/* %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % % % % % % CCCC AAA CCCC H H EEEEE % % C A A C H H E % % C AAAAA C HHHHH EEE % % C A A C H H E % % CCCC A A CCCC H H EEEEE % % % % % % MagickCore Pixel Cache Methods % % % % Software Design % % John Cristy % % July 1999 % % % % % % Copyright 1999-2013 ImageMagick Studio LLC, a non-profit organization % % dedicated to making software imaging solutions freely available. % % % % You may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may % % obtain a copy of the License at % % % % http://www.imagemagick.org/script/license.php % % % % Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software % % distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, % % WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. % % See the License for the specific language governing permissions and % % limitations under the License. % % % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % % */ /* Include declarations. */ #include "MagickCore/studio.h" #include "MagickCore/blob.h" #include "MagickCore/blob-private.h" #include "MagickCore/cache.h" #include "MagickCore/cache-private.h" #include "MagickCore/color-private.h" #include "MagickCore/colorspace-private.h" #include "MagickCore/composite-private.h" #include "MagickCore/distribute-cache-private.h" #include "MagickCore/exception.h" #include "MagickCore/exception-private.h" #include "MagickCore/geometry.h" #include "MagickCore/list.h" #include "MagickCore/log.h" #include "MagickCore/magick.h" #include "MagickCore/memory_.h" #include "MagickCore/memory-private.h" #include "MagickCore/nt-base-private.h" #include "MagickCore/option.h" #include "MagickCore/pixel.h" #include "MagickCore/pixel-accessor.h" #include "MagickCore/policy.h" #include "MagickCore/quantum.h" #include "MagickCore/random_.h" #include "MagickCore/registry.h" #include "MagickCore/resource_.h" #include "MagickCore/semaphore.h" #include "MagickCore/splay-tree.h" #include "MagickCore/string_.h" #include "MagickCore/string-private.h" #include "MagickCore/thread-private.h" #include "MagickCore/utility.h" #include "MagickCore/utility-private.h" #if defined(MAGICKCORE_ZLIB_DELEGATE) #include "zlib.h" #endif /* Define declarations. */ #define CacheTick(offset,extent) QuantumTick((MagickOffsetType) offset,extent) #define IsFileDescriptorLimitExceeded() (GetMagickResource(FileResource) > \ GetMagickResourceLimit(FileResource) ? MagickTrue : MagickFalse) /* Typedef declarations. */ typedef struct _MagickModulo { ssize_t quotient, remainder; } MagickModulo; struct _NexusInfo { MagickBooleanType mapped; RectangleInfo region; MagickSizeType length; Quantum *cache, *pixels; void *metacontent; size_t signature; }; /* Forward declarations. */ #if defined(__cplusplus) || defined(c_plusplus) extern "C" { #endif static Cache GetImagePixelCache(Image *,const MagickBooleanType,ExceptionInfo *) magick_hot_spot; static const Quantum *GetVirtualPixelCache(const Image *,const VirtualPixelMethod,const ssize_t, const ssize_t,const size_t,const size_t,ExceptionInfo *), *GetVirtualPixelsCache(const Image *); static const void *GetVirtualMetacontentFromCache(const Image *); static MagickBooleanType GetOneAuthenticPixelFromCache(Image *,const ssize_t,const ssize_t,Quantum *, ExceptionInfo *), GetOneVirtualPixelFromCache(const Image *,const VirtualPixelMethod, const ssize_t,const ssize_t,Quantum *,ExceptionInfo *), OpenPixelCache(Image *,const MapMode,ExceptionInfo *), ReadPixelCachePixels(CacheInfo *,NexusInfo *,ExceptionInfo *), ReadPixelCacheMetacontent(CacheInfo *,NexusInfo *,ExceptionInfo *), SyncAuthenticPixelsCache(Image *,ExceptionInfo *), WritePixelCachePixels(CacheInfo *,NexusInfo *,ExceptionInfo *), WritePixelCacheMetacontent(CacheInfo *,NexusInfo *,ExceptionInfo *); static Quantum *GetAuthenticPixelsCache(Image *,const ssize_t,const ssize_t,const size_t, const size_t,ExceptionInfo *), *QueueAuthenticPixelsCache(Image *,const ssize_t,const ssize_t,const size_t, const size_t,ExceptionInfo *), *SetPixelCacheNexusPixels(const CacheInfo *,const MapMode, const RectangleInfo *,NexusInfo *,ExceptionInfo *) magick_hot_spot; #if defined(__cplusplus) || defined(c_plusplus) } #endif /* Global declarations. */ static volatile MagickBooleanType instantiate_cache = MagickFalse; static SemaphoreInfo *cache_semaphore = (SemaphoreInfo *) NULL; /* %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % % % % % + A c q u i r e P i x e l C a c h e % % % % % % % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % AcquirePixelCache() acquires a pixel cache. % % The format of the AcquirePixelCache() method is: % % Cache AcquirePixelCache(const size_t number_threads) % % A description of each parameter follows: % % o number_threads: the number of nexus threads. % */ MagickPrivate Cache AcquirePixelCache(const size_t number_threads) { CacheInfo *cache_info; char *synchronize; cache_info=(CacheInfo *) AcquireQuantumMemory(1,sizeof(*cache_info)); if (cache_info == (CacheInfo *) NULL) ThrowFatalException(ResourceLimitFatalError,"MemoryAllocationFailed"); (void) ResetMagickMemory(cache_info,0,sizeof(*cache_info)); cache_info->type=UndefinedCache; cache_info->mode=IOMode; cache_info->colorspace=sRGBColorspace; cache_info->file=(-1); cache_info->id=GetMagickThreadId(); cache_info->number_threads=number_threads; if (GetOpenMPMaximumThreads() > cache_info->number_threads) cache_info->number_threads=GetOpenMPMaximumThreads(); if (GetMagickResourceLimit(ThreadResource) > cache_info->number_threads) cache_info->number_threads=(size_t) GetMagickResourceLimit(ThreadResource); if (cache_info->number_threads == 0) cache_info->number_threads=1; cache_info->nexus_info=AcquirePixelCacheNexus(cache_info->number_threads); if (cache_info->nexus_info == (NexusInfo **) NULL) ThrowFatalException(ResourceLimitFatalError,"MemoryAllocationFailed"); synchronize=GetEnvironmentValue("MAGICK_SYNCHRONIZE"); if (synchronize != (const char *) NULL) { cache_info->synchronize=IsStringTrue(synchronize); synchronize=DestroyString(synchronize); } cache_info->semaphore=AllocateSemaphoreInfo(); cache_info->reference_count=1; cache_info->file_semaphore=AllocateSemaphoreInfo(); cache_info->debug=IsEventLogging(); cache_info->signature=MagickSignature; return((Cache ) cache_info); } /* %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % % % % % % A c q u i r e P i x e l C a c h e N e x u s % % % % % % % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % AcquirePixelCacheNexus() allocates the NexusInfo structure. % % The format of the AcquirePixelCacheNexus method is: % % NexusInfo **AcquirePixelCacheNexus(const size_t number_threads) % % A description of each parameter follows: % % o number_threads: the number of nexus threads. % */ MagickPrivate NexusInfo **AcquirePixelCacheNexus(const size_t number_threads) { NexusInfo **nexus_info; register ssize_t i; nexus_info=(NexusInfo **) MagickAssumeAligned(AcquireAlignedMemory( number_threads,sizeof(*nexus_info))); if (nexus_info == (NexusInfo **) NULL) ThrowFatalException(ResourceLimitFatalError,"MemoryAllocationFailed"); nexus_info[0]=(NexusInfo *) AcquireQuantumMemory(number_threads, sizeof(**nexus_info)); if (nexus_info[0] == (NexusInfo *) NULL) ThrowFatalException(ResourceLimitFatalError,"MemoryAllocationFailed"); (void) ResetMagickMemory(nexus_info[0],0,number_threads*sizeof(**nexus_info)); for (i=0; i < (ssize_t) number_threads; i++) { nexus_info[i]=(&nexus_info[0][i]); nexus_info[i]->signature=MagickSignature; } return(nexus_info); } /* %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % % % % % + A c q u i r e P i x e l C a c h e P i x e l s % % % % % % % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % AcquirePixelCachePixels() returns the pixels associated with the specified % image. % % The format of the AcquirePixelCachePixels() method is: % % const void *AcquirePixelCachePixels(const Image *image, % MagickSizeType *length,ExceptionInfo *exception) % % A description of each parameter follows: % % o image: the image. % % o length: the pixel cache length. % % o exception: return any errors or warnings in this structure. % */ MagickPrivate const void *AcquirePixelCachePixels(const Image *image, MagickSizeType *length,ExceptionInfo *exception) { CacheInfo *cache_info; assert(image != (const Image *) NULL); assert(image->signature == MagickSignature); assert(exception != (ExceptionInfo *) NULL); assert(exception->signature == MagickSignature); assert(image->cache != (Cache) NULL); cache_info=(CacheInfo *) image->cache; assert(cache_info->signature == MagickSignature); *length=0; if ((cache_info->type != MemoryCache) && (cache_info->type != MapCache)) return((const void *) NULL); *length=cache_info->length; return((const void *) cache_info->pixels); } /* %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % % % % % + C a c h e C o m p o n e n t G e n e s i s % % % % % % % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % CacheComponentGenesis() instantiates the cache component. % % The format of the CacheComponentGenesis method is: % % MagickBooleanType CacheComponentGenesis(void) % */ MagickPrivate MagickBooleanType CacheComponentGenesis(void) { AcquireSemaphoreInfo(&cache_semaphore); return(MagickTrue); } /* %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % % % % % + C a c h e C o m p o n e n t T e r m i n u s % % % % % % % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % CacheComponentTerminus() destroys the cache component. % % The format of the CacheComponentTerminus() method is: % % CacheComponentTerminus(void) % */ MagickPrivate void CacheComponentTerminus(void) { if (cache_semaphore == (SemaphoreInfo *) NULL) AcquireSemaphoreInfo(&cache_semaphore); LockSemaphoreInfo(cache_semaphore); instantiate_cache=MagickFalse; UnlockSemaphoreInfo(cache_semaphore); DestroySemaphoreInfo(&cache_semaphore); } /* %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % % % % % + C l o n e P i x e l C a c h e % % % % % % % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % ClonePixelCache() clones a pixel cache. % % The format of the ClonePixelCache() method is: % % Cache ClonePixelCache(const Cache cache) % % A description of each parameter follows: % % o cache: the pixel cache. % */ MagickPrivate Cache ClonePixelCache(const Cache cache) { CacheInfo *clone_info; const CacheInfo *cache_info; assert(cache != NULL); cache_info=(const CacheInfo *) cache; assert(cache_info->signature == MagickSignature); if (cache_info->debug != MagickFalse) (void) LogMagickEvent(TraceEvent,GetMagickModule(),"%s", cache_info->filename); clone_info=(CacheInfo *) AcquirePixelCache(cache_info->number_threads); if (clone_info == (Cache) NULL) return((Cache) NULL); clone_info->virtual_pixel_method=cache_info->virtual_pixel_method; return((Cache ) clone_info); } /* %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % % % % % + C l o n e P i x e l C a c h e M e t h o d s % % % % % % % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % ClonePixelCacheMethods() clones the pixel cache methods from one cache to % another. % % The format of the ClonePixelCacheMethods() method is: % % void ClonePixelCacheMethods(Cache clone,const Cache cache) % % A description of each parameter follows: % % o clone: Specifies a pointer to a Cache structure. % % o cache: the pixel cache. % */ MagickPrivate void ClonePixelCacheMethods(Cache clone,const Cache cache) { CacheInfo *cache_info, *source_info; assert(clone != (Cache) NULL); source_info=(CacheInfo *) clone; assert(source_info->signature == MagickSignature); if (source_info->debug != MagickFalse) (void) LogMagickEvent(TraceEvent,GetMagickModule(),"%s", source_info->filename); assert(cache != (Cache) NULL); cache_info=(CacheInfo *) cache; assert(cache_info->signature == MagickSignature); source_info->methods=cache_info->methods; } /* %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % % % % % + C l o n e P i x e l C a c h e R e p o s i t o r y % % % % % % % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % ClonePixelCacheRepository() clones the source pixel cache to the destination % cache. % % The format of the ClonePixelCacheRepository() method is: % % MagickBooleanType ClonePixelCacheRepository(CacheInfo *cache_info, % CacheInfo *source_info,ExceptionInfo *exception) % % A description of each parameter follows: % % o cache_info: the pixel cache. % % o source_info: the source pixel cache. % % o exception: return any errors or warnings in this structure. % */ static inline MagickSizeType MagickMin(const MagickSizeType x, const MagickSizeType y) { if (x < y) return(x); return(y); } static MagickBooleanType ClonePixelCacheRepository(CacheInfo *clone_info, CacheInfo *cache_info,ExceptionInfo *exception) { #define MaxCacheThreads 2 #define cache_threads(source,destination,chunk) \ num_threads((chunk) < (16*GetMagickResourceLimit(ThreadResource)) ? 