/* %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % % % % % % FFFFF IIIII TTTTT SSSSS % % F I T SS % % FFF I T SSS % % F I T SS % % F IIIII T SSSSS % % % % % % Read/Write Flexible Image Transport System Images. % % % % Software Design % % Cristy % % July 1992 % % % % % % Copyright 1999-2015 ImageMagick Studio LLC, a non-profit organization % % dedicated to making software imaging solutions freely available. % % % % You may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may % % obtain a copy of the License at % % % % http://www.imagemagick.org/script/license.php % % % % Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software % % distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, % % WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. % % See the License for the specific language governing permissions and % % limitations under the License. % % % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % */ /* Include declarations. */ #include "MagickCore/studio.h" #include "MagickCore/attribute.h" #include "MagickCore/blob.h" #include "MagickCore/blob-private.h" #include "MagickCore/cache.h" #include "MagickCore/color-private.h" #include "MagickCore/colorspace.h" #include "MagickCore/colorspace-private.h" #include "MagickCore/constitute.h" #include "MagickCore/exception.h" #include "MagickCore/exception-private.h" #include "MagickCore/image.h" #include "MagickCore/image-private.h" #include "MagickCore/list.h" #include "MagickCore/magick.h" #include "MagickCore/memory_.h" #include "MagickCore/module.h" #include "MagickCore/monitor.h" #include "MagickCore/monitor-private.h" #include "MagickCore/pixel-accessor.h" #include "MagickCore/property.h" #include "MagickCore/quantum-private.h" #include "MagickCore/static.h" #include "MagickCore/statistic.h" #include "MagickCore/string_.h" #include "MagickCore/string-private.h" #include "MagickCore/module.h" /* Forward declarations. */ #define FITSBlocksize 2880UL /* Forward declarations. */ static MagickBooleanType WriteFITSImage(const ImageInfo *,Image *,ExceptionInfo *); /* %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % % % % % % I s F I T S % % % % % % % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % IsFITS() returns MagickTrue if the image format type, identified by the % magick string, is FITS. % % The format of the IsFITS method is: % % MagickBooleanType IsFITS(const unsigned char *magick,const size_t length) % % A description of each parameter follows: % % o magick: compare image format pattern against these bytes. % % o length: Specifies the length of the magick string. % */ static MagickBooleanType IsFITS(const unsigned char *magick,const size_t length) { if (length < 6) return(MagickFalse); if (LocaleNCompare((const char *) magick,"IT0",3) == 0) return(MagickTrue); if (LocaleNCompare((const char *) magick,"SIMPLE",6) == 0) return(MagickTrue); return(MagickFalse); } /* %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % % % % % % R e a d F I T S I m a g e % % % % % % % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % ReadFITSImage() reads a FITS image file and returns it. It allocates the % memory necessary for the new Image structure and returns a pointer to the % new image. % % The format of the ReadFITSImage method is: % % Image *ReadFITSImage(const ImageInfo *image_info, % ExceptionInfo *exception) % % A description of each parameter follows: % % o image_info: the image info. % % o exception: return any errors or warnings in this structure. % */ static inline double GetFITSPixel(Image *image,int bits_per_pixel) { switch (image->depth >> 3) { case 1: return((double) ReadBlobByte(image)); case 2: return((double) ((short) ReadBlobShort(image))); case 