/* * sar, sadc, sadf, mpstat and iostat common routines. * (C) 1999-2016 by Sebastien GODARD (sysstat orange.fr) * *************************************************************************** * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the * * Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your * * option) any later version. * * * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY * * or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License * * for more details. * * * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along * * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., * * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1335 USA * *************************************************************************** */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include /* For STDOUT_FILENO, among others */ #include #include #include #include #include #include "version.h" #include "common.h" #include "ioconf.h" #include "rd_stats.h" #ifdef USE_NLS #include #include #define _(string) gettext(string) #else #define _(string) (string) #endif /* Number of ticks per second */ unsigned int hz; /* Number of bit shifts to convert pages to kB */ unsigned int kb_shift; /* Colors strings */ char sc_percent_high[MAX_SGR_LEN] = C_BOLD_RED; char sc_percent_low[MAX_SGR_LEN] = C_BOLD_BLUE; char sc_zero_int_stat[MAX_SGR_LEN] = C_LIGHT_YELLOW; char sc_int_stat[MAX_SGR_LEN] = C_BOLD_YELLOW; char sc_item_name[MAX_SGR_LEN] = C_LIGHT_GREEN; char sc_sa_restart[MAX_SGR_LEN] = C_LIGHT_RED; char sc_sa_comment[MAX_SGR_LEN] = C_LIGHT_CYAN; char sc_normal[MAX_SGR_LEN] = C_NORMAL; /* Type of persistent device names used in sar and iostat */ char persistent_name_type[MAX_FILE_LEN]; /* *************************************************************************** * Print sysstat version number and exit. *************************************************************************** */ void print_version(void) { printf(_("sysstat version %s\n"), VERSION); printf("(C) Sebastien Godard (sysstat orange.fr)\n"); exit(0); } /* *************************************************************************** * Get local date and time. * * IN: * @d_off Day offset (number of days to go back in the past). * * OUT: * @rectime Current local date and time. * * RETURNS: * Value of time in seconds since the Epoch. *************************************************************************** */ time_t get_localtime(struct tm *rectime, int d_off) { time_t timer; struct tm *ltm; time(&timer); timer -= SEC_PER_DAY * d_off; ltm = localtime(&timer); if (ltm) { *rectime = *ltm; } return timer; } /* *************************************************************************** * Get date and time expressed in UTC. * * IN: * @d_off Day offset (number of days to go back in the past). * * OUT: * @rectime Current date and time expressed in UTC. * * RETURNS: * Value of time in seconds since the Epoch. *************************************************************************** */ time_t get_gmtime(struct tm *rectime, int d_off) { time_t timer; struct tm *ltm; time(&timer); timer -= SEC_PER_DAY * d_off; ltm = gmtime(&timer); if (ltm) { *rectime = *ltm; } return timer; } /* *************************************************************************** * Get date and time and take into account variable. * * IN: * @d_off Day offset (number of days to go back in the past). * * OUT: * @rectime Current date and time. * * RETURNS: * Value of time in seconds since the Epoch. *************************************************************************** */ time_t get_time(struct tm *rectime, int d_off) { static int utc = 0; char *e; if (!utc) { /* Read environment variable value once */ if ((e = getenv(ENV_TIME_DEFTM)) != NULL) { utc = !strcmp(e, K_UTC); } utc++; } if (utc == 2) return get_gmtime(rectime, d_off); else return get_localtime(rectime, d_off); } /* *************************************************************************** * Count number of comma-separated values in arguments list. For example, * the number will be 3 for the list "foobar -p 1 -p 2,3,4 2 5". * * IN: * @arg_c Number of arguments in the list. * @arg_v Arguments list. * * RETURNS: * Number of comma-separated values in the list. *************************************************************************** */ int count_csvalues(int arg_c, char **arg_v) { int opt = 1; int nr = 0; char *t; while (opt < arg_c) { if (strchr(arg_v[opt], ',')) { for (t = arg_v[opt]; t; t = strchr(t + 1, ',')) { nr++; } } opt++; } return nr; } /* *************************************************************************** * Look for partitions of a given block device in /sys filesystem. * * IN: * @dev_name Name of the block device. * * RETURNS: * Number of partitions for the given block device. *************************************************************************** */ int get_dev_part_nr(char *dev_name) { DIR *dir; struct dirent *drd; char dfile[MAX_PF_NAME], line[MAX_PF_NAME]; int part = 0; snprintf(dfile, MAX_PF_NAME, "%s/%s", SYSFS_BLOCK, dev_name); dfile[MAX_PF_NAME - 1] = '\0'; /* Open current device directory in /sys/block */ if ((dir = opendir(dfile)) == NULL) return 0; /* Get current file entry */ while ((drd = readdir(dir)) != NULL) { if (!strcmp(drd->d_name, ".") || !strcmp(drd->d_name, "..")) continue; snprintf(line, MAX_PF_NAME, "%s/%s/%s", dfile, drd->d_name, S_STAT); line[MAX_PF_NAME - 1] = '\0'; /* Try to guess if current entry is a directory containing a stat file */ if (!access(line, R_OK)) { /* Yep... */ part++; } } /* Close directory */ closedir(dir); return part; } /* *************************************************************************** * Look for block devices present in /sys/ filesystem: * Check first that sysfs is mounted (done by trying to open /sys/block * directory), then find number of devices registered. * * IN: * @display_partitions Set to TRUE if partitions must also be counted. * * RETURNS: * Total number of block devices (and partitions if @display_partitions was * set). *************************************************************************** */ int get_sysfs_dev_nr(int display_partitions) { DIR *dir; struct dirent *drd; char line[MAX_PF_NAME]; int dev = 0; /* Open /sys/block directory */ if ((dir = opendir(SYSFS_BLOCK)) == NULL) /* sysfs not mounted, or perhaps this is an old kernel */ return 0; /* Get current file entry in /sys/block directory */ while ((drd = readdir(dir)) != NULL) { if (!strcmp(drd->d_name, ".") || !strcmp(drd->d_name, "..")) continue; snprintf(line, MAX_PF_NAME, "%s/%s/%s", SYSFS_BLOCK, drd->d_name, S_STAT); line[MAX_PF_NAME - 1] = '\0'; /* Try to guess if current entry is a directory containing a stat file */ if (!access(line, R_OK)) { /* Yep... */ dev++; if (display_partitions) { /* We also want the number of partitions for this device */ dev += get_dev_part_nr(drd->d_name); } } } /* Close /sys/block directory */ closedir(dir); return dev; } /* *************************************************************************** * Read /proc/devices file and get device-mapper major number. * If device-mapper entry is not found in file, assume it's not active. * * RETURNS: * Device-mapper major number. *************************************************************************** */ unsigned int get_devmap_major(void) { FILE *fp; char line[128]; /* * Linux uses 12 bits for the major number, * so this shouldn't match any real device. */ unsigned int dm_major = ~0U; if ((fp = fopen(DEVICES, "r")) == NULL) return dm_major; while (fgets(line, sizeof(line), fp) != NULL) { if (strstr(line, "device-mapper")) { /* Read device-mapper major number */ sscanf(line, "%u", &dm_major); } } fclose(fp); return dm_major; } /* *************************************************************************** * Returns whether S_TIME_FORMAT is set to ISO. * * RETURNS: * TRUE if S_TIME_FORMAT is set to ISO, or FALSE otherwise. *************************************************************************** */ int is_iso_time_fmt(void) { static int is_iso = -1; char *e; if (is_iso < 0) { is_iso = (((e = getenv(ENV_TIME_FMT)) != NULL) && !strcmp(e, K_ISO)); } return is_iso; } /* *************************************************************************** * Print tabulations * * IN: * @nr_tab Number of tabs to print. *************************************************************************** */ void prtab(int nr_tab) { int i; for (i = 0; i < nr_tab; i++) { printf("\t"); } } /* *************************************************************************** * printf() function modified for