1 : \ GetMagickResourceLimit(ThreadResource) < MaxCacheThreads ? 1 : \ MaxCacheThreads) MagickBooleanType optimize, status; NexusInfo **cache_nexus, **clone_nexus; size_t length; ssize_t y; assert(cache_info != (CacheInfo *) NULL); assert(clone_info != (CacheInfo *) NULL); assert(exception != (ExceptionInfo *) NULL); if (cache_info->type == PingCache) return(MagickTrue); length=cache_info->number_channels*sizeof(*cache_info->channel_map); if (((cache_info->type == MemoryCache) || (cache_info->type == MapCache)) && ((clone_info->type == MemoryCache) || (clone_info->type == MapCache)) && (cache_info->columns == clone_info->columns) && (cache_info->rows == clone_info->rows) && (cache_info->number_channels == clone_info->number_channels) && (memcmp(cache_info->channel_map,clone_info->channel_map,length) == 0)) { /* Identical pixel cache morphology. */ (void) memcpy(clone_info->pixels,cache_info->pixels,cache_info->columns* cache_info->number_channels*cache_info->rows* sizeof(*cache_info->pixels)); if ((cache_info->metacontent_extent != 0) && (clone_info->metacontent_extent != 0) && (cache_info->metacontent_extent == clone_info->metacontent_extent)) (void) memcpy(clone_info->metacontent,cache_info->metacontent, cache_info->columns*cache_info->rows*clone_info->metacontent_extent* sizeof(*cache_info->metacontent)); return(MagickTrue); } /* Mismatched pixel cache morphology. */ cache_nexus=AcquirePixelCacheNexus(MaxCacheThreads); clone_nexus=AcquirePixelCacheNexus(MaxCacheThreads); if ((cache_nexus == (NexusInfo **) NULL) || (clone_nexus == (NexusInfo **) NULL)) ThrowFatalException(ResourceLimitFatalError,"MemoryAllocationFailed"); length=cache_info->number_channels*sizeof(*cache_info->channel_map); optimize=(cache_info->number_channels == clone_info->number_channels) && (memcmp(cache_info->channel_map,clone_info->channel_map,length) == 0) ? MagickTrue : MagickFalse; length=(size_t) MagickMin(cache_info->columns*cache_info->number_channels, clone_info->columns*clone_info->number_channels); status=MagickTrue; #if defined(MAGICKCORE_OPENMP_SUPPORT) #pragma omp parallel for schedule(static,4) shared(status) \ cache_threads(cache_info,clone_info,cache_info->rows) #endif for (y=0; y < (ssize_t) cache_info->rows; y++) { const int id = GetOpenMPThreadId(); RectangleInfo region; register ssize_t x; if (status == MagickFalse) continue; if (y >= (ssize_t) clone_info->rows) continue; region.width=cache_info->columns; region.height=1; region.x=0; region.y=y; (void) SetPixelCacheNexusPixels(cache_info,ReadMode,®ion,cache_nexus[id], exception); status=ReadPixelCachePixels(cache_info,cache_nexus[id],exception); if (status == MagickFalse) continue; region.width=clone_info->columns; region.y=y; (void) SetPixelCacheNexusPixels(clone_info,WriteMode,®ion, clone_nexus[id],exception); if (optimize != MagickFalse) (void) memcpy(clone_nexus[id]->pixels,cache_nexus[id]->pixels,length* sizeof(Quantum)); else { register const Quantum *restrict p; register Quantum *restrict q; /* Mismatched pixel channel map. */ p=cache_nexus[id]->pixels; q=clone_nexus[id]->pixels; for (x=0; x < (ssize_t) cache_info->columns; x++) { register ssize_t i; if (x == (ssize_t) clone_info->columns) break; for (i=0; i < (ssize_t) clone_info->number_channels; i++) { PixelChannel channel; PixelTrait traits; channel=clone_info->channel_map[i].channel; traits=cache_info->channel_map[channel].traits; if (traits != UndefinedPixelTrait) (void) memcpy(q,p+cache_info->channel_map[channel].offset, sizeof(Quantum)); q++; } p+=cache_info->number_channels; } } status=WritePixelCachePixels(clone_info,clone_nexus[id],exception); } if ((cache_info->metacontent_extent != 0) && (clone_info->metacontent_extent != 0)) { /* Clone metacontent. */ length=(size_t) MagickMin(cache_info->metacontent_extent, clone_info->metacontent_extent); for (y=0; y < (ssize_t) cache_info->rows; y++) { const int id = GetOpenMPThreadId(); RectangleInfo region; if (status == MagickFalse) continue; if (y >= (ssize_t) clone_info->rows) continue; region.width=cache_info->columns; region.height=1; region.x=0; region.y=y; (void) SetPixelCacheNexusPixels(cache_info,ReadMode,®ion, cache_nexus[id],exception); status=ReadPixelCacheMetacontent(cache_info,cache_nexus[id],exception); if (status == MagickFalse) continue; region.width=clone_info->columns; region.y=y; (void) SetPixelCacheNexusPixels(clone_info,WriteMode,®ion, clone_nexus[id],exception); (void) memcpy(clone_nexus[id]->metacontent,cache_nexus[id]->metacontent, length*sizeof(*cache_nexus[id]->metacontent)); status=WritePixelCacheMetacontent(clone_info,clone_nexus[id],exception); } } cache_nexus=DestroyPixelCacheNexus(cache_nexus,MaxCacheThreads); clone_nexus=DestroyPixelCacheNexus(clone_nexus,MaxCacheThreads); if (cache_info->debug != MagickFalse) { char message[MaxTextExtent]; (void) FormatLocaleString(message,MaxTextExtent,"%s => %s", CommandOptionToMnemonic(MagickCacheOptions,(ssize_t) cache_info->type), CommandOptionToMnemonic(MagickCacheOptions,(ssize_t) clone_info->type)); (void) LogMagickEvent(CacheEvent,GetMagickModule(),message); } return(status); } /* %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % % % % % + D e s t r o y I m a g e P i x e l C a c h e % % % % % % % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % DestroyImagePixelCache() deallocates memory associated with the pixel cache. % % The format of the DestroyImagePixelCache() method is: % % void DestroyImagePixelCache(Image *image) % % A description of each parameter follows: % % o image: the image. % */ static void DestroyImagePixelCache(Image *image) { assert(image != (Image *) NULL); assert(image->signature == MagickSignature); if (image->debug != MagickFalse) (void) LogMagickEvent(TraceEvent,GetMagickModule(),"%s",image->filename); if (image->cache == (void *) NULL) return; image->cache=DestroyPixelCache(image->cache); } /* %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % % % % % + D e s t r o y I m a g e P i x e l s % % % % % % % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % DestroyImagePixels() deallocates memory associated with the pixel cache. % % The format of the DestroyImagePixels() method is: % % void DestroyImagePixels(Image *image) % % A description of each parameter follows: % % o image: the image. % */ MagickExport void DestroyImagePixels(Image *image) { CacheInfo *cache_info; assert(image != (const Image *) NULL); assert(image->signature == MagickSignature); if (image->debug != MagickFalse) (void) LogMagickEvent(TraceEvent,GetMagickModule(),"%s",image->filename); assert(image->cache != (Cache) NULL); cache_info=(CacheInfo *) image->cache; assert(cache_info->signature == MagickSignature); if (cache_info->methods.destroy_pixel_handler != (DestroyPixelHandler) NULL) { cache_info->methods.destroy_pixel_handler(image); return; } image->cache=DestroyPixelCache(image->cache); } /* %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % % % % % + D e s t r o y P i x e l C a c h e % % % % % % % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % DestroyPixelCache() deallocates memory associated with the pixel cache. % % The format of the DestroyPixelCache() method is: % % Cache DestroyPixelCache(Cache cache) % % A description of each parameter follows: % % o cache: the pixel cache. % */ static MagickBooleanType ClosePixelCacheOnDisk(CacheInfo *cache_info) { int status; status=(-1); if (cache_info->file != -1) { status=close(cache_info->file); cache_info->file=(-1); RelinquishMagickResource(FileResource,1); } return(status == -1 ? MagickFalse : MagickTrue); } static inline void RelinquishPixelCachePixels(CacheInfo *cache_info) { switch (cache_info->type) { case MemoryCache: { if (cache_info->mapped == MagickFalse) cache_info->pixels=(Quantum *) RelinquishAlignedMemory( cache_info->pixels); else cache_info->pixels=(Quantum *) UnmapBlob(cache_info->pixels, (size_t) cache_info->length); RelinquishMagickResource(MemoryResource,cache_info->length); break; } case MapCache: { cache_info->pixels=(Quantum *) UnmapBlob(cache_info->pixels,(size_t) cache_info->length); if (cache_info->mode != ReadMode) (void) RelinquishUniqueFileResource(cache_info->cache_filename); *cache_info->cache_filename='\0'; RelinquishMagickResource(MapResource,cache_info->length); } case DiskCache: { if (cache_info->file != -1) (void) ClosePixelCacheOnDisk(cache_info); if (cache_info->mode != ReadMode) (void) RelinquishUniqueFileResource(cache_info->cache_filename); *cache_info->cache_filename='\0'; RelinquishMagickResource(DiskResource,cache_info->length); break; } case DistributedCache: { *cache_info->cache_filename='\0'; (void) RelinquishDistributePixelCache(cache_info->server_info); break; } default: break; } cache_info->type=UndefinedCache; cache_info->mapped=MagickFalse; cache_info->metacontent=(void *) NULL; } MagickPrivate Cache DestroyPixelCache(Cache cache) { CacheInfo *cache_info; assert(cache != (Cache) NULL); cache_info=(CacheInfo *) cache; assert(cache_info->signature == MagickSignature); if (cache_info->debug != MagickFalse) (void) LogMagickEvent(TraceEvent,GetMagickModule(),"%s", cache_info->filename); LockSemaphoreInfo(cache_info->semaphore); cache_info->reference_count--; if (cache_info->reference_count != 0) { UnlockSemaphoreInfo(cache_info->semaphore); return((Cache) NULL); } UnlockSemaphoreInfo(cache_info->semaphore); if (cache_info->debug != MagickFalse) { char message[MaxTextExtent]; (void) FormatLocaleString(message,MaxTextExtent,"destroy %s", cache_info->filename); (void) LogMagickEvent(CacheEvent,GetMagickModule(),"%s",message); } RelinquishPixelCachePixels(cache_info); if (cache_info->server_info != (DistributeCacheInfo *) NULL) cache_info->server_info=DestroyDistributeCacheInfo(cache_info->server_info); if (cache_info->nexus_info != (NexusInfo **) NULL) cache_info->nexus_info=DestroyPixelCacheNexus(cache_info->nexus_info, cache_info->number_threads); if (cache_info->random_info != (RandomInfo *) NULL) cache_info->random_info=DestroyRandomInfo(cache_info->random_info); if (cache_info->file_semaphore != (SemaphoreInfo *) NULL) DestroySemaphoreInfo(&cache_info->file_semaphore); if (cache_info->semaphore != (SemaphoreInfo *) NULL) DestroySemaphoreInfo(&cache_info->semaphore); cache_info->signature=(~MagickSignature); cache_info=(CacheInfo *) RelinquishMagickMemory(cache_info); cache=(Cache) NULL; return(cache); } /* %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % % % % % + D e s t r o y P i x e l C a c h e N e x u s % % % % % % % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % DestroyPixelCacheNexus() destroys a pixel cache nexus. % % The format of the DestroyPixelCacheNexus() method is: % % NexusInfo **DestroyPixelCacheNexus(NexusInfo *nexus_info, % const size_t number_threads) % % A description of each parameter follows: % % o nexus_info: the nexus to destroy. % % o number_threads: the number of nexus threads. % */ static inline void RelinquishCacheNexusPixels(NexusInfo *nexus_info) { if (nexus_info->mapped == MagickFalse) (void) RelinquishAlignedMemory(nexus_info->cache); else (void) UnmapBlob(nexus_info->cache,(size_t) nexus_info->length); nexus_info->cache=(Quantum *) NULL; nexus_info->pixels=(Quantum *) NULL; nexus_info->metacontent=(void *) NULL; nexus_info->length=0; nexus_info->mapped=MagickFalse; } MagickPrivate NexusInfo **DestroyPixelCacheNexus(NexusInfo **nexus_info, const size_t number_threads) { register ssize_t i; assert(nexus_info != (NexusInfo **) NULL); for (i=0; i < (ssize_t) number_threads; i++) { if (nexus_info[i]->cache != (Quantum *) NULL) RelinquishCacheNexusPixels(nexus_info[i]); nexus_info[i]->signature=(~MagickSignature); } nexus_info[0]=(NexusInfo *) RelinquishMagickMemory(nexus_info[0]); nexus_info=(NexusInfo **) RelinquishAlignedMemory(nexus_info); return(nexus_info); } /* %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % % % % % % G e t A u t h e n t i c M e t a c o n t e n t % % % % % % % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % GetAuthenticMetacontent() returns