4: { if (bits_per_pixel > 0) return((double) ((int) ReadBlobLong(image))); return((double) ReadBlobFloat(image)); } case 8: { if (bits_per_pixel > 0) return((double) ((MagickOffsetType) ReadBlobLongLong(image))); } default: break; } return(ReadBlobDouble(image)); } static MagickOffsetType GetFITSPixelExtrema(Image *image, const int bits_per_pixel,double *minima,double *maxima) { double pixel; MagickOffsetType offset; MagickSizeType number_pixels; register MagickOffsetType i; offset=TellBlob(image); if (offset == -1) return(-1); number_pixels=(MagickSizeType) image->columns*image->rows; *minima=GetFITSPixel(image,bits_per_pixel); *maxima=(*minima); for (i=1; i < (MagickOffsetType) number_pixels; i++) { pixel=GetFITSPixel(image,bits_per_pixel); if (pixel < *minima) *minima=pixel; if (pixel > *maxima) *maxima=pixel; } return(SeekBlob(image,offset,SEEK_SET)); } static inline double GetFITSPixelRange(const size_t depth) { return((double) ((MagickOffsetType) GetQuantumRange(depth))); } static void SetFITSUnsignedPixels(const size_t length, const size_t bits_per_pixel,const EndianType endian,unsigned char *pixels) { register ssize_t i; if (endian != MSBEndian) pixels+=(bits_per_pixel >> 3)-1; for (i=0; i < (ssize_t) length; i++) { *pixels^=0x80; pixels+=bits_per_pixel >> 3; } } static Image *ReadFITSImage(const ImageInfo *image_info, ExceptionInfo *exception) { typedef struct _FITSInfo { MagickBooleanType extend, simple; int bits_per_pixel, columns, rows, number_axes, number_planes; double min_data, max_data, zero, scale; EndianType endian; } FITSInfo; char *comment, keyword[9], property[MaxTextExtent], value[73]; double pixel, scale; FITSInfo fits_info; Image *image; int c; MagickBooleanType status; MagickSizeType number_pixels; register ssize_t i, x; register Quantum *q; ssize_t count, scene, y; /* Open image file. */ assert(image_info != (const ImageInfo *) NULL); assert(image_info->signature == MagickSignature); if (image_info->debug != MagickFalse) (void) LogMagickEvent(TraceEvent,GetMagickModule(),"%s", image_info->filename); assert(exception != (ExceptionInfo *) NULL); assert(exception->signature == MagickSignature); image=AcquireImage(image_info,exception); status=OpenBlob(image_info,image,ReadBinaryBlobMode,exception); if (status == MagickFalse) { image=DestroyImageList(image); return((Image *) NULL); } /* Initialize image header. */ (void) ResetMagickMemory(&fits_info,0,sizeof(fits_info)); fits_info.extend=MagickFalse; fits_info.simple=MagickFalse; fits_info.bits_per_pixel=8; fits_info.columns=1; fits_info.rows=1; fits_info.rows=1; fits_info.number_planes=1; fits_info.min_data=0.0; fits_info.max_data=0.0; fits_info.zero=0.0; fits_info.scale=1.0; fits_info.endian=MSBEndian; /* Decode image header. */ for (comment=(char *) NULL; EOFBlob(image) == MagickFalse; ) { for ( ; EOFBlob(image) == MagickFalse; ) { register char *p; count=ReadBlob(image,8,(unsigned char *) keyword); if (count != 8) break; for (i=0; i < 8; i++) { if (isspace((int) ((unsigned char) keyword[i])) != 0) break; keyword[i]=tolower((int) ((unsigned char) keyword[i])); } keyword[i]='\0'; count=ReadBlob(image,72,(unsigned char *) value); value[72]='\0'; if (count != 72) break; p=value; if (*p == '=') { p+=2; while (isspace((int) ((unsigned char) *p)) != 0) p++; } if (LocaleCompare(keyword,"end") == 0) break; if (LocaleCompare(keyword,"extend") == 0) fits_info.extend=(*p == 'T') || (*p == 't') ? MagickTrue : MagickFalse; if (LocaleCompare(keyword,"simple") == 0) fits_info.simple=(*p == 'T') || (*p == 't') ? MagickTrue : MagickFalse; if (LocaleCompare(keyword,"bitpix") == 0) fits_info.bits_per_pixel=StringToLong(p); if (LocaleCompare(keyword,"naxis") == 0) fits_info.number_axes=StringToLong(p); if (LocaleCompare(keyword,"naxis1") == 0) fits_info.columns=StringToLong(p); if (LocaleCompare(keyword,"naxis2") == 0) fits_info.rows=StringToLong(p); if (LocaleCompare(keyword,"naxis3") == 0) fits_info.number_planes=StringToLong(p); if (LocaleCompare(keyword,"datamax") == 0) fits_info.max_data=StringToDouble(p,(char **) NULL); if (LocaleCompare(keyword,"datamin") == 0) fits_info.min_data=StringToDouble(p,(char **) NULL); if (LocaleCompare(keyword,"bzero") == 0) fits_info.zero=StringToDouble(p,(char **) NULL); if (LocaleCompare(keyword,"bscale") == 0) fits_info.scale=StringToDouble(p,(char **) NULL); if (LocaleCompare(keyword,"comment") == 0) { if (comment == (char *) NULL) comment=ConstantString(p); else (void) ConcatenateString(&comment,p); } if (LocaleCompare(keyword,"xendian") == 0) { if (LocaleNCompare(p,"big",3) == 0) fits_info.endian=MSBEndian; else fits_info.endian=LSBEndian; } (void) FormatLocaleString(property,MaxTextExtent,"fits:%s",keyword); (void) SetImageProperty(image,property,p,exception); } c=0; while (((TellBlob(image) % FITSBlocksize) != 0) && (c != EOF)) c=ReadBlobByte(image); if (fits_info.extend == MagickFalse) break; if ((fits_info.bits_per_pixel != 8) && (fits_info.bits_per_pixel != 16) && (fits_info.bits_per_pixel != 32) && (fits_info.bits_per_pixel != 64) && (fits_info.bits_per_pixel != -32) && (fits_info.bits_per_pixel != -64)) ThrowReaderException(CorruptImageError,"ImproperImageHeader"); number_pixels=(MagickSizeType) fits_info.columns*fits_info.rows; if ((fits_info.simple != MagickFalse) && (fits_info.number_axes >= 1) && (fits_info.number_axes <= 4) && (number_pixels != 0)) break; } /* Verify that required image information is defined. */ if (comment != (char *) NULL) { (void) SetImageProperty(image,"comment",comment,exception); comment=DestroyString(comment); } if (EOFBlob(image) != MagickFalse) ThrowFileException(exception,CorruptImageError,"UnexpectedEndOfFile", image->filename); number_pixels=(MagickSizeType) fits_info.columns*fits_info.rows; if ((fits_info.simple == MagickFalse) || (fits_info.number_axes < 1) || (fits_info.number_axes > 4) || (number_pixels == 0)) ThrowReaderException(CorruptImageError,"ImageTypeNotSupported"); for (scene=0; scene < (ssize_t) fits_info.number_planes; scene++) { image->columns=(size_t) fits_info.columns; image->rows=(size_t) fits_info.rows; image->depth=(size_t) (fits_info.bits_per_pixel < 0 ? -1 : 1)* fits_info.bits_per_pixel; image->endian=fits_info.endian; image->scene=(size_t) scene; if ((image_info->ping != MagickFalse) && (image_info->number_scenes != 0)) if (image->scene >= (image_info->scene+image_info->number_scenes-1)) break; status=SetImageExtent(image,image->columns,image->rows,exception); if (status == MagickFalse) return(DestroyImageList(image)); /* Initialize image structure. */ (void) SetImageColorspace(image,GRAYColorspace,exception); if ((fits_info.min_data == 0.0) && (fits_info.max_data == 0.0)) { if (fits_info.zero == 0.0) (void) GetFITSPixelExtrema(image,fits_info.bits_per_pixel, &fits_info.min_data,&fits_info.max_data); else fits_info.max_data=GetFITSPixelRange((size_t) fits_info.bits_per_pixel); } else fits_info.max_data=GetFITSPixelRange((size_t) fits_info.bits_per_pixel); /* Convert FITS pixels to pixel packets. */ scale=QuantumRange/(fits_info.max_data-fits_info.min_data); for (y=(ssize_t) image->rows-1; y >= 0; y--) { q=QueueAuthenticPixels(image,0,y,image->columns,1,exception); if (q == (Quantum *) NULL) break; for (x=0; x < (ssize_t) image->columns; x++) { pixel=GetFITSPixel(image,fits_info.bits_per_pixel); if ((image->depth == 16) || (image->depth == 