(Note: this file has been re-arranged to be in reverse chronological order, which is The Right Thing for ChangeLogs - DLC) December 29, 2021 (fortune-mod 3.12.0) Generate a newer and more canonical datfiles/rules-of-acquisition from a CSV and a script ( https://github.com/shlomif/fortune-mod/pull/60 ; thanks to @fonic . ) Eliminate some GCC, clang, perl, and nroff warnings. Add curly braces to clauses in C code. New cookies. December 15, 2021 (fortune-mod 3.10.0) More fixes crosscompiling builds ( https://github.com/shlomif/fortune-mod/issues/58 ; thanks to @leleliu008 ) Added datfiles/rules-of-acquisition (based on https://github.com/JKirchartz/fortunes ; thanks @JKirchartz ). Under the Unlicense. cookie-files file: Tabs to spaces. December 14, 2021 (fortune-mod 3.8.0) Try to fix crosscompiling builds ( https://github.com/shlomif/fortune-mod/issues/58 ; thanks to @leleliu008 ) Merged datfiles/linuxcookie into datfiles/linux while removing duplicates. New cookies. Tests suite's speed optimizations. Code cleanups / refactoring. Generate GitHub Actions' scripts. May 31, 2021 (fortune-mod 3.6.1) Fix missing rinutils in release tarball. ( https://github.com/shlomif/fortune-mod/issues/52 ; thanks to @Vonfry ) April 20, 2021 (fortune-mod 3.6.0) Some lib-recode handling fixes. rinutils_bootstrap. Move some stuff to off. ( https://github.com/shlomif/fortune-mod/pull/51 ; thanks to @tristanbatchler ) Fix typos. ( https://github.com/shlomif/fortune-mod/pull/49 ; thanks to @cchristiansen ) Add quotes. November 9, 2020 (fortune-mod 3.4.1) Some lib-recode handling fixes: ( https://github.com/shlomif/fortune-mod/pull/46 ; thanks to @heirecka ) Add a quotation. November 8, 2020 (fortune-mod 3.4.0) Made the compile-time dependency on lib-recode optional ; handle the missing librinutils better. ( https://github.com/shlomif/fortune-mod/issues/44 ) Add some quotes (Thanks in part to @RashadSaleh : https://github.com/shlomif/fortune-mod/pull/43 ) September 24, 2020 (fortune-mod 3.2.0) Include rinutils in the source tarball / git checkout. ( https://github.com/shlomif/fortune-mod/issues/44 ) September 16, 2020 (fortune-mod 3.0.0) Convert the documentation from troff to DocBook 5/XML using doclifter ( http://www.catb.org/~esr/doclifter/ ). The resultant troff man pages are included in the source release tarball. Fix formatting of several cookies. Minor build fixes (avoid rebuilding the symlinks). Fix the build and tests on AppVeyor-CI / Windows Fix some compiler warnings and modernise the code a little. Add some new fortune cookies. New major version digit just in time for Rosh Hashana and Talk like a Pirate day. Happy new yea..arrrrrrrrr! August 30, 2020 (fortune-mod 2.29.1) DEVELOPMENT RELEASE Fix the build and tests on AppVeyor-CI / Windows Fix some compiler warnings. August 20, 2020 (fortune-mod 2.29.0) DEVELOPMENT RELEASE Convert the documentation from troff to DocBook 5/XML using doclifter ( http://www.catb.org/~esr/doclifter/ ). The resultant troff man pages are included in the source release tarball. Fix formatting of several cookies. Minor build fixes (avoid rebuilding the symlinks). June 02, 2020 (fortune-mod 2.28.0) SECURITY [low risk]: avoid overflow with the -i flag Correct attributions and typos (Thanks to Tobin Yehle.) Small code cleanups. May 02, 2020 (fortune-mod 2.26.0) SECURITY: Avoid integer overflow in parsing the percentages which caused using negative integers. https://metacpan.org/pod/Test::Trap is a new tests' dependency Format strings cleanups in C. April 30, 2020 (fortune-mod 2.24.0) SECURITY: Avoid some potential buffer overflows in unstr, strfile and randstr. - This was found to exist in NetBSD's fortune, and FreeBSD's fortune as well (OpenBSD's fortune appear to have been fixed). Add regression valgrind tests for the buffer overflows. Some cleanups inspired by OpenBSD'd fortune. April 29, 2020 (fortune-mod 2.22.0) SECURITY: Avoid some hypothetical buffer overflows in unstr, strfile and randstr. Modernize and refactor the code. Avoid build targets' proliferation in CMake. April 04, 2020 (fortune-mod 2.20.0) Further avoid double traversal if FORTDIR == LOCFORTDIR. Using clang-format to format the code. Eliminate -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE warnings. Modernize and refactor the code. March 30, 2020 (fortune-mod 2.18.0) Avoid double traversal if FORTDIR == LOCFORTDIR. Typos' corrections and a new quote. February 26, 2020 (fortune-mod 2.16.0) Better portability to Microsoft Windows and other OSes Thanks to AppVeyor (done by Shlomi Fish). Add the -u flag [from debian] Add fortune.desktop [from debian] Remove backspaces in a cookie [from debian] Complete the lyrics of a Leonard Cohen song [from debian] Correct a misattribution. February 23, 2020 (fortune-mod 2.14.0) Correct some typos and add some new cookies. Better Win32/Win64 Portability (AppVeyor is still failing.) Code cleanups. December 18, 2019 (fortune-mod 2.12.0) Extract rinutils as a package and require it as a dep: https://github.com/shlomif/rinutils/ . Move some jokes to the offensive collection: https://github.com/shlomif/fortune-mod/pull/38 - thanks to @s0nata . June 30, 2019 (fortune-mod 2.10.0) Move strfile and unstr to /usr/bin : https://github.com/shlomif/fortune-mod/issues/35 Code cleanups: warnings and portability. Better porting to windows / appveyor-CI (still not perfect) June 07, 2019 (fortune-mod 2.8.0) Add some quotes by amigojapan. Some improvements for spelling, punctuation and grammar. Extract a common C header. Add TidyAll tests. December 19, 2018 (fortune-mod 2.6.2) Fix the cmake files installation paths. See https://github.com/shlomif/fortune-mod/pull/29 . Some improvements for spelling, punctuation and grammar. Normalize the numbering of "Great Moments in History": https://github.com/shlomif/fortune-mod/issues/28 . July 10, 2018 (fortune-mod 2.6.1) Fix the previously rotated display of offensive fortunes (using the "-o" or "-a" flags). See https://github.com/shlomif/fortune-mod/issues/26 . Incorporate several more minor patches from Debian. June 26, 2018 (fortune-mod 2.6.0) Incorporate patches from the Debian package. Add the "tao", "pratchett" and many individual cookies. March 22, 2018 (fortune-mod 2.4.1) Add the missing cmake/Shlomif_Common.cmake file. March 22, 2018 (fortune-mod 2.4.0) Fix issue #24 reported by @pouar of an underflow error in strfile. Fix some GCC warnings with the Recode flags. Remove some trailing empty lines in fortunes February 15, 2018 (fortune-mod 2.2.1) Fix some mispellings. Remove some duplicates. Thanks to bug reporters on the bug trackers of Linux distributions. January 31, 2018 (fortune-mod 2.2.0) Add the "disclaimer" cookie file (thanks to mathew). Correct some problems in the documentation. Fix some memory leaks (thanks to valgrind). Reenable the valgrind tests (requires Recode 3.7). January 11, 2018 (fortune-mod-2.0.0) Correct typos. Deprecate the BSD_REGEX - we now use only POSIX ones. Various build fixes. March 25, 2017 (fortune-mod-1.99.5) Add a new cmake-based configuration/build/install system. Converted the source files to UTF-8. Added automated tests. Removed trailing whitespace. Reformatted long (> 80 chars) lines. Fixed many typos. Fixed some compiler warnings. Added a build-time option to remove the “-o” (= “offensive”) flag. Incorporated some downstream patches from Linux distributions. March 05, 2004 (fortune-mod-1.99.1) Most of the changes have occurred at some point in time in the last 5 years. A high number of spelling, punctuation, formatting and grammar fixes. Internationalisation support. New -c option to see which file a fortune came from. August 29, 1997 Incorporated a couple of minor changes made in the (old) Debian fortune-mod package, including the addition of an extra data file called 'cookie'. Renamed some documentation files, and included some install information for non-Linux users. Added a "-v" option to report the program version. I intend to submit this distribution to SunSITE RSN. -- Dennis L. Clark May, 1997 This release fixes many of the portability problems with the fortune-mod program released by Amy Lewis in October, 1995. The previous version had many Linux-isms in it, which left it unworkable on any other platform. This version replaces most of these with more standard calls, making it more likely to work under other platforms. The Makefiles have been modified so that GNU's gcc and make are no longer required: any standard make and ANSI-compatible C compiler should work. Sorry, pre-ANSI compilers are not supported (c'mon, this is the 90's, darn it!) This version has been tested to work on SunOS 4.1.x as well as Linux. All changes made to the sources were as platform-independant as possible. Therefore, no "#ifdef LINUX" or "#ifdef SUNOS4" directives appear in the code. An effect of this is that a number of 'implicit declaration' warnings are emitted by gcc under SunOS 4.1.x, but this a problem with SunOS's standard headers, not with the program or the compiler. The benefit of this approach is that it eases the work of expanding the port to include other platforms. Bug reports and fixes for other platforms are most welcome! A few "standard" C function calls were replaced with more standard counterparts at various points. Generally, when there was a choice between a BSD version of a function and a POSIX version, the POSIX version was favoured (even though fortune originated on BSD). An exception to this was the regex functions: either POSIX or BSD versions can be used, with selection made via the top-level Makefile. Fortune and strfile also compiles on Solaris 2.5, but a discrepency between the declaration and implementation of 'struct dirent' on the test platform caused fortune to execute incorrectly there. It is not certain whether this is a bug in the header file, the C library, or the test platform. While the making of this release was not meant to become a bug search-and-destroy mission, some bugs were inadvertently discovered and fixed. including the known bug