%{ #define YYDEBUG 1 /****************************************************************************** * Icinga 2 * * Copyright (C) 2012-2014 Icinga Development Team (http://www.icinga.org) * * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * * GNU General Public License for more details. * * * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation * * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. * ******************************************************************************/ #include "i2-config.h" #include "config/expression.h" #include "config/expressionlist.h" #include "config/configitembuilder.h" #include "config/configcompiler.h" #include "config/configcompilercontext.h" #include "config/configerror.h" #include "config/typerule.h" #include "config/typerulelist.h" #include "config/aexpression.h" #include "config/applyrule.h" #include "base/value.h" #include "base/utility.h" #include "base/array.h" #include "base/scriptvariable.h" #include "base/exception.h" #include "base/dynamictype.h" #include #include #include #define YYLTYPE icinga::DebugInfo #define YYERROR_VERBOSE #define YYLLOC_DEFAULT(Current, Rhs, N) \ do { \ if (N) { \ (Current).Path = YYRHSLOC(Rhs, 1).Path; \ (Current).FirstLine = YYRHSLOC(Rhs, 1).FirstLine; \ (Current).FirstColumn = YYRHSLOC(Rhs, 1).FirstColumn; \ (Current).LastLine = YYRHSLOC(Rhs, N).LastLine; \ (Current).LastColumn = YYRHSLOC(Rhs, N).LastColumn; \ } else { \ (Current).Path = YYRHSLOC(Rhs, 0).Path; \ (Current).FirstLine = (Current).LastLine = \ YYRHSLOC(Rhs, 0).LastLine; \ (Current).FirstColumn = (Current).LastColumn = \ YYRHSLOC(Rhs, 0).LastColumn; \ } \ } while (0) #define YY_LOCATION_PRINT(file, loc) \ do { \ std::ostringstream msgbuf; \ msgbuf << loc; \ std::string str = msgbuf.str(); \ fputs(str.c_str(), file); \ } while (0) using namespace icinga; %} %pure-parser %locations %defines %error-verbose %parse-param { ConfigCompiler *context } %lex-param { void *scanner } %union { char *text; double num; icinga::Value *variant; icinga::ExpressionOperator op; icinga::TypeSpecifier type; std::vector *slist; Expression *expr; ExpressionList *exprl; Array *array; Value *aexpr; } %token T_STRING %token T_STRING_ANGLE %token T_NUMBER %token T_NULL %token T_IDENTIFIER %token T_SET "= (T_SET)" %token T_PLUS_EQUAL "+= (T_PLUS_EQUAL)" %token T_MINUS_EQUAL "-= (T_MINUS_EQUAL)" %token T_MULTIPLY_EQUAL "*= (T_MULTIPLY_EQUAL)" %token T_DIVIDE_EQUAL "/= (T_DIVIDE_EQUAL)" %token T_VAR "var (T_VAR)" %token T_CONST "const (T_CONST)" %token T_SHIFT_LEFT "<< (T_SHIFT_LEFT)" %token T_SHIFT_RIGHT ">> (T_SHIFT_RIGHT)" %token T_EQUAL "== (T_EQUAL)" %token T_NOT_EQUAL "!