/* %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % % % % % % M M AAA GGGG IIIII CCCC K K % % MM MM A A G I C K K % % M M M AAAAA G GGG I C KKK % % M M A A G G I C K K % % M M A A GGGG IIIII CCCC K K % % % % CCCC L IIIII % % C L I % % C L I % % C L I % % CCCC LLLLL IIIII % % % % Perform "Magick" on Images via the Command Line Interface % % % % Dragon Computing % % Anthony Thyssen % % January 2012 % % % % % % Copyright 1999-2012 ImageMagick Studio LLC, a non-profit organization % % dedicated to making software imaging solutions freely available. % % % % You may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may % % obtain a copy of the License at % % % % http://www.imagemagick.org/script/license.php % % % % Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software % % distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, % % WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. % % See the License for the specific language governing permissions and % % limitations under the License. % % % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % Read CLI arguments, script files, and pipelines, to provide options that % manipulate images from many different formats. % */ /* Include declarations. */ #include "MagickWand/studio.h" #include "MagickWand/MagickWand.h" #include "MagickWand/magick-wand-private.h" #include "MagickWand/operation.h" #include "MagickWand/operation-private.h" #include "MagickWand/magick-cli.h" #include "MagickWand/script-token.h" #include "MagickCore/utility-private.h" #include "MagickCore/version.h" /* verbose debugging, 3 - option type details 9 - output options/artifacts/propertys */ #define MagickCommandDebug 0 #define ThrowFileException(exception,severity,tag,context) \ { \ char \ *message; \ \ message=GetExceptionMessage(errno); \ (void) ThrowMagickException(exception,GetMagickModule(),severity, \ tag == (const char *) NULL ? "unknown" : tag,"'%s': %s",context,message); \ message=DestroyString(message); \ } #if MagickCommandDebug >= 9 /* Temporary Debugging Information FUTURE: these should be able to be printed out using 'percent escapes' Actually 'Properities' can already be output with "%[*]" */ static void OutputOptions(ImageInfo *image_info) { const char *option, *value; (void) FormatLocaleFile(stdout," Global Options:\n"); ResetImageOptionIterator(image_info); while ((option=GetNextImageOption(image_info)) != (const char *) NULL ) { (void) FormatLocaleFile(stdout," %s: ",option); value=GetImageOption(image_info,option); if (value != (const char *) NULL) (void) FormatLocaleFile(stdout,"%s\n",value); } ResetImageOptionIterator(image_info); } static void OutputArtifacts(Image *image) { const char *artifact, *value; (void) FormatLocaleFile(stdout," Image Artifacts:\n"); ResetImageArtifactIterator(image); while ((artifact=GetNextImageArtifact(image)) != (const char *) NULL ) { (void) FormatLocaleFile(stdout," %s: ",artifact); value=GetImageArtifact(image,artifact); if (value != (const char *) NULL) (void) FormatLocaleFile(stdout,"%s\n",value); } ResetImageArtifactIterator(image); } static void OutputProperties(Image *image,ExceptionInfo *exception) { const char *property, *value; (void) FormatLocaleFile(stdout," Image Properity:\n"); ResetImagePropertyIterator(image); while ((property=GetNextImageProperty(image)) != (const char *) NULL ) { (void) FormatLocaleFile(stdout," %s: ",property); value=GetImageProperty(image,property,exception); if (value != (const char *) NULL) (void) FormatLocaleFile(stdout,"%s\n",value); } ResetImagePropertyIterator(image); } #endif /* %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % % % % % + P r o c e s s S c r i p t O p t i o n s % % % % % % % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % ProcessScriptOptions() reads options and processes options as they are % found in the given file, or pipeline. The filename to open and read % options is given as the 'index' argument of the argument array given. % % Other arguments following index may be read by special script options % as settings (strings), images, or as operations to be processed in various % ways. How they are treated is up to the script being processed. % % Note that a script not 'return' to the command line processing, nor can % they call (and return from) other scripts. At least not at this time. % % There are no 'ProcessOptionFlags' control flags at this time. % % The format of the ProcessScriptOptions method is: % % void ProcessScriptOptions(MagickCLI *cli_wand,int argc,char **argv, % int index) % % A description of each parameter follows: % % o cli_wand: the main CLI Wand to use. % % o argc: the number of elements in the argument vector. % % o argv: A text array containing the command line arguments. % % o index: offset for argc to CLI argumnet count % */ WandExport void ProcessScriptOptions(MagickCLI *cli_wand,int argc,char **argv, int index) { ScriptTokenInfo *token_info; CommandOptionFlags option_type; int count; char *option, *arg1, *arg2; assert(argc>index); /* at least one argument - script name */ assert(argv != (char **)NULL); assert(argv[index] != (char *)NULL); assert(argv[argc-1] != (char *)NULL); assert(cli_wand != (MagickCLI *) NULL); assert(cli_wand->signature == WandSignature); if (cli_wand->wand.debug != MagickFalse) (void) LogMagickEvent(WandEvent,GetMagickModule(),"%s",cli_wand->wand.name); /* open file script or stream, and set up tokenizer */ token_info = AcquireScriptTokenInfo(argv[index]); if (token_info == (ScriptTokenInfo *) NULL) { ThrowFileException(cli_wand->wand.exception,OptionFatalError, "UnableToOpenScript",argv[index]); return; } /* define the error location string for use in exceptions order of input escapes: option, (arg), filename, line, column */ cli_wand->location="'%s' in \"%s\" line %u column %u"; cli_wand->location2="'%s' '%s' in \"%s\" line %u column %u"; if ( LocaleCompare("-", argv[index]) == 0 ) cli_wand->filename="stdin"; else cli_wand->filename=argv[index]; /* Process Options from Script */ option = arg1 = arg2 = (char*)NULL; while (1) { /* Get a option */ { MagickBooleanType status = GetScriptToken(token_info); cli_wand->line=token_info->token_line; cli_wand->column=token_info->token_column; if( IfMagickFalse(status) ) break; /* error or end of options */ } /* save option details */ CloneString(&option,token_info->token); { /* get option type and argument count */ const OptionInfo *option_info = GetCommandOptionInfo(option); count=option_info->type; option_type=(CommandOptionFlags) option_info->flags; #if 0 (void) FormatLocaleFile(stderr, "Script: %u,%u: \"%s\" matched \"%s\"\n", cli_wand->line, cli_wand->line, option, option_info->mnemonic ); #endif } /* handle a undefined option - image read? */ if ( option_type == UndefinedOptionFlag || (option_type & NonMagickOptionFlag) != 0 ) { #if MagickCommandDebug >= 3 (void) FormatLocaleFile(stderr, "Script %u,%u Non-Option: \"%s\"\n", cli_wand->line, cli_wand->line, option); #endif if ( IfMagickFalse(IsCommandOption(option))) /* non-option -- treat as a image read */ CLISpecialOperator(cli_wand,"-read",option); else CLIWandExceptionBreak(OptionFatalError,"UnrecognizedOption",option); count = 0; goto next_token; } if ( count >= 1 ) { if( IfMagickFalse(GetScriptToken(token_info)) ) CLIWandException(OptionFatalError,"MissingArgument",option); CloneString(&arg1,token_info->token); } else CloneString(&arg1,(char *)NULL); if ( count >= 2 ) { if( IfMagickFalse(GetScriptToken(token_info)) ) CLIWandExceptionBreak(OptionFatalError,"MissingArgument",option); CloneString(&arg2,token_info->token); } else CloneString(&arg2,(char *)NULL); #if MagickCommandDebug >= 3 (void) FormatLocaleFile(stderr, "Script %u,%u Option: \"%s\" Count: %d Flags: %04x Args: \"%s\" \"%s\"\n", cli_wand->line,cli_wand->line,option,count,option_type,arg1,arg2); #endif if ( (option_type & GenesisOptionFlag) != 0 ) { /* Genesis Options have no place in a magick script */ CLIWandExceptionBreak(OptionError,"InvalidUseOfOption",option); goto next_token; } if ( (option_type & DeprecateOptionFlag) != 0 ) { CLIWandException(OptionWarning,"DeprecatedOption",option); if ( CLICatchException(cli_wand, MagickFalse) != MagickFalse ) break; /* fall through - do the depreciated option */ } if (((option_type & ImageRequiredFlags) != 0 ) && ( cli_wand->wand.images == (Image *)NULL ) ) { CLIWandException(OptionError,"NoImagesFound",option); goto next_token; } /* handle special script-argument options here */ //either continue processing command line // or making use of the command line options. //CLICommandOptions(cli_wand,count+1,argv, MagickScriptArgsFlags); /* Process Option from file */ if ( (option_type & SpecialOptionFlag) != 0 ) { if ( LocaleCompare(option,"-exit") == 0 ) { break; /* forced end of script */ } if ( LocaleCompare(option,"-script") == 0 ) { CLIWandExceptionBreak(OptionError,"InvalidUseOfOption",option); goto next_token; } /* handle any other special operators now */ CLISpecialOperator(cli_wand,option,arg1); } if ( (option_type & SettingOptionFlags) != 0 ) { CLISettingOptionInfo(cli_wand, option, arg1); // FUTURE: Sync Specific Settings into Image Properities (not global) } if ( cli_wand->wand.images != (Image *)NULL ) SyncImagesSettings(cli_wand->wand.image_info,cli_wand->wand.images, cli_wand->wand.exception); if ( (option_type & SimpleOperatorOptionFlag) != 0) CLISimpleOperatorImages(cli_wand, option, arg1, arg2); if ( (option_type & ListOperatorOptionFlag) != 0 ) CLIListOperatorImages(cli_wand, option, arg1, arg2); next_token: #if MagickCommandDebug >= 9 OutputOptions(cli_wand->wand.image_info); if ( cli_wand->wand.images != (Image *)NULL ) { OutputArtifacts(cli_wand->wand.images); OutputProperties(cli_wand->wand.images,cli_wand->wand.exception); } #endif if ( CLICatchException(cli_wand, MagickFalse) != MagickFalse ) break; } #if MagickCommandDebug >= 3 (void) FormatLocaleFile(stderr, "Script End: %d\n", token_info->status); #endif switch( token_info->status ) { case TokenStatusOK: case TokenStatusEOF: if (cli_wand->image_list_stack != (Stack *)NULL) CLIWandException(OptionError,"UnbalancedParenthesis", "(eof)"); else if (cli_wand->image_info_stack != (Stack *)NULL) CLIWandException(OptionError,"UnbalancedBraces", "(eof)"); break; case TokenStatusBadQuotes: /* Ensure last token has a sane length for error report */ if( strlen(token_info->token) > INITAL_TOKEN_LENGTH-1 ) { token_info->token[INITAL_TOKEN_LENGTH-4] = '.'; token_info->token[INITAL_TOKEN_LENGTH-3] = '.'; token_info->token[INITAL_TOKEN_LENGTH-2] = '.'; token_info->token[INITAL_TOKEN_LENGTH-1] = '\0'; } CLIWandException(OptionFatalError,"ScriptUnbalancedQuotes", token_info->token); break; case TokenStatusMemoryFailed: CLIWandException(OptionFatalError,"ScriptTokenMemoryFailed",""); break; case TokenStatusBinary: CLIWandException(OptionFatalError,"ScriptIsBinary",""); break; } /* Clean