/* %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % % % % DDDD IIIII SSSSS TTTTT RRRR IIIII BBBB U U TTTTT EEEEE % % D D I SS T R R I B B U U T E % % D D I SSS T RRRR I BBBB U U T EEE % % D D I SS T R R I B B U U T E % % DDDDA IIIII SSSSS T R R IIIII BBBB UUU T EEEEE % % % % CCCC AAA CCCC H H EEEEE % % C A A C H H E % % C AAAAA C HHHHH EEE % % C A A C H H E % % CCCC A A CCCC H H EEEEE % % % % % % MagickCore Distributed Pixel Cache Methods % % % % Software Design % % John Cristy % % January 2013 % % % % % % Copyright 1999-2014 ImageMagick Studio LLC, a non-profit organization % % dedicated to making software imaging solutions freely available. % % % % You may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may % % obtain a copy of the License at % % % % http://www.imagemagick.org/script/license.php % % % % Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software % % distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, % % WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. % % See the License for the specific language governing permissions and % % limitations under the License. % % % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % A distributed pixel cache is an extension of the traditional pixel cache % available on a single host. The distributed pixel cache may span multiple % servers so that it can grow in size and transactional capacity to support % very large images. Start up the pixel cache server on one or more machines. % When you read or operate on an image and the local pixel cache resources are % exhausted, ImageMagick contacts one or more of these remote pixel servers to % store or retrieve pixels. % */ /* Include declarations. */ #include "MagickCore/studio.h" #include "MagickCore/cache.h" #include "MagickCore/cache-private.h" #include "MagickCore/distribute-cache.h" #include "MagickCore/distribute-cache-private.h" #include "MagickCore/exception.h" #include "MagickCore/exception-private.h" #include "MagickCore/geometry.h" #include "MagickCore/image.h" #include "MagickCore/list.h" #include "MagickCore/locale_.h" #include "MagickCore/memory_.h" #include "MagickCore/nt-base-private.h" #include "MagickCore/pixel.h" #include "MagickCore/policy.h" #include "MagickCore/random_.h" #include "MagickCore/registry.h" #include "MagickCore/splay-tree.h" #include "MagickCore/string_.h" #include "MagickCore/string-private.h" #include "MagickCore/version.h" #include "MagickCore/version-private.h" #if defined(MAGICKCORE_HAVE_SOCKET) && defined(MAGICKCORE_THREAD_SUPPORT) #include #include #include #include #else #undef send #undef recv #define send(file,buffer,length,flags) 0 #define recv(file,buffer,length,flags) 0 #endif /* Define declarations. */ #define DPCHostname "" #define DPCPendingConnections 10 #define DPCPort 6668 #define DPCSessionKeyLength 8 #ifndef MSG_NOSIGNAL # define MSG_NOSIGNAL 0 #endif /* %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % % % % % + A c q u i r e D i s t r i b u t e C a c h e I n f o % % % % % % % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % AcquireDistributeCacheInfo() allocates the DistributeCacheInfo structure. % % The format of the AcquireDistributeCacheInfo method is: % % DistributeCacheInfo *AcquireDistributeCacheInfo(ExceptionInfo *exception) % % A description of each parameter follows: % % o exception: return any errors or warnings in this structure. % */ static inline MagickSizeType MagickMin(const MagickSizeType x, const MagickSizeType y) { if (x < y) return(x); return(y); } static inline MagickOffsetType dpc_read(int file,const MagickSizeType length, unsigned char *restrict message) { register MagickOffsetType i; ssize_t count; count=0; for (i=0; i < (MagickOffsetType) length; i+=count) { count=recv(file,message+i,(size_t) MagickMin(length-i,(MagickSizeType) SSIZE_MAX),0); if (count <= 0) { count=0; if (errno != EINTR) break; } } return(i); } static int ConnectPixelCacheServer(const char *hostname,const int port, size_t *session_key,ExceptionInfo *exception) { #if defined(MAGICKCORE_HAVE_SOCKET) && defined(MAGICKCORE_THREAD_SUPPORT) char service[MaxTextExtent]; const char *shared_secret; int client_socket, status; ssize_t count; struct addrinfo hint, *result; unsigned char secret[MaxTextExtent]; /* Connect to distributed pixel cache and get session key. */ *session_key=0; shared_secret=GetPolicyValue("shared-secret"); if (shared_secret == (const char *) NULL) { (void) ThrowMagickException(exception,GetMagickModule(),CacheError, "DistributedPixelCache","'%s'","shared secret