the authentic metacontent corresponding % with the last call to QueueAuthenticPixels() or GetVirtualPixels(). NULL is % returned if the associated pixels are not available. % % The format of the GetAuthenticMetacontent() method is: % % void *GetAuthenticMetacontent(const Image *image) % % A description of each parameter follows: % % o image: the image. % */ MagickExport void *GetAuthenticMetacontent(const Image *image) { CacheInfo *cache_info; const int id = GetOpenMPThreadId(); void *metacontent; assert(image != (const Image *) NULL); assert(image->signature == MagickSignature); assert(image->cache != (Cache) NULL); cache_info=(CacheInfo *) image->cache; assert(cache_info->signature == MagickSignature); if (cache_info->methods.get_authentic_metacontent_from_handler != (GetAuthenticMetacontentFromHandler) NULL) { metacontent=cache_info->methods. get_authentic_metacontent_from_handler(image); return(metacontent); } assert(id < (int) cache_info->number_threads); metacontent=GetPixelCacheNexusMetacontent(cache_info, cache_info->nexus_info[id]); return(metacontent); } /* %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % % % % % + G e t A u t h e n t i c M e t a c o n t e n t F r o m C a c h e % % % % % % % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % GetAuthenticMetacontentFromCache() returns the meta-content corresponding % with the last call to QueueAuthenticPixelsCache() or % GetAuthenticPixelsCache(). % % The format of the GetAuthenticMetacontentFromCache() method is: % % void *GetAuthenticMetacontentFromCache(const Image *image) % % A description of each parameter follows: % % o image: the image. % */ static void *GetAuthenticMetacontentFromCache(const Image *image) { CacheInfo *cache_info; const int id = GetOpenMPThreadId(); void *metacontent; assert(image != (const Image *) NULL); assert(image->signature == MagickSignature); assert(image->cache != (Cache) NULL); cache_info=(CacheInfo *) image->cache; assert(cache_info->signature == MagickSignature); assert(id < (int) cache_info->number_threads); metacontent=GetPixelCacheNexusMetacontent(image->cache, cache_info->nexus_info[id]); return(metacontent); } /* %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % % % % % + G e t A u t h e n t i c P i x e l C a c h e N e x u s % % % % % % % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % GetAuthenticPixelCacheNexus() gets authentic pixels from the in-memory or % disk pixel cache as defined by the geometry parameters. A pointer to the % pixels is returned if the pixels are transferred, otherwise a NULL is % returned. % % The format of the GetAuthenticPixelCacheNexus() method is: % % Quantum *GetAuthenticPixelCacheNexus(Image *image,const ssize_t x, % const ssize_t y,const size_t columns,const size_t rows, % NexusInfo *nexus_info,ExceptionInfo *exception) % % A description of each parameter follows: % % o image: the image. % % o x,y,columns,rows: These values define the perimeter of a region of % pixels. % % o nexus_info: the cache nexus to return. % % o exception: return any errors or warnings in this structure. % */ static inline MagickBooleanType IsPixelAuthentic( const CacheInfo *restrict cache_info,const NexusInfo *restrict nexus_info) { MagickBooleanType status; MagickOffsetType offset; if (cache_info->type == PingCache) return(MagickTrue); offset=(MagickOffsetType) nexus_info->region.y*cache_info->columns+ nexus_info->region.x; status=nexus_info->pixels == (cache_info->pixels+offset* cache_info->number_channels) ? MagickTrue : MagickFalse; return(status); } MagickPrivate Quantum *GetAuthenticPixelCacheNexus(Image *image, const ssize_t x,const ssize_t y,const size_t columns,const size_t rows, NexusInfo *nexus_info,ExceptionInfo *exception) { CacheInfo *cache_info; Quantum *q; /* Transfer pixels from the cache. */ assert(image != (Image *) NULL); assert(image->signature == MagickSignature); q=QueueAuthenticPixelCacheNexus(image,x,y,columns,rows,MagickTrue,nexus_info, exception); if (q == (Quantum *) NULL) return((Quantum *) NULL); cache_info=(CacheInfo *) image->cache; assert(cache_info->signature == MagickSignature); if (IsPixelAuthentic(cache_info,nexus_info) != MagickFalse) return(q); if (ReadPixelCachePixels(cache_info,nexus_info,exception) == MagickFalse) return((Quantum *) NULL); if (cache_info->metacontent_extent != 0) if (ReadPixelCacheMetacontent(cache_info,nexus_info,exception) == MagickFalse) return((Quantum *) NULL); return(q); } /* %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % % % % % + G e t A u t h e n t i c P i x e l s F r o m C a c h e % % % % % % % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % GetAuthenticPixelsFromCache() returns the pixels associated with the last % call to the QueueAuthenticPixelsCache() or GetAuthenticPixelsCache() methods. % % The format of the GetAuthenticPixelsFromCache() method is: % % Quantum *GetAuthenticPixelsFromCache(const Image image) % % A description of each parameter follows: % % o image: the image. % */ static Quantum *GetAuthenticPixelsFromCache(const Image *image) { CacheInfo *cache_info; const int id = GetOpenMPThreadId(); assert(image != (const Image *) NULL); assert(image->signature == MagickSignature); assert(image->cache != (Cache) NULL); cache_info=(CacheInfo *) image->cache; assert(cache_info->signature == MagickSignature); assert(id < (int) cache_info->number_threads); return(GetPixelCacheNexusPixels(image->cache,cache_info->nexus_info[id])); } /* %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % % % % % % G e t A u t h e n t i c P i x e l Q u e u e % % % % % % % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % GetAuthenticPixelQueue() returns the authentic pixels associated % corresponding with the last call to QueueAuthenticPixels() or % GetAuthenticPixels(). % % The format of the GetAuthenticPixelQueue() method is: % % Quantum *GetAuthenticPixelQueue(const Image image) % % A description of each parameter follows: % % o image: the image. % */ MagickExport Quantum *GetAuthenticPixelQueue(const Image *image) { CacheInfo *cache_info; const int id = GetOpenMPThreadId(); assert(image != (const Image *) NULL); assert(image->signature == MagickSignature); assert(image->cache != (Cache) NULL); cache_info=(CacheInfo *) image->cache; assert(cache_info->signature == MagickSignature); if (cache_info->methods.get_authentic_pixels_from_handler != (GetAuthenticPixelsFromHandler) NULL) return(cache_info->methods.get_authentic_pixels_from_handler(image)); assert(id < (int) cache_info->number_threads); return(GetPixelCacheNexusPixels(cache_info,cache_info->nexus_info[id])); } /* %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % % % % % % G e t A u t h e n t i c P i x e l s % % % % % % % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % GetAuthenticPixels() obtains a pixel region for read/write access. If the % region is successfully accessed, a pointer to a Quantum array % representing the region is returned, otherwise NULL is returned. % % The returned pointer may point to a temporary working copy of the pixels % or it may point to the original pixels in memory. Performance is maximized % if the selected region is part of one row, or one or more full rows, since % then there is opportunity to access the pixels in-place (without a copy) % if the image is in memory, or in a memory-mapped file. The returned pointer % must *never* be deallocated by the user. % % Pixels accessed via the returned pointer represent a simple array of type % Quantum. If the image has corresponding metacontent,call % GetAuthenticMetacontent() after invoking GetAuthenticPixels() to obtain the % meta-content corresponding to the region. Once the Quantum array has % been updated, the changes must be saved back to the underlying image using % SyncAuthenticPixels() or they may be lost. % % The format of the GetAuthenticPixels() method is: % % Quantum *GetAuthenticPixels(Image *image,const ssize_t x, % const ssize_t y,const size_t columns,const size_t rows, % ExceptionInfo *exception) % % A description of each parameter follows: % % o image: the image. % % o x,y,columns,rows: These values define the perimeter of a region of % pixels. % % o exception: return any errors or warnings in this structure. % */ MagickExport Quantum *GetAuthenticPixels(Image *image,const ssize_t x, const ssize_t y,const size_t columns,const size_t rows, ExceptionInfo *exception) { CacheInfo *cache_info; const int id = GetOpenMPThreadId(); Quantum *q; assert(image != (Image *) NULL); assert(image->signature == MagickSignature); assert(image->cache != (Cache) NULL); cache_info=(CacheInfo *) image->cache; assert(cache_info->signature == MagickSignature); if (cache_info->methods.get_authentic_pixels_handler != (GetAuthenticPixelsHandler) NULL) { q=cache_info->methods.get_authentic_pixels_handler(image,x,y,columns,rows, exception); return(q); } assert(id < (int) cache_info->number_threads); q=GetAuthenticPixelCacheNexus(image,x,y,columns,rows, cache_info->nexus_info[id],exception); return(q); } /* %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % % % % % + G e t A u t h e n t i c P i x e l s C a c h e % % % % % % % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % GetAuthenticPixelsCache() gets pixels from the in-memory or disk pixel cache % as defined by the geometry parameters. A pointer to the pixels is returned % if the pixels are transferred, otherwise a NULL is returned. % % The format of the GetAuthenticPixelsCache() method is: % % Quantum *GetAuthenticPixelsCache(Image *image,const ssize_t x, % const ssize_t y,const size_t columns,const size_t rows, % ExceptionInfo *exception) % % A description of each parameter follows: % % o image: the image. % % o x,y,columns,rows: These values define the perimeter of a region of % pixels. % % o exception: return any errors or warnings in this structure. % */ static Quantum *GetAuthenticPixelsCache(Image *image,const ssize_t x, const ssize_t y,const size_t columns,const size_t rows, ExceptionInfo *exception) { CacheInfo *cache_info; const int id = GetOpenMPThreadId(); Quantum *q; assert(image != (const Image *) NULL); assert(image->signature == MagickSignature); assert(image->cache != (Cache) NULL); cache_info=(CacheInfo *) image->cache; if (cache_info == (Cache) NULL) return((Quantum *) NULL); assert(cache_info->signature == MagickSignature); assert(id < (int) cache_info->number_threads); q=GetAuthenticPixelCacheNexus(image,x,y,columns,rows, cache_info->nexus_info[id],exception); return(q); } /* %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % % % % % + G e t I m a g e E x t e n t % % % % % % % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % GetImageExtent() returns the extent of the pixels associated corresponding % with the last call to QueueAuthenticPixels() or GetAuthenticPixels(). % % The format of the GetImageExtent() method is: % % MagickSizeType GetImageExtent(const Image *image) % % A description of each parameter follows: % % o image: the image. % */ MagickExport MagickSizeType GetImageExtent(const Image *image) { CacheInfo *cache_info; const int id = GetOpenMPThreadId(); assert(image != (Image *) NULL); assert(image->signature == MagickSignature); if (image->debug != MagickFalse) (void) LogMagickEvent(TraceEvent,GetMagickModule(),"%s",image->filename); assert(image->cache != (Cache) NULL); cache_info=(CacheInfo *) image->cache; assert(cache_info->signature == MagickSignature); assert(id < (int) cache_info->number_threads); return(GetPixelCacheNexusExtent(cache_info,cache_info->nexus_info[id])); } /* %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % % % % % + G e t I m a g e P i x e l C a c h e % % % % % % % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % GetImagePixelCache() ensures that there is only a single reference to the % pixel cache to be modified, updating the provided cache pointer to point to % a clone of the original pixel cache if necessary. % % The format of the GetImagePixelCache method is: % % Cache GetImagePixelCache(Image *image,const MagickBooleanType clone, % ExceptionInfo *exception) % % A description of each parameter follows: % % o image: the image. % % o clone: any value other than MagickFalse clones the cache pixels. % % o exception: return any errors or warnings in this structure. % */ static inline MagickBooleanType ValidatePixelCacheMorphology( const Image *restrict image) { const CacheInfo *restrict