Note that join alias variables will be attached to the otherrel for * the join RTE. They will later be transferred to the tlist of * the corresponding joinrel. We will also cause entries to be made * for the Vars that the alias will eventually depend on. */ static void add_vars_to_targetlist(Query *root, List *vars) { List *temp; foreach(temp, vars) { Var *var = (Var *) lfirst(temp); RelOptInfo *rel = find_base_rel(root, var->varno); add_var_to_tlist(rel, var); if (rel->reloptkind == RELOPT_OTHER_JOIN_REL) { /* Var is an alias */ Node *expansion; List *varsused; expansion = flatten_join_alias_vars((Node *) var, root->rtable, true); varsused = pull_var_clause(expansion, false); add_vars_to_targetlist(root, varsused); freeList(varsused); } } } /***************************************************************************** * * QUALIFICATIONS * *****************************************************************************/ /* * distribute_quals_to_rels * Recursively scan the query's join tree for WHERE and JOIN/ON qual * clauses, and add these to the appropriate RestrictInfo and JoinInfo * lists belonging to base RelOptInfos. Also, base RelOptInfos are marked * with outerjoinset information, to aid in proper positioning of qual * clauses that appear above outer joins. * * NOTE: when dealing with inner joins, it is appropriate to let a qual clause * be evaluated at the lowest level where all the variables it mentions are * available. However, we cannot push a qual down into the nullable side(s) * of an outer join since the qual might eliminate matching rows and cause a * NULL row to be incorrectly emitted by the join. Therefore, rels appearing * within the nullable side(s) of an outer join are marked with * outerjoinset = list of Relids used at the outer join node. * This list will be added to the list of rels referenced by quals using such * a rel, thereby forcing them up the join tree to the right level. * * To ease the calculation of these values, distribute_quals_to_rels() returns * the list of base Relids involved in its own level of join. This is just an * internal convenience; no outside callers pay attention to the result. */ Relids distribute_quals_to_rels(Query *root, Node *jtnode) { Relids result = NIL; if (jtnode == NULL) return result; if (IsA(jtnode, RangeTblRef)) { int varno = ((RangeTblRef *) jtnode)->rtindex; /* No quals to deal with, just return correct result */ result = makeListi1(varno); } else if (IsA(jtnode, FromExpr)) { FromExpr *f = (FromExpr *) jtnode; List *l; List *qual; /* * First, recurse to handle child joins. * * Note: we assume it's impossible to see same RT index from more * than one subtree, so nconc() is OK rather than set_unioni(). */ foreach(l, f->fromlist) { result = nconc(result, distribute_quals_to_rels(root, lfirst(l))); } /* * Now process the top-level quals. These are always marked as * "pushed down", since they clearly didn't come from a JOIN expr. */ foreach(qual, (List *) f->quals) distribute_qual_to_rels(root, (Node *) lfirst(qual), true, false, false, result); } else if (IsA(jtnode, JoinExpr)) { JoinExpr *j = (JoinExpr *) jtnode; Relids leftids, rightids; bool isouterjoin; List *qual; /* * Order of operations here is subtle and critical. First we * recurse to handle sub-JOINs. Their join quals will be placed * without regard for whether this level is an outer join, which * is correct. Then, if we are an outer join, we mark baserels * contained within the nullable side(s) with our own rel list; * this will restrict placement of subsequent quals using those * rels, including our own quals and quals above us in the join * tree. Finally we place our own join quals. */ leftids = distribute_quals_to_rels(root, j->larg); rightids = distribute_quals_to_rels(root, j->rarg); result = nconc(listCopy(leftids), rightids); isouterjoin = false; switch (j->jointype) { case JOIN_INNER: /* Inner join adds no restrictions for quals */ break; case JOIN_LEFT: mark_baserels_for_outer_join(root, rightids, result); isouterjoin = true; break; case JOIN_FULL: mark_baserels_for_outer_join(root, result, result); isouterjoin = true; break; case JOIN_RIGHT: mark_baserels_for_outer_join(root, leftids, result); isouterjoin = true; break; case JOIN_UNION: /* * This is where we fail if upper levels of planner * haven't rewritten UNION JOIN as an Append ... */ elog(ERROR, "UNION JOIN is not implemented yet"); break; default: elog(ERROR, "distribute_quals_to_rels: unsupported join type %d", (int) j->jointype); break; } foreach(qual, (List *) j->quals) distribute_qual_to_rels(root, (Node *) lfirst(qual), false, isouterjoin, false, result); } else elog(ERROR, "distribute_quals_to_rels: unexpected node type %d", nodeTag(jtnode)); return result; } /* * mark_baserels_for_outer_join * Mark all base rels listed in 'rels' as having the given outerjoinset. */ static void mark_baserels_for_outer_join(Query *root, Relids rels, Relids outerrels) { List *relid; foreach(relid, rels) { int relno = lfirsti(relid); RelOptInfo *rel = find_base_rel(root, relno); /* * Since we do this bottom-up, any outer-rels previously marked * should be within the new outer join set. */ Assert(is_subseti(rel->outerjoinset, outerrels)); /* * Presently the executor cannot support FOR UPDATE marking of * rels appearing on the nullable side of an outer join. (It's * somewhat unclear what that would mean, anyway: what should we * mark when a result row is generated from no element of the * nullable relation?) So, complain if target rel is FOR UPDATE. * It's sufficient to make this check once per rel, so do it only * if rel wasn't already known nullable. */ if (rel->outerjoinset == NIL) { if (intMember(relno, root->rowMarks)) elog(ERROR, "SELECT FOR UPDATE cannot be applied to the nullable side of an OUTER JOIN"); } rel->outerjoinset = outerrels; } } /* * distribute_qual_to_rels * Add clause information to either the 'RestrictInfo' or 'JoinInfo' field * (depending on whether the clause is a join) of each base relation * mentioned in the clause. A RestrictInfo node is created and added to * the appropriate list for each rel. Also, if the clause uses a * mergejoinable operator and is not an outer-join qual, enter the left- * and right-side expressions into the query's lists of equijoined vars. * * 'clause': the qual clause to be distributed * 'ispusheddown': if TRUE, force the clause to be marked 'ispusheddown' * (this indicates the clause came from a FromExpr, not a JoinExpr) * 'isouterjoin': TRUE if the qual came from an OUTER JOIN's ON-clause * 'isdeduced': TRUE if the qual came from implied-equality deduction * 'qualscope': list of baserels the qual's syntactic scope covers * * 'qualscope' identifies what level of JOIN the qual came from. For a top * level qual (WHERE qual), qualscope lists all baserel ids and in addition * 'ispusheddown' will be TRUE. */ static void distribute_qual_to_rels(Query *root, Node *clause, bool ispusheddown, bool isouterjoin, bool isdeduced, Relids qualscope) { RestrictInfo *restrictinfo = makeNode(RestrictInfo); Relids relids; List *vars; bool can_be_equijoin; restrictinfo->clause = (Expr *) clause; restrictinfo->subclauseindices = NIL; restrictinfo->eval_cost = -1; /* not computed until needed */ restrictinfo->this_selec = -1; /* not computed until needed */ restrictinfo->mergejoinoperator = InvalidOid; restrictinfo->left_sortop = InvalidOid; restrictinfo->right_sortop = InvalidOid; restrictinfo->left_pathkey = NIL; /* not computable yet */ restrictinfo->right_pathkey = NIL; restrictinfo->left_mergescansel = -1; /* not computed until * needed */ restrictinfo->right_mergescansel = -1; restrictinfo->hashjoinoperator = InvalidOid; restrictinfo->left_bucketsize = -1; /* not computed until needed */ restrictinfo->right_bucketsize = -1; /* * Retrieve all relids and vars contained within the clause. */ clause_get_relids_vars(clause, &relids, &vars); /* * The clause might contain some join alias vars; if so, we want to * remove the join otherrelids from relids and add the referent joins' * scope lists instead (thus ensuring that the clause can be evaluated * no lower than that join node). We rely here on the marking done * earlier by add_base_rels_to_query. * * We can combine this step with a cross-check that the clause contains * no relids not within its scope. If the first crosscheck succeeds, * the clause contains no aliases and we needn't