/* Icinga 2 | (c) 2012 Icinga GmbH | GPLv2+ */ #include "icinga/checkable.hpp" #include "icinga/service.hpp" #include "icinga/host.hpp" #include "icinga/checkcommand.hpp" #include "icinga/icingaapplication.hpp" #include "icinga/cib.hpp" #include "icinga/clusterevents.hpp" #include "remote/messageorigin.hpp" #include "remote/apilistener.hpp" #include "base/objectlock.hpp" #include "base/logger.hpp" #include "base/convert.hpp" #include "base/utility.hpp" #include "base/context.hpp" using namespace icinga; boost::signals2::signal Checkable::OnNewCheckResult; boost::signals2::signal Checkable::OnStateChange; boost::signals2::signal, const MessageOrigin::Ptr&)> Checkable::OnReachabilityChanged; boost::signals2::signal Checkable::OnNotificationsRequested; boost::signals2::signal Checkable::OnNextCheckUpdated; Atomic Checkable::CurrentConcurrentChecks (0); boost::mutex Checkable::m_StatsMutex; int Checkable::m_PendingChecks = 0; boost::condition_variable Checkable::m_PendingChecksCV; CheckCommand::Ptr Checkable::GetCheckCommand() const { return dynamic_pointer_cast(NavigateCheckCommandRaw()); } TimePeriod::Ptr Checkable::GetCheckPeriod() const { return TimePeriod::GetByName(GetCheckPeriodRaw()); } void Checkable::SetSchedulingOffset(long offset) { m_SchedulingOffset = offset; } long Checkable::GetSchedulingOffset() { return m_SchedulingOffset; } void Checkable::UpdateNextCheck(const MessageOrigin::Ptr& origin) { double interval; if (GetStateType() == StateTypeSoft && GetLastCheckResult() != nullptr) interval = GetRetryInterval(); else interval = GetCheckInterval(); double now = Utility::GetTime(); double adj = 0; if (interval > 1) adj = fmod(now * 100 + GetSchedulingOffset(), interval * 100) / 100.0; if (adj != 0.0) adj = std::min(0.5 + fmod(GetSchedulingOffset(), interval * 5) / 100.0, adj); double nextCheck = now - adj + interval; double lastCheck = GetLastCheck(); Log(LogDebug, "Checkable") << "Update checkable '" << GetName() << "' with check interval '" << GetCheckInterval() << "' from last check time at " << Utility::FormatDateTime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S %z", (lastCheck < 0 ? 0 : lastCheck)) << " (" << GetLastCheck() << ") to next check time at " << Utility::FormatDateTime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S %z", nextCheck) << " (" << nextCheck << ")."; SetNextCheck(nextCheck, false, origin); } bool Checkable::HasBeenChecked() const { return GetLastCheckResult() != nullptr; } double Checkable::GetLastCheck() const { CheckResult::Ptr cr = GetLastCheckResult(); double schedule_end = -1; if (cr) schedule_end = cr->GetScheduleEnd(); return schedule_end; } void Checkable::ProcessCheckResult(const CheckResult::Ptr& cr, const MessageOrigin::Ptr& origin) { { ObjectLock olock(this); m_CheckRunning = false; } if (!cr) return; double now = Utility::GetTime(); if (cr->GetScheduleStart() == 0) cr->SetScheduleStart(now); if (cr->GetScheduleEnd() == 0) cr->SetScheduleEnd(now); if (cr->GetExecutionStart() == 0) cr->SetExecutionStart(now); if (cr->GetExecutionEnd() == 0) cr->SetExecutionEnd(now); if (!origin || origin->IsLocal()) cr->SetCheckSource(IcingaApplication::GetInstance()->GetNodeName()); Endpoint::Ptr command_endpoint = GetCommandEndpoint(); /* override check source if command_endpoint was defined */ if (command_endpoint && !GetExtension("agent_check")) cr->SetCheckSource(command_endpoint->GetName()); /* agent checks go through the api */ if (command_endpoint && GetExtension("agent_check")) { ApiListener::Ptr listener = ApiListener::GetInstance(); if (listener) { /* send message back to its origin */ Dictionary::Ptr message = ClusterEvents::MakeCheckResultMessage(this, cr); listener->SyncSendMessage(command_endpoint, message); } return; } if (!IsActive()) return; bool reachable = IsReachable(); bool notification_reachable = IsReachable(DependencyNotification); ObjectLock olock(this); CheckResult::Ptr old_cr = GetLastCheckResult(); ServiceState old_state = GetStateRaw(); StateType old_stateType = GetStateType(); long old_attempt = GetCheckAttempt(); bool recovery = false; /* When we have an check result already (not after fresh start), * prevent to accept old check results and allow overrides for * CRs happened in the future. */ if (old_cr) { double currentCRTimestamp = old_cr->GetExecutionStart(); double newCRTimestamp = cr->GetExecutionStart(); /* Our current timestamp may be from the future (wrong server time adjusted again). Allow overrides here. */ if (currentCRTimestamp > now) { /* our current CR is from the future, let the new CR override it. */ Log(LogDebug, "Checkable") << std::fixed << std::setprecision(6) << "Processing check result for checkable '" << GetName() << "' from " << Utility::FormatDateTime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S %z", newCRTimestamp) << " (" << newCRTimestamp << "). Overriding since ours is from the future at " << Utility::FormatDateTime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S %z", currentCRTimestamp) << " (" << currentCRTimestamp << ")."; } else { /* Current timestamp is from the past, but the new timestamp is even more in the past. Skip it. */ if (newCRTimestamp < currentCRTimestamp) { Log(LogDebug, "Checkable") << std::fixed << std::setprecision(6) << "Skipping check result for checkable '" << GetName() << "' from " << Utility::FormatDateTime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S %z", newCRTimestamp) << " (" << newCRTimestamp << "). It is in the past compared to ours at " << Utility::FormatDateTime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S %z", currentCRTimestamp) << " (" << currentCRTimestamp << ")."; return; } } } /* The ExecuteCheck function already sets the old state, but we need to do it again * in case this was a passive check result. */ SetLastStateRaw(old_state); SetLastStateType(old_stateType); SetLastReachable(reachable); Host::Ptr host; Service::Ptr service; tie(host, service) = GetHostService(this); CheckableType checkableType = CheckableHost; if (service) checkableType = CheckableService; long attempt = 1; std::set children = GetChildren(); if (IsStateOK(cr->GetState())) { SetStateType(StateTypeHard); // NOT-OK -> HARD OK if (!IsStateOK(old_state)) recovery = true; ResetNotificationNumbers(); SaveLastState(ServiceOK, Utility::GetTime()); /* update reachability for child objects in OK state */ if (!children.empty()) OnReachabilityChanged(this, cr, children, origin); } else { /* OK -> NOT-OK change, first SOFT state. Reset attempt counter. */ if (IsStateOK(old_state)) { SetStateType(StateTypeSoft); attempt = 1; } /* SOFT state change, increase attempt counter. */ if (old_stateType == StateTypeSoft && !IsStateOK(old_state)) { SetStateType(StateTypeSoft); attempt = old_attempt + 1; } /* HARD state change (e.g. previously 2/3 and this next attempt). Reset attempt counter. */ if (attempt >= GetMaxCheckAttempts()) { SetStateType(StateTypeHard); attempt = 1; } if (!IsStateOK(cr->GetState())) { SaveLastState(cr->GetState(), Utility::GetTime()); } /* update reachability for child objects in NOT-OK state */ if (!children.empty()) OnReachabilityChanged(this, cr, children, origin); } if (!reachable) SetLastStateUnreachable(Utility::GetTime()); SetCheckAttempt(attempt); ServiceState new_state = cr->GetState(); SetStateRaw(new_state); bool stateChange; /* Exception on state change calculation for hosts. */ if (checkableType == CheckableService) stateChange = (old_state != new_state); else stateChange = (Host::CalculateState(old_state) != Host::CalculateState(new_state)); /* Store the current last state change for the next iteration. */ SetPreviousStateChange(GetLastStateChange()); if (stateChange) { SetLastStateChange(now); /* remove acknowledgements */ if (GetAcknowledgement() == AcknowledgementNormal || (GetAcknowledgement() == AcknowledgementSticky && IsStateOK(new_state))) { ClearAcknowledgement(); } /* reschedule direct parents */ for (const Checkable::Ptr& parent : GetParents()) { if (parent.get() == this) continue; if (!parent->GetEnableActiveChecks()) continue; if (parent->GetNextCheck() >= now + parent->GetRetryInterval()) { ObjectLock olock(parent); parent->SetNextCheck(now); } } } bool remove_acknowledgement_comments = false; if (GetAcknowledgement() == AcknowledgementNone) remove_acknowledgement_comments = true; bool hardChange = (GetStateType() == StateTypeHard && old_stateType == StateTypeSoft); if (stateChange && old_stateType == StateTypeHard && GetStateType() == StateTypeHard) hardChange = true; bool is_volatile = GetVolatile(); if (hardChange || is_volatile) { SetLastHardStateRaw(new_state); SetLastHardStateChange(now); } if (!IsStateOK(new_state)) TriggerDowntimes(); /* statistics for external tools */ Checkable::UpdateStatistics(cr, checkableType); bool in_downtime = IsInDowntime(); bool send_notification = false; bool suppress_notification = !notification_reachable || in_downtime || IsAcknowledged(); /* Send notifications whether when a hard state change occurred. */ if (hardChange && !(old_stateType == StateTypeSoft && IsStateOK(new_state))) send_notification = true; /* Or if the checkable is volatile and in a HARD state. */ else if (is_volatile && GetStateType() == StateTypeHard) send_notification = true; if (IsStateOK(old_state) && old_stateType == StateTypeSoft) send_notification = false; /* Don't send notifications for SOFT-OK -> HARD-OK. */ if (is_volatile && IsStateOK(old_state) && IsStateOK(new_state)) send_notification = false; /* Don't send notifications for volatile OK -> OK changes. */ olock.Unlock(); if (remove_acknowledgement_comments) RemoveCommentsByType(CommentAcknowledgement); Dictionary::Ptr vars_after = new Dictionary({ { "state", new_state }, { "state_type", GetStateType() }, { "attempt", GetCheckAttempt() }, { "reachable", reachable } }); if (old_cr) cr->SetVarsBefore(old_cr->GetVarsAfter()); cr->SetVarsAfter(vars_after); olock.Lock(); SetLastCheckResult(cr); bool was_flapping = IsFlapping(); UpdateFlappingStatus(old_state != cr->GetState()); bool is_flapping = IsFlapping(); if (cr->GetActive()) { UpdateNextCheck(origin); } else { /* Reschedule the next check for external passive check results. The side effect of * this is that for as long as we receive results for a service we * won't execute any active checks. */ double offset; double ttl = cr->GetTtl(); if (ttl > 0) offset = ttl; else offset = GetCheckInterval(); SetNextCheck(Utility::GetTime() + offset, false, origin); } olock.Unlock(); #ifdef I2_DEBUG /* I2_DEBUG */ Log(LogDebug, "Checkable") << "Flapping: Checkable " << GetName() << " was: " << was_flapping << " is: " << is_flapping << " threshold low: " << GetFlappingThresholdLow() << " threshold high: " << GetFlappingThresholdHigh() << "% current: " << GetFlappingCurrent() << "%."; #endif /* I2_DEBUG */ OnNewCheckResult(this, cr, origin); /* signal status updates to for example db_ido */ OnStateChanged(this); String old_state_str = (service ? Service::StateToString(old_state) : Host::StateToString(Host::CalculateState(old_state))); String new_state_str = (service ? Service::StateToString(new_state) : Host::StateToString(Host::CalculateState(new_state))); /* Whether a hard state change or a volatile state change except OK -> OK happened. */ if (hardChange || (is_volatile && !