/* %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % % % % % % W W M M FFFFF % % W W MM MM F % % W W W M M M FFF % % WW WW M M F % % W W M M F % % % % % % Read Windows Metafile Format % % % % Software Design % % John Cristy % % December 2000 % % % % % % Copyright 1999-2013 ImageMagick Studio LLC, a non-profit organization % % dedicated to making software imaging solutions freely available. % % % % You may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may % % obtain a copy of the License at % % % % http://www.imagemagick.org/script/license.php % % % % Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software % % distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, % % WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. % % See the License for the specific language governing permissions and % % limitations under the License. % % % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% */ /* Include declarations. */ #include "MagickCore/studio.h" #include "MagickCore/property.h" #include "MagickCore/blob.h" #include "MagickCore/blob-private.h" #include "MagickCore/color.h" #include "MagickCore/color-private.h" #include "MagickCore/constitute.h" #include "MagickCore/exception.h" #include "MagickCore/exception-private.h" #include "MagickCore/image.h" #include "MagickCore/image-private.h" #include "MagickCore/list.h" #include "MagickCore/log.h" #include "MagickCore/magick.h" #include "MagickCore/memory_.h" #include "MagickCore/monitor.h" #include "MagickCore/monitor-private.h" #include "MagickCore/paint.h" #include "MagickCore/quantum-private.h" #include "MagickCore/static.h" #include "MagickCore/string_.h" #include "MagickCore/module.h" #include "MagickCore/type.h" #include "MagickCore/module.h" #include "MagickWand/MagickWand.h" #if defined(__CYGWIN__) #undef MAGICKCORE_WMF_DELEGATE #endif #if defined(MAGICKCORE_WMF_DELEGATE) #include "libwmf/api.h" #include "libwmf/eps.h" /* %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % % % % % % R e a d W M F I m a g e % % % % % % % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % ReadWMFImage() reads an Windows Metafile image file and returns it. It % allocates the memory necessary for the new Image structure and returns a % pointer to the new image. % % The format of the ReadWMFImage method is: % % Image *ReadWMFImage(const ImageInfo *image_info,ExceptionInfo *exception) % % A description of each parameter follows: % % o image_info: the image info. % % o exception: return any errors or warnings in this structure. % */ static int WMFReadBlob(void *image) { return(ReadBlobByte((Image *) image)); } static int WMFSeekBlob(void *image,long offset) { return((int) SeekBlob((Image *) image,(MagickOffsetType) offset,SEEK_SET)); } static long WMFTellBlob(void *image) { return((long) TellBlob((Image*) image)); } static Image *ReadWMFImage(const ImageInfo *image_info,ExceptionInfo *exception) { char filename[MaxTextExtent]; int unique_file; FILE *file; Image *image; ImageInfo *read_info; MagickBooleanType status; size_t flags; wmfAPI *wmf_info; wmfAPI_Options options; wmfD_Rect bounding_box; wmf_eps_t *eps_info; wmf_error_t wmf_status; /* Read WMF image. */ image=AcquireImage(image_info,exception); status=OpenBlob(image_info,image,ReadBinaryBlobMode,exception); if (status == MagickFalse) { image=DestroyImageList(image); return((Image *) NULL); } wmf_info=(wmfAPI *) NULL; flags=0; flags|=WMF_OPT_IGNORE_NONFATAL; flags|=WMF_OPT_FUNCTION; options.function=wmf_eps_function; wmf_status=wmf_api_create(&wmf_info,(unsigned long) flags,&options); if (wmf_status != wmf_E_None) { if (wmf_info != (wmfAPI *) NULL) wmf_api_destroy(wmf_info); ThrowReaderException(DelegateError,"UnableToInitializeWMFLibrary"); } wmf_status=wmf_bbuf_input(wmf_info,WMFReadBlob,WMFSeekBlob,WMFTellBlob, (void *) image); if (wmf_status != wmf_E_None) { wmf_api_destroy(wmf_info); ThrowFileException(exception,FileOpenError,"UnableToOpenFile", image->filename); image=DestroyImageList(image); return((Image *) NULL); } wmf_status=wmf_scan(wmf_info,0,&bounding_box); if (wmf_status != wmf_E_None) { wmf_api_destroy(wmf_info); ThrowReaderException(DelegateError,"FailedToScanFile"); } eps_info=WMF_EPS_GetData(wmf_info); file=(FILE *) NULL; unique_file=AcquireUniqueFileResource(filename); if (unique_file != -1) file=fdopen(unique_file,"wb"); if ((unique_file == -1) || (file == (FILE *) NULL)) { wmf_api_destroy(wmf_info); ThrowReaderException(FileOpenError,"UnableToCreateTemporaryFile"); } eps_info->out=wmf_stream_create(wmf_info,file); eps_info->bbox=bounding_box; wmf_status=wmf_play(wmf_info,0,&bounding_box); if (wmf_status != wmf_E_None) { wmf_api_destroy(wmf_info); ThrowReaderException(DelegateError,"FailedToRenderFile"); } (void) fclose(file); wmf_api_destroy(wmf_info); (void) CloseBlob(image); image=DestroyImage(image); /* Read EPS image. */ read_info=CloneImageInfo(image_info); SetImageInfoBlob(read_info,(void *) NULL,0); (void) FormatLocaleString(read_info->filename,MaxTextExtent,"eps:%s", filename); image=ReadImage(read_info,exception); read_info=DestroyImageInfo(read_info); if (image != (Image *) NULL) { (void) CopyMagickString(image->filename,image_info->filename, MaxTextExtent); (void) CopyMagickString(image->magick_filename,image_info->filename, MaxTextExtent); (void) CopyMagickString(image->magick,"WMF",MaxTextExtent); } (void) RelinquishUniqueFileResource(filename); return(GetFirstImageInList(image)); } #elif defined(MAGICKCORE_WMFLITE_DELEGATE) #define ERR(API) ((API)->err != wmf_E_None) #define XC(x) ((double) x) #define YC(y) ((double) y) #if !defined(M_PI) # define M_PI MagickPI #endif #if defined(MAGICKCORE_HAVE_FT2BUILD_H) # include #endif #include "libwmf/fund.h" #include "libwmf/types.h" #include "libwmf/api.h" #undef SRCCOPY #undef SRCPAINT #undef SRCAND #undef SRCINVERT #undef SRCERASE #undef NOTSRCCOPY #undef NOTSRCERASE #undef MERGECOPY #undef MERGEPAINT #undef PATCOPY #undef PATPAINT #undef PATINVERT #undef DSTINVERT #undef BLACKNESS #undef WHITENESS /* The following additinal undefs were required for MinGW */ #undef BS_HOLLOW #undef PS_STYLE_MASK #undef PS_ENDCAP_ROUND #undef PS_ENDCAP_SQUARE #undef PS_ENDCAP_FLAT #undef PS_ENDCAP_MASK #undef PS_JOIN_ROUND #undef PS_JOIN_BEVEL #undef PS_JOIN_MITER #undef PS_COSMETIC #undef PS_GEOMETRIC #undef PS_TYPE_MASK #undef STRETCH_ANDSCANS #undef STRETCH_ORSCANS #undef STRETCH_DELETESCANS #undef STRETCH_HALFTONE #undef ETO_OPAQUE #undef ETO_CLIPPED #undef ETO_GLYPH_INDEX #undef ETO_RTLREADING #include "libwmf/defs.h" #include "libwmf/ipa.h" #include "libwmf/color.h" #include "libwmf/macro.h" /* Unit conversions */ #define TWIPS_PER_INCH 1440 #define CENTIMETERS_PER_INCH 2.54 #define POINTS_PER_INCH 72 #if defined(MAGICKCORE_WMFLITE_DELEGATE) # define wmf_api_create(api,flags,options) wmf_lite_create(api,flags,options) # define wmf_api_destroy(api) wmf_lite_destroy(api) # undef WMF_FONT_PSNAME # define WMF_FONT_PSNAME(F) ((F)->user_data ? ((wmf_magick_font_t*) (F)->user_data)->ps_name : 0) typedef struct _wmf_magick_font_t wmf_magick_font_t; struct _wmf_magick_font_t { char* ps_name; double pointsize; }; #endif typedef struct _wmf_magick_t wmf_magick_t; struct _wmf_magick_t { /* Bounding box */ wmfD_Rect bbox; /* Scale and translation factors */ double scale_x, scale_y, translate_x, translate_y, rotate; /* Vector output */ DrawingWand *draw_wand; ExceptionInfo *exception; /* ImageMagick image */ Image *image; /* ImageInfo */ const ImageInfo *image_info; /* DrawInfo */ DrawInfo *draw_info; /* Pattern ID */ unsigned long pattern_id; /* Clip path flag */ MagickBooleanType clipping; /* Clip path ID */ unsigned long clip_mask_id; /* Push depth */ long push_depth; }; #define WMF_MAGICK_GetData(Z) ((wmf_magick_t*)((Z)->device_data)) #define WMF_MAGICK_GetFontData(Z) \ ((wmf_magick_font_t*)((wmfFontData *)Z->font_data)->user_data) #define WmfDrawingWand (((wmf_magick_t*)((API)->device_data))->draw_wand) /* Enum to control whether util_set_brush applies brush to fill or stroke. */ typedef enum { BrushApplyFill, BrushApplyStroke } BrushApply; /* Enum to specify arc type */ typedef enum { magick_arc_ellipse = 0, magick_arc_open, magick_arc_pie, magick_arc_chord } magick_arc_t; #if defined(MAGICKCORE_WMFLITE_DELEGATE) static void lite_font_init (wmfAPI* API, wmfAPI_Options* options); static void lite_font_map(wmfAPI* API,wmfFont* font); static float lite_font_stringwidth(wmfAPI* API, wmfFont* font, char* str); #endif static void draw_fill_color_rgb(wmfAPI* API, const wmfRGB* rgb); static void draw_stroke_color_rgb(wmfAPI* API, const wmfRGB* rgb); static void draw_pattern_push(wmfAPI* API, unsigned long id, unsigned long columns, unsigned long rows); static int ipa_blob_read(void* wand); static int ipa_blob_seek(void* wand,long position); static long ipa_blob_tell(void* wand); static void ipa_bmp_draw(wmfAPI * API, wmfBMP_Draw_t * bmp_draw); static void ipa_bmp_free(wmfAPI * API, wmfBMP * bmp); static void ipa_bmp_read(wmfAPI * API, wmfBMP_Read_t * bmp_read); static void ipa_device_begin(wmfAPI * API); static void