look more closely. */ if (!is_subseti(relids, qualscope)) { Relids newrelids = NIL; List *relid; foreach(relid, relids) { RelOptInfo *rel = find_other_rel(root, lfirsti(relid)); if (rel && rel->outerjoinset) { /* this relid is for a join RTE */ newrelids = set_unioni(newrelids, rel->outerjoinset); } else { /* this relid is for a true baserel */ newrelids = lappendi(newrelids, lfirsti(relid)); } } relids = newrelids; /* Now repeat the crosscheck */ if (!is_subseti(relids, qualscope)) elog(ERROR, "JOIN qualification may not refer to other relations"); } /* * If the clause is variable-free, we force it to be evaluated at its * original syntactic level. Note that this should not happen for * top-level clauses, because query_planner() special-cases them. But * it will happen for variable-free JOIN/ON clauses. We don't have to * be real smart about such a case, we just have to be correct. */ if (relids == NIL) relids = qualscope; /* * For an outer-join qual, pretend that the clause references all rels * appearing within its syntactic scope, even if it really doesn't. * This ensures that the clause will be evaluated exactly at the level * of joining corresponding to the outer join. * * For a non-outer-join qual, we can evaluate the qual as soon as (1) we * have all the rels it mentions, and (2) we are at or above any outer * joins that can null any of these rels and are below the syntactic * location of the given qual. To enforce the latter, scan the base * rels listed in relids, and merge their outer-join lists into the * clause's own reference list. At the time we are called, the * outerjoinset list of each baserel will show exactly those outer * joins that are below the qual in the join tree. * * If the qual came from implied-equality deduction, we can evaluate the * qual at its natural semantic level. * */ if (isdeduced) { Assert(sameseti(relids, qualscope)); can_be_equijoin = true; } else if (isouterjoin) { relids = qualscope; can_be_equijoin = false; } else { Relids newrelids = relids; List *relid; /* * We rely on set_unioni to be nondestructive of its input * lists... */ can_be_equijoin = true; foreach(relid, relids) { RelOptInfo *rel = find_base_rel(root, lfirsti(relid)); if (rel->outerjoinset && !is_subseti(rel->outerjoinset, relids)) { newrelids = set_unioni(newrelids, rel->outerjoinset); /* * Because application of the qual will be delayed by * outer join, we mustn't assume its vars are equal * everywhere. */ can_be_equijoin = false; } } relids = newrelids; /* Should still be a subset of current scope ... */ Assert(is_subseti(relids, qualscope)); } /* * Mark the qual as "pushed down" if it can be applied at a level * below its original syntactic level. This allows us to distinguish * original JOIN/ON quals from higher-level quals pushed down to the * same joinrel. A qual originating from WHERE is always considered * "pushed down". */ restrictinfo->ispusheddown = ispusheddown || !sameseti(relids, qualscope); if (length(relids) == 1) { /* * There is only one relation participating in 'clause', so * 'clause' is a restriction clause for that relation. */ RelOptInfo *rel = find_base_rel(root, lfirsti(relids)); /* * Check for a "mergejoinable" clause even though it's not a join * clause. This is so that we can recognize that "a.x = a.y" * makes x and y eligible to be considered equal, even when they * belong to the same rel. Without this, we would not recognize * that "a.x = a.y AND a.x = b.z AND a.y = c.q" allows us to * consider z and q equal after their rels are joined. */ if (can_be_equijoin) check_mergejoinable(restrictinfo); /* * If the clause was deduced from implied equality, check to see * whether it is redundant with restriction clauses we already * have for this rel. Note we cannot apply this check to * user-written clauses, since we haven't found the canonical * pathkey sets yet while processing user clauses. (NB: no * comparable check is done in the join-clause case; redundancy * will be detected when the join clause is moved into a join * rel's restriction list.) */ if (!isdeduced || !qual_is_redundant(root, restrictinfo, rel->baserestrictinfo)) { /* Add clause to rel's restriction list */ rel->baserestrictinfo = lappend(rel->baserestrictinfo, restrictinfo); } } else if (relids != NIL) { /* * 'clause' is a join clause, since there is more than one rel in * the relid list. Set additional RestrictInfo fields for * joining. * * We don't bother setting the hashjoin info if we're not going * to need it. We do want to know about mergejoinable ops in all * cases, however, because we use mergejoinable ops for other * purposes such as detecting redundant clauses. */ check_mergejoinable(restrictinfo); if (enable_hashjoin) check_hashjoinable(restrictinfo); /* * Add clause to the join lists of all the relevant relations. */ add_join_info_to_rels(root, restrictinfo, relids); /* * Add vars used in the join clause to targetlists of their * relations, so that they will be emitted by the plan nodes that * scan those relations (else they won't be available at the join * node!). */ add_vars_to_targetlist(root, vars); } else { /* * 'clause' references no rels, and therefore we have no place to * attach it. Shouldn't get here if callers are working properly. */ elog(ERROR, "distribute_qual_to_rels: can't cope with variable-free clause"); } /* * If the clause has a mergejoinable operator, and is not an * outer-join qualification nor bubbled up due to an outer join, then * the two sides represent equivalent PathKeyItems for path keys: any * path that is sorted by one side will also be sorted by the other * (as soon as the two rels are joined, that is). Record the key * equivalence for future use. (We can skip this for a deduced * clause, since the keys are already known equivalent in that case.) */ if (can_be_equijoin && restrictinfo->mergejoinoperator != InvalidOid && !isdeduced) add_equijoined_keys(root, restrictinfo); } /* * add_join_info_to_rels * For every relation participating in a join clause, add 'restrictinfo' to * the appropriate joininfo list (creating a new list and adding it to the * appropriate rel node if necessary). * * 'restrictinfo' describes the join clause * 'join_relids' is the list of relations participating in the join clause */ static void add_join_info_to_rels(Query *root, RestrictInfo *restrictinfo, Relids join_relids) { List *join_relid; /* For every relid, find the joininfo, and add the proper join entries */ foreach(join_relid, join_relids) { int cur_relid = lfirsti(join_relid); Relids unjoined_relids = NIL; JoinInfo *joininfo; List *otherrel; /* Get the relids not equal to the current relid */ foreach(otherrel, join_relids) { if (lfirsti(otherrel) != cur_relid) unjoined_relids = lappendi(unjoined_relids, lfirsti(otherrel)); } /* * Find or make the joininfo node for this combination of rels, * and add the restrictinfo node to it. */ joininfo = find_joininfo_node(find_base_rel(root, cur_relid), unjoined_relids); joininfo->jinfo_restrictinfo = lappend(joininfo->jinfo_restrictinfo, restrictinfo); } } /* * process_implied_equality * Check to see whether we already have a restrictinfo item that says * item1 = item2, and create one if not. This is a consequence of * transitivity of mergejoin equality: if we have mergejoinable * clauses A = B and B = C, we can deduce A = C (where = is an * appropriate mergejoinable operator). */ void process_implied_equality(Query *root, Node *item1, Node *item2, Oid sortop1, Oid sortop2) { Index irel1; Index irel2; RelOptInfo *rel1; List *restrictlist; List *itm; Oid ltype, rtype; Operator eq_operator; Form_pg_operator pgopform; Expr *clause; /* * Currently, since check_mergejoinable only accepts Var = Var * clauses, we should only see Var nodes here. Would have to work a * little harder to locate the right rel(s) if more-general mergejoin * clauses were accepted. */ Assert(IsA(item1, Var)); irel1 = ((Var *) item1)->varno; Assert(IsA(item2, Var)); irel2 = ((Var *) item2)->varno; /* * If both vars belong to same rel, we need to look at that rel's * baserestrictinfo list. If different rels, each will have a * joininfo node for the other, and we can scan either list. */ rel1 = find_base_rel(root, irel1); if (irel1 == irel2) restrictlist = rel1->baserestrictinfo; else { JoinInfo *joininfo = find_joininfo_node(rel1, makeListi1(irel2)); restrictlist = joininfo->jinfo_restrictinfo; } /* * Scan