32) || (image->depth == 64)) SetFITSUnsignedPixels(1,image->depth,image->endian, (unsigned char *) &pixel); SetPixelGray(image,ClampToQuantum(scale*(fits_info.scale*(pixel- fits_info.min_data)+fits_info.zero)),q); q+=GetPixelChannels(image); } if (SyncAuthenticPixels(image,exception) == MagickFalse) break; if (image->previous == (Image *) NULL) { status=SetImageProgress(image,LoadImageTag,(MagickOffsetType) y, image->rows); if (status == MagickFalse) break; } } if (EOFBlob(image) != MagickFalse) { ThrowFileException(exception,CorruptImageError,"UnexpectedEndOfFile", image->filename); break; } /* Proceed to next image. */ if (image_info->number_scenes != 0) if (image->scene >= (image_info->scene+image_info->number_scenes-1)) break; if (scene < (ssize_t) (fits_info.number_planes-1)) { /* Allocate next image structure. */ AcquireNextImage(image_info,image,exception); if (GetNextImageInList(image) == (Image *) NULL) { image=DestroyImageList(image); return((Image *) NULL); } image=SyncNextImageInList(image); status=SetImageProgress(image,LoadImagesTag,TellBlob(image), GetBlobSize(image)); if (status == MagickFalse) break; } } (void) CloseBlob(image); return(GetFirstImageInList(image)); } /* %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % % % % % % R e g i s t e r F I T S I m a g e % % % % % % % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % RegisterFITSImage() adds attributes for the FITS image format to % the list of supported formats. The attributes include the image format % tag, a method to read and/or write the format, whether the format % supports the saving of more than one frame to the same file or blob, % whether the format supports native in-memory I/O, and a brief % description of the format. % % The format of the RegisterFITSImage method is: % % size_t RegisterFITSImage(void) % */ ModuleExport size_t RegisterFITSImage(void) { MagickInfo *entry; entry=SetMagickInfo("FITS"); entry->decoder=(DecodeImageHandler *) ReadFITSImage; entry->encoder=(EncodeImageHandler *) WriteFITSImage; entry->magick=(IsImageFormatHandler *) IsFITS; entry->flags^=CoderAdjoinFlag; entry->flags|=CoderSeekableStreamFlag; entry->description=ConstantString("Flexible Image Transport System"); entry->module=ConstantString("FITS"); (void) RegisterMagickInfo(entry); entry=SetMagickInfo("FTS"); entry->decoder=(DecodeImageHandler *) ReadFITSImage; entry->encoder=(EncodeImageHandler *) WriteFITSImage; entry->magick=(IsImageFormatHandler *) IsFITS; entry->flags^=CoderAdjoinFlag; entry->flags|=CoderSeekableStreamFlag; entry->description=ConstantString("Flexible Image Transport System"); entry->module=ConstantString("FTS"); (void) RegisterMagickInfo(entry); return(MagickImageCoderSignature); } /* %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % % % % % % U n r e g i s t e r F I T S I m a g e % % % % % % % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % UnregisterFITSImage() removes format registrations made by the % FITS module from the list of supported formats. % % The format of the UnregisterFITSImage method is: % % UnregisterFITSImage(void) % */ ModuleExport void UnregisterFITSImage(void) { (void) UnregisterMagickInfo("FITS"); (void) UnregisterMagickInfo("FTS"); } /* %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % % % % % % W r i t e F I T S I m a g e % % % % % % % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % WriteFITSImage() writes a Flexible Image Transport System image to a % file as gray scale intensities [0..255]. % % The format of the WriteFITSImage method is: % % MagickBooleanType WriteFITSImage(const ImageInfo *image_info, % Image *image,ExceptionInfo *exception) % % A description of each parameter