cache_info; const PixelChannelMap *restrict p, *restrict q; /* Does the image match the pixel cache morphology? */ cache_info=(CacheInfo *) image->cache; p=image->channel_map; q=cache_info->channel_map; if ((image->storage_class != cache_info->storage_class) || (image->colorspace != cache_info->colorspace) || (image->alpha_trait != cache_info->alpha_trait) || (image->mask != cache_info->mask) || (image->columns != cache_info->columns) || (image->rows != cache_info->rows) || (image->number_channels != cache_info->number_channels) || (memcmp(p,q,image->number_channels*sizeof(*p)) != 0) || (image->metacontent_extent != cache_info->metacontent_extent) || (cache_info->nexus_info == (NexusInfo **) NULL)) return(MagickFalse); return(MagickTrue); } static Cache GetImagePixelCache(Image *image,const MagickBooleanType clone, ExceptionInfo *exception) { CacheInfo *cache_info; MagickBooleanType destroy, status; static MagickSizeType cpu_throttle = 0, cycles = 0, time_limit = 0; static time_t cache_timestamp = 0; status=MagickTrue; LockSemaphoreInfo(image->semaphore); if (cpu_throttle == 0) { char *limit; /* Set CPU throttle in milleseconds. */ cpu_throttle=MagickResourceInfinity; limit=GetEnvironmentValue("MAGICK_THROTTLE"); if (limit == (char *) NULL) limit=GetPolicyValue("throttle"); if (limit != (char *) NULL) { cpu_throttle=(MagickSizeType) StringToInteger(limit); limit=DestroyString(limit); } } if ((cpu_throttle != MagickResourceInfinity) && ((cycles++ % 32) == 0)) MagickDelay(cpu_throttle); if (time_limit == 0) { /* Set the expire time in seconds. */ time_limit=GetMagickResourceLimit(TimeResource); cache_timestamp=time((time_t *) NULL); } if ((time_limit != MagickResourceInfinity) && ((MagickSizeType) (time((time_t *) NULL)-cache_timestamp) >= time_limit)) ThrowFatalException(ResourceLimitFatalError,"TimeLimitExceeded"); assert(image->cache != (Cache) NULL); cache_info=(CacheInfo *) image->cache; destroy=MagickFalse; if ((cache_info->reference_count > 1) || (cache_info->mode == ReadMode)) { LockSemaphoreInfo(cache_info->semaphore); if ((cache_info->reference_count > 1) || (cache_info->mode == ReadMode)) { CacheInfo *clone_info; Image clone_image; /* Clone pixel cache. */ clone_image=(*image); clone_image.semaphore=AllocateSemaphoreInfo(); clone_image.reference_count=1; clone_image.cache=ClonePixelCache(cache_info); clone_info=(CacheInfo *) clone_image.cache; status=OpenPixelCache(&clone_image,IOMode,exception); if (status != MagickFalse) { if (clone != MagickFalse) status=ClonePixelCacheRepository(clone_info,cache_info,exception); if (status != MagickFalse) { if (cache_info->reference_count == 1) cache_info->nexus_info=(NexusInfo **) NULL; destroy=MagickTrue; image->cache=clone_image.cache; } } DestroySemaphoreInfo(&clone_image.semaphore); } UnlockSemaphoreInfo(cache_info->semaphore); } if (destroy != MagickFalse) cache_info=(CacheInfo *) DestroyPixelCache(cache_info); if (status != MagickFalse) { /* Ensure the image matches the pixel cache morphology. */ image->taint=MagickTrue; image->type=UndefinedType; if (ValidatePixelCacheMorphology(image) == MagickFalse) { status=OpenPixelCache(image,IOMode,exception); cache_info=(CacheInfo *) image->cache; if (cache_info->type == DiskCache) (void) ClosePixelCacheOnDisk(cache_info); } } UnlockSemaphoreInfo(image->semaphore); if (status == MagickFalse) return((Cache) NULL); return(image->cache); } /* %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % % % % % + G e t I m a g e P i x e l C a c h e T y p e % % % % % % % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % GetImagePixelCacheType() returns the pixel cache type: UndefinedCache, % DiskCache, MemoryCache, MapCache, or PingCache. % % The format of the GetImagePixelCacheType() method is: % % CacheType GetImagePixelCacheType(const Image *image) % % A description of each parameter follows: % % o image: the image. % */ MagickExport CacheType GetImagePixelCacheType(const Image *image) { CacheInfo *cache_info; assert(image != (Image *) NULL); assert(image->signature == MagickSignature); assert(image->cache != (Cache) NULL); cache_info=(CacheInfo *) image->cache; assert(cache_info->signature == MagickSignature); return(cache_info->type); } /* %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % % % % % % G e t O n e A u t h e n t i c P i x e l % % % % % % % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % GetOneAuthenticPixel() returns a single pixel at the specified (x,y) % location. The image background color is returned if an error occurs. % % The format of the GetOneAuthenticPixel() method is: % % MagickBooleanType GetOneAuthenticPixel(const Image image,const ssize_t x, % const ssize_t y,Quantum *pixel,ExceptionInfo *exception) % % A description of each parameter follows: % % o image: the image. % % o x,y: These values define the location of the pixel to return. % % o pixel: return a pixel at the specified (x,y) location. % % o exception: return any errors or warnings in this structure. % */ MagickExport MagickBooleanType GetOneAuthenticPixel(Image *image, const ssize_t x,const ssize_t y,Quantum *pixel,ExceptionInfo *exception) { CacheInfo *cache_info; register Quantum *restrict q; register ssize_t i; assert(image != (Image *) NULL); assert(image->signature == MagickSignature); assert(image->cache != (Cache) NULL); cache_info=(CacheInfo *) image->cache; assert(cache_info->signature == MagickSignature); (void) memset(pixel,0,MaxPixelChannels*sizeof(*pixel)); if (cache_info->methods.get_one_authentic_pixel_from_handler != (GetOneAuthenticPixelFromHandler) NULL) return(cache_info->methods.get_one_authentic_pixel_from_handler(image,x,y, pixel,exception)); q=GetAuthenticPixelsCache(image,x,y,1UL,1UL,exception); if (q == (Quantum *) NULL) { pixel[RedPixelChannel]=ClampToQuantum(image->background_color.red); pixel[GreenPixelChannel]=ClampToQuantum(image->background_color.green); pixel[BluePixelChannel]=ClampToQuantum(image->background_color.blue); pixel[BlackPixelChannel]=ClampToQuantum(image->background_color.black); pixel[AlphaPixelChannel]=ClampToQuantum(image->background_color.alpha); return(MagickFalse); } for (i=0; i < (ssize_t) GetPixelChannels(image); i++) { PixelChannel channel; channel=GetPixelChannelChannel(image,i); pixel[channel]=q[i]; } return(MagickTrue); } /* %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % % % % % + G e t O n e A u t h e n t i c P i x e l F r o m C a c h e % % % % % % % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % GetOneAuthenticPixelFromCache() returns a single pixel at the specified (x,y) % location. The image background color is returned if an error occurs. % % The format of the GetOneAuthenticPixelFromCache() method is: % % MagickBooleanType GetOneAuthenticPixelFromCache(const Image image, % const ssize_t x,const ssize_t y,Quantum *pixel, % ExceptionInfo *exception) % % A description of each parameter follows: % % o image: the image. % % o x,y: These values define the location of the pixel to return. % % o pixel: return a pixel at the specified (x,y) location. % % o exception: return any errors or warnings in this structure. % */ static MagickBooleanType GetOneAuthenticPixelFromCache(Image *image, const ssize_t x,const ssize_t y,Quantum *pixel,ExceptionInfo *exception) { CacheInfo *cache_info; const int id = GetOpenMPThreadId(); register Quantum *restrict q; register ssize_t i; assert(image != (const Image *) NULL); assert(image->signature == MagickSignature); assert(image->cache != (Cache) NULL); cache_info=(CacheInfo *) image->cache; assert(cache_info->signature == MagickSignature); assert(id < (int) cache_info->number_threads); (void) memset(pixel,0,MaxPixelChannels*sizeof(*pixel)); q=GetAuthenticPixelCacheNexus(image,x,y,1UL,1UL,cache_info->nexus_info[id], exception); if (q == (Quantum *) NULL) { pixel[RedPixelChannel]=ClampToQuantum(image->background_color.red); pixel[GreenPixelChannel]=ClampToQuantum(image->background_color.green); pixel[BluePixelChannel]=ClampToQuantum(image->background_color.blue); pixel[BlackPixelChannel]=ClampToQuantum(image->background_color.black); pixel[AlphaPixelChannel]=ClampToQuantum(image->background_color.alpha); return(MagickFalse); } for (i=0; i < (ssize_t) GetPixelChannels(image); i++) { PixelChannel channel; channel=GetPixelChannelChannel(image,i); pixel[channel]=q[i]; } return(MagickTrue); } /* %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % % % % % % G e t O n e V i r t u a l P i x e l % % % % % % % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % GetOneVirtualPixel() returns a single virtual pixel at the specified % (x,y) location. The image background color is returned if an error occurs. % If you plan to modify the pixel, use GetOneAuthenticPixel() instead. % % The format of the GetOneVirtualPixel() method is: % % MagickBooleanType GetOneVirtualPixel(const Image image,const ssize_t x, % const ssize_t y,Quantum *pixel,ExceptionInfo exception) % % A description of each parameter follows: % % o image: the image. % % o x,y: These values define the location of the pixel to return. % % o pixel: return a pixel at the specified (x,y) location. % % o exception: return any errors or warnings in this structure. % */ MagickExport MagickBooleanType GetOneVirtualPixel(const Image *image, const ssize_t x,const ssize_t y,Quantum *pixel,ExceptionInfo *exception) { CacheInfo *cache_info; const int id = GetOpenMPThreadId(); const Quantum *p; register ssize_t i; assert(image != (const Image *) NULL); assert(image->signature == MagickSignature); assert(image->cache != (Cache) NULL); cache_info=(CacheInfo *) image->cache; assert(cache_info->signature == MagickSignature); (void) memset(pixel,0,MaxPixelChannels*sizeof(*pixel)); if (cache_info->methods.get_one_virtual_pixel_from_handler != (GetOneVirtualPixelFromHandler) NULL) return(cache_info->methods.get_one_virtual_pixel_from_handler(image, GetPixelCacheVirtualMethod(image),x,y,pixel,exception)); assert(id < (int) cache_info->number_threads); p=GetVirtualPixelsFromNexus(image,GetPixelCacheVirtualMethod(image),x,y, 1UL,1UL,cache_info->nexus_info[id],exception); if (p == (const Quantum *) NULL) { pixel[RedPixelChannel]=ClampToQuantum(image->background_color.red); pixel[GreenPixelChannel]=ClampToQuantum(image->background_color.green); pixel[BluePixelChannel]=ClampToQuantum(image->background_color.blue); pixel[BlackPixelChannel]=ClampToQuantum(image->background_color.black); pixel[AlphaPixelChannel]=ClampToQuantum(image->background_color.alpha); return(MagickFalse); } for (i=0; i < (ssize_t) GetPixelChannels(image); i++) { PixelChannel channel; channel=GetPixelChannelChannel(image,i); pixel[channel]=p[i]; } return(MagickTrue); } /* %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % % % % % + G e t O n e V i r t u a l P i x e l F r o m C a c h e % % % % % % % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % GetOneVirtualPixelFromCache() returns a single virtual pixel at the % specified (x,y) location. The image background color is returned if an % error occurs. % % The format of the GetOneVirtualPixelFromCache() method is: % % MagickBooleanType GetOneVirtualPixelFromCache(const Image image, % const VirtualPixelMethod method,const ssize_t x,const ssize_t y, % Quantum *pixel,ExceptionInfo *exception) % % A description of each parameter follows: % % o image: the image. % % o virtual_pixel_method: the virtual pixel method. % % o x,y: These values define the location of the pixel to return. % % o pixel: return a pixel at the specified (x,y) location. % % o exception: return any errors or warnings in this structure. % */ static MagickBooleanType GetOneVirtualPixelFromCache(const Image *image, const VirtualPixelMethod virtual_pixel_method,const ssize_t x,const ssize_t y, Quantum *pixel,ExceptionInfo *exception) { CacheInfo *cache_info; const int id = GetOpenMPThreadId(); const Quantum *p; register ssize_t i; assert(image != (const Image *) NULL); assert(image->signature == MagickSignature); assert(image->cache != (Cache) NULL); cache_info=(CacheInfo *) image->cache; assert(cache_info->signature == MagickSignature); assert(id < (int) cache_info->number_threads); (void) memset(pixel,0,MaxPixelChannels*sizeof(*pixel)); p=GetVirtualPixelsFromNexus(image,virtual_pixel_method,x,y,1UL,1UL, cache_info->nexus_info[id],exception); if (p == (const Quantum *) NULL) { pixel[RedPixelChannel]=ClampToQuantum(image->background_color.red); pixel[GreenPixelChannel]=ClampToQuantum(image->background_color.green); pixel[BluePixelChannel]=ClampToQuantum(image->background_color.blue); pixel[BlackPixelChannel]=ClampToQuantum(image->background_color.black); pixel[AlphaPixelChannel]=ClampToQuantum(image->background_color.alpha); return(MagickFalse); } for (i=0; i < (ssize_t) GetPixelChannels(image); i++) { PixelChannel channel; channel=GetPixelChannelChannel(image,i); pixel[channel]=p[i]; } return(MagickTrue); } /* %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % % % % % % G e t O n e V i r t u a l P i x e l I n f o % % % % % % % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % GetOneVirtualPixelInfo() returns a single pixel at the specified (x,y) % location. The image background color is returned if an error occurs. If % you plan to modify the pixel, use GetOneAuthenticPixel() instead. % % The format of the GetOneVirtualPixelInfo() method is: % % MagickBooleanType GetOneVirtualPixelInfo(const Image image, % const VirtualPixelMethod virtual_pixel_method,const ssize_t x, % const ssize_t y,PixelInfo *pixel,ExceptionInfo exception) % % A description of each parameter follows: % % o image: the image. % % o virtual_pixel_method: the virtual pixel method. % % o x,y: these values define the location of the pixel to return. % % o pixel: return a pixel at the specified (x,y) location. % % o exception: return any errors or warnings in this structure. % */ MagickExport MagickBooleanType GetOneVirtualPixelInfo(const Image *image, const VirtualPixelMethod virtual_pixel_method,const ssize_t x,const ssize_t y, PixelInfo *pixel,ExceptionInfo *exception) { CacheInfo *cache_info; const int id = GetOpenMPThreadId(); register const Quantum *p; assert(image != (const Image *) NULL); assert(image->signature == MagickSignature); assert(image->cache != (Cache) NULL); cache_info=(CacheInfo *) image->cache; assert(cache_info->signature == MagickSignature); assert(id < (int) cache_info->number_threads); GetPixelInfo(image,pixel); p=GetVirtualPixelsFromNexus(image,virtual_pixel_method,x,y,1UL,1UL, cache_info->nexus_info[id],exception); if (p == (const Quantum *) NULL) return(MagickFalse); GetPixelInfoPixel(image,p,pixel); return(MagickTrue); } /* %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % % % % % + G e t P i x e l C a c h e C o l o r s p a c e % % % % % % % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % GetPixelCacheColorspace() returns the class type of the pixel cache. % % The format of the GetPixelCacheColorspace() method is: % % Colorspace GetPixelCacheColorspace(Cache cache) % % A description of each parameter follows: % % o cache: the pixel cache. % */ MagickPrivate ColorspaceType GetPixelCacheColorspace(const Cache cache) { CacheInfo *cache_info; assert(cache != (Cache) NULL); cache_info=(CacheInfo *) cache; assert(cache_info->signature == MagickSignature); if (cache_info->debug != MagickFalse) (void) LogMagickEvent(TraceEvent,GetMagickModule(),"%s", cache_info->filename); return(cache_info->colorspace); } /* %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % % % % % + G e t P i x e l C a c h e M e t h o d s % % % % % % % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % GetPixelCacheMethods() initializes the CacheMethods structure. % % The format of the GetPixelCacheMethods() method is: % % void GetPixelCacheMethods(CacheMethods *cache_methods) % % A description of each parameter follows: % % o cache_methods: Specifies a pointer to a CacheMethods structure. % */ MagickPrivate void GetPixelCacheMethods(CacheMethods *cache_methods) { assert(cache_methods != (CacheMethods *) NULL); (void) ResetMagickMemory(cache_methods,0,sizeof(*cache_methods)); cache_methods->get_virtual_pixel_handler=GetVirtualPixelCache; cache_methods->get_virtual_pixels_handler=GetVirtualPixelsCache; cache_methods->get_virtual_metacontent_from_handler= GetVirtualMetacontentFromCache; cache_methods->get_one_virtual_pixel_from_handler=GetOneVirtualPixelFromCache; cache_methods->get_authentic_pixels_handler=GetAuthenticPixelsCache; cache_methods->get_authentic_metacontent_from_handler= GetAuthenticMetacontentFromCache; cache_methods->get_authentic_pixels_from_handler=GetAuthenticPixelsFromCache; cache_methods->get_one_authentic_pixel_from_handler= GetOneAuthenticPixelFromCache; cache_methods->queue_authentic_pixels_handler=QueueAuthenticPixelsCache; cache_methods->sync_authentic_pixels_handler=SyncAuthenticPixelsCache; cache_methods->destroy_pixel_handler=DestroyImagePixelCache; } /* %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % % % % % + G e t P i x e l C a c h e N e x u s E x t e n t % % % % % % % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % GetPixelCacheNexusExtent() returns the extent of the pixels associated % corresponding with the last call to SetPixelCacheNexusPixels() or % GetPixelCacheNexusPixels(). % % The format of the GetPixelCacheNexusExtent() method is: % % MagickSizeType GetPixelCacheNexusExtent(const Cache cache, % NexusInfo *nexus_info) % % A description of each parameter follows: % % o nexus_info: the nexus info. % */ MagickPrivate MagickSizeType GetPixelCacheNexusExtent(const Cache cache, NexusInfo *nexus_info) { CacheInfo *cache_info; MagickSizeType extent; assert(cache != NULL); cache_info=(CacheInfo *) cache; assert(cache_info->signature == MagickSignature); extent=(MagickSizeType) nexus_info->region.width*nexus_info->region.height; if (extent == 0) return((MagickSizeType) cache_info->columns*cache_info->rows); return(extent); } /* %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % % % % % + G e t P i x e l C a c h e N e x u s M e t a c o n t e n t % % % % % % % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % GetPixelCacheNexusMetacontent() returns the meta-content for the specified % cache nexus. % % The format of the GetPixelCacheNexusMetacontent() method is: % % void *GetPixelCacheNexusMetacontent(const Cache cache, % NexusInfo *nexus_info) % % A description of each parameter follows: % % o cache: the pixel cache. % % o nexus_info: the cache nexus to return the meta-content. % */ MagickPrivate void *GetPixelCacheNexusMetacontent(const Cache cache, NexusInfo *nexus_info) { CacheInfo *cache_info; assert(cache != NULL); cache_info=(CacheInfo *) cache; assert(cache_info->signature == MagickSignature); if (cache_info->storage_class == UndefinedClass) return((void *) NULL); return(nexus_info->metacontent); } /* %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % % % % % + G e t P i x e l C a c h e N e x u s P i x e l s % % % % % % % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % GetPixelCacheNexusPixels() returns the pixels associated with the specified % cache nexus. % % The format of the GetPixelCacheNexusPixels() method is: % % Quantum *GetPixelCacheNexusPixels(const Cache cache, % NexusInfo *nexus_info) % % A description of each parameter follows: % % o cache: the pixel cache. % % o nexus_info: the cache nexus to return the pixels. % */ MagickPrivate Quantum *GetPixelCacheNexusPixels(const Cache cache, NexusInfo *nexus_info) { CacheInfo *cache_info; assert(cache != NULL); cache_info=(CacheInfo *) cache; assert(cache_info->signature == MagickSignature); if (cache_info->storage_class == UndefinedClass) return((Quantum *) NULL); return(nexus_info->pixels); } /* %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % % % % % + G e t P i x e l C a c h e P i x e l s % % % % % % % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % GetPixelCachePixels() returns the pixels associated with the specified image. % % The format of the GetPixelCachePixels() method is: % % void *GetPixelCachePixels(Image *image,MagickSizeType *length, % ExceptionInfo *exception) % % A description of each parameter follows: % % o image: the image. % % o length: the pixel cache length. % % o exception: return any errors or warnings in this structure. % */ MagickPrivate void *GetPixelCachePixels(Image *image,MagickSizeType *length, ExceptionInfo *exception) { CacheInfo *cache_info; assert(image != (const Image *) NULL); assert(image->signature == MagickSignature); assert(image->cache != (Cache) NULL); assert(length != (MagickSizeType *) NULL); assert(exception != (ExceptionInfo *) NULL); assert(exception->signature == MagickSignature); cache_info=(CacheInfo *) image->cache; assert(cache_info->signature == MagickSignature); *length=0; if ((cache_info->type != MemoryCache) && (cache_info->type != MapCache)) return((void *) NULL); *length=cache_info->length; return((void *) cache_info->pixels); } /* %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % % % % % + G e t P i x e l C a c h e S t o r a g e C l a s s % % % % % % % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % GetPixelCacheStorageClass() returns the class type of the pixel cache. % % The format of the GetPixelCacheStorageClass() method is: % % ClassType GetPixelCacheStorageClass(Cache cache) % % A description of each parameter follows: % % o type: GetPixelCacheStorageClass returns DirectClass or PseudoClass. % % o cache: the pixel cache. % */ MagickPrivate ClassType GetPixelCacheStorageClass(const Cache cache) { CacheInfo *cache_info; assert(cache != (Cache) NULL); cache_info=(CacheInfo *) cache; assert(cache_info->signature == MagickSignature); if (cache_info->debug != MagickFalse) (void) LogMagickEvent(TraceEvent,GetMagickModule(),"%s", cache_info->filename); return(cache_info->storage_class); } /* %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % % % % % + G e t P i x e l C a c h e T i l e S i z e % % % % % % % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % GetPixelCacheTileSize() returns the pixel cache tile size. % % The format of the GetPixelCacheTileSize() method is: % % void GetPixelCacheTileSize(const Image *image,size_t *width, % size_t *height) % % A description of each parameter follows: % % o image: the image. % % o width: the optimize cache tile width in pixels. % % o height: the optimize cache tile height in pixels. % */ MagickPrivate void GetPixelCacheTileSize(const Image *image,size_t *width, size_t *height) { CacheInfo *cache_info; assert(image != (Image *) NULL); assert(image->signature == MagickSignature); if (image->debug != MagickFalse) (void) LogMagickEvent(TraceEvent,GetMagickModule(),"%s",image->filename); cache_info=(CacheInfo *) image->cache; assert(cache_info->signature == MagickSignature); *width=2048UL/(cache_info->number_channels*sizeof(Quantum)); if (GetImagePixelCacheType(image) == DiskCache) *width=8192UL/(cache_info->number_channels*sizeof(Quantum)); *height=(*width); } /* %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % % % % % + G e t P i x e l C a c h e V i r t u a l M e t h o d % % % % % % % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % GetPixelCacheVirtualMethod() gets the "virtual pixels" method for the % pixel cache. A virtual pixel is any pixel access that is outside the % boundaries of the image cache. % % The format of the GetPixelCacheVirtualMethod() method is: % % VirtualPixelMethod GetPixelCacheVirtualMethod(const Image *image) % % A description of each parameter follows: % % o image: the image. % */ MagickPrivate VirtualPixelMethod GetPixelCacheVirtualMethod(const Image *image) { CacheInfo *cache_info; assert(image != (Image *) NULL); assert(image->signature == MagickSignature); assert(image->cache != (Cache) NULL); cache_info=(CacheInfo *) image->cache; assert(cache_info->signature == MagickSignature); return(cache_info->virtual_pixel_method); } /* %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % % % % % + G e t V i r t u a l M e t a c o n t e n t F r o m C a c h e % % % % % % % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % GetVirtualMetacontentFromCache() returns the meta-content corresponding with % the last call to QueueAuthenticPixelsCache() or GetVirtualPixelCache(). % % The format of the GetVirtualMetacontentFromCache() method is: % % void *GetVirtualMetacontentFromCache(const Image *image) % % A description of each parameter follows: % % o image: the image. % */ static const void *GetVirtualMetacontentFromCache(const Image *image) { CacheInfo *cache_info; const int id = GetOpenMPThreadId(); const void *metacontent; assert(image != (const Image *) NULL); assert(image->signature == MagickSignature); assert(image->cache != (Cache) NULL); cache_info=(CacheInfo *) image->cache; assert(cache_info->signature == MagickSignature); assert(id < (int) cache_info->number_threads); metacontent=GetVirtualMetacontentFromNexus(cache_info, cache_info->nexus_info[id]); return(metacontent); } /* %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % % % % % + G e t V i r t u a l M e t a c o n t e n t F r o m N e x u s % % % % % % % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % GetVirtualMetacontentFromNexus() returns the meta-content for the specified % cache nexus. % % The format of the GetVirtualMetacontentFromNexus() method is: % % const void *GetVirtualMetacontentFromNexus(const Cache cache, % NexusInfo *nexus_info) % % A description of each parameter follows: % % o cache: the pixel cache. % % o nexus_info: the cache nexus to return the meta-content. % */ MagickPrivate const void *GetVirtualMetacontentFromNexus(const Cache cache, NexusInfo *nexus_info) { CacheInfo *cache_info; assert(cache != (Cache) NULL); cache_info=(CacheInfo *) cache; assert(cache_info->signature == MagickSignature); if (cache_info->storage_class == UndefinedClass) return((void *) NULL); return(nexus_info->metacontent); } /* %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % % % % % % G e t V i r t u a l M e t a c o n t e n t % % % % % % % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % GetVirtualMetacontent() returns the virtual metacontent corresponding with % the last call to QueueAuthenticPixels() or GetVirtualPixels(). NULL is % returned if the meta-content are not available. % % The format of the GetVirtualMetacontent() method is: % % const void *GetVirtualMetacontent(const Image *image) % % A description of each parameter follows: % % o image: the image. % */ MagickExport const void *GetVirtualMetacontent(const Image *image) { CacheInfo *cache_info; const int id = GetOpenMPThreadId(); const void *metacontent; assert(image != (const Image *) NULL); assert(image->signature == MagickSignature); assert(image->cache != (Cache) NULL); cache_info=(CacheInfo *) image->cache; assert(cache_info->signature == MagickSignature); metacontent=cache_info->methods.get_virtual_metacontent_from_handler(image); if (metacontent != (void *) NULL) return(metacontent); assert(id < (int) cache_info->number_threads); metacontent=GetVirtualMetacontentFromNexus(cache_info, cache_info->nexus_info[id]); return(metacontent); } /* %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % % % % % + G e t V i r t u a l P i x e l s F r o m N e x u s % % % % % % % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % GetVirtualPixelsFromNexus() gets virtual pixels from the in-memory or disk % pixel cache as defined by the geometry parameters. A pointer to the pixels % is returned if the pixels are transferred, otherwise a NULL is returned. % % The format of the GetVirtualPixelsFromNexus() method is: % % Quantum *GetVirtualPixelsFromNexus(const Image *image, % const VirtualPixelMethod method,const ssize_t x,const ssize_t y, % const size_t columns,const size_t rows,NexusInfo *nexus_info, % ExceptionInfo *exception) % % A description of each parameter follows: % % o image: the image. % % o virtual_pixel_method: the virtual pixel method. % % o x,y,columns,rows: These values define the perimeter of a region of % pixels. % % o nexus_info: the cache nexus to acquire. % % o exception: return any errors or warnings in this structure. % */ static ssize_t DitherMatrix[64] = { 0, 48, 12, 60, 3, 51, 15, 63, 32, 16, 44, 28, 35, 19, 47, 31, 8, 56, 4, 52, 11, 59, 7, 55, 40, 24, 36, 20, 43, 27, 39, 23, 2, 50, 14, 62, 1, 49, 13, 61, 34, 18, 46, 30, 33, 17, 45, 29, 10, 58, 6, 54, 9, 57, 5, 53, 42, 26, 38, 22, 41, 25, 37, 21 }; static inline ssize_t DitherX(const ssize_t x,const size_t columns) { ssize_t index; index=x+DitherMatrix[x & 0x07]-32L; if (index < 0L) return(0L); if (index >= (ssize_t) columns) return((ssize_t) columns-1L); return(index); } static inline ssize_t DitherY(const ssize_t y,const size_t rows) { ssize_t index; index=y+DitherMatrix[y & 0x07]-32L; if (index < 0L) return(0L); if (index >= (ssize_t) rows) return((ssize_t) rows-1L); return(index); } static inline ssize_t EdgeX(const ssize_t x,const size_t columns) { if (x < 0L) return(0L); if (x >= (ssize_t) columns) return((ssize_t) (columns-1)); return(x); } static inline ssize_t EdgeY(const ssize_t y,const size_t rows) { if (y < 0L) return(0L); if (y >= (ssize_t) rows) return((ssize_t) (rows-1)); return(y); } static inline ssize_t RandomX(RandomInfo *random_info,const size_t columns) { return((ssize_t) (columns*GetPseudoRandomValue(random_info))); } static inline ssize_t RandomY(RandomInfo *random_info,const size_t rows) { return((ssize_t) (rows*GetPseudoRandomValue(random_info))); } static inline MagickModulo VirtualPixelModulo(const ssize_t offset, const size_t extent) { MagickModulo modulo; /* Compute the remainder of dividing offset by extent. It returns not only the quotient (tile the offset falls in) but also the positive remainer within that tile such that 0 <= remainder < extent. This method is essentially a ldiv() using a floored modulo division rather than the normal default truncated modulo division. */ modulo.quotient=offset/(ssize_t) extent; if (offset < 0L) modulo.quotient--; modulo.remainder=offset-modulo.quotient*(ssize_t) extent; return(modulo); } MagickPrivate const Quantum *GetVirtualPixelsFromNexus(const Image *image, const VirtualPixelMethod virtual_pixel_method,const ssize_t x,const ssize_t y, const size_t columns,const size_t rows,NexusInfo *nexus_info, ExceptionInfo *exception) { CacheInfo *cache_info; MagickOffsetType offset; MagickSizeType length, number_pixels; NexusInfo **virtual_nexus; Quantum *pixels, virtual_pixel[CompositePixelChannel]; RectangleInfo region; register const Quantum *restrict p; register const void *restrict r; register Quantum *restrict q; register ssize_t i, u; register unsigned char *restrict s; ssize_t v; void *virtual_metacontent; /* Acquire pixels. */ assert(image != (const Image *) NULL); assert(image->signature == MagickSignature); assert(image->cache != (Cache) NULL); cache_info=(CacheInfo *) image->cache; assert(cache_info->signature == MagickSignature); if (cache_info->type == UndefinedCache) return((const Quantum *) NULL); region.x=x; region.y=y; region.width=columns; region.height=rows; pixels=SetPixelCacheNexusPixels(cache_info,ReadMode,®ion,nexus_info, exception); if (pixels == (Quantum *) NULL) return((const Quantum *) NULL); q=pixels; offset=(MagickOffsetType) nexus_info->region.y*cache_info->columns+ nexus_info->region.x; length=(MagickSizeType) (nexus_info->region.height-1L)*cache_info->columns+ nexus_info->region.width-1L; number_pixels=(MagickSizeType) cache_info->columns*cache_info->rows; if ((offset >= 0) && (((MagickSizeType) offset+length) < number_pixels)) if ((x >= 0) && ((ssize_t) (x+columns) <= (ssize_t) cache_info->columns) && (y >= 0) && ((ssize_t) (y+rows) <= (ssize_t) cache_info->rows)) { MagickBooleanType status; /* Pixel request is inside cache extents. */ if (IsPixelAuthentic(cache_info,nexus_info) != MagickFalse) return(q); status=ReadPixelCachePixels(cache_info,nexus_info,exception); if (status == MagickFalse) return((const Quantum *) NULL); if (cache_info->metacontent_extent != 0) { status=ReadPixelCacheMetacontent(cache_info,nexus_info,exception); if (status == MagickFalse) return((const Quantum *) NULL); } return(q); } /* Pixel request is outside cache extents. */ s=(unsigned char *) GetPixelCacheNexusMetacontent(cache_info,nexus_info); virtual_nexus=AcquirePixelCacheNexus(1); if (virtual_nexus == (NexusInfo **) NULL) { if (virtual_nexus != (NexusInfo **) NULL) virtual_nexus=DestroyPixelCacheNexus(virtual_nexus,1); (void) ThrowMagickException(exception,GetMagickModule(),CacheError, "UnableToGetCacheNexus","`%s'",image->filename); return((const Quantum *) NULL); } (void) ResetMagickMemory(virtual_pixel,0,cache_info->number_channels* sizeof(*virtual_pixel)); virtual_metacontent=(void *) NULL; switch (virtual_pixel_method) { case BackgroundVirtualPixelMethod: case BlackVirtualPixelMethod: case GrayVirtualPixelMethod: case TransparentVirtualPixelMethod: case MaskVirtualPixelMethod: case WhiteVirtualPixelMethod: case EdgeVirtualPixelMethod: case CheckerTileVirtualPixelMethod: case HorizontalTileVirtualPixelMethod: case VerticalTileVirtualPixelMethod: { if (cache_info->metacontent_extent != 0) { /* Acquire a metacontent buffer. */ virtual_metacontent=(void *) AcquireQuantumMemory(1, cache_info->metacontent_extent); if (virtual_metacontent == (void *) NULL) { virtual_nexus=DestroyPixelCacheNexus(virtual_nexus,1); (void) ThrowMagickException(exception,GetMagickModule(), CacheError,"UnableToGetCacheNexus","`%s'",image->filename); return((const Quantum *) NULL); } (void) ResetMagickMemory(virtual_metacontent,0, cache_info->metacontent_extent); } switch (virtual_pixel_method) { case BlackVirtualPixelMethod: { for (i=0; i < (ssize_t) cache_info->number_channels; i++) SetPixelChannel(image,(PixelChannel) i,0,virtual_pixel); SetPixelAlpha(image,OpaqueAlpha,virtual_pixel); break; } case GrayVirtualPixelMethod: { for (i=0; i < (ssize_t) cache_info->number_channels; i++) SetPixelChannel(image,(PixelChannel) i,QuantumRange/2, virtual_pixel); SetPixelAlpha(image,OpaqueAlpha,virtual_pixel); break; } case TransparentVirtualPixelMethod: { for (i=0; i < (ssize_t) cache_info->number_channels; i++) SetPixelChannel(image,(PixelChannel) i,0,virtual_pixel); SetPixelAlpha(image,TransparentAlpha,virtual_pixel); break; } case MaskVirtualPixelMethod: case WhiteVirtualPixelMethod: { for (i=0; i < (ssize_t) cache_info->number_channels; i++) SetPixelChannel(image,(PixelChannel) i,QuantumRange,virtual_pixel); SetPixelAlpha(image,OpaqueAlpha,virtual_pixel); break; } default: { SetPixelRed(image,ClampToQuantum(image->background_color.red), virtual_pixel); SetPixelGreen(image,ClampToQuantum(image->background_color.green), virtual_pixel); SetPixelBlue(image,ClampToQuantum(image->background_color.blue), virtual_pixel); SetPixelBlack(image,ClampToQuantum(image->background_color.black), virtual_pixel); SetPixelAlpha(image,ClampToQuantum(image->background_color.alpha), virtual_pixel); break; } } break; } default: break; } for (v=0; v < (ssize_t) rows; v++) { for (u=0; u < (ssize_t) columns; u+=length) { length=(MagickSizeType) MagickMin(cache_info->columns-(x+u),columns-u); if ((((x+u) < 0) || ((x+u) >= (ssize_t) cache_info->columns)) || (((y+v) < 0) || ((y+v) >= (ssize_t) cache_info->rows)) || (length == 0)) { MagickModulo x_modulo, y_modulo; /* Transfer a single pixel. */ length=(MagickSizeType) 1; switch (virtual_pixel_method) { default: { p=GetVirtualPixelsFromNexus(image,virtual_pixel_method, EdgeX(x+u,cache_info->columns),EdgeY(y+v,cache_info->rows), 1UL,1UL,*virtual_nexus,exception); r=GetVirtualMetacontentFromNexus(cache_info,*virtual_nexus); break; } case RandomVirtualPixelMethod: { if (cache_info->random_info == (RandomInfo *) NULL) cache_info->random_info=AcquireRandomInfo(); p=GetVirtualPixelsFromNexus(image,virtual_pixel_method, RandomX(cache_info->random_info,cache_info->columns), RandomY(cache_info->random_info,cache_info->rows),1UL,1UL, *virtual_nexus,exception); r=GetVirtualMetacontentFromNexus(cache_info,*virtual_nexus); break; } case DitherVirtualPixelMethod: { p=GetVirtualPixelsFromNexus(image,virtual_pixel_method, DitherX(x+u,cache_info->columns),DitherY(y+v,cache_info->rows), 1UL,1UL,*virtual_nexus,exception); r=GetVirtualMetacontentFromNexus(cache_info,*virtual_nexus); break; } case TileVirtualPixelMethod: { x_modulo=VirtualPixelModulo(x+u,cache_info->columns); y_modulo=VirtualPixelModulo(y+v,cache_info->rows); p=GetVirtualPixelsFromNexus(image,virtual_pixel_method, x_modulo.remainder,y_modulo.remainder,1UL,1UL,*virtual_nexus, exception); r=GetVirtualMetacontentFromNexus(cache_info,*virtual_nexus); break; } case MirrorVirtualPixelMethod: { x_modulo=VirtualPixelModulo(x+u,cache_info->columns); if ((x_modulo.quotient & 0x01) == 1L) x_modulo.remainder=(ssize_t) cache_info->columns- x_modulo.remainder-1L; y_modulo=VirtualPixelModulo(y+v,cache_info->rows); if ((y_modulo.quotient & 0x01) == 1L) y_modulo.remainder=(ssize_t) cache_info->rows- y_modulo.remainder-1L; p=GetVirtualPixelsFromNexus(image,virtual_pixel_method, x_modulo.remainder,y_modulo.remainder,1UL,1UL,*virtual_nexus, exception); r=GetVirtualMetacontentFromNexus(cache_info,*virtual_nexus); break; } case HorizontalTileEdgeVirtualPixelMethod: { x_modulo=VirtualPixelModulo(x+u,cache_info->columns); p=GetVirtualPixelsFromNexus(image,virtual_pixel_method, x_modulo.remainder,EdgeY(y+v,cache_info->rows),1UL,1UL, *virtual_nexus,exception); r=GetVirtualMetacontentFromNexus(cache_info,*virtual_nexus); break; } case VerticalTileEdgeVirtualPixelMethod: { y_modulo=VirtualPixelModulo(y+v,cache_info->rows); p=GetVirtualPixelsFromNexus(image,virtual_pixel_method, EdgeX(x+u,cache_info->columns),y_modulo.remainder,1UL,1UL, *virtual_nexus,exception); r=GetVirtualMetacontentFromNexus(cache_info,*virtual_nexus); break; } case BackgroundVirtualPixelMethod: case BlackVirtualPixelMethod: case GrayVirtualPixelMethod: case TransparentVirtualPixelMethod: case MaskVirtualPixelMethod: case WhiteVirtualPixelMethod: { p=virtual_pixel; r=virtual_metacontent; break; } case EdgeVirtualPixelMethod: case CheckerTileVirtualPixelMethod: { x_modulo=VirtualPixelModulo(x+u,cache_info->columns); y_modulo=VirtualPixelModulo(y+v,cache_info->rows); if (((x_modulo.quotient ^ y_modulo.quotient) & 0x01) != 0L) { p=virtual_pixel; r=virtual_metacontent; break; } p=GetVirtualPixelsFromNexus(image,virtual_pixel_method, x_modulo.remainder,y_modulo.remainder,1UL,1UL,*virtual_nexus, exception); r=GetVirtualMetacontentFromNexus(cache_info,*virtual_nexus); break; } case HorizontalTileVirtualPixelMethod: { if (((y+v) < 0) || ((y+v) >= (ssize_t) cache_info->rows)) { p=virtual_pixel; r=virtual_metacontent; break; } x_modulo=VirtualPixelModulo(x+u,cache_info->columns); y_modulo=VirtualPixelModulo(y+v,cache_info->rows); p=GetVirtualPixelsFromNexus(image,virtual_pixel_method, x_modulo.remainder,y_modulo.remainder,1UL,1UL,*virtual_nexus, exception); r=GetVirtualMetacontentFromNexus(cache_info,*virtual_nexus); break; } case VerticalTileVirtualPixelMethod: { if (((x+u) < 0) || ((x+u) >= (ssize_t) cache_info->columns)) { p=virtual_pixel; r=virtual_metacontent; break; } x_modulo=VirtualPixelModulo(x+u,cache_info->columns); y_modulo=VirtualPixelModulo(y+v,cache_info->rows); p=GetVirtualPixelsFromNexus(image,virtual_pixel_method, x_modulo.remainder,y_modulo.remainder,1UL,1UL,*virtual_nexus, exception); r=GetVirtualMetacontentFromNexus(cache_info,*virtual_nexus); break; } } if (p == (const Quantum *) NULL) break; (void) memcpy(q,p,(size_t) length*cache_info->number_channels* sizeof(*p)); q+=cache_info->number_channels; if ((s != (void *) NULL) && (r != (const void *) NULL)) { (void) memcpy(s,r,(size_t) cache_info->metacontent_extent); s+=cache_info->metacontent_extent; } continue; } /* Transfer a run of pixels. */ p=GetVirtualPixelsFromNexus(image,virtual_pixel_method,x+u,y+v,(size_t) length,1UL,*virtual_nexus,exception); if (p == (const Quantum *) NULL) break; r=GetVirtualMetacontentFromNexus(cache_info,*virtual_nexus); (void) memcpy(q,p,(size_t) length*cache_info->number_channels*sizeof(*p)); q+=length*cache_info->number_channels; if ((r != (void *) NULL) && (s != (const void *) NULL)) { (void) memcpy(s,r,(size_t) length); s+=length*cache_info->metacontent_extent; } } } /* Free resources. */ if (virtual_metacontent != (void *) NULL) virtual_metacontent=(void *) RelinquishMagickMemory(virtual_metacontent); virtual_nexus=DestroyPixelCacheNexus(virtual_nexus,1); return(pixels); } /* %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % % % % % + G e t V i r t u a l P i x e l C a c h e % % % % % % % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % GetVirtualPixelCache() get virtual pixels from the in-memory or disk pixel % cache as defined by the geometry parameters. A pointer to the pixels % is returned if the pixels are transferred, otherwise a NULL is returned. % % The format of the GetVirtualPixelCache() method is: % % const Quantum *GetVirtualPixelCache(const Image *image, % const VirtualPixelMethod virtual_pixel_method,const ssize_t x, % const ssize_t y,const size_t columns,const size_t rows, % ExceptionInfo *exception) % % A description of each parameter follows: % % o image: the image. % % o virtual_pixel_method: the virtual pixel method. % % o x,y,columns,rows: These values define the perimeter of a region of % pixels. % % o exception: return any errors or warnings in this structure. % */ static const Quantum *GetVirtualPixelCache(const Image *image, const VirtualPixelMethod virtual_pixel_method,const ssize_t x,const ssize_t y, const size_t columns,const size_t rows,ExceptionInfo *exception) { CacheInfo *cache_info; const int id = GetOpenMPThreadId(); const Quantum *p; assert(image != (const Image *) NULL); assert(image->signature == MagickSignature); assert(image->cache != (Cache) NULL); cache_info=(CacheInfo *) image->cache; assert(cache_info->signature == MagickSignature); assert(id < (int) cache_info->number_threads); p=GetVirtualPixelsFromNexus(image,virtual_pixel_method,x,y,columns,rows, cache_info->nexus_info[id],exception); return(p); } /* %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % % % % % % G e t V i r t u a l P i x e l Q u e u e % % % % % % % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % GetVirtualPixelQueue() returns the virtual pixels associated corresponding % with the last call to QueueAuthenticPixels() or GetVirtualPixels(). % % The format of the GetVirtualPixelQueue() method is: % % const Quantum *GetVirtualPixelQueue(const Image image) % % A description of each parameter follows: % % o image: the image. % */ MagickExport const Quantum *GetVirtualPixelQueue(const Image *image) { CacheInfo *cache_info; const int id = GetOpenMPThreadId(); assert(image != (const Image *) NULL); assert(image->signature == MagickSignature); assert(image->cache != (Cache) NULL); cache_info=(CacheInfo *) image->cache; assert(cache_info->signature == MagickSignature); if (cache_info->methods.get_virtual_pixels_handler != (GetVirtualPixelsHandler) NULL) return(cache_info->methods.get_virtual_pixels_handler(image)); assert(id < (int) cache_info->number_threads); return(GetVirtualPixelsNexus(cache_info,cache_info->nexus_info[id])); } /* %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % % % % % % G e t V i r t u a l P i x e l s % % % % % % % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % GetVirtualPixels() returns an immutable pixel region. If the % region is successfully accessed, a pointer to it is returned, otherwise % NULL is returned. The returned pointer may point to a temporary working % copy of the pixels or it may point to the original pixels in memory. % Performance is maximized if the selected region is part of one row, or one % or more full rows, since there is opportunity to access the pixels in-place % (without a copy) if the image is in memory, or in a memory-mapped file. The % returned pointer must *never* be deallocated by the user. % % Pixels accessed via the returned pointer represent a simple array of type % Quantum. If the image type is CMYK or the storage class is PseudoClass, % call GetAuthenticMetacontent() after invoking GetAuthenticPixels() to % access the meta-content (of type void) corresponding to the the % region. % % If you plan to modify the pixels, use GetAuthenticPixels() instead. % % Note, the GetVirtualPixels() and GetAuthenticPixels() methods are not thread- % safe. In a threaded environment, use GetCacheViewVirtualPixels() or % GetCacheViewAuthenticPixels() instead. % % The format of the GetVirtualPixels() method is: % % const Quantum *GetVirtualPixels(const Image *image,const ssize_t x, % const ssize_t y,const size_t columns,const size_t rows, % ExceptionInfo *exception) % % A description of each parameter follows: % % o image: the image. % % o x,y,columns,rows: These values define the perimeter of a region of % pixels. % % o exception: return any errors or warnings in this structure. % */ MagickExport const Quantum *GetVirtualPixels(const Image *image, const ssize_t x,const ssize_t y,const size_t columns,const size_t rows, ExceptionInfo *exception) { CacheInfo *cache_info; const int id = GetOpenMPThreadId(); const Quantum *p; assert(image != (const Image *) NULL); assert(image->signature == MagickSignature); assert(image->cache != (Cache) NULL); cache_info=(CacheInfo *) image->cache; assert(cache_info->signature == MagickSignature); if (cache_info->methods.get_virtual_pixel_handler != (GetVirtualPixelHandler) NULL) return(cache_info->methods.get_virtual_pixel_handler(image, GetPixelCacheVirtualMethod(image),x,y,columns,rows,exception)); assert(id < (int) cache_info->number_threads); p=GetVirtualPixelsFromNexus(image,GetPixelCacheVirtualMethod(image),x,y, columns,rows,cache_info->nexus_info[id],exception); return(p); } /* %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % % % % % + G e t V i r t u a l P i x e l s F r o m C a c h e % % % % % % % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % GetVirtualPixelsCache() returns the pixels associated corresponding with the % last call to QueueAuthenticPixelsCache() or GetVirtualPixelCache(). % % The format of the GetVirtualPixelsCache() method is: % % Quantum *GetVirtualPixelsCache(const Image *image) % % A description of each parameter follows: % % o image: the image. % */ static const Quantum *GetVirtualPixelsCache(const Image *image) { CacheInfo *cache_info; const int id = GetOpenMPThreadId(); assert(image != (const Image *) NULL); assert(image->signature == MagickSignature); assert(image->cache != (Cache) NULL); cache_info=(CacheInfo *) image->cache; assert(cache_info->signature == MagickSignature); assert(id < (int) cache_info->number_threads); return(GetVirtualPixelsNexus(image->cache,cache_info->nexus_info[id])); } /* %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % % % % % + G e t V i r t u a l P i x e l s N e x u s % % % % % % % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % GetVirtualPixelsNexus() returns the pixels associated with the specified % cache nexus. % % The format of the GetVirtualPixelsNexus() method is: % % const Quantum *GetVirtualPixelsNexus(const Cache cache, % NexusInfo *nexus_info) % % A description of each parameter follows: % % o cache: the pixel cache. % % o nexus_info: the cache nexus to return the colormap pixels. % */ MagickPrivate const Quantum *GetVirtualPixelsNexus(const Cache cache, NexusInfo *nexus_info) { CacheInfo *cache_info; assert(cache != (Cache) NULL); cache_info=(CacheInfo *) cache; assert(cache_info->signature == MagickSignature); if (cache_info->storage_class == UndefinedClass) return((Quantum *) NULL); return((const Quantum *) nexus_info->pixels); } /* %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % % % % % + O p e n P i x e l C a c h e % % % % % % % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % OpenPixelCache() allocates the pixel cache. This includes defining the cache % dimensions, allocating space for the image pixels and optionally the % metacontent, and memory mapping the cache if it is disk based. The cache % nexus array is initialized as well. % % The format of the OpenPixelCache() method is: % % MagickBooleanType OpenPixelCache(Image *image,const MapMode mode, % ExceptionInfo *exception) % % A description of each parameter follows: % % o image: the image. % % o mode: ReadMode, WriteMode, or IOMode. % % o exception: return any errors or warnings in this structure. % */ static inline void AllocatePixelCachePixels(CacheInfo *cache_info) { cache_info->mapped=MagickFalse; cache_info->pixels=(Quantum *) MagickAssumeAligned(AcquireAlignedMemory(1, (size_t) cache_info->length)); if (cache_info->pixels == (Quantum *) NULL) { cache_info->mapped=MagickTrue; cache_info->pixels=(Quantum *) MapBlob(-1,IOMode,0,(size_t) cache_info->length); } } static MagickBooleanType OpenPixelCacheOnDisk(CacheInfo *cache_info, const MapMode mode) { int file; /* Open pixel cache on disk. */ if (cache_info->file != -1) return(MagickTrue); /* cache already open */ if (*cache_info->cache_filename == '\0') file=AcquireUniqueFileResource(cache_info->cache_filename); else switch (mode) { case ReadMode: { file=open_utf8(cache_info->cache_filename,O_RDONLY | O_BINARY,0); break; } case WriteMode: { file=open_utf8(cache_info->cache_filename,O_WRONLY | O_CREAT | O_BINARY | O_EXCL,S_MODE); if (file == -1) file=open_utf8(cache_info->cache_filename,O_WRONLY | O_BINARY,S_MODE); break; } case IOMode: default: { file=open_utf8(cache_info->cache_filename,O_RDWR | O_CREAT | O_BINARY | O_EXCL,S_MODE); if (file == -1) file=open_utf8(cache_info->cache_filename,O_RDWR | O_BINARY,S_MODE); break; } } if (file == -1) return(MagickFalse); (void) AcquireMagickResource(FileResource,1); cache_info->file=file; cache_info->mode=mode; return(MagickTrue); } static