ipa_device_close(wmfAPI * API); static void ipa_device_end(wmfAPI * API); static void ipa_device_open(wmfAPI * API); static void ipa_draw_arc(wmfAPI * API, wmfDrawArc_t * draw_arc); static void ipa_draw_chord(wmfAPI * API, wmfDrawArc_t * draw_arc); static void ipa_draw_ellipse(wmfAPI * API, wmfDrawArc_t * draw_arc); static void ipa_draw_line(wmfAPI * API, wmfDrawLine_t * draw_line); static void ipa_draw_pie(wmfAPI * API, wmfDrawArc_t * draw_arc); static void ipa_draw_pixel(wmfAPI * API, wmfDrawPixel_t * draw_pixel); static void ipa_draw_polygon(wmfAPI * API, wmfPolyLine_t * poly_line); #if defined(MAGICKCORE_WMFLITE_DELEGATE) static void ipa_draw_polypolygon(wmfAPI * API, wmfPolyPoly_t* polypolygon); #endif static void ipa_draw_rectangle(wmfAPI * API, wmfDrawRectangle_t * draw_rect); static void ipa_draw_text(wmfAPI * API, wmfDrawText_t * draw_text); static void ipa_flood_exterior(wmfAPI * API, wmfFlood_t * flood); static void ipa_flood_interior(wmfAPI * API, wmfFlood_t * flood); static void ipa_functions(wmfAPI * API); static void ipa_poly_line(wmfAPI * API, wmfPolyLine_t * poly_line); static void ipa_region_clip(wmfAPI * API, wmfPolyRectangle_t * poly_rect); static void ipa_region_frame(wmfAPI * API, wmfPolyRectangle_t * poly_rect); static void ipa_region_paint(wmfAPI * API, wmfPolyRectangle_t * poly_rect); static void ipa_rop_draw(wmfAPI * API, wmfROP_Draw_t * rop_draw); static void ipa_udata_copy(wmfAPI * API, wmfUserData_t * userdata); static void ipa_udata_free(wmfAPI * API, wmfUserData_t * userdata); static void ipa_udata_init(wmfAPI * API, wmfUserData_t * userdata); static void ipa_udata_set(wmfAPI * API, wmfUserData_t * userdata); static int magick_progress_callback(void* wand,float quantum); static void util_draw_arc(wmfAPI * API, wmfDrawArc_t * draw_arc,magick_arc_t finish); #if defined(MAGICKCORE_WMFLITE_DELEGATE) /*static int util_font_weight( const char* font );*/ #endif static double util_pointsize( wmfAPI* API, wmfFont* font, char* str, double font_height, ExceptionInfo *); static void util_set_brush(wmfAPI * API, wmfDC * dc, const BrushApply brush_apply); static void util_set_pen(wmfAPI * API, wmfDC * dc); /* Progress callback */ int magick_progress_callback(void *context,float quantum) { Image *image; MagickBooleanType status; (void) quantum; image=(Image *) context; assert(image->signature == MagickSignature); status=SetImageProgress(image,LoadImagesTag,TellBlob(image), GetBlobSize(image)); return(status == MagickTrue ? 0 : 1); } /* Set fill color */ static void draw_fill_color_string(DrawingWand *drawing_wand,const char *color) { PixelWand *fill_color; fill_color=NewPixelWand(); PixelSetColor(fill_color,color); DrawSetFillColor(drawing_wand,fill_color); fill_color=DestroyPixelWand(fill_color); } static void draw_fill_color_rgb( wmfAPI* API, const wmfRGB* rgb ) { PixelWand *fill_color; fill_color=NewPixelWand(); PixelSetRedQuantum(fill_color,ScaleCharToQuantum(rgb->r)); PixelSetGreenQuantum(fill_color,ScaleCharToQuantum(rgb->g)); PixelSetBlueQuantum(fill_color,ScaleCharToQuantum(rgb->b)); PixelSetAlphaQuantum(fill_color,OpaqueAlpha); DrawSetFillColor(WmfDrawingWand,fill_color); fill_color=DestroyPixelWand(fill_color); } /* Set stroke color */ static void draw_stroke_color_string(DrawingWand *drawing_wand,const char *color) { PixelWand *stroke_color; stroke_color=NewPixelWand(); PixelSetColor(stroke_color,color); DrawSetStrokeColor(drawing_wand,stroke_color); stroke_color=DestroyPixelWand(stroke_color); } static void draw_stroke_color_rgb( wmfAPI* API, const wmfRGB* rgb ) { PixelWand *stroke_color; stroke_color=NewPixelWand(); PixelSetRedQuantum(stroke_color,ScaleCharToQuantum(rgb->r)); PixelSetGreenQuantum(stroke_color,ScaleCharToQuantum(rgb->g)); PixelSetBlueQuantum(stroke_color,ScaleCharToQuantum(rgb->b)); PixelSetAlphaQuantum(stroke_color,OpaqueAlpha); DrawSetStrokeColor(WmfDrawingWand,stroke_color); stroke_color=DestroyPixelWand(stroke_color); } /* Set under color */ static void draw_under_color_string(DrawingWand *drawing_wand,const char *color) { PixelWand *under_color; under_color=NewPixelWand(); PixelSetColor(under_color,color); DrawSetTextUnderColor(drawing_wand,under_color); under_color=DestroyPixelWand(under_color); } static void draw_pattern_push( wmfAPI* API, unsigned long id, unsigned long columns, unsigned long rows ) { char pattern_id[30]; (void) FormatLocaleString(pattern_id,MaxTextExtent,"brush_%lu",id); (void) DrawPushPattern(WmfDrawingWand,pattern_id,0,0,columns,rows); } /* Pattern/Bit BLT with raster operation (ROP) support. Invoked by META_PATBLT, which is equivalent to Windows PatBlt() call, or by META_DIBBITBLT which is equivalent to Windows BitBlt() call. */ /* The BitBlt function transfers pixels from a rectangular area in one device wand called the 'source', to a rectangular area of the same size in another device wand, called the 'destination'. */ static void ipa_rop_draw(wmfAPI * API, wmfROP_Draw_t * rop_draw) { /* wmfBrush */ /* *brush = WMF_DC_BRUSH(rop_draw->dc); */ /* wmfBMP */ /* *brush_bmp = WMF_BRUSH_BITMAP(brush); */ if (TO_FILL(rop_draw) == 0) return; /* Save graphic wand */ (void) PushDrawingWand(WmfDrawingWand); /* FIXME: finish implementing (once we know what it is supposed to do!) */ /* struct _wmfROP_Draw_t { wmfDC* dc; wmfD_Coord TL; wmfD_Coord BR; U32 ROP; double pixel_width; double pixel_height; }; */ /* if (brush_bmp && brush_bmp->data != 0) */ /* printf("Have an image!\n"); */ switch (rop_draw->ROP) /* Ternary raster operations */ { case SRCCOPY: /* dest = source */ printf("ipa_rop_draw SRCCOPY ROP mode not implemented\n"); break; case SRCPAINT: /* dest = source OR dest */ printf("ipa_rop_draw SRCPAINT ROP mode not implemented\n"); break; case SRCAND: /* dest = source AND dest */ printf("ipa_rop_draw SRCAND ROP mode not implemented\n"); break; case SRCINVERT: /* dest = source XOR dest */ printf("ipa_rop_draw SRCINVERT ROP mode not implemented\n"); break; case SRCERASE: /* dest = source AND (NOT dest) */ printf("ipa_rop_draw SRCERASE ROP mode not implemented\n"); break; case NOTSRCCOPY: /* dest = (NOT source) */ printf("ipa_rop_draw NOTSRCCOPY ROP mode not implemented\n"); break; case NOTSRCERASE: /* dest = (NOT src) AND (NOT dest) */ printf("ipa_rop_draw NOTSRCERASE ROP mode not implemented\n"); break; case MERGECOPY: /* dest = (source AND pattern) */ printf("ipa_rop_draw MERGECOPY ROP mode not implemented\n"); break; case MERGEPAINT: /* dest = (NOT source) OR dest */ printf("ipa_rop_draw MERGEPAINT ROP mode not implemented\n"); break; case PATCOPY: /* dest = pattern */ util_set_brush(API, rop_draw->dc, BrushApplyFill); break; case PATPAINT: /* dest = DPSnoo */ printf("ipa_rop_draw PATPAINT ROP mode not implemented\n"); break; case PATINVERT: /* dest = pattern XOR dest */ printf("ipa_rop_draw PATINVERT ROP mode not implemented\n"); break; case DSTINVERT: /* dest = (NOT dest) */ printf("ipa_rop_draw DSTINVERT ROP mode not implemented\n"); break; case BLACKNESS: /* dest = BLACK */ draw_fill_color_string(WmfDrawingWand,"black"); break; case WHITENESS: /* dest = WHITE */ draw_fill_color_string(WmfDrawingWand,"white"); break; default: printf("ipa_rop_draw 0x%x ROP mode not implemented\n", rop_draw->ROP); break; } DrawRectangle(WmfDrawingWand, XC(rop_draw->TL.x), YC(rop_draw->TL.y), XC(rop_draw->BR.x), YC(rop_draw->BR.y)); /* Restore graphic wand */ (void) PopDrawingWand(WmfDrawingWand); } static void ipa_bmp_draw(wmfAPI *API, wmfBMP_Draw_t *bmp_draw) { wmf_magick_t *ddata = WMF_MAGICK_GetData(API); ExceptionInfo *exception; Image *image; MagickWand *magick_wand; double height, width; PixelInfo white; if (bmp_draw->bmp.data == 0) return; image = (Image*)bmp_draw->bmp.data; if (!image) return; exception=ddata->exception; if (bmp_draw->crop.x || bmp_draw->crop.y || (bmp_draw->crop.w != bmp_draw->bmp.width) || (bmp_draw->crop.h != bmp_draw->bmp.height)) { /* Image needs to be cropped */ Image *crop_image; RectangleInfo crop_info; crop_info.x = bmp_draw->crop.x; crop_info.y = bmp_draw->crop.y; crop_info.width = bmp_draw->crop.w; crop_info.height = bmp_draw->crop.h; crop_image = CropImage( image, &crop_info, exception ); if (crop_image) { image=DestroyImageList(image); image = crop_image; bmp_draw->bmp.data = (void*)image; } } QueryColorCompliance( "white", AllCompliance, &white, exception ); if ( ddata->image_info->texture || !