/*------------------------------------------------------------------------- * * spi.c-- * Server Programming Interface * *------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ #include "executor/spi.h" #include "catalog/pg_type.h" #include "access/printtup.h" #include "fmgr.h" typedef struct { QueryTreeList *qtlist; /* malloced */ uint32 processed; /* by Executor */ SPITupleTable *tuptable; Portal portal; /* portal per procedure */ MemoryContext savedcxt; CommandId savedId; } _SPI_connection; static Portal _SPI_portal = (Portal) NULL; static _SPI_connection *_SPI_stack = NULL; static _SPI_connection *_SPI_current = NULL; static int _SPI_connected = -1; static int _SPI_curid = -1; uint32 SPI_processed = 0; SPITupleTable *SPI_tuptable; int SPI_result; void spi_printtup(HeapTuple tuple, TupleDesc tupdesc); typedef struct { QueryTreeList *qtlist; List *ptlist; int nargs; Oid *argtypes; } _SPI_plan; static int _SPI_execute(char *src, int tcount, _SPI_plan * plan); static int _SPI_pquery(QueryDesc * queryDesc, EState * state, int tcount); #if 0 static void _SPI_fetch(FetchStmt * stmt); #endif static int _SPI_execute_plan(_SPI_plan * plan, Datum * Values, char *Nulls, int tcount); #define _SPI_CPLAN_CURCXT 0 #define _SPI_CPLAN_PROCXT 1 #define _SPI_CPLAN_TOPCXT 2 static _SPI_plan *_SPI_copy_plan(_SPI_plan * plan, int location); static int _SPI_begin_call(bool execmem); static int _SPI_end_call(bool procmem); static MemoryContext _SPI_execmem(void); static MemoryContext _SPI_procmem(void); static bool _SPI_checktuples(void); #ifdef SPI_EXECUTOR_STATS extern int ShowExecutorStats; extern void ResetUsage(void); extern void ShowUsage(void); #endif /* =================== interface functions =================== */ int SPI_connect() { char pname[64]; PortalVariableMemory pvmem; /* * It's possible on startup and after commit/abort. In future we'll * catch commit/abort in some way... */ strcpy(pname, ""); _SPI_portal = GetPortalByName(pname); if (!PortalIsValid(_SPI_portal)) { if (_SPI_stack != NULL) /* there was abort */ free(_SPI_stack); _SPI_current = _SPI_stack = NULL; _SPI_connected = _SPI_curid = -1; SPI_processed = 0; SPI_tuptable = NULL; _SPI_portal = CreatePortal(pname); if (!PortalIsValid(_SPI_portal)) elog(FATAL, "SPI_connect: global initialization failed"); } /* * When procedure called by Executor _SPI_curid expected to be equal * to _SPI_connected */ if (_SPI_curid != _SPI_connected) return (SPI_ERROR_CONNECT); if (_SPI_stack == NULL) { if (_SPI_connected != -1) elog(FATAL, "SPI_connect: no connection(s) expected"); _SPI_stack = (_SPI_connection *) malloc(sizeof(_SPI_connection)); } else { if (_SPI_connected <= -1) elog(FATAL, "SPI_connect: some connection(s) expected"); _SPI_stack = (_SPI_connection *) realloc(_SPI_stack, (_SPI_connected + 2) * sizeof(_SPI_connection)); } /* * We' returning to procedure where _SPI_curid == _SPI_connected - 1 */ _SPI_connected++; _SPI_current = &(_SPI_stack[_SPI_connected]); _SPI_current->qtlist = NULL; _SPI_current->processed = 0; _SPI_current->tuptable = NULL; /* Create Portal for this procedure ... */ sprintf(pname, "", _SPI_connected); _SPI_current->portal = CreatePortal(pname); if (!PortalIsValid(_SPI_current->portal)) elog(FATAL, "SPI_connect: initialization failed"); /* ... and switch to Portal' Variable memory - procedure' context */ pvmem = PortalGetVariableMemory(_SPI_current->portal); _SPI_current->savedcxt = MemoryContextSwitchTo((MemoryContext) pvmem); _SPI_current->savedId = GetScanCommandId(); SetScanCommandId(GetCurrentCommandId()); return (SPI_OK_CONNECT); } int SPI_finish() { int res; res = _SPI_begin_call(false); /* live in procedure memory */ if (res < 0) return (res); /* Restore memory context as it was before procedure call */ MemoryContextSwitchTo(_SPI_current->savedcxt); PortalDestroy(&(_SPI_current->portal)); SetScanCommandId(_SPI_current->savedId); /* * After _SPI_begin_call _SPI_connected == _SPI_curid. Now we are * closing connection to SPI and returning to upper Executor and so * _SPI_connected must be equal to _SPI_curid. */ _SPI_connected--; _SPI_curid--; if (_SPI_connected == -1) { free(_SPI_stack); _SPI_stack = NULL; } else { _SPI_stack = (_SPI_connection *) realloc(_SPI_stack, (_SPI_connected + 1) * sizeof(_SPI_connection)); _SPI_current = &(_SPI_stack[_SPI_connected]); } return (SPI_OK_FINISH); } int SPI_exec(char *src, int tcount) { int res; if (src == NULL || tcount < 0) return (SPI_ERROR_ARGUMENT); res = _SPI_begin_call(true); if (res < 0) return (res); res = _SPI_execute(src, tcount, NULL); _SPI_end_call(true); return (res); } int SPI_execp(void *plan, Datum * Values, char *Nulls, int tcount) { int res; if (plan == NULL || tcount < 0) return (SPI_ERROR_ARGUMENT); if (((_SPI_plan *) plan)->nargs > 0 && Values == NULL) return (SPI_ERROR_PARAM); res = _SPI_begin_call(true); if (res < 0) return (res); /* copy plan to current (executor) context */ plan = (void *) _SPI_copy_plan(plan, _SPI_CPLAN_CURCXT); res = _SPI_execute_plan((_SPI_plan *) plan, Values, Nulls, tcount); _SPI_end_call(true); return (res); } void * SPI_prepare(char *src, int nargs, Oid * argtypes) { _SPI_plan *plan; if (src == NULL || nargs < 0 || (nargs > 0 && argtypes == NULL)) { SPI_result = SPI_ERROR_ARGUMENT; return (NULL); } SPI_result = _SPI_begin_call(true); if (SPI_result < 0) return (NULL); plan = (_SPI_plan *) palloc(sizeof(_SPI_plan)); /* Executor context */ plan->argtypes = argtypes; plan->nargs = nargs; SPI_result = _SPI_execute(src, 0, plan); if (SPI_result >= 0) /* copy plan to procedure context */ plan = _SPI_copy_plan(plan, _SPI_CPLAN_PROCXT); else plan = NULL; _SPI_end_call(true); return ((void *) plan); } void * SPI_saveplan(void *plan) { _SPI_plan *newplan; if (plan == NULL) { SPI_result = SPI_ERROR_ARGUMENT; return (NULL); } SPI_result = _SPI_begin_call(false); /* don't change context */ if (SPI_result < 0) return (NULL); newplan = _SPI_copy_plan((_SPI_plan *) plan, _SPI_CPLAN_TOPCXT); _SPI_curid--; SPI_result = 0; return ((void *) newplan); } HeapTuple SPI_copytuple(HeapTuple tuple) { MemoryContext oldcxt = NULL; HeapTuple