expected"); return(-1); } (void) ResetMagickMemory(&hint,0,sizeof(hint)); hint.ai_family=AF_INET; hint.ai_socktype=SOCK_STREAM; hint.ai_flags=AI_PASSIVE; (void) FormatLocaleString(service,MaxTextExtent,"%d",port); status=getaddrinfo(hostname,service,&hint,&result); if (status != 0) { (void) ThrowMagickException(exception,GetMagickModule(),CacheError, "DistributedPixelCache","'%s'",hostname); return(-1); } client_socket=socket(result->ai_family,result->ai_socktype, result->ai_protocol); if (client_socket == -1) { (void) ThrowMagickException(exception,GetMagickModule(),CacheError, "DistributedPixelCache","'%s'",hostname); return(-1); } status=connect(client_socket,result->ai_addr,result->ai_addrlen); if (status == -1) { (void) ThrowMagickException(exception,GetMagickModule(),CacheError, "DistributedPixelCache","'%s'",hostname); return(-1); } count=recv(client_socket,secret,MaxTextExtent,0); if (count != -1) { StringInfo *nonce; nonce=AcquireStringInfo(count); (void) memcpy(GetStringInfoDatum(nonce),secret,(size_t) count); *session_key=GetMagickSignature(nonce); nonce=DestroyStringInfo(nonce); } if (*session_key == 0) { close(client_socket); client_socket=(-1); } return(client_socket); #else (void) ThrowMagickException(exception,GetMagickModule(),MissingDelegateError, "DelegateLibrarySupportNotBuiltIn","distributed pixel cache"); return(MagickFalse); #endif } static char *GetHostname(int *port,ExceptionInfo *exception) { char *host, *hosts, **hostlist; int argc; register ssize_t i; static size_t id = 0; /* Parse host list (e.g., */ hosts=(char *) GetImageRegistry(StringRegistryType,"cache:hosts", exception); if (hosts == (char *) NULL) { *port=DPCPort; return(AcquireString(DPCHostname)); } (void) SubstituteString(&hosts,","," "); hostlist=StringToArgv(hosts,&argc); hosts=DestroyString(hosts); if (hostlist == (char **) NULL) { *port=DPCPort; return(AcquireString(DPCHostname)); } hosts=AcquireString(hostlist[(id++ % (argc-1))+1]); for (i=0; i < (ssize_t) argc; i++) hostlist[i]=DestroyString(hostlist[i]); hostlist=(char **) RelinquishMagickMemory(hostlist); (void) SubstituteString(&hosts,":"," "); hostlist=StringToArgv(hosts,&argc); if (hostlist == (char **) NULL) { *port=DPCPort; return(AcquireString(DPCHostname)); } host=AcquireString(hostlist[1]); if (hostlist[2] == (char *) NULL) *port=DPCPort; else *port=StringToLong(hostlist[2]); for (i=0; i < (ssize_t) argc; i++) hostlist[i]=DestroyString(hostlist[i]); hostlist=(char **) RelinquishMagickMemory(hostlist); return(host); } MagickPrivate DistributeCacheInfo *AcquireDistributeCacheInfo( ExceptionInfo *exception) { char *hostname; DistributeCacheInfo *server_info; size_t session_key; /* Connect to the distributed pixel cache server. */ server_info=(DistributeCacheInfo *) AcquireMagickMemory(sizeof(*server_info)); if (server_info == (DistributeCacheInfo *) NULL) ThrowFatalException(ResourceLimitFatalError,"MemoryAllocationFailed"); (void) ResetMagickMemory(server_info,0,sizeof(*server_info)); server_info->signature=MagickSignature; server_info->port=0; hostname=GetHostname(&server_info->port,exception); session_key=0; server_info->file=ConnectPixelCacheServer(hostname,server_info->port, &session_key,exception); server_info->session_key=session_key; (void) CopyMagickString(server_info->hostname,hostname,MaxTextExtent); hostname=DestroyString(hostname); if (server_info->file == -1) server_info=DestroyDistributeCacheInfo(server_info); return(server_info); } /* %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % % % % % + D e s t r o y D i s t r i b u t e C a c h e I n f o % % % % % % % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % DestroyDistributeCacheInfo() deallocates memory associated with an % DistributeCacheInfo structure. % % The format of the DestroyDistributeCacheInfo method is: % % DistributeCacheInfo *DestroyDistributeCacheInfo( % DistributeCacheInfo *server_info) % % A description of each parameter follows: % % o server_info: the distributed cache info. % */ MagickPrivate DistributeCacheInfo *DestroyDistributeCacheInfo( DistributeCacheInfo *server_info) { assert(server_info != (DistributeCacheInfo *) NULL); assert(server_info->signature == MagickSignature); if (server_info->file > 0) (void) close(server_info->file); server_info->signature=(~MagickSignature); server_info=(DistributeCacheInfo *) RelinquishMagickMemory(server_info); return(server_info); } /* %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % % % % % + D i s t r i b u t e P i x e l C a c h e S e r v e r % % % % % % % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % DistributePixelCacheServer() waits