to see if equality is already known. */ foreach(itm, restrictlist) { RestrictInfo *restrictinfo = (RestrictInfo *) lfirst(itm); Node *left, *right; if (restrictinfo->mergejoinoperator == InvalidOid) continue; /* ignore non-mergejoinable clauses */ /* We now know the restrictinfo clause is a binary opclause */ left = (Node *) get_leftop(restrictinfo->clause); right = (Node *) get_rightop(restrictinfo->clause); if ((equal(item1, left) && equal(item2, right)) || (equal(item2, left) && equal(item1, right))) return; /* found a matching clause */ } /* * This equality is new information, so construct a clause * representing it to add to the query data structures. */ ltype = exprType(item1); rtype = exprType(item2); eq_operator = compatible_oper(makeList1(makeString("=")), ltype, rtype, true); if (!HeapTupleIsValid(eq_operator)) { /* * Would it be safe to just not add the equality to the query if * we have no suitable equality operator for the combination of * datatypes? NO, because sortkey selection may screw up anyway. */ elog(ERROR, "Unable to identify an equality operator for types '%s' and '%s'", format_type_be(ltype), format_type_be(rtype)); } pgopform = (Form_pg_operator) GETSTRUCT(eq_operator); /* * Let's just make sure this appears to be a compatible operator. */ if (pgopform->oprlsortop != sortop1 || pgopform->oprrsortop != sortop2 || pgopform->oprresult != BOOLOID) elog(ERROR, "Equality operator for types '%s' and '%s' should be mergejoinable, but isn't", format_type_be(ltype), format_type_be(rtype)); clause = make_opclause(oprid(eq_operator), /* opno */ BOOLOID, /* opresulttype */ false, /* opretset */ (Expr *) item1, (Expr *) item2); ReleaseSysCache(eq_operator); /* * Note: we mark the qual "pushed down" to ensure that it can never be * taken for an original JOIN/ON clause. */ distribute_qual_to_rels(root, (Node *) clause, true, false, true, pull_varnos((Node *) clause)); } /* * vars_known_equal * Detect whether two Vars are known equal due to equijoin clauses. * * This is not completely accurate since we avoid adding redundant restriction * clauses to individual base rels (see qual_is_redundant). However, after * the implied-equality-deduction phase, it is complete for Vars of different * rels; that's sufficient for planned uses. */ bool vars_known_equal(Query *root, Var *var1, Var *var2) { Index irel1; Index irel2; RelOptInfo *rel1; List *restrictlist; List *itm; /* * Would need more work here if we wanted to check for known equality * of general clauses: there might be multiple base rels involved. */ Assert(IsA(var1, Var)); irel1 = var1->varno; Assert(IsA(var2, Var)); irel2 = var2->varno; /* * If both vars belong to same rel, we need to look at that rel's * baserestrictinfo list. If different rels, each will have a * joininfo node for the other, and we can scan either list. */ rel1 = find_base_rel(root, irel1); if (irel1 == irel2) restrictlist = rel1->baserestrictinfo; else { JoinInfo *joininfo = find_joininfo_node(rel1, makeListi1(irel2)); restrictlist = joininfo->jinfo_restrictinfo; } /* * Scan to see if equality is known. */ foreach(itm, restrictlist) { RestrictInfo *restrictinfo = (RestrictInfo *) lfirst(itm); Node *left, *right; if (restrictinfo->mergejoinoperator == InvalidOid) continue; /* ignore non-mergejoinable clauses */ /* We now know the restrictinfo clause is a binary opclause */ left = (Node *) get_leftop(restrictinfo->clause); right = (Node *) get_rightop(restrictinfo->clause); if ((equal(var1, left) && equal(var2, right)) || (equal(var2, left) && equal(var1, right))) return true; /* found a matching clause */ } return false; } /* * qual_is_redundant * Detect whether an implied-equality qual that turns out to be a * restriction clause for a single base relation is redundant with * already-known restriction clauses for that rel. This occurs with, * for example, * SELECT * FROM tab WHERE f1 = f2 AND f2 = f3; * We need to suppress the redundant condition to avoid computing * too-small selectivity, not to mention wasting time at execution. */ static bool qual_is_redundant(Query *root, RestrictInfo *restrictinfo, List *restrictlist) { List *oldquals; List *olditem; Node *newleft; Node *newright; List *equalvars; bool someadded; /* * Set cached pathkeys. NB: it is okay to do this now because this * routine is only invoked while we are generating implied equalities. * Therefore, the equi_key_list is already complete and so we can * correctly determine canonical pathkeys. */ cache_mergeclause_pathkeys(root, restrictinfo); /* If different, say "not redundant" (should never happen) */ if (restrictinfo->left_pathkey != restrictinfo->right_pathkey) return false; /* * Scan existing quals to find those referencing same pathkeys. * Usually there will be few, if any, so build a list of just the * interesting ones. */ oldquals = NIL; foreach(olditem, restrictlist) { RestrictInfo *oldrinfo = (RestrictInfo *) lfirst(olditem); if (oldrinfo->mergejoinoperator != InvalidOid) { cache_mergeclause_pathkeys(root, oldrinfo); if (restrictinfo->left_pathkey == oldrinfo->left_pathkey && restrictinfo->right_pathkey == oldrinfo->right_pathkey) oldquals = lcons(oldrinfo, oldquals); } } if (oldquals == NIL) return false; /* * Now, we want to develop a list of Vars that are known equal to the * left side of the new qual. We traverse the old-quals list * repeatedly to transitively expand the Vars list. If at any point * we find we can reach the right-side Var of the new qual, we are * done. We give up when we can't expand the equalvars list any more. */ newleft = (Node *) get_leftop(restrictinfo->clause); newright = (Node *) get_rightop(restrictinfo->clause); equalvars = makeList1(newleft); do { someadded = false; foreach(olditem, oldquals) { RestrictInfo *oldrinfo = (RestrictInfo *) lfirst(olditem); Node *oldleft = (Node *) get_leftop(oldrinfo->clause); Node *oldright = (Node *) get_rightop(oldrinfo->clause); Node *newguy = NULL; if (member(oldleft, equalvars)) newguy = oldright; else if (member(oldright, equalvars)) newguy = oldleft; else continue; if (equal(newguy, newright)) return true; /* we proved new clause is redundant */ equalvars = lcons(newguy, equalvars); someadded = true; /* * Remove this qual from list, since we don't need it anymore. * Note this doesn't break the foreach() loop, since lremove * doesn't touch the next-link of the removed cons cell. */ oldquals = lremove(oldrinfo, oldquals); } } while (someadded); return false; /* it's not redundant */ } /***************************************************************************** * * CHECKS FOR MERGEJOINABLE AND HASHJOINABLE CLAUSES * *****************************************************************************/ /* * check_mergejoinable * If the restrictinfo's clause is mergejoinable, set the mergejoin * info fields in the restrictinfo. * * Currently, we support mergejoin for binary opclauses where * both operands are simple Vars and the operator is a mergejoinable * operator. */ static void check_mergejoinable(RestrictInfo *restrictinfo) { Expr *clause = restrictinfo->clause; Var *left, *right; Oid opno, leftOp, rightOp; if (!is_opclause(clause)) return; left = get_leftop(clause); right = get_rightop(clause); /* caution: is_opclause accepts more than I do, so check it */ if (!right) return; /* unary opclauses need not apply */ if (!IsA(left, Var) || !IsA(right, Var)) return; opno = ((OpExpr *) clause)->opno; if (op_mergejoinable(opno, left->vartype, right->vartype, &leftOp, &rightOp)) { restrictinfo->mergejoinoperator = opno; restrictinfo->left_sortop = leftOp; restrictinfo->right_sortop = rightOp; } } /* * check_hashjoinable * If the restrictinfo's clause is hashjoinable, set the hashjoin * info fields in the restrictinfo. * * Currently, we support hashjoin for binary opclauses where * both operands are simple Vars and the operator is a hashjoinable * operator. */ static void check_hashjoinable(RestrictInfo *restrictinfo) { Expr *clause = restrictinfo->clause; Var *left, *right; Oid opno; if (!is_opclause(clause)) return; left = get_leftop(clause); right = get_rightop(clause); /* caution: is_opclause accepts more than I do, so check it */ if (!right) return; /* unary opclauses need not apply */ if (!IsA(left, Var) || !IsA(right, Var)) return; opno = ((OpExpr *) clause)->opno; if (op_hashjoinable(opno, left->vartype, right->vartype)) restrictinfo->hashjoinoperator = opno; }