CREATE DATABASE SQL - Language Statements CREATE DATABASE Creates a new database 1998-04-15 CREATE DATABASE name [WITH LOCATION = 'dbpath'] 1998-04-15 Inputs name The name of a database to create. dbpath An alternate location can be specified as either an environment variable known to the backend server (e.g. 'PGDATA2') or as an absolute path name (e.g. '/usr/local/pgsql/data'). In either case, the location must be pre-configured by initlocation. 1998-04-15 Outputs CREATEDB Message returned if the command completes successfully. WARN: createdb: database "name" already exists. This occurs if database specified already exists. ERROR: Unable to create database directory directory There was a problem with creating the required directory; this operation will need permissions for the postgres user on the specified location. 1998-04-15 Description CREATE DATABASE creates a new Postgres database. The creator becomes the administrator of the new database. 1998-04-15 Notes CREATE DATABASE statement is a Postgres language extension. Refer to DROP DATABASE statement to remove a database. Usage To create a new database: olly=> create database lusiadas; To create a new database in an alternate area ~/private_db: $ mkdir private_db $ initlocation ~/private_db Creating Postgres database system directory /home/olly/private_db/base $ psql olly Welcome to the POSTGRESQL interactive sql monitor: Please read the file COPYRIGHT for copyright terms of POSTGRESQL type \? for help on slash commands type \q to quit type \g or terminate with semicolon to execute query You are currently connected to the database: template1 olly=> create database elsewhere with location = '/home/olly/private_db'; CREATEDB Bugs There are security and data integrity issues involved with using alternate database locations specified with absolute path names. See the Administrator's Guide for more information. Compatibility 1998-04-15 SQL92 There is no CREATE DATABASE statement on SQL92. The equivalent command in standard SQL is CREATE SCHEMA.