follows. % % o image_info: the image info. % % o image: The image. % % o exception: return any errors or warnings in this structure. % */ static MagickBooleanType WriteFITSImage(const ImageInfo *image_info, Image *image,ExceptionInfo *exception) { char header[FITSBlocksize], *fits_info; MagickBooleanType status; QuantumInfo *quantum_info; register const Quantum *p; size_t length; ssize_t count, offset, y; unsigned char *pixels; /* Open output image file. */ assert(image_info != (const ImageInfo *) NULL); assert(image_info->signature == MagickSignature); assert(image != (Image *) NULL); assert(image->signature == MagickSignature); if (image->debug != MagickFalse) (void) LogMagickEvent(TraceEvent,GetMagickModule(),"%s",image->filename); assert(exception != (ExceptionInfo *) NULL); assert(exception->signature == MagickSignature); status=OpenBlob(image_info,image,WriteBinaryBlobMode,exception); if (status == MagickFalse) return(status); (void) TransformImageColorspace(image,sRGBColorspace,exception); /* Allocate image memory. */ fits_info=(char *) AcquireQuantumMemory(FITSBlocksize,sizeof(*fits_info)); if (fits_info == (char *) NULL) ThrowWriterException(ResourceLimitError,"MemoryAllocationFailed"); (void) ResetMagickMemory(fits_info,' ',FITSBlocksize*sizeof(*fits_info)); /* Initialize image header. */ image->depth=GetImageQuantumDepth(image,MagickFalse); image->endian=MSBEndian; quantum_info=AcquireQuantumInfo(image_info,image); if (quantum_info == (QuantumInfo *) NULL) ThrowWriterException(ResourceLimitError,"MemoryAllocationFailed"); offset=0; (void) FormatLocaleString(header,FITSBlocksize, "SIMPLE = T"); (void) strncpy(fits_info+offset,header,strlen(header)); offset+=80; (void) FormatLocaleString(header,FITSBlocksize,"BITPIX = %10ld", (long) ((quantum_info->format == FloatingPointQuantumFormat ? -1 : 1)* image->depth)); (void) strncpy(fits_info+offset,header,strlen(header)); offset+=80; (void) FormatLocaleString(header,FITSBlocksize,"NAXIS = %10lu", SetImageGray(image,exception) != MagickFalse ? 2UL : 3UL); (void) strncpy(fits_info+offset,header,strlen(header)); offset+=80; (void) FormatLocaleString(header,FITSBlocksize,"NAXIS1 = %10lu", (unsigned long) image->columns); (void) strncpy(fits_info+offset,header,strlen(header)); offset+=80; (void) FormatLocaleString(header,FITSBlocksize,"NAXIS2 = %10lu", (unsigned long) image->rows); (void) strncpy(fits_info+offset,header,strlen(header)); offset+=80; if (SetImageGray(image,exception) == MagickFalse) { (void) FormatLocaleString(header,FITSBlocksize, "NAXIS3 = %10lu",3UL); (void) strncpy(fits_info+offset,header,strlen(header)); offset+=80; } (void) FormatLocaleString(header,FITSBlocksize,"BSCALE = %E",1.0); (void) strncpy(fits_info+offset,header,strlen(header)); offset+=80; (void) FormatLocaleString(header,FITSBlocksize,"BZERO = %E", image->depth > 8 ? GetFITSPixelRange(image->depth)/2.0 : 0.0); (void) strncpy(fits_info+offset,header,strlen(header)); offset+=80; (void) FormatLocaleString(header,FITSBlocksize,"DATAMAX = %E", 1.0*((MagickOffsetType) GetQuantumRange(image->depth))); (void) strncpy(fits_info+offset,header,strlen(header)); offset+=80; (void) FormatLocaleString(header,FITSBlocksize,"DATAMIN = %E",0.0); (void) strncpy(fits_info+offset,header,strlen(header)); offset+=80; if (image->endian == LSBEndian) { (void) FormatLocaleString(header,FITSBlocksize,"XENDIAN = 'SMALL'"); (void) strncpy(fits_info+offset,header,strlen(header)); offset+=80; } (void) FormatLocaleString(header,FITSBlocksize,"HISTORY %.72s", GetMagickVersion((size_t *) NULL)); (void) strncpy(fits_info+offset,header,strlen(header)); offset+=80; (void) strncpy(header,"END",FITSBlocksize); (void) strncpy(fits_info+offset,header,strlen(header)); offset+=80; (void) WriteBlob(image,FITSBlocksize,(unsigned