= (T_NOT_EQUAL)" %token T_IN "in (T_IN)" %token T_NOT_IN "!in (T_NOT_IN)" %token T_LOGICAL_AND "&& (T_LOGICAL_AND)" %token T_LOGICAL_OR "|| (T_LOGICAL_OR)" %token T_LESS_THAN_OR_EQUAL "<= (T_LESS_THAN_OR_EQUAL)" %token T_GREATER_THAN_OR_EQUAL ">= (T_GREATER_THAN_OR_EQUAL)" %token T_TYPE_DICTIONARY "dictionary (T_TYPE_DICTIONARY)" %token T_TYPE_ARRAY "array (T_TYPE_ARRAY)" %token T_TYPE_NUMBER "number (T_TYPE_NUMBER)" %token T_TYPE_STRING "string (T_TYPE_STRING)" %token T_TYPE_SCALAR "scalar (T_TYPE_SCALAR)" %token T_TYPE_ANY "any (T_TYPE_ANY)" %token T_TYPE_NAME "name (T_TYPE_NAME)" %token T_VALIDATOR "%validator (T_VALIDATOR)" %token T_REQUIRE "%require (T_REQUIRE)" %token T_ATTRIBUTE "%attribute (T_ATTRIBUTE)" %token T_TYPE "type (T_TYPE)" %token T_OBJECT "object (T_OBJECT)" %token T_TEMPLATE "template (T_TEMPLATE)" %token T_INCLUDE "include (T_INCLUDE)" %token T_INCLUDE_RECURSIVE "include_recursive (T_INCLUDE_RECURSIVE)" %token T_LIBRARY "library (T_LIBRARY)" %token T_INHERITS "inherits (T_INHERITS)" %token T_PARTIAL "partial (T_PARTIAL)" %token T_APPLY "apply (T_APPLY)" %token T_TO "to (T_TO)" %token T_WHERE "where (T_WHERE)" %type identifier %type array_items %type array_items_inner %type value %type expression %type expressions %type expressions_inner %type expressionlist %type typerulelist %type operator %type type %type partial_specifier %type object_inherits_list %type object_inherits_specifier %type aexpression %type variable_decl %left T_LOGICAL_OR %left T_LOGICAL_AND %left T_IN %left T_NOT_IN %nonassoc T_EQUAL %nonassoc T_NOT_EQUAL %left '+' '-' %left '*' '/' %left '&' %left '|' %right '~' %right '!' %{ int yylex(YYSTYPE *lvalp, YYLTYPE *llocp, void *scanner); void yyerror(YYLTYPE *locp, ConfigCompiler *, const char *err) { std::ostringstream message; message << *locp << ": " << err; ConfigCompilerContext::GetInstance()->AddMessage(true, message.str(), *locp); } int yyparse(ConfigCompiler *context); static std::stack m_Arrays; static bool m_Abstract; static std::stack m_RuleLists; static ConfigType::Ptr m_Type; void ConfigCompiler::Compile(void) { try { yyparse(this); } catch (const ConfigError& ex) { ShowCodeFragment(std::cout, ex.GetDebugInfo()); ConfigCompilerContext::GetInstance()->AddMessage(true, DiagnosticInformation(ex)); } catch (const std::exception& ex) { ConfigCompilerContext::GetInstance()->AddMessage(true, DiagnosticInformation(ex)); } } #define scanner (context->GetScanner()) %} %% statements: /* empty */ | statements statement ; statement: object | type | include | include_recursive | library | variable | apply ; include: T_INCLUDE value { context->HandleInclude(*$2, false, DebugInfoRange(@1, @2)); delete $2; } | T_INCLUDE T_STRING_ANGLE { context->HandleInclude($2, true, DebugInfoRange(@1, @2)); free($2); } ; include_recursive: T_INCLUDE_RECURSIVE value { context->HandleIncludeRecursive(*$2, "*.conf", DebugInfoRange(@1, @2)); delete $2; } | T_INCLUDE_RECURSIVE value value { context->HandleIncludeRecursive(*$2, *$3, DebugInfoRange(@1, @3)); delete $2; delete $3; } ; library: T_LIBRARY T_STRING { context->HandleLibrary($2); free($2); } ; variable: variable_decl identifier T_SET value { Value *value = $4; if (value->IsObjectType()) { Dictionary::Ptr dict = make_shared(); ExpressionList::Ptr exprl = *value; exprl->Execute(dict); delete value; value = new Value(dict); } ScriptVariable::Ptr sv = ScriptVariable::Set($2, *value); sv->SetConstant(true); free($2); delete value; } ; variable_decl: T_VAR { $$ = true; } | T_CONST { $$ = false; } ; identifier: T_IDENTIFIER | T_STRING { $$ = $1; } ; type: partial_specifier T_TYPE identifier { String name = String($3); free($3); m_Type = ConfigType::GetByName(name); if (!m_Type) { if ($1) BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(ConfigError("Partial type definition for unknown type '" + name + "'", DebugInfoRange(@1, @3))); m_Type = make_shared(name, DebugInfoRange(@1, @3)); m_Type->Register(); } } type_inherits_specifier typerulelist { TypeRuleList::Ptr ruleList = *$6; m_Type->GetRuleList()->AddRules(ruleList); m_Type->GetRuleList()->AddRequires(ruleList); String validator = ruleList->GetValidator(); if (!validator.IsEmpty()) m_Type->GetRuleList()->SetValidator(validator); delete $6; } ; partial_specifier: /* Empty */ { $$ = 0; } | T_PARTIAL { $$ = 1; } ; typerulelist: '{' { m_RuleLists.push(make_shared()); } typerules '}' { $$ = new Value(m_RuleLists.top()); m_RuleLists.pop(); } ; typerules: typerules_inner | typerules_inner ',' typerules_inner: /* empty */ | typerule | typerules_inner ',' typerule ; typerule: T_REQUIRE T_STRING { m_RuleLists.top()->AddRequire($2); free($2); } | T_VALIDATOR T_STRING { m_RuleLists.top()->SetValidator($2); free($2); } | T_ATTRIBUTE type T_STRING { TypeRule rule($2, String(), $3, TypeRuleList::Ptr(), DebugInfoRange(@1, @3)); free($3); m_RuleLists.top()->AddRule(rule); } | T_ATTRIBUTE T_TYPE_NAME '(' identifier ')' T_STRING { TypeRule rule($2, $4, $6, TypeRuleList::Ptr(), DebugInfoRange(@1, @6)); free($4); free($6); m_RuleLists.top()->AddRule(rule); } | T_ATTRIBUTE type T_STRING typerulelist { TypeRule rule($2, String(), $3, *$4, DebugInfoRange(@1, @4)); free($3); delete $4; m_RuleLists.top()->AddRule(rule); } ; type_inherits_specifier: /* empty */ | T_INHERITS identifier { m_Type->SetParent($2); free($2); } ; type: T_TYPE_DICTIONARY | T_TYPE_ARRAY | T_TYPE_NUMBER | T_TYPE_STRING | T_TYPE_SCALAR | T_TYPE_ANY | T_TYPE_NAME { $$ = $1; } ; object: { m_Abstract = false; } object_declaration identifier T_STRING object_inherits_specifier expressionlist { DebugInfo di = DebugInfoRange(@2, @6); ConfigItemBuilder::Ptr item = make_shared(di); ConfigItem::Ptr oldItem = ConfigItem::GetObject($3, $4); if (oldItem) { std::ostringstream msgbuf; msgbuf << "Object '" << $4 << "' of type '" << $3 << "' re-defined: " << di << "; previous definition: " << oldItem->GetDebugInfo(); free($3); free($4); delete $5; BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(ConfigError(msgbuf.str(), di)); } item->SetType($3); if (strchr($4, '!') != NULL) { std::ostringstream msgbuf; msgbuf << "Name for object '" << $4 << "' of type '" << $3 << "' is invalid: Object names may not contain '!'"; free($3); BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(ConfigError(msgbuf.str(), @4)); } free($3); item->SetName($4); free($4); if ($5) { BOOST_FOREACH(const String& parent, *$5) { item->AddParent(parent); } delete $5; } if ($6) { ExpressionList::Ptr exprl = ExpressionList::Ptr($6); item->AddExpressionList(exprl); } item->SetAbstract(m_Abstract); item->Compile()->Register(); item.reset(); } ; object_declaration: T_OBJECT | T_TEMPLATE { m_Abstract = true; } object_inherits_list: { $$ = NULL; } | T_STRING { $$ = new std::vector(); $$->push_back($1); free($1); } | object_inherits_list ',' T_STRING { if ($1) $$ = $1; else $$ = new std::vector(); $$->push_back($3); free($3); } ; object_inherits_specifier: { $$ = NULL; } | T_INHERITS object_inherits_list { $$ = $2; } ; expressionlist: '{' expressions '}' { if ($2) $$ = $2; else $$ = new ExpressionList(); } ; expressions: expressions_inner { $$ = $1; } | expressions_inner ',' { $$ = $1; } expressions_inner: /* empty */ { $$ = NULL; } | expression { $$ = new ExpressionList(); $$->AddExpression(*$1); delete $1; } | expressions_inner ',' expression { if ($1) $$ = $1; else $$ = new ExpressionList(); $$->AddExpression(*$3); delete $3; } ; expression: identifier operator value { $$ = new Expression($1, $2, *$3, DebugInfoRange(@1, @3)); free($1); delete $3; } | identifier '[' T_STRING ']' operator value { Expression subexpr($3, $5, *$6, DebugInfoRange(@1, @6)); free($3); delete $6; ExpressionList::Ptr subexprl = make_shared(); subexprl->AddExpression(subexpr); $$ = new Expression($1, OperatorPlus, subexprl, DebugInfoRange(@1, @6)); free($1); } ; operator: T_SET | T_PLUS_EQUAL | T_MINUS_EQUAL | T_MULTIPLY_EQUAL | T_DIVIDE_EQUAL { $$ = $1; } ; array_items: array_items_inner { $$ = $1; } | array_items_inner ',' { $$ = $1; } array_items_inner: /* empty */ { $$ = NULL; } | aexpression { $$ = new Array(); $$->Add(*$1); delete $1; } | array_items_inner ',' aexpression { if ($1) $$ = $1; else $$ = new Array(); $$->Add(*$3); delete $3; } ; aexpression: T_STRING { $$ = new Value(make_shared(AEReturn, AValue(ATSimple, $1), @1)); free($1); } | T_NUMBER { $$ = new Value(make_shared(AEReturn, AValue(ATSimple, $1), @1)); } | T_NULL { $$ = new Value(make_shared(AEReturn, AValue(ATSimple, Empty), @1)); } | T_IDENTIFIER '(' array_items ')' { Array::Ptr arguments = Array::Ptr($3); $$ = new Value(make_shared(AEFunctionCall, AValue(ATSimple, $1), AValue(ATSimple, arguments), DebugInfoRange(@1, @4))); free($1); } | T_IDENTIFIER { $$ = new Value(make_shared(AEReturn, AValue(ATVariable, $1), @1)); free($1); } | '!' aexpression { $$ = new Value(make_shared(AENegate, static_cast(*$2), DebugInfoRange(@1, @2))); delete $2; } | '~' aexpression { $$ = new Value(make_shared(AENegate, static_cast(*$2), DebugInfoRange(@1, @2))); delete $2; } | '[' array_items ']' { $$ = new Value(make_shared(AEArray, AValue(ATSimple, Array::Ptr($2)), DebugInfoRange(@1, @3))); } | '(' aexpression ')' { $$ = $2; } | aexpression '+' aexpression { $$ = new Value(make_shared(AEAdd, static_cast(*$1), static_cast(*$3), DebugInfoRange(@1, @3))); delete $1; delete $3; } | aexpression '-' aexpression { $$ = new Value(make_shared(AESubtract, static_cast(*$1), static_cast(*$3), DebugInfoRange(@1, @3))); delete $1; delete $3; } | aexpression '*' aexpression { $$ = new Value(make_shared(AEMultiply, static_cast(*$1), static_cast(*$3), DebugInfoRange(@1, @3))); delete $1; delete $3; } | aexpression '/' aexpression { $$ = new Value(make_shared(AEDivide, static_cast(*$1), static_cast(*$3), DebugInfoRange(@1, @3))); delete $1; delete $3; } | aexpression '&' aexpression { $$ = new Value(make_shared(AEBinaryAnd, static_cast(*$1), static_cast(*$3), DebugInfoRange(@1, @3))); delete $1; delete $3; } | aexpression '|' aexpression { $$ = new Value(make_shared(AEBinaryOr, static_cast(*$1), static_cast(*$3), DebugInfoRange(@1, @2))); delete $1; delete $3; } | aexpression T_IN aexpression { $$ = new Value(make_shared(AEIn, static_cast(*$1), static_cast(*$3), DebugInfoRange(@1, @3))); delete $1; delete $3; } | aexpression T_NOT_IN aexpression { $$ = new Value(make_shared(AENotIn, static_cast(*$1), static_cast(*$3), DebugInfoRange(@1, @3))); delete $1; delete $3; } | aexpression T_LESS_THAN_OR_EQUAL aexpression { $$ = new Value(make_shared(AELessThanOrEqual, static_cast(*$1), static_cast(*$3), DebugInfoRange(@1, @3))); delete $1; delete $3; } | aexpression T_GREATER_THAN_OR_EQUAL aexpression { $$ = new Value(make_shared(AEGreaterThanOrEqual, static_cast(*$1), static_cast(*$3), DebugInfoRange(@1, @3))); delete $1; delete $3; } | aexpression '<' aexpression { $$ = new Value(make_shared(AELessThan, static_cast(*$1), static_cast(*$3), DebugInfoRange(@1, @3))); delete $1; delete $3; } | aexpression '>' aexpression { $$ = new Value(make_shared(AEGreaterThan, static_cast(*$1), static_cast(*$3), DebugInfoRange(@1, @3))); delete $1; delete $3; } | aexpression T_EQUAL aexpression { $$ = new Value(make_shared(AEEqual, static_cast(*$1), static_cast(*$3), DebugInfoRange(@1, @3))); delete $1; delete $3; } | aexpression T_NOT_EQUAL aexpression { $$ = new Value(make_shared(AENotEqual, static_cast(*$1), static_cast(*$3), DebugInfoRange(@1, @3))); delete $1; delete $3; } | aexpression T_SHIFT_LEFT aexpression { $$ = new Value(make_shared(AEShiftLeft, static_cast(*$1), static_cast(*$3), DebugInfoRange(@1, @3))); delete $1; delete $3; } | aexpression T_SHIFT_RIGHT aexpression { $$ = new Value(make_shared(AEShiftRight, static_cast(*$1), static_cast(*$3), DebugInfoRange(@1, @3))); delete $1; delete $3; } | aexpression T_LOGICAL_AND aexpression { $$ = new Value(make_shared(AELogicalAnd, static_cast(*$1), static_cast(*$3), DebugInfoRange(@1, @3))); delete $1; delete $3; } | aexpression T_LOGICAL_OR aexpression { $$ = new Value(make_shared(AELogicalOr, static_cast(*$1), static_cast(*$3), DebugInfoRange(@1, @3))); delete $1; delete $3; } ; value: expressionlist { ExpressionList::Ptr exprl = ExpressionList::Ptr($1); $$ = new Value(exprl); } | aexpression { AExpression::Ptr aexpr = *$1; $$ = new Value(aexpr->Evaluate(Dictionary::Ptr())); delete $1; } ; optional_template: /* empty */ | T_TEMPLATE ; apply: T_APPLY optional_template identifier identifier T_TO identifier T_WHERE aexpression { if (!ApplyRule::IsValidCombination($3, $6)) { BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(ConfigError("'apply' cannot be used with types '" + String($3) + "' and '" + String($6) + "'.", @1)); } Array::Ptr arguments = make_shared(); arguments->Add(*$8); delete $8; AExpression::Ptr aexpr = make_shared(AEFunctionCall, AValue(ATSimple, "bool"), AValue(ATSimple, arguments), @8); ApplyRule::AddRule($3, $4, $6, aexpr, DebugInfoRange(@1, @8)); } %%