Apache > HTTP Server > Documentation > Version 2.3 > Modules

Apache Module mod_proxy_balancer

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Description:mod_proxy extension for load balancing
Module Identifier:proxy_balancer_module
Source File:mod_proxy_balancer.c
Compatibility:Available in version 2.1 and later


This module requires the service of mod_proxy. It provides load balancing support for HTTP, FTP and AJP13 protocols

Load balancing scheduler algorithm is provided by not this module but other modules such as: mod_lbmethod_byrequests, mod_lbmethod_bytraffic and mod_lbmethod_bybusyness.

Thus, in order to get the ability of load balancing, mod_proxy, mod_proxy_balancer and at least one of load balancing scheduler algorithm modules have to be present in the server.


Do not enable proxying until you have secured your server. Open proxy servers are dangerous both to your network and to the Internet at large.



See also


Load balancer scheduler algorithm

At present, there are 3 load balancer scheduler algorithms available for use: Request Counting, Weighted Traffic Counting and Pending Request Counting. These are controlled via the lbmethod value of the Balancer definition. See the ProxyPass directive for more information.


Examples of a balancer configuration

Before we dive into the technical details, here's an example of how you might use mod_proxy_balancer to provide load balancing between two back-end servers:

<Proxy balancer://mycluster>
ProxyPass /test balancer://mycluster

Another example of how to provide load balancing with stickyness using mod_headers, even if the backend server does not set a suitable session cookie:

<Proxy balancer://mycluster>
BalancerMember route=1
BalancerMember route=2
ProxySet stickysession=ROUTEID
ProxyPass /test balancer://mycluster


Exported Environment Variables

At present there are 6 environment variables exported:


This is assigned the stickysession value used in the current request. It is the cookie or parameter name used for sticky sessions


This is assigned the route parsed from the current request.


This is assigned the name of the balancer used for the current request. The value is something like balancer://foo.


This is assigned the name of the worker used for the current request. The value is something like http://hostA:1234.


This is assigned the route of the worker that will be used for the current request.


This is set to 1 if the session route does not match the worker route (BALANCER_SESSION_ROUTE != BALANCER_WORKER_ROUTE) or the session does not yet have an established route. This can be used to determine when/if the client needs to be sent an updated route when sticky sessions are used.


Enabling Balancer Manager Support

This module requires the service of mod_status. Balancer manager enables dynamic update of balancer members. You can use balancer manager to change the balance factor or a particular member, or put it in the off line mode.

Thus, in order to get the ability of load balancer management, mod_status and mod_proxy_balancer have to be present in the server.

To enable load balancer management for browsers from the example.com domain add this code to your httpd.conf configuration file

<Location /balancer-manager>
SetHandler balancer-manager

Order Deny,Allow
Deny from all
Allow from .example.com

You can now access load balancer manager by using a Web browser to access the page http://your.server.name/balancer-manager


BalancerNonce Directive

Description:Set the nonce used in the balancer-manager application
Syntax:BalancerNonce Default|None|Set "value"
Default:ProxyStatus Default
Context:server config, virtual host
Compatibility:Available in version 2.4 and later

This directive specifies the protective nonce used in the balancer-manager application page.

The default is to use an automatically determined UUID-based nonce, to provide for further protection for the page. If set to Set, then the next argument sets the nonce to that value. A setting of None disables all nonce checking.

BalancerNonce Set "RealGudSharedSecret"


In addition to the nonce, the balancer-manager page should be protected via an ACL.

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