char *) fits_info); /* Convert image to fits scale PseudoColor class. */ pixels=GetQuantumPixels(quantum_info); if (SetImageGray(image,exception) != MagickFalse) { length=GetQuantumExtent(image,quantum_info,GrayQuantum); for (y=(ssize_t) image->rows-1; y >= 0; y--) { p=GetVirtualPixels(image,0,y,image->columns,1,exception); if (p == (const Quantum *) NULL) break; length=ExportQuantumPixels(image,(CacheView *) NULL,quantum_info, GrayQuantum,pixels,exception); if (image->depth == 16) SetFITSUnsignedPixels(image->columns,image->depth,image->endian, pixels); if (((image->depth == 32) || (image->depth == 64)) && (quantum_info->format != FloatingPointQuantumFormat)) SetFITSUnsignedPixels(image->columns,image->depth,image->endian, pixels); count=WriteBlob(image,length,pixels); if (count != (ssize_t) length) break; status=SetImageProgress(image,SaveImageTag,(MagickOffsetType) y, image->rows); if (status == MagickFalse) break; } } else { length=GetQuantumExtent(image,quantum_info,RedQuantum); for (y=(ssize_t) image->rows-1; y >= 0; y--) { p=GetVirtualPixels(image,0,y,image->columns,1,exception); if (p == (const Quantum *) NULL) break; length=ExportQuantumPixels(image,(CacheView *) NULL,quantum_info, RedQuantum,pixels,exception); if (image->depth == 16) SetFITSUnsignedPixels(image->columns,image->depth,image->endian, pixels); if (((image->depth == 32) || (image->depth == 64)) && (quantum_info->format != FloatingPointQuantumFormat)) SetFITSUnsignedPixels(image->columns,image->depth,image->endian, pixels); count=WriteBlob(image,length,pixels); if (count != (ssize_t) length) break; status=SetImageProgress(image,SaveImageTag,(MagickOffsetType) y, image->rows); if (status == MagickFalse) break; } length=GetQuantumExtent(image,quantum_info,GreenQuantum); for (y=(ssize_t) image->rows-1; y >= 0; y--) { p=GetVirtualPixels(image,0,y,image->columns,1,exception); if (p == (const Quantum *) NULL) break; length=ExportQuantumPixels(image,(CacheView *) NULL,quantum_info, GreenQuantum,pixels,exception); if (image->depth == 16) SetFITSUnsignedPixels(image->columns,image->depth,image->endian, pixels); if (((image->depth == 32) || (image->depth == 64)) && (quantum_info->format != FloatingPointQuantumFormat)) SetFITSUnsignedPixels(image->columns,image->depth,image->endian, pixels); count=WriteBlob(image,length,pixels); if (count != (ssize_t) length) break; status=SetImageProgress(image,SaveImageTag,(MagickOffsetType) y, image->rows); if (status == MagickFalse) break; } length=GetQuantumExtent(image,quantum_info,BlueQuantum); for (y=(ssize_t) image->rows-1; y >= 0; y--) { p=GetVirtualPixels(image,0,y,image->columns,1,exception); if (p == (const Quantum *) NULL) break; length=ExportQuantumPixels(image,(CacheView *) NULL,quantum_info, BlueQuantum,pixels,exception); if (image->depth == 16) SetFITSUnsignedPixels(image->columns,image->depth,image->endian, pixels); if (((image->depth == 32) || (image->depth == 64)) && (quantum_info->format != FloatingPointQuantumFormat)) SetFITSUnsignedPixels(image->columns,image->depth,image->endian, pixels); count=WriteBlob(image,length,pixels); if (count != (ssize_t) length) break; status=SetImageProgress(image,SaveImageTag,(MagickOffsetType) y, image->rows); if (status == MagickFalse) break; } } quantum_info=DestroyQuantumInfo(quantum_info); length=(size_t) (FITSBlocksize-TellBlob(image) % FITSBlocksize); if (length != 0) { (void) ResetMagickMemory(fits_info,0,length*sizeof(*fits_info)); (void) WriteBlob(image,length,(unsigned char *) fits_info); } fits_info=DestroyString(fits_info); (void) CloseBlob(image); return(MagickTrue); }