# This is the configuration file for AppVeyor builds. # Look at the following for reference: # https://www.appveyor.com/docs/appveyor-yml # Notes: # - Minimal appveyor.yml file is an empty file. All sections are optional. # - Indent each level of configuration with 2 spaces. Do not use tabs! # - All section names are case-sensitive. # - Section names should be unique on each level. #---------------------------------# # general configuration # #---------------------------------# # version format version: 1.0.{build} #---------------------------------# # environment configuration # # and build matrix # #---------------------------------# environment: vsversion: none arch: default matrix: # Visual Studio builds # - platform: vs # vsversion: 2008 # arch: x86 - platform: vs vsversion: 2010 arch: x86 - platform: vs vsversion: 2012 arch: x86 - platform: vs vsversion: 2013 arch: x86 - platform: vs vsversion: 2015 arch: x86 - platform: vs vsversion: 2017 arch: x86 APPVEYOR_BUILD_WORKER_IMAGE: Visual Studio 2017 - platform: vs vsversion: 2010 arch: x64 - platform: vs vsversion: 2012 arch: x64 - platform: vs vsversion: 2013 arch: x64 - platform: vs vsversion: 2015 arch: x64 - platform: vs vsversion: 2017 arch: x64 APPVEYOR_BUILD_WORKER_IMAGE: Visual Studio 2017 - platform: vs vsversion: 2012 arch: ARM - platform: vs vsversion: 2013 arch: ARM - platform: vs vsversion: 2015 arch: ARM - platform: vs vsversion: 2017 arch: ARM APPVEYOR_BUILD_WORKER_IMAGE: Visual Studio 2017 # Other compilers than Visual Studio - platform: msvc - platform: cygwin - platform: mingw32 - platform: mingw64msys # clone directory clone_folder: c:\projects\check # build Configuration, i.e. Debug, Release, etc. configuration: Release #---------------------------------# # scripts that are called at # # the very beginning, before # # repo cloning # #---------------------------------# init: - git config --global core.autocrlf input #---------------------------------# # scripts to run before build # #---------------------------------# before_build: - cd c:\projects\check - echo Directory before starting build... - dir - echo Starting pre-build step... # Remove the following from the path, as it will interfere with # the MinGW builds - set PATH=%PATH:C:\Program Files\Git\usr\bin;=% - if %platform%==msvc call "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 12.0\VC\vcvarsall.bat" - if %platform%==msvc mkdir build - if %platform%==msvc chdir build - if %platform%==msvc cmake -G "NMake Makefiles" -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=%P% -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug .. - if %platform%==vs ( set "makecommand=Visual Studio" ) - set "vcx=false" - set "vcs=false" - if %platform%==vs ( set "vcx=true" ) - if %vsversion%==2005 ( set "vcs=true" ) - if %vsversion%==2008 ( set "vcs=true" ) - if %vcs%==true ( set "vcx=false" ) - if %vsversion%==2005 ( set "makecommand=%makecommand% 8 %vsversion%" ) - if %vsversion%==2008 ( set "makecommand=%makecommand% 9 %vsversion%" ) - if %vsversion%==2010 ( set "makecommand=%makecommand% 10 %vsversion%" ) - if %vsversion%==2012 ( set "makecommand=%makecommand% 11 %vsversion%" ) - if %vsversion%==2013 ( set "makecommand=%makecommand% 12 %vsversion%" ) - if %vsversion%==2015 ( set "makecommand=%makecommand% 14 %vsversion%" ) - if %vsversion%==2017 ( set "makecommand=%makecommand% 15 %vsversion%" ) - if %arch%==x64 ( set "makecommand=%makecommand% Win64" ) - if %arch%==ARM ( set "makecommand=%makecommand% ARM" ) - if %platform%==vs mkdir build - if %platform%==vs chdir build - if %platform%==vs cmake -G "%makecommand%" -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=%P% -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug .. - if %platform%==cygwin set PATH=C:\cygwin\bin;%PATH% - if %platform%==cygwin bash -c "autoreconf -i" - if %platform%==cygwin bash -c "./configure" - if %platform%==mingw32 set PATH=C:\MinGW\bin;%PATH% - if %platform%==mingw32 mkdir build - if %platform%==mingw32 chdir build - if %platform%==mingw32 cmake -G "MinGW Makefiles" -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=%P% -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug .. - if %platform%==mingw64msys set PATH=C:\msys64\mingw64\bin;C:\msys64\usr\bin;%PATH% - if %platform%==mingw64msys bash -c "autoreconf -i" - if %platform%==mingw64msys bash -c "./configure" #---------------------------------# # build code and unit tests # #---------------------------------# build_script: - echo Directory before running build step... - dir - echo Building code... - if %platform%==msvc nmake - if %platform%==cygwin bash -c "make" - if %platform%==mingw32 mingw32-make - if %platform%==mingw64msys bash -c "make" - if %vcx%==true msbuild /p:Platform=%arch% "ALL_BUILD.vcxproj" # Build for VS2008 (prior to the vsxproj file format), only 32 bit # Options see https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms164311.aspx - if %vcs%==true msbuild /p:Configuration=Release /p:Platform=Win32 /nologo /v:d "check.sln" #---------------------------------# # run unit test for all x86 # # and x64 architecture builds # #---------------------------------# test_script: - set "testplatform=%platform%" # Can not run ARM builds on x86/x64 build images - if %arch%==ARM ( set "testplatform=none" ) - echo Project directory before running test step... - dir - echo tests directory before running test step... - dir tests - echo Running unit tests... - if %testplatform%==msvc nmake test VERBOSE=1 CTEST_OUTPUT_ON_FAILURE=TRUE - if %testplatform%==vs ctest --extra-verbose -C Release - if %testplatform%==cygwin bash -c "make check" - if %testplatform%==mingw32 tests\check_check.exe - if %testplatform%==mingw64msys bash -c "tests/check_check" - if %testplatform%==none echo Can not test for %arch% here #---------------------------------# # build and test completed # #---------------------------------# on_finish: - echo Project directory after running tests... - dir - echo tests directory after running tests... - dir tests - if %platform%==cygwin bash -c "cat tests/test-suite.log || true"