XML-like output. Don't print a CR at the * end of the line. * * IN: * @nr_tab Number of tabs to print. * @fmtf printf() format. *************************************************************************** */ void xprintf0(int nr_tab, const char *fmtf, ...) { static char buf[1024]; va_list args; va_start(args, fmtf); vsnprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), fmtf, args); va_end(args); prtab(nr_tab); printf("%s", buf); } /* *************************************************************************** * printf() function modified for XML-like output. Print a CR at the end of * the line. * * IN: * @nr_tab Number of tabs to print. * @fmtf printf() format. *************************************************************************** */ void xprintf(int nr_tab, const char *fmtf, ...) { static char buf[1024]; va_list args; va_start(args, fmtf); vsnprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), fmtf, args); va_end(args); prtab(nr_tab); printf("%s\n", buf); } /* *************************************************************************** * Print banner. * * IN: * @rectime Date to display (don't use time fields). * @sysname System name to display. * @release System release number to display. * @nodename Hostname to display. * @machine Machine architecture to display. * @cpu_nr Number of CPU. * @format Set to FALSE for (default) plain output, and to TRUE for * JSON format output. * * RETURNS: * TRUE if S_TIME_FORMAT is set to ISO, or FALSE otherwise. *************************************************************************** */ int print_gal_header(struct tm *rectime, char *sysname, char *release, char *nodename, char *machine, int cpu_nr, int format) { char cur_date[64]; int rc = 0; if (rectime == NULL) { strcpy(cur_date, "?/?/?"); } else if (is_iso_time_fmt()) { strftime(cur_date, sizeof(cur_date), "%Y-%m-%d", rectime); rc = 1; } else { strftime(cur_date, sizeof(cur_date), "%x", rectime); } if (format == PLAIN_OUTPUT) { /* Plain output */ printf("%s %s (%s) \t%s \t_%s_\t(%d CPU)\n", sysname, release, nodename, cur_date, machine, cpu_nr); } else { /* JSON output */ xprintf(0, "{\"sysstat\": {"); xprintf(1, "\"hosts\": ["); xprintf(2, "{"); xprintf(3, "\"nodename\": \"%s\",", nodename); xprintf(3, "\"sysname\": \"%s\",", sysname); xprintf(3, "\"release\": \"%s\",", release); xprintf(3, "\"machine\": \"%s\",", machine); xprintf(3, "\"number-of-cpus\": %d,", cpu_nr); xprintf(3, "\"date\": \"%s\",", cur_date); xprintf(3, "\"statistics\": ["); } return rc; } #ifdef USE_NLS /* *************************************************************************** * Init National Language Support. *************************************************************************** */ void init_nls(void) { setlocale(LC_MESSAGES, ""); setlocale(LC_CTYPE, ""); setlocale(LC_TIME, ""); setlocale(LC_NUMERIC, ""); bindtextdomain(PACKAGE, LOCALEDIR); textdomain(PACKAGE); } #endif /* *************************************************************************** * Get number of rows for current window. * * RETURNS: * Number of rows. *************************************************************************** */ int get_win_height(void) { struct winsize win; /* * This default value will be used whenever STDOUT * is redirected to a pipe or a file */ int rows = 3600 * 24; if (ioctl(STDOUT_FILENO, TIOCGWINSZ, &win) != -1) { if (win.ws_row > 2) { rows = win.ws_row - 2; } } return rows; } /* *************************************************************************** * Canonicalize and remove /dev from path name. * * IN: * @name Device name (may begin with "/dev/" or can be a symlink). * * RETURNS: * Device basename. *************************************************************************** */ char *device_name(char *name) { static char out[MAX_FILE_LEN]; char *resolved_name; int i = 0; /* realpath() creates new string, so we need to free it later */ resolved_name = realpath(name, NULL); /* If path doesn't exist, just return input */ if (!resolved_name) { return name; } if (!strncmp(resolved_name, "/dev/", 5)) { i = 5; } strncpy(out, resolved_name + i, MAX_FILE_LEN); out[MAX_FILE_LEN - 1] = '\0'; free(resolved_name); return out; } /* *************************************************************************** * Test whether given name is