/*------------------------------------------------------------------------- * * namespace.c * code to support accessing and searching namespaces * * This is separate from pg_namespace.c, which contains the routines that * directly manipulate the pg_namespace system catalog. This module * provides routines associated with defining a "namespace search path" * and implementing search-path-controlled searches. * * * Portions Copyright (c) 1996-2006, PostgreSQL Global Development Group * Portions Copyright (c) 1994, Regents of the University of California * * IDENTIFICATION * $PostgreSQL: pgsql/src/backend/catalog/namespace.c,v 1.86 2006/07/14 14:52:17 momjian Exp $ * *------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ #include "postgres.h" #include "access/xact.h" #include "catalog/dependency.h" #include "catalog/namespace.h" #include "catalog/pg_authid.h" #include "catalog/pg_conversion.h" #include "catalog/pg_namespace.h" #include "catalog/pg_opclass.h" #include "catalog/pg_operator.h" #include "catalog/pg_proc.h" #include "catalog/pg_type.h" #include "commands/dbcommands.h" #include "miscadmin.h" #include "nodes/makefuncs.h" #include "storage/backendid.h" #include "storage/ipc.h" #include "utils/acl.h" #include "utils/builtins.h" #include "utils/guc.h" #include "utils/inval.h" #include "utils/lsyscache.h" #include "utils/memutils.h" #include "utils/syscache.h" /* * The namespace search path is a possibly-empty list of namespace OIDs. * In addition to the explicit list, several implicitly-searched namespaces * may be included: * * 1. If a "special" namespace has been set by PushSpecialNamespace, it is * always searched first. (This is a hack for CREATE SCHEMA.) * * 2. If a TEMP table namespace has been initialized in this session, it * is always searched just after any special namespace. * * 3. The system catalog namespace is always searched. If the system * namespace is present in the explicit path then it will be searched in * the specified order; otherwise it will be searched after TEMP tables and * *before* the explicit list. (It might seem that the system namespace * should be implicitly last, but this behavior appears to be required by * SQL99. Also, this provides a way to search the system namespace first * without thereby making it the default creation target namespace.) * * The default creation target namespace is normally equal to the first * element of the explicit list, but is the "special" namespace when one * has been set. If the explicit list is empty and there is no special * namespace, there is no default target. * * In bootstrap mode, the search path is set equal to 'pg_catalog', so that * the system namespace is the only one searched or inserted into. * The initdb script is also careful to set search_path to 'pg_catalog' for * its post-bootstrap standalone backend runs. Otherwise the default search * path is determined by GUC. The factory default path contains the PUBLIC * namespace (if it exists), preceded by the user's personal namespace * (if one exists). * * If namespaceSearchPathValid is false, then namespaceSearchPath (and other * derived variables) need to be recomputed from namespace_search_path. * We mark it invalid upon an assignment to namespace_search_path or receipt * of a syscache invalidation event for pg_namespace. The recomputation * is done during the next lookup attempt. * * Any namespaces mentioned in namespace_search_path that are not readable * by the current user ID are simply left out of namespaceSearchPath; so * we have to be willing to recompute the path when current userid changes. * namespaceUser is the userid the path has been computed for. */ static List *namespaceSearchPath = NIL; static Oid namespaceUser = InvalidOid; /* default place to create stuff; if InvalidOid, no default */ static Oid defaultCreationNamespace = InvalidOid; /* first explicit member of list; usually same as defaultCreationNamespace */ static Oid firstExplicitNamespace = InvalidOid; /* The above four values are valid only if namespaceSearchPathValid */ static bool namespaceSearchPathValid = true; /* * myTempNamespace is InvalidOid until and unless a TEMP namespace is set up * in a particular backend session (this happens when a CREATE TEMP TABLE * command is first executed). Thereafter it's the OID of the temp namespace. * * myTempNamespaceSubID shows whether we've created the TEMP namespace in the * current subtransaction. The flag propagates up the subtransaction tree, * so the main transaction will correctly recognize the flag if all * intermediate subtransactions commit. When it is InvalidSubTransactionId, * we either haven't made the TEMP namespace yet, or have successfully * committed its creation, depending on whether myTempNamespace is valid. */ static Oid myTempNamespace = InvalidOid; static SubTransactionId myTempNamespaceSubID = InvalidSubTransactionId; /* * "Special" namespace for CREATE SCHEMA. If set, it's the first search * path element, and also the default creation namespace. */ static Oid mySpecialNamespace = InvalidOid; /* * This is the text equivalent of the search path --- it's the value * of the GUC variable 'search_path'. */ char *namespace_search_path = NULL; /* Local functions */ static void recomputeNamespacePath(void); static void InitTempTableNamespace(void); static void RemoveTempRelations(Oid tempNamespaceId); static void RemoveTempRelationsCallback(int code, Datum arg); static void NamespaceCallback(Datum arg, Oid relid); /* These don't really need to appear in any header file */ Datum pg_table_is_visible(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS); Datum pg_type_is_visible(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS); Datum pg_function_is_visible(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS); Datum pg_operator_is_visible(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS); Datum pg_opclass_is_visible(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS); Datum pg_conversion_is_visible(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS); /* * RangeVarGetRelid * Given a RangeVar describing an existing relation, * select the proper namespace and look up the relation OID. * * If the relation is not found, return InvalidOid if failOK = true, * otherwise raise an error. */ Oid RangeVarGetRelid(const RangeVar *relation, bool failOK) { Oid namespaceId; Oid relId; /* * We check the catalog name and then ignore it. */ if (relation->catalogname) { if (strcmp(relation->catalogname, get_database_name(MyDatabaseId)) != 0) ereport(ERROR, (errcode(ERRCODE_FEATURE_NOT_SUPPORTED), errmsg("cross-database references are not implemented: \"%s.