up */ token_info = DestroyScriptTokenInfo(token_info); CloneString(&option,(char *)NULL); CloneString(&arg1,(char *)NULL); CloneString(&arg2,(char *)NULL); return; } /* %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % % % % % + P r o c e s s C o m m a n d O p t i o n s % % % % % % % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % ProcessCommandOptions() reads and processes arguments in the given % command line argument array. The array does not contain the command % being processed, only the options. % % The 'process_flags' can be used to control and limit option processing. % For example, to only process one option, or how unknown and special options % are to be handled, and if the last argument in array is to be regarded as a % final image write argument (filename or special coder). % % The format of the ProcessCommandOptions method is: % % int ProcessCommandOptions(MagickCLI *cli_wand,int argc,char **argv, % int index, ProcessOptionFlags process_flags ) % % A description of each parameter follows: % % o cli_wand: the main CLI Wand to use. % % o argc: the number of elements in the argument vector. % % o argv: A text array containing the command line arguments. % % o process_flags: What type of arguments will be processed, ignored % or return errors. % % o index: index in the argv array to start processing from % % The function returns the index ot the next option to be processed. This % is really only releven if process_flags contains a ProcessOneOptionOnly % flag. % */ WandExport int ProcessCommandOptions(MagickCLI *cli_wand, int argc, char **argv, int index, ProcessOptionFlags process_flags ) { const char *option, *arg1, *arg2; int i, end, count; CommandOptionFlags option_type; assert(argc>=index); /* you may have no arguments left! */ assert(argv != (char **)NULL); assert(argv[index] != (char *)NULL); assert(argv[argc-1] != (char *)NULL); assert(cli_wand != (MagickCLI *) NULL); assert(cli_wand->signature == WandSignature); if (cli_wand->wand.debug != MagickFalse) (void) LogMagickEvent(WandEvent,GetMagickModule(),"%s",cli_wand->wand.name); /* define the error location string for use in exceptions order of input escapes: option, (arg), filename, line, column */ cli_wand->location="'%s' %s arg %u"; cli_wand->location2="'%s' '%s' %s arg %u"; cli_wand->filename="CLI"; end = argc; if ( ( process_flags & ProcessOutputFile ) != 0 ) end--; for (i=index; i < end; i += count +1) { /* Finished processing one option? */ if ( ( process_flags & ProcessOneOptionOnly ) != 0 && i != index ) return(i); option=argv[i]; cli_wand->line=i; { const OptionInfo *option_info = GetCommandOptionInfo(argv[i]); count=option_info->type; option_type=(CommandOptionFlags) option_info->flags; #if 0 (void) FormatLocaleFile(stderr, "CLI %d: \"%s\" matched \"%s\"\n", i, argv[i], option_info->mnemonic ); #endif } if ( option_type == UndefinedOptionFlag || (option_type & NonMagickOptionFlag) != 0 ) { #if MagickCommandDebug >= 3 (void) FormatLocaleFile(stderr, "CLI %d Non-Option: \"%s\"\n", i, option); #endif if ( IfMagickFalse(IsCommandOption(option) ) && (process_flags & ProcessNonOptionImageRead) != 0 ) /* non-option -- treat as a image read */ CLISpecialOperator(cli_wand,"-read",option); else if ( (process_flags & ProcessUnknownOptionError) != 0 ) CLIWandException(OptionFatalError,"UnrecognizedOption",option); count = 0; goto next_argument; } if ((i+count) >= end ) { CLIWandException(OptionFatalError,"MissingArgument",option); if ( CLICatchException(cli_wand, MagickFalse) != MagickFalse ) return(end); goto next_argument; /* no more arguments