a device or a partition, using sysfs. * This is more straightforward that using ioc_iswhole() function from * ioconf.c which should be used only with kernels that don't have sysfs. * * IN: * @name Device or partition name. * @allow_virtual TRUE if virtual devices are also accepted. * The device is assumed to be virtual if no * /sys/block//device link exists. * * RETURNS: * TRUE if @name is not a partition. *************************************************************************** */ int is_device(char *name, int allow_virtual) { char syspath[PATH_MAX]; char *slash; /* Some devices may have a slash in their name (eg. cciss/c0d0...) */ while ((slash = strchr(name, '/'))) { *slash = '!'; } snprintf(syspath, sizeof(syspath), "%s/%s%s", SYSFS_BLOCK, name, allow_virtual ? "" : "/device"); return !(access(syspath, F_OK)); } /* *************************************************************************** * Get page shift in kB. *************************************************************************** */ void get_kb_shift(void) { int shift = 0; long size; /* One can also use getpagesize() to get the size of a page */ if ((size = sysconf(_SC_PAGESIZE)) == -1) { perror("sysconf"); } size >>= 10; /* Assume that a page has a minimum size of 1 kB */ while (size > 1) { shift++; size >>= 1; } kb_shift = (unsigned int) shift; } /* *************************************************************************** * Get number of clock ticks per second. *************************************************************************** */ void get_HZ(void) { long ticks; if ((ticks = sysconf(_SC_CLK_TCK)) == -1) { perror("sysconf"); } hz = (unsigned int) ticks; } /* *************************************************************************** * Workaround for CPU counters read from /proc/stat: Dyn-tick kernels * have a race issue that can make those counters go backward. *************************************************************************** */ double ll_sp_value(unsigned long long value1, unsigned long long value2, unsigned long long itv) { if (value2 < value1) return (double) 0; else return SP_VALUE(value1, value2, itv); } /* *************************************************************************** * Compute time interval. * * IN: * @prev_uptime Previous uptime value in jiffies. * @curr_uptime Current uptime value in jiffies. * * RETURNS: * Interval of time in jiffies. *************************************************************************** */ unsigned long long get_interval(unsigned long long prev_uptime, unsigned long long curr_uptime) { unsigned long long itv; /* prev_time=0 when displaying stats since system startup */ itv = curr_uptime - prev_uptime; if (!itv) { /* Paranoia checking */ itv = 1; } return itv; } /* *************************************************************************** * Since ticks may vary slightly from CPU to CPU, we'll want * to recalculate itv based on this CPU's tick count, rather * than that reported by the "cpu" line. Otherwise we * occasionally end up with slightly skewed figures, with * the skew being greater as the time interval grows shorter. * * IN: * @scc Current sample statistics for current CPU. * @scp Previous sample statistics for current CPU. * * RETURNS: * Interval of time based on current CPU. *************************************************************************** */ unsigned long long get_per_cpu_interval(struct stats_cpu *scc, struct stats_cpu *scp) { unsigned long long ishift = 0LL; if ((scc->cpu_user - scc->cpu_guest) < (scp->cpu_user - scp->cpu_guest)) { /* * Sometimes the nr of jiffies spent in guest mode given by the guest * counter in /proc/stat is slightly higher than that included in * the user counter. Update the interval value accordingly. */ ishift += (scp->cpu_user - scp->cpu_guest) - (scc->cpu_user - scc->cpu_guest); } if ((scc->cpu_nice - scc->cpu_guest_nice) < (scp->cpu_nice - scp->cpu_guest_nice)) { /* * Idem for nr of jiffies spent in guest_nice mode. */ ishift += (scp->cpu_nice - scp->cpu_guest_nice) - (scc->cpu_nice - scc->cpu_guest_nice); } /* * Don't take cpu_guest and cpu_guest_nice into account * because cpu_user and cpu_nice already include them. */ return ((scc->cpu_user + scc->cpu_nice + scc->cpu_sys + scc->cpu_iowait + scc->cpu_idle + scc->cpu_steal + scc->cpu_hardirq + scc->cpu_softirq) - (scp->cpu_user + scp->cpu_nice + scp->cpu_sys + scp->cpu_iowait + scp->cpu_idle + scp->cpu_steal + scp->cpu_hardirq + scp->cpu_softirq) + ishift); } /* *************************************************************************** * Unhandled situation: Panic and exit. Should never happen. * * IN: * @function Function name where situation occured. * @error_code Error code. *************************************************************************** */ void sysstat_panic(const char *function, int error_code) { fprintf(stderr, "sysstat: %s[%d]: Internal error...