#!/bin/sh # \ exec wish "$0" "$@" # # XSnap, X-Windows Snapshot. A GUI for the ImageMagick import command # # Software design, John Cristy (magick@dupont.com), March 1996 # # Copyright (C) 1999-2012 ImageMagick Studio LLC, a non-profit organization # dedicated to making software imaging solutions freely available. # # This software and documentation is provided "as is," and the copyright # holders and contributing author(s) make no representations or warranties, # express or implied, including but not limited to, warranties of # merchantability or fitness for any particular purpose or that the use of # the software or documentation will not infringe any third party patents, # copyrights, trademarks or other rights. # # The copyright holders and contributing author(s) will not be held liable # for any direct, indirect, special or consequential damages arising out of # any use of the software or documentation, even if advised of the # possibility of such damage. # # Permission is hereby granted to use, copy, modify, and distribute this # source code, or portions hereof, documentation and executables, for any # purpose, without fee, subject to the following restrictions: # # 1. The origin of this source code must not be misrepresented. # 2. Altered versions must be plainly marked as such and must not be # misrepresented as being the original source. # 3. This Copyright notice may not be removed or altered from any source # or altered source distribution. # # The copyright holders and contributing author(s) specifically permit, # without fee, and encourage the use of this source code as a component for # supporting image processing in commercial products. If you use this # source code in a product, acknowledgment is not required but would be # # # # Create an alert window and display a message to the user. # proc Alert {dograb message args} { # # Initialize alert window. # catch {destroy .alert} toplevel .alert -class alert wm title .alert Alert wm iconname .alert alert wm group .alert . wm transient .alert . wm geometry .alert \ +[expr {[winfo width .]+[winfo x .]+100}]+[expr {[winfo y .]+75}] # # Create alert window frame. # frame .alert.top -relief raised -border 1 frame .alert.bottom -relief raised -border 1 pack append .alert .alert.top {top fill expand} .alert.bottom \ {top fill expand} message .alert.top.message -width 350 -justify left -text $message pack append .alert.top .alert.top.message {top expand padx 5 pady 5} if {[llength $args] > 0} { # # Create as many buttons as needed and arrange them from left to right. # set arg [lindex $args 0] frame .alert.bottom.0 -relief sunken -border 1 pack append .alert.bottom .alert.bottom.0 {left expand padx 10 pady 10} button .alert.bottom.0.button -text [lindex $arg 0] \ -command "[lindex $arg 1]; destroy .alert" pack append .alert.bottom.0 .alert.bottom.0.button {expand padx 12 pady 12} bind .alert "[lindex $arg 1]; destroy .alert" focus .alert set i 1 foreach arg [lrange $args 1 end] { button .alert.bottom.$i -text [lindex $arg 0] \ -command "[lindex $arg 1]; destroy .alert" pack append .alert.bottom .alert.bottom.$i {left expand padx 20} set i [expr $i+1] } } bind .alert [list focus .alert] if {$dograb == "grab"} { tkwait visibility .alert grab set .alert } else { focus .alert } } # # Proc AppendImageFormat appends the image format type to the filename. # proc AppendImageFormat {w} { set snap(format) \ [$w.format.list get [lindex [$w.format.list curselection] 0]] set filename [$w.file.entry get] set extension [file extension $filename] $w.file.entry delete \ [expr {[string length $filename]-[string length $extension]}] end $w.file.entry insert end . $w.file.entry insert end $snap(format) } # # Proc Options creates the options window. # proc Options {} { # # Initialize snap window. # catch {destroy .options} toplevel .options -class Options wm title .options "Set Image Options" wm group .options . wm transient .options . wm geometry .options \ +[expr {[winfo width .]+[winfo x .]+25}]+[winfo y .] # # Create options window frame. # frame .options.input_title label .options.input_title.label -text "Input" pack .options.input_title.label pack .options.input_title frame .options.input -relief sunken -borderwidth 2 frame .options.input.checks checkbutton .options.input.checks.border -text "Borders" -width 11 \ -anchor w -variable snap(border) checkbutton .options.input.checks.frame -text "Frame" -width 11 \ -anchor w -variable snap(frame) checkbutton .options.input.checks.screen -text "Screen" -width 11 \ -anchor w -variable snap(screen) checkbutton .options.input.checks.descend -text "Descend" -anchor w \ -variable snap(descend) pack .options.input.checks.border .options.input.checks.frame \ .options.input.checks.screen .options.input.checks.descend -side left pack .options.input.checks frame .options.input.delay label .options.input.delay.label -text "Delay:" -width 9 -anchor w scale .options.input.delay.scale -orient horizontal -length 11c \ -from 0 -to 120 -tickinterval 15 -variable snap(delay) pack .options.input.delay.label .options.input.delay.scale -side left pack .options.input.delay frame .options.input.id label .options.input.id.window -text "Window:" -width 9 -anchor w entry .options.input.id.window_entry -width 18 -relief sunken \ -textvariable snap(window) label .options.input.id.display -text "Display:" entry .options.input.id.display_entry -width 18 -relief sunken \ -textvariable snap(display) pack .options.input.id.window .options.input.id.window_entry \ .options.input.id.display .options.input.id.display_entry -side left pack .options.input.checks .options.input.delay .options.input.id \ -padx 1m -anchor w pack .options.input.id -pady 1m pack .options.input -expand 1 -fill both frame .options.processing_title label .options.processing_title.label -text "Image Processing" pack .options.processing_title.label pack .options.processing_title frame .options.processing -relief sunken -borderwidth 2 frame .options.processing.checks checkbutton .options.processing.checks.dither -text "Dither" -width 11 \ -anchor w -variable snap(dither) checkbutton .options.processing.checks.negate -text "Negate" -width 11 \ -anchor w -variable snap(negate) checkbutton .options.processing.checks.monochrome -text "Monochrome" \ -width 11 -anchor w -variable snap(monochrome) checkbutton .options.processing.checks.trim -text "Trim" -anchor w \ -variable snap(trim) pack .options.processing.checks.dither .options.processing.checks.negate \ .options.processing.checks.monochrome .options.processing.checks.trim \ -side left pack .options.processing.checks frame .options.processing.colors label .options.processing.colors.label -text "Colors:" -width 9 -anchor w scale .options.processing.colors.scale -orient horizontal -length 11c \ -from 0 -to 256 -tickinterval 32 -variable snap(colors) pack .options.processing.colors.label .options.processing.colors.scale \ -side left pack .options.processing.colors frame .options.processing.rotate label .options.processing.rotate.label -text "Rotate:" -width 9 -anchor w scale .options.processing.rotate.scale -orient horizontal -length 11c \ -from 0 -to 360 -tickinterval 45 -variable snap(degrees) pack .options.processing.rotate.label .options.processing.rotate.scale \ -side left pack .options.processing.rotate pack .options.processing.checks .options.processing.colors \ .options.processing.rotate -padx 1m -anchor w pack .options.processing -expand 1 -fill both frame .options.output_title label .options.output_title.label -text "Output" pack .options.output_title.label pack .options.output_title frame .options.output -relief sunken -borderwidth 2 frame .options.output.checks checkbutton .options.output.checks.compress -text "Compress" -width 11 \ -anchor w -variable snap(compress) checkbutton .options.output.checks.interlace -text "Interlace" -width 11 \ -anchor w -variable snap(interlace) checkbutton .options.output.checks.verbose -text "Verbose" -anchor w \ -variable snap(verbose) pack .options.output.checks.compress .options.output.checks.interlace \ .options.output.checks.verbose -side left pack .options.output.checks frame .options.output.scene label .options.output.scene.label -text "Scene:" -width 9 -anchor w scale .options.output.scene.scale -orient horizontal -length 11c \ -from 0 -to 40 -tickinterval 5 -variable snap(scene) pack .options.output.scene.label .options.output.scene.scale -side left pack .options.output.scene frame .options.output.comment label .options.output.comment.label -text "Comment:" -width 9 -anchor w entry .options.output.comment.entry -width 45 -relief sunken \ -textvariable snap(comment) pack .options.output.comment.label .options.output.comment.entry \ -side left pack .options.output.comment frame .options.output.label label .options.output.label.label -text "Label:" -width 9 -anchor w entry .options.output.label.entry -width 45 -relief sunken \ -textvariable snap(label) pack .options.output.label.label .options.output.label.entry -side left pack .options.output.label frame .options.output.id label .options.output.id.page -text "Page:" -width 9 -anchor w entry .options.output.id.page_entry -width 18 -relief sunken \ -textvariable snap(page) label .options.output.id.density -text "Density:" entry .options.output.id.density_entry -width 18 -relief sunken \ -textvariable snap(density) pack .options.output.id.page .options.output.id.page_entry \ .options.output.id.density .options.output.id.density_entry -side left pack .options.output.checks .options.output.scene \ .options.output.comment .options.output.label .options.output.id \ -padx 1m -anchor w pack .options.output.id -pady 1m pack .options.output -expand 1 -fill both button .options.button -text Ok -command {destroy .options} pack .options.button bind .options {destroy .options} # # Map options window. # pack .options.input_title .options.input .options.processing_title \ .options.processing .options.output_title .options.output .options.button \ -side top -padx 2m -pady 1m } # # Proc Print prints the snapped image to a printer or command. # proc Print {} { global snap . configure -cursor watch update set command convert set command [concat $command $snap(snapshot)] set option +compress if {$snap(compress)} { set option "-compress zip" } set command [concat $command $option] set command [concat $command -density \"$snap(density)\"] set command [concat $command -page \"$snap(page)\"] set command [concat $command \"ps:|$snap(printer)\"] eval exec $command . configure -cursor {} } # # Proc PrintImage allows the user to provide a command name to print with. # proc PrintImage {} { # # Initialize print window. # catch {destroy .print} toplevel .print -class Print wm title .print Print wm group .print . wm transient .print . wm geometry .print \ +[expr {[winfo width .]+[winfo x .]+75}]+[expr {[winfo y .]+50}] # # Create print window frame. # frame .print.format scrollbar .print.format.scroll -command ".print.format.list yview" listbox .print.format.list -yscroll ".print.format.scroll set" -setgrid 1 \ -height 8 pack .print.format.scroll -side right -fill y pack .print.format.list -side top -expand 1 -fill both .print.format.list insert 0 \ Letter Tabloid Ledger Legal Statement Executive A3 A4 A5 B4 B5 Folio \ Quarto 10x14 .print.format.list selection set 0 pack .print.format frame .print.file entry .print.file.entry -width 18 -relief sunken -textvariable snap(printer) pack .print.file.entry -side right -expand 1 -fill both pack .print.file frame .print.buttons button .print.buttons.print -text Print -command Print button .print.buttons.cancel -text Cancel -command {destroy .print} pack .print.buttons.print .print.buttons.cancel -side left -expand 1 \ -fill both -padx 2m pack .print.buttons # # Map print window. # pack .print.format .print.file .print.buttons -padx 2m -pady 2m -expand 1 \ -fill both return } # # Proc Save saves the snapped image to disk. # proc Save {} { global snap if ![file readable $snap(snapshot)] { Alert grab "You must snap an image before you can save it!" {" OK " {}} tkwait window .alert return } . configure -cursor watch update set command convert set command [concat $command $snap(snapshot)] set option +compress if {$snap(compress)} { set option "-compress zip" } set command [concat $command $option] set command [concat $command -density \"$snap(density)\"] set command [concat $command -page \"$snap(page)\"] set filename $snap(filename) if {$snap(format) != {}} { set filename "$snap(format):$snap(filename)" } set command [concat $command $filename] eval exec $command . configure -cursor {} } proc SaveImage {} { # # Initialize save window. # catch {destroy .save} toplevel .save -class Saves wm title .save "Save As..." wm group .save . wm transient .save . wm geometry .save \ +[expr {[winfo width .]+[winfo x .]+50}]+[expr {[winfo y .]+25}] # # Create save window frame. # frame .save.format scrollbar .save.format.scroll -command ".save.format.list yview" listbox .save.format.list -yscroll ".save.format.scroll set" -setgrid 1 \ -height 8 pack .save.format.scroll -side right -fill y pack .save.format.list -side top -expand 1 -fill both .save.format.list insert 0 \ ps avs bie bmp cmyk dcx eps epsf epsi fax fits gif gif87 gray g3 hdf \ histogram jbig jpeg jpg map matte miff mpg mtv pbm pcd pcx pdf pgm pict \ png ppm pnm ps2 ras rgb rle sgi sun tga tiff uyvy vid viff x xbm xpm \ xv xwd yuv yuv3 .save.format.list selection set 0 pack .save.format frame .save.file entry .save.file.entry -width 18 -relief sunken -textvariable snap(filename) pack .save.file.entry -side right -expand 1 -fill both pack .save.file frame .save.buttons button .save.buttons.save -text Save -command Save button .save.buttons.cancel -text Cancel -command {destroy .save} pack .save.buttons.save .save.buttons.cancel -side left -expand 1 \ -fill both -padx 2m pack .save.buttons # # Bind buttons to print window. # bind .save.format.list { set snap(format) \ [.save.format.list get [lindex [.save.format.list curselection] 0]] } bind .save.format.list {AppendImageFormat .save} # # Map save window. # pack .save.format .save.file .save.buttons -padx 2m -pady 2m -expand 1 \ -fill both return } # # Proc ShowImage displays the full-sized snapped