/* %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % % % % % % DDDD IIIII SSSSS PPPP L AAA Y Y % % D D I SS P P L A A Y Y % % D D I SSS PPPP L AAAAA Y % % D D I SS P L A A Y % % DDDD IIIII SSSSS P LLLLL A A Y % % % % % % Methods to Interactively Display and Edit an Image % % % % Software Design % % John Cristy % % July 1992 % % % % % % Copyright 1999-2013 ImageMagick Studio LLC, a non-profit organization % % dedicated to making software imaging solutions freely available. % % % % You may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may % % obtain a copy of the License at % % % % http://www.imagemagick.org/script/license.php % % % % Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software % % distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, % % WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. % % See the License for the specific language governing permissions and % % limitations under the License. % % % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % Use the display program to display an image or image sequence on any X % server. % */ /* Include declarations. */ #include "MagickWand/studio.h" #include "MagickWand/MagickWand.h" #include "MagickWand/mogrify-private.h" #include "MagickCore/display-private.h" #include "MagickCore/nt-base-private.h" #include "MagickCore/string-private.h" #include "MagickCore/xwindow-private.h" /* %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % % % % % + D i s p l a y I m a g e C o m m a n d % % % % % % % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % DisplayImageCommand() displays a sequence of images on any workstation % display running an X server. Display first determines the hardware % capabilities of the workstation. If the number of unique colors in an image % is less than or equal to the number the workstation can support, the image % is displayed in an X window. Otherwise the number of colors in the image is % first reduced to match the color resolution of the workstation before it is % displayed. % % This means that a continuous-tone 24 bits/pixel image can display on a 8 % bit pseudo-color device or monochrome device. In most instances the reduced % color image closely resembles the original. Alternatively, a monochrome or % pseudo-color image sequence can display on a continuous-tone 24 bits/pixels % device. % % The format of the DisplayImageCommand method is: % % MagickBooleanType DisplayImageCommand(ImageInfo *image_info,int argc, % char **argv,char **metadata,ExceptionInfo *exception) % % A description of each parameter follows: % % o image_info: the image info. % % o argc: the number of elements in the argument vector. % % o argv: A text array containing the command line arguments. % % o metadata: any metadata is returned here. % % o exception: return any errors or warnings in this structure. % */ static MagickBooleanType DisplayUsage(void) { const char **p; static const char *buttons[]= { "1 press to map or unmap the Command widget", "2 press and drag to magnify a region of an image", "3 press to load an image from a visual image directory", (char *) NULL }, *miscellaneous[]= { "-debug events display copious debugging information", "-help print program options", "-list type print a list of supported option arguments", "-log format format of debugging information", "-version print version information", (char *) NULL }, *operators[]= { "-auto-orient automagically orient image", "-border geometry surround image with a border of color", "-clip clip along the first path from the 8BIM profile", "-clip-path id clip along a named path from the 8BIM profile", "-colors value preferred number of colors in the image", "-contrast enhance or reduce the image contrast", "-crop geometry preferred size and location of the cropped image", "-decipher filename convert cipher pixels to plain pixels", "-deskew threshold straighten an image", "-despeckle reduce the speckles within an image", "-edge factor apply a filter to detect edges in the image", "-enhance apply a digital filter to enhance a noisy image", "-equalize perform histogram equalization to an image", "-extract geometry extract area from image", "-flip flip image in the vertical direction", "-flop flop image in the horizontal direction", "-frame geometry surround image with an ornamental border", "-fuzz distance colors within this distance are considered equal", "-gamma value level of gamma correction", "-monochrome transform image to black and white", "-negate replace every pixel with its complementary color", "-normalize transform image to span the full range of colors", "-raise value lighten/darken image edges to create a 3-D effect", "-resample geometry change the resolution of an image", "-resize geometry resize the image", "-roll geometry roll an image vertically or horizontally", "-rotate degrees apply Paeth rotation to the image", "-sample geometry scale image with pixel sampling", "-segment value segment an image", "-sharpen geometry sharpen the image", "-strip strip image of all profiles and comments", "-threshold value threshold the image", "-thumbnail geometry create a thumbnail of the image", "-trim trim image edges", (char *) NULL }, *settings[]= { "-alpha option on, activate, off, deactivate, set, opaque, copy", " transparent, extract, background, or shape", "-antialias remove pixel-aliasing", "-authenticate password", " decipher image with this password", "-backdrop display image centered on a backdrop", "-channel type apply option to select image channels", "-colormap type Shared or Private", "-colorspace type alternate image colorspace", "-comment string annotate image with comment", "-compress type type of pixel compression when writing the image", "-define format:option", " define one or more image format options", "-delay value display the next image after pausing", "-density geometry horizontal and vertical density of the image", "-depth value image depth", "-display server