\n", function, error_code); exit(1); } /* *************************************************************************** * Count number of bits set in an array. * * IN: * @ptr Pointer to array. * @size Size of array in bytes. * * RETURNS: * Number of bits set in the array. *************************************************************************** */ int count_bits(void *ptr, int size) { int nr = 0, i, k; char *p; p = ptr; for (i = 0; i < size; i++, p++) { k = 0x80; while (k) { if (*p & k) nr++; k >>= 1; } } return nr; } /* *************************************************************************** * Compute "extended" device statistics (service time, etc.). * * IN: * @sdc Structure with current device statistics. * @sdp Structure with previous device statistics. * @itv Interval of time in jiffies. * * OUT: * @xds Structure with extended statistics. *************************************************************************** */ void compute_ext_disk_stats(struct stats_disk *sdc, struct stats_disk *sdp, unsigned long long itv, struct ext_disk_stats *xds) { double tput = ((double) (sdc->nr_ios - sdp->nr_ios)) * HZ / itv; xds->util = S_VALUE(sdp->tot_ticks, sdc->tot_ticks, itv); xds->svctm = tput ? xds->util / tput : 0.0; /* * Kernel gives ticks already in milliseconds for all platforms * => no need for further scaling. */ xds->await = (sdc->nr_ios - sdp->nr_ios) ? ((sdc->rd_ticks - sdp->rd_ticks) + (sdc->wr_ticks - sdp->wr_ticks)) / ((double) (sdc->nr_ios - sdp->nr_ios)) : 0.0; xds->arqsz = (sdc->nr_ios - sdp->nr_ios) ? ((sdc->rd_sect - sdp->rd_sect) + (sdc->wr_sect - sdp->wr_sect)) / ((double) (sdc->nr_ios - sdp->nr_ios)) : 0.0; } /* *************************************************************************** * Convert in-place input string to lowercase. * * IN: * @str String to be converted. * * OUT: * @str String in lowercase. * * RETURNS: * String in lowercase. *************************************************************************** */ char *strtolower(char *str) { char *cp = str; while (*cp) { *cp = tolower(*cp); cp++; } return(str); } /* *************************************************************************** * Get persistent type name directory from type. * * IN: * @type Persistent type name (UUID, LABEL, etc.) * * RETURNS: * Path to the persistent type name directory, or NULL if access is denied. *************************************************************************** */ char *get_persistent_type_dir(char *type) { static char dir[32]; snprintf(dir, 32, "%s-%s", DEV_DISK_BY, type); if (access(dir, R_OK)) { return (NULL); } return (dir); } /* *************************************************************************** * Get persistent name absolute path. * * IN: * @name Persistent name. * * RETURNS: * Path to the persistent name, or NULL if file doesn't exist. *************************************************************************** */ char *get_persistent_name_path(char *name) { static char path[PATH_MAX]; snprintf(path, PATH_MAX, "%s/%s", get_persistent_type_dir(persistent_name_type), name); if (access(path, F_OK)) { return (NULL); } return (path); } /* *************************************************************************** * Get files from persistent type name directory. * * RETURNS: * List of files in the persistent type name directory in alphabetical order. *************************************************************************** */ char **get_persistent_names(void) { int n, i, k = 0; char *dir; char **files = NULL; struct dirent **namelist; /* Get directory name for selected persistent type */ dir = get_persistent_type_dir(persistent_name_type); if (!dir) return (NULL); n = scandir(dir, &namelist, NULL, alphasort); if (n < 0) return (NULL); /* If directory is empty, it contains 2 entries: "." and ".." */ if (n <= 2) /* Free list and return NULL */ goto free_list; /* Ignore the "." and "..", but keep place for one last NULL. */ files = (char **) calloc(n - 1, sizeof(char *)); if (!files) goto free_list; /* * i is for traversing namelist, k is for files. * i != k because we are ignoring "." and ".." entries. */ for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { /* Ignore "." and "..". */ if (!strcmp(".", namelist[i]->d_name) || !strcmp("..", namelist[i]->d_name)) continue; files[k] = (char *) calloc(strlen(namelist[i]->d_name) + 1, sizeof(char)); if (!files[k]) continue; strcpy(files[k++], namelist[i]->d_name); } files[k] = NULL; free_list: for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { free(namelist[i]); } free(namelist); return (files); } /* *************************************************************************** * Get persistent name from pretty name. * * IN: * @pretty Pretty name (e.g. sda, sda1, ..). * * RETURNS: * Persistent name. *************************************************************************** */ char *get_persistent_name_from_pretty(char *pretty) { int i = -1; ssize_t r; char *link, *name; char **persist_names; char target[PATH_MAX]; static char persist_name[FILENAME_MAX]; persist_name[0] = '\0'; /* Get list of files from persistent type name directory */ persist_names = get_persistent_names(); if (!persist_names) return (NULL); while (persist_names[++i]) { /* Get absolute path for current persistent name */ link = get_persistent_name_path(persist_names[i]); if (!link) continue; /* Persistent name is usually a symlink: Read it... */ r = readlink(link, target, PATH_MAX); if ((r <= 0) || (r >= PATH_MAX)) continue; target[r] = '\0'; /* ... and get device pretty name it points at */ name = basename(target); if (!name || (name[0] == '\0')) continue; if (!strncmp(name, pretty, FILENAME_MAX)) { /* We have found pretty name for current persistent one */ strncpy(persist_name, persist_names[i], FILENAME_MAX); persist_name[FILENAME_MAX - 1] = '\0'; break; } } i = -1; while (persist_names[++i]) { free (persist_names[i]); } free (persist_names); if (strlen(persist_name) <= 0) return (NULL); return persist_name; } /* *************************************************************************** * Get pretty name (sda, sda1...) from persistent name. * * IN: * @persistent Persistent name. * * RETURNS: * Pretty name. *************************************************************************** */ char *get_pretty_name_from_persistent(char *persistent) { ssize_t r; char *link, *pretty, target[PATH_MAX]; /* Get absolute path for persistent name */ link = get_persistent_name_path(persistent); if (!link) return (NULL); /* Persistent name is usually a symlink: Read it... */ r = readlink(link, target, PATH_MAX); if ((r <= 0) || (r >= PATH_MAX)) return (NULL); target[r] = '\0'; /* ... and get device pretty name it points at */ pretty = basename(target); if (!pretty || (pretty[0] == '\0')) return (NULL); return pretty; } /* *************************************************************************** * Init color strings. *************************************************************************** */ void init_colors(void) { char *e, *p; int len; /* Read S_COLORS environment variable */ if (((e = getenv(ENV_COLORS)) == NULL) || !strcmp(e, C_NEVER) || (strcmp(e, C_ALWAYS) && !isatty(STDOUT_FILENO))) { /* * Environment variable not set, or set to "never", * or set to "auto" and stdout is not a terminal: * Unset color strings. */ strcpy(sc_percent_high, ""); strcpy(sc_percent_low, ""); strcpy(sc_zero_int_stat, ""); strcpy(sc_int_stat, ""); strcpy(sc_item_name, ""); strcpy(sc_sa_comment, ""); strcpy(sc_sa_restart, ""); strcpy(sc_normal, ""); return; } /* Read S_COLORS_SGR environment variable */ if ((e = getenv(ENV_COLORS_SGR)) == NULL) /* Environment variable not set */ return; for (p = strtok(e, ":"); p; p =strtok(NULL, ":")) { len = strlen(p); if ((len > 7) || (len < 3) || (*(p + 1) != '=') || (strspn(p + 2, ";0123456789") != (len - 2))) /* Ignore malformed codes */ continue; switch (*p) { case 'H': snprintf(sc_percent_high, MAX_SGR_LEN, "\e[%sm", p + 2); break; case 