on the specified port for commands to % create, read, update, or destroy a pixel cache. % % The format of the DistributePixelCacheServer() method is: % % void DistributePixelCacheServer(const int port) % % A description of each parameter follows: % % o port: connect the distributed pixel cache at this port. % % o exception: return any errors or warnings in this structure. % */ static MagickBooleanType DestroyDistributeCache(SplayTreeInfo *registry, int magick_unused(file),const size_t session_key) { /* Destroy distributed pixel cache. */ return(DeleteNodeFromSplayTree(registry,(const void *) session_key)); } static inline MagickOffsetType dpc_send(int file,const MagickSizeType length, const unsigned char *restrict message) { MagickOffsetType count; register MagickOffsetType i; /* Ensure a complete message is sent. */ count=0; for (i=0; i < (MagickOffsetType) length; i+=count) { count=(MagickOffsetType) send(file,message+i,(size_t) MagickMin(length-i, (MagickSizeType) SSIZE_MAX),MSG_NOSIGNAL); if (count <= 0) { count=0; if (errno != EINTR) break; } } return(i); } static MagickBooleanType OpenDistributeCache(SplayTreeInfo *registry, int file,const size_t session_key,ExceptionInfo *exception) { Image *image; MagickBooleanType status; MagickOffsetType count; MagickSizeType length; register unsigned char *p; unsigned char message[MaxTextExtent]; /* Open distributed pixel cache. */ image=AcquireImage((ImageInfo *) NULL,exception); if (image == (Image *) NULL) return(MagickFalse); length=sizeof(image->storage_class)+sizeof(image->colorspace)+ sizeof(image->alpha_trait)+sizeof(image->read_mask)+ sizeof(image->write_mask)+sizeof(image->columns)+sizeof(image->rows)+ sizeof(image->number_channels)+MaxPixelChannels*sizeof(*image->channel_map)+ sizeof(image->metacontent_extent); count=dpc_read(file,length,message); if (count != (MagickOffsetType) length) return(MagickFalse); /* Deserialize the image attributes. */ p=message; (void) memcpy(&image->storage_class,p,sizeof(image->storage_class)); p+=sizeof(image->storage_class); (void) memcpy(&image->colorspace,p,sizeof(image->colorspace)); p+=sizeof(image->colorspace); (void) memcpy(&image->alpha_trait,p,sizeof(image->alpha_trait)); p+=sizeof(image->alpha_trait); (void) memcpy(&image->read_mask,p,sizeof(image->read_mask)); p+=sizeof(image->read_mask); (void) memcpy(&image->write_mask,p,sizeof(image->write_mask)); p+=sizeof(image->write_mask); (void) memcpy(&image->columns,p,sizeof(image->columns)); p+=sizeof(image->columns); (void) memcpy(&image->rows,p,sizeof(image->rows)); p+=sizeof(image->rows); (void) memcpy(&image->number_channels,p,sizeof(image->number_channels)); p+=sizeof(image->number_channels); (void) memcpy(image->channel_map,p,MaxPixelChannels* sizeof(*image->channel_map)); p+=MaxPixelChannels*sizeof(*image->channel_map); (void) memcpy(&image->metacontent_extent,p,sizeof(image->metacontent_extent)); p+=sizeof(image->metacontent_extent); if (SyncImagePixelCache(image,exception) == MagickFalse) return(MagickFalse); status=AddValueToSplayTree(registry,(const void *) session_key,image); return(status); } static MagickBooleanType ReadDistributeCacheMetacontent(SplayTreeInfo *registry, int file,const size_t session_key,ExceptionInfo *exception) { const unsigned char *metacontent; Image *image; MagickOffsetType count; MagickSizeType length; RectangleInfo region; register const Quantum *p; register unsigned char *q; unsigned char message[MaxTextExtent]; /* Read distributed pixel cache metacontent. */ image=(Image *) GetValueFromSplayTree(registry,(const void *) session_key); if (image == (Image *) NULL) return(MagickFalse); length=sizeof(region.width)+sizeof(region.height)+sizeof(region.x)+ sizeof(region.y)+sizeof(length); count=dpc_read(file,length,message); if (count != (MagickOffsetType) length) return(MagickFalse); q=message; (void) memcpy(®ion.width,q,sizeof(region.width)); q+=sizeof(region.width); (void) memcpy(®ion.height,q,sizeof(region.height)); q+=sizeof(region.height); (void) memcpy(®ion.x,q,sizeof(region.x)); q+=sizeof(region.x); (void) memcpy(®ion.y,q,sizeof(region.y)); q+=sizeof(region.y); (void) memcpy(&length,q,sizeof(length)); q+=sizeof(length); p=GetVirtualPixels(image,region.x,region.y,region.width,region.height, exception); if (p == (const Quantum *) NULL) return(MagickFalse); metacontent=(const unsigned char *) GetVirtualMetacontent(image); count=dpc_send(file,length,metacontent); if (count != (MagickOffsetType) length) return(MagickFalse); return(MagickTrue); } static MagickBooleanType ReadDistributeCachePixels(SplayTreeInfo *registry, int file,const size_t session_key,ExceptionInfo *exception) { Image *image; MagickOffsetType count; MagickSizeType length; RectangleInfo region; register const Quantum *p; register unsigned char *q; unsigned char message[MaxTextExtent]; /* Read distributed pixel cache pixels. */ image=(Image *) GetValueFromSplayTree(registry,(const void *) session_key); if (image == (Image *) NULL) return(MagickFalse); length=sizeof(region.width)+sizeof(region.height)+sizeof(region.x)+ sizeof(region.y)+sizeof(length); count=dpc_read(file,length,message); if (count != (MagickOffsetType) length) return(MagickFalse); q=message; (void) memcpy(®ion.width,q,sizeof(region.width)); q+=sizeof(region.width); (void) memcpy(®ion.height,q,sizeof(region.height)); q+=sizeof(region.height); (void) memcpy(®ion.x,q,sizeof(region.x)); q+=sizeof(region.x); (void) memcpy(®ion.y,q,sizeof(region.y)); q+=sizeof(region.y); (void) memcpy(&length,q,sizeof(length)); q+=sizeof(length); p=GetVirtualPixels(image,region.x,region.y,region.width,region.height, exception); if (p == (const Quantum *) NULL) return(MagickFalse); count=dpc_send(file,length,(unsigned char *) p); if (count != (MagickOffsetType) length) return(MagickFalse); return(MagickTrue); } static void *RelinquishImageRegistry(void *image) { return((void *) DestroyImageList((Image *) image)); } static MagickBooleanType WriteDistributeCacheMetacontent( SplayTreeInfo *registry,int file,const size_t session_key, ExceptionInfo *exception) { Image *image; MagickOffsetType count; MagickSizeType length; RectangleInfo region; register Quantum *q; register unsigned char *p; unsigned char message[MaxTextExtent], *metacontent; /* Write distributed pixel cache metacontent. */ image=(Image *) GetValueFromSplayTree(registry,(const void *) session_key); if (image == (Image *) NULL) return(MagickFalse); length=sizeof(region.width)+sizeof(region.height)+sizeof(region.x)+ sizeof(region.y)+sizeof(length); count=dpc_read(file,length,message); if (count != (MagickOffsetType) length) return(MagickFalse); p=message; (void) memcpy(®ion.width,p,sizeof(region.width)); p+=sizeof(region.width); (void) memcpy(®ion.height,p,sizeof(region.height)); p+=sizeof(region.height); (void) memcpy(®ion.x,p,sizeof(region.x)); p+=sizeof(region.x); (void) memcpy(®ion.y,p,sizeof(region.y)); p+=sizeof(region.y); (void) memcpy(&length,p,sizeof(length)); p+=sizeof(length); q=GetAuthenticPixels(image,region.x,region.y,region.width,region.height, exception); if (q == (Quantum *) NULL) return(MagickFalse); metacontent=(unsigned char *) GetAuthenticMetacontent(image); count=dpc_read(file,length,metacontent); if (count != (MagickOffsetType) length) return(MagickFalse); return(SyncAuthenticPixels(image,exception)); } static MagickBooleanType WriteDistributeCachePixels(SplayTreeInfo *registry, int file,const size_t session_key,ExceptionInfo *exception) { Image *image; MagickOffsetType count; MagickSizeType length; RectangleInfo region; register Quantum *q; register unsigned char *p; unsigned char message[MaxTextExtent]; /* Write distributed pixel cache pixels. */ image=(Image *) GetValueFromSplayTree(registry,(const void *) session_key); if (image == (Image *) NULL) return(MagickFalse); length=sizeof(region.width)+sizeof(region.height)+sizeof(region.x)+ sizeof(region.y)+sizeof(length); count=dpc_read(file,length,message); if (count != (MagickOffsetType) length) return(MagickFalse); p=message; (void) memcpy(®ion.width,p,sizeof(region.width)); p+=sizeof(region.width); (void) memcpy(®ion.height,p,sizeof(region.height)); p+=sizeof(region.height); (void) memcpy(®ion.x,p,sizeof(region.x)); p+=sizeof(region.x); (void) memcpy(®ion.y,p,sizeof(region.y)); p+=sizeof(region.y); (void) memcpy(&length,p,sizeof(length)); p+=sizeof(length); q=GetAuthenticPixels(image,region.x,region.y,region.width,region.height, exception); if (q == (Quantum *) NULL) return(MagickFalse); count=dpc_read(file,length,(unsigned char *) q); if (count != (MagickOffsetType) length) return(MagickFalse); return(SyncAuthenticPixels(image,exception)); } static void *DistributePixelCacheClient(void *socket) { const char *shared_secret; ExceptionInfo *exception; int client_socket; MagickBooleanType status; MagickOffsetType count; register unsigned char *p; RandomInfo *random_info; size_t key, session_key; SplayTreeInfo *registry; StringInfo *secret; unsigned char command, session[2*MaxTextExtent]; /* Distributed pixel cache client. */ shared_secret=GetPolicyValue("shared-secret"); if (shared_secret == (const char *) NULL) ThrowFatalException(CacheFatalError,"shared