(IsStateOK(old_state) && IsStateOK(new_state)))) { OnStateChange(this, cr, StateTypeHard, origin); Log(LogNotice, "Checkable") << "State Change: Checkable '" << GetName() << "' hard state change from " << old_state_str << " to " << new_state_str << " detected." << (is_volatile ? " Checkable is volatile." : ""); } /* Whether a state change happened or the state type is SOFT (must be logged too). */ else if (stateChange || GetStateType() == StateTypeSoft) { OnStateChange(this, cr, StateTypeSoft, origin); Log(LogNotice, "Checkable") << "State Change: Checkable '" << GetName() << "' soft state change from " << old_state_str << " to " << new_state_str << " detected."; } if (GetStateType() == StateTypeSoft || hardChange || recovery || (is_volatile && !(IsStateOK(old_state) && IsStateOK(new_state)))) ExecuteEventHandler(); int suppressed_types = 0; /* Flapping start/end notifications */ if (!was_flapping && is_flapping) { /* FlappingStart notifications happen on state changes, not in downtimes */ if (!IsPaused()) { if (in_downtime) { suppressed_types |= NotificationFlappingStart; } else { OnNotificationsRequested(this, NotificationFlappingStart, cr, "", "", nullptr); } } Log(LogNotice, "Checkable") << "Flapping Start: Checkable '" << GetName() << "' started flapping (Current flapping value " << GetFlappingCurrent() << "% > high threshold " << GetFlappingThresholdHigh() << "%)."; NotifyFlapping(origin); } else if (was_flapping && !is_flapping) { /* FlappingEnd notifications are independent from state changes, must not happen in downtine */ if (!IsPaused()) { if (in_downtime) { suppressed_types |= NotificationFlappingEnd; } else { OnNotificationsRequested(this, NotificationFlappingEnd, cr, "", "", nullptr); } } Log(LogNotice, "Checkable") << "Flapping Stop: Checkable '" << GetName() << "' stopped flapping (Current flapping value " << GetFlappingCurrent() << "% < low threshold " << GetFlappingThresholdLow() << "%)."; NotifyFlapping(origin); } if (send_notification && !is_flapping) { if (!IsPaused()) { if (suppress_notification) { suppressed_types |= (recovery ? NotificationRecovery : NotificationProblem); } else { OnNotificationsRequested(this, recovery ? NotificationRecovery : NotificationProblem, cr, "", "", nullptr); } } } if (suppressed_types) { /* If some notifications were suppressed, but just because of e.g. a downtime, * stash them into a notification types bitmask for maybe re-sending later. */ ObjectLock olock (this); int suppressed_types_before (GetSuppressedNotifications()); int suppressed_types_after (suppressed_types_before | suppressed_types); for (int conflict : {NotificationProblem | NotificationRecovery, NotificationFlappingStart | NotificationFlappingEnd}) { /* E.g. problem and recovery notifications neutralize each other. */ if ((suppressed_types_after & conflict) == conflict) { suppressed_types_after &= ~conflict; } } if (suppressed_types_after != suppressed_types_before) { SetSuppressedNotifications(suppressed_types_after); } } } void Checkable::ExecuteRemoteCheck(const Dictionary::Ptr& resolvedMacros) { CONTEXT("Executing remote check for object '" + GetName() + "'"); double scheduled_start = GetNextCheck(); double before_check = Utility::GetTime(); CheckResult::Ptr cr = new CheckResult(); cr->SetScheduleStart(scheduled_start); cr->SetExecutionStart(before_check); GetCheckCommand()->Execute(this, cr, resolvedMacros, true); } void Checkable::ExecuteCheck() { CONTEXT("Executing check for object '" + GetName() + "'"); /* keep