'M': snprintf(sc_percent_low, MAX_SGR_LEN, "\e[%sm", p + 2); break; case 'Z': snprintf(sc_zero_int_stat, MAX_SGR_LEN, "\e[%sm", p + 2); break; case 'N': snprintf(sc_int_stat, MAX_SGR_LEN, "\e[%sm", p + 2); break; case 'I': snprintf(sc_item_name, MAX_SGR_LEN, "\e[%sm", p + 2); break; case 'C': snprintf(sc_sa_comment, MAX_SGR_LEN, "\e[%sm", p + 2); break; case 'R': snprintf(sc_sa_restart, MAX_SGR_LEN, "\e[%sm", p + 2); break; } } } /* *************************************************************************** * Print 64 bit unsigned values using colors. * * IN: * @num Number of values to print. * @width Output width. *************************************************************************** */ void cprintf_u64(int num, int width, ...) { int i; uint64_t val; va_list args; va_start(args, width); for (i = 0; i < num; i++) { val = va_arg(args, unsigned long long); if (!val) { printf("%s", sc_zero_int_stat); } else { printf("%s", sc_int_stat); } printf(" %*"PRIu64, width, val); printf("%s", sc_normal); } va_end(args); } /* *************************************************************************** * Print hex values using colors. * * IN: * @num Number of values to print. * @width Output width. *************************************************************************** */ void cprintf_x(int num, int width, ...) { int i; unsigned int val; va_list args; va_start(args, width); for (i = 0; i < num; i++) { val = va_arg(args, unsigned int); printf("%s", sc_int_stat); printf(" %*x", width, val); printf("%s", sc_normal); } va_end(args); } /* *************************************************************************** * Print "double" statistics values using colors. * * IN: * @num Number of values to print. * @width Output width. * @wd Number of decimal places. *************************************************************************** */ void cprintf_f(int num, int wi, int wd, ...) { int i; double val; va_list args; va_start(args, wd); for (i = 0; i < num; i++) { val = va_arg(args, double); if (((val < 0.005) && (val > -0.005)) || ((wd == 0) && (val < 0.5))) { printf("%s", sc_zero_int_stat); } else { printf("%s", sc_int_stat); } printf(" %*.*f", wi, wd, val); printf("%s", sc_normal); } va_end(args); } /* *************************************************************************** * Print "percent" statistics values using colors. * * IN: * @num Number of values to print. * @width Output width. * @wd Number of decimal places. *************************************************************************** */ void cprintf_pc(int num, int wi, int wd, ...) { int i; double val; va_list args; va_start(args, wd); for (i = 0; i < num; i++) { val = va_arg(args, double); if (val >= PERCENT_LIMIT_HIGH) { printf("%s", sc_percent_high); } else if (val >= PERCENT_LIMIT_LOW) { printf("%s", sc_percent_low); } else if (val < 0.005) { printf("%s", sc_zero_int_stat); } else { printf("%s", sc_int_stat); } printf(" %*.*f", wi, wd, val); printf("%s", sc_normal); } va_end(args); } /* *************************************************************************** * Print item name using selected color. * Only one name can be displayed. Name can be an integer or a string. * * IN: * @type 0 if name is an int, 1 if name is a string * @format Output format. * @item_string Item name (given as a string of characters). * @item_int Item name (given as an integer value). *************************************************************************** */ void cprintf_in(int type, char *format, char *item_string, int item_int) { printf("%s", sc_item_name); if (type) { printf(format, item_string); } else { printf(format, item_int); } printf("%s", sc_normal); } /* *************************************************************************** * Print a string using selected color. * * IN: * @type Type of string to display. * @format Output format. * @string String to display. *************************************************************************** */ void cprintf_s(int type, char *format, char *string) { if (type == IS_STR) { printf("%s", sc_int_stat); } else if (type == IS_ZERO) { printf("%s", sc_zero_int_stat); } else if (type == IS_RESTART) { printf("%s", sc_sa_restart); } else { /* IS_COMMENT */ printf("%s", sc_sa_comment); } printf(format, string); printf("%s", sc_normal); }