ctuple; if (tuple == NULL) { SPI_result = SPI_ERROR_ARGUMENT; return (NULL); } if (_SPI_curid + 1 == _SPI_connected) /* connected */ { if (_SPI_current != &(_SPI_stack[_SPI_curid + 1])) elog(FATAL, "SPI: stack corrupted"); oldcxt = MemoryContextSwitchTo(_SPI_current->savedcxt); } ctuple = heap_copytuple(tuple); if (oldcxt) MemoryContextSwitchTo(oldcxt); return (ctuple); } HeapTuple SPI_modifytuple(Relation rel, HeapTuple tuple, int natts, int *attnum, Datum * Values, char *Nulls) { MemoryContext oldcxt = NULL; HeapTuple mtuple; int numberOfAttributes; uint8 infomask; Datum *v; char *n; bool isnull; int i; if (rel == NULL || tuple == NULL || natts <= 0 || attnum == NULL || Values == NULL) { SPI_result = SPI_ERROR_ARGUMENT; return (NULL); } if (_SPI_curid + 1 == _SPI_connected) /* connected */ { if (_SPI_current != &(_SPI_stack[_SPI_curid + 1])) elog(FATAL, "SPI: stack corrupted"); oldcxt = MemoryContextSwitchTo(_SPI_current->savedcxt); } SPI_result = 0; numberOfAttributes = rel->rd_att->natts; v = (Datum *) palloc(numberOfAttributes * sizeof(Datum)); n = (char *) palloc(numberOfAttributes * sizeof(char)); /* fetch old values and nulls */ for (i = 0; i < numberOfAttributes; i++) { v[i] = heap_getattr(tuple, i + 1, rel->rd_att, &isnull); n[i] = (isnull) ? 'n' : ' '; } /* replace values and nulls */ for (i = 0; i < natts; i++) { if (attnum[i] <= 0 || attnum[i] > numberOfAttributes) break; v[attnum[i] - 1] = Values[i]; n[attnum[i] - 1] = (Nulls && Nulls[i] == 'n') ? 'n' : ' '; } if (i == natts) /* no errors in attnum[] */ { mtuple = heap_formtuple(rel->rd_att, v, n); infomask = mtuple->t_infomask; memmove(&(mtuple->t_ctid), &(tuple->t_ctid), ((char *) &(tuple->t_hoff) - (char *) &(tuple->t_ctid))); mtuple->t_infomask = infomask; mtuple->t_natts = numberOfAttributes; } else { mtuple = NULL; SPI_result = SPI_ERROR_NOATTRIBUTE; } pfree(v); pfree(n); if (oldcxt) MemoryContextSwitchTo(oldcxt); return (mtuple); } int SPI_fnumber(TupleDesc tupdesc, char *fname) { int res; for (res = 0; res < tupdesc->natts; res++) { if (strcasecmp(tupdesc->attrs[res]->attname.data, fname) == 0) return (res + 1); } return (SPI_ERROR_NOATTRIBUTE); } char * SPI_fname(TupleDesc tupdesc, int fnumber) { SPI_result = 0; if (tupdesc->natts < fnumber || fnumber <= 0) { SPI_result = SPI_ERROR_NOATTRIBUTE; return (NULL); } return (nameout(&(tupdesc->attrs[fnumber - 1]->attname))); } char * SPI_getvalue(HeapTuple tuple, TupleDesc tupdesc, int fnumber) { Datum val; bool isnull; Oid foutoid; SPI_result = 0; if (tuple->t_natts < fnumber || fnumber <= 0) { SPI_result = SPI_ERROR_NOATTRIBUTE; return (NULL); } val = heap_getattr(tuple, fnumber, tupdesc, &isnull); if (isnull) return (NULL); foutoid = typtoout((Oid) tupdesc->attrs[fnumber - 1]->atttypid); if (!OidIsValid(foutoid)) { SPI_result = SPI_ERROR_NOOUTFUNC; return (NULL); } return (fmgr(foutoid, val, gettypelem(tupdesc->attrs[fnumber - 1]->atttypid), tupdesc->attrs[fnumber - 1]->atttypmod)); } Datum SPI_getbinval(HeapTuple tuple, TupleDesc tupdesc, int fnumber, bool * isnull) { Datum