(IsPixelInfoEquivalent(&ddata->image_info->background_color,&white)) || ddata->image_info->background_color.alpha != OpaqueAlpha ) { /* Set image white background to transparent so that it may be overlaid over non-white backgrounds. */ QueryColorCompliance( "white", AllCompliance, &white, exception ); TransparentPaintImage( image, &white, QuantumRange, MagickFalse, exception ); } width = fabs(bmp_draw->pixel_width * (double) bmp_draw->crop.w); height = fabs(bmp_draw->pixel_height * (double) bmp_draw->crop.h); magick_wand=NewMagickWandFromImage(image); (void) DrawComposite(WmfDrawingWand, CopyCompositeOp, XC(bmp_draw->pt.x) * ddata->scale_x, YC(bmp_draw->pt.y) * ddata->scale_y, width * ddata->scale_x, height * ddata->scale_y, magick_wand); magick_wand=DestroyMagickWand(magick_wand); #if 0 printf("bmp_draw->bmp.data = 0x%lx\n", (long)bmp_draw->bmp.data); printf("registry id = %li\n", id); /* printf("pixel_width = %g\n", bmp_draw->pixel_width); */ /* printf("pixel_height = %g\n", bmp_draw->pixel_height); */ printf("bmp_draw->bmp WxH = %ix%i\n", bmp_draw->bmp.width, bmp_draw->bmp.height); printf("bmp_draw->crop WxH = %ix%i\n", bmp_draw->crop.w, bmp_draw->crop.h); printf("bmp_draw->crop x,y = %i,%i\n", bmp_draw->crop.x, bmp_draw->crop.y); printf("image size WxH = %lux%lu\n", image->columns, image->rows); #endif } static void ipa_bmp_read(wmfAPI * API, wmfBMP_Read_t * bmp_read) { wmf_magick_t *ddata = WMF_MAGICK_GetData(API); ExceptionInfo *exception; Image *image; ImageInfo *image_info; bmp_read->bmp.data = 0; image_info=CloneImageInfo(ddata->image_info); exception=ddata->exception; (void) CopyMagickString(image_info->magick,"DIB",MaxTextExtent); if (bmp_read->width || bmp_read->height) { char size[MaxTextExtent]; (void) FormatLocaleString(size,MaxTextExtent,"%ux%u",bmp_read->width, bmp_read->height); CloneString(&image_info->size,size); } #if 0 printf("ipa_bmp_read: buffer=0x%lx length=%ld, width=%i, height=%i\n", (long) bmp_read->buffer, bmp_read->length, bmp_read->width, bmp_read->height); #endif image=BlobToImage(image_info, (const void *) bmp_read->buffer, bmp_read->length, exception); image_info=DestroyImageInfo(image_info); if (image != (Image *) NULL) { #if 0 printf("ipa_bmp_read: rows=%ld,columns=%ld\n\n", image->rows, image->columns); #endif bmp_read->bmp.data = (void*)image; bmp_read->bmp.width = (U16)image->columns; bmp_read->bmp.height = (U16)image->rows; } } static void ipa_bmp_free(wmfAPI * API, wmfBMP * bmp) { (void) API; DestroyImageList((Image*)bmp->data); bmp->data = (void*) 0; bmp->width = (U16) 0; bmp->height = (U16) 0; } /* This called by wmf_play() the *first* time the meta file is played */ static void ipa_device_open(wmfAPI * API) { wmf_magick_t *ddata = WMF_MAGICK_GetData (API); ddata->pattern_id = 0; ddata->clipping = MagickFalse; ddata->clip_mask_id = 0; ddata->push_depth = 0; ddata->draw_wand = DrawAllocateWand(ddata->draw_info,ddata->image); } /* This called by wmf_api_destroy() */ static void ipa_device_close(wmfAPI * API) { wmf_magick_t *ddata = WMF_MAGICK_GetData(API); DestroyDrawingWand(ddata->draw_wand); DestroyDrawInfo(ddata->draw_info); RelinquishMagickMemory(WMF_MAGICK_GetFontData(API)->ps_name); } /* This called from the beginning of each play for initial page setup */ static void ipa_device_begin(wmfAPI * API) { char comment[MaxTextExtent]; wmf_magick_t *ddata = WMF_MAGICK_GetData(API); /* Make SVG output happy */ (void) PushDrawingWand(WmfDrawingWand); DrawSetViewbox(WmfDrawingWand, 0, 0, ddata->image->columns, ddata->image->rows ); (void) FormatLocaleString(comment,MaxTextExtent,"Created by ImageMagick %s", GetMagickVersion((size_t *) NULL)); DrawComment(WmfDrawingWand,comment); /* Scale width and height to image */ DrawScale(WmfDrawingWand, ddata->scale_x, ddata->scale_y); /* Translate to TL corner of bounding box */ DrawTranslate(WmfDrawingWand, ddata->translate_x, ddata->translate_y); /* Apply rotation */ DrawRotate(WmfDrawingWand, ddata->rotate); if (ddata->image_info->texture == NULL) { PixelWand *background_color; /* Draw rectangle in background color */ background_color=NewPixelWand(); PixelSetPixelColor(background_color,&ddata->image->background_color); DrawSetFillColor(WmfDrawingWand,background_color); background_color=DestroyPixelWand(background_color); DrawRectangle(WmfDrawingWand, XC(ddata->bbox.TL.x),YC(ddata->bbox.TL.y), XC(ddata->bbox.BR.x),YC(ddata->bbox.BR.y)); } else { /* Draw rectangle with texture image the SVG way */ Image *image; ImageInfo *image_info; ExceptionInfo exception; GetExceptionInfo(&exception); image_info = CloneImageInfo((ImageInfo *) 0); (void) CopyMagickString(image_info->filename,ddata->image_info->texture, MaxTextExtent); if ( ddata->image_info->size ) CloneString(&image_info->size,ddata->image_info->size); image = ReadImage(image_info,&exception); image_info=DestroyImageInfo(image_info); if (image) { char pattern_id[30]; MagickWand *magick_wand; (void) CopyMagickString(image->magick,"MIFF",MaxTextExtent); DrawPushDefs(WmfDrawingWand); draw_pattern_push(API,ddata->pattern_id,image->columns,image->rows); magick_wand=NewMagickWandFromImage(image); (void) DrawComposite(WmfDrawingWand,CopyCompositeOp,0,0, image->columns,image->rows,magick_wand); magick_wand=DestroyMagickWand(magick_wand); (void) DrawPopPattern(WmfDrawingWand); DrawPopDefs(WmfDrawingWand); (void) FormatLocaleString(pattern_id,MaxTextExtent,"#brush_%lu", ddata->pattern_id); (void) DrawSetFillPatternURL(WmfDrawingWand,pattern_id); ++ddata->pattern_id; DrawRectangle(WmfDrawingWand, XC(ddata->bbox.TL.x),YC(ddata->bbox.TL.y), XC(ddata->bbox.BR.x),YC(ddata->bbox.BR.y)); image=DestroyImageList(image); } else { LogMagickEvent(CoderEvent,GetMagickModule(), "reading texture image failed!"); } } DrawSetClipRule(WmfDrawingWand,EvenOddRule); /* Default for WMF is ALTERNATE polygon fill mode */ draw_fill_color_string(WmfDrawingWand,"none"); /* Default brush is WHITE_BRUSH */ draw_stroke_color_string(WmfDrawingWand,"none"); /* Default pen is BLACK_PEN */ DrawSetStrokeLineCap(WmfDrawingWand,ButtCap); /* Default linecap is PS_ENDCAP_FLAT */ DrawSetStrokeLineJoin(WmfDrawingWand,MiterJoin); /* Default linejoin is PS_JOIN_MITER */ draw_under_color_string(WmfDrawingWand,"white"); /* Default text box is white */ } /* This called from the end of each play for page termination */ static void ipa_device_end(wmfAPI * API) { wmf_magick_t *ddata = WMF_MAGICK_GetData(API); /* Reset any existing clip paths by popping wand */ if (ddata->clipping) (void) PopDrawingWand(WmfDrawingWand); ddata->clipping = MagickFalse; /* Make SVG output happy */ (void) PopDrawingWand(WmfDrawingWand); } static void ipa_flood_interior(wmfAPI * API, wmfFlood_t * flood) { /* Save graphic wand */ (void) PushDrawingWand(WmfDrawingWand); draw_fill_color_rgb(API,&(flood->color)); DrawColor(WmfDrawingWand,XC(flood->pt.x), YC(flood->pt.y), FillToBorderMethod); /* Restore graphic wand */ (void) PopDrawingWand(WmfDrawingWand); } static void ipa_flood_exterior(wmfAPI * API, wmfFlood_t * flood) { /* Save graphic wand */ (void) PushDrawingWand(WmfDrawingWand); draw_fill_color_rgb(API,&(flood->color)); if (flood->type == FLOODFILLSURFACE) DrawColor(WmfDrawingWand, XC(flood->pt.x), YC(flood->pt.y), FloodfillMethod); else DrawColor(WmfDrawingWand, XC(flood->pt.x), YC(flood->pt.y), FillToBorderMethod); /* Restore graphic wand */ (void) PopDrawingWand(WmfDrawingWand); } static void ipa_draw_pixel(wmfAPI * API, wmfDrawPixel_t * draw_pixel) { /* Save graphic wand */ (void) PushDrawingWand(WmfDrawingWand); draw_stroke_color_string(WmfDrawingWand,"none"); draw_fill_color_rgb(API,&(draw_pixel->color)); DrawRectangle(WmfDrawingWand, XC(draw_pixel->pt.x), YC(draw_pixel->pt.y), XC(draw_pixel->pt.x + draw_pixel->pixel_width), YC(draw_pixel->pt.y + draw_pixel->pixel_height)); /* Restore graphic wand */ (void) PopDrawingWand(WmfDrawingWand); } static void ipa_draw_pie(wmfAPI * API, wmfDrawArc_t * draw_arc) { util_draw_arc(API, draw_arc, magick_arc_pie); } static void ipa_draw_chord(wmfAPI * API, wmfDrawArc_t * draw_arc) { util_draw_arc(API, draw_arc, magick_arc_chord); } static void ipa_draw_arc(wmfAPI * API, wmfDrawArc_t * draw_arc) { util_draw_arc(API, draw_arc, magick_arc_open); } static void ipa_draw_ellipse(wmfAPI * API, wmfDrawArc_t * draw_arc) { util_draw_arc(API, draw_arc, magick_arc_ellipse); } static void util_draw_arc(wmfAPI * API, wmfDrawArc_t * draw_arc, magick_arc_t finish) { wmfD_Coord BR, O, TL, center, end, start; double phi_e = 360, phi_s = 0; double Rx, Ry; /* Save graphic wand */ (void) PushDrawingWand(WmfDrawingWand); if (TO_FILL(draw_arc) || TO_DRAW(draw_arc)) { center.x = (draw_arc->TL.x + draw_arc->BR.x) / 2; center.y = (draw_arc->TL.y + draw_arc->BR.y) / 2; start = center; end = center; if (finish != magick_arc_ellipse) { draw_arc->start.x += center.x; draw_arc->start.y += center.y; draw_arc->end.x += center.x; draw_arc->end.y += center.y; } TL = draw_arc->TL; BR = draw_arc->BR; O = center; if (finish != magick_arc_ellipse) { start = draw_arc->start; end = draw_arc->end; } Rx = (BR.x - TL.x) / 2; Ry = (BR.y - TL.y) / 2; if (finish != magick_arc_ellipse) { start.x -= O.x; start.y -= O.y; end.x -= O.x; end.y -= O.y; phi_s = atan2((double) start.y, (double) start.x) * 180 / MagickPI; phi_e = atan2((double) end.y, (double) end.x) * 180 / MagickPI; if (phi_e <= phi_s) phi_e += 360; } util_set_pen(API, draw_arc->dc); if (finish == magick_arc_open) draw_fill_color_string(WmfDrawingWand,"none"); else util_set_brush(API, draw_arc->dc, BrushApplyFill); if (finish == magick_arc_ellipse) DrawEllipse(WmfDrawingWand, XC(O.x), YC(O.y), Rx, Ry, 0, 360); else if (finish == magick_arc_pie) { DrawPathStart(WmfDrawingWand); DrawPathMoveToAbsolute(WmfDrawingWand, XC(O.x+start.x), YC(O.y+start.y)); DrawPathEllipticArcAbsolute(WmfDrawingWand, Rx, Ry, 