image in a top level window. # proc ShowImage { title name } { catch {destroy .show} toplevel .show -visual best wm title .show $title button .show.image -image $name -command {destroy .show} pack .show.image } # # Proc Snap executes the ImageMagick import program to grab the image # from the X server screen. # proc Snap {} { global snap # # Initialize import command. # set command import set command [concat $command -depth 8] set option +border if {$snap(border)} { set option -border } set command [concat $command $option] if {$snap(colors)} { set command [concat $command -colors $snap(colors)] } set command [concat $command -comment \"$snap(comment)\"] set option +compress if {$snap(compress)} { set option "-compress zip" } set command [concat $command $option] if {$snap(delay)} { set command [concat $command -delay $snap(delay)] } set command [concat $command -density \"$snap(density)\"] if {$snap(descend)} { set command [concat $command -descend] } set command [concat $command -display \"$snap(display)\"] set option +dither if {$snap(dither)} { set option -dither } set command [concat $command $option] set option +frame if {$snap(frame)} { set option -frame } set command [concat $command $option] set option +interlace if {$snap(interlace)} { set option "-interlace plane" } set command [concat $command $option] set command [concat $command -label \"$snap(label)\"] set option +monochrome if {$snap(monochrome)} { set option -monochrome } set command [concat $command $option] set option +negate if {$snap(negate)} { set option -negate } set command [concat $command $option] set command [concat $command -page \"$snap(page)\"] if {$snap(degrees)} { set command [concat $command -rotate $snap(degrees)] } if {$snap(scene)} { set command [concat $command -scene $snap(scene)] } set option +screen if {$snap(screen)} { set option -screen } set command [concat $command $option] if {$snap(trim)} { set command [concat $command -crop 0x0] } set option +verbose if {$snap(verbose)} { set option -verbose } set command [concat $command $option] set command [concat $command $snap(snapshot)] # # Import the image from the X server screen. # . configure -cursor watch update wm withdraw . eval exec $command wm deiconify . update catch {image delete snapshot} image create photo snapshot -file $snap(snapshot) # # Convert to an image tile. # exec convert -geometry 320x320> $snap(snapshot) -depth 8 $snap(tile) catch {image delete tile} image create photo tile -file $snap(tile) exec rm -f $snap(tile) # # Display tile image as a button. # if [winfo exists .canvas.label] { destroy .canvas.label destroy .canvas.button } label .canvas.label -text $snap(filename) button .canvas.button -image tile -relief sunken -borderwidth 2 \ -command { ShowImage $snap(filename) snapshot } pack .canvas.label .canvas.button -side top -expand 1 -fill both \ -padx 1m -pady 1m bind . { ShowImage $snap(filename) snapshot } . configure -cursor {} } # # Proc SnapWindow creates the top level window. # proc SnapWindow {} { # # Initialize snap window. # wm title . "X-Windows Snapshot" wm iconname . "xsnap" # # Create snap window frame. # frame .toolbar -relief raised -bd 2 menubutton .toolbar.file -text "File" -menu .toolbar.file.menu -underline 0 menu .toolbar.file.menu .toolbar.file.menu add command -label "Save" -command Save .toolbar.file.menu add command -label "Save As ..." -command "SaveImage" .toolbar.file.menu add command -label Print -command PrintImage .toolbar.file.menu add separator .toolbar.file.menu add command -label Quit \ -command { exec rm -f $snap(snapshot); exit } pack .toolbar.file -side left pack .toolbar -side top -fill x canvas .canvas -width 256 -height 128 pack .canvas frame .buttons button .buttons.snap -text Snap -command Snap button .buttons.options -text Options -command Options pack .buttons.snap .buttons.options -side left -expand 1 pack .buttons -side bottom -fill x -padx 2m -pady 2m # # Map snap window. # pack .toolbar .canvas .buttons } # # Initalize snap options. # set snap(border) 0 set snap(colors) 0 set snap(comment) "Imported from %m image: %f" set snap(compress) 1 set snap(degrees) 0 set snap(delay) 0 set snap(density) 72x72 set snap(descend) 0 set snap(display) :0 if [info exists env(DISPLAY)] { set snap(display) $env(DISPLAY) } set snap(dither) 1 set snap(filename) magick.ps set snap(format) {} set snap(frame) 0 set snap(interlace) 1 set snap(label) "%f %wx%h" set snap(monochrome) 0 set snap(negate) 0 set snap(page) Letter set snap(printer) lp set snap(scene) 0 set snap(screen) 0 set snap(snapshot) /tmp/snap[pid].ppm set snap(tile) /tmp/tile[pid].ppm set snap(trim) 0 set snap(verbose) 0 # # Create top level snap window. # SnapWindow tkwait window . exec rm -f $snap(snapshot)