val; *isnull = true; SPI_result = 0; if (tuple->t_natts < fnumber || fnumber <= 0) { SPI_result = SPI_ERROR_NOATTRIBUTE; return ((Datum) NULL); } val = heap_getattr(tuple, fnumber, tupdesc, isnull); return (val); } char * SPI_gettype(TupleDesc tupdesc, int fnumber) { HeapTuple typeTuple; SPI_result = 0; if (tupdesc->natts < fnumber || fnumber <= 0) { SPI_result = SPI_ERROR_NOATTRIBUTE; return (NULL); } typeTuple = SearchSysCacheTuple(TYPOID, ObjectIdGetDatum(tupdesc->attrs[fnumber - 1]->atttypid), 0, 0, 0); if (!HeapTupleIsValid(typeTuple)) { SPI_result = SPI_ERROR_TYPUNKNOWN; return (NULL); } return (pstrdup(((TypeTupleForm) GETSTRUCT(typeTuple))->typname.data)); } Oid SPI_gettypeid(TupleDesc tupdesc, int fnumber) { SPI_result = 0; if (tupdesc->natts < fnumber || fnumber <= 0) { SPI_result = SPI_ERROR_NOATTRIBUTE; return (InvalidOid); } return (tupdesc->attrs[fnumber - 1]->atttypid); } char * SPI_getrelname(Relation rel) { return (pstrdup(rel->rd_rel->relname.data)); } void * SPI_palloc (Size size) { MemoryContext oldcxt = NULL; void *pointer; if (_SPI_curid + 1 == _SPI_connected) /* connected */ { if (_SPI_current != &(_SPI_stack[_SPI_curid + 1])) elog(FATAL, "SPI: stack corrupted"); oldcxt = MemoryContextSwitchTo(_SPI_current->savedcxt); } pointer = palloc (size); if (oldcxt) MemoryContextSwitchTo(oldcxt); return (pointer); } void * SPI_repalloc (void *pointer, Size size) { MemoryContext oldcxt = NULL; if (_SPI_curid + 1 == _SPI_connected) /* connected */ { if (_SPI_current != &(_SPI_stack[_SPI_curid + 1])) elog(FATAL, "SPI: stack corrupted"); oldcxt = MemoryContextSwitchTo(_SPI_current->savedcxt); } pointer = repalloc (pointer, size); if (oldcxt) MemoryContextSwitchTo(oldcxt); return (pointer); } void SPI_pfree (void *pointer) { MemoryContext oldcxt = NULL; if (_SPI_curid + 1 == _SPI_connected) /* connected */ { if (_SPI_current != &(_SPI_stack[_SPI_curid + 1])) elog(FATAL, "SPI: stack corrupted"); oldcxt = MemoryContextSwitchTo(_SPI_current->savedcxt); } pfree (pointer); if (oldcxt) MemoryContextSwitchTo(oldcxt); return; } /* =================== private functions =================== */ /* * spi_printtup -- * store tuple retrieved by Executor into SPITupleTable * of current SPI procedure * */ void spi_printtup(HeapTuple tuple, TupleDesc tupdesc) { SPITupleTable *tuptable; MemoryContext oldcxt; /* * When called by Executor _SPI_curid expected to be equal to * _SPI_connected */ if (_SPI_curid != _SPI_connected || _SPI_connected < 0) elog(FATAL, "SPI: improper call to spi_printtup"); if (_SPI_current != &(_SPI_stack[_SPI_curid])) elog(FATAL, "SPI: stack corrupted in spi_printtup"); oldcxt = _SPI_procmem(); /* switch to procedure memory context */ tuptable = _SPI_current->tuptable; if (tuptable == NULL) { _SPI_current->tuptable = tuptable = (SPITupleTable *) palloc(sizeof(SPITupleTable)); tuptable->alloced = tuptable->free = 128; tuptable->vals = (HeapTuple *) palloc(tuptable->alloced * sizeof(HeapTuple)); tuptable->tupdesc = CreateTupleDescCopy(tupdesc); } else if (tuptable->free == 