0, MagickFalse, MagickTrue, XC(O.x+end.x), YC(O.y+end.y)); DrawPathLineToAbsolute(WmfDrawingWand, XC(O.x), YC(O.y)); DrawPathClose(WmfDrawingWand); DrawPathFinish(WmfDrawingWand); } else if (finish == magick_arc_chord) { DrawArc(WmfDrawingWand, XC(draw_arc->TL.x), YC(draw_arc->TL.y), XC(draw_arc->BR.x), XC(draw_arc->BR.y), phi_s, phi_e); DrawLine(WmfDrawingWand, XC(draw_arc->BR.x-start.x), YC(draw_arc->BR.y-start.y), XC(draw_arc->BR.x-end.x), YC(draw_arc->BR.y-end.y)); } else /* if (finish == magick_arc_open) */ DrawArc(WmfDrawingWand, XC(draw_arc->TL.x), YC(draw_arc->TL.y), XC(draw_arc->BR.x), XC(draw_arc->BR.y), phi_s, phi_e); } /* Restore graphic wand */ (void) PopDrawingWand(WmfDrawingWand); } static void ipa_draw_line(wmfAPI * API, wmfDrawLine_t * draw_line) { /* Save graphic wand */ (void) PushDrawingWand(WmfDrawingWand); if (TO_DRAW(draw_line)) { util_set_pen(API, draw_line->dc); DrawLine(WmfDrawingWand, XC(draw_line->from.x), YC(draw_line->from.y), XC(draw_line->to.x), YC(draw_line->to.y)); } /* Restore graphic wand */ (void) PopDrawingWand(WmfDrawingWand); } static void ipa_poly_line(wmfAPI * API, wmfPolyLine_t * polyline) { if (polyline->count <= 2) return; if (TO_DRAW(polyline)) { int point; /* Save graphic wand */ (void) PushDrawingWand(WmfDrawingWand); util_set_pen(API, polyline->dc); DrawPathStart(WmfDrawingWand); DrawPathMoveToAbsolute(WmfDrawingWand, XC(polyline->pt[0].x), YC(polyline->pt[0].y)); for (point = 1; point < polyline->count; point++) { DrawPathLineToAbsolute(WmfDrawingWand, XC(polyline->pt[point].x), YC(polyline->pt[point].y)); } DrawPathFinish(WmfDrawingWand); /* Restore graphic wand */ (void) PopDrawingWand(WmfDrawingWand); } } static void ipa_draw_polygon(wmfAPI * API, wmfPolyLine_t * polyline) { if (polyline->count <= 2) return; if (TO_FILL(polyline) || TO_DRAW(polyline)) { int point; /* Save graphic wand */ (void) PushDrawingWand(WmfDrawingWand); util_set_pen(API, polyline->dc); util_set_brush(API, polyline->dc, BrushApplyFill); DrawPathStart(WmfDrawingWand); DrawPathMoveToAbsolute(WmfDrawingWand, XC(polyline->pt[0].x), YC(polyline->pt[0].y)); for (point = 1; point < polyline->count; point++) { DrawPathLineToAbsolute(WmfDrawingWand, XC(polyline->pt[point].x), YC(polyline->pt[point].y)); } DrawPathClose(WmfDrawingWand); DrawPathFinish(WmfDrawingWand); /* Restore graphic wand */ (void) PopDrawingWand(WmfDrawingWand); } } /* Draw a polypolygon. A polypolygon is a list of polygons */ #if defined(MAGICKCORE_WMFLITE_DELEGATE) static void ipa_draw_polypolygon(wmfAPI * API, wmfPolyPoly_t* polypolygon) { if (TO_FILL(polypolygon) || TO_DRAW(polypolygon)) { int polygon, point; wmfPolyLine_t polyline; /* Save graphic wand */ (void) PushDrawingWand(WmfDrawingWand); util_set_pen(API, polypolygon->dc); util_set_brush(API, polypolygon->dc, BrushApplyFill); DrawPathStart(WmfDrawingWand); for (polygon = 0; polygon < polypolygon->npoly; polygon++) { polyline.dc = polypolygon->dc; polyline.pt = polypolygon->pt[polygon]; polyline.count = polypolygon->count[polygon]; if ((polyline.count > 2) && polyline.pt) { DrawPathMoveToAbsolute(WmfDrawingWand, XC(polyline.pt[0].x), YC(polyline.pt[0].y)); for (point = 1; point < polyline.count; point++) { DrawPathLineToAbsolute(WmfDrawingWand, XC(polyline.pt[point].x), YC(polyline.pt[point].y)); } DrawPathClose(WmfDrawingWand); } } DrawPathFinish(WmfDrawingWand); /* Restore graphic wand */ (void) PopDrawingWand(WmfDrawingWand); } } #endif static void ipa_draw_rectangle(wmfAPI * API, wmfDrawRectangle_t * draw_rect) { /* Save graphic wand */ (void) PushDrawingWand(WmfDrawingWand); if (TO_FILL(draw_rect) || TO_DRAW(draw_rect)) { util_set_pen(API, draw_rect->dc); util_set_brush(API, draw_rect->dc, BrushApplyFill); if ((draw_rect->width > 0) || (draw_rect->height > 0)) DrawRoundRectangle(WmfDrawingWand, XC(draw_rect->TL.x), YC(draw_rect->TL.y), XC(draw_rect->BR.x), YC(draw_rect->BR.y), draw_rect->width / 2, draw_rect->height / 2); else DrawRectangle(WmfDrawingWand, XC(draw_rect->TL.x), YC(draw_rect->TL.y), XC(draw_rect->BR.x), YC(draw_rect->BR.y)); } /* Restore graphic wand */ (void) PopDrawingWand(WmfDrawingWand); } /* Draw an un-filled rectangle using the current brush */ static void ipa_region_frame(wmfAPI * API, wmfPolyRectangle_t * poly_rect) { /* Save graphic wand */ (void) PushDrawingWand(WmfDrawingWand); if (TO_FILL(poly_rect) || TO_DRAW(poly_rect)) { long i; draw_fill_color_string(WmfDrawingWand,"none"); util_set_brush(API, poly_rect->dc, BrushApplyStroke); for (i = 0; i < (long) poly_rect->count; i++) { DrawRectangle(WmfDrawingWand, XC(poly_rect->TL[i].x), YC(poly_rect->TL[i].y), XC(poly_rect->BR[i].x), YC(poly_rect->BR[i].y)); } } /* Restore graphic wand */ (void) PopDrawingWand(WmfDrawingWand); } static void ipa_region_paint(wmfAPI * API, wmfPolyRectangle_t * poly_rect) { if (poly_rect->count == 0) return; /* Save graphic wand */ (void) PushDrawingWand(WmfDrawingWand); if (TO_FILL (poly_rect)) { long i; draw_stroke_color_string(WmfDrawingWand,"none"); util_set_brush(API, poly_rect->dc, BrushApplyFill); for (i = 0; i < (long) poly_rect->count; i++) { DrawRectangle(WmfDrawingWand, XC(poly_rect->TL[i].x), YC(poly_rect->TL[i].y), XC(poly_rect->BR[i].x), YC(poly_rect->BR[i].y)); } } /* Restore graphic wand */ (void) PopDrawingWand(WmfDrawingWand); } static void ipa_region_clip(wmfAPI *API, wmfPolyRectangle_t *poly_rect) { long i; wmf_magick_t *ddata = WMF_MAGICK_GetData (API); /* Reset any existing clip paths by popping wand */ if (ddata->clipping) (void) PopDrawingWand(WmfDrawingWand); ddata->clipping = MagickFalse; if (poly_rect->count > 0) { char clip_mask_id[30]; /* Define clip path */ ddata->clip_mask_id++; DrawPushDefs(WmfDrawingWand); (void) FormatLocaleString(clip_mask_id,MaxTextExtent,"clip_%lu", ddata->clip_mask_id); DrawPushClipPath(WmfDrawingWand,clip_mask_id); (void) PushDrawingWand(WmfDrawingWand); for (i = 0; i < (long) poly_rect->count; i++) { DrawRectangle(WmfDrawingWand, XC(poly_rect->TL[i].x), YC(poly_rect->TL[i].y), XC(poly_rect->BR[i].x), YC(poly_rect->BR[i].y)); } (void) PopDrawingWand(WmfDrawingWand); DrawPopClipPath(WmfDrawingWand); DrawPopDefs(WmfDrawingWand); /* Push wand for new clip paths */ (void) PushDrawingWand(WmfDrawingWand); (void) DrawSetClipPath(WmfDrawingWand,clip_mask_id); ddata->clipping = MagickTrue; } } static void ipa_functions(wmfAPI *API) { wmf_magick_t *ddata = 0; wmfFunctionReference *FR = (wmfFunctionReference *) API->function_reference; /* IPA function reference links */ FR->device_open = ipa_device_open; FR->device_close = ipa_device_close; FR->device_begin = ipa_device_begin; FR->device_end = ipa_device_end; FR->flood_interior = ipa_flood_interior; FR->flood_exterior = ipa_flood_exterior; FR->draw_pixel = ipa_draw_pixel; FR->draw_pie = ipa_draw_pie; FR->draw_chord = ipa_draw_chord; FR->draw_arc = ipa_draw_arc; FR->draw_ellipse = ipa_draw_ellipse; FR->draw_line = ipa_draw_line; FR->poly_line = ipa_poly_line; FR->draw_polygon = ipa_draw_polygon; #if defined(MAGICKCORE_WMFLITE_DELEGATE) FR->draw_polypolygon = ipa_draw_polypolygon; #endif FR->draw_rectangle = ipa_draw_rectangle; FR->rop_draw = ipa_rop_draw; FR->bmp_draw = ipa_bmp_draw; FR->bmp_read = ipa_bmp_read; FR->bmp_free = ipa_bmp_free; FR->draw_text = ipa_draw_text; FR->udata_init = ipa_udata_init; FR->udata_copy = ipa_udata_copy; FR->udata_set = ipa_udata_set; FR->udata_free = ipa_udata_free; FR->region_frame = ipa_region_frame; FR->region_paint = ipa_region_paint; FR->region_clip = ipa_region_clip; /* Allocate device data structure */ ddata = (wmf_magick_t *) wmf_malloc(API, sizeof(wmf_magick_t)); if (ERR(API)) return; (void) ResetMagickMemory((void *) ddata, 0, sizeof(wmf_magick_t)); API->device_data = (void *) ddata; /* Device data defaults */ ddata->image = 0; } static void ipa_draw_text(wmfAPI * API, wmfDrawText_t * draw_text) { double angle = 0, /* text rotation angle */ bbox_height, /* bounding box height */ bbox_width, /* bounding box width */ pointsize = 0; /* pointsize to output font with desired height */ ExceptionInfo *exception; TypeMetric metrics; wmfD_Coord BL, /* bottom left of bounding box */ BR, /* bottom right of bounding box */ TL, /* top left of bounding box */ TR; /* top right of bounding box */ wmfD_Coord point; /* text placement point */ wmfFont *font; wmf_magick_t * ddata = WMF_MAGICK_GetData(API); point = draw_text->pt; /* Choose bounding box and calculate its width and height */ { double dx, dy; if ( draw_text->flags) { TL = draw_text->TL; BR = draw_text->BR; TR.x = draw_text->BR.x; TR.y = draw_text->TL.y; BL.x = draw_text->TL.x; BL.y = draw_text->BR.y; } else { TL = draw_text->bbox.TL; BR = draw_text->bbox.BR; TR = draw_text->bbox.TR; BL = draw_text->bbox.BL; } dx = ((TR.x - TL.x) + (BR.x - BL.x)) / 2; dy = ((TR.y - TL.y) + (BR.y - BL.y)) / 2; bbox_width = hypot(dx,dy); dx = ((BL.x - TL.x) + (BR.x - TR.x)) / 2; dy = ((BL.y - TL.y) + (BR.y - TR.y)) / 2; bbox_height = hypot(dx,dy); } font = WMF_DC_FONT(draw_text->dc); /* Convert font_height to equivalent pointsize */ exception=ddata->exception; pointsize = util_pointsize( API, font, draw_text->str, draw_text->font_height, exception); /* Save graphic wand */ (void) PushDrawingWand(WmfDrawingWand); (void) bbox_width; (void) bbox_height; #if 0 printf("\nipa_draw_text\n"); printf("Text = \"%s\"\n", draw_text->str); /* printf("WMF_FONT_NAME: = \"%s\"\n", WMF_FONT_NAME(font)); */ printf("WMF_FONT_PSNAME: = \"%s\"\n", WMF_FONT_PSNAME(font)); printf("Bounding box TL=%g,%g BR=%g,%g\n", TL.x, TL.y, BR.x, BR.y ); /* printf("Text box = %gx%g\n", bbox_width, bbox_height); */ /* printf("WMF_FONT_HEIGHT = %i\n", (int)WMF_FONT_HEIGHT(font)); */ printf("Pointsize = %g\n", pointsize); fflush(stdout); #endif /* * Obtain font metrics if required * */ if ((WMF_DC_TEXTALIGN(draw_text->dc) & TA_CENTER) || (WMF_TEXT_UNDERLINE(font)) || (WMF_TEXT_STRIKEOUT(font))) { Image *image = ddata->image; DrawInfo *draw_info; draw_info=ddata->draw_info; draw_info->font=WMF_FONT_PSNAME(font); draw_info->pointsize = pointsize; draw_info->text=draw_text->str; if (GetTypeMetrics(image, draw_info, &metrics, exception) != MagickFalse) { /* Center the text if it is not yet centered and should be */ if ((WMF_DC_TEXTALIGN(draw_text->dc) & TA_CENTER)) { double text_width = metrics.width * (ddata->scale_y / ddata->scale_x); #if defined(MAGICKCORE_WMFLITE_DELEGATE) point.x -= text_width / 2; #else point.x += bbox_width / 2 - text_width / 2; #endif } } draw_info->font=NULL; draw_info->text=NULL; } /* Set text background color */ if (draw_text->flags & ETO_OPAQUE) { /* Draw bounding-box background color (META_EXTTEXTOUT mode) */ draw_stroke_color_string(WmfDrawingWand,"none"); draw_fill_color_rgb(API,WMF_DC_BACKGROUND(draw_text->dc)); DrawRectangle(WmfDrawingWand, XC(draw_text->TL.x),YC(draw_text->TL.y), XC(draw_text->BR.x),YC(draw_text->BR.y)); draw_fill_color_string(WmfDrawingWand,"none"); } else { /* Set text undercolor */ if (WMF_DC_OPAQUE(draw_text->dc)) { wmfRGB *box = WMF_DC_BACKGROUND(draw_text->dc); PixelWand *under_color; under_color=NewPixelWand(); PixelSetRedQuantum(under_color,ScaleCharToQuantum(box->r)); PixelSetGreenQuantum(under_color,ScaleCharToQuantum(box->g)); PixelSetBlueQuantum(under_color,ScaleCharToQuantum(box->b)); PixelSetAlphaQuantum(under_color,OpaqueAlpha); DrawSetTextUnderColor(WmfDrawingWand,under_color); under_color=DestroyPixelWand(under_color); } else draw_under_color_string(WmfDrawingWand,"none"); } /* Set text clipping (META_EXTTEXTOUT mode) */ if ( draw_text->flags & ETO_CLIPPED) { } /* Set stroke color */ draw_stroke_color_string(WmfDrawingWand,"none"); /* Set fill color */ draw_fill_color_rgb(API,WMF_DC_TEXTCOLOR(draw_text->dc)); /* Output font size */ (void) DrawSetFontSize(WmfDrawingWand,pointsize); /* Output Postscript font name */ (void) DrawSetFont(WmfDrawingWand, WMF_FONT_PSNAME(font)); /* Translate coordinates so target is 0,0 */ DrawTranslate(WmfDrawingWand, XC(point.x), YC(point.y)); /* Transform horizontal scale to draw text at 1:1 ratio */ DrawScale(WmfDrawingWand, ddata->scale_y / ddata->scale_x, 1.0); /* Apply rotation */ /* ImageMagick's drawing rotation is clockwise from horizontal while WMF drawing rotation is counterclockwise from horizontal */ angle = fabs(RadiansToDegrees(2 * MagickPI - WMF_TEXT_ANGLE(font))); if (angle == 360) angle = 0; if (angle != 0) DrawRotate(WmfDrawingWand, angle); /* * Render text * */ /* Output string */ DrawAnnotation(WmfDrawingWand, 0, 0, (unsigned char*)draw_text->str); /* Underline text the Windows way (at the bottom) */ if (WMF_TEXT_UNDERLINE(font)) { double line_height; wmfD_Coord ulBR, /* bottom right of underline rectangle */ ulTL; /* top left of underline rectangle */ line_height = ((double)1/(ddata->scale_x))*metrics.underline_thickness; if (metrics.underline_thickness < 1.5) line_height *= 0.55; ulTL.x = 0; ulTL.y = fabs(metrics.descent) - line_height; ulBR.x = metrics.width; ulBR.y = fabs(metrics.descent); DrawRectangle(WmfDrawingWand, XC(ulTL.x), YC(ulTL.y), XC(ulBR.x), YC(ulBR.y)); } /* Strikeout text the Windows way */ if (WMF_TEXT_STRIKEOUT(font)) { double line_height; wmfD_Coord ulBR, /* bottom right of strikeout rectangle */ ulTL; /* top left of strikeout rectangle */ line_height = ((double)1/(ddata->scale_x))*metrics.underline_thickness; if (metrics.underline_thickness < 2.0) line_height *= 0.55; ulTL.x = 0; ulTL.y = -(((double) metrics.ascent) / 2 + line_height / 2); ulBR.x = metrics.width; ulBR.y = -(((double) metrics.ascent) / 2 - line_height / 2); DrawRectangle(WmfDrawingWand, XC(ulTL.x), YC(ulTL.y), XC(ulBR.x), YC(ulBR.y)); } /* Restore graphic wand */ (void) PopDrawingWand(WmfDrawingWand); #if 0 (void) PushDrawingWand(WmfDrawingWand); draw_stroke_color_string(WmfDrawingWand,"red"); draw_fill_color_string(WmfDrawingWand,"none"); DrawRectangle(WmfDrawingWand, XC(TL.x), YC(TL.y), XC(BR.x), YC(BR.y)); draw_stroke_color_string(WmfDrawingWand,"none"); (void) PopDrawingWand(WmfDrawingWand); #endif } static void ipa_udata_init(wmfAPI * API, wmfUserData_t * userdata) { (void) API; (void) userdata; /* wmf_magick_t* ddata = WMF_MAGICK_GetData (API); */ } static void ipa_udata_copy(wmfAPI * API, wmfUserData_t * userdata) { (void) API; (void) userdata; /* wmf_magick_t* ddata = WMF_MAGICK_GetData (API); */ } static void ipa_udata_set(wmfAPI * API, wmfUserData_t * userdata) { (void) API; (void) userdata; /* wmf_magick_t* ddata = WMF_MAGICK_GetData (API); */ } static void ipa_udata_free(wmfAPI * API, wmfUserData_t * userdata) { (void) API; (void) userdata; /* wmf_magick_t* ddata = WMF_MAGICK_GetData (API); */ } static inline double MagickMin(const double x,const double y) { if (x < y) return(x); return(y); } static void util_set_brush(wmfAPI * API, wmfDC * dc, const BrushApply brush_apply) { wmf_magick_t *ddata = WMF_MAGICK_GetData(API); wmfBrush *brush = WMF_DC_BRUSH(dc); /* Set polygon fill rule */ switch (WMF_DC_POLYFILL(dc)) /* Is this correct ?? */ { case WINDING: DrawSetClipRule(WmfDrawingWand,NonZeroRule); break; case ALTERNATE: default: DrawSetClipRule(WmfDrawingWand,EvenOddRule); break; } switch (WMF_BRUSH_STYLE(brush)) { case BS_SOLID /* 0 */: /* WMF_BRUSH_COLOR specifies brush color, WMF_BRUSH_HATCH ignored */ { if ( brush_apply == BrushApplyStroke ) draw_stroke_color_rgb(API,WMF_BRUSH_COLOR(brush)); else draw_fill_color_rgb(API,WMF_BRUSH_COLOR(brush)); break; } case BS_HOLLOW /* 1 */: /* BS_HOLLOW & BS_NULL share enum */ /* WMF_BRUSH_COLOR and WMF_BRUSH_HATCH ignored */ { if ( brush_apply == BrushApplyStroke ) draw_stroke_color_string(WmfDrawingWand,"none"); else draw_fill_color_string(WmfDrawingWand,"none"); break; } case BS_HATCHED /* 2 */: /* WMF_BRUSH_COLOR specifies the hatch color, WMF_BRUSH_HATCH specifies the hatch brush style. If WMF_DC_OPAQUE, then WMF_DC_BACKGROUND specifies hatch background color. */ { DrawPushDefs(WmfDrawingWand); draw_pattern_push(API, ddata->pattern_id, 8, 8); (void) PushDrawingWand(WmfDrawingWand); if (WMF_DC_OPAQUE(dc)) { if ( brush_apply == BrushApplyStroke ) draw_stroke_color_rgb(API,WMF_DC_BACKGROUND(dc)); else draw_fill_color_rgb(API,WMF_DC_BACKGROUND(dc)); DrawRectangle(WmfDrawingWand, 0, 0, 7, 7 ); } DrawSetStrokeAntialias(WmfDrawingWand, MagickFalse); DrawSetStrokeWidth(WmfDrawingWand, 1); draw_stroke_color_rgb(API,WMF_BRUSH_COLOR(brush)); switch ((unsigned int) WMF_BRUSH_HATCH(brush)) { case HS_HORIZONTAL: /* ----- */ { DrawLine(WmfDrawingWand, 0, 3, 7,3); break; } case HS_VERTICAL: /* ||||| */ { DrawLine(WmfDrawingWand, 3, 0, 3, 7); break; } case HS_FDIAGONAL: /* \\\\\ */ { DrawLine(WmfDrawingWand, 0, 0, 7, 7); break; } case HS_BDIAGONAL: /* / */ { DrawLine(WmfDrawingWand, 0, 7, 7, 0 ); break; } case HS_CROSS: /* +++++ */ { DrawLine(WmfDrawingWand, 0, 3, 7, 3 ); DrawLine(WmfDrawingWand, 3, 0, 3, 7 ); break; } case HS_DIAGCROSS: /* xxxxx */ { DrawLine(WmfDrawingWand, 0, 0, 7, 7 ); DrawLine(WmfDrawingWand, 0, 7, 7, 0 ); break; } default: { printf("util_set_brush: unexpected brush hatch enumeration %u\n", (unsigned int)WMF_BRUSH_HATCH(brush)); } } (void) PopDrawingWand(WmfDrawingWand); (void) DrawPopPattern(WmfDrawingWand); DrawPopDefs(WmfDrawingWand); { char pattern_id[30]; (void) FormatLocaleString(pattern_id,MaxTextExtent,"#brush_%lu", ddata->pattern_id); if (brush_apply == BrushApplyStroke ) (void) DrawSetStrokePatternURL(WmfDrawingWand,pattern_id); else (void) DrawSetFillPatternURL(WmfDrawingWand,pattern_id); ++ddata->pattern_id; } break; } case BS_PATTERN /* 3 */: /* WMF_BRUSH_COLOR ignored, WMF_BRUSH_HATCH provides handle to bitmap */ { printf("util_set_brush: BS_PATTERN not supported\n"); break; } case BS_INDEXED /* 4 */: { printf("util_set_brush: BS_INDEXED not supported\n"); break; } case BS_DIBPATTERN /* 5 */: { wmfBMP *brush_bmp = WMF_BRUSH_BITMAP(brush); if (brush_bmp && brush_bmp->data != 0) { CompositeOperator mode; const Image *image; ExceptionInfo exception; MagickWand *magick_wand; GetExceptionInfo(&exception); image = (Image*)brush_bmp->data; mode = CopyCompositeOp; /* Default is copy */ switch (WMF_DC_ROP(dc)) { /* Binary raster ops */ case R2_BLACK: printf("util_set_brush: R2_BLACK ROP2 mode not supported!