unable to proceed */ } arg1 = ( count >= 1 ) ? argv[i+1] : (char *)NULL; arg2 = ( count >= 2 ) ? argv[i+2] : (char *)NULL; #if MagickCommandDebug >= 3 (void) FormatLocaleFile(stderr, "CLI %u Option: \"%s\" Count: %d Flags: %04x Args: \"%s\" \"%s\"\n", i,option,count,option_type,arg1,arg2); #endif if ( (option_type & DeprecateOptionFlag) != 0 ) { CLIWandException(OptionWarning,"DeprecatedOption",option); if ( CLICatchException(cli_wand, MagickFalse) != MagickFalse ) return(end); /* fall through - do the depreciated option */ } if ( (option_type & GenesisOptionFlag) != 0 ) { goto next_argument; /* ignore genesis options */ } if (((option_type & ImageRequiredFlags) != 0 ) && ( cli_wand->wand.images == (Image *)NULL ) ) { CLIWandException(OptionError,"NoImagesFound",option); goto next_argument; } if ( (option_type & SpecialOptionFlag) != 0 ) { if ( ( process_flags & ProcessExitOption ) != 0 && LocaleCompare(option,"-exit") == 0 ) return(i+count); if ( ( process_flags & ProcessScriptOption ) != 0 && LocaleCompare(option,"-script") == 0) { // Call Script, with a filename as a zeroth argument ProcessScriptOptions(cli_wand,argc,argv,i+1); return(argc); /* no more options after script process! */ } /* handle any other special operators now */ CLISpecialOperator(cli_wand,option,arg1); } if ( (option_type & SettingOptionFlags) != 0 ) { CLISettingOptionInfo(cli_wand, option, arg1); // FUTURE: Sync Specific Settings into Image Properities (not global) } if ( cli_wand->wand.images != (Image *)NULL ) SyncImagesSettings(cli_wand->wand.image_info,cli_wand->wand.images, cli_wand->wand.exception); if ( (option_type & SimpleOperatorOptionFlag) != 0) CLISimpleOperatorImages(cli_wand, option, arg1, arg2); if ( (option_type & ListOperatorOptionFlag) != 0 ) CLIListOperatorImages(cli_wand, option, arg1, arg2); next_argument: #if MagickCommandDebug >= 9 OutputOptions(cli_wand->wand.image_info); if ( cli_wand->wand.images != (Image *)NULL ) { OutputArtifacts(cli_wand->wand.images); OutputProperties(cli_wand->wand.images,cli_wand->wand.exception); } #endif if ( CLICatchException(cli_wand, MagickFalse) != MagickFalse ) return(i+count); } assert(i==end); if ( ( process_flags & ProcessOutputFile ) == 0 ) return(end); assert(end==argc-1); /* Implicit Write of images to final CLI argument */ option=argv[i]; cli_wand->line=i; #if MagickCommandDebug >= 3 (void) FormatLocaleFile(stderr, "CLI %d Write File: \"%s\"\n", i, option ); #endif /* check that stacks are empty */ if (cli_wand->image_list_stack != (Stack *)NULL) CLIWandException(OptionError,"UnbalancedParenthesis", "(eof)"); else if (cli_wand->image_info_stack != (Stack *)NULL) CLIWandException(OptionError,"UnbalancedBraces", "(eof)"); if ( CLICatchException(cli_wand, MagickFalse) != MagickFalse ) return(argc); /* This is a valid 'do no write' option - no images needed */ if (LocaleCompare(option,"-exit") == 0 ) return(argc); /* just exit, no image write */ /* If filename looks like an option -- produce an error */ if (IsCommandOption(option) != MagickFalse) { CLIWandException(OptionError,"MissingOutputFilename",option); return(argc); } (void) SyncImagesSettings(cli_wand->wand.image_info,cli_wand->wand.images, cli_wand->wand.exception); CLISpecialOperator(cli_wand,"-write",option); return(argc); } /* %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % % % % % + M a g i c k I m a g e C o m m a n d % % % % % % % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % MagickImageCommand() Handle special use CLI arguments and prepare a % CLI MagickCLI to process the command line or directly specified script. % % This is