%s.%s\"", relation->catalogname, relation->schemaname, relation->relname))); } if (relation->schemaname) { /* use exact schema given */ namespaceId = LookupExplicitNamespace(relation->schemaname); relId = get_relname_relid(relation->relname, namespaceId); } else { /* search the namespace path */ relId = RelnameGetRelid(relation->relname); } if (!OidIsValid(relId) && !failOK) { if (relation->schemaname) ereport(ERROR, (errcode(ERRCODE_UNDEFINED_TABLE), errmsg("relation \"%s.%s\" does not exist", relation->schemaname, relation->relname))); else ereport(ERROR, (errcode(ERRCODE_UNDEFINED_TABLE), errmsg("relation \"%s\" does not exist", relation->relname))); } return relId; } /* * RangeVarGetCreationNamespace * Given a RangeVar describing a to-be-created relation, * choose which namespace to create it in. * * Note: calling this may result in a CommandCounterIncrement operation. * That will happen on the first request for a temp table in any particular * backend run; we will need to either create or clean out the temp schema. */ Oid RangeVarGetCreationNamespace(const RangeVar *newRelation) { Oid namespaceId; /* * We check the catalog name and then ignore it. */ if (newRelation->catalogname) { if (strcmp(newRelation->catalogname, get_database_name(MyDatabaseId)) != 0) ereport(ERROR, (errcode(ERRCODE_FEATURE_NOT_SUPPORTED), errmsg("cross-database references are not implemented: \"%s.%s.%s\"", newRelation->catalogname, newRelation->schemaname, newRelation->relname))); } if (newRelation->istemp) { /* TEMP tables are created in our backend-local temp namespace */ if (newRelation->schemaname) ereport(ERROR, (errcode(ERRCODE_INVALID_TABLE_DEFINITION), errmsg("temporary tables may not specify a schema name"))); /* Initialize temp namespace if first time through */ if (!OidIsValid(myTempNamespace)) InitTempTableNamespace(); return myTempNamespace; } if (newRelation->schemaname) { /* use exact schema given */ namespaceId = GetSysCacheOid(NAMESPACENAME, CStringGetDatum(newRelation->schemaname), 0, 0, 0); if (!OidIsValid(namespaceId)) ereport(ERROR, (errcode(ERRCODE_UNDEFINED_SCHEMA), errmsg("schema \"%s\" does not exist", newRelation->schemaname))); /* we do not check for USAGE rights here! */ } else { /* use the default creation namespace */ recomputeNamespacePath(); namespaceId = defaultCreationNamespace; if (!OidIsValid(namespaceId)) ereport(ERROR, (errcode(ERRCODE_UNDEFINED_SCHEMA), errmsg("no schema has been selected to create in"))); } /* Note: callers will check for CREATE rights when appropriate */ return namespaceId; } /* * RelnameGetRelid * Try to resolve an unqualified relation name. * Returns OID if relation found in search path, else InvalidOid. */ Oid RelnameGetRelid(const char *relname) { Oid relid; ListCell *l; recomputeNamespacePath(); foreach(l, namespaceSearchPath) { Oid namespaceId = lfirst_oid(l); relid = get_relname_relid(relname, namespaceId); if (OidIsValid(relid)) return relid; } /* Not found in path */ return InvalidOid; } /* * RelationIsVisible * Determine whether a relation (identified by OID) is visible in the * current search path. Visible means "would be found by searching * for the unqualified relation name". */ bool RelationIsVisible(Oid relid) { HeapTuple reltup; Form_pg_class relform; Oid relnamespace; bool visible; reltup = SearchSysCache(RELOID, ObjectIdGetDatum(relid), 0, 0, 0); if (!HeapTupleIsValid(reltup)) elog(ERROR, "cache lookup failed for relation %u", relid); relform = (Form_pg_class) GETSTRUCT(reltup); recomputeNamespacePath(); /* * Quick check: if it ain't in the path at all, it ain't visible. Items in * the system namespace are surely in the path and so we needn't even do * list_member_oid() for them. */ relnamespace = relform->relnamespace; if (relnamespace != PG_CATALOG_NAMESPACE && !list_member_oid(namespaceSearchPath, relnamespace)) visible = false; else { /* * If it is in the path, it might still not be visible; it could be * hidden by another relation of the same name earlier in the path. So * we must do a slow check for conflicting relations. */ char *relname = NameStr(relform->relname); ListCell *l; visible = false; foreach(l, namespaceSearchPath) { Oid namespaceId = lfirst_oid(l); if (namespaceId == relnamespace) { /* Found it first in path */ visible = true; break; } if (OidIsValid(get_relname_relid(relname, namespaceId))) { /* Found something else first in path */ break; } } } ReleaseSysCache(reltup); return visible; } /* * TypenameGetTypid * Try to resolve an unqualified datatype name. * Returns OID if type found in search path, else InvalidOid. * * This is essentially the same as RelnameGetRelid. */ Oid TypenameGetTypid(const char *typname) { Oid typid; ListCell *l; recomputeNamespacePath(); foreach(l, namespaceSearchPath) { Oid namespaceId = lfirst_oid(l); typid = GetSysCacheOid(TYPENAMENSP, PointerGetDatum(typname), ObjectIdGetDatum(namespaceId), 0, 0); if (OidIsValid(typid)) return typid; } /* Not found in path */ return InvalidOid; } /* * TypeIsVisible * Determine whether a type (identified by OID) is visible in the * current search path. Visible means "would be found by searching * for the unqualified type name". */ bool TypeIsVisible(Oid typid) { HeapTuple typtup; Form_pg_type typform; Oid typnamespace; bool visible; typtup = SearchSysCache(TYPEOID, ObjectIdGetDatum(typid), 0, 0, 0); if (!HeapTupleIsValid(typtup)) elog(ERROR, "cache lookup failed for type %u", typid); typform = (Form_pg_type) GETSTRUCT(typtup); recomputeNamespacePath(); /* * Quick check: if it ain't in the path at all, it ain't visible. Items in * the system namespace are surely in the path and so we needn't even do * list_member_oid() for them. */ typnamespace = typform->typnamespace; if (typnamespace != PG_CATALOG_NAMESPACE && !list_member_oid(namespaceSearchPath, typnamespace)) visible = false; else { /* * If it is in the path, it might still not be visible; it could be * hidden by another type of the same name earlier in the path. So we * must do a slow check for conflicting types. */ char *typname = NameStr(typform->typname); ListCell *l; visible = false; foreach(l, namespaceSearchPath) { Oid namespaceId = lfirst_oid(l); if (namespaceId == typnamespace) { /* Found it first in path */ visible = true; break; } if (SearchSysCacheExists(TYPENAMENSP, PointerGetDatum(typname), ObjectIdGetDatum(namespaceId), 0, 0)) { /* Found something else first in path */ break; } } } ReleaseSysCache(typtup); return visible; } /* * FuncnameGetCandidates * Given a possibly-qualified function name and argument count, * retrieve a list of the possible matches. * * If nargs is -1, we return all functions matching the given name, * regardless of argument count. * * We search a single namespace if the function name is qualified, else * all namespaces in the search path. The return list will never contain * multiple entries with identical argument lists --- in the multiple- * namespace case, we arrange for entries in earlier namespaces to mask * identical entries in later namespaces. */ FuncCandidateList FuncnameGetCandidates(List *names, int nargs) { FuncCandidateList resultList = NULL; char *schemaname; char *funcname; Oid namespaceId; CatCList *catlist; int i; /* deconstruct the name list */ DeconstructQualifiedName(names, &schemaname, &funcname); if (schemaname) { /* use exact schema given */ namespaceId = LookupExplicitNamespace(schemaname); } else { /* flag to indicate we need namespace search */ namespaceId = InvalidOid; recomputeNamespacePath(); } /* Search syscache by name only */ catlist = SearchSysCacheList(PROCNAMEARGSNSP, 1, CStringGetDatum(funcname), 0, 0, 0); for (i = 0; i < catlist->n_members; i++) { HeapTuple proctup = &catlist->members[i]->tuple; Form_pg_proc procform = (Form_pg_proc) GETSTRUCT(proctup); int pronargs = procform->pronargs; int pathpos = 0; FuncCandidateList newResult; /* Ignore if it doesn't match requested argument count */ if (nargs >= 0 && pronargs != nargs) continue; if (OidIsValid(namespaceId)) { /* Consider only procs in specified namespace */ if (procform->pronamespace != namespaceId) continue; /* No need to check args, they must all be different */ } else { /* Consider only procs that are in the search path */ ListCell *nsp; foreach(nsp, namespaceSearchPath) { if (procform->pronamespace == lfirst_oid(nsp)) break; pathpos++; } if (nsp == NULL) continue; /* proc is not in search path */ /* * Okay, it's in the search path, but does it have the same * arguments as something we already accepted? If so, keep only * the one that appears earlier in the search path. * * If we have an ordered list from SearchSysCacheList (the normal * case), then any conflicting proc must immediately adjoin this * one in the list, so we only need to look at the newest result * item. If we have an unordered list, we have to scan the whole * result list. */ if (resultList) { FuncCandidateList prevResult; if (catlist->ordered) { if (pronargs == resultList->nargs && memcmp(procform->proargtypes.values, resultList->args, pronargs * sizeof(Oid)) == 0) prevResult = resultList; else prevResult = NULL; } else { for (prevResult = resultList; prevResult; prevResult = prevResult->next) { if (pronargs == prevResult->nargs && memcmp(procform->proargtypes.values, prevResult->args, pronargs * sizeof(Oid)) == 0) break; } } if (prevResult) { /* We have a match with a previous result */ Assert(pathpos != prevResult->pathpos); if (pathpos > prevResult->pathpos) continue; /* keep previous result */ /* replace previous result */ prevResult->pathpos = pathpos; prevResult->oid = HeapTupleGetOid(proctup); continue; /* args are same, of course */ } } } /* * Okay to add it to result list */ newResult = (FuncCandidateList) palloc(sizeof(struct _FuncCandidateList) - sizeof(Oid) + pronargs * sizeof(Oid)); newResult->pathpos = pathpos; newResult->oid = HeapTupleGetOid(proctup); newResult->nargs = pronargs; memcpy(newResult->args, procform->proargtypes.values, pronargs * sizeof(Oid)); newResult->next = resultList; resultList = newResult; } ReleaseSysCacheList(catlist); return resultList; } /* * FunctionIsVisible * Determine whether a function (identified by OID) is visible in the * current search path. Visible means "would be found by searching * for the unqualified function name with exact argument matches". */ bool FunctionIsVisible(Oid funcid) { HeapTuple proctup; Form_pg_proc procform; Oid pronamespace; bool visible; proctup = SearchSysCache(PROCOID, ObjectIdGetDatum(funcid), 0, 0, 0); if (!HeapTupleIsValid(proctup)) elog(ERROR, "cache lookup failed for function %u", funcid); procform = (Form_pg_proc) GETSTRUCT(proctup); recomputeNamespacePath(); /* * Quick check: if it ain't in the path at all, it ain't visible. Items in * the system namespace are surely in the path and so we needn't even do * list_member_oid() for them. */ pronamespace = procform->pronamespace; if (pronamespace != PG_CATALOG_NAMESPACE && !list_member_oid(namespaceSearchPath, pronamespace)) visible = false; else { /* * If it is in the path, it might still not be visible; it could be * hidden by another proc of the same name and arguments earlier in * the path. So we must do a slow check to see if this is the same * proc that would be found by FuncnameGetCandidates. */ char *proname = NameStr(procform->proname); int nargs = procform->pronargs; FuncCandidateList clist; visible = false; clist = FuncnameGetCandidates(list_make1(makeString(proname)), nargs); for (; clist; clist = clist->next) { if (memcmp(clist->args, procform->proargtypes.values, nargs * sizeof(Oid)) == 0) { /* Found the expected entry; is it the right proc? */ visible = (clist->oid == funcid); break; } } } ReleaseSysCache(proctup); return visible; } /* * OpernameGetOprid * Given a possibly-qualified operator name and exact input datatypes, * look up the operator. Returns InvalidOid if not found. * * Pass oprleft = InvalidOid for a prefix op, oprright = InvalidOid for * a postfix op. * * If the operator name is not schema-qualified, it is sought in the current * namespace search path. */ Oid OpernameGetOprid(List *names, Oid oprleft, Oid oprright) { char *schemaname; char *opername; CatCList *catlist; ListCell *l; /* deconstruct the name list */ DeconstructQualifiedName(names, &schemaname, &opername); if (schemaname) { /* search only in exact schema given */ Oid namespaceId; HeapTuple opertup; namespaceId = LookupExplicitNamespace(schemaname); opertup = SearchSysCache(OPERNAMENSP, CStringGetDatum(opername), ObjectIdGetDatum(oprleft), ObjectIdGetDatum(oprright), ObjectIdGetDatum(namespaceId)); if (HeapTupleIsValid(opertup)) { Oid result = HeapTupleGetOid(opertup); ReleaseSysCache(opertup); return result; } return InvalidOid; } /* Search syscache by name and argument types */ catlist = SearchSysCacheList(OPERNAMENSP, 3, CStringGetDatum(opername), ObjectIdGetDatum(oprleft), ObjectIdGetDatum(oprright), 0); if (catlist->n_members == 0) { /* no hope, fall out early */ ReleaseSysCacheList(catlist); return InvalidOid; } /* * We have to find the list member that is first in the search path, * if there's more than one. This doubly-nested loop looks ugly, * but in practice there should usually be few catlist members. */ recomputeNamespacePath(); foreach(l, namespaceSearchPath) { Oid namespaceId = lfirst_oid(l); int i; for (i = 0; i < catlist->n_members; i++) { HeapTuple opertup = &catlist->members[i]->tuple; Form_pg_operator operform = (Form_pg_operator) GETSTRUCT(opertup); if (operform->oprnamespace == namespaceId) { Oid result = HeapTupleGetOid(opertup); ReleaseSysCacheList(catlist); return result; } } } ReleaseSysCacheList(catlist); return InvalidOid; } /* * OpernameGetCandidates * Given a possibly-qualified operator name and operator kind, * retrieve a list of the possible matches. * * If oprkind is '\0', we return all operators matching the given name, * regardless of arguments. * * We search a single namespace if the operator name is qualified, else * all namespaces in the search path. The return list will never contain * multiple entries with identical argument lists --- in the multiple- * namespace case, we arrange for entries in earlier namespaces to mask * identical entries in later namespaces. * * The returned items always have two args[] entries --- one or the other * will be InvalidOid for a prefix or postfix oprkind. nargs is 2, too. */ FuncCandidateList OpernameGetCandidates(List *names, char oprkind) { FuncCandidateList resultList = NULL; char *resultSpace = NULL; int nextResult = 0; char *schemaname; char *opername; Oid namespaceId; CatCList *catlist; int i; /* deconstruct the name list */ DeconstructQualifiedName(names, &schemaname, &opername); if (schemaname) { /* use exact schema given */ namespaceId = LookupExplicitNamespace(schemaname); } else { /* flag to indicate we need namespace search */ namespaceId = InvalidOid; recomputeNamespacePath(); } /* Search syscache by name only */ catlist = SearchSysCacheList(OPERNAMENSP, 1, CStringGetDatum(opername), 0, 0, 0); /* * In typical scenarios, most if not all of the operators found by the * catcache search will end up getting returned; and there can be quite a * few, for common operator names such as '=' or '+'. To reduce the time * spent in palloc, we allocate the result space as an array large enough * to hold all the operators. The original coding of this routine did a * separate palloc for each operator, but profiling revealed that the * pallocs used an unreasonably large fraction of parsing time. */ #define SPACE_PER_OP MAXALIGN(sizeof(struct _FuncCandidateList) + sizeof(Oid)) if (catlist->n_members > 0) resultSpace = palloc(catlist->n_members * SPACE_PER_OP); for (i = 0; i < catlist->n_members; i++) { HeapTuple opertup = &catlist->members[i]->tuple; Form_pg_operator operform = (Form_pg_operator) GETSTRUCT(opertup); int pathpos = 0; FuncCandidateList newResult; /* Ignore operators of wrong kind, if specific kind requested */ if (oprkind && operform->oprkind != oprkind) continue; if (OidIsValid(namespaceId)) { /* Consider only opers in specified namespace */ if (operform->oprnamespace != namespaceId) continue; /* No need to check args, they must all be different */ } else { /* Consider only opers that are in the search path */ ListCell *nsp; foreach(nsp, namespaceSearchPath) { if (operform->oprnamespace == lfirst_oid(nsp)) break; pathpos++; } if (nsp == NULL) continue; /* oper is not in search path */ /* * Okay, it's in the search path, but does it have the same * arguments as something we already accepted? If so, keep only * the one that appears earlier in the search path. * * If we have an ordered list from SearchSysCacheList (the normal * case), then any conflicting oper must immediately adjoin this * one in the list, so we only need to look at the newest result * item. If we have an unordered list, we have to scan the whole * result list. */ if (resultList) { FuncCandidateList prevResult; if (catlist->ordered) { if (operform->oprleft == resultList->args[0] && operform->oprright == resultList->args[1]) prevResult = resultList; else prevResult = NULL; } else { for (prevResult = resultList; prevResult; prevResult = prevResult->next) { if (operform->oprleft == prevResult->args[0] && operform->oprright == prevResult->args[1]) break; } } if (prevResult) { /* We have a match with a previous result */ Assert(pathpos != prevResult->pathpos); if (pathpos > prevResult->pathpos) continue; /* keep previous result */ /* replace previous result */ prevResult->pathpos = pathpos; prevResult->oid = HeapTupleGetOid(opertup); continue; /* args are same, of course */ } } } /* * Okay to add it to result list */ newResult = (FuncCandidateList) (resultSpace + nextResult); nextResult += SPACE_PER_OP; newResult->pathpos = pathpos; newResult->oid = HeapTupleGetOid(opertup); newResult->nargs = 2; newResult->args[0] = operform->oprleft; newResult->args[1] = operform->oprright; newResult->next = resultList; resultList = newResult; } ReleaseSysCacheList(catlist); return resultList; } /* * OperatorIsVisible * Determine whether an operator (identified by OID) is visible in the * current search path. Visible means "would be found by searching * for the unqualified operator name with exact argument matches". */ bool OperatorIsVisible(Oid oprid) { HeapTuple oprtup; Form_pg_operator oprform; Oid oprnamespace; bool visible; oprtup = SearchSysCache(OPEROID, ObjectIdGetDatum(oprid), 0, 0, 0); if (!HeapTupleIsValid(oprtup)) elog(ERROR, "cache lookup failed for operator %u", oprid); oprform = (Form_pg_operator) GETSTRUCT(oprtup); recomputeNamespacePath(); /* * Quick check: if it ain't in the path at all, it ain't visible. Items in * the system namespace are surely in the path and so we needn't even do * list_member_oid() for them. */ oprnamespace = oprform->oprnamespace; if (oprnamespace != PG_CATALOG_NAMESPACE && !list_member_oid(namespaceSearchPath, oprnamespace)) visible = false; else { /* * If it is in the path, it might still not be visible; it could be * hidden by another operator of the same name and arguments earlier * in the path. So we must do a slow check to see if this is the same * operator that would be found by OpernameGetOprId. */ char *oprname = NameStr(oprform->oprname); visible = (OpernameGetOprid(list_make1(makeString(oprname)), oprform->oprleft, oprform->oprright) == oprid); } ReleaseSysCache(oprtup); return visible; } /* * OpclassnameGetOpcid * Try to resolve an unqualified index opclass name. * Returns OID if opclass found in search path, else InvalidOid. * * This is essentially the same as TypenameGetTypid, but we have to have * an extra argument for the index AM OID. */ Oid OpclassnameGetOpcid(Oid amid, const char *opcname) { Oid opcid; ListCell *l; recomputeNamespacePath(); foreach(l, namespaceSearchPath) { Oid namespaceId = lfirst_oid(l); opcid = GetSysCacheOid(CLAAMNAMENSP, ObjectIdGetDatum(amid), PointerGetDatum(opcname), ObjectIdGetDatum(namespaceId), 0); if (OidIsValid(opcid)) return opcid; } /* Not found in path */ return InvalidOid; } /* * OpclassIsVisible * Determine whether an opclass (identified by OID) is visible in the * current search path. Visible means "would be found by searching * for the unqualified opclass name". */ bool OpclassIsVisible(Oid opcid) { HeapTuple opctup; Form_pg_opclass opcform; Oid opcnamespace; bool visible; opctup = SearchSysCache(CLAOID, ObjectIdGetDatum(opcid), 0, 0, 0); if (!HeapTupleIsValid(opctup)) elog(ERROR, "cache lookup failed for opclass %u", opcid); opcform = (Form_pg_opclass) GETSTRUCT(opctup); recomputeNamespacePath(); /* * Quick check: if it ain't in the path at all, it ain't visible. Items in * the system namespace are surely in the path and so we needn't even do * list_member_oid() for them. */ opcnamespace = opcform->opcnamespace; if (opcnamespace != PG_CATALOG_NAMESPACE && !list_member_oid(namespaceSearchPath, opcnamespace)) visible = false; else { /* * If it is in the path, it might still not be visible; it could be * hidden by another opclass of the same name earlier in the path. So * we must do a slow check to see if this opclass would be found by * OpclassnameGetOpcid. */ char *opcname = NameStr(opcform->opcname); visible = (OpclassnameGetOpcid(opcform->opcamid, opcname) == opcid); } ReleaseSysCache(opctup); return visible; } /* * ConversionGetConid * Try to resolve an unqualified conversion name. * Returns OID if conversion found in search path, else InvalidOid. * * This is essentially the same as RelnameGetRelid. */ Oid ConversionGetConid(const char *conname) { Oid conid; ListCell *l; recomputeNamespacePath(); foreach(l, namespaceSearchPath) { Oid namespaceId = lfirst_oid(l); conid = GetSysCacheOid(CONNAMENSP, PointerGetDatum(conname), ObjectIdGetDatum(namespaceId), 0, 0); if (OidIsValid(conid)) return conid; } /* Not found in path */ return InvalidOid; } /* * ConversionIsVisible * Determine whether a conversion (identified by OID) is visible in the * current search path. Visible means "would be found by searching * for the unqualified conversion name". */ bool ConversionIsVisible(Oid conid) { HeapTuple contup; Form_pg_conversion conform; Oid connamespace; bool visible; contup = SearchSysCache(CONOID, ObjectIdGetDatum(conid), 0, 0, 0); if (!HeapTupleIsValid(contup)) elog(ERROR, "cache lookup failed for conversion %u", conid); conform = (Form_pg_conversion) GETSTRUCT(contup); recomputeNamespacePath(); /* * Quick check: if it ain't in the path at all, it ain't visible. Items in * the system namespace are surely in the path and so we needn't even do * list_member_oid() for them. */ connamespace = conform->connamespace; if (connamespace != PG_CATALOG_NAMESPACE && !list_member_oid(namespaceSearchPath, connamespace)) visible = false; else { /* * If it is in the path, it might still not be visible; it could be * hidden by another conversion of the same name earlier in the path. * So we must do a slow check to see if this conversion would be found * by ConversionGetConid. */ char *conname = NameStr(conform->conname); visible = (ConversionGetConid(conname) == conid); } ReleaseSysCache(contup); return visible; } /* * DeconstructQualifiedName * Given a possibly-qualified name expressed as a list of String nodes, * extract the schema name and object name. * * *nspname_p is set to NULL if there is no explicit schema name. */ void DeconstructQualifiedName(List *names, char **nspname_p, char **objname_p) { char *catalogname; char *schemaname = NULL; char *objname = NULL; switch (list_length(names)) { case 1: objname = strVal(linitial(names)); break; case 2: schemaname = strVal(linitial(names)); objname = strVal(lsecond(names)); break; case 3: catalogname = strVal(linitial(names)); schemaname = strVal(lsecond(names)); objname = strVal(lthird(names)); /* * We check the catalog name and then ignore it. */ if (strcmp(catalogname, get_database_name(MyDatabaseId)) != 0) ereport(ERROR, (errcode(ERRCODE_FEATURE_NOT_SUPPORTED), errmsg("cross-database references are not implemented: %s", NameListToString(names)))); break; default: ereport(ERROR, (errcode(ERRCODE_SYNTAX_ERROR), errmsg("improper qualified name (too many dotted names): %s", NameListToString(names)))); break; } *nspname_p = schemaname; *objname_p = objname; } /* * LookupExplicitNamespace * Process an explicitly-specified schema name: look up the schema * and verify we have USAGE (lookup) rights in it. * * Returns the namespace OID. Raises ereport if any problem. */ Oid LookupExplicitNamespace(const char *nspname) { Oid namespaceId; AclResult aclresult; namespaceId = GetSysCacheOid(NAMESPACENAME, CStringGetDatum(nspname), 0, 0, 0); if (!OidIsValid(namespaceId)) ereport(ERROR, (errcode(ERRCODE_UNDEFINED_SCHEMA), errmsg("schema \"%s\" does not exist", nspname))); aclresult = pg_namespace_aclcheck(namespaceId, GetUserId(), ACL_USAGE); if (aclresult != ACLCHECK_OK) aclcheck_error(aclresult, ACL_KIND_NAMESPACE, nspname); return namespaceId; } /* * LookupCreationNamespace * Look up the schema and verify we have CREATE rights on it. * * This is just like LookupExplicitNamespace except for the permission check. */ Oid LookupCreationNamespace(const char *nspname) { Oid namespaceId; AclResult aclresult; namespaceId = GetSysCacheOid(NAMESPACENAME, CStringGetDatum(nspname), 0, 0, 0); if (!OidIsValid(namespaceId)) ereport(ERROR, (errcode(ERRCODE_UNDEFINED_SCHEMA), errmsg("schema \"%s\" does not exist", nspname))); aclresult = pg_namespace_aclcheck(namespaceId, GetUserId(), ACL_CREATE); if (aclresult != ACLCHECK_OK) aclcheck_error(aclresult, ACL_KIND_NAMESPACE, nspname); return namespaceId; } /* * QualifiedNameGetCreationNamespace * Given a possibly-qualified name for an object (in List-of-Values * format), determine what namespace the object should be created in. * Also extract and return the object name (last component of list). * * Note: this does not apply any permissions check. Callers must check * for CREATE rights on the selected namespace when appropriate. * * This is *not* used for tables. Hence, the TEMP table namespace is * never selected as the creation target. */ Oid QualifiedNameGetCreationNamespace(List *names, char **objname_p) { char *schemaname; char *objname; Oid namespaceId; /* deconstruct the name list */ DeconstructQualifiedName(names, &schemaname, &objname); if (schemaname) { /* use exact schema given */ namespaceId = GetSysCacheOid(NAMESPACENAME, CStringGetDatum(schemaname), 0, 0, 0); if (!OidIsValid(namespaceId)) ereport(ERROR, (errcode(ERRCODE_UNDEFINED_SCHEMA), errmsg("schema \"%s\" does not exist", schemaname))); /* we do not check for USAGE rights here! */ } else { /* use the default creation namespace */ recomputeNamespacePath(); namespaceId = defaultCreationNamespace; if (!OidIsValid(namespaceId)) ereport(ERROR, (errcode(ERRCODE_UNDEFINED_SCHEMA), errmsg("no schema has been selected to create in"))); } *objname_p = objname; return namespaceId; } /* * makeRangeVarFromNameList * Utility routine to convert a qualified-name list into RangeVar form. */ RangeVar * makeRangeVarFromNameList(List *names) { RangeVar *rel = makeRangeVar(NULL, NULL); switch (list_length(names)) { case 1: rel->relname = strVal(linitial(names)); break; case 2: rel->schemaname = strVal(linitial(names)); rel->relname = strVal(lsecond(names)); break; case 3: rel->catalogname = strVal(linitial(names)); rel->schemaname = strVal(lsecond(names)); rel->relname = strVal(lthird(names)); break; default: ereport(ERROR, (errcode(ERRCODE_SYNTAX_ERROR), errmsg("improper relation name (too many dotted names): %s", NameListToString(names)))); break; } return rel; } /* * NameListToString * Utility routine to convert a qualified-name list into a string. * * This is used primarily to form error messages, and so we do not quote * the list elements, for the sake of legibility. */ char * NameListToString(List *names) { StringInfoData string; ListCell *l; initStringInfo(&string); foreach(l, names) { if (l != list_head(names)) appendStringInfoChar(&string, '.'); appendStringInfoString(&string, strVal(lfirst(l))); } return string.data; } /* * NameListToQuotedString * Utility routine to convert a qualified-name list into a string. * * Same as above except that names will be double-quoted where necessary, * so the string could be re-parsed (eg, by textToQualifiedNameList). */ char * NameListToQuotedString(List *names) { StringInfoData string; ListCell *l; initStringInfo(&string); foreach(l, names) { if (l != list_head(names)) appendStringInfoChar(&string, '.'); appendStringInfoString(&string, quote_identifier(strVal(lfirst(l)))); } return string.data; } /* * isTempNamespace - is the given namespace my temporary-table namespace? */ bool isTempNamespace(Oid namespaceId) { if (OidIsValid(myTempNamespace) && myTempNamespace == namespaceId) return true; return false; } /* * isAnyTempNamespace - is the given namespace a temporary-table namespace * (either my own, or another backend's)? */ bool isAnyTempNamespace(Oid namespaceId) { bool result; char *nspname; /* If the namespace name starts with "pg_temp_", say "true" */ nspname = get_namespace_name(namespaceId); if (!nspname) return false; /* no such namespace? */ result = (strncmp(nspname, "pg_temp_", 8) == 0); pfree(nspname); return result; } /* * isOtherTempNamespace - is the given namespace some other backend's * temporary-table namespace? */ bool isOtherTempNamespace(Oid namespaceId) { /* If it's my own temp namespace, say "false" */ if (isTempNamespace(namespaceId)) return false; /* Else, if the namespace name starts with "pg_temp_", say "true" */ return isAnyTempNamespace(namespaceId); } /* * PushSpecialNamespace - push a "special" namespace onto the front of the * search path. * * This is a slightly messy hack intended only for support of CREATE SCHEMA. * Although the API is defined to allow a stack of pushed namespaces, we * presently only support one at a time. * * The pushed namespace will be removed from the search path at end of * transaction, whether commit or abort. */ void PushSpecialNamespace(Oid namespaceId) { Assert(!OidIsValid(mySpecialNamespace)); mySpecialNamespace = namespaceId; namespaceSearchPathValid = false; } /* * PopSpecialNamespace - remove previously pushed special namespace. */ void PopSpecialNamespace(Oid namespaceId) { Assert(mySpecialNamespace == namespaceId); mySpecialNamespace = InvalidOid; namespaceSearchPathValid = false; } /* * FindConversionByName - find a conversion by possibly qualified name */ Oid FindConversionByName(List *name) { char *schemaname; char *conversion_name; Oid namespaceId; Oid conoid; ListCell *l; /* deconstruct the name list */ DeconstructQualifiedName(name, &schemaname, &conversion_name); if (schemaname) { /* use exact schema given */ namespaceId = LookupExplicitNamespace(schemaname); return FindConversion(conversion_name, namespaceId); } else { /* search for it in search path */ recomputeNamespacePath(); foreach(l, namespaceSearchPath) { namespaceId = lfirst_oid(l); conoid = FindConversion(conversion_name, namespaceId); if (OidIsValid(conoid)) return conoid; } } /* Not found in path */ return InvalidOid; } /* * FindDefaultConversionProc - find default encoding conversion proc */ Oid FindDefaultConversionProc(int4 for_encoding, int4 to_encoding) { Oid proc; ListCell *l; recomputeNamespacePath(); foreach(l, namespaceSearchPath) { Oid namespaceId = lfirst_oid(l); proc = FindDefaultConversion(namespaceId, for_encoding, to_encoding); if (OidIsValid(proc)) return proc; } /* Not found in path */ return InvalidOid; } /* * recomputeNamespacePath - recompute path derived variables