Apache > HTTP-Server > Dokumentation > Version 2.3 > Module

Kurzreferenz der Direktiven

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Die Kurzreferenz der Direktiven zeigt die Verwendung, Voreinstellung, den Status und den Kontext aller Apache-Konfigurationsanweisungen. Für weitergehende Informationen schauen Sie bitte im Verzeichnis der Direktiven.

Die erste Spalte enthält den Namen und die Verwendung. Die zweite Spalte zeigt die Voreinstellung der Direktive, sofern eine Voreinstellung existiert. Wenn die Voreinstellung zu breit für die Anzeige ist, werden die ersten Buchstaben angegeben, gefolgt von einem "+".

Die dritte und vierte Spalte geben den Kontext an, in dem die Direktive erlaubt ist, sowie den Status der Direktive entsprechend der Legende.

 A  |  B  |  C  |  D  |  E  |  F  |  G  |  H  |  I  |  K  |  L  |  M  |  N  |  O  |  P  |  R  |  S  |  T  |  U  |  V  |  X 
vVirtual Host
AcceptFilter Protokoll FiltersC
Konfiguriert Optimierungen für lauschende Sockets bestimmter Protokolle
AcceptPathInfo On|Off|Default Default svdhC
Ressourcen lassen angehängte Pfadangaben zu
AccessFileName Dateiname [Dateiname] ... .htaccess svC
Name der dezentralen Konfigurationsdateien
Action Aktionsart CGI-Skript [virtual]svdhB
Aktiviert ein CGI-Skript für einen bestimmten Handler oder Content-Type
AddAlt string file [file] ...svdhB
Alternate text to display for a file, instead of an icon selected by filename
AddAltByEncoding string MIME-encoding [MIME-encoding] ...svdhB
Alternate text to display for a file instead of an icon selected by MIME-encoding
AddAltByType string MIME-type [MIME-type] ...svdhB
Alternate text to display for a file, instead of an icon selected by MIME content-type
AddCharset charset extension [extension] ...svdhB
Maps the given filename extensions to the specified content charset
AddDefaultCharset On|Off|Zeichenkodierung Off svdhC
Standard-Charset-Parameter, der bei Antworten vom Content-Type text/plain oder text/html hinzugefügt wird
AddDescription string file [file] ...svdhB
Description to display for a file
AddEncoding encoding extension [extension] ...svdhB
Maps the given filename extensions to the specified encoding type
AddHandler handler-name extension [extension] ...svdhB
Maps the filename extensions to the specified handler
AddIcon icon name [name] ...svdhB
Icon to display for a file selected by name
AddIconByEncoding icon MIME-encoding [MIME-encoding] ...svdhB
Icon to display next to files selected by MIME content-encoding
AddIconByType icon MIME-type [MIME-type] ...svdhB
Icon to display next to files selected by MIME content-type
AddInputFilter filter[;filter...] extension [extension] ...svdhB
Maps filename extensions to the filters that will process client requests
AddLanguage language-tag extension [extension] ...svdhB
Maps the given filename extension to the specified content language
AddModuleInfo module-name stringsvE
Adds additional information to the module information displayed by the server-info handler
AddOutputFilter filter[;filter...] extension [extension] ...svdhB
Maps filename extensions to the filters that will process responses from the server
AddOutputFilterByType filter[;filter...] media-type [media-type] ...svdhB
assigns an output filter to a particular media-type
AddType media-type extension [extension] ...svdhB
Maps the given filename extensions onto the specified content type
Alias URL-path file-path|directory-pathsvB
Maps URLs to filesystem locations
AliasMatch regex file-path|directory-pathsvB
Maps URLs to filesystem locations using regular expressions
Allow from all|host|env=[!]env-variable [host|env=[!]env-variable] ...dhE
Controls which hosts can access an area of the server
AllowCONNECT port[-port] [port[-port]] ... 443 563 svE
Ports that are allowed to CONNECT through the proxy
AllowEncodedSlashes On|Off Off svC
Legt fest, ob kodierte Pfadtrennzeichen in URLs durchgereicht werden dürfen
AllowMethods reset|HTTP-method [HTTP-method]... reset dX
Changes absolutely nothing
AllowOverride All|None|Direktiven-Typ [Direktiven-Typ] ... All dC
Direktiven-Typen, die in .htaccess-Dateien erlaubt sind.
Anonymous user [user] ...dhE
Specifies userIDs that are allowed access without password verification
Anonymous_LogEmail On|Off On dhE
Sets whether the password entered will be logged in the error log
Anonymous_MustGiveEmail On|Off On dhE
Specifies whether blank passwords are allowed
Anonymous_NoUserID On|Off Off dhE
Sets whether the userID field may be empty
Anonymous_VerifyEmail On|Off Off dhE
Sets whether to check the password field for a correctly formatted email address
AuthBasicAuthoritative On|Off On dhB
Sets whether authorization and authentication are passed to lower level modules
AuthBasicProvider provider-name [provider-name] ... file dhB
Sets the authentication provider(s) for this location
AuthDBDUserPWQuery querydE
SQL query to look up a password for a user
AuthDBDUserRealmQuery querydE
SQL query to look up a password hash for a user and realm.
AuthDBMGroupFile file-pathdhE
Sets the name of the database file containing the list of user groups for authorization
AuthDBMType default|SDBM|GDBM|NDBM|DB default dhE
Sets the type of database file that is used to store passwords
AuthDBMUserFile file-pathdhE
Sets the name of a database file containing the list of users and passwords for authentication
AuthDigestAlgorithm MD5|MD5-sess MD5 dhE
Selects the algorithm used to calculate the challenge and response hashes in digest authentication
AuthDigestDomain URI [URI] ...dhE
URIs that are in the same protection space for digest authentication
AuthDigestNcCheck On|Off Off sE
Enables or disables checking of the nonce-count sent by the server
AuthDigestNonceFormat formatdhE
Determines how the nonce is generated
AuthDigestNonceLifetime seconds 300 dhE
How long the server nonce is valid
AuthDigestProvider provider-name [provider-name] ... file dhE
Sets the authentication provider(s) for this location
AuthDigestQop none|auth|auth-int [auth|auth-int] auth dhE
Determines the quality-of-protection to use in digest authentication
AuthDigestShmemSize size 1000 sE
The amount of shared memory to allocate for keeping track of clients
AuthFormAuthoritative On|Off On dhB
Sets whether authorization and authentication are passed to lower level modules
AuthFormBody fieldnamedB
The name of a form field carrying the body of the request to attempt on successful login
AuthFormDisableNoStore On|Off Off dB
Disable the CacheControl no-store header on the login page
AuthFormFakeBasicAuth On|Off Off dB
Fake a Basic Authentication header
AuthFormLocation fieldnamedB
The name of a form field carrying a URL to redirect to on successful login
AuthFormLoginRequiredLocation urldB
The URL of the page to be redirected to should login be required
AuthFormLoginSuccessLocation urldB
The URL of the page to be redirected to should login be successful
AuthFormLogoutLocation uridB
The URL to redirect to after a user has logged out
AuthFormMethod fieldnamedB
The name of a form field carrying the method of the request to attempt on successful login
AuthFormMimetype fieldnamedB
The name of a form field carrying the mimetype of the body of the request to attempt on successful login
AuthFormPassword fieldnamedB
The name of a form field carrying the login password
AuthFormProvider provider-name [provider-name] ... file dhB
Sets the authentication provider(s) for this location
AuthFormSitePassphrase secretdB
Bypass authentication checks for high traffic sites
AuthFormBody sizedB
The largest size of the form in bytes that will be parsed for the login details
AuthFormUsername fieldnamedB
The name of a form field carrying the login username
AuthGroupFile file-pathdhB
Sets the name of a text file containing the list of user groups for authorization
AuthLDAPAuthorizePrefix prefix AUTHORIZE_ dhE
Specifies the prefix for environment variables set during authorization
AuthLDAPBindAuthoritativeoff|on on dhE
Determines if other authentication providers are used when a user can be mapped to a DN but the server cannot successfully bind with the user's credentials.
