APACHE 2.5 STATUS: -*-text-*- Last modified at [$Date$] The current version of this file can be found at: * http://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/httpd/httpd/trunk/STATUS Documentation status is maintained separately and can be found at: * docs/STATUS in this source tree, or * http://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/httpd/httpd/trunk/docs/STATUS Consult the following STATUS files for information on related projects: * http://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/apr/apr/trunk/STATUS Patches considered for backport are noted in their branches' STATUS: * http://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/httpd/httpd/branches/2.0.x/STATUS * http://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/httpd/httpd/branches/2.2.x/STATUS * http://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/httpd/httpd/branches/2.4.x/STATUS Release history: [NOTE that x.{odd}.z versions are strictly Alpha/Beta releases, while x.{even}.z versions are Stable/GA releases.] 2.5.0 : In Development. Contributors looking for a mission: * Just do an egrep on "TODO" or "XXX" in the source. * Review the bug database at: http://issues.apache.org/bugzilla/ * Review the "PatchAvailable" bugs in the bug database: https://issues.apache.org/bugzilla/buglist.cgi?bug_status=NEW&bug_status=ASSIGNED&bug_status=REOPENED&product=Apache+httpd-2&keywords=PatchAvailable After testing, you can append a comment saying "Reviewed and tested". * Open bugs in the bug database. * See also the STATUS file in the docs/ directory, which lists documentation-specific TODO items. CURRENT RELEASE NOTES: RELEASE SHOWSTOPPERS: CURRENT VOTES: THINGS THAT SHOULD BE CONSIDERED EARLY IN THE 2.6/3.0 DEVELOPMENT CYCLE: * Seriously ramp up/replace test framework and cases to have better coverage of existing special cases and behaviours users rely on. * Add performance testing to the test framework. * Competely untangle core filesystem behavior where a filesystem htdocs/ resource wasn't indicated by the request URI. * Refactor r->uri into a %escaped raw form presented by the client, and a distinct decoded field used only for local filesystem access. * Change default prefix from /usr/local/apache2 to something corresponding to the project name. Rename apachectl to httpdctl. * Change merge order of to be most specific match last. This is more consistent with and allows some optimizations for the location merge code. * Detect Lua 5.2.0 during configure and add LUA_COMPAT_ALL to CPPFLAGS. Maybe it even suffices to add LUA_COMPAT_MODULE and individually care about the two remaining incompatible code lines (one with lua_strlen, one with lua_objlen). * Event's timeout_mutex to enter keepalive state probably needs some analysis/attention. * Better H2 integration? - adding handling of slave connections to mpm, no extra H2 workers, triggering "events" read/write/timer from main/slave - add slave writes/done/abort to events that wake up master connection - disentangle core filters to server one purpose only, so that H2 versions can reuse them properly. * Remove mod_access_compat? * Ditch platforms/89/old prereqs or anything else? * Leverage libmill? Drop serf? * Better abstraction of slave connections and "requests". - add abstraction for "response" as something that can be passed through filters. To be serialized into the correct HTTP bytes on the main connection. - solve multi-threaded access to master connection props/module conf (e.g. ssl vars) * make mod_ssl more "core"? * add high-level server configuration directives that can steer/influence module defaults/warn/rejects related to security * Ditch HTTP/0.9? At least, make HttpProtocolOptions Require1.0 the default. * Restructure merge fn table/indexes to ignore modules with no directives, and permit modules with dozens upon dozens of merge values to split these into multiple functional config groups to avoid excessive merging. Retitle from 'per-dir' to 'per-location' to better reflect the always-run sections (location, ifexpr etc), while we phase out the file-oriented bias from httpd. * New versioning or release cadence. * Ditch old APIs when we have the chance with 3.x. Consolidate current functionality into APIs with stronger guarantees. (Specific examples TBD.) * Remove as many undesirable-but-kept-for-backwards-compatibility behaviors as possible from current config directives. (Specific examples TBD.) * True event-loop/asynchronous support in the server core. * Modify configuration syntax to separate meta-directives