\n"); break; case R2_NOTMERGEPEN: printf("util_set_brush: R2_NOTMERGEPEN ROP2 mode not supported!\n"); break; case R2_MASKNOTPEN: printf("util_set_brush R2_MASKNOTPEN ROP2 mode not supported!\n"); break; case R2_NOTCOPYPEN: printf("util_set_brush: R2_NOTCOPYPEN ROP2 mode not supported!\n"); break; case R2_MASKPENNOT: printf("util_set_brush: R2_MASKPENNOT ROP2 mode not supported!\n"); break; case R2_NOT: printf("util_set_brush: R2_NOT ROP2 mode not supported!\n"); break; case R2_XORPEN: printf("util_set_brush: R2_XORPEN ROP2 mode not supported!\n"); break; case R2_NOTMASKPEN: printf("util_set_brush: R2_NOTMASKPEN ROP2 mode not supported!\n"); break; case R2_MASKPEN: printf("util_set_brush: R2_MASKPEN ROP2 mode not supported!\n"); break; case R2_NOTXORPEN: printf("util_set_brush: R2_NOTXORPEN ROP2 mode not supported!\n"); break; case R2_NOP: printf("util_set_brush: R2_NOP ROP2 mode not supported!\n"); break; case R2_MERGENOTPEN: printf("util_set_brush: R2_MERGENOTPEN ROP2 mode not supported!\n"); break; case R2_COPYPEN: mode = CopyCompositeOp; break; case R2_MERGEPENNOT: printf("util_set_brush: R2_MERGEPENNOT ROP2 mode not supported!\n"); break; case R2_MERGEPEN: printf("util_set_brush: R2_MERGEPEN ROP2 mode not supported!\n"); break; case R2_WHITE: printf("util_set_brush: R2_WHITE ROP2 mode not supported!\n"); break; default: { printf("util_set_brush: unexpected ROP2 enumeration %u!\n", (unsigned int)WMF_DC_ROP(dc)); } } DrawPushDefs(WmfDrawingWand); draw_pattern_push(API, ddata->pattern_id, brush_bmp->width, brush_bmp->height); magick_wand=NewMagickWandFromImage(image); (void) DrawComposite(WmfDrawingWand,mode, 0, 0, brush_bmp->width, brush_bmp->height, magick_wand); magick_wand=DestroyMagickWand(magick_wand); (void) DrawPopPattern(WmfDrawingWand); DrawPopDefs(WmfDrawingWand); { char pattern_id[30]; (void) FormatLocaleString(pattern_id,MaxTextExtent,"#brush_%lu", ddata->pattern_id); if ( brush_apply == BrushApplyStroke ) (void) DrawSetStrokePatternURL(WmfDrawingWand,pattern_id); else (void) DrawSetFillPatternURL(WmfDrawingWand,pattern_id); ++ddata->pattern_id; } } else printf("util_set_brush: no BMP image data!\n"); break; } case BS_DIBPATTERNPT /* 6 */: /* WMF_BRUSH_COLOR ignored, WMF_BRUSH_HATCH provides pointer to DIB */ { printf("util_set_brush: BS_DIBPATTERNPT not supported\n"); break; } case BS_PATTERN8X8 /* 7 */: { printf("util_set_brush: BS_PATTERN8X8 not supported\n"); break; } case BS_DIBPATTERN8X8 /* 8 */: { printf("util_set_brush: BS_DIBPATTERN8X8 not supported\n"); break; } default: { } } } static inline double MagickMax(const double x,const double y) { if (x > y) return(x); return(y); } static void util_set_pen(wmfAPI * API, wmfDC * dc) { wmf_magick_t *ddata = WMF_MAGICK_GetData(API); wmfPen *pen = 0; double pen_width, pixel_width; unsigned int pen_style, pen_type; pen = WMF_DC_PEN(dc); pen_width = (WMF_PEN_WIDTH(pen) + WMF_PEN_HEIGHT(pen)) / 2; /* Pixel width is inverse of pixel scale */ pixel_width = (((double) 1 / (ddata->scale_x)) + ((double) 1 / (ddata->scale_y))) / 2; /* Don't allow pen_width to be much less than pixel_width in order to avoid dissapearing or spider-web lines */ pen_width = MagickMax(pen_width, pixel_width*0.8); pen_style = (unsigned int) WMF_PEN_STYLE(pen); pen_type = (unsigned int) WMF_PEN_TYPE(pen); (void) pen_type; /* Pen style specified? */ if (pen_style == PS_NULL) { draw_stroke_color_string(WmfDrawingWand,"none"); return; } DrawSetStrokeAntialias(WmfDrawingWand, MagickTrue ); DrawSetStrokeWidth(WmfDrawingWand, (unsigned long) MagickMax(0.0, pen_width)); { LineCap linecap; switch ((unsigned int) WMF_PEN_ENDCAP(pen)) { case PS_ENDCAP_SQUARE: linecap = SquareCap; break; case PS_ENDCAP_ROUND: linecap = RoundCap; break; case PS_ENDCAP_FLAT: default: linecap = ButtCap; break; } DrawSetStrokeLineCap(WmfDrawingWand, linecap); } { LineJoin linejoin; switch ((unsigned int) WMF_PEN_JOIN(pen)) { case PS_JOIN_BEVEL: linejoin = BevelJoin; break; case PS_JOIN_ROUND: linejoin = RoundJoin; break; case PS_JOIN_MITER: default: linejoin = MiterJoin; break; } DrawSetStrokeLineJoin(WmfDrawingWand,linejoin); } { double dasharray[7]; switch (pen_style) { case PS_DASH: /* ------- */ { /* Pattern 18,7 */ dasharray[0] = pixel_width * 18; dasharray[1] = pixel_width * 7; dasharray[2] = 0; DrawSetStrokeAntialias(WmfDrawingWand,MagickFalse); (void) DrawSetStrokeDashArray(WmfDrawingWand,2,dasharray); break; } case PS_ALTERNATE: case PS_DOT: /* ....... */ { /* Pattern 3,3 */ dasharray[0] = pixel_width * 3; dasharray[1] = pixel_width * 3; dasharray[2] = 0; DrawSetStrokeAntialias(WmfDrawingWand,MagickFalse); (void) DrawSetStrokeDashArray(WmfDrawingWand,2,dasharray); break; } case PS_DASHDOT: /* _._._._ */ { /* Pattern 9,6,3,6 */ dasharray[0] = pixel_width * 9; dasharray[1] = pixel_width * 6; dasharray[2] = pixel_width * 3; dasharray[3] = pixel_width * 6; dasharray[4] = 0; DrawSetStrokeAntialias(WmfDrawingWand,MagickFalse); (void) DrawSetStrokeDashArray(WmfDrawingWand,4,dasharray); break; } case PS_DASHDOTDOT: /* _.._.._ */ { /* Pattern 9,3,3,3,3,3 */ dasharray[0] = pixel_width * 9; dasharray[1] = pixel_width * 3; dasharray[2] = pixel_width * 3; dasharray[3] = pixel_width * 3; dasharray[4] = pixel_width * 3; dasharray[5] = pixel_width * 3; dasharray[6] = 0; DrawSetStrokeAntialias(WmfDrawingWand,MagickFalse); (void) DrawSetStrokeDashArray(WmfDrawingWand,6,dasharray); break; } case PS_INSIDEFRAME: /* There is nothing to do in this case... */ case PS_SOLID: default: { (void) DrawSetStrokeDashArray(WmfDrawingWand,0,(double *)NULL); break; } } } draw_stroke_color_rgb(API,WMF_PEN_COLOR(pen)); } /* Estimate font pointsize based on Windows font parameters */ static double util_pointsize( wmfAPI* API, wmfFont* font, char* str, double font_height, ExceptionInfo *exception) { wmf_magick_t *ddata = WMF_MAGICK_GetData(API); Image *image = ddata->image; TypeMetric metrics; DrawInfo *draw_info; double pointsize = 0; draw_info=ddata->draw_info; if (draw_info == (const DrawInfo *) NULL) return 0; draw_info->font=WMF_FONT_PSNAME(font); draw_info->pointsize=font_height; draw_info->text=str; if (GetTypeMetrics(image, draw_info, &metrics, exception) != MagickFalse) { if (strlen(str) == 1) { pointsize = (font_height * ( font_height / (metrics.ascent + fabs(metrics.descent)))); draw_info->pointsize = pointsize; if (GetTypeMetrics(image, draw_info, &metrics, exception) != MagickFalse) pointsize *= (font_height / ( metrics.ascent + fabs(metrics.descent))); } else { pointsize = (font_height * (font_height / (metrics.height))); draw_info->pointsize = pointsize; if (GetTypeMetrics(image, draw_info, &metrics, exception) != MagickFalse) pointsize *= (font_height / metrics.height); } #if 0 draw_info.pointsize = pointsize; if (GetTypeMetrics(image, &draw_info, &metrics, exception) != MagickFalse) pointsize *= (font_height / (metrics.ascent + fabs(metrics.descent))); pointsize *= 1.114286; /* Magic number computed through trial and error */ #endif } draw_info->font=NULL; draw_info->text=NULL; #if 0 printf("String = %s\n", str); printf("Font = %s\n", WMF_FONT_PSNAME(font)); printf("lfHeight = %g\n", font_height); printf("bounds = %g,%g %g,%g\n", metrics.bounds.x1, metrics.bounds.y1, metrics.bounds.x2,metrics.bounds.y2); printf("ascent = %g\n", metrics.ascent); printf("descent = %g\n", metrics.descent); printf("height = %g\n", metrics.height); printf("Pointsize = %g\n", pointsize); #endif return floor(pointsize); } #if defined(MAGICKCORE_WMFLITE_DELEGATE) /* Estimate weight based on font name */ /* static int util_font_weight( const char* font ) { int weight; weight = 400; if ((strstr(font,"Normal") || strstr(font,"Regular"))) weight = 400; else if ( strstr(font,"Bold") ) { weight = 700; if ((strstr(font,"Semi") || strstr(font,"Demi"))) weight = 600; if ( (strstr(font,"Extra") || strstr(font,"Ultra"))) weight = 800; } else if ( strstr(font,"Light") ) { weight = 300; if ( (strstr(font,"Extra") || strstr(font,"Ultra"))) weight = 200; } else if ((strstr(font,"Heavy") || strstr(font,"Black"))) weight = 900; else if ( strstr(font,"Thin") ) weight = 100; return weight; } */ /* * Returns width of string in points, assuming (unstretched) font size of 1pt * (similar to wmf_ipa_font_stringwidth) * * This extremely odd at best, particularly since player/meta.h has access * to the corrected font_height (as drawtext.font_height) when it invokes the * stringwidth callback. It should be possible to compute the real stringwidth! */ static float lite_font_stringwidth( wmfAPI* API, wmfFont* font, char* str) { #if 0 wmf_magick_t *ddata = WMF_MAGICK_GetData(API); Image *image = ddata->image; DrawInfo *draw_info; ExceptionInfo *exception; TypeMetric metrics; float stringwidth = 0; double orig_x_resolution, orig_y_resolution; ResolutionType orig_resolution_units; orig_x_resolution = image->resolution.x; orig_y_resolution = image->resolution.y; orig_resolution_units = image->units; draw_info=ddata->draw_info; if (draw_info == (const DrawInfo *) NULL) return 