AuthLDAPBindDN distinguished-namedhE
Optional DN to use in binding to the LDAP server
AuthLDAPBindPassword passworddhE
Password used in conjuction with the bind DN
AuthLDAPCharsetConfig file-pathsE
Language to charset conversion configuration file
AuthLDAPCompareAsUser on|off off dhE
Use the authenticated user's credentials to perform authorization comparisons
AuthLDAPCompareDNOnServer on|off on dhE
Use the LDAP server to compare the DNs
AuthLDAPDereferenceAliases never|searching|finding|always always dhE
When will the module de-reference aliases
AuthLDAPGroupAttribute attribute member uniquemember +dhE
LDAP attributes used to identify the user members of groups.
AuthLDAPGroupAttributeIsDN on|off on dhE
Use the DN of the client username when checking for group membership
AuthLDAPInitialBindAsUser off|on off dhE
Determines if the server does the initial DN lookup using the basic authentication users' own username, instead of anonymously or with hard-coded credentials for the server
AuthLDAPInitialBindPatternregex substitution (.*) $1 (remote use +dhE
Specifies the transformation of the basic authentication username to be used when binding to the LDAP server to perform a DN lookup
AuthLDAPMaxSubGroupDepth Number 10 dhE
Specifies the maximum sub-group nesting depth that will be evaluated before the user search is discontinued.
AuthLDAPRemoteUserAttribute uiddhE
Use the value of the attribute returned during the user query to set the REMOTE_USER environment variable
AuthLDAPRemoteUserIsDN on|off off dhE
Use the DN of the client username to set the REMOTE_USER environment variable
AuthLDAPSearchAsUser on|off off dhE
Use the authenticated user's credentials to perform authorization searches
AuthLDAPSubGroupAttribute attributedhE
Specifies the attribute labels, one value per directive line, used to distinguish the members of the current group that are groups.
AuthLDAPSubGroupClass LdapObjectClass groupOfNames groupO +dhE
Specifies which LDAP objectClass values identify directory objects that are groups during sub-group processing.
URL specifying the LDAP search parameters
AuthMerging Off | And | Or Off dhB
Controls the manner in which each configuration section's authorization logic is combined with that of preceding configuration sections.
AuthName auth-domaindhB
Authorization realm for use in HTTP authentication
AuthnCacheContext directory|server|custom-stringdB
Specify a context string for use in the cache key
AuthnCacheProvideFor authn-provider [...]dhB
Specify which authn provider(s) to cache for
AuthnCacheSOCache provider-namesB
Select socache backend provider to use
AuthnCacheTimeout timeout (seconds)dhB
Set a timeout for cache entries
<AuthnProviderAlias baseProvider Alias> ... </AuthnProviderAlias>sB
Enclose a group of directives that represent an extension of a base authentication provider and referenced by the specified alias
AuthType None|Basic|Digest|FormdhB
Type of user authentication
AuthUserFile file-pathdhB
Sets the name of a text file containing the list of users and passwords for authentication
AuthzDBDLoginToReferer On|Off Off dE
Determines whether to redirect the Client to the Referring page on successful login or logout if a Referer request header is present
AuthzDBDQuery querydE
Specify the SQL Query for the required operation
AuthzDBDRedirectQuery querydE
Specify a query to look up a login page for the user
AuthzDBMType default|SDBM|GDBM|NDBM|DB default dhE
Sets the type of database file that is used to store list of user groups
<AuthzProviderAlias baseProvider Alias Require-Parameters> ... </AuthzProviderAlias> sB
Enclose a group of directives that represent an extension of a base authorization provider and referenced by the specified alias
AuthzSendForbiddenOnFailure On|Off Off dhB
Send '403 FORBIDDEN' instead of '401 UNAUTHORIZED' if authentication succeeds but authorization fails
BalancerGrowth # 5 svE
Number of additional Balancers that can be added Post-configuration
BalancerMember [balancerurl] url [key=value [key=value ...]]dE
Add a member to a load balancing group
BrowserMatch regex [!]env-variable[=value] [[!]env-variable[=value]] ...svdhB
Sets environment variables conditional on HTTP User-Agent
BrowserMatchNoCase regex [!]env-variable[=value] [[!]env-variable[=value]] ...svdhB
Sets environment variables conditional on User-Agent without respect to case
BufferedLogs On|Off Off sB
Buffer log entries in memory before writing to disk
BufferSize integer 131072 svdhE
Maximum size in bytes to buffer by the buffer filter
CacheDefaultExpire seconds 3600 (one hour) svdhE
The default duration to cache a document when no expiry date is specified.
CacheDetailHeader on|off off svdhE
Add an X-Cache-Detail header to the response.
CacheDirLength length 2 svE
The number of characters in subdirectory names
CacheDirLevels levels 2 svE
The number of levels of subdirectories in the cache.
CacheDisable url-string | onsvdhE
Disable caching of specified URLs
CacheEnable cache_type [url-string]svdhE
Enable caching of specified URLs using a specified storage manager
CacheFile file-path [file-path] ...sX
Cache a list of file handles at startup time
CacheHeader on|off off svdhE
Add an X-Cache header to the response.
CacheIgnoreCacheControl On|Off Off svE
Ignore request to not serve cached content to client
CacheIgnoreHeaders header-string [header-string] ... None svE
Do not store the given HTTP header(s) in the cache.
CacheIgnoreNoLastMod On|Off Off svdhE
Ignore the fact that a response has no Last Modified header.
CacheIgnoreQueryString On|Off Off svE
Ignore query string when caching
CacheIgnoreURLSessionIdentifiers identifier [identifier] ... None svE
Ignore defined session identifiers encoded in the URL when caching
CacheKeyBaseURL URL http://example.com svE
Override the base URL of reverse proxied cache keys.
CacheLastModifiedFactor float 0.1 svdhE
The factor used to compute an expiry date based on the LastModified date.
CacheLock on|off off svE
Enable the thundering herd lock.
CacheLockMaxAge integer 5 svE
Set the maximum possible age of a cache lock.
CacheLockPath directory /tmp/mod_cache-lock +svE
Set the lock path directory.
