/* Copyright 1999-2015 ImageMagick Studio LLC, a non-profit organization dedicated to making software imaging solutions freely available. You may not use this file except in compliance with the License. obtain a copy of the License at http://www.imagemagick.org/script/license.php Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. MagickCore types. */ #ifndef _MAGICKCORE_MAGICK_TYPE_H #define _MAGICKCORE_MAGICK_TYPE_H #include "MagickCore/magick-config.h" #if defined(__cplusplus) || defined(c_plusplus) extern "C" { #endif #if !defined(MAGICKCORE_QUANTUM_DEPTH) #define MAGICKCORE_QUANTUM_DEPTH 16 #endif #if defined(MAGICKCORE_WINDOWS_SUPPORT) && !defined(__MINGW32__) && !defined(__MINGW64__) # define MagickLLConstant(c) (MagickOffsetType) (c ## i64) # define MagickULLConstant(c) (MagickSizeType) (c ## ui64) #else # define MagickLLConstant(c) (MagickOffsetType) (c ## LL) # define MagickULLConstant(c) (MagickSizeType) (c ## ULL) #endif #if !defined(MAGICKCORE_HAVE_DOUBLE_T) typedef double double_t; #endif #if !defined(MAGICKCORE_HAVE_FLOAT_T) typedef float float_t; #endif #if (MAGICKCORE_QUANTUM_DEPTH == 8) #define MaxColormapSize 256UL #define MaxMap 255UL typedef float_t MagickRealType; #if defined(MAGICKCORE_HDRI_SUPPORT) typedef float Quantum; #define QuantumRange 255.0 #define QuantumFormat "%g" #else typedef unsigned char Quantum; #define QuantumRange ((Quantum) 255) #define QuantumFormat "%u" #endif #elif (MAGICKCORE_QUANTUM_DEPTH == 16) #define MaxColormapSize 65536UL #define MaxMap 65535UL typedef float_t MagickRealType; #if defined(MAGICKCORE_HDRI_SUPPORT) typedef float Quantum; #define QuantumRange 65535.0f #define QuantumFormat "%g" #else typedef unsigned short Quantum; #define QuantumRange ((Quantum) 65535) #define QuantumFormat "%u" #endif #elif (MAGICKCORE_QUANTUM_DEPTH == 32) #define MaxColormapSize 65536UL #define MaxMap 65535UL typedef float_t MagickRealType; #if defined(MAGICKCORE_HDRI_SUPPORT) typedef double Quantum; #define QuantumRange 4294967295.0 #define QuantumFormat "%g" #else typedef unsigned int Quantum; #define QuantumRange ((Quantum) 4294967295) #define QuantumFormat "%u" #endif #elif (MAGICKCORE_QUANTUM_DEPTH == 64) #define MAGICKCORE_HDRI_SUPPORT #define MaxColormapSize 65536UL #define MaxMap 65535UL typedef long double MagickRealType; typedef long double Quantum; #define QuantumRange 18446744073709551615.0 #define QuantumFormat "%g" #else #error "MAGICKCORE_QUANTUM_DEPTH must be one of 8, 16, 32, or 64" #endif #define MagickEpsilon (1.0e-15) #define MagickMaximumValue 1.79769313486231570E+308 #define MagickMinimumValue 2.22507385850720140E-308 #define QuantumScale ((double) 1.0/(double) QuantumRange) /* Typedef declarations. */ typedef unsigned int MagickStatusType; #if !defined(MAGICKCORE_WINDOWS_SUPPORT) #if (MAGICKCORE_SIZEOF_UNSIGNED_LONG_LONG == 8) typedef long long MagickOffsetType; typedef unsigned long long MagickSizeType; #define MagickOffsetFormat "lld" #define MagickSizeFormat "llu" #else typedef ssize_t MagickOffsetType; typedef size_t MagickSizeType; #define MagickOffsetFormat "ld" #define MagickSizeFormat "lu" #endif #else typedef __int64 MagickOffsetType; typedef unsigned __int64 MagickSizeType; #define MagickOffsetFormat "I64i" #define MagickSizeFormat "I64u" #endif #if defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER == 1200) typedef MagickOffsetType QuantumAny; #else typedef MagickSizeType QuantumAny; #endif #if defined(macintosh) #define ExceptionInfo MagickExceptionInfo #endif typedef enum { UndefinedClass, DirectClass, PseudoClass } ClassType; typedef enum { MagickFalse = 0, MagickTrue = 1 } MagickBooleanType; /* Define some short-hand macros for handling MagickBooleanType and uses fast C typing with C boolean operations Is -- returns a MagickBooleanType (for storage) If -- returns C integer boolean (for if's and while's) IfMagickTrue() converts MagickBooleanType to C integer Boolean IfMagickFalse() Not the MagickBooleanType to C integer Boolean IsMagickTrue() converts a C integer boolean to a MagickBooleanType IsMagickFalse() converts and is also a MagickBooleanType 'not' operation IsMagickNULL() IsMagickNotNULL() converts C pointers tests MagickBooleanType */ #if 1 /* Fast C typing method assumes MagickBooleanType match 0,1 values */ # define IfMagickTrue(v) ((int)(v)) # define IfMagickFalse(v) (!(int)(v)) # define IsMagickTrue(v) ((MagickBooleanType)((int)(v)!=0)) # define IsMagickFalse(v) ((MagickBooleanType)(!(int)(v))) # define IsMagickNot(v) ((MagickBooleanType)(!(int)(v))) #else /* Do not depend MagickBooleanType's values */ # define IfMagickTrue(v) ((v) != MagickFalse) # define IfMagickFalse(v) ((v) == MagickFalse) # define IsMagickTrue(v) ((v)?MagickTrue:MagickFalse) # define IsMagickFalse(v) ((v)?MagickFalse:MagickTrue) # define IsMagickNot(v) (IfMagickTrue(v)?MagickFalse:MagickTrue) #endif #define IfStringTrue(v) IfMagickTrue(IsStringTrue(v)) #define IfStringNotFalse(v) IfMagickTrue(IsStringNotFalse(v)) #define IsMagickNULL(v) (((void *)(v) == NULL)?MagickTrue:MagickFalse) #define IsMagickNotNULL(v) (((void *)(v) != NULL)?MagickTrue:MagickFalse) /* The IsNaN and IfNan tests for special floating point numbers of value NaN (not a number). NaN's are defined as part of the IEEE standard for floating point number representation, and need to be watched out for. Morphology Kernels often use these special numbers as neighbourhood masks. The special property that two NaN's are never equal, even if they are from the same variable allows you to test if a value is special NaN value. The macros are thus is only true if the value given is NaN. */ # define IfNaN(a) ((a) != (a)) # define IsNaN(a) ((a) != (a)?MagickTrue:MagickFalse) typedef struct _BlobInfo BlobInfo; typedef struct _ExceptionInfo ExceptionInfo; typedef struct _Image Image; typedef struct _ImageInfo ImageInfo; #if defined(__cplusplus) || defined(c_plusplus) } #endif #endif