if needed. */ static void recomputeNamespacePath(void) { Oid roleid = GetUserId(); char *rawname; List *namelist; List *oidlist; List *newpath; ListCell *l; Oid firstNS; MemoryContext oldcxt; /* * Do nothing if path is already valid. */ if (namespaceSearchPathValid && namespaceUser == roleid) return; /* Need a modifiable copy of namespace_search_path string */ rawname = pstrdup(namespace_search_path); /* Parse string into list of identifiers */ if (!SplitIdentifierString(rawname, ',', &namelist)) { /* syntax error in name list */ /* this should not happen if GUC checked check_search_path */ elog(ERROR, "invalid list syntax"); } /* * Convert the list of names to a list of OIDs. If any names are not * recognizable or we don't have read access, just leave them out of the * list. (We can't raise an error, since the search_path setting has * already been accepted.) Don't make duplicate entries, either. */ oidlist = NIL; foreach(l, namelist) { char *curname = (char *) lfirst(l); Oid namespaceId; if (strcmp(curname, "$user") == 0) { /* $user --- substitute namespace matching user name, if any */ HeapTuple tuple; tuple = SearchSysCache(AUTHOID, ObjectIdGetDatum(roleid), 0, 0, 0); if (HeapTupleIsValid(tuple)) { char *rname; rname = NameStr(((Form_pg_authid) GETSTRUCT(tuple))->rolname); namespaceId = GetSysCacheOid(NAMESPACENAME, CStringGetDatum(rname), 0, 0, 0); ReleaseSysCache(tuple); if (OidIsValid(namespaceId) && !list_member_oid(oidlist, namespaceId) && pg_namespace_aclcheck(namespaceId, roleid, ACL_USAGE) == ACLCHECK_OK) oidlist = lappend_oid(oidlist, namespaceId); } } else { /* normal namespace reference */ namespaceId = GetSysCacheOid(NAMESPACENAME, CStringGetDatum(curname), 0, 0, 0); if (OidIsValid(namespaceId) && !list_member_oid(oidlist, namespaceId) && pg_namespace_aclcheck(namespaceId, roleid, ACL_USAGE) == ACLCHECK_OK) oidlist = lappend_oid(oidlist, namespaceId); } } /* * Remember the first member of the explicit list. */ if (oidlist == NIL) firstNS = InvalidOid; else firstNS = linitial_oid(oidlist); /* * Add any implicitly-searched namespaces to the list. Note these go on * the front, not the back; also notice that we do not check USAGE * permissions for these. */ if (!list_member_oid(oidlist, PG_CATALOG_NAMESPACE)) oidlist = lcons_oid(PG_CATALOG_NAMESPACE, oidlist); if (OidIsValid(myTempNamespace) && !list_member_oid(oidlist, myTempNamespace)) oidlist = lcons_oid(myTempNamespace, oidlist); if (OidIsValid(mySpecialNamespace) && !list_member_oid(oidlist, mySpecialNamespace)) oidlist = lcons_oid(mySpecialNamespace, oidlist); /* * Now that we've successfully built the new list of namespace OIDs, save * it in permanent storage. */ oldcxt = MemoryContextSwitchTo(TopMemoryContext); newpath = list_copy(oidlist); MemoryContextSwitchTo(oldcxt); /* Now safe to assign to state variable. */ list_free(namespaceSearchPath); namespaceSearchPath = newpath; /* * Update info derived from search path. */ firstExplicitNamespace = firstNS; if (OidIsValid(mySpecialNamespace)) defaultCreationNamespace = mySpecialNamespace; else defaultCreationNamespace = firstNS; /* Mark the path valid. */ namespaceSearchPathValid = true; namespaceUser = roleid; /* Clean up. */ pfree(rawname); list_free(namelist); list_free(oidlist); } /* * InitTempTableNamespace * Initialize temp table namespace on first use in a particular backend */ static void InitTempTableNamespace(void) { char namespaceName[NAMEDATALEN]; Oid namespaceId; /* * First, do permission check to see if we are authorized to make temp * tables. We use a nonstandard error message here since "databasename: * permission denied" might be a tad cryptic. * * Note that ACL_CREATE_TEMP rights are rechecked in pg_namespace_aclmask; * that's necessary since current user ID could change during the session. * But there's no need to make the namespace in the first place until a * temp table creation request is made by someone with appropriate rights. */ if (pg_database_aclcheck(MyDatabaseId, GetUserId(), ACL_CREATE_TEMP) != ACLCHECK_OK) ereport(ERROR, (errcode(ERRCODE_INSUFFICIENT_PRIVILEGE), errmsg("permission denied to create temporary tables in database \"%s\"", get_database_name(MyDatabaseId)))); snprintf(namespaceName, sizeof(namespaceName), "pg_temp_%d", MyBackendId); namespaceId = GetSysCacheOid(NAMESPACENAME, CStringGetDatum(namespaceName), 0, 0, 0); if (!OidIsValid(namespaceId)) { /* * First use of this temp namespace in this database; create it. The * temp namespaces are always owned by the superuser. We leave their * permissions at default --- i.e., no access except to superuser --- * to ensure that unprivileged users can't peek at other backends' * temp tables. This works because the places that access the temp * namespace for my own backend skip permissions checks on it. */ namespaceId = NamespaceCreate(namespaceName, BOOTSTRAP_SUPERUSERID); /* Advance command counter to make namespace visible */ CommandCounterIncrement(); } else { /* * If the namespace already exists, clean it out (in case the former * owner crashed without doing so). */ RemoveTempRelations(namespaceId); } /* * Okay, we've prepared the temp namespace ... but it's not committed yet, * so all our work could be undone by transaction rollback. Set flag for * AtEOXact_Namespace to know what to do. */ myTempNamespace = namespaceId; /* It should not be done already. */ AssertState(myTempNamespaceSubID == InvalidSubTransactionId); myTempNamespaceSubID = GetCurrentSubTransactionId(); namespaceSearchPathValid = false; /* need to rebuild list */ } /* * End-of-transaction cleanup for namespaces. */ void AtEOXact_Namespace(bool isCommit) { /* * If we abort the transaction in which a temp namespace was selected, * we'll have to do any creation or cleanout work over again. So, just * forget the namespace entirely until next time. On the other hand, if * we commit then register an exit callback to clean out the temp tables * at backend shutdown. (We only want to register the callback once per * session, so this is a good place to do it.) */ if (myTempNamespaceSubID != InvalidSubTransactionId) { if (isCommit) on_shmem_exit(RemoveTempRelationsCallback, 0); else { myTempNamespace = InvalidOid; namespaceSearchPathValid = false; /* need to rebuild list */ } myTempNamespaceSubID = InvalidSubTransactionId; } /* * Clean up if someone failed to do PopSpecialNamespace */ if (OidIsValid(mySpecialNamespace)) { mySpecialNamespace = InvalidOid; namespaceSearchPathValid = false; /* need to rebuild list */ } } /* * AtEOSubXact_Namespace * * At subtransaction commit, propagate the temp-namespace-creation * flag to the parent subtransaction. * * At subtransaction abort, forget the flag if we set it up. */ void AtEOSubXact_Namespace(bool isCommit, SubTransactionId mySubid, SubTransactionId parentSubid) { if (myTempNamespaceSubID == mySubid) { if (isCommit) myTempNamespaceSubID = parentSubid; else { myTempNamespaceSubID = InvalidSubTransactionId; /* TEMP namespace creation failed, so reset state */ myTempNamespace = InvalidOid; namespaceSearchPathValid = false; /* need to rebuild list */ } } } /* * Remove all relations in the specified temp namespace. * * This is called at backend shutdown (if we made any temp relations). * It is also called when we begin using a pre-existing temp namespace, * in order to clean out any relations that might have been created by * a crashed backend. */ static void RemoveTempRelations(Oid tempNamespaceId) { ObjectAddress object; /* * We want to get rid of everything in the target namespace, but not the * namespace itself (deleting it only to recreate it later would be a * waste of cycles). We do this by finding everything that has a * dependency on the namespace. */ object.classId = NamespaceRelationId; object.objectId = tempNamespaceId; object.objectSubId = 0; deleteWhatDependsOn(&object, false); } /* * Callback to remove temp relations at backend exit. */ static void RemoveTempRelationsCallback(int code, Datum arg) { if (OidIsValid(myTempNamespace)) /* should always be true */ { /* Need to ensure we have a usable transaction. */ AbortOutOfAnyTransaction(); StartTransactionCommand(); RemoveTempRelations(myTempNamespace); CommitTransactionCommand(); } } /* * Routines for handling the GUC variable 'search_path'. */ /* assign_hook: validate new search_path, do extra actions as needed */ const char * assign_search_path(const char *newval, bool doit, GucSource source) { char *rawname; List *namelist; ListCell *l; /* Need a modifiable copy of string */ rawname = pstrdup(newval); /* Parse string into list of identifiers */ if (!SplitIdentifierString(rawname, ',', &namelist)) { /* syntax error in name list */ pfree(rawname); list_free(namelist); return NULL; } /* * If we aren't inside a transaction, we cannot do database access so * cannot verify the individual names. Must accept the list on faith. */ if (source >= PGC_S_INTERACTIVE && IsTransactionState()) { /* * Verify that all the names are either valid namespace names or * "$user". We do not require $user to correspond to a valid * namespace. We do not check for USAGE rights, either; should we? * * When source == PGC_S_TEST, we are checking the argument of an ALTER * DATABASE SET or ALTER USER SET command. It could be that the * intended use of the search path is for some other database, so we * should not error out if it mentions schemas not present in the * current database. We reduce the message to NOTICE instead. */ foreach(l, namelist) { char *curname = (char *) lfirst(l); if (strcmp(curname, "$user") == 0) continue; if (!SearchSysCacheExists(NAMESPACENAME, CStringGetDatum(curname), 0, 0, 0)) ereport((source == PGC_S_TEST) ? NOTICE : ERROR, (errcode(ERRCODE_UNDEFINED_SCHEMA), errmsg("schema \"%s\" does not exist", curname))); } } pfree(rawname); list_free(namelist); /* * We mark the path as needing recomputation, but don't do anything until * it's needed. This avoids trying to do database access during GUC * initialization. */ if (doit) namespaceSearchPathValid = false; return newval; } /* * InitializeSearchPath: initialize module during InitPostgres. * * This is called after we are up enough to be able to do catalog lookups. */ void InitializeSearchPath(void) { if (IsBootstrapProcessingMode()) { /* * In bootstrap mode, the search path must be 'pg_catalog' so that * tables are created in the proper namespace; ignore the GUC setting. */ MemoryContext oldcxt; oldcxt = MemoryContextSwitchTo(TopMemoryContext); namespaceSearchPath = list_make1_oid(PG_CATALOG_NAMESPACE); MemoryContextSwitchTo(oldcxt); defaultCreationNamespace = PG_CATALOG_NAMESPACE; firstExplicitNamespace = PG_CATALOG_NAMESPACE; namespaceSearchPathValid = true; namespaceUser = GetUserId(); } else { /* * In normal mode, arrange for a callback on any syscache invalidation * of pg_namespace rows. */ CacheRegisterSyscacheCallback(NAMESPACEOID, NamespaceCallback, (Datum) 0); /* Force search path to be recomputed on next use */ namespaceSearchPathValid = false; } } /* * NamespaceCallback * Syscache inval callback function */ static void NamespaceCallback(Datum arg, Oid relid) { /* Force search path to be recomputed on next use */ namespaceSearchPathValid = false; } /* * Fetch the active search path. The return value is a palloc'ed list * of OIDs; the caller is responsible for freeing this storage as * appropriate. * * The returned list includes the implicitly-prepended namespaces only if * includeImplicit is true. */ List * fetch_search_path(bool includeImplicit) { List *result; recomputeNamespacePath(); result = list_copy(namespaceSearchPath); if (!includeImplicit) { while (result && linitial_oid(result) != firstExplicitNamespace) result = list_delete_first(result); } return result; } /* * Export the FooIsVisible functions as SQL-callable functions. */ Datum pg_table_is_visible(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS) { Oid oid = PG_GETARG_OID(0); PG_RETURN_BOOL(RelationIsVisible(oid)); } Datum pg_type_is_visible(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS) { Oid oid = PG_GETARG_OID(0); PG_RETURN_BOOL(TypeIsVisible(oid)); } Datum pg_function_is_visible(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS) { Oid oid = PG_GETARG_OID(0); PG_RETURN_BOOL(FunctionIsVisible(oid)); } Datum pg_operator_is_visible(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS) { Oid oid = PG_GETARG_OID(0); PG_RETURN_BOOL(OperatorIsVisible(oid)); } Datum pg_opclass_is_visible(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS) { Oid oid = PG_GETARG_OID(0); PG_RETURN_BOOL(OpclassIsVisible(oid)); } Datum pg_conversion_is_visible(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS) { Oid oid = PG_GETARG_OID(0); PG_RETURN_BOOL(ConversionIsVisible(oid)); }