of using -a with a file that occurs in both the offensive and inoffensive directories. Fixing this particular bug required a way to be able to separately identify two fortune files with the same name, with one in the inoffensive directory, the other one in the offensive directory. Now, such a name will be taken to be the inoffensive file by default. However, you can now append '-o' to a fortune name, and the '-o' will be removed and the offensive directory will be searched. Thus you can say (assuming you use the distributed datfiles): fortune 80% politics politics-o Which has an 80% change of giving an "inoffensive" political fortune, and a 20% change of giving an "offensive" political one. Note that this makes fortune-mod backwards-compatible with BSD fortune, but only for users, not fortune database maintainers. Of course, this solution only passes the buck: with the above example again, if you have a 'politics-o' file in your inoffensive directory, you are back to square one. OTOH, seeing that '-o' originally was meant for offensive fortunes, using it for inoffensive ones is simply asking for trouble. Bug fixed: Fortune's definition of a fortune length (for -s and -l) was inconsistent. Unordered fortunes counted the 2 delimiting characters (as hinted in the man page), but sorted or randomized fortunes did not. Now the delimiting characters are _NEVER_ counted, so you will always get the length limit you expect. Another bug fix: -l and -s can now work together with -m. Previously -l and -s were ignored when -m was in effect. The new behaviour helps me count how many long or short fortunes there are in a file. Ansify has been removed from the package, as well as some filter scripts from NetBSD that no longer appear useful. Randstr has been kept, but has not been improved in any way. It at least has a man page: maybe somebody will find it useful. Some of the documentation (including the man pages) has been improved and updated, and some files have been renamed so that the package looks less Linux-specific. -- Dennis L. Clark Late October 1995 Ansify has been abandoned. I'm going to distribute this working version of fortune, and then see how difficult it would be to add termcap/terminfo enhancements to fortune itself--I don't anticipate serious problems, but I'd rather go ahead and get this on the net. A last-minute change was made to the way that percentages are displayed with -f; it is now in the format nnn.nn%. The reason for this is that with the multiplication of small files, fortune -af displayed a large number of "0%"s--no worse than the old version, but not helpful. The fortunes database was finally cleaned up, and this version is now being distributed (at least, I hope it is). I don't consider the current division of fortunes among files absolutely canonical; some are certainly in the wrong places. But things are *better*. Amy A. Lewis alewis@email.unc.edu Mid-October '95 Another utility, ansify, now compiles; it has not been tested at all, so it may not work even slightly. Ansify is a rather stupid program, all things considered, but the work on it does raise an interesting possibility for an enhanced fortune. At present, the fortune databases contain x^Hy sequences for underline and special characters (and this can be extended to include bold, = x^Hx). Ansify is stupid because it doesn't use the proper tools, ie termcap or terminfo (hmmm ... since it works on files, that may not be so stupid); it appears that if that can be done, then a termcap/terminfo enhanced fortune could be produced, which would recognize the existence of ^H in a string and attempt to display using appropriate control sequences. This sort of modification would be of greater interest to casual users, I think, than even the bug fixes, and since it would not force changes in the storage of fortunes, it is eminently portable. Consider this a 'todo' announcement. Added (early October 95): A new executable, rot, which is a rot13 filter (a caesar cipher). Most probably have caesar, but on the other hand, if you compile this mess as root, caesar probably isn't in the path. A new parameter to fortune, -n, which permits you to specify the length at which to break between long (-l) and short (-s) fortunes. fortune -f now shows probabilities. A bug: fortune -a nn% filename filename ... now fails without an error message, if the filename named following the percentage exists in both the inoffensive and the offensive directories (that is, if you have two files containing definitions, one called fortunes/definitions and one called fortunes/off/definitions, and call fortune as: fortune -a 10% definitions religion politics ..., then fortune simply fails). This appears to be an artifact of the changes that were made in storage/ naming of offensive fortunes. It only happens with the combination of a percentage with -a and inoffensive/offensive files that share a name. Temporary workaround: rename one or the other of the files (*sigh* I don't like that as a