CacheMaxExpire seconds 86400 (one day) svdhE
The maximum time in seconds to cache a document
CacheMaxFileSize bytes 1000000 svdhE
The maximum size (in bytes) of a document to be placed in the cache
CacheMinExpire seconds 0 svdhE
The minimum time in seconds to cache a document
CacheMinFileSize bytes 1 svdhE
The minimum size (in bytes) of a document to be placed in the cache
CacheNegotiatedDocs On|Off Off svB
Allows content-negotiated documents to be cached by proxy servers
CacheQuickHandler on|off on svE
Run the cache from the quick handler.
CacheReadSize bytes 0 svdhE
The minimum size (in bytes) of the document to read and be cached before sending the data downstream
CacheReadTime milliseconds 0 svdhE
The minimum time (in milliseconds) that should elapse while reading before data is sent downstream
CacheRoot directorysvE
The directory root under which cache files are stored
CacheStaleOnError on|off on svdhE
Serve stale content in place of 5xx responses.
CacheStoreExpired On|Off Off svdhE
Attempt to cache responses that the server reports as expired
CacheStoreNoStore On|Off Off svdhE
Attempt to cache requests or responses that have been marked as no-store.
CacheStorePrivate On|Off Off svdhE
Attempt to cache responses that the server has marked as private
CGIMapExtension CGI-Pfad .EndungdhC
Technik zur Bestimmung des Interpreters für CGI-Skripte
CharsetDefault charsetsvdhE
Charset to translate into
CharsetOptions option [option] ... ImplicitAdd svdhE
Configures charset translation behavior
CharsetSourceEnc charsetsvdhE
Source charset of files
CheckCaseOnly on|off Off svdhE
Limits the action of the speling module to case corrections
CheckSpelling on|off Off svdhE
Enables the spelling module
ChrootDir /path/to/directorysB
Directory for apache to run chroot(8) after startup.
ContentDigest On|Off Off svdhC
Aktiviert die Generierung von Content-MD5 HTTP-Response-Headern
CookieDomain domainsvdhE
The domain to which the tracking cookie applies
CookieExpires expiry-periodsvdhE
Expiry time for the tracking cookie
CookieLog filenamesvB
Sets filename for the logging of cookies
CookieName token Apache svdhE
Name of the tracking cookie
CookieStyle Netscape|Cookie|Cookie2|RFC2109|RFC2965 Netscape svdhE
Format of the cookie header field
CookieTracking on|off off svdhE
Enables tracking cookie
CoreDumpDirectory VerzeichnissM
Verzeichnis, in das der Apache zu wechseln versucht, bevor er einen Hauptspeicherauszug erstellt
CustomLog file|pipe format|nickname [env=[!]environment-variable]svB
Sets filename and format of log file
Dav On|Off|provider-name Off dE
Enable WebDAV HTTP methods
DavDepthInfinity on|off off svdE
Allow PROPFIND, Depth: Infinity requests
DavGenericLockDB file-pathsvdE
Location of the DAV lock database
DavLockDB file-pathsvE
Location of the DAV lock database
DavMinTimeout seconds 0 svdE
Minimum amount of time the server holds a lock on a DAV resource
DBDExptime time-in-seconds 300 svE
Keepalive time for idle connections
DBDKeep number 2 svE
Maximum sustained number of connections
DBDMax number 10 svE
Maximum number of connections
DBDMin number 1 svE
Minimum number of connections
DBDParams param1=value1[,param2=value2]svE
Parameters for database connection
DBDPersist On|OffsvE
Whether to use persistent connections
DBDPrepareSQL "SQL statement" labelsvE
Define an SQL prepared statement
DBDriver namesvE
Specify an SQL driver
DefaultIcon url-pathsvdhB
Icon to display for files when no specific icon is configured
DefaultLanguage language-tagsvdhB
Defines a default language-tag to be sent in the Content-Language header field for all resources in the current context that have not been assigned a language-tag by some other means.
DefaultType MIME-Type text/plain svdhC
MIME-Content-Type, der gesendet wird, wenn der Server den Typ nicht auf andere Weise ermitteln kann.
Define ParameternamesC
Define the existence of a variable
DeflateBufferSize value 8096 svE
Fragment size to be compressed at one time by zlib
DeflateCompressionLevel valuesvE
How much compression do we apply to the output
DeflateFilterNote [type] notenamesvE
Places the compression ratio in a note for logging
DeflateMemLevel value 9 svE
How much memory should be used by zlib for compression
DeflateWindowSize value 15 svE
Zlib compression window size
Deny from all|host|env=[!]env-variable [host|env=[!]env-variable] ...dhE
Controls which hosts are denied access to the server
<Directory Verzeichnispfad> ... </Directory>svC
Umschließt eine Gruppe von Direktiven, die nur auf das genannte Verzeichnis des Dateisystems und Unterverzeichnisse angewendet werden
DirectoryIndex disabled | local-url [local-url] ... index.html svdhB
List of resources to look for when the client requests a directory
<DirectoryMatch regex> ... </DirectoryMatch>svC
Umschließt eine Gruppe von Direktiven, die auf Verzeichnisse des Dateisystems und ihre Unterverzeichnisse abgebildet werden, welche auf einen regulären Ausdruck passen
DirectorySlash On|Off On svdhB
Toggle trailing slash redirects on or off
DocumentRoot Verzeichnis /usr/local/apache/h +svC
Verzeichnis, welches den Haupt-Dokumentenbaum bildet, der im Web sichtbar ist.
DTracePrivileges On|Off Off sX
Determines whether the privileges required by dtrace are enabled.
