# Release Workflow Print this document. ## Issues Check the following issue filters: * [Pending backports](https://dev.icinga.org/projects/i2/issues?query_id=41) * [Invalid target version](https://dev.icinga.org/projects/i2/issues?query_id=55) ## Backport Commits $ git checkout master $ ./pick.py -V 2.4.7 The script creates a new branch 'auto-merged-2.4.7' which is based on the current support branch. It then merges all commits from the 'master' branch which reference a ticket for the version that was specified. If there are any merge commits you will need to manually fix them and continue the rebase until no commits are left: $ git rebase --continue After finishing the rebase the branch needs to be merged into the support branch: $ git checkout support/2.4 $ git merge --ff-only auto-merged-2.4.7 ## Authors Update the [.mailmap](.mailmap) and [AUTHORS](AUTHORS) files: $ git checkout master $ git log --use-mailmap | grep ^Author: | cut -f2- -d' ' | sort | uniq > AUTHORS ## Version Update the version number in the following files: * [icinga2.spec]: Version: (.*) * [icinga2.nuspec]: (.*) * [tools/chocolateyInstall.ps1]: Icinga2-v(.*)-{x86,x86_64}.msi ## Changelog Update the [ChangeLog](ChangeLog), [doc/1-about.md](doc/1-about.md) files using the changelog.py script. Also generate HTML for the wordpress release announcement. Changelog: $ ./changelog.py -V 2.4.7 Docs: $ ./changelog.py -V 2.4.7 -l Wordpress: $ ./changelog.py -V 2.4.7 -H -l ## Git Tag Commit these changes to the "master" branch: $ git commit -v -a -m "Release version " For minor releases: Cherry-pick this commit into the "support" branch. Create a signed tag (tags/v) on the "master" branch (for major releases) or the "support" branch (for minor releases). GB: $ git tag -u EE8E0720 -m "Version " v MF: $ git tag -u D14A1F16 -m "Version " v Push the tag. $ git push --tags For major releases: Create a new "support" branch: $ git checkout master $ git checkout -b support/2.4 $ git push -u origin support/2.4 For minor releases: Push the support branch, cherry-pick the release commit into master and merge the support branch: $ git push -u origin support/2.4 $ git checkout master $ git cherry-pick support/2.4 $ git merge --strategy=ours support/2.4 $ git push origin master # External Dependencies ## Build Server * Update Git tags for the release jobs. * Build the newly created Git tag for Debian/RHEL/SuSE. * Build the newly created Git tag for Windows. ## Release Tests * Test DB IDO with MySQL and PostgreSQL. * Provision the vagrant boxes and test the release packages. * Test the [setup wizard](http://packages.icinga.org/windows/) inside a Windows VM. * Start a new docker container and install/run icinga2. Example for CentOS7: $ docker run -ti centos:latest bash # yum -y install http://packages.icinga.org/epel/7/release/noarch/icinga-rpm-release-7-1.el7.centos.noarch.rpm # yum -y install icinga2 # icinga2 daemon -C # systemctl start icinga2 # tail -f /var/log/icinga2/icinga2.log ## GitHub Release Create a new release for the newly created Git tag. https://github.com/Icinga/icinga2/releases ## Online Documentation SSH into the web box, navigate into `icinga2-latest/module/icinga2` and pull the current support branch. ## Announcement * Create a new blog post on www.icinga.org/blog * Send announcement mail to icinga-announce@lists.icinga.org * Social media: [Twitter](https://twitter.com/icinga), [Facebook](https://www.facebook.com/icinga), [G+](http://plus.google.com/+icinga), [Xing](https://www.xing.com/communities/groups/icinga-da4b-1060043), [LinkedIn](https://www.linkedin.com/groups/Icinga-1921830/about) * Update IRC channel topic # After the release * Add new minor version * Close the released version * Update Redmine filters for the next major/minor version