/* Icinga 2 | (c) 2012 Icinga GmbH | GPLv2+ */ #include "icinga/downtime.hpp" #include "icinga/downtime-ti.cpp" #include "icinga/host.hpp" #include "icinga/scheduleddowntime.hpp" #include "remote/configobjectutility.hpp" #include "base/configtype.hpp" #include "base/utility.hpp" #include "base/timer.hpp" #include using namespace icinga; static int l_NextDowntimeID = 1; static boost::mutex l_DowntimeMutex; static std::map l_LegacyDowntimesCache; static Timer::Ptr l_DowntimesExpireTimer; static Timer::Ptr l_DowntimesStartTimer; boost::signals2::signal Downtime::OnDowntimeAdded; boost::signals2::signal Downtime::OnDowntimeRemoved; boost::signals2::signal Downtime::OnDowntimeStarted; boost::signals2::signal Downtime::OnDowntimeTriggered; REGISTER_TYPE(Downtime); INITIALIZE_ONCE(&Downtime::StaticInitialize); void Downtime::StaticInitialize() { ScriptGlobal::Set("Icinga.DowntimeNoChildren", "DowntimeNoChildren", true); ScriptGlobal::Set("Icinga.DowntimeTriggeredChildren", "DowntimeTriggeredChildren", true); ScriptGlobal::Set("Icinga.DowntimeNonTriggeredChildren", "DowntimeNonTriggeredChildren", true); } String DowntimeNameComposer::MakeName(const String& shortName, const Object::Ptr& context) const { Downtime::Ptr downtime = dynamic_pointer_cast(context); if (!downtime) return ""; String name = downtime->GetHostName(); if (!downtime->GetServiceName().IsEmpty()) name += "!" + downtime->GetServiceName(); name += "!" + shortName; return name; } Dictionary::Ptr DowntimeNameComposer::ParseName(const String& name) const { std::vector tokens = name.Split("!"); if (tokens.size() < 2) BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(std::invalid_argument("Invalid Downtime name.")); Dictionary::Ptr result = new Dictionary(); result->Set("host_name", tokens[0]); if (tokens.size() > 2) { result->Set("service_name", tokens[1]); result->Set("name", tokens[2]); } else { result->Set("name", tokens[1]); } return result; } void Downtime::OnAllConfigLoaded() { ObjectImpl::OnAllConfigLoaded(); Host::Ptr host = Host::GetByName(GetHostName()); if (GetServiceName().IsEmpty()) m_Checkable = host; else m_Checkable = host->GetServiceByShortName(GetServiceName()); if (!m_Checkable) BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(ScriptError("Downtime '" + GetName() + "' references a host/service which doesn't exist.", GetDebugInfo())); } void Downtime::Start(bool runtimeCreated) { ObjectImpl::Start(runtimeCreated); static boost::once_flag once = BOOST_ONCE_INIT; boost::call_once(once, [this]() { l_DowntimesStartTimer = new Timer(); l_DowntimesStartTimer->SetInterval(5); l_DowntimesStartTimer->OnTimerExpired.connect(std::bind(&Downtime::DowntimesStartTimerHandler)); l_DowntimesStartTimer->Start(); l_DowntimesExpireTimer = new Timer(); l_DowntimesExpireTimer->SetInterval(60); l_DowntimesExpireTimer->OnTimerExpired.connect(std::bind(&Downtime::DowntimesExpireTimerHandler)); l_DowntimesExpireTimer->Start(); }); { boost::mutex::scoped_lock lock(l_DowntimeMutex); SetLegacyId(l_NextDowntimeID); l_LegacyDowntimesCache[l_NextDowntimeID] = GetName(); l_NextDowntimeID++; } Checkable::Ptr checkable = GetCheckable(); checkable->RegisterDowntime(this); if (runtimeCreated) OnDowntimeAdded(this); /* if this object is already in a NOT-OK state trigger * this downtime now *after* it has been added (important * for DB IDO, etc.) */ if (!checkable->IsStateOK(checkable->GetStateRaw())) { Log(LogNotice, "Downtime") << "Checkable '" << checkable->GetName() << "' already in a NOT-OK state." << " Triggering downtime now."; TriggerDowntime(); } } void Downtime::Stop(bool runtimeRemoved) { GetCheckable()->UnregisterDowntime(this); if (runtimeRemoved) OnDowntimeRemoved(this); ObjectImpl::Stop(runtimeRemoved); } Checkable::Ptr Downtime::GetCheckable() const { return static_pointer_cast(m_Checkable); } bool Downtime::IsInEffect() const { double now = Utility::GetTime(); if (GetFixed()) { /* fixed downtimes are in effect during the entire [start..end) interval */ return (now >= GetStartTime() && now < GetEndTime()); } double triggerTime = GetTriggerTime(); if (triggerTime == 0) /* flexible downtime has not been triggered yet */ return false; return (now < triggerTime + GetDuration()); } bool Downtime::IsTriggered() const { double now = Utility::GetTime(); double triggerTime = GetTriggerTime(); return (triggerTime > 0 && triggerTime <= now); } bool Downtime::IsExpired() const { double now = Utility::GetTime(); if (GetFixed()) return (GetEndTime() < now); else { /* triggered flexible downtime not in effect anymore */ if (IsTriggered() && !IsInEffect()) return true; /* flexible downtime never triggered */ else if (!IsTriggered() && (GetEndTime() < now)) return true; else return false; } } bool Downtime::HasValidConfigOwner() const { if (!ScheduledDowntime::AllConfigIsLoaded()) { return true; } String configOwner = GetConfigOwner(); return configOwner.IsEmpty() || Zone::GetByName(GetAuthoritativeZone()) != Zone::GetLocalZone() || GetObject(configOwner); } int Downtime::GetNextDowntimeID() { boost::mutex::scoped_lock lock(l_DowntimeMutex); return l_NextDowntimeID; } String Downtime::AddDowntime(const Checkable::Ptr& checkable, const String& author, const String& comment, double startTime, double endTime, bool fixed, const String& triggeredBy, double duration, const String& scheduledDowntime, const String& scheduledBy, const String& id, const MessageOrigin::Ptr& origin) { String fullName; if (id.IsEmpty()) fullName = checkable->GetName() + "!" + Utility::NewUniqueID(); else fullName = id; Dictionary::Ptr attrs = new Dictionary(); attrs->Set("author", author); attrs->Set("comment", comment); attrs->Set("start_time", startTime); attrs->Set("end_time", endTime); attrs->Set("fixed", fixed); attrs->Set("duration", duration); attrs->Set("triggered_by", triggeredBy); attrs->Set("scheduled_by", scheduledBy); attrs->Set("config_owner", scheduledDowntime); attrs->Set("entry_time", Utility::GetTime()); if (!scheduledDowntime.IsEmpty()) { auto localZone (Zone::GetLocalZone()); if (localZone) { attrs->Set("authoritative_zone", localZone->GetName()); } } Host::Ptr host; Service::Ptr service; tie(host, service) = GetHostService(checkable); attrs->Set("host_name", host->GetName()); if (service) attrs->Set("service_name", service->GetShortName()); String zone; if (!scheduledDowntime.IsEmpty()) { auto sdt (ScheduledDowntime::GetByName(scheduledDowntime)); if (sdt) { auto sdtZone (sdt->GetZone()); if (sdtZone) { zone = sdtZone->GetName(); } } } if (zone.IsEmpty()) { zone = checkable->GetZoneName(); } if (!zone.IsEmpty()) attrs->Set("zone", zone); String config = ConfigObjectUtility::CreateObjectConfig(Downtime::TypeInstance, fullName, true, nullptr, attrs); Array::Ptr errors = new Array(); if (!ConfigObjectUtility::CreateObject(Downtime::TypeInstance, fullName, config, errors, nullptr)) { ObjectLock olock(errors); for (const String& error : errors) { Log(LogCritical, "Downtime", error); } BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(std::runtime_error("Could not create downtime.")); } if (!triggeredBy.IsEmpty()) { Downtime::Ptr parentDowntime = Downtime::GetByName(triggeredBy); Array::Ptr triggers = parentDowntime->GetTriggers(); ObjectLock olock(triggers); if (!triggers->Contains(fullName)) triggers->Add(fullName); } Downtime::Ptr downtime = Downtime::GetByName(fullName); if (!downtime) BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(std::runtime_error("Could not create downtime object.")); Log(LogNotice, "Downtime") << "Added downtime '" << downtime->GetName() << "' between '" << Utility::FormatDateTime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", startTime) << "' and '" << Utility::FormatDateTime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", endTime) << "'."; return