DumpIOInput On|Off Off sE
Dump all input data to the error log
DumpIOOutput On|Off Off sE
Dump all output data to the error log
<Else> ... </Else>svdhC
Contains directives that apply only if the condition of a previous <If> or <ElseIf> section is not satisfied by a request at runtime
<ElseIf expression> ... </ElseIf>svdhC
Contains directives that apply only if a condition is satisfied by a request at runtime while the condition of a previous <If> or <ElseIf> section is not satisfied
EnableExceptionHook On|Off Off sM
Aktiviert einen Hook, der nach einem Absturz noch Ausnahmefehler behandeln lassen kann
EnableMMAP On|Off On svdhC
Verwende Memory-Mapping, um Dateien während der Auslieferung zu lesen
EnableSendfile On|Off On svdhC
Verwende die sendfile-Unterstützung des Kernels, um Dateien an den Client auszuliefern
Error messagesvdhC
Abort configuration parsing with a custom error message
ErrorDocument Fehlercode DokumentsvdhC
Das, was der Server im Fehlerfall an den Client zurückgibt
ErrorLog Dateiname|syslog[:facility] logs/error_log (Uni +svC
Ablageort, an dem der Server Fehler protokolliert
ErrorLog [connection|request] formatsvC
Format specification for error log entries
Demonstration directive to illustrate the Apache module API
ExpiresActive On|Off Off svdhE
Enables generation of Expires headers
ExpiresByType MIME-type <code>secondssvdhE
Value of the Expires header configured by MIME type
ExpiresDefault <code>secondssvdhE
Default algorithm for calculating expiration time
ExtendedStatus On|Off Off[*] sC
Keep track of extended status information for each request
ExtFilterDefine filtername parameterssE
Define an external filter
ExtFilterOptions option [option] ... NoLogStderr dE
Configure mod_ext_filter options
FallbackResource local-urlsvdhB
Define a default URL for requests that don't map to a file
FileETag Komponente ... INode MTime Size svdhC
Dateiattribute, die zur Erstellung des HTTP-Response-Headers ETag verwendet werden
<Files Dateiname> ... </Files>svdhC
Enthält Direktiven, die sich nur auf passende Dateinamen beziehen
<FilesMatch regex> ... </FilesMatch>svdhC
Enthält Direktiven, die für Dateinamen gelten, die auf einen regulären Ausdruck passen
FilterChain [+=-@!]filter-name ...svdhB
Configure the filter chain
FilterDeclare filter-name [type]svdhB
Declare a smart filter
FilterProtocol filter-name [provider-name] proto-flagssvdhB
Deal with correct HTTP protocol handling
FilterProvider filter-name provider-name expressionsvdhB
Register a content filter
FilterTrace filter-name levelsvdB
Get debug/diagnostic information from mod_filter
ForceLanguagePriority None|Prefer|Fallback [Prefer|Fallback] Prefer svdhB
Action to take if a single acceptable document is not found
ForceType MIME-Type|NonedhC
Erzwingt die Auslieferung aller passendenden Dateien mit dem angegebenen MIME-Content-Type
ForensicLog filename|pipesvE
Sets filename of the forensic log
GprofDir /tmp/gprof/|/tmp/gprof/%svC
Directory to write gmon.out profiling data to.
GracefulShutDownTimeout secondssM
Specify a timeout after which a gracefully shutdown server will exit.
Group unix-group #-1 sB
Group under which the server will answer requests
Header [condition] add|append|echo|edit|merge|set|unset header [value] [early|env=[!]variable]svdhE
Configure HTTP response headers
HeaderName filenamesvdhB
Name of the file that will be inserted at the top of the index listing
Address to send heartbeat requests
Address to listen for heartbeat requests
HeartbeatStorage file-path logs/hb.dat sE
Path to store heartbeat data
HeartbeatStorage file-path logs/hb.dat sE
Path to read heartbeat data
HostnameLookups On|Off|Double Off svdC
Aktiviert DNS-Lookups auf Client-IP-Adressen
IdentityCheck On|Off Off svdE
Enables logging of the RFC 1413 identity of the remote user
IdentityCheckTimeout seconds 30 svdE
Determines the timeout duration for ident requests
<If expression> ... </If>svdhC
Contains directives that apply only if a condition is satisfied by a request at runtime
<IfDefine [!]Parametername> ... </IfDefine>svdhC
Schließt Direktiven ein, die nur ausgeführt werden, wenn eine Testbedingung beim Start wahr ist
<IfModule [!]Modulname|Modulbezeichner> ... </IfModule>svdhC
Schließt Direktiven ein, die abhängig vom Vorhandensein oder Fehlen eines speziellen Moduls ausgeführt werden
<IfVersion [[!]operator] version> ... </IfVersion>svdhE
contains version dependent configuration
ImapBase map|referer|URL http://servername/ svdhB
Default base for imagemap files
ImapDefault error|nocontent|map|referer|URL nocontent svdhB
Default action when an imagemap is called with coordinates that are not explicitly mapped
ImapMenu none|formatted|semiformatted|unformattedsvdhB
Action if no coordinates are given when calling an imagemap
Include Dateiname|VerzeichnissvdC
Fügt andere Konfigurationsdateien innerhalb der Server-Konfigurationsdatei ein
IndexHeadInsert "markup ..."svdhB
Inserts text in the HEAD section of an index page.
IndexIgnore file [file] ... "." svdhB
Adds to the list of files to hide when listing a directory
IndexIgnoreReset ON|OFFsvdhB
Empties the list of files to hide when listing a directory
IndexOptions [+|-]option [[+|-]option] ...svdhB
Various configuration settings for directory indexing
IndexOrderDefault Ascending|Descending Name|Date|Size|Description Ascending Name svdhB
Sets the default ordering of the directory index
IndexStyleSheet url-pathsvdhB
Adds a CSS stylesheet to the directory index
InputSed sed-commanddhX
Sed command to filter request data (typically POST data)
ISAPIAppendLogToErrors on|off off svdhB
Record HSE_APPEND_LOG_PARAMETER requests from ISAPI extensions to the error log
ISAPIAppendLogToQuery on|off on svdhB
Record HSE_APPEND_LOG_PARAMETER requests from ISAPI extensions to the query field
ISAPICacheFile file-path [file-path] ...svB
ISAPI .dll files to be loaded at startup
ISAPIFakeAsync on|off off svdhB
Fake asynchronous support for ISAPI callbacks
ISAPILogNotSupported on|off off svdhB
Log unsupported feature requests from ISAPI extensions
ISAPIReadAheadBuffer size 49152 svdhB
Size of the Read Ahead Buffer sent to ISAPI extensions
KeepAlive On|Off On svC
Aktiviert persistente HTTP-Verbindungen
KeepAliveTimeout Sekunden 5 svC
Zeitspanne, die der Server während persistenter Verbindungen auf nachfolgende Anfragen wartet
KeptBodySize maximum size in bytes 0 dB
Keep the request body instead of discarding it up to the specified maximum size, for potential use by filters such as mod_include.
LanguagePriority MIME-lang [MIME-lang] ...svdhB
The precendence of language variants for cases where the client does not express a preference
LDAPCacheEntries number 1024 sE
Maximum number of entries in the primary LDAP cache
LDAPCacheTTL seconds 600 sE
Time that cached items remain valid
LDAPConnectionPoolTTL n -1 svE
Discard backend connections that have been sitting in the connection pool too long
LDAPConnectionTimeout secondssE
Specifies the socket connection timeout in seconds
LDAPLibraryDebug 7sE
Enable debugging in the LDAP SDK
LDAPOpCacheEntries number 1024 sE
Number of entries used to cache LDAP compare operations
LDAPOpCacheTTL seconds 600 sE
Time that entries in the operation cache remain valid
LDAPReferralHopLimit numberdhE
The maximum number of referral hops to chase before terminating an LDAP query.
LDAPReferrals On|Off On dhE
Enable referral chasing during queries to the LDAP server.
LDAPSharedCacheFile directory-path/filenamesE
Sets the shared memory cache file
LDAPSharedCacheSize bytes 500000 sE
Size in bytes of the shared-memory cache
LDAPTimeout seconds 60 sE
Specifies the timeout for LDAP search and bind operations, in seconds
LDAPTrustedClientCert type directory-path/filename/nickname [password]dhE
Sets the file containing or nickname referring to a per connection client certificate. Not all LDAP toolkits support per connection client certificates.
LDAPTrustedGlobalCert type directory-path/filename [password]sE
Sets the file or database containing global trusted Certificate Authority or global client certificates
LDAPTrustedMode typesvE
Specifies the SSL/TLS mode to be used when connecting to an LDAP server.