solution). The man pages have been updated. The old man pages are also available, but are not installed unless you do it yourself (the new ones are). The new man pages have the extension .man; the old ones have numeric extensions. A place has been created for fortune files containing HTML tags (the reason I started playing with this mess was because I wanted to be able to format fortunes nicely for the web without having to run an enormously complex script to figure out from formatting how best to display things, a particular problem since the formatting isn't consistent). Tagged fortunes don't exist yet, and I'm seriously considering creating a slightly different fortune binary that would output the necessary headers and trailers (reducing the CGI script to complete triviality) (-f isn't really needed for a webfortune). Todo: I'm thinking of adding a -x to unstr, to rot13 the output. This would have the effect of putting all the necessary tools in one package. It further breaks compatibility with BSD tools (which has *mostly* been maintained, merely enhanced slightly, although the change in how offensive files are distinguished from inoffensive might be regarded as breaking compatibility) by adding yet another parameter to unstr, which didn't have any, before. So I haven't decided, yet. Todo: KOI8 encoded fortunes? They couldn't be rotated without a great deal of trouble, of course. More minor fixes: The way that fortune -m prints its output has been slightly changed. It used to print the delimiter first, then, if this were the first fortune from a particular file, it printed the name of the file in parentheses. It now prints the first fortune without an initial delimiter; if the fortune is the first from a particular file, it then prints (filename), newline, delimiter, newline *to stderr*. Redirect stderr to stdout to get something *similar to* (but not the same as) the old behavior. The new behavior, if stderr is redirected to stdout, and both are then redirected to a file, produces fictitious entries, one per file in which a match was found. However, whether stderr is redirected or not, the new format produces files that strfile can parse without choking (the old format, since it placed the filename on the same line as the delimiter character, effectively forced editing of the file in order to make it usable by strfile, unless the option of concatenating two fortunes with an ugly "% (filename)" line separating them was considered acceptable output). Under the new display format, if stderr is redirected into the file, you end up with filenames marking the separation between files (as before), but they are now valid text strings (which should probably, therefore, be deleted). In other words, if you don't care what files the original text came from, and want a new file containing (let us say), quotes from Mark Twain, you might do: fortune -am '-- Mark Twain' >twain The files accessed would march down the screen; the fortunes would be stored in parsable format into the file twain. If, however, you planned to edit (perhaps to remove the quotes from the original file, you might then wish to redirect stderr to stdout. Using bash: fortune -am '-- Mark Twain' &>twain or fortune -am '-- Mark Twain' >twain 2>&1 [The above is now in the man page, more or less] Late September, 1995 Too many changes to mention, really. Look at the source code for comments on individual files. LINUX.DIF has been removed. It is worth noting that strfile was completely broken as distributed, and fortune had code to make it report a different file list than the one it used to retrieve fortunes. There's some rather strong language on the subject in strfile.c; if it offends you, tough. Bugs were fixed, and some enhancements were added. Unstr, in particular, has had its command line considerably enhanced. Strfile now *really does* sort, instead of merely setting the 'sorted' flag. Ditto for randomizing. Noteworthy: the way to distinguish between offensive and non-offensive files has changed for fortune. A second directory (which may be a subdirectory of the main fortune directory; the program doesn't add files recursively down a directory tree) has been added to pathnames.h. Offensive files should be placed there. There is no longer any need to add the -o suffix to file names, and the problems with finding files (especially offensive ones) seem to have disappeared in the process. Currently, I'm working on breaking the fortune files themselves into smaller, more manageable pieces, checking spelling, punctuation, and grammar, and trying to reduce redundancy. The eventual goal, after the files are cleaned up, is another set of files carrying HTML tags, which would then massively simplify a CGI script that calls fortune. New Makefiles. A 'randstr' (I want to call it 'lottery,' but I won't) utility, which amounts to a poor woman's stripped-down fortune, to illustrate some other possible uses of strfile-type random-access strings files. Amy A. Lewis alewis@email.unc.edu