from runtime directives (e.g. If vs. IfVersion). OLD ISSUES THAT WERE THOUGHT TO BE SHOWSTOPPERS FOR 2.4 BUT OBVIOUSLY WEREN'T: * Handling of non-trailing / config by non-default handler is broken http://marc.theaimsgroup.com/?l=apache-httpd-dev&m=105451701628081&w=2 jerenkrantz asks: Why should this block a release? wsanchez agrees: this may be a change in behavior, but isn't clearly wrong, and even if so, it doesn't seem like a showstopper. * the edge connection filter cannot be removed http://marc.theaimsgroup.com/?l=apache-httpd-dev&m=105366252619530&w=2 http://mail-archives.apache.org/mod_mbox/httpd-dev/200501.mbox/%3C41E30B42.4060202@stason.org%3E jerenkrantz asks: Why should this block a release? stas replies: because it requires a rewrite of the filters stack implementation (you have suggested that) and once 2.2 is released you can't do that anymore. pgollucci: this affects mod_perl I'm pretty sure. RELEASE NON-SHOWSTOPPERS BUT WOULD BE REAL NICE TO WRAP THESE UP: * Clean up all the kruft and *extremely* outdated stuff below... * Maybe remove Limit/LimitExcept or at least make it log warnings when mis-used. * Patches submitted to the bug database: http://issues.apache.org/bugzilla/buglist.cgi?bug_status=NEW&bug_status=ASSIGNED&bug_status=REOPENED&product=Apache+httpd-2&keywords=PatchAvailable * Filter stacks and subrequests, redirects and fast redirects. There's at least one PR that suffers from the current unclean behaviour (which lets the server send garbage): PR 17629 nd says: Every subrequest should get its own filter stack with the subreq_core filter as bottom-most. That filter does two things: - swallow EOS buckets - redirect the data stream to the upper request's (rr->main) filter chain directly after the subrequest's starting point. Once we have a clean solution, we can try to optimize it, so that the server won't be slow down too much. * RFC 2616 violations. Closed PRs: 15852, 15857, 15859, 15861, 15864, 15869, 15870, 16120, 16125, 16135, 16136, 16137, 16138, 16139, 16140, 16518, 16520, 49825 Open PRs: 15865, 15866, 15868, 16126, 16133, 16142, 16521, 42978 jerenkrantz says: need to decide how many we need to backport and/or if these rise to showstopper status. wrowe suggests: it would be nice to see "MUST" v.s. "SHOULD" v.s. "MAY" out of this list, without reviewing them individually. wrowe asks: what is lingering after 2.4.25 release? Offhand, only URI conformance * pipes deadlock on all platforms with limited pipe buffers (e.g. both Linux and Win32, as opposed to only Win32 on 1.3). The right solution is either GStein's proposal for a "CGI Brigade", or OtherBill's proposal for "Poll Buckets" for "Polling Filter Chains". Or maybe both :-) * All handlers should always send content down even if r->header_only is set. If not, it means that the HEAD requests don't generate the same headers as a GET which is wrong. * exec cmd and suexec arg-passing enhancements Status: Patches proposed Message-ID: <20020526041748.A29148@prodigy.Redbrick.DCU.IE> (see the "proc.patch" and "suexec-shell.patch" links in this message) * The 2.0.36 worker MPM graceless shutdown changes work but are a bit clunky on some platforms; eg, on Linux, the loop to join each worker thread seems to hang, and the parent ends up killing off the child with SIGKILL. But at least it shuts down. chrisd: Has this been fixed by the changes for PR 38737? * We do not properly substitute the prefix-variables in the configuration scripts or generated-configs. (i.e. if sysconfdir is etc, httpd-std.conf points to conf.) * If any request gets through ap_process_request_internal() and is scheduled to be served by the core handler, without a flag that this r->filename was tested by dir/file_walk, we need to 500 at the very end of the ap_process_request_internal() processing so sub_req-esters know this request cannot be run. This provides authors of older modules better compatibility, while still improving the security and robustness of 2.0. Status: still need to decide where this goes, OtherBill comments... Message-ID: <065701c14526$495203b0$96c0b0d0@roweclan.net> [Deleted comments regarding the ap_run_handler phase, as irrelevant as BillS points out that "common case will be caught in default_handler already (with the r->finfo.filetype == 0 check)" and the issue is detecting this -before- we try to run the req.] gregames says: can this happen somehow without a broken module being involved? If not, why waste cycles trying to defend against potential broken modules? It seems futile. wrowe counters: no, it shouldn't