LDAPVerifyServerCert On|Off On sE
Force server certificate verification
<Limit Methode [Methode] ... > ... </Limit>svdhC
Beschränkt die eingeschlossenen Zugriffskontrollen auf bestimmte HTTP-Methoden
<LimitExcept Methode [Methode] ... > ... </LimitExcept>svdhC
Beschränkt Zugriffskontrollen auf alle HTTP-Methoden außer den genannten
LimitInternalRecursion Zahl [Zahl] 10 svC
Bestimmt die maximale Anzahl interner Umleitungen und verschachtelter Unteranfragen
LimitRequestBody Bytes 0 svdhC
Begrenzt die Gesamtgröße des vom Client gesendeten HTTP-Request-Body
LimitRequestFields Anzahl 100 sC
Begrenzt die Anzahl der HTTP-Request-Header, die vom Client entgegengenommen werden
LimitRequestFieldsize BytessC
Begrenzt die Länge des vom Client gesendeten HTTP-Request-Headers
LimitRequestLine Bytes 8190 sC
Begrenzt die Länge der vom Client entgegengenommenen HTTP-Anfragezeile
LimitXMLRequestBody Bytes 1000000 svdhC
Begrenzt die Größe eines XML-basierten Request-Bodys
Listen [IP-Addresse:]PortsM
IP-Adressen und Ports, an denen der Server lauscht
ListenBacklog backlogsM
Maximale Länge der Warteschlange schwebender Verbindungen
LoadFile filename [filename] ...sE
Link in the named object file or library
LoadModule module filenamesE
Links in the object file or library, and adds to the list of active modules
<Location URL-Pfad|URL> ... </Location>svC
Wendet die enthaltenen Direktiven nur auf die entsprechenden URLs an
<LocationMatch regex> ... </LocationMatch>svC
Wendet die enthaltenen Direktiven nur auf URLs an, die auf reguläre Ausdrücke passen
LogFormat format|nickname [nickname] "%h %l %u %t \"%r\" +svB
Describes a format for use in a log file
LogLevel Level warn svC
Steuert die Ausführlichkeit des Fehlerprotokolls
LogMessage message [hook=hook] [if=expression] dX
Log userdefined message to error log
LuaCodeCache stat|forever|never stat svdhX
Configure the compiled code cache.
LuaHookAccessChecker /path/to/lua/script.lua hook_function_namesvdhX
Provide a hook for the access_checker phase of request processing
LuaHookAuthChecker /path/to/lua/script.lua hook_function_namesvdhX
Provide a hook for the auth_checker phase of request processing
LuaHookCheckUserID /path/to/lua/script.lua hook_function_namesvdhX
Provide a hook for the check_user_id phase of request processing
LuaHookFixups /path/to/lua/script.lua hook_function_namesvdhX
Provide a hook for the fixups phase of request processing
LuaHookInsertFilter /path/to/lua/script.lua hook_function_namesvdhX
Provide a hook for the insert_filter phase of request processing
LuaHookMapToStorage /path/to/lua/script.lua hook_function_namesvdhX
Provide a hook for the map_to_storage phase of request processing
LuaHookTranslateName /path/to/lua/script.lua hook_function_namesvdhX
Provide a hook for the translate name phase of request processing
LuaHookTypeChecker /path/to/lua/script.lua hook_function_namesvdhX
Provide a hook for the type_checker phase of request processing
LuaMapHandler uri-pattern /path/to/lua/script.lua [function-name]svdhX
Map a path to a lua handler
LuaPackageCPath /path/to/include/?.soasvdhX
Add a directory to lua's package.cpath
LuaPackagePath /path/to/include/?.luasvdhX
Add a directory to lua's package.path
Provide a hook for the quick handler of request processing
LuaRoot /path/to/a/directorysvdhX
Specify the base path for resolving relative paths for mod_lua directives
LuaScope once|request|conn|server [max|min max] once svdhX
One of once, request, conn, server -- default is once
MaxConnectionsPerChild number 0 sM
Limit on the number of connections that an individual child server will handle during its life
MaxKeepAliveRequests Anzahl 100 svC
Anzahl der Anfragen, die bei einer persistenten Verbindung zulässig sind
MaxMemFree KBytes 0 sM
Maximale Menge des Arbeitsspeichers, den die Haupt-Zuteilungsroutine verwalten darf, ohne free() aufzurufen
MaxRequestWorkers numbersM
Maximum number of connections that will be processed simultaneously
MaxSpareServers Anzahl 10 sM
Maximale Anzahl der unbeschäftigten Kindprozesse des Servers
MaxSpareThreads AnzahlsM
Maximale Anzahl unbeschäftigter Threads
MaxThreads number 2048 sM
Set the maximum number of worker threads
MetaDir directory .web svdhE
Name of the directory to find CERN-style meta information files
MetaFiles on|off off svdhE
Activates CERN meta-file processing
MetaSuffix suffix .meta svdhE
File name suffix for the file containg CERN-style meta information
MimeMagicFile file-pathsvE
Enable MIME-type determination based on file contents using the specified magic file
MinSpareServers Anzahl 5 sM
Minimale Anzahl der unbeschäftigten Kindprozesse des Servers
MinSpareThreads AnzahlsM
Minimale Anzahl unbeschäftigter Threads, die zur Bedienung von Anfragespitzen zur Verfügung stehen
MMapFile file-path [file-path] ...sX
Map a list of files into memory at startup time
ModemStandard V.21|V.26bis|V.32|V.92X
Modem standard to simulate
ModMimeUsePathInfo On|Off Off dB
Tells mod_mime to treat path_info components as part of the filename
MultiviewsMatch Any|NegotiatedOnly|Filters|Handlers [Handlers|Filters] NegotiatedOnly svdhB
The types of files that will be included when searching for a matching file with MultiViews
Mutex mechanism [default|mutex-name] ... [OmitPID] default sC
Configures mutex mechanism and lock file directory for all or specified mutexes
NameVirtualHost Adresse[:Port]sC
Bestimmt eine IP-Adresse für den Betrieb namensbasierter virtueller Hosts
NoProxy host [host] ...svE
Hosts, domains, or networks that will be connected to directly
NWSSLTrustedCerts filename [filename] ...sB
List of additional client certificates
NWSSLUpgradeable [IP-address:]portnumbersB
Allows a connection to be upgraded to an SSL connection upon request
Options [+|-]Option [[+|-]Option] ... All svdhC
Definiert, welche Eigenschaften oder Funktionen in einem bestimmten Verzeichnis verfügbar sind
Order ordering Deny,Allow dhE
Controls the default access state and the order in which Allow and Deny are evaluated.
OutputSed sed-commanddhX
Sed command for filtering response content
PassEnv env-variable [env-variable] ...svdhB
Passes environment variables from the shell
PidFile Dateiname logs/httpd.pid sM
Datei, in welcher der Server die Prozess-ID des Daemons ablegt
Trade off processing speed and efficiency vs security against malicious privileges-aware code.