fullName; } void Downtime::RemoveDowntime(const String& id, bool cancelled, bool expired, const MessageOrigin::Ptr& origin) { Downtime::Ptr downtime = Downtime::GetByName(id); if (!downtime || downtime->GetPackage() != "_api") return; String config_owner = downtime->GetConfigOwner(); if (!config_owner.IsEmpty() && !expired) { Log(LogWarning, "Downtime") << "Cannot remove downtime '" << downtime->GetName() << "'. It is owned by scheduled downtime object '" << config_owner << "'"; return; } downtime->SetWasCancelled(cancelled); Log(LogNotice, "Downtime") << "Removed downtime '" << downtime->GetName() << "' from object '" << downtime->GetCheckable()->GetName() << "'."; Array::Ptr errors = new Array(); if (!ConfigObjectUtility::DeleteObject(downtime, false, errors, nullptr)) { ObjectLock olock(errors); for (const String& error : errors) { Log(LogCritical, "Downtime", error); } BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(std::runtime_error("Could not remove downtime.")); } } bool Downtime::CanBeTriggered() { if (IsInEffect() && IsTriggered()) return false; if (IsExpired()) return false; double now = Utility::GetTime(); if (now < GetStartTime() || now > GetEndTime()) return false; return true; } void Downtime::TriggerDowntime() { if (!CanBeTriggered()) return; Log(LogNotice, "Downtime") << "Triggering downtime '" << GetName() << "'."; if (GetTriggerTime() == 0) SetTriggerTime(Utility::GetTime()); Array::Ptr triggers = GetTriggers(); { ObjectLock olock(triggers); for (const String& triggerName : triggers) { Downtime::Ptr downtime = Downtime::GetByName(triggerName); if (!downtime) continue; downtime->TriggerDowntime(); } } OnDowntimeTriggered(this); } String Downtime::GetDowntimeIDFromLegacyID(int id) { boost::mutex::scoped_lock lock(l_DowntimeMutex); auto it = l_LegacyDowntimesCache.find(id); if (it == l_LegacyDowntimesCache.end()) return Empty; return it->second; } void Downtime::DowntimesStartTimerHandler() { /* Start fixed downtimes. Flexible downtimes will be triggered on-demand. */ for (const Downtime::Ptr& downtime : ConfigType::GetObjectsByType()) { if (downtime->IsActive() && downtime->CanBeTriggered() && downtime->GetFixed()) { /* Send notifications. */ OnDowntimeStarted(downtime); /* Trigger fixed downtime immediately. */ downtime->TriggerDowntime(); } } } void Downtime::DowntimesExpireTimerHandler() { std::vector downtimes; for (const Downtime::Ptr& downtime : ConfigType::GetObjectsByType()) { downtimes.push_back(downtime); } for (const Downtime::Ptr& downtime : downtimes) { /* Only remove downtimes which are activated after daemon start. */ if (downtime->IsActive() && (downtime->IsExpired() || !downtime->HasValidConfigOwner())) RemoveDowntime(downtime->GetName(), false, true); } } void Downtime::ValidateStartTime(const Lazy& lvalue, const ValidationUtils& utils) { ObjectImpl::ValidateStartTime(lvalue, utils); if (lvalue() <= 0) BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(ValidationError(this, { "start_time" }, "Start time must be greater than 0.")); } void Downtime::ValidateEndTime(const Lazy& lvalue, const ValidationUtils& utils) { ObjectImpl::ValidateEndTime(lvalue, utils); if (lvalue() <= 0) BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(ValidationError(this, { "end_time" }, "End time must be greater than 0.")); } DowntimeChildOptions Downtime::ChildOptionsFromValue(const Value& options) { if (options == "DowntimeNoChildren") return DowntimeNoChildren; else if (options == "DowntimeTriggeredChildren") return DowntimeTriggeredChildren; else if (options == "DowntimeNonTriggeredChildren") return DowntimeNonTriggeredChildren; else if (options.IsNumber()) { int number = options; if (number >= 0 && number <= 2) return static_cast(number); } BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(std::invalid_argument("Invalid child option specified")); }