happen unless the module is broken. But the right answer is to fail the request up-front in dir/file walk if the path was entirely invalid; and we can't do that either UNTIL 2.1 or we break modules that haven't hooked map_to_storage. * Can a static httpd be built reliably? Message-ID: <20020207142751.T31582@clove.org> * Usage of APR_BRIGADE_NORMALIZE in core_input_filter should be removed if possible. Message-ID: Jeff wonders if we still care about this. It is no longer an API issue but simply an extra trip through the brigade. * Try to get libtool inter-library dependency code working on AIX. Message-ID: Justin says: If we get it working on AIX, we can enable this on all platforms and clean up our build system somewhat. Jeff says: I thought I tested a patch for you sometime in January that you were going to commit within a few days. * Handling of %2f in URIs. Currently both 1.3 and 2.0 completely disallow %2f in the request URI path (see ap_unescape_url() in util.c). It's permitted and passed through in the query string, however. Roy says the original reason for disallowing it, from five years ago, was to protect CGI scripts that applied PATH_INFO to a filesystem location and which might be tricked by ..%2f..%2f(...). We *should* allow path-info of the form 'http://foo.com/index.cgi/path/to/path%2finfo'. Since we've revamped a lot of our processing of path segments, it would be nice to allow this, or at least allow it conditionally with a directive. OtherBill adds that %2f as the SECOND character of a multibyte sequence causes the request to fail! This happens notably in the ja-jis encoding. * There is increasing demand from module writers for an API that will allow them to control the server à la apachectl. Reasons include sole-function servers that need to die if an external dependency (e.g., a database) fails, et cetera. Perhaps something in the (ever more abused) scoreboard? On the other hand, we already have a pipe that goes between parent and child for graceful shutdown events, along with an API that can be used to send a message down that pipe. In threaded MPMs, it is easy enough to make that one pipe be used for graceful and graceless events, and it is also easy to open that pipe to both parent and child for writing. Then we just need to figure out how to do graceless on non-threaded MPMs. * Allow the DocumentRoot directive within scopes? This allows the beloved (crusty) Alias /foo/ /somepath/foo/ followed by a to become simply DocumentRoot /somefile/foo (IMHO a bit more legible and in-your-face.) DocumentRoot unset would be accepted [and would not permit content to be served, only virtual resources such as server-info or server-status. This proposed change would _not_ depricate Alias. striker: See the thread starting with Message-ID: JLEGKKNELMHCJPNMOKHOGEEJFBAA.striker@apache.org. * Win32: Rotatelogs sometimes is not terminated when Apache goes down hard. FirstBill was looking at possibly tracking the child's-child processes in the parent process. stoddard: Shared scoreboard might offer a good way for the parent to keep track of 'other child' processes and whack them if the child goes down. Other thoughts on walking the process chain using the NT kernel have also been proposed on APR. * Eliminate unnecessary creation of pipes in mod_cgid * Combine log_child and piped_log_spawn. Clean up http_log.c. Common logging API. * Platforms that do not support fork (primarily Win32 and AS/400) Architect start-up code that avoids initializing all the modules in the parent process on platforms that do not support fork. * There are still a number of places in the code where we are losing error status (i.e. throwing away the error returned by a system call and replacing it with a generic error code) * Mass vhosting version of suEXEC. * All DBMs suffer from confusion in support/dbmmanage (perl script) since the dbmmanage employs the first-matched dbm format. This is not necessarily the library that Apache was built with. Aught to rewrite dbmmanage upon installation to bin/ with the proper library for predictable mod_auth_dbm administration. Questions; htdbm exists, time to kill dbmmanage, or does it remain useful as a perl dbm management example? If we keep it, do we address the issue above? * Integrate mod_dav. Some additional items remaining: - case_preserved_filename stuff (use the new canonical name stuff?) - find a new home for ap_text(_header) - is it possible to remove the DAV: namespace stuff from util_xml? * ap_core_translate() and its use by mod_mmap_static and