0; draw_info->font=WMF_FONT_PSNAME(font); draw_info->pointsize=12; draw_info->text=str; image->resolution.x = 72; image->resolution.y = 72; image->units = PixelsPerInchResolution; exception=ddata->exception; if (GetTypeMetrics(image, draw_info, &metrics, exception) != MagickFalse) stringwidth = ((metrics.width * 72)/(image->resolution.x * draw_info->pointsize)); /* *0.916348; */ draw_info->font=NULL; draw_info->text=NULL; #if 0 printf("\nlite_font_stringwidth\n"); printf("string = \"%s\"\n", str); printf("WMF_FONT_NAME = \"%s\"\n", WMF_FONT_NAME(font)); printf("WMF_FONT_PSNAME = \"%s\"\n", WMF_FONT_PSNAME(font)); printf("stringwidth = %g\n", stringwidth); /* printf("WMF_FONT_HEIGHT = %i\n", (int)WMF_FONT_HEIGHT(font)); */ /* printf("WMF_FONT_WIDTH = %i\n", (int)WMF_FONT_WIDTH(font)); */ fflush(stdout); #endif image->resolution.x = orig_x_resolution; image->resolution.y = orig_y_resolution; image->units = orig_resolution_units; return stringwidth; #else (void) API; (void) font; (void) str; return 0; #endif } /* Map font (similar to wmf_ipa_font_map) */ /* Mappings to Postscript fonts: family, normal, italic, bold, bolditalic */ static wmfFontMap WMFFontMap[] = { { (char *) "Courier", (char *) "Courier", (char *) "Courier-Oblique", (char *) "Courier-Bold", (char *) "Courier-BoldOblique" }, { (char *) "Helvetica", (char *) "Helvetica", (char *) "Helvetica-Oblique", (char *) "Helvetica-Bold", (char *) "Helvetica-BoldOblique" }, { (char *) "Modern", (char *) "Courier", (char *) "Courier-Oblique", (char *) "Courier-Bold", (char *) "Courier-BoldOblique" }, { (char *) "Monotype Corsiva", (char *) "Courier", (char *) "Courier-Oblique", (char *) "Courier-Bold", (char *) "Courier-BoldOblique" }, { (char *) "News Gothic", (char *) "Helvetica", (char *) "Helvetica-Oblique", (char *) "Helvetica-Bold", (char *) "Helvetica-BoldOblique" }, { (char *) "Symbol", (char *) "Symbol", (char *) "Symbol", (char *) "Symbol", (char *) "Symbol" }, { (char *) "System", (char *) "Courier", (char *) "Courier-Oblique", (char *) "Courier-Bold", (char *) "Courier-BoldOblique" }, { (char *) "Times", (char *) "Times-Roman", (char *) "Times-Italic", (char *) "Times-Bold", (char *) "Times-BoldItalic" }, { (char *) NULL, (char *) NULL, (char *) NULL, (char *) NULL, (char *) NULL } }; /* Mapping between base name and Ghostscript family name */ static wmfMapping SubFontMap[] = { { (char *) "Arial", (char *) "Helvetica", FT_ENCODING_NONE }, { (char *) "Courier", (char *) "Courier", FT_ENCODING_NONE }, { (char *) "Fixed", (char *) "Courier", FT_ENCODING_NONE }, { (char *) "Helvetica", (char *) "Helvetica", FT_ENCODING_NONE }, { (char *) "Sans", (char *) "Helvetica", FT_ENCODING_NONE }, { (char *) "Sym", (char *) "Symbol", FT_ENCODING_NONE }, { (char *) "Terminal", (char *) "Courier", FT_ENCODING_NONE }, { (char *) "Times", (char *) "Times", FT_ENCODING_NONE }, { (char *) "Wingdings", (char *) "Symbol", FT_ENCODING_NONE }, { (char *) NULL, (char *) NULL, FT_ENCODING_NONE } }; static void lite_font_map( wmfAPI* API, wmfFont* font) { wmfFontData *font_data; wmf_magick_font_t *magick_font; wmf_magick_t *ddata = WMF_MAGICK_GetData(API); ExceptionInfo *exception; const TypeInfo *type_info, *type_info_base; const char *wmf_font_name; if (font == 0) return; font_data = (wmfFontData*)API->font_data; font->user_data = font_data->user_data; magick_font = (wmf_magick_font_t*)font->user_data; wmf_font_name = WMF_FONT_NAME(font); if (magick_font->ps_name != (char *) NULL) magick_font->ps_name=DestroyString(magick_font->ps_name); exception=ddata->exception; type_info_base=GetTypeInfo("*",exception); if (type_info_base == 0) return; /* Certain short-hand font names are not the proper Windows names and should be promoted to the proper names */ if (LocaleCompare(wmf_font_name,"Times") == 0) wmf_font_name = "Times New Roman"; else if (LocaleCompare(wmf_font_name,"Courier") == 0) wmf_font_name = "Courier New"; /* Look for a family-based best-match */ if (!magick_font->ps_name) { int target_weight; if (WMF_FONT_WEIGHT(font) == 0) target_weight = 400; else target_weight = WMF_FONT_WEIGHT(font); type_info=GetTypeInfoByFamily(wmf_font_name,AnyStyle,AnyStretch, target_weight,exception); if (type_info == (const TypeInfo *) NULL) type_info=GetTypeInfoByFamily(wmf_font_name,AnyStyle,AnyStretch,0, exception); if (type_info != (const TypeInfo *) NULL) CloneString(&magick_font->ps_name,type_info->name); } /* Now let's try simple substitution mappings from WMFFontMap */ if (!magick_font->ps_name) { char target[MaxTextExtent]; int target_weight = 400, want_italic = MagickFalse, want_bold = MagickFalse, i; if ( WMF_FONT_WEIGHT(font) != 0 ) target_weight = WMF_FONT_WEIGHT(font); if ( (target_weight > 550) || ((strstr(wmf_font_name,"Bold") || strstr(wmf_font_name,"Heavy") || strstr(wmf_font_name,"Black"))) ) want_bold = MagickTrue; if ( (WMF_FONT_ITALIC(font)) || ((strstr(wmf_font_name,"Italic") || strstr(wmf_font_name,"Oblique"))) ) want_italic = MagickTrue; (void) CopyMagickString(target,"Times",MaxTextExtent); for( i=0; SubFontMap[i].name != NULL; i++ ) { if (LocaleCompare(wmf_font_name, SubFontMap[i].name) == 0) { (void) CopyMagickString(target,SubFontMap[i].mapping, MaxTextExtent); break; } } for( i=0; WMFFontMap[i].name != NULL; i++ ) { if (LocaleNCompare(WMFFontMap[i].name,target,strlen(WMFFontMap[i].name)) == 0) { if (want_bold && want_italic) CloneString(&magick_font->ps_name,WMFFontMap[i].bolditalic); else if (want_italic) CloneString(&magick_font->ps_name,WMFFontMap[i].italic); else if (want_bold) CloneString(&magick_font->ps_name,WMFFontMap[i].bold); else CloneString(&magick_font->ps_name,WMFFontMap[i].normal); } } } #if 0 printf("\nlite_font_map\n"); printf("WMF_FONT_NAME = \"%s\"\n", WMF_FONT_NAME(font)); printf("WMF_FONT_WEIGHT = %i\n", WMF_FONT_WEIGHT(font)); printf("WMF_FONT_PSNAME = \"%s\"\n", WMF_FONT_PSNAME(font)); fflush(stdout); #endif } /* Initialize API font structures */ static void lite_font_init( wmfAPI* API, wmfAPI_Options* options) { wmfFontData *font_data; (void) options; API->fonts = 0; /* Allocate wmfFontData data structure */ API->font_data = wmf_malloc(API,sizeof(wmfFontData)); if (ERR (API)) return; font_data = (wmfFontData*)API->font_data; /* Assign function to map font (type wmfMap) */ font_data->map = lite_font_map; /* Assign function to return string width in points (type wmfStringWidth) */ font_data->stringwidth = lite_font_stringwidth; /* Assign user data, not used by libwmflite (type void*) */ font_data->user_data = wmf_malloc(API,sizeof(wmf_magick_font_t)); if (ERR(API)) return; ((wmf_magick_font_t*)font_data->user_data)->ps_name = 0; ((wmf_magick_font_t*)font_data->user_data)->pointsize = 0; } #endif /* MAGICKCORE_WMFLITE_DELEGATE */ /* BLOB read byte */ static int ipa_blob_read(void* wand) { return ReadBlobByte((Image*)wand); } /* BLOB seek */ static int ipa_blob_seek(void* wand,long position) { return (int)SeekBlob((Image*)wand,(MagickOffsetType) position,SEEK_SET); } /* BLOB tell */ static long ipa_blob_tell(void* wand) { return (long)TellBlob((Image*)wand); } static Image *ReadWMFImage(const ImageInfo *image_info,ExceptionInfo *exception) { double bounding_height, bounding_width, image_height, image_height_inch, image_width, image_width_inch, resolution_y, resolution_x, units_per_inch; float wmf_width, wmf_height; Image *image; unsigned long wmf_options_flags = 0; wmf_error_t wmf_error; wmf_magick_t *ddata = 0; wmfAPI *API = 0; wmfAPI_Options wmf_api_options; wmfD_Rect bbox; image=AcquireImage(image_info,exception); if (OpenBlob(image_info,image,ReadBinaryBlobMode,exception) == MagickFalse) { if (image->debug != MagickFalse) { (void) LogMagickEvent(CoderEvent,GetMagickModule(), " OpenBlob failed"); (void) LogMagickEvent(CoderEvent,GetMagickModule(), "leave ReadWMFImage()"); } image=DestroyImageList(image); return((Image *) NULL); } /* * Create WMF API * */ /* Register callbacks */ wmf_options_flags |= WMF_OPT_FUNCTION; (void) ResetMagickMemory(&wmf_api_options, 0, sizeof(wmf_api_options)); wmf_api_options.function = ipa_functions; /* Ignore non-fatal errors */ wmf_options_flags |= WMF_OPT_IGNORE_NONFATAL; wmf_error = wmf_api_create(&API, wmf_options_flags, &wmf_api_options); if (wmf_error != wmf_E_None) { if (API) wmf_api_destroy(API); if (image->debug != MagickFalse) { (void) LogMagickEvent(CoderEvent,GetMagickModule(), " wmf_api_create failed"); (void) LogMagickEvent(CoderEvent,GetMagickModule(), "leave ReadWMFImage()"); } ThrowReaderException(DelegateError,"UnableToInitializeWMFLibrary"); } /* Register progress monitor */ wmf_status_function(API,image,magick_progress_callback); ddata=WMF_MAGICK_GetData(API); ddata->image=image; ddata->image_info=image_info; ddata->draw_info=CloneDrawInfo(image_info,(const DrawInfo *) NULL); ddata->exception=exception; ddata->draw_info->font=(char *) RelinquishMagickMemory(ddata->draw_info->font); ddata->draw_info->text=(char *) RelinquishMagickMemory(ddata->draw_info->text); #if defined(MAGICKCORE_WMFLITE_DELEGATE) /* Must initialize font subystem for WMFlite interface */ lite_font_init (API,&wmf_api_options); /* similar