0) { tuptable->free = 256; tuptable->alloced += tuptable->free; tuptable->vals = (HeapTuple *) repalloc(tuptable->vals, tuptable->alloced * sizeof(HeapTuple)); } tuptable->vals[tuptable->alloced - tuptable->free] = heap_copytuple(tuple); (tuptable->free)--; MemoryContextSwitchTo(oldcxt); return; } /* * Static functions */ static int _SPI_execute(char *src, int tcount, _SPI_plan * plan) { QueryTreeList *queryTree_list; List *planTree_list; List *ptlist; QueryDesc *qdesc; Query *queryTree; Plan *planTree; EState *state; int qlen; int nargs = 0; Oid *argtypes = NULL; int res; int i; /* Increment CommandCounter to see changes made by now */ CommandCounterIncrement(); SPI_processed = 0; SPI_tuptable = NULL; _SPI_current->tuptable = NULL; _SPI_current->qtlist = NULL; if (plan) { nargs = plan->nargs; argtypes = plan->argtypes; } ptlist = planTree_list = (List *) pg_parse_and_plan(src, argtypes, nargs, &queryTree_list, None); _SPI_current->qtlist = queryTree_list; qlen = queryTree_list->len; for (i = 0;; i++) { queryTree = (Query *) (queryTree_list->qtrees[i]); planTree = lfirst(planTree_list); planTree_list = lnext(planTree_list); if (queryTree->commandType == CMD_UTILITY) { if (nodeTag(queryTree->utilityStmt) == T_CopyStmt) { CopyStmt *stmt = (CopyStmt *) (queryTree->utilityStmt); if (stmt->filename == NULL) return (SPI_ERROR_COPY); } else if (nodeTag(queryTree->utilityStmt) == T_ClosePortalStmt || nodeTag(queryTree->utilityStmt) == T_FetchStmt) return (SPI_ERROR_CURSOR); else if (nodeTag(queryTree->utilityStmt) == T_TransactionStmt) return (SPI_ERROR_TRANSACTION); res = SPI_OK_UTILITY; if (plan == NULL) { ProcessUtility(queryTree->utilityStmt, None); if (i < qlen - 1) CommandCounterIncrement(); else return (res); } else if (i >= qlen - 1) break; } else if (plan == NULL) { qdesc = CreateQueryDesc(queryTree, planTree, (i < qlen - 1) ? None : SPI); state = CreateExecutorState(); res = _SPI_pquery(qdesc, state, (i < qlen - 1) ? 0 : tcount); if (res < 0 || i >= qlen - 1) return (res); CommandCounterIncrement(); } else { qdesc = CreateQueryDesc(queryTree, planTree, (i < qlen - 1) ? None : SPI); res = _SPI_pquery(qdesc, NULL, (i < qlen - 1) ? 0 : tcount); if (res < 0) return (res); if (i >= qlen - 1) break; } } plan->qtlist = queryTree_list; plan->ptlist = ptlist; return (res); } static int _SPI_execute_plan(_SPI_plan * plan, Datum * Values, char *Nulls, int tcount) { QueryTreeList *queryTree_list = plan->qtlist; List *planTree_list = plan->ptlist; QueryDesc *qdesc; Query *queryTree; Plan *planTree; EState *state; int nargs = plan->nargs; int qlen = queryTree_list->len; int res; int i, k; /* Increment CommandCounter to see changes made by now */ CommandCounterIncrement(); SPI_processed = 0; SPI_tuptable = NULL; _SPI_current->tuptable = NULL; _SPI_current->qtlist = NULL; for (i = 0;; i++) { queryTree = (Query *) (queryTree_list->qtrees[i]); planTree = lfirst(planTree_list); planTree_list = lnext(planTree_list); if (queryTree->commandType == CMD_UTILITY) { ProcessUtility(queryTree->utilityStmt, None); if (i < qlen - 1) CommandCounterIncrement(); else return (SPI_OK_UTILITY); } else { qdesc = CreateQueryDesc(queryTree, planTree, (i < qlen - 1) ? None : SPI); state = CreateExecutorState(); if (nargs > 0) { ParamListInfo paramLI = (ParamListInfo) palloc((nargs + 1) * sizeof(ParamListInfoData)); state->es_param_list_info = paramLI; for (k = 0; k < plan->nargs; paramLI++, k++) { paramLI->kind = PARAM_NUM; paramLI->id = k + 1; paramLI->isnull = (Nulls && Nulls[k] == 'n'); paramLI->value = Values[k]; } paramLI->kind = PARAM_INVALID; } else state->es_param_list_info = NULL; res = _SPI_pquery(qdesc, state, (i < qlen - 1) ? 0 : tcount); if (res < 0 || i >= qlen - 1) return (res); CommandCounterIncrement(); } } return (res); } static int _SPI_pquery(QueryDesc * queryDesc, EState * state, int tcount) { Query *parseTree = queryDesc->parsetree; Plan *plan = queryDesc->plantree; int operation = queryDesc->operation; CommandDest dest = queryDesc->dest; TupleDesc tupdesc; bool isRetrieveIntoPortal = false; bool isRetrieveIntoRelation = false; char *intoName = NULL; int res; switch (operation) { case CMD_SELECT: res = SPI_OK_SELECT; if (parseTree->isPortal) { isRetrieveIntoPortal = true; intoName = parseTree->into; parseTree->isBinary = false; /* */ return (SPI_ERROR_CURSOR); } else if (parseTree->into != NULL) /* select into table */ { res = SPI_OK_SELINTO; isRetrieveIntoRelation = true; queryDesc->dest = None; /* */ } break; case CMD_INSERT: res = SPI_OK_INSERT; break; case CMD_DELETE: res = SPI_OK_DELETE; break; case CMD_UPDATE: res = SPI_OK_UPDATE; break; default: return (SPI_ERROR_OPUNKNOWN); } if (state == NULL) /* plan preparation */ return (res); #ifdef SPI_EXECUTOR_STATS if (ShowExecutorStats) ResetUsage(); #endif tupdesc = ExecutorStart(queryDesc, state); /* Don't work currently */ if (isRetrieveIntoPortal) { ProcessPortal(intoName, parseTree, plan, state, tupdesc, None); return (SPI_OK_CURSOR); } ExecutorRun(queryDesc, state, EXEC_FOR, tcount); _SPI_current->processed = state->es_processed; if (operation == CMD_SELECT && queryDesc->dest == SPI) { if (_SPI_checktuples()) elog(FATAL, "SPI_select: # of processed tuples check failed"); } ExecutorEnd(queryDesc, state); #ifdef SPI_EXECUTOR_STATS if (ShowExecutorStats) { fprintf(stderr, "! Executor Stats:\n"); ShowUsage(); } #endif if (dest == SPI) { SPI_processed = _SPI_current->processed; SPI_tuptable = _SPI_current->tuptable; } queryDesc->dest = dest; return (res); } #if 0 static void _SPI_fetch(FetchStmt * stmt) { char *name = stmt->portalname; int feature = (stmt->direction == FORWARD) ? EXEC_FOR : EXEC_BACK; int count = stmt->howMany; Portal portal; QueryDesc *queryDesc; EState *state; MemoryContext context; if (name == NULL) elog(FATAL, "SPI_fetch from blank portal unsupported"); portal = GetPortalByName(name); if (!PortalIsValid(portal)) elog(FATAL, "SPI_fetch: portal \"%s\" not found", name); context = MemoryContextSwitchTo((MemoryContext) PortalGetHeapMemory(portal)); queryDesc = PortalGetQueryDesc(portal); state = PortalGetState(portal); ExecutorRun(queryDesc, state, feature, count); MemoryContextSwitchTo(context); /* switch to the normal Executor * context */ _SPI_current->processed = state->es_processed; if (_SPI_checktuples()) elog(FATAL, "SPI_fetch: # of processed tuples check failed"); SPI_processed = _SPI_current->processed; SPI_tuptable = _SPI_current->tuptable; } #endif static MemoryContext _SPI_execmem() { MemoryContext oldcxt; PortalHeapMemory phmem; phmem = PortalGetHeapMemory(_SPI_current->portal); oldcxt = MemoryContextSwitchTo((MemoryContext) phmem); return (oldcxt); } static MemoryContext _SPI_procmem() { MemoryContext oldcxt; PortalVariableMemory pvmem; pvmem = PortalGetVariableMemory(_SPI_current->portal); oldcxt = MemoryContextSwitchTo((MemoryContext) pvmem); return (oldcxt); } /* * _SPI_begin_call -- * */ static int _SPI_begin_call(bool execmem) { if (_SPI_curid + 1 != _SPI_connected) return (SPI_ERROR_UNCONNECTED); _SPI_curid++; if (_SPI_current != &(_SPI_stack[_SPI_curid])) elog(FATAL, "SPI: stack corrupted"); if (execmem) /* switch to the Executor memory context */ { _SPI_execmem(); StartPortalAllocMode(DefaultAllocMode, 0); } return (0); } static int _SPI_end_call(bool procmem) { /* * We' returning to procedure where _SPI_curid == _SPI_connected - 1 */ _SPI_curid--; if (_SPI_current->qtlist) /* free _SPI_plan allocations */ { free(_SPI_current->qtlist->qtrees); free(_SPI_current->qtlist); _SPI_current->qtlist = NULL; } if (procmem) /* switch to the procedure memory context */ { /* but free Executor memory before */ EndPortalAllocMode(); _SPI_procmem(); } return (0); } static bool _SPI_checktuples() { uint32 processed = _SPI_current->processed; SPITupleTable *tuptable = _SPI_current->tuptable; bool failed = false; if (processed == 0) { if (tuptable != NULL) failed = true; } else /* some tuples were processed */ { if (tuptable == NULL) /* spi_printtup was not called */ failed = true; else if (processed != (tuptable->alloced - tuptable->free)) failed = true; } return (failed); } static _SPI_plan * _SPI_copy_plan(_SPI_plan * plan, int location) { _SPI_plan *newplan; MemoryContext oldcxt = NULL; int i; if (location == _SPI_CPLAN_PROCXT) oldcxt = MemoryContextSwitchTo((MemoryContext) PortalGetVariableMemory(_SPI_current->portal)); else if (location == _SPI_CPLAN_TOPCXT) oldcxt = MemoryContextSwitchTo(TopMemoryContext); newplan = (_SPI_plan *) palloc(sizeof(_SPI_plan)); newplan->qtlist = (QueryTreeList *) palloc(sizeof(QueryTreeList)); newplan->qtlist->len = plan->qtlist->len; newplan->qtlist->qtrees = (Query **) palloc(plan->qtlist->len * sizeof(Query *)); for (i = 0; i < plan->qtlist->len; i++) newplan->qtlist->qtrees[i] = (Query *) copyObject(plan->qtlist->qtrees[i]); newplan->ptlist = (List *) copyObject(plan->ptlist); newplan->nargs = plan->nargs; if (plan->nargs > 0) { newplan->argtypes = (Oid *) palloc(plan->nargs * sizeof(Oid)); memcpy(newplan->argtypes, plan->argtypes, plan->nargs * sizeof(Oid)); } else newplan->argtypes = NULL; if (location != _SPI_CPLAN_CURCXT) MemoryContextSwitchTo(oldcxt); return (newplan); }