Protocol protocolsvC
Protocol for a listening socket
ProtocolEcho On|Off Off svX
Turn the echo server on or off
<Proxy wildcard-url> ...</Proxy>svE
Container for directives applied to proxied resources
ProxyAddHeaders Off|On On svdE
Add proxy information in X-Forwarded-* headers
ProxyBadHeader IsError|Ignore|StartBody IsError svE
Determines how to handle bad header lines in a response
ProxyBlock *|word|host|domain [word|host|domain] ...svE
Words, hosts, or domains that are banned from being proxied
ProxyDomain DomainsvE
Default domain name for proxied requests
ProxyErrorOverride On|Off Off svdE
Override error pages for proxied content
ProxyExpressDBMFile <pathname>svE
Pathname to DBM file.
ProxyExpressDBMFile <type>svE
DBM type of file.
ProxyExpressEnable [on|off]svE
Enable the module functionality.
ProxyFtpDirCharset character set ISO-8859-1 svdE
Define the character set for proxied FTP listings
ProxyFtpEscapeWildcards [on|off]svdE
Whether wildcards in requested filenames are escaped when sent to the FTP server
ProxyFtpListOnWildcard [on|off]svdE
Whether wildcards in requested filenames trigger a file listing
ProxyIOBufferSize bytes 8192 svE
Determine size of internal data throughput buffer
<ProxyMatch regex> ...</ProxyMatch>svE
Container for directives applied to regular-expression-matched proxied resources
ProxyMaxForwards number -1 svE
Maximium number of proxies that a request can be forwarded through
ProxyPass [path] !|url [key=value [key=value ...]] [nocanon] [interpolate]svdE
Maps remote servers into the local server URL-space
ProxyPassInterpolateEnv On|Off Off svdE
Enable Environment Variable interpolation in Reverse Proxy configurations
ProxyPassMatch [regex] !|url [key=value [key=value ...]]svdE
Maps remote servers into the local server URL-space using regular expressions
ProxyPassReverse [path] url [interpolate]svdE
Adjusts the URL in HTTP response headers sent from a reverse proxied server
ProxyPassReverseCookieDomain internal-domain public-domain [interpolate]svdE
Adjusts the Domain string in Set-Cookie headers from a reverse- proxied server
ProxyPassReverseCookiePath internal-path public-path [interpolate]svdE
Adjusts the Path string in Set-Cookie headers from a reverse- proxied server
ProxyPreserveHost On|Off Off svdE
Use incoming Host HTTP request header for proxy request
ProxyReceiveBufferSize bytes 0 svE
Network buffer size for proxied HTTP and FTP connections
ProxyRemote match remote-serversvE
Remote proxy used to handle certain requests
ProxyRemoteMatch regex remote-serversvE
Remote proxy used to handle requests matched by regular expressions
ProxyRequests On|Off Off svE
Enables forward (standard) proxy requests
ProxySCGIInternalRedirect On|Off On svdE
Enable or disable internal redirect responses from the backend
ProxySCGISendfile On|Off|Headername Off svdE
Enable evaluation of X-Sendfile pseudo response header
ProxySet url key=value [key=value ...]dE
Set various Proxy balancer or member parameters
ProxyStatus Off|On|Full Off svE
Show Proxy LoadBalancer status in mod_status
ProxyTimeout secondssvE
Network timeout for proxied requests
ProxyVia On|Off|Full|Block Off svE
Information provided in the Via HTTP response header for proxied requests
ReadmeName filenamesvdhB
Name of the file that will be inserted at the end of the index listing
ReceiveBufferSize bytes 0 sM
TCP receive buffer size
Redirect [status] URL-path URLsvdhB
Sends an external redirect asking the client to fetch a different URL
RedirectMatch [status] regex URLsvdhB
Sends an external redirect based on a regular expression match of the current URL
RedirectPermanent URL-path URLsvdhB
Sends an external permanent redirect asking the client to fetch a different URL
RedirectTemp URL-path URLsvdhB
Sends an external temporary redirect asking the client to fetch a different URL
ReflectorHeader inputheader [outputheader]svdhB
Reflect an input header to the output headers
RemoteIPHeader header-fieldsvB
Declare the header field which should be parsed for client IP addresses
RemoteIPInternalProxy proxy-ip|proxy-ip/subnet|hostname ...svB
Declare client intranet IP addresses trusted to present the RemoteIPHeader value
RemoteIPInternalProxyList filenamesvB
Declare client intranet IP addresses trusted to present the RemoteIPHeader value
RemoteIPProxiesHeader HeaderFieldNamesvB
Declare the header field which will record all intermediate IP addresses
RemoteIPTrustedProxy proxy-ip|proxy-ip/subnet|hostname ...svB
Declare client intranet IP addresses trusted to present the RemoteIPHeader value
RemoteIPTrustedProxyList filenamesvB
Declare client intranet IP addresses trusted to present the RemoteIPHeader value
RemoveCharset extension [extension] ...vdhB
Removes any character set associations for a set of file extensions
RemoveEncoding extension [extension] ...vdhB
Removes any content encoding associations for a set of file extensions
RemoveHandler extension [extension] ...vdhB
Removes any handler associations for a set of file extensions
RemoveInputFilter extension [extension] ...vdhB
Removes any input filter associations for a set of file extensions
RemoveLanguage extension [extension] ...vdhB
Removes any language associations for a set of file extensions
RemoveOutputFilter extension [extension] ...vdhB
Removes any output filter associations for a set of file extensions
RemoveType extension [extension] ...vdhB
Removes any content type associations for a set of file extensions
RequestHeader add|append|edit|edit*|merge|set|unset header [value] [replacement] [early|env=[!]variable]svdhE
Configure HTTP request headers
RequestReadTimeout [header=timeout[[-maxtimeout],MinRate=rate] [body=timeout[[-maxtimeout],MinRate=rate] svE
Set timeout values for receiving request headers and body from client.
Require [not] entity-name [entity-name] ...dhB
Tests whether an authenticated user is authorized by an authorization provider.
<RequireAll> ... </RequireAll>dhB
Enclose a group of authorization directives of which none must fail and at least one must succeed for the enclosing directive to succeed.
<RequireAny> ... </RequireAny>dhB
Enclose a group of authorization directives of which one must succeed for the enclosing directive to succeed.
<RequireNone> ... </RequireNone>dhB
Enclose a group of authorization directives of which none must succeed for the enclosing directive to not fail.
RewriteBase URL-pathdhE
Sets the base URL for per-directory rewrites
RewriteCond TestString CondPatternsvdhE
Defines a condition under which rewriting will take place
RewriteEngine on|off off svdhE
Enables or disables runtime rewriting engine
RewriteMap MapName MapType:MapSource svE
Defines a mapping function for key-lookup
RewriteOptions OptionssvdhE
Sets some special options for the rewrite engine
RewriteRule Pattern Substitution [flags]svdhE
Defines rules for the rewriting engine
RLimitCPU Sekunden|max [Sekunden|max]svdhC
Begrenzt den CPU-Verbrauch von Prozessen, die von Apache-Kindprozessen gestartet wurden
RLimitMEM Bytes|max [Bytes|max]svdhC
Begrenzt den Speicherverbrauch von Prozessen, die von Apache-Kindprozessen gestartet wurden
RLimitNPROC Zahl|max [Zahl|max]svdhC
Begrenzt die Anzahl der Prozesse, die von Prozessen gestartet werden können, der ihrerseits von Apache-Kinprozessen gestartet wurden
Satisfy Any|All All dhE
Interaction between host-level access control and user authentication
ScoreBoardFile Dateipfad logs/apache_status sM
Ablageort der Datei, die zur Speicherung von Daten zur Koordinierung der Kindprozesse verwendet wird
Script Methode CGI-SkriptsvdB
Aktiviert ein CGI-Skript für eine bestimmte Anfragemethode.