display image to this X server", "-dispose method layer disposal method", "-dither method apply error diffusion to image", "-endian type endianness (MSB or LSB) of the image", "-filter type use this filter when resizing an image", "-format string output formatted image characteristics", "-geometry geometry preferred size and location of the Image window", "-gravity type horizontal and vertical backdrop placement", "-identify identify the format and characteristics of the image", "-immutable displayed image cannot be modified", "-interlace type type of image interlacing scheme", "-interpolate method pixel color interpolation method", "-label string assign a label to an image", "-limit type value pixel cache resource limit", "-loop iterations loop images then exit", "-map type display image using this Standard Colormap", "-monitor monitor progress", "-page geometry size and location of an image canvas", "-profile filename add, delete, or apply an image profile", "-quality value JPEG/MIFF/PNG compression level", "-quantize colorspace reduce colors in this colorspace", "-quiet suppress all warning messages", "-regard-warnings pay attention to warning messages", "-remote command execute a command in an remote display process", "-repage geometry size and location of an image canvas (operator)", "-respect-parentheses settings remain in effect until parenthesis boundary", "-sampling-factor geometry", " horizontal and vertical sampling factor", "-seed value seed a new sequence of pseudo-random numbers", "-set property value set an image property", "-size geometry width and height of image", "-texture filename name of texture to tile onto the image background", "-transparent-color color", " transparent color", "-treedepth value color tree depth", "-update seconds detect when image file is modified and redisplay", "-verbose print detailed information about the image", "-visual type display image using this visual type", "-virtual-pixel method", " virtual pixel access method", "-window id display image to background of this window", "-window-group id exit program when this window id is destroyed", "-write filename write image to a file", (char *) NULL }, *sequence_operators[]= { "-coalesce merge a sequence of images", "-flatten flatten a sequence of images", (char *) NULL }; ListMagickVersion(stdout); (void) printf("Usage: %s [options ...] file [ [options ...] file ...]\n", GetClientName()); (void) printf("\nImage Settings:\n"); for (p=settings; *p != (char *) NULL; p++) (void) printf(" %s\n",*p); (void) printf("\nImage Operators:\n"); for (p=operators; *p != (char *) NULL; p++) (void) printf(" %s\n",*p); (void) printf("\nImage Sequence Operators:\n"); for (p=sequence_operators; *p != (char *) NULL; p++) (void) printf(" %s\n",*p); (void) printf("\nMiscellaneous Options:\n"); for (p=miscellaneous; *p != (char *) NULL; p++) (void) printf(" %s\n",*p); (void) printf( "\nIn addition to those listed above, you can specify these standard X\n"); (void) printf( "resources as command line options: -background, -bordercolor,\n"); (void) printf( "-borderwidth, -font, -foreground, -iconGeometry, -iconic, -mattecolor,\n"); (void) printf("-name, -shared-memory, -usePixmap, or -title.\n"); (void) printf( "\nBy default, the image format of 'file' is determined by its magic\n"); (void) printf( "number. To specify a particular image format, precede the filename\n"); (void) printf( "with an image format name and a colon (i.e. ps:image) or specify the\n"); (void) printf( "image type as the filename suffix (i.e. image.ps). Specify 'file' as\n"); (void) printf("'-' for standard input or output.\n"); (void) printf("\nButtons: \n"); for (p=buttons; *p != (char *) NULL; p++) (void) printf(" %s\n",*p); return(MagickFalse); } WandExport MagickBooleanType DisplayImageCommand(ImageInfo *image_info, int argc,char **argv,char **wand_unused(metadata),ExceptionInfo *exception) { #if defined(MAGICKCORE_X11_DELEGATE) #define DestroyDisplay() \ { \ if ((state & ExitState) == 0) \ DestroyXResources(); \ if (display != (Display *) NULL) \ { \ XCloseDisplay(display); \ display=(Display *) NULL; \ } \ XDestroyResourceInfo(&resource_info); \ DestroyImageStack(); \ if (image_marker != (size_t *) NULL) \ image_marker=(size_t *) RelinquishMagickMemory(image_marker); \ for (i=0; i < (ssize_t) argc; i++) \ argv[i]=DestroyString(argv[i]); \ argv=(char **) RelinquishMagickMemory(argv); \ } #define ThrowDisplayException(asperity,tag,option) \ { \ (void) ThrowMagickException(exception,GetMagickModule(),asperity,tag,"`%s'", \ option); \ DestroyDisplay(); \ return(MagickFalse); \ } #define ThrowDisplayInvalidArgumentException(option,argument) \ { \ (void) ThrowMagickException(exception,GetMagickModule(),OptionError, \ "InvalidArgument","'%s': %s",option,argument); \ DestroyDisplay(); \ return(MagickFalse); \ } char *resource_value, *server_name; const char *option; Display *display; Image *image; ImageStack image_stack[MaxImageStackDepth+1]; MagickBooleanType fire, pend, respect_parenthesis; MagickStatusType status; QuantizeInfo *quantize_info; register ssize_t i; size_t *image_marker, iterations, last_image, state; ssize_t image_number, iteration, j, k, l; XResourceInfo resource_info; XrmDatabase resource_database; /* Set defaults. */ assert(image_info != (ImageInfo *) NULL); assert(image_info->signature == MagickSignature); if (image_info->debug != MagickFalse) (void) LogMagickEvent(TraceEvent,GetMagickModule(),"..."); assert(exception != (ExceptionInfo *) NULL); if (argc == 2) { option=argv[1]; if ((LocaleCompare("version",option+1) == 0) || (LocaleCompare("-version",option+1) == 0)) { ListMagickVersion(stdout); return(MagickFalse); } } SetNotifyHandlers; display=(Display *) NULL; j=1; k=0; image_marker=(size_t *) NULL; image_number=0; last_image=0; NewImageStack(); option=(char *) NULL; pend=MagickFalse; respect_parenthesis=MagickFalse; resource_database=(XrmDatabase) NULL; (void) ResetMagickMemory(&resource_info,0,sizeof(resource_info)); server_name=(char *) NULL; state=0; status=MagickTrue; ReadCommandlLine(argc,&argv); status=ExpandFilenames(&argc,&argv); if (status == MagickFalse) ThrowDisplayException(ResourceLimitError,"MemoryAllocationFailed", GetExceptionMessage(errno)); image_marker=(size_t *) AcquireQuantumMemory((size_t) argc+1UL, sizeof(*image_marker)); if (image_marker == (size_t *) NULL) ThrowDisplayException(ResourceLimitError,"MemoryAllocationFailed", GetExceptionMessage(errno)); for (i=0; i <= (ssize_t) argc; i++) image_marker[i]=(size_t) argc; /* Check for server name specified on the command line. */ for (i=1; i < (ssize_t) argc; i++) { /* Check command line for server name. */ option=argv[i]; if (LocaleCompare("display",option+1) == 0) { /* User specified server name. */ i++; if (i == (ssize_t) argc) ThrowDisplayException(OptionError,"MissingArgument",option); server_name=argv[i]; } if ((LocaleCompare("help",option+1) == 0) || (LocaleCompare("-help",option+1) == 0)) return(DisplayUsage()); } /* Get user defaults from X resource database. */ display=XOpenDisplay(server_name); if (display == (Display *) NULL) ThrowDisplayException(XServerError,"UnableToOpenXServer", XDisplayName(server_name)); (void) XSetErrorHandler(XError); resource_database=XGetResourceDatabase(display,GetClientName()); XGetResourceInfo(image_info,resource_database,GetClientName(), &resource_info); quantize_info=resource_info.quantize_info; image_info->density=XGetResourceInstance(resource_database,GetClientName(), "density",(char *) NULL); if (image_info->density == (char *) NULL) image_info->density=XGetScreenDensity(display); resource_value=XGetResourceInstance(resource_database,GetClientName(), "interlace","none"); image_info->interlace=(InterlaceType) ParseCommandOption(MagickInterlaceOptions,MagickFalse,resource_value); image_info->page=XGetResourceInstance(resource_database,GetClientName(), "pageGeometry",(char *) NULL); resource_value=XGetResourceInstance(resource_database,GetClientName(), "quality","75"); image_info->quality=StringToUnsignedLong(resource_value); resource_value=XGetResourceInstance(resource_database,GetClientName(), "verbose","False"); image_info->verbose=IsStringTrue(resource_value); resource_value=XGetResourceInstance(resource_database,GetClientName(), "dither","True"); quantize_info->dither_method=IsStringTrue(resource_value) != MagickFalse ? RiemersmaDitherMethod : NoDitherMethod; /* Parse command line. */ iteration=0; for (i=1; ((i <= (ssize_t) argc) && ((state & ExitState) == 0)); i++) { if (i < (ssize_t) argc) option=argv[i]; else if (image != (Image *) NULL) break; else if (isatty(STDIN_FILENO) != MagickFalse) option="logo:"; else { int c; c=getc(stdin); if (c == EOF) option="logo:"; else { c=ungetc(c,stdin); option="-"; } } if (LocaleCompare(option,"(") == 0) { FireImageStack(MagickFalse,MagickTrue,pend); if (k == MaxImageStackDepth) ThrowDisplayException(OptionError,"ParenthesisNestedTooDeeply", option); PushImageStack(); continue; } if (LocaleCompare(option,")") == 0) { FireImageStack(MagickFalse,MagickTrue,MagickTrue); if (k == 0) ThrowDisplayException(OptionError,"UnableToParseExpression",option); PopImageStack(); continue; } if (IsCommandOption(option) == MagickFalse) { const char *filename; Image *display_image, *image_list, *images; /* Option is a file name. */ FireImageStack(MagickFalse,MagickFalse,pend); filename=option; if ((LocaleCompare(filename,"--") == 0) && (i < (ssize_t) (argc-1))) { option=argv[++i]; filename=option; } (void) CopyMagickString(image_info->filename,filename,MaxTextExtent); images=ReadImage(image_info,exception); CatchException(exception); status&=(images != (Image *) NULL) && (exception->severity < ErrorException); if (images == (Image *) NULL) continue; AppendImageStack(images); FinalizeImageSettings(image_info,image,MagickFalse); iterations=0; if (i == (ssize_t) (argc-1)) iterations=image->iterations; image_list=CloneImageList(image,exception); if (image_list == (Image *) NULL) ThrowDisplayException(ResourceLimitError,"MemoryAllocationFailed", GetExceptionMessage(errno)); display_image=image_list; do { /* Transmogrify image as defined by the image processing options. */ resource_info.quantum=1; if (resource_info.window_id != (char *) NULL) { /* Display image to a specified X window. */ status=XDisplayBackgroundImage(display,&resource_info, display_image,exception); if (status != MagickFalse) { state|=RetainColorsState; status=MagickFalse; } } else do { Image *nexus; /* Display image to X server. */ if (resource_info.delay != 1) display_image->delay=resource_info.delay; nexus=XDisplayImage(display,&resource_info,argv,argc, &display_image,&state,exception); status&=nexus != (Image *) NULL; if (nexus == (Image *) NULL) break; while ((nexus != (Image *) NULL) && ((state & ExitState) == 0)) { Image *next; if (nexus->montage != (char *) NULL) { /* User selected a visual directory image (montage). */ display_image=nexus; break; } next=XDisplayImage(display,&resource_info,argv,argc,&nexus, &state,exception); if ((next == (Image *) NULL) && (GetNextImageInList(nexus) != (Image *) NULL)) { display_image=GetNextImageInList(nexus); nexus=NewImageList(); } else { if (nexus != display_image) nexus=DestroyImageList(nexus); nexus=next; } } } while ((state & ExitState) == 0); if (resource_info.write_filename != (char *) NULL) { /* Write image. */ (void) CopyMagickString(display_image->filename, resource_info.write_filename,MaxTextExtent); (void) SetImageInfo(image_info,1,exception); status&=WriteImage(image_info,display_image,exception); } /* Proceed to next/previous image. */ if ((state & FormerImageState) != 0) for (l=0; l < (ssize_t) resource_info.quantum; l++) { if (GetPreviousImageInList(display_image) == (Image *) NULL) break; display_image=GetPreviousImageInList(display_image); } else for (l=0; l < (ssize_t) resource_info.quantum; l++) { if (GetNextImageInList(display_image) == (Image *) NULL) break; display_image=GetNextImageInList(display_image); } } while ((display_image != (Image *) NULL) && ((state & ExitState) == 0)); /* Free image resources. */ display_image=DestroyImageList(display_image); if ((state & FormerImageState) == 0) { last_image=(size_t) image_number; image_marker[i]=(size_t) image_number++; } else { /* Proceed to previous image. */ for (i--; i > 0; i--) if (image_marker[i] == (size_t) (image_number-2)) break; image_number--; } if ((i == (ssize_t) (argc-1)) && ((state & ExitState) == 0)) i=0; if ((state & ExitState) != 0) break; /* Determine if we should proceed to the first image. */ if (image_number < 0) { if ((state & FormerImageState) != 0) { for (i=1; i < (ssize_t) (argc-2); i++) if (last_image == image_marker[i]) break; image_number=(ssize_t) image_marker[i]+1; } continue; } if (resource_info.window_id != (char *) NULL) state|=ExitState; if ((iterations != 0) && (++iteration == (ssize_t) iterations)) state|=ExitState; if (LocaleCompare(filename,"-") == 0) state|=ExitState; RemoveAllImageStack(); continue; } pend=image != (Image *) NULL ? MagickTrue : MagickFalse; switch (*(option+1)) { case 'a': { if (LocaleCompare("alpha",option+1) == 0) { ssize_t type; if (*option == '+') break; i++; if (i == (ssize_t) argc) ThrowDisplayException(OptionError,"MissingArgument",option); type=ParseCommandOption(MagickAlphaChannelOptions,MagickFalse,argv[i]); if (type < 0) ThrowDisplayException(OptionError,"UnrecognizedAlphaChannelOption", argv[i]); break; } if (LocaleCompare("antialias",option+1) == 0) break; if (LocaleCompare("authenticate",option+1) == 0) { if (*option == '+') break; i++; if (i == (ssize_t) argc) ThrowDisplayException(OptionError,"MissingArgument",option); break; } if (LocaleCompare("auto-orient",option+1) == 0) break; ThrowDisplayException(OptionError,"UnrecognizedOption",option); } case 'b': { if (LocaleCompare("backdrop",option+1) == 0) { resource_info.backdrop=(*option == '-') ? MagickTrue : MagickFalse; break; } if (LocaleCompare("background",option+1) == 0) { if (*option == '+') break; i++; if (i == (ssize_t) argc) ThrowDisplayException(OptionError,"MissingArgument",option); resource_info.background_color=argv[i]; break; } if (LocaleCompare("border",option+1) == 0) { if (*option == '+') break; i++; if (i == (ssize_t) argc) ThrowDisplayException(OptionError,"MissingArgument",option); if (IsGeometry(argv[i]) == MagickFalse) ThrowDisplayInvalidArgumentException(option,argv[i]); break; } if (LocaleCompare("bordercolor",option+1) == 0) { if (*option == '+') break; i++; if (i == (ssize_t) argc) ThrowDisplayException(OptionError,"MissingArgument",option); resource_info.border_color=argv[i]; break; } if (LocaleCompare("borderwidth",option+1) == 0) { resource_info.border_width=0; if (*option == '+') break; i++; if (i == (ssize_t) argc) ThrowDisplayException(OptionError,"MissingArgument",option); if (IsGeometry(argv[i]) == MagickFalse) ThrowDisplayInvalidArgumentException(option,argv[i]); resource_info.border_width=(unsigned int) StringToUnsignedLong(argv[i]); break; } ThrowDisplayException(OptionError,"UnrecognizedOption",option); } case 'c': { if (LocaleCompare("cache",option+1) == 0) { if (*option == '+') break; i++; if (i == (ssize_t) argc) ThrowDisplayException(OptionError,"MissingArgument",option); if (IsGeometry(argv[i]) == MagickFalse) ThrowDisplayInvalidArgumentException(option,argv[i]); break; } if (LocaleCompare("channel",option+1) == 0) { ssize_t channel; if (*option == '+') break; i++; if (i == (ssize_t) (argc-1)) ThrowDisplayException(OptionError,"MissingArgument",option); channel=ParseChannelOption(argv[i]); if (channel < 0) ThrowDisplayException(OptionError,"UnrecognizedChannelType", argv[i]); break; } if (LocaleCompare("clip",option+1) == 0) break; if (LocaleCompare("clip-path",option+1) == 0) { i++; if (i == (ssize_t) argc) ThrowDisplayException(OptionError,"MissingArgument",option); break; } if (LocaleCompare("coalesce",option+1) == 0) break; if (LocaleCompare("colormap",option+1) == 0) { resource_info.colormap=PrivateColormap; if (*option == '+') break; i++; if (i == (ssize_t) argc) ThrowDisplayException(OptionError,"MissingArgument",option); resource_info.colormap=UndefinedColormap; if (LocaleCompare("private",argv[i]) == 0) resource_info.colormap=PrivateColormap; if (LocaleCompare("shared",argv[i]) == 0) resource_info.colormap=SharedColormap; if (resource_info.colormap == UndefinedColormap) ThrowDisplayException(OptionError,"UnrecognizedColormapType", argv[i]); break; } if (LocaleCompare("colors",option+1) == 0) { quantize_info->number_colors=0; if (*option == '+') break; i++; if (i == (ssize_t) argc) ThrowDisplayException(OptionError,"MissingArgument",option); if (IsGeometry(argv[i]) == MagickFalse) ThrowDisplayInvalidArgumentException(option,argv[i]); quantize_info->number_colors=StringToUnsignedLong(argv[i]); break; } if (LocaleCompare("colorspace",option+1) == 0) { ssize_t colorspace; if (*option == '+') break; i++; if (i == (ssize_t) argc) ThrowDisplayException(OptionError,"MissingArgument",option); colorspace=ParseCommandOption(MagickColorspaceOptions, MagickFalse,argv[i]); if (colorspace < 0) ThrowDisplayException(OptionError,"UnrecognizedColorspace", argv[i]); break; } if (LocaleCompare("comment",option+1) == 0) { if (*option == '+') break; i++; if (i == (ssize_t) argc) ThrowDisplayException(OptionError,"MissingArgument",option); break; } if (LocaleCompare("compress",option+1) == 0) { ssize_t compress; if (*option == '+') break; i++; if (i == (ssize_t) argc) ThrowDisplayException(OptionError,"MissingArgument",option); compress=ParseCommandOption(MagickCompressOptions,MagickFalse, argv[i]); if (compress < 0) ThrowDisplayException(OptionError,"UnrecognizedImageCompression", argv[i]); break; } if (LocaleCompare("concurrent",option+1) == 0) break; if (LocaleCompare("contrast",option+1) == 0) break; if (LocaleCompare("crop",option+1) == 0) { if (*option == '+') break; i++; if (i == (ssize_t) argc) ThrowDisplayException(OptionError,"MissingArgument",option); if (IsGeometry(argv[i]) == MagickFalse) ThrowDisplayInvalidArgumentException(option,argv[i]); break; } ThrowDisplayException(OptionError,"UnrecognizedOption",option); } case 'd': { if (LocaleCompare("debug",option+1) == 0) { ssize_t event; if (*option == '+') break; i++; if (i == (ssize_t) argc) ThrowDisplayException(OptionError,"MissingArgument",option); event=ParseCommandOption(MagickLogEventOptions,MagickFalse,argv[i]); if (event < 0) ThrowDisplayException(OptionError,"UnrecognizedEventType", argv[i]); (void) SetLogEventMask(argv[i]); break; } if (LocaleCompare("decipher",option+1) == 0) { if (*option == '+') break; i++; if (i == (ssize_t) (argc-1)) ThrowDisplayException(OptionError,"MissingArgument",option); break; } if (LocaleCompare("define",option+1) == 0) { i++; if (i == (ssize_t) argc) ThrowDisplayException(OptionError,"MissingArgument",option); if (*option == '+') { const char *define; define=GetImageOption(image_info,argv[i]); if (define == (const char *) NULL) ThrowDisplayException(OptionError,"NoSuchOption",argv[i]); break; } break; } if (LocaleCompare("delay",option+1) == 0) { if (*option == '+') break; i++; if (i == (ssize_t) argc) ThrowDisplayException(OptionError,"MissingArgument",option); if (IsGeometry(argv[i]) == MagickFalse) ThrowDisplayInvalidArgumentException(option,argv[i]); break; } if (LocaleCompare("density",option+1) == 0) { if (*option == '+') break; i++; if (i == (ssize_t) argc) ThrowDisplayException(OptionError,"MissingArgument",option); if (IsGeometry(argv[i]) == MagickFalse) ThrowDisplayInvalidArgumentException(option,argv[i]); break; } if (LocaleCompare("depth",option+1) == 0) { if (*option == '+') break; i++; if (i == (ssize_t) argc) ThrowDisplayException(OptionError,"MissingArgument",option); if (IsGeometry(argv[i]) == MagickFalse) ThrowDisplayInvalidArgumentException(option,argv[i]); break; } if (LocaleCompare("deskew",option+1) == 0) { if (*option == '+') break; i++; if (i == (ssize_t) (argc-1)) ThrowDisplayException(OptionError,"MissingArgument",option); if (IsGeometry(argv[i]) == MagickFalse) ThrowDisplayInvalidArgumentException(option,argv[i]); break; } if (LocaleCompare("despeckle",option+1) == 0) break; if (LocaleCompare("display",option+1) == 0) { if (*option == '+') break; i++; if (i == (ssize_t) argc) ThrowDisplayException(OptionError,"MissingArgument",option); break; } if (LocaleCompare("dispose",option+1) == 0) { ssize_t dispose; if (*option == '+') break; i++; if (i == (ssize_t) argc) ThrowDisplayException(OptionError,"MissingArgument",option); dispose=ParseCommandOption(MagickDisposeOptions,MagickFalse,argv[i]); if (dispose < 0) ThrowDisplayException(OptionError,"UnrecognizedDisposeMethod", argv[i]); break; } if (LocaleCompare("dither",option+1) == 0) { ssize_t method; quantize_info->dither_method=NoDitherMethod; if (*option == '+') break; i++; if (i == (ssize_t) argc) ThrowDisplayException(OptionError,"MissingArgument",option); method=ParseCommandOption(MagickDitherOptions,MagickFalse,argv[i]); if (method < 0) ThrowDisplayException(OptionError,"UnrecognizedDitherMethod", argv[i]); quantize_info->dither_method=(DitherMethod) method; break; } if (LocaleCompare("duration",option+1) == 0) { if (*option == '+') break; i++; if (i == (ssize_t) (argc-1)) ThrowDisplayException(OptionError,"MissingArgument",option); if (IsGeometry(argv[i]) == MagickFalse) ThrowDisplayInvalidArgumentException(option,argv[i]); break; } ThrowDisplayException(OptionError,"UnrecognizedOption",option); } case 'e': { if (LocaleCompare("edge",option+1) == 0) { if (*option == '+') break; i++; if (i == (ssize_t) argc) ThrowDisplayException(OptionError,"MissingArgument",option); if (IsGeometry(argv[i]) == MagickFalse) ThrowDisplayInvalidArgumentException(option,argv[i]); break; } if (LocaleCompare("endian",option+1) == 0) { ssize_t endian; if (*option == '+') break; i++; if (i == (ssize_t) argc) ThrowDisplayException(OptionError,"MissingArgument",option); endian=ParseCommandOption(MagickEndianOptions,MagickFalse, argv[i]); if (endian < 0) ThrowDisplayException(OptionError,"UnrecognizedEndianType", argv[i]); break; } if (LocaleCompare("enhance",option+1) == 0) break; if (LocaleCompare("equalize",option+1) == 0) break; if (LocaleCompare("extract",option+1) == 0) { if (*option == '+') break; i++; if (i == (ssize_t) argc) ThrowDisplayException(OptionError,"MissingArgument",option); if (IsGeometry(argv[i]) == MagickFalse) ThrowDisplayInvalidArgumentException(option,argv[i]); break; } ThrowDisplayException(OptionError,"UnrecognizedOption",option); } case 'f': { if (LocaleCompare("filter",option+1) == 0) { ssize_t filter; if (*option == '+') break; i++; if (i == (ssize_t) argc) ThrowDisplayException(OptionError,"MissingArgument",option); filter=ParseCommandOption(MagickFilterOptions,MagickFalse,argv[i]); if (filter < 0) ThrowDisplayException(OptionError,"UnrecognizedImageFilter", argv[i]); break; } if (LocaleCompare("flatten",option+1) == 0) break; if (LocaleCompare("flip",option+1) == 0) break; if (LocaleCompare("flop",option+1) == 0) break; if (LocaleCompare("font",option+1) == 0) { if (*option == '+') break; i++; if (i == (ssize_t) argc) ThrowDisplayException(OptionError,"MissingArgument",option); resource_info.font=XGetResourceClass(resource_database, GetClientName(),"font",argv[i]); break; } if (LocaleCompare("foreground",option+1) == 0) { if (*option == '+') break; i++; if (i == (ssize_t) argc) ThrowDisplayException(OptionError,"MissingArgument",option); resource_info.foreground_color=argv[i]; break; } if (LocaleCompare("format",option+1) == 0) { if (*option == '+') break; i++; if (i == (ssize_t) (argc-1)) ThrowDisplayException(OptionError,"MissingArgument",option); break; } if (LocaleCompare("frame",option+1) == 0) { if (*option == '+') break; i++; if (i == (ssize_t) argc) ThrowDisplayException(OptionError,"MissingArgument",option); if (IsGeometry(argv[i]) == MagickFalse) ThrowDisplayInvalidArgumentException(option,argv[i]); break; } if (LocaleCompare("fuzz",option+1) == 0) { if (*option == '+') break; i++; if (i == (ssize_t) (argc-1)) ThrowDisplayException(OptionError,"MissingArgument",option); if (IsGeometry(argv[i]) == MagickFalse) ThrowDisplayInvalidArgumentException(option,argv[i]); break; } ThrowDisplayException(OptionError,"UnrecognizedOption",option); } case 'g': { if (LocaleCompare("gamma",option+1) == 0) { i++; if (i == (ssize_t) argc) ThrowDisplayException(OptionError,"MissingArgument",option); if (IsGeometry(argv[i]) == MagickFalse) ThrowDisplayInvalidArgumentException(option,argv[i]); break; } if (LocaleCompare("geometry",option+1) == 0) { resource_info.image_geometry=(char *) NULL; if (*option == '+') break; (void) CopyMagickString(argv[i]+1,"sans",MaxTextExtent); i++; if (i == (ssize_t) argc) ThrowDisplayException(OptionError,"MissingArgument",option); if (IsGeometry(argv[i]) == MagickFalse) ThrowDisplayInvalidArgumentException(option,argv[i]); resource_info.image_geometry=ConstantString(argv[i]); break; } if (LocaleCompare("gravity",option+1) == 0) { ssize_t gravity; if (*option == '+') break; i++; if (i == (ssize_t) (argc-1)) ThrowDisplayException(OptionError,"MissingArgument",option); gravity=ParseCommandOption(MagickGravityOptions,MagickFalse, argv[i]); if (gravity < 0) ThrowDisplayException(OptionError,"UnrecognizedGravityType", argv[i]); break; } ThrowDisplayException(OptionError,"UnrecognizedOption",option); } case 'h': { if ((LocaleCompare("help",option+1) == 0) || (LocaleCompare("-help",option+1) == 0)) break; ThrowDisplayException(OptionError,"UnrecognizedOption",option); } case 'i': { if (LocaleCompare("identify",option+1) == 0) break; if (LocaleCompare("iconGeometry",option+1) == 0) { resource_info.icon_geometry=(char *) NULL; if (*option == '+') break; i++; if (i == (ssize_t) argc) ThrowDisplayException(OptionError,"MissingArgument",option); if (IsGeometry(argv[i]) == MagickFalse) ThrowDisplayInvalidArgumentException(option,argv[i]); resource_info.icon_geometry=argv[i]; break; } if (LocaleCompare("iconic",option+1) == 0) { resource_info.iconic=(*option == '-') ? MagickTrue : MagickFalse; break; } if (LocaleCompare("immutable",option+1) == 0) { resource_info.immutable=(*option == '-') ? MagickTrue : MagickFalse; break; } if (LocaleCompare("interlace",option+1) == 0) { ssize_t interlace; if (*option == '+') break; i++; if (i == (ssize_t) argc) ThrowDisplayException(OptionError,"MissingArgument",option); interlace=ParseCommandOption(MagickInterlaceOptions,MagickFalse, argv[i]); if (interlace < 0) ThrowDisplayException(OptionError,"UnrecognizedInterlaceType", argv[i]); break; } if (LocaleCompare("interpolate",option+1) == 0) { ssize_t interpolate; if (*option == '+') break; i++; if (i == (ssize_t) argc) ThrowDisplayException(OptionError,"MissingArgument",option); interpolate=ParseCommandOption(MagickInterpolateOptions,MagickFalse, argv[i]); if (interpolate < 0) ThrowDisplayException(OptionError,"UnrecognizedInterpolateMethod", argv[i]); break; } ThrowDisplayException(OptionError,"UnrecognizedOption",option); } case 'l': { if (LocaleCompare("label",option+1) == 0) { if (*option == '+') break; i++; if (i == (ssize_t) argc) ThrowDisplayException(OptionError,"MissingArgument",option); break; } if (LocaleCompare("limit",option+1) == 0) { char *p; double value; ssize_t resource; if (*option == '+') break; i++; if (i == (ssize_t) argc) ThrowDisplayException(OptionError,"MissingArgument",option); resource=ParseCommandOption(MagickResourceOptions,MagickFalse, argv[i]); if (resource < 0) ThrowDisplayException(OptionError,"UnrecognizedResourceType", argv[i]); i++; if (i == (ssize_t) argc) ThrowDisplayException(OptionError,"MissingArgument",option); value=StringToDouble(argv[i],&p); (void) value; if ((p == argv[i]) && (LocaleCompare("unlimited",argv[i]) != 0)) ThrowDisplayInvalidArgumentException(option,argv[i]); break; } if (LocaleCompare("list",option+1) == 0) { ssize_t list; if (*option == '+') break; i++; if (i == (ssize_t) argc) ThrowDisplayException(OptionError,"MissingArgument",option); list=ParseCommandOption(MagickListOptions,MagickFalse,argv[i]); if (list < 0) ThrowDisplayException(OptionError,"UnrecognizedListType",argv[i]); status=MogrifyImageInfo(image_info,(int) (i-j+1),(const char **) argv+j,exception); DestroyDisplay(); return(status != 0 ? MagickFalse : MagickTrue); } if (LocaleCompare("log",option+1) == 0) { if (*option == '+') break; i++; if ((i == (ssize_t) argc) || (strchr(argv[i],'%') == (char *) NULL)) ThrowDisplayException(OptionError,"MissingArgument",option); break; } if (LocaleCompare("loop",option+1) == 0) { if (*option == '+') break; i++; if (i == (ssize_t) (argc-1)) ThrowDisplayException(OptionError,"MissingArgument",option); if (IsGeometry(argv[i]) == MagickFalse) ThrowDisplayInvalidArgumentException(option,argv[i]); iterations=StringToUnsignedLong(argv[i]); break; } ThrowDisplayException(OptionError,"UnrecognizedOption",option); } case 'm': { if (LocaleCompare("magnify",option+1) == 0) { resource_info.magnify=2; if (*option == '+') break; i++; if (i == (ssize_t) argc) ThrowDisplayException(OptionError,"MissingArgument",option); if (IsGeometry(argv[i]) == MagickFalse) ThrowDisplayInvalidArgumentException(option,argv[i]); resource_info.magnify=(unsigned int) StringToUnsignedLong(argv[i]); break; } if (LocaleCompare("map",option+1) == 0) { resource_info.map_type=(char *) NULL; if (*option == '+') break; (void) strcpy(argv[i]+1,"san"); i++; if (i == (ssize_t) argc) ThrowDisplayException(OptionError,"MissingArgument",option); resource_info.map_type=argv[i]; break; } if (LocaleCompare("matte",option+1) == 0) break; if (LocaleCompare("mattecolor",option+1) == 0) { if (*option == '+') break; i++; if (i == (ssize_t) argc) ThrowDisplayException(OptionError,"MissingArgument",option); resource_info.matte_color=argv[i]; break; } if (LocaleCompare("monitor",option+1) == 0) break; if (LocaleCompare("monochrome",option+1) == 0) { if (*option == '+') break; quantize_info->number_colors=2; quantize_info->colorspace=GRAYColorspace; break; } ThrowDisplayException(OptionError,"UnrecognizedOption",option); } case 'n': { if (LocaleCompare("name",option+1) == 0) { resource_info.name=(char *) NULL; if (*option == '+') break; i++; if (i == (ssize_t) argc) ThrowDisplayException(OptionError,"MissingArgument",option); resource_info.name=ConstantString(argv[i]); break; } if (LocaleCompare("negate",option+1) == 0) break; if (LocaleCompare("noop",option+1) == 0) break; if (LocaleCompare("normalize",option+1) == 0) break; ThrowDisplayException(OptionError,"UnrecognizedOption",option); } case 'p': { if (LocaleCompare("page",option+1) == 0) { resource_info.image_geometry=(char *) NULL; if (*option == '+') break; i++; if (i == (ssize_t) argc) ThrowDisplayException(OptionError,"MissingArgument",option); resource_info.image_geometry=ConstantString(argv[i]); break; } if (LocaleCompare("profile",option+1) == 0) { i++; if (i == (ssize_t) argc) ThrowDisplayException(OptionError,"MissingArgument",option); break; } ThrowDisplayException(OptionError,"UnrecognizedOption",option); } case 'q': { if (LocaleCompare("quality",option+1) == 0) { if (*option == '+') break; i++; if (i == (ssize_t) argc) ThrowDisplayException(OptionError,"MissingArgument",option); if (IsGeometry(argv[i]) == MagickFalse) ThrowDisplayInvalidArgumentException(option,argv[i]); break; } if (LocaleCompare("quantize",option+1) == 0) { ssize_t colorspace; if (*option == '+') break; i++; if (i == (ssize_t) (argc-1)) ThrowDisplayException(OptionError,"MissingArgument",option); colorspace=ParseCommandOption(MagickColorspaceOptions, MagickFalse,argv[i]); if (colorspace < 0) ThrowDisplayException(OptionError,"UnrecognizedColorspace", argv[i]); break; } if (LocaleCompare("quiet",option+1) == 0) break; ThrowDisplayException(OptionError,"UnrecognizedOption",option); } case 'r': { if (LocaleCompare("raise",option+1) == 0) { i++; if (i == (ssize_t) argc) ThrowDisplayException(OptionError,"MissingArgument",option); if (IsGeometry(argv[i]) == MagickFalse) ThrowDisplayInvalidArgumentException(option,argv[i]); break; } if (LocaleCompare("regard-warnings",option+1) == 0) break; if (LocaleCompare("remote",option+1) == 0) { i++; if (i == (ssize_t) argc) ThrowDisplayException(OptionError,"MissingArgument",option); if (XRemoteCommand(display,resource_info.window_id,argv[i]) != 0) return(MagickFalse); i--; break; } if (LocaleCompare("repage",option+1) == 0) { if (*option == '+') break; i++; if (i == (ssize_t) argc) ThrowDisplayException(OptionError,"MissingArgument",option); if (IsGeometry(argv[i]) == MagickFalse) ThrowDisplayInvalidArgumentException(option,argv[i]); break; } if (LocaleCompare("resample",option+1) == 0) { if (*option == '+') break; i++; if (i == (ssize_t) (argc-1)) ThrowDisplayException(OptionError,"MissingArgument",option); if (IsGeometry(argv[i]) == MagickFalse) ThrowDisplayInvalidArgumentException(option,argv[i]); break; } if (LocaleCompare("resize",option+1) == 0) { if (*option == '+') break; i++; if (i == (ssize_t) argc) ThrowDisplayException(OptionError,"MissingArgument",option); if (IsGeometry(argv[i]) == MagickFalse) ThrowDisplayInvalidArgumentException(option,argv[i]); break; } if (LocaleNCompare("respect-parentheses",option+1,17) == 0) { respect_parenthesis=(*option == '-') ? MagickTrue : MagickFalse; break; } if (LocaleCompare("roll",option+1) == 0) { if (*option == '+') break; i++; if (i == (ssize_t) argc) ThrowDisplayException(OptionError,"MissingArgument",option); if (IsGeometry(argv[i]) == MagickFalse) ThrowDisplayInvalidArgumentException(option,argv[i]); break; } if (LocaleCompare("rotate",option+1) == 0) { i++; if (i == (ssize_t) argc) ThrowDisplayException(OptionError,"MissingArgument",option); if (IsGeometry(argv[i]) == MagickFalse) ThrowDisplayInvalidArgumentException(option,argv[i]); break; } ThrowDisplayException(OptionError,"UnrecognizedOption",option); } case 's': { if (LocaleCompare("sample",option+1) == 0) { if (*option == '+') break; i++; if (i == (ssize_t) argc) ThrowDisplayException(OptionError,"MissingArgument",option); if (IsGeometry(argv[i]) == MagickFalse) ThrowDisplayInvalidArgumentException(option,argv[i]); break; } if (LocaleCompare("sampling-factor",option+1) == 0) { if (*option == '+') break; i++; if (i == (ssize_t) argc) ThrowDisplayException(OptionError,"MissingArgument",option); if (IsGeometry(argv[i]) == MagickFalse) ThrowDisplayInvalidArgumentException(option,argv[i]); break; } if (LocaleCompare("scenes",option+1) == 0) { if (*option == '+') break; i++; if (i == (ssize_t) argc) ThrowDisplayException(OptionError,"MissingArgument",option); if (IsSceneGeometry(argv[i],MagickFalse) == MagickFalse) ThrowDisplayInvalidArgumentException(option,argv[i]); break; } if (LocaleCompare("seed",option+1) == 0) { if (*option == '+') break; i++; if (i == (ssize_t) (argc-1)) ThrowDisplayException(OptionError,"MissingArgument",option); if (IsGeometry(argv[i]) == MagickFalse) ThrowDisplayInvalidArgumentException(option,argv[i]); break; } if (LocaleCompare("segment",option+1) == 0) { if (*option == '+') break; i++; if (i == (ssize_t) argc) ThrowDisplayException(OptionError,"MissingArgument",option); if (IsGeometry(argv[i]) == MagickFalse) ThrowDisplayInvalidArgumentException(option,argv[i]); break; } if (LocaleCompare("set",option+1) == 0) { i++; if (i == (ssize_t) argc) ThrowDisplayException(OptionError,"MissingArgument",option); if (*option == '+') break; i++; if (i == (ssize_t) argc) ThrowDisplayException(OptionError,"MissingArgument",option); break; } if (LocaleCompare("sharpen",option+1) == 0) { if (*option == '+') break; i++; if (i == (ssize_t) argc) ThrowDisplayException(OptionError,"MissingArgument",option); if (IsGeometry(argv[i]) == MagickFalse) ThrowDisplayInvalidArgumentException(option,argv[i]); break; } if (LocaleCompare("shared-memory",option+1) == 0) { resource_info.use_shared_memory= (*option == '-') ? MagickTrue : MagickFalse; break; } if (LocaleCompare("size",option+1) == 0) { if (*option == '+') break; i++; if (i == (ssize_t) argc) ThrowDisplayException(OptionError,"MissingArgument",option); if (IsGeometry(argv[i]) == MagickFalse) ThrowDisplayInvalidArgumentException(option,argv[i]); break; } if (LocaleCompare("strip",option+1) == 0) break; if (LocaleCompare("support",option+1) == 0) { i++; /* deprecated */ break; } ThrowDisplayException(OptionError,"UnrecognizedOption",option); } case 't': { if (LocaleCompare("text-font",option+1) == 0) { resource_info.text_font=(char *) NULL; if (*option == '+') break; i++; if (i == (ssize_t) argc) ThrowDisplayException(OptionError,"MissingArgument",option); resource_info.text_font=XGetResourceClass(resource_database, GetClientName(),"font",argv[i]); break; } if (LocaleCompare("texture",option+1) == 0) { if (*option == '+') break; i++; if (i == (ssize_t) argc) ThrowDisplayException(OptionError,"MissingArgument",option); break; } if (LocaleCompare("threshold",option+1) == 0) { if (*option == '+') break; i++; if (i == (ssize_t) argc) ThrowDisplayException(OptionError,"MissingArgument",option); if (IsGeometry(argv[i]) == MagickFalse) ThrowDisplayInvalidArgumentException(option,argv[i]); break; } if (LocaleCompare("thumbnail",option+1) == 0) { if (*option == '+') break; i++; if (i == (ssize_t) argc) ThrowDisplayException(OptionError,"MissingArgument",option); if (IsGeometry(argv[i]) == MagickFalse) ThrowDisplayInvalidArgumentException(option,argv[i]); break; } if (LocaleCompare("title",option+1) == 0) { resource_info.title=(char *) NULL; if (*option == '+') break; i++; if (i == (ssize_t) argc) ThrowDisplayException(OptionError,"MissingArgument",option); resource_info.title=argv[i]; break; } if (LocaleCompare("transparent-color",option+1) == 0) { if (*option == '+') break; i++; if (i == (ssize_t) (argc-1)) ThrowDisplayException(OptionError,"MissingArgument",option); break; } if (LocaleCompare("treedepth",option+1) == 0) { quantize_info->tree_depth=0; if (*option == '+') break; i++; if (i == (ssize_t) argc) ThrowDisplayException(OptionError,"MissingArgument",option); if (IsGeometry(argv[i]) == MagickFalse) ThrowDisplayInvalidArgumentException(option,argv[i]); quantize_info->tree_depth=StringToUnsignedLong(argv[i]); break; } if (LocaleCompare("trim",option+1) == 0) break; ThrowDisplayException(OptionError,"UnrecognizedOption",option); } case 'u': { if (LocaleCompare("update",option+1) == 0) { resource_info.update=(unsigned int) (*option == '-'); if (*option == '+') break; i++; if (i == (ssize_t) argc) ThrowDisplayException(OptionError,"MissingArgument",option); if (IsGeometry(argv[i]) == MagickFalse) ThrowDisplayInvalidArgumentException(option,argv[i]); resource_info.update=(unsigned int) StringToUnsignedLong(argv[i]); break; } if (LocaleCompare("use-pixmap",option+1) == 0) { resource_info.use_pixmap=(*option == '-') ? MagickTrue : MagickFalse; break; } ThrowDisplayException(OptionError,"UnrecognizedOption",option); } case 'v': { if (LocaleCompare("verbose",option+1) == 0) break; if ((LocaleCompare("version",option+1) == 0) || (LocaleCompare("-version",option+1) == 0)) { ListMagickVersion(stdout); break; } if (LocaleCompare("visual",option+1) == 0) { resource_info.visual_type=(char *) NULL; if (*option == '+') break; i++; if (i == (ssize_t) argc) ThrowDisplayException(OptionError,"MissingArgument",option); resource_info.visual_type=argv[i]; break; } if (LocaleCompare("virtual-pixel",option+1) == 0) { ssize_t method; if (*option == '+') break; i++; if (i == (ssize_t) (argc-1)) ThrowDisplayException(OptionError,"MissingArgument",option); method=ParseCommandOption(MagickVirtualPixelOptions,MagickFalse, argv[i]); if (method < 0) ThrowDisplayException(OptionError, "UnrecognizedVirtualPixelMethod",argv[i]); break; } ThrowDisplayException(OptionError,"UnrecognizedOption",option); } case 'w': { if (LocaleCompare("window",option+1) == 0) { resource_info.window_id=(char *) NULL; if (*option == '+') break; i++; if (i == (ssize_t) argc) ThrowDisplayException(OptionError,"MissingArgument",option); resource_info.window_id=argv[i]; break; } if (LocaleCompare("window-group",option+1) == 0) { resource_info.window_group=(char *) NULL; if (*option == '+') break; i++; if (i == (ssize_t) argc) ThrowDisplayException(OptionError,"MissingArgument",option); if (StringToDouble(argv[i],(char **) NULL) != 0) resource_info.window_group=argv[i]; break; } if (LocaleCompare("write",option+1) == 0) { resource_info.write_filename=(char *) NULL; if (*option == '+') break; i++; if (i == (ssize_t) argc) ThrowDisplayException(OptionError,"MissingArgument",option); resource_info.write_filename=argv[i]; if (IsPathAccessible(resource_info.write_filename) != MagickFalse) { char answer[2], *p; (void) FormatLocaleFile(stderr,"Overwrite %s? ", resource_info.write_filename); p=fgets(answer,(int) sizeof(answer),stdin); (void) p; if (((*answer != 'y') && (*answer != 'Y'))) return(MagickFalse); } break; } ThrowDisplayException(OptionError,"UnrecognizedOption",option); } case '?': break; default: ThrowDisplayException(OptionError,"UnrecognizedOption",option); } fire=(GetCommandOptionFlags(MagickCommandOptions,MagickFalse,option) & FireOptionFlag) == 0 ? MagickFalse : MagickTrue; if (fire != MagickFalse) FireImageStack(MagickFalse,MagickTrue,MagickTrue); } if (k != 0) ThrowDisplayException(OptionError,"UnbalancedParenthesis",argv[i]); if (state & RetainColorsState) { XRetainWindowColors(display,XRootWindow(display,XDefaultScreen(display))); (void) XSync(display,MagickFalse); } DestroyDisplay(); return(status != 0 ? MagickTrue : MagickFalse); #else (void) argc; (void) argv; (void) ThrowMagickException(exception,GetMagickModule(),MissingDelegateError, "DelegateLibrarySupportNotBuiltIn","'%s' (X11)",image_info->filename); return(DisplayUsage()); #endif }