inline MagickOffsetType WritePixelCacheRegion( const CacheInfo *restrict cache_info,const MagickOffsetType offset, const MagickSizeType length,const unsigned char *restrict buffer) { register MagickOffsetType i; ssize_t count; #if !defined(MAGICKCORE_HAVE_PWRITE) if (lseek(cache_info->file,offset,SEEK_SET) < 0) return((MagickOffsetType) -1); #endif count=0; for (i=0; i < (MagickOffsetType) length; i+=count) { #if !defined(MAGICKCORE_HAVE_PWRITE) count=write(cache_info->file,buffer+i,(size_t) MagickMin(length-i, (MagickSizeType) SSIZE_MAX)); #else count=pwrite(cache_info->file,buffer+i,(size_t) MagickMin(length-i, (MagickSizeType) SSIZE_MAX),(off_t) (offset+i)); #endif if (count <= 0) { count=0; if (errno != EINTR) break; } } return(i); } static MagickBooleanType SetPixelCacheExtent(Image *image,MagickSizeType length) { CacheInfo *cache_info; MagickOffsetType count, extent, offset; cache_info=(CacheInfo *) image->cache; if (image->debug != MagickFalse) { char format[MaxTextExtent], message[MaxTextExtent]; (void) FormatMagickSize(length,MagickFalse,format); (void) FormatLocaleString(message,MaxTextExtent, "extend %s (%s[%d], disk, %s)",cache_info->filename, cache_info->cache_filename,cache_info->file,format); (void) LogMagickEvent(CacheEvent,GetMagickModule(),"%s",message); } if (length != (MagickSizeType) ((MagickOffsetType) length)) return(MagickFalse); offset=(MagickOffsetType) lseek(cache_info->file,0,SEEK_END); if (offset < 0) return(MagickFalse); if ((MagickSizeType) offset >= length) return(MagickTrue); extent=(MagickOffsetType) length-1; count=WritePixelCacheRegion(cache_info,extent,1,(const unsigned char *) ""); #if defined(MAGICKCORE_HAVE_POSIX_FALLOCATE) if (cache_info->synchronize != MagickFalse) { int status; status=posix_fallocate(cache_info->file,offset+1,extent-offset); if (status != 0) return(MagickFalse); } #endif return(count != (MagickOffsetType) 1 ? MagickFalse : MagickTrue); } static MagickBooleanType OpenPixelCache(Image *image,const MapMode mode, ExceptionInfo *exception) { CacheInfo *cache_info, source_info; char format[MaxTextExtent], message[MaxTextExtent]; const char *type; MagickBooleanType status; MagickSizeType length, number_pixels; size_t columns, packet_size; assert(image != (const Image *) NULL); assert(image->signature == MagickSignature); assert(image->cache != (Cache) NULL); if (image->debug != MagickFalse) (void) LogMagickEvent(TraceEvent,GetMagickModule(),"%s",image->filename); if ((image->columns == 0) || (image->rows == 0)) ThrowBinaryException(CacheError,"NoPixelsDefinedInCache",image->filename); cache_info=(CacheInfo *) image->cache; assert(cache_info->signature == MagickSignature); source_info=(*cache_info); source_info.file=(-1); (void) FormatLocaleString(cache_info->filename,MaxTextExtent,"%s[%.20g]", image->filename,(double) GetImageIndexInList(image)); cache_info->storage_class=image->storage_class; cache_info->colorspace=image->colorspace; cache_info->alpha_trait=image->alpha_trait; cache_info->mask=image->mask; cache_info->rows=image->rows; cache_info->columns=image->columns; InitializePixelChannelMap(image); cache_info->number_channels=GetPixelChannels(image); (void) memcpy(cache_info->channel_map,image->channel_map,MaxPixelChannels* sizeof(*image->channel_map)); cache_info->metacontent_extent=image->metacontent_extent; cache_info->mode=mode; if (image->ping != MagickFalse) { cache_info->type=PingCache; cache_info->pixels=(Quantum *) NULL; cache_info->metacontent=(void *) NULL; cache_info->length=0; return(MagickTrue); } number_pixels=(MagickSizeType) cache_info->columns*cache_info->rows; packet_size=cache_info->number_channels*sizeof(Quantum); if (image->metacontent_extent != 0) packet_size+=cache_info->metacontent_extent; length=number_pixels*packet_size; columns=(size_t) (length/cache_info->rows/packet_size); if (cache_info->columns != columns) ThrowBinaryException(ResourceLimitError,"PixelCacheAllocationFailed", image->filename); cache_info->length=length; status=AcquireMagickResource(AreaResource,cache_info->length); length=number_pixels*(cache_info->number_channels*sizeof(Quantum)+ cache_info->metacontent_extent); if ((status != MagickFalse) && (length == (MagickSizeType) ((size_t) length))) { status=AcquireMagickResource(MemoryResource,cache_info->length); if (((cache_info->type == UndefinedCache) && (status != MagickFalse)) || (cache_info->type == MemoryCache)) { AllocatePixelCachePixels(cache_info); if (cache_info->pixels == (Quantum *) NULL) cache_info->pixels=source_info.pixels; else { /* Create memory pixel cache. */ status=MagickTrue; cache_info->type=MemoryCache; cache_info->metacontent=(void *) NULL; if (cache_info->metacontent_extent != 0) cache_info->metacontent=(void *) (cache_info->pixels+ number_pixels*cache_info->number_channels); if ((source_info.storage_class != UndefinedClass) && (mode != ReadMode)) { status=ClonePixelCacheRepository(cache_info,&source_info, exception); RelinquishPixelCachePixels(&source_info); } if (image->debug != MagickFalse) { (void) FormatMagickSize(cache_info->length,MagickTrue,format); type=CommandOptionToMnemonic(MagickCacheOptions,(ssize_t) cache_info->type); (void) FormatLocaleString(message,MaxTextExtent, "open %s (%s %s, %.20gx%.20gx%.20g %s)", cache_info->filename,cache_info->mapped != MagickFalse ? "Anonymous" : "Heap",type,(double) cache_info->columns, (double) cache_info->rows,(double) cache_info->number_channels,format); (void) LogMagickEvent(CacheEvent,GetMagickModule(),"%s", message); } return(status); } } RelinquishMagickResource(MemoryResource,cache_info->length); } /* Create pixel cache on disk. */ status=AcquireMagickResource(DiskResource,cache_info->length); if ((status == MagickFalse) || (cache_info->type == DistributedCache)) { DistributeCacheInfo *server_info; if (cache_info->type == DistributedCache) RelinquishMagickResource(DiskResource,cache_info->length); server_info=AcquireDistributeCacheInfo(exception); if (server_info != (DistributeCacheInfo *) NULL) { status=OpenDistributePixelCache(server_info,image); if (status == MagickFalse) server_info=DestroyDistributeCacheInfo(server_info); else { /* Create a distributed pixel cache. */ cache_info->type=DistributedCache; cache_info->server_info=server_info; (void) FormatLocaleString(cache_info->cache_filename, MaxTextExtent,"%s:%d", GetDistributeCacheHostname(cache_info->server_info), GetDistributeCachePort(cache_info->server_info)); if ((source_info.storage_class != UndefinedClass) && (mode != ReadMode)) { status=ClonePixelCacheRepository(cache_info,&source_info, exception); RelinquishPixelCachePixels(&source_info); } if (image->debug != MagickFalse) { (void) FormatMagickSize(cache_info->length,MagickFalse, format); type=CommandOptionToMnemonic(MagickCacheOptions,(ssize_t) cache_info->type); (void) FormatLocaleString(message,MaxTextExtent, "open %s (%s[%d], %s, %.20gx%.20gx%.20g %s)", cache_info->filename,cache_info->cache_filename, GetDistributeCacheFile(cache_info->server_info),type, (double) cache_info->columns,(double) cache_info->rows, (double) cache_info->number_channels,format); (void) LogMagickEvent(CacheEvent,GetMagickModule(),"%s", message); } return(status); } } (void) ThrowMagickException(exception,GetMagickModule(),CacheError, "CacheResourcesExhausted","`%s'",image->filename); return(MagickFalse); } if ((source_info.storage_class != UndefinedClass) && (mode != ReadMode)) { (void) ClosePixelCacheOnDisk(cache_info); *cache_info->cache_filename='\0'; } if (OpenPixelCacheOnDisk(cache_info,mode) == MagickFalse) { RelinquishMagickResource(DiskResource,cache_info->length); ThrowFileException(exception,CacheError,"UnableToOpenPixelCache", image->filename); return(MagickFalse); } status=SetPixelCacheExtent(image,(MagickSizeType) cache_info->offset+ cache_info->length); if (status == MagickFalse) { ThrowFileException(exception,CacheError,"UnableToExtendCache", image->filename); return(MagickFalse); } length=number_pixels*(cache_info->number_channels*sizeof(Quantum)+ cache_info->metacontent_extent); if (length != (MagickSizeType) ((size_t) length)) cache_info->type=DiskCache; else { status=AcquireMagickResource(MapResource,cache_info->length); if ((status == MagickFalse) && (cache_info->type != MapCache) && (cache_info->type != MemoryCache)) cache_info->type=DiskCache; else { cache_info->pixels=(Quantum *) MapBlob(cache_info->file,mode, cache_info->offset,(size_t) cache_info->length); if (cache_info->pixels == (Quantum *) NULL) { cache_info->type=DiskCache; cache_info->pixels=source_info.pixels; } else { /* Create file-backed memory-mapped pixel cache. */ status=MagickTrue; (void) ClosePixelCacheOnDisk(cache_info); cache_info->type=MapCache; cache_info->mapped=MagickTrue; cache_info->metacontent=(void *) NULL; if (cache_info->metacontent_extent != 0) cache_info->metacontent=(void *) (cache_info->pixels+ number_pixels*cache_info->number_channels); if ((source_info.storage_class != UndefinedClass) && (mode != ReadMode)) { status=ClonePixelCacheRepository(cache_info,&source_info, exception); RelinquishPixelCachePixels(&source_info); } if (image->debug != MagickFalse) { (void) FormatMagickSize(cache_info->length,MagickTrue,format); type=CommandOptionToMnemonic(MagickCacheOptions,(ssize_t) cache_info->type); (void) FormatLocaleString(message,MaxTextExtent, "open %s (%s[%d], %s, %.20gx%.20gx%.20g %s)", cache_info->filename,cache_info->cache_filename, cache_info->file,type,(double) cache_info->columns,(double) cache_info->rows,(double) cache_info->number_channels, format); (void) LogMagickEvent(CacheEvent,GetMagickModule(),"%s", message); } return(status); } } RelinquishMagickResource(MapResource,cache_info->length); } status=MagickTrue; if ((source_info.storage_class != UndefinedClass) && (mode != ReadMode)) { status=ClonePixelCacheRepository(cache_info,&source_info,exception); RelinquishPixelCachePixels(&source_info); } if (image->debug != MagickFalse) { (void) FormatMagickSize(cache_info->length,MagickFalse,format); type=CommandOptionToMnemonic(MagickCacheOptions,(ssize_t) cache_info->type); (void) FormatLocaleString(message,MaxTextExtent, "open %s (%s[%d], %s, %.20gx%.20gx%.20g %s)",cache_info->filename, cache_info->cache_filename,cache_info->file,type,(double) cache_info->columns,(double) cache_info->rows,(double) cache_info->number_channels,format); (void) LogMagickEvent(CacheEvent,GetMagickModule(),"%s",message); } return(status); } /* %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % % % % % + P e r s i s t P i x e l C a c h e % % % % % % % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % PersistPixelCache() attaches to or initializes a persistent pixel cache. A % persistent pixel cache is one that resides on disk and is not destroyed % when the program exits. % % The format of the PersistPixelCache() method is: % % MagickBooleanType PersistPixelCache(Image *image,const char *filename, % const MagickBooleanType attach,MagickOffsetType *offset, % ExceptionInfo *exception) % % A description of each parameter follows: % % o image: the image. % % o filename: the persistent pixel cache filename. % % o attach: A value other than zero initializes the persistent pixel cache. % % o initialize: A value other than zero initializes the persistent pixel % cache. % % o offset: the offset in the persistent cache to store pixels. % % o exception: return any errors or warnings in this structure. % */ MagickExport MagickBooleanType PersistPixelCache(Image *image, const char *filename,const MagickBooleanType attach,MagickOffsetType *offset, ExceptionInfo *exception) { CacheInfo *cache_info, *clone_info; Image clone_image; MagickBooleanType status; ssize_t page_size; assert(image != (Image *) NULL); assert(image->signature == MagickSignature); if (image->debug != MagickFalse) (void) LogMagickEvent(TraceEvent,GetMagickModule(),"%s",image->filename); assert(image->cache != (void *) NULL); assert(filename != (const char *) NULL); assert(offset != (MagickOffsetType *) NULL); page_size=GetMagickPageSize(); cache_info=(CacheInfo *) image->cache; assert(cache_info->signature == MagickSignature); if (attach != MagickFalse) { /* Attach existing persistent pixel cache. */ if (image->debug != MagickFalse) (void) LogMagickEvent(CacheEvent,GetMagickModule(), "attach persistent cache"); (void) CopyMagickString(cache_info->cache_filename,filename, MaxTextExtent); cache_info->type=DiskCache; cache_