/* * Decoder of socket filter programs. * * Copyright (c) 2017 Dmitry V. Levin * Copyright (c) 2017-2019 The strace developers. * All rights reserved. * * SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-2.1-or-later */ #include "defs.h" #include "bpf_filter.h" #include #include "xlat/skf_ad.h" #define XLAT_MACROS_ONLY # include "xlat/skf_off.h" #undef XLAT_MACROS_ONLY static bool print_sock_filter_k(const struct bpf_filter_block *const fp) { if (BPF_CLASS(fp->code) == BPF_LD && BPF_MODE(fp->code) == BPF_ABS) { if (fp->k >= (unsigned int) SKF_AD_OFF) { print_xlat32(SKF_AD_OFF); tprints("+"); printxval(skf_ad, fp->k - (unsigned int) SKF_AD_OFF, "SKF_AD_???"); return true; } else if (fp->k >= (unsigned int) SKF_NET_OFF) { print_xlat32(SKF_NET_OFF); tprintf("+%u", fp->k - (unsigned int) SKF_NET_OFF); return true; } else if (fp->k >= (unsigned int) SKF_LL_OFF) { print_xlat32(SKF_LL_OFF); tprintf("+%u", fp->k - (unsigned int) SKF_LL_OFF); return true; } } return false; } void print_sock_fprog(struct tcb *const tcp, const kernel_ulong_t addr, const unsigned short len) { print_bpf_fprog(tcp, addr, len, print_sock_filter_k); } void decode_sock_fprog(struct tcb *const tcp, const kernel_ulong_t addr) { decode_bpf_fprog(tcp, addr, print_sock_filter_k); }