essentualy interface function between the MagickCore library % initialization function MagickCommandGenesis(), and the option MagickCLI % processing functions ProcessCommandOptions() or ProcessScriptOptions() % % The format of the MagickImageCommand method is: % % MagickBooleanType MagickImageCommand(ImageInfo *image_info, % int argc, char **argv, char **metadata, ExceptionInfo *exception) % % A description of each parameter follows: % % o image_info: the starting image_info structure % (for compatibilty with MagickCommandGenisis()) % % o argc: the number of elements in the argument vector. % % o argv: A text array containing the command line arguments. % % o metadata: any metadata (for VBS) is returned here. % (for compatibilty with MagickCommandGenisis()) % % o exception: return any errors or warnings in this structure. % */ static void MagickUsage(MagickBooleanType verbose) { (void) FormatLocaleFile(stdout, "Usage: %s [{option}|{image}...] {output_image}\n",GetClientName()); (void) FormatLocaleFile(stdout, " %s [{option}|{image}...] -script {filename} [{script_args}...]\n", GetClientName()); (void) FormatLocaleFile(stdout, " %s -help|-version|-usage|-list {option}\n", GetClientName()); if (IfMagickFalse(verbose)) return; (void) FormatLocaleFile(stdout,"\n%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s\n", "All options are performed in a strict 'as you see them' order\n", "You must read-in images before you can operate on them.\n", "\n", "Magick Script files can use any of the following forms...\n", " #!/path/to/magick -script\n", "or\n", " #!/bin/sh\n", " :; exec magick -script \"$0\" \"$@\"; exit 10\n", " # Magick script from here...\n", "or\n", " #!/usr/bin/env magick-script\n", "The latter two forms do not require the path to the command hard coded.\n", "Note: \"magick-script\" needs to be linked to the \"magick\" command.\n", "\n", "For more information on usage, options, examples, and techniques\n", "see the ImageMagick website at ", MagickAuthoritativeURL); return; } /* Concatanate given file arguments to the given output argument. Used for a special -concatenate option used for specific 'delegates'. The option is not formally documented. magick -concatenate files... output This is much like the UNIX "cat" command, but for both UNIX and Windows, however the last argument provides the output filename. */ static MagickBooleanType ConcatenateImages(int argc,char **argv, ExceptionInfo *exception) { FILE *input, *output; int c; register ssize_t i; output=fopen_utf8(argv[argc-1],"wb"); if (output == (FILE *) NULL) { ThrowFileException(exception,FileOpenError,"UnableToOpenFile", argv[argc-1]); return(MagickFalse); } for (i=2; i < (ssize_t) (argc-1); i++) { input=fopen_utf8(argv[i],"rb"); if (input == (FILE *) NULL) ThrowFileException(exception,FileOpenError,"UnableToOpenFile",argv[i]); for (c=fgetc(input); c != EOF; c=fgetc(input)) (void) fputc((char) c,output); (void) fclose(input); (void) remove_utf8(argv[i]); } (void) fclose(output); return(MagickTrue); } WandExport MagickBooleanType MagickImageCommand(ImageInfo *image_info, int argc,char **argv,char **metadata,ExceptionInfo *exception) { MagickCLI *cli_wand; const char *option; ProcessOptionFlags process_flags = MagickCommandOptionFlags; /* For specific OS command line requirements */ ReadCommandlLine(argc,&argv); #if 0 status=ExpandFilenames(&argc,&argv); if ( IfMagickFalse(status) ) ThrowConvertException(ResourceLimitError,"MemoryAllocationFailed", GetExceptionMessage(errno)); #endif /* Initialize special "CLI Wand" to hold images and settings (empty) */ cli_wand=AcquireMagickCLI(image_info,exception); cli_wand->line=1; GetPathComponent(argv[0],TailPath,cli_wand->wand.name); ConcatenateMagickString(cli_wand->wand.name,"-CLI",MaxTextExtent); /* "convert" command - give a "depreciation" warning" */ if ( (LocaleCompare("convert",argv[0]+strlen((argv[0])-7)) == 0) || (LocaleNCompare("convert",argv[0],7) == 0) || (LocaleNCompare("lt-convert",argv[0],10) == 0) ) { process_flags = ConvertCommandOptionFlags; /*(void) FormatLocaleFile(stderr,"WARNING: %s\n", "The convert is depreciated in IMv7, use \"magick\"\n");*/ } /* Special Case: If command name ends with "script" implied "-script" */ if (LocaleCompare("script",argv[0]+strlen(argv[0])-6) == 0) { GetPathComponent(argv[1],TailPath,cli_wand->wand.name); ProcessScriptOptions(cli_wand,argc,argv,1); goto Magick_Command_Cleanup; } /* Special Case: Version Information and Abort */ if (argc == 2) { option=argv[1]; if (LocaleCompare("-version",option) == 0) { CLISpecialOperator(cli_wand, "-version", (char *)NULL); goto Magick_Command_Exit; } if ((LocaleCompare("-help",option) == 0) || /* GNU standard option */ (LocaleCompare("--help",option) == 0) ) { MagickUsage(MagickFalse); goto Magick_Command_Exit; } if (LocaleCompare("-usage",option) == 0) { CLISpecialOperator(cli_wand, "-version", (char *)NULL); MagickUsage(MagickTrue); goto Magick_Command_Exit; } } /* not enough arguments -- including -help */ if (argc < 3) { (void) FormatLocaleFile(stderr, "Error: Invalid argument or not enough arguments\n\n"); MagickUsage(MagickFalse); goto Magick_Command_Exit; } /* List Information and Abort */ if (LocaleCompare("-list",argv[1]) == 0) { CLISpecialOperator(cli_wand, argv[1], argv[2]); goto Magick_Command_Exit; } /* Special "concatenate option (hidden) for delegate usage */ if (LocaleCompare("-concatenate",argv[1]) == 0) { ConcatenateImages(argc,argv,exception); goto Magick_Command_Exit; } /* ------------- */ /* The Main Call */ if (LocaleCompare("-script",argv[1]) == 0) { /* Start processing directly from script, no pre-script options Replace wand command name with script name First argument in the argv array is the script name to read. */ GetPathComponent(argv[2],TailPath,cli_wand->wand.name); ProcessScriptOptions(cli_wand,argc,argv,2); } else { /* Normal Command Line, assumes output file as last option */ ProcessCommandOptions(cli_wand,argc,argv,1, process_flags); } /* ------------- */ Magick_Command_Cleanup: /* recover original image_info and clean up stacks */ while (cli_wand->image_list_stack != (Stack *)NULL) CLISpecialOperator(cli_wand,")",(const char *)NULL); while (cli_wand->image_info_stack != (Stack *)NULL) CLISpecialOperator(cli_wand,"}",(const char *)NULL); /* assert we have recovered the original structures */ assert(cli_wand->wand.image_info == image_info); assert(cli_wand->wand.exception == exception); /* Handle metadata for ImageMagickObject COM object for Windows VBS */ if (metadata != (char **) NULL) { const char *format; char *text; format="%w,%h,%m"; // Get this from image_info Option splaytree text=InterpretImageProperties(image_info,cli_wand->wand.images,format, exception); if (text == (char *) NULL) ThrowMagickException(exception,GetMagickModule(),ResourceLimitError, "MemoryAllocationFailed","`%s'", GetExceptionMessage(errno)); else { (void) ConcatenateString(&(*metadata),text); text=DestroyString(text); } } Magick_Command_Exit: /* Destroy the special CLI Wand */ cli_wand->wand.image_info = (ImageInfo *)NULL; /* not these */ cli_wand->wand.exception = (ExceptionInfo *)NULL; cli_wand=DestroyMagickCLI(cli_wand); return(IsMagickTrue(exception->severity > ErrorException)); }