to wmf_ipa_font_init in src/font.c */ /* wmf_arg_fontdirs (API,options); */ /* similar to wmf_arg_fontdirs in src/wmf.c */ #endif /* * Open BLOB input via libwmf API * */ wmf_error = wmf_bbuf_input(API,ipa_blob_read,ipa_blob_seek, ipa_blob_tell,(void*)image); if (wmf_error != wmf_E_None) { wmf_api_destroy(API); if (image->debug != MagickFalse) { (void) LogMagickEvent(CoderEvent,GetMagickModule(), " wmf_bbuf_input failed"); (void) LogMagickEvent(CoderEvent,GetMagickModule(), "leave ReadWMFImage()"); } ThrowFileException(exception,FileOpenError,"UnableToOpenFile", image->filename); image=DestroyImageList(image); return((Image *) NULL); } /* * Scan WMF file * */ if (image->debug != MagickFalse) (void) LogMagickEvent(CoderEvent,GetMagickModule(), " Scanning WMF to obtain bounding box"); wmf_error=wmf_scan(API, 0, &bbox); if (wmf_error != wmf_E_None) { wmf_api_destroy(API); if (image->debug != MagickFalse) { (void) LogMagickEvent(CoderEvent,GetMagickModule(), " wmf_scan failed with wmf_error %d", wmf_error); (void) LogMagickEvent(CoderEvent,GetMagickModule(), "leave ReadWMFImage()"); } ThrowReaderException(DelegateError,"FailedToScanFile"); } /* * Compute dimensions and scale factors * */ ddata->bbox=bbox; /* User specified resolution */ resolution_y=DefaultResolution; if (image->resolution.y != 0.0) { resolution_y = image->resolution.y; if (image->units == PixelsPerCentimeterResolution) resolution_y *= CENTIMETERS_PER_INCH; } resolution_x=DefaultResolution; if (image->resolution.x != 0.0) { resolution_x = image->resolution.x; if (image->units == PixelsPerCentimeterResolution) resolution_x *= CENTIMETERS_PER_INCH; } /* Obtain output size expressed in metafile units */ wmf_error=wmf_size(API,&wmf_width,&wmf_height); if (wmf_error != wmf_E_None) { wmf_api_destroy(API); if (image->debug != MagickFalse) { (void) LogMagickEvent(CoderEvent,GetMagickModule(), " wmf_size failed with wmf_error %d", wmf_error); (void) LogMagickEvent(CoderEvent,GetMagickModule(), "leave ReadWMFImage()"); } ThrowReaderException(DelegateError,"FailedToComputeOutputSize"); } /* Obtain (or guess) metafile units */ if ((API)->File->placeable) units_per_inch=(API)->File->pmh->Inch; else if ( (wmf_width*wmf_height) < 1024*1024) units_per_inch=POINTS_PER_INCH; /* MM_TEXT */ else units_per_inch=TWIPS_PER_INCH; /* MM_TWIPS */ /* Calculate image width and height based on specified DPI resolution */ image_width_inch = (double) wmf_width / units_per_inch; image_height_inch = (double) wmf_height / units_per_inch; image_width = image_width_inch * resolution_x; image_height = image_height_inch * resolution_y; /* Compute bounding box scale factors and origin translations * * This all just a hack since libwmf does not currently seem to * provide the mapping between LOGICAL coordinates and DEVICE * coordinates. This mapping is necessary in order to know * where to place the logical bounding box within the image. * */ bounding_width = bbox.BR.x - bbox.TL.x; bounding_height = bbox.BR.y - bbox.TL.y; ddata->scale_x = image_width/bounding_width; ddata->translate_x = 0-bbox.TL.x; ddata->rotate = 0; /* Heuristic: guess that if the vertical coordinates mostly span negative values, then the image must be inverted. */ if ( fabs(bbox.BR.y) > fabs(bbox.TL.y) ) { /* Normal (Origin at top left of image) */ ddata->scale_y = (image_height/bounding_height); ddata->translate_y = 0-bbox.TL.y; } else { /* Inverted (Origin at bottom left of image) */ ddata->scale_y = (-image_height/bounding_height); ddata->translate_y = 0-bbox.BR.y; } if (image->debug != MagickFalse) { (void) LogMagickEvent(CoderEvent,GetMagickModule(), " Placeable metafile: %s", (API)->File->placeable ? "Yes" : "No"); (void) LogMagickEvent(CoderEvent,GetMagickModule(), " Size in metafile units: %gx%g",wmf_width,wmf_height); (void) LogMagickEvent(CoderEvent,GetMagickModule(), " Metafile units/inch: %g",units_per_inch); (void) LogMagickEvent(CoderEvent,GetMagickModule(), " Size in inches: %gx%g", image_width_inch,image_height_inch); (void) LogMagickEvent(CoderEvent,GetMagickModule(), " Bounding Box: %g,%g %g,%g", bbox.TL.x, bbox.TL.y, bbox.BR.x, bbox.BR.y); (void) LogMagickEvent(CoderEvent,GetMagickModule(), " Bounding width x height: %gx%g",bounding_width, bounding_height); (void) LogMagickEvent(CoderEvent,GetMagickModule(), " Output resolution: %gx%g",resolution_x,resolution_y); (void) LogMagickEvent(CoderEvent,GetMagickModule(), " Image size: %gx%g",image_width,image_height); (void) LogMagickEvent(CoderEvent,GetMagickModule(), " Bounding box scale factor: %g,%g",ddata->scale_x, ddata->scale_y); (void) LogMagickEvent(CoderEvent,GetMagickModule(), " Translation: %g,%g", ddata->translate_x, ddata->translate_y); } #if 0 #if 0 { typedef struct _wmfPlayer_t wmfPlayer_t; struct _wmfPlayer_t { wmfPen default_pen; wmfBrush default_brush; wmfFont default_font; wmfDC* dc; /* current dc */ }; wmfDC *dc; #define WMF_ELICIT_DC(API) (((wmfPlayer_t*)((API)->player_data))->dc) dc = WMF_ELICIT_DC(API); printf("dc->Window.Ox = %d\n", dc->Window.Ox); printf("dc->Window.Oy = %d\n", dc->Window.Oy); printf("dc->Window.width = %d\n", dc->Window.width); printf("dc->Window.height = %d\n", dc->Window.height); printf("dc->pixel_width = %g\n", dc->pixel_width); printf("dc->pixel_height = %g\n", dc->pixel_height); #if defined(MAGICKCORE_WMFLITE_DELEGATE) /* Only in libwmf 0.3 */ printf("dc->Ox = %.d\n", dc->Ox); printf("dc->Oy = %.d\n", dc->Oy); printf("dc->width = %.d\n", dc->width); printf("dc->height = %.d\n", dc->height); #endif } #endif #endif /* * Create canvas image * */ image->rows=(unsigned long) ceil(image_height); image->columns=(unsigned long) ceil(image_width); if (image_info->ping != MagickFalse) { wmf_api_destroy(API); (void) CloseBlob(image); if (image->debug != MagickFalse) (void) LogMagickEvent(CoderEvent,GetMagickModule(), "leave ReadWMFImage()"); return(GetFirstImageInList(image)); } if (image->debug != MagickFalse) (void) LogMagickEvent(CoderEvent,GetMagickModule(), " Creating canvas image with size %lux%lu",(unsigned long) image->rows, (unsigned long) image->columns); /* * Set solid background color */ { image->background_color = image_info->background_color; if (image->background_color.alpha != OpaqueAlpha) image->alpha_trait=BlendPixelTrait; (void) SetImageBackgroundColor(image,exception); } /* * Play file to generate Vector drawing commands * */ if (image->debug != MagickFalse) (void) LogMagickEvent(CoderEvent,GetMagickModule(), " Playing WMF to prepare vectors"); wmf_error = wmf_play(API, 0, &bbox); if (wmf_error != wmf_E_None) { wmf_api_destroy(API); if (image->debug != MagickFalse) { (void) LogMagickEvent(CoderEvent,GetMagickModule(), " Playing WMF failed with wmf_error %d", wmf_error); (void) LogMagickEvent(CoderEvent,GetMagickModule(), "leave ReadWMFImage()"); } ThrowReaderException(DelegateError,"FailedToRenderFile"); } /* * Scribble on canvas image * */ if (image->debug != MagickFalse) (void) LogMagickEvent(CoderEvent,GetMagickModule(), " Rendering WMF vectors"); DrawRender(ddata->draw_wand); if (image->debug != MagickFalse) (void) LogMagickEvent(CoderEvent,GetMagickModule(),"leave ReadWMFImage()"); /* Cleanup allocated data */ wmf_api_destroy(API); (void) CloseBlob(image); /* Return image */ return image; } #endif /* %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % % % % % % R e g i s t e r W M F I m a g e % % % % % % % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % RegisterWMFImage() adds attributes for the WMF image format to % the list of supported formats. The attributes include the image format % tag, a method to read and/or write the format, whether the format % supports the saving of more than one frame to the same file or blob, % whether the format supports native in-memory I/O, and a brief % description of the format. % % The format of the RegisterWMFImage method is: % % size_t RegisterWMFImage(void) % */ ModuleExport size_t RegisterWMFImage(void) { MagickInfo *entry; entry = SetMagickInfo("WMZ"); #if defined(MAGICKCORE_WMF_DELEGATE) || defined(MAGICKCORE_WMFLITE_DELEGATE) entry->decoder=ReadWMFImage; #endif entry->description=ConstantString("Compressed Windows Meta File"); entry->module=ConstantString("WMZ"); entry->seekable_stream=MagickTrue; (void) RegisterMagickInfo(entry); entry=SetMagickInfo("WMF"); #if defined(MAGICKCORE_WMF_DELEGATE) || defined(MAGICKCORE_WMFLITE_DELEGATE) entry->decoder=ReadWMFImage; #endif entry->description=ConstantString("Windows Meta File"); entry->module=ConstantString("WMF"); (void) RegisterMagickInfo(entry); return(MagickImageCoderSignature); } /* %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % % % % % % U n r e g i s t e r W M F I m a g e % % % % % % % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % UnregisterWMFImage() removes format registrations made by the % WMF module from the list of supported formats. % % The format of the UnregisterWMFImage method is: % % UnregisterWMFImage(void) % */ ModuleExport void UnregisterWMFImage(void) { (void) UnregisterMagickInfo("WMZ"); (void) UnregisterMagickInfo("WMF"); }