secret expected"); p=session; (void) CopyMagickString((char *) p,shared_secret,MaxTextExtent); p+=strlen(shared_secret); random_info=AcquireRandomInfo(); secret=GetRandomKey(random_info,DPCSessionKeyLength); (void) memcpy(p,GetStringInfoDatum(secret),DPCSessionKeyLength); session_key=GetMagickSignature(secret); random_info=DestroyRandomInfo(random_info); exception=AcquireExceptionInfo(); registry=NewSplayTree((int (*)(const void *,const void *)) NULL, (void *(*)(void *)) NULL,RelinquishImageRegistry); client_socket=(*(int *) socket); count=dpc_send(client_socket,DPCSessionKeyLength,GetStringInfoDatum(secret)); secret=DestroyStringInfo(secret); for ( ; ; ) { count=dpc_read(client_socket,1,(unsigned char *) &command); if (count <= 0) break; count=dpc_read(client_socket,sizeof(key),(unsigned char *) &key); if ((count != (MagickOffsetType) sizeof(key)) || (key != session_key)) break; status=MagickFalse; switch (command) { case 'o': { status=OpenDistributeCache(registry,client_socket,session_key, exception); count=dpc_send(client_socket,sizeof(status),(unsigned char *) &status); break; } case 'r': { status=ReadDistributeCachePixels(registry,client_socket,session_key, exception); break; } case 'R': { status=ReadDistributeCacheMetacontent(registry,client_socket, session_key,exception); break; } case 'w': { status=WriteDistributeCachePixels(registry,client_socket,session_key, exception); break; } case 'W': { status=WriteDistributeCacheMetacontent(registry,client_socket, session_key,exception); break; } case 'd': { status=DestroyDistributeCache(registry,client_socket,session_key); break; } default: break; } if (status == MagickFalse) break; if (command == 'd') break; } count=dpc_send(client_socket,sizeof(status),(unsigned char *) &status); (void) close(client_socket); exception=DestroyExceptionInfo(exception); registry=DestroySplayTree(registry); return((void *) NULL); } MagickExport void DistributePixelCacheServer(const int port, ExceptionInfo *exception) { #if defined(MAGICKCORE_HAVE_SOCKET) && defined(MAGICKCORE_THREAD_SUPPORT) char service[MaxTextExtent]; int server_socket, status; pthread_attr_t attributes; pthread_t threads; register struct addrinfo *p; struct addrinfo hint, *result; struct sockaddr_in address; /* Launch distributed pixel cache server. */ assert(exception != (ExceptionInfo *) NULL); assert(exception->signature == MagickSignature); (void) ResetMagickMemory(&hint,0,sizeof(hint)); hint.ai_family=AF_INET; hint.ai_socktype=SOCK_STREAM; hint.ai_flags=AI_PASSIVE; (void) FormatLocaleString(service,MaxTextExtent,"%d",port); status=getaddrinfo((const char *) NULL,service,&hint,&result); if (status != 0) ThrowFatalException(CacheFatalError,"UnableToListen"); server_socket=0; for (p=result; p != (struct addrinfo *) NULL; p=p->ai_next) { int one; server_socket=socket(p->ai_family,p->ai_socktype,p->ai_protocol); if (server_socket == -1) continue; one=1; status=setsockopt(server_socket,SOL_SOCKET,SO_REUSEADDR,&one,(socklen_t) sizeof(one)); if (status == -1) continue; status=bind(server_socket,p->ai_addr,p->ai_addrlen); if (status == -1) { (void) close(status); continue; } break; } if (p == (struct addrinfo *) NULL) ThrowFatalException(CacheFatalError,"UnableToBind"); freeaddrinfo(result); status=listen(server_socket,DPCPendingConnections); if (status != 0) ThrowFatalException(CacheFatalError,"UnableToListen"); pthread_attr_init(&attributes); for ( ; ; ) { int client_socket; socklen_t length; length=(socklen_t) sizeof(address); client_socket=accept(server_socket,(struct sockaddr *) &address,&length); if (client_socket == -1) ThrowFatalException(CacheFatalError,"UnableToEstablishConnection"); status=pthread_create(&threads,&attributes,DistributePixelCacheClient, (void *) &client_socket); if (status == -1) ThrowFatalException(CacheFatalError,"UnableToCreateClientThread"); } (void) close(server_socket); #else ThrowFatalException(MissingDelegateError,"distributed pixel cache"); #endif } /* %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % % % % % + G e t D i s t r i b u t e C a c h e F i l e % % % % % % % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % GetDistributeCacheFile() returns the file associated with this % DistributeCacheInfo structure. % % The format of the GetDistributeCacheFile method is: % % int GetDistributeCacheFile(const DistributeCacheInfo *server_info) % % A description of each parameter follows: % % o server_info: the distributed cache info. % */ MagickPrivate int GetDistributeCacheFile(const DistributeCacheInfo *server_info) { assert(server_info != (DistributeCacheInfo *) NULL); assert(server_info->signature == MagickSignature); return(server_info->file); } /* %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % % % % % + G e t D i s t r i b u t e C a c h e H o s t n a m e % % % % % % % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % GetDistributeCacheHostname() returns the hostname associated with this % DistributeCacheInfo structure. % % The format of the GetDistributeCacheHostname method is: % % const char *GetDistributeCacheHostname( % const DistributeCacheInfo *server_info) % % A description of each parameter follows: % % o server_info: the distributed cache info. % */ MagickPrivate const char *GetDistributeCacheHostname( const DistributeCacheInfo *server_info) { assert(server_info != (DistributeCacheInfo *) NULL); assert(server_info->signature == MagickSignature); return(server_info->hostname); } /* %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % % % % % + G e t D i s t r i b u t e C a c h e P o r t % % % % % % % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % GetDistributeCachePort() returns the port associated with this % DistributeCacheInfo structure. % % The format of the GetDistributeCachePort method is: % % int GetDistributeCachePort(const DistributeCacheInfo *server_info) % % A description of each parameter follows: % % o server_info: the distributed cache info. % */ MagickPrivate int GetDistributeCachePort(const DistributeCacheInfo *server_info) { assert(server_info != (DistributeCacheInfo *) NULL); assert(server_info->signature == MagickSignature); return(server_info->port); } /* %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % % % % % + O p e n D i s t r i b u t e P i x e l C a c h e % % % % % % % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % OpenDistributePixelCache() opens a pixel cache on a remote server. % % The format of the OpenDistributePixelCache method is: % % MagickBooleanType *OpenDistributePixelCache( % DistributeCacheInfo *server_info,Image *image) % % A description of each parameter follows: % % o server_info: the distributed cache info. % % o image: the image. % */ MagickPrivate MagickBooleanType OpenDistributePixelCache( DistributeCacheInfo *server_info,Image *image) { MagickBooleanType status; MagickOffsetType count; register unsigned char *p; unsigned char message[MaxTextExtent]; /* Open distributed pixel cache. */ assert(server_info != (DistributeCacheInfo *) NULL); assert(server_info->signature == MagickSignature); assert(image != (Image *) NULL); assert(image->signature == MagickSignature); p=message; *p++='o'; /* open */ /* Serialize image attributes (see ValidatePixelCacheMorphology()). */ (void) memcpy(p,&server_info->session_key,sizeof(server_info->session_key)); p+=sizeof(server_info->session_key); (void) memcpy(p,&image->storage_class,sizeof(image->storage_class)); p+=sizeof(image->storage_class); (void) memcpy(p,&image->colorspace,sizeof(image->colorspace)); p+=sizeof(image->colorspace); (void) memcpy(p,&image->alpha_trait,sizeof(image->alpha_trait)); p+=sizeof(image->alpha_trait); (void) memcpy(p,&image->read_mask,sizeof(image->read_mask)); p+=sizeof(image->read_mask); (void) memcpy(p,&image->write_mask,sizeof(image->write_mask)); p+=sizeof(image->write_mask); (void) memcpy(p,&image->columns,sizeof(image->columns)); p+=sizeof(image->columns); (void) memcpy(p,&image->rows,sizeof(image->rows)); p+=sizeof(image->rows); (void) memcpy(p,&image->number_channels,sizeof(image->number_channels)); p+=sizeof(image->number_channels); (void) memcpy(p,image->channel_map,MaxPixelChannels* sizeof(*image->channel_map)); p+=MaxPixelChannels*sizeof(*image->channel_map); (void) memcpy(p,&image->metacontent_extent,sizeof(image->metacontent_extent)); p+=sizeof(image->metacontent_extent); count=dpc_send(server_info->file,p-message,message); if (count != (MagickOffsetType) (p-message)) return(MagickFalse); status=MagickFalse; count=dpc_read(server_info->file,sizeof(status),(unsigned char *) &status); if (count != (MagickOffsetType) sizeof(status)) return(MagickFalse); return(status); } /* %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % % % % % + R e a d D i s t r i b u t e P i x e l C a c h e M e t a c o n t e n t % % % % % % % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % ReadDistributePixelCacheMetacontents() reads metacontent from the specified % region of the distributed pixel cache. % % The format of the ReadDistributePixelCacheMetacontents method is: % % MagickOffsetType ReadDistributePixelCacheMetacontents( % DistributeCacheInfo *server_info,const RectangleInfo *region, % const MagickSizeType length,unsigned char *metacontent) % % A description of each parameter follows: % % o server_info: the distributed cache info. % % o image: the image. % % o region: read the metacontent from this region of the image. % % o length: the length in bytes of the metacontent. % % o metacontent: read these metacontent from the pixel cache. % */ MagickPrivate MagickOffsetType ReadDistributePixelCacheMetacontent( DistributeCacheInfo *server_info,const RectangleInfo *region, const MagickSizeType length,unsigned char *metacontent) { MagickOffsetType count; register unsigned char *p; unsigned char message[MaxTextExtent]; /* Read distributed pixel cache metacontent. */ assert(server_info != (DistributeCacheInfo *) NULL); assert(server_info->signature == MagickSignature); assert(region != (RectangleInfo *) NULL); assert(metacontent != (unsigned char *) NULL); if (length > (MagickSizeType) SSIZE_MAX) return(-1); p=message; *p++='R'; (void) memcpy(p,&server_info->session_key,sizeof(server_info->session_key)); p+=sizeof(server_info->session_key); (void) memcpy(p,®ion->width,sizeof(region->width)); p+=sizeof(region->width); (void) memcpy(p,®ion->height,sizeof(region->height)); p+=sizeof(region->height); (void) memcpy(p,®ion->x,sizeof(region->x)); p+=sizeof(region->x); (void) memcpy(p,®ion->y,sizeof(region->y)); p+=sizeof(region->y); (void) memcpy(p,&length,sizeof(length)); p+=sizeof(length); count=dpc_send(server_info->file,p-message,message); if (count != (MagickOffsetType) (p-message)) return(-1); return(dpc_read(server_info->file,length,metacontent)); } /* %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % % % % % + R e a d D i s t r i b u t e P i x e l C a c h e P i x e l s % % % % % % % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % ReadDistributePixelCachePixels() reads pixels from the specified region of % the distributed pixel cache. % % The format of the ReadDistributePixelCachePixels method is: % % MagickOffsetType ReadDistributePixelCachePixels( % DistributeCacheInfo *server_info,const RectangleInfo *region, % const MagickSizeType length,unsigned char *restrict pixels) % % A description of each parameter follows: % % o server_info: the distributed cache info. % % o image: the image. % % o region: read the pixels from this region of the image. % % o length: the length in bytes of the pixels. % % o pixels: read these pixels from the pixel cache. % */ MagickPrivate MagickOffsetType ReadDistributePixelCachePixels( DistributeCacheInfo *server_info,const RectangleInfo *region, const MagickSizeType length,unsigned char *restrict pixels) { MagickOffsetType count; register unsigned char *p; unsigned char message[MaxTextExtent]; /* Read distributed pixel cache pixels. */ assert(server_info != (DistributeCacheInfo *) NULL); assert(server_info->signature == MagickSignature); assert(region != (RectangleInfo *) NULL); assert(pixels != (unsigned char *) NULL); if (length > (MagickSizeType) SSIZE_MAX) return(-1); p=message; *p++='r'; (void) memcpy(p,&server_info->session_key,sizeof(server_info->session_key)); p+=sizeof(server_info->session_key); (void) memcpy(p,®ion->width,sizeof(region->width)); p+=sizeof(region->width); (void) memcpy(p,®ion->height,sizeof(region->height)); p+=sizeof(region->height); (void) memcpy(p,®ion->x,sizeof(region->x)); p+=sizeof(region->x); (void) memcpy(p,®ion->y,sizeof(region->y)); p+=sizeof(region->y); (void) memcpy(p,&length,sizeof(length)); p+=sizeof(length); count=dpc_send(server_info->file,p-message,message); if (count != (MagickOffsetType) (p-message)) return(-1); return(dpc_read(server_info->file,length,pixels)); } /* %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % % % % % + R e l i n q u i s h D i s t r i b u t e P i x e l C a c h e % % % % % % % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % RelinquishDistributePixelCache() frees resources acquired with % OpenDistributePixelCache(). % % The format of the RelinquishDistributePixelCache method is: % % MagickBooleanType RelinquishDistributePixelCache( % DistributeCacheInfo *server_info) % % A description of each parameter follows: % % o server_info: the distributed cache info. % */ MagickPrivate MagickBooleanType RelinquishDistributePixelCache( DistributeCacheInfo *server_info) { MagickBooleanType status; MagickOffsetType count; register unsigned char *p; unsigned char message[MaxTextExtent]; /* Delete distributed pixel cache. */ assert(server_info != (DistributeCacheInfo *) NULL); assert(server_info->signature == MagickSignature); p=message; *p++='d'; (void) memcpy(p,&server_info->session_key,sizeof(server_info->session_key)); p+=sizeof(server_info->session_key); count=dpc_send(server_info->file,p-message,message); if (count != (MagickOffsetType) (p-message)) return(MagickFalse); count=dpc_read(server_info->file,sizeof(status),(unsigned char *) &status); if (count != (MagickOffsetType) sizeof(status)) return(MagickFalse); return(status); } /* %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % % % % % + W r i t e D i s t r i b u t e P i x e l C a c h e M e t a c o n t e n t % % % % % % % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % WriteDistributePixelCacheMetacontents() writes image metacontent to the % specified region of the distributed pixel cache. % % The format of the WriteDistributePixelCacheMetacontents method is: % % MagickOffsetType WriteDistributePixelCacheMetacontents( % DistributeCacheInfo *server_info,const RectangleInfo *region, % const MagickSizeType length,const unsigned char *metacontent) % % A description of each parameter follows: % % o server_info: the distributed cache info. % % o image: the image. % % o region: write the metacontent to this region of the image. % % o length: the length in bytes of the metacontent. % % o metacontent: write these metacontent to the pixel cache. % */ MagickPrivate MagickOffsetType WriteDistributePixelCacheMetacontent( DistributeCacheInfo *server_info,const RectangleInfo *region, const MagickSizeType length,const unsigned char *metacontent) { MagickOffsetType count; register unsigned char *p; unsigned char message[MaxTextExtent]; /* Write distributed pixel cache metacontent. */ assert(server_info != (DistributeCacheInfo *) NULL); assert(server_info->signature == MagickSignature); assert(region != (RectangleInfo *) NULL); assert(metacontent != (unsigned char *) NULL); if (length > (MagickSizeType) SSIZE_MAX) return(-1); p=message; *p++='W'; (void) memcpy(p,&server_info->session_key,sizeof(server_info->session_key)); p+=sizeof(server_info->session_key); (void) memcpy(p,®ion->width,sizeof(region->width)); p+=sizeof(region->width); (void) memcpy(p,®ion->height,sizeof(region->height)); p+=sizeof(region->height); (void) memcpy(p,®ion->x,sizeof(region->x)); p+=sizeof(region->x); (void) memcpy(p,®ion->y,sizeof(region->y)); p+=sizeof(region->y); (void) memcpy(p,&length,sizeof(length)); p+=sizeof(length); count=dpc_send(server_info->file,p-message,message); if (count != (MagickOffsetType) (p-message)) return(-1); return(dpc_send(server_info->file,length,metacontent)); } /* %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % % % % % + W r i t e D i s t r i b u t e P i x e l C a c h e P i x e l s % % % % % % % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % WriteDistributePixelCachePixels() writes image pixels to the specified % region of the distributed pixel cache. % % The format of the WriteDistributePixelCachePixels method is: % % MagickBooleanType WriteDistributePixelCachePixels( % DistributeCacheInfo *server_info,const RectangleInfo *region, % const MagickSizeType length,const unsigned char *restrict pixels) % % A description of each parameter follows: % % o server_info: the distributed cache info. % % o image: the image. % % o region: write the pixels to this region of the image. % % o length: the length in bytes of the pixels. % % o pixels: write these pixels to the pixel cache. % */ MagickPrivate MagickOffsetType WriteDistributePixelCachePixels( DistributeCacheInfo *server_info,const RectangleInfo *region, const MagickSizeType length,const unsigned char *restrict pixels) { MagickOffsetType count; register unsigned char *p; unsigned char message[MaxTextExtent]; /* Write distributed pixel cache pixels. */ assert(server_info != (DistributeCacheInfo *) NULL); assert(server_info->signature == MagickSignature); assert(region != (RectangleInfo *) NULL); assert(pixels != (const unsigned char *) NULL); if (length > (MagickSizeType) SSIZE_MAX) return(-1); p=message; *p++='w'; (void) memcpy(p,&server_info->session_key,sizeof(server_info->session_key)); p+=sizeof(server_info->session_key); (void) memcpy(p,®ion->width,sizeof(region->width)); p+=sizeof(region->width); (void) memcpy(p,®ion->height,sizeof(region->height)); p+=sizeof(region->height); (void) memcpy(p,®ion->x,sizeof(region->x)); p+=sizeof(region->x); (void) memcpy(p,®ion->y,sizeof(region->y)); p+=sizeof(region->y); (void) memcpy(p,&length,sizeof(length)); p+=sizeof(length); count=dpc_send(server_info->file,p-message,message); if (count != (MagickOffsetType) (p-message)) return(-1); return(dpc_send(server_info->file,length,pixels)); }