ScriptAlias URL-path file-path|directory-pathsvB
Maps a URL to a filesystem location and designates the target as a CGI script
ScriptAliasMatch regex file-path|directory-pathsvB
Maps a URL to a filesystem location using a regular expression and designates the target as a CGI script
ScriptInterpreterSource Registry|Registry-Strict|Script Script svdhC
Methode zur Ermittlung des Interpreters von CGI-Skripten
ScriptLog file-pathsvB
Location of the CGI script error logfile
ScriptLogBuffer bytes 1024 svB
Maximum amount of PUT or POST requests that will be recorded in the scriptlog
ScriptLogLength bytes 10385760 svB
Size limit of the CGI script logfile
ScriptSock file-path logs/cgisock sB
The filename prefix of the socket to use for communication with the cgi daemon
SecureListen [IP-address:]portnumber Certificate-Name [MUTUAL]sB
Enables SSL encryption for the specified port
SeeRequestTail On|Off Off sC
Determine if mod_status displays the first 63 characters of a request or the last 63, assuming the request itself is greater than 63 chars.
SendBufferSize Bytes 0 sM
Größe des TCP-Puffers
ServerAdmin E-Mail-Adresse|URLsvC
E-Mail-Adresse, die der Server in Fehlermeldungen einfügt, welche an den Client gesendet werden
ServerAlias Hostname [Hostname] ...vC
Alternativer Name für einen Host, der verwendet wird, wenn Anfragen einem namensbasierten virtuellen Host zugeordnet werden
ServerLimit AnzahlsM
Obergrenze für die konfigurierbare Anzahl von Prozessen
ServerName voll-qualifizierter-Domainname[:port]svC
Rechnername und Port, die der Server dazu verwendet, sich selbst zu identifizieren
ServerPath URL-PfadvC
Veralteter URL-Pfad für einen namensbasierten virtuellen Host, auf den von einem inkompatiblen Browser zugegriffen wird
ServerRoot Verzeichnis /usr/local/apache sC
Basisverzeichnis der Serverinstallation
ServerSignature On|Off|EMail Off svdhC
Konfiguriert die Fußzeile von servergenerierten Dokumenten
ServerTokens Major|Minor|Min[imal]|Prod[uctOnly]|OS|Full Full sC
Konfiguriert den HTTP-Response-Header Server
Session On|Off Off svdhE
Enables a session for the current directory or location
SessionCookieName name attributessvdhE
Name and attributes for the RFC2109 cookie storing the session
SessionCookieName2 name attributessvdhE
Name and attributes for the RFC2965 cookie storing the session
SessionCookieRemove On|Off Off svdhE
Control for whether session cookies should be removed from incoming HTTP headers
SessionCryptoDriver name [param[=value]]sX
The crypto driver to be used to encrypt the session
SessionCryptoPassphrase secretsvdhX
The key used to encrypt the session
SessionDBDCookieName name attributessvdhE
Name and attributes for the RFC2109 cookie storing the session ID
SessionDBDCookieName2 name attributessvdhE
Name and attributes for the RFC2965 cookie storing the session ID
SessionDBDCookieRemove On|Off On svdhE
Control for whether session ID cookies should be removed from incoming HTTP headers
SessionDBDDeleteLabel label deletesession svdhE
The SQL query to use to remove sessions from the database
SessionDBDInsertLabel label insertsession svdhE
The SQL query to use to insert sessions into the database
SessionDBDPerUser On|Off Off svdhE
Enable a per user session
SessionDBDSelectLabel label selectsession svdhE
The SQL query to use to select sessions from the database
SessionDBDUpdateLabel label updatesession svdhE
The SQL query to use to update existing sessions in the database
SessionEnv On|Off Off svdhE
Control whether the contents of the session are written to the HTTP_SESSION environment variable
SessionExclude pathsvdhE
Define URL prefixes for which a session is ignored
SessionHeader headersvdhE
Import session updates from a given HTTP response header
SessionInclude pathsvdhE
Define URL prefixes for which a session is valid
SessionMaxAge maxage 0 svdhE
Define a maximum age in seconds for a session
SetEnv env-variable valuesvdhB
Sets environment variables
SetEnvIf attribute regex [!]env-variable[=value] [[!]env-variable[=value]] ...svdhB
Sets environment variables based on attributes of the request
SetEnvIfExpr expr [!]env-variable[=value] [[!]env-variable[=value]] ...svdhB
Sets environment variables based on an ap_expr expression
SetEnvIfNoCase attribute regex [!]env-variable[=value] [[!]env-variable[=value]] ...svdhB
Sets environment variables based on attributes of the request without respect to case
SetHandler Handlername|NonesvdhC
Erzwingt die Verarbeitung aller passenden Dateien durch einen Handler
SetInputFilter Filter[;Filter...]svdhC
Bestimmt die Filter, die Client-Anfragen und POST-Eingaben verarbeiten
SetOutputFilter Filter[;Filter...]svdhC
Bestimmt die Filter, die Antworten des Servers verarbeiten
SSIAccessEnable on|off off dhB
Enable the -A flag in legacy conditional expressions.
SSIEndTag tag "-->" svB
String that ends an include element
SSIErrorMsg message "[an error occurred +svdhB
Error message displayed when there is an SSI error
SSIETag on|off off dhB
Controls whether ETags are generated by the server.
SSILastModified on|off off dhB
Controls whether Last-Modified headers are generated by the server.
SSILegacyExprParser on|off off dhB
Enable compatibility mode for conditional expressions.