mod_file_cache are a bit wonky. The function should probably be exposed as a utility function (such as ap_translate_url2fs() or ap_validate_fs_url() or something). Another approach would be a new hook phase after "translate" which would allow the module to munge what the translation has decided to do. Status: Greg +1 (volunteers) * Explore use of a post-config hook for the code in http_main.c which calls ap_fixup_virutal_hosts(), ap_fini_vhost_config(), and ap_sort_hooks() [to reduce the logic in main()] * read the config tree just once, and process N times (as necessary) * (possibly) use UUIDs in mod_unique_id and/or mod_usertrack * (possibly) port the bug fix for PR 6942 (segv when LoadModule is put into a VirtualHost container) to 2.0. * shift stuff to mod_core.h * callers of ap_run_create_request() should check the return value for failure (Doug volunteers) * Fix the worker MPM to use POD to kill child processes instead of ap_os_killpg, regardless of how they should die. chrisd: Is this done, by any chance? See r92598 and r93358. * Scoreboard structures could be changed in the future such that proper alignment is not maintained, leading to segfaults on some systems. Cliff posted a patch to deal with this issue but later recanted. See this message to dev@apr.apache.org: Message-ID: * APXS either needs to be fixed completely for use when apr is out of tree, or it should drop query mode altogether, and we just grow an httpd-config or similar arrangement. To quote a discussion in STATUS earlier: thommay: this doesn't fix all the problems with apxs and out of tree apr/apr-util, but it's a good start. There's still the query cases; but I'm beginning to think that in these cases the app should be querying ap{r,u}-config directly deprecate -q: add htpd-config: gstein, pquerna, minfrin, pgollucci other: TODO ISSUES REMAINING IN MOD_SSL: * SSLRequire directive (parsing of) leaks memory * ssl_var_lookup could be rewritten to be MUCH faster WISH LIST * mod_proxy: Ability to run SSL over proxy gateway connections, encrypting (or reencrypting) at the proxy. * mod_cache: Handle ESI tags. * mod_cache: Resolve issue of how to cache page fragments (or perhaps -if- we want to cache page fragments). Today, mod_cache/mod_mem_cache will cache #include 'virtual' requests (but not #include 'file' requests). This was accomplished by making CACHE_IN a CONTENT_SET-1 filter to force it to run before the SUBREQ_CORE filter. But now responses cannot be cached that include the effects of having been run through CONTENT_SET filters (mod_deflate, mod_expires, etc). We could rerun all the CONTENT_SET filters on the cached response, but this will not work in all cases. For example, mod_expires relies on installing the EXPIRATION filter during fixups. Contents served out of mod_cache (out of the quick_handler) bypass -all- the request line server hooks (Ryan really hated this. It is great for performance, but bad because of the complications listed above). mod_cache/mod_mem_cache/mod_cache_disk: * mod_mem_cache: Consider adding a RevalidateTimeout directive to specify time at which local cached content is to be revalidated (ie, underlying file stat'ed to see if it has changed). * mod_mem_cache/mod_cache_disk: Need to be able to query cache status (num of entries, cache object properties, etc.). mod_status could be extended to query optional hooks defined by modules for the purpose of reporting module status. mod_cache (et. al.) could define optional hooks that are called to collect status. Status should be queryable by HTTP or SNMP? jerenkrantz says: Yawn. Who cares. * Regex containers don't work in an intutive way Status: No one has come up with an efficient way to fix this behavior. Dean has suggested getting rid of regex containers completely. OtherBill suggests: We at least seem to agree on eliminating the forms, and using only semantics. * orig_ct in the byterange/multipart handling may not be needed. Apache 1.3 just never stashed "multipart" into r->content_type. We should probably follow suit since the byterange stuff doesn't want the rest of the code to see the multipart content-type; the other code should still think it is dealing with the stuff. Status: Greg volunteers to investigate (esp. since he was most likely the one to break it :-) EXPERIMENTAL MODULES: Experimental modules should eventually be be promoted to fully supported status or removed from the repository entirely (ie, the 'experiment' failed). This section tracks what needs to happen to get the modules promoted to fully supported status.