track of scheduling info in case the check type doesn't provide its own information */ double scheduled_start = GetNextCheck(); double before_check = Utility::GetTime(); /* This calls SetNextCheck() which updates the CheckerComponent's idle/pending * queues and ensures that checks are not fired multiple times. ProcessCheckResult() * is called too late. See #6421. */ UpdateNextCheck(); bool reachable = IsReachable(); { ObjectLock olock(this); /* don't run another check if there is one pending */ if (m_CheckRunning) return; m_CheckRunning = true; SetLastStateRaw(GetStateRaw()); SetLastStateType(GetLastStateType()); SetLastReachable(reachable); } CheckResult::Ptr cr = new CheckResult(); cr->SetScheduleStart(scheduled_start); cr->SetExecutionStart(before_check); Endpoint::Ptr endpoint = GetCommandEndpoint(); bool local = !endpoint || endpoint == Endpoint::GetLocalEndpoint(); if (local) { GetCheckCommand()->Execute(this, cr, nullptr, false); } else { Dictionary::Ptr macros = new Dictionary(); GetCheckCommand()->Execute(this, cr, macros, false); if (endpoint->GetConnected()) { /* perform check on remote endpoint */ Dictionary::Ptr message = new Dictionary(); message->Set("jsonrpc", "2.0"); message->Set("method", "event::ExecuteCommand"); Host::Ptr host; Service::Ptr service; tie(host, service) = GetHostService(this); Dictionary::Ptr params = new Dictionary(); message->Set("params", params); params->Set("command_type", "check_command"); params->Set("command", GetCheckCommand()->GetName()); params->Set("host", host->GetName()); if (service) params->Set("service", service->GetShortName()); params->Set("macros", macros); ApiListener::Ptr listener = ApiListener::GetInstance(); if (listener) listener->SyncSendMessage(endpoint, message); /* Re-schedule the check so we don't run it again until after we've received * a check result from the remote instance. The check will be re-scheduled * using the proper check interval once we've received a check result. */ SetNextCheck(Utility::GetTime() + GetCheckCommand()->GetTimeout() + 30); } else if (!endpoint->GetSyncing() && Application::GetInstance()->GetStartTime() < Utility::GetTime() - 300) { /* fail to perform check on unconnected endpoint */ cr->SetState(ServiceUnknown); String output = "Remote Icinga instance '" + endpoint->GetName() + "' is not connected to "; Endpoint::Ptr localEndpoint = Endpoint::GetLocalEndpoint(); if (localEndpoint) output += "'" + localEndpoint->GetName() + "'"; else output += "this instance"; cr->SetOutput(output); ProcessCheckResult(cr); } { ObjectLock olock(this); m_CheckRunning = false; } } } void Checkable::UpdateStatistics(const CheckResult::Ptr& cr, CheckableType type) { time_t ts = cr->GetScheduleEnd(); if (type == CheckableHost) { if (cr->GetActive()) CIB::UpdateActiveHostChecksStatistics(ts, 1); else CIB::UpdatePassiveHostChecksStatistics(ts, 1); } else if (type == CheckableService) { if (cr->GetActive()) CIB::UpdateActiveServiceChecksStatistics(ts, 1); else CIB::UpdatePassiveServiceChecksStatistics(ts, 1); } else { Log(LogWarning, "Checkable", "Unknown checkable type for statistic update."); } } void Checkable::IncreasePendingChecks() { boost::mutex::scoped_lock lock(m_StatsMutex); m_PendingChecks++; } void Checkable::DecreasePendingChecks() { boost::mutex::scoped_lock lock(m_StatsMutex); m_PendingChecks--; m_PendingChecksCV.notify_one(); } int Checkable::GetPendingChecks() { boost::mutex::scoped_lock lock(m_StatsMutex); return m_PendingChecks; } void Checkable::AquirePendingCheckSlot(int maxPendingChecks) { boost::mutex::scoped_lock lock(m_StatsMutex); while (m_PendingChecks >= maxPendingChecks) m_PendingChecksCV.wait(lock); m_PendingChecks++; }