SSIStartTag tag "<!--#" svB
String that starts an include element
SSITimeFormat formatstring "%A, %d-%b-%Y %H:%M +svdhB
Configures the format in which date strings are displayed
SSIUndefinedEcho string "(none)" svdhB
String displayed when an unset variable is echoed
SSLCACertificateFile file-pathsvE
File of concatenated PEM-encoded CA Certificates for Client Auth
SSLCACertificatePath directory-pathsvE
Directory of PEM-encoded CA Certificates for Client Auth
SSLCADNRequestFile file-pathsvE
File of concatenated PEM-encoded CA Certificates for defining acceptable CA names
SSLCADNRequestPath directory-pathsvE
Directory of PEM-encoded CA Certificates for defining acceptable CA names
SSLCARevocationFile file-pathsvE
File of concatenated PEM-encoded CA CRLs for Client Auth
SSLCARevocationPath directory-pathsvE
Directory of PEM-encoded CA CRLs for Client Auth
SSLCertificateChainFile file-pathsvE
File of PEM-encoded Server CA Certificates
SSLCertificateFile file-pathsvE
Server PEM-encoded X.509 Certificate file
SSLCertificateKeyFile file-pathsvE
Server PEM-encoded Private Key file
SSLCipherSuite cipher-spec DEFAULT (depends on +svdhE
Cipher Suite available for negotiation in SSL handshake
SSLCryptoDevice engine builtin sE
Enable use of a cryptographic hardware accelerator
SSLEngine on|off|optional off svE
SSL Engine Operation Switch
SSLFIPS on|off off sE
SSL FIPS mode Switch
SSLHonorCipherOrder flagsvE
Option to prefer the server's cipher preference order
SSLInsecureRenegotiation flag off svE
Option to enable support for insecure renegotiation
SSLOCSDefaultResponder urisvE
Set the default responder URI for OCSP validation
SSLOCSPEnable flagsvE
Enable OCSP validation of the client certificate chain
SSLOCSPOverrideResponder flagsvE
Force use of the default responder URI for OCSP validation
SSLOCSPResponderTimeout seconds 10 svE
Timeout for OCSP queries
SSLOCSPResponseMaxAge seconds -1 svE
Maximum allowable age for OCSP responses
SSLOCSPResponseTimeSkew seconds 300 svE
Maximum allowable time skew for OCSP response validation
SSLOptions [+|-]option ...svdhE
Configure various SSL engine run-time options
SSLPassPhraseDialog type builtin sE
Type of pass phrase dialog for encrypted private keys
SSLProtocol [+|-]protocol ... all svE
Configure usable SSL protocol versions
SSLProxyCACertificateFile file-pathsvE
File of concatenated PEM-encoded CA Certificates for Remote Server Auth
SSLProxyCACertificatePath directory-pathsvE
Directory of PEM-encoded CA Certificates for Remote Server Auth
SSLProxyCARevocationFile file-pathsvE
File of concatenated PEM-encoded CA CRLs for Remote Server Auth
SSLProxyCARevocationPath directory-pathsvE
Directory of PEM-encoded CA CRLs for Remote Server Auth
SSLProxyCheckPeerCN on|off on svE
Whether to check the remote server certificates CN field
SSLProxyCheckPeerExpire on|off on svE
Whether to check if remote server certificate is expired
SSLProxyCipherSuite cipher-spec ALL:!ADH:RC4+RSA:+H +svdhE
Cipher Suite available for negotiation in SSL proxy handshake
SSLProxyEngine on|off off svE
SSL Proxy Engine Operation Switch
SSLProxyMachineCertificateFile filenamesE
File of concatenated PEM-encoded client certificates and keys to be used by the proxy
SSLProxyMachineCertificatePath directorysE
Directory of PEM-encoded client certificates and keys to be used by the proxy
SSLProxyProtocol [+|-]protocol ... all svE
Configure usable SSL protocol flavors for proxy usage
SSLProxyVerify level none svE
Type of remote server Certificate verification
SSLProxyVerifyDepth number 1 svE
Maximum depth of CA Certificates in Remote Server Certificate verification
SSLRandomSeed context source [bytes]sE
Pseudo Random Number Generator (PRNG) seeding source
SSLRenegBufferSize bytes 131072 dhE
Set the size for the SSL renegotiation buffer
SSLRequire expressiondhE
Allow access only when an arbitrarily complex boolean expression is true
Deny access when SSL is not used for the HTTP request
SSLSessionCache type none sE
Type of the global/inter-process SSL Session Cache
SSLSessionCacheTimeout seconds 300 svE
Number of seconds before an SSL session expires in the Session Cache
SSLStrictSNIVHostCheck on|off off svE
Whether to allow non-SNI clients to access a name-based virtual host.
SSLUserName varnamesdhE
Variable name to determine user name
SSLVerifyClient level none svdhE
Type of Client Certificate verification
SSLVerifyDepth number 1 svdhE
Maximum depth of CA Certificates in Client Certificate verification
StartServers AnzahlsM
Anzahl der Kindprozesse des Servers, die beim Start erstellt werden
StartThreads AnzahlsM
Anzahl der Threads, die beim Start erstellt werden
Substitute s/pattern/substitution/[infq]dhE
Pattern to filter the response content
Suexec On|OffsB
Enable or disable the suEXEC feature
SuexecUserGroup User GroupsvE
User and group for CGI programs to run as
ThreadLimit AnzahlsM
Bestimmt die Obergrenze der konfigurierbaren Anzahl von Threads pro Kindprozess
ThreadsPerChild AnzahlsM
Anzahl der Threads, die mit jedem Kindprozess gestartet werden
ThreadStackSize sizesM
Die Größe des Stacks in Bytes, der von Threads verwendet wird, die Client-Verbindungen bearbeiten.
TimeOut Sekunden 300 sC
Zeitspanne, die der Server auf verschiedene Ereignisse wartet, bevor er die Anfrage abbricht
TraceEnable [on|off|extended] on sC
Legt das Verhalten von TRACE-Anfragen fest
TransferLog file|pipesvB
Specify location of a log file
TypesConfig file-path conf/mime.types sB
The location of the mime.types file
UnDefine parameter-namesC
Undefine the existence of a variable
UnsetEnv env-variable [env-variable] ...svdhB
Removes variables from the environment
UseCanonicalName On|Off|DNS Off svdC
Bestimmt, wie der Server seinen eigenen Namen und Port ermittelt
UseCanonicalPhysicalPort On|Off Off svdC
Bestimmt, wie der Server seinen eigenen Namen und Port ermittelt
User unix-userid #-1 sB
The userid under which the server will answer requests
UserDir directory-filename [directory-filename] ... svB
Location of the user-specific directories
VHostCGIMode On|Off|Secure On vX
Determines whether the virtualhost can run subprocesses, and the privileges available to subprocesses.
VHostPrivs [+-]?privilege-name [[+-]?privilege-name] ...vX
Assign arbitrary privileges to subprocesses created by a virtual host.
VHostGroup unix-groupidvX
Sets the Group ID under which a virtual host runs.
VHostPrivs [+-]?privilege-name [[+-]?privilege-name] ...vX
Assign arbitrary privileges to a virtual host.
VHostSecure On|Off On vX
Determines whether the server runs with enhanced security for the virtualhost.
VHostUser unix-useridvX
Sets the User ID under which a virtual host runs.
VirtualDocumentRoot interpolated-directory|none none svE
Dynamically configure the location of the document root for a given virtual host
VirtualDocumentRootIP interpolated-directory|none none svE
Dynamically configure the location of the document root for a given virtual host
<VirtualHost Adresse[:Port] [Adresse[:Port]] ...> ... </VirtualHost>sC
Enthält Direktiven, die nur auf bestimmte Hostnamen oder IP-Adressen angewendet werden
VirtualScriptAlias interpolated-directory|none none svE
Dynamically configure the location of the CGI directory for a given virtual host
VirtualScriptAliasIP interpolated-directory|none none svE
Dynamically configure the location of the cgi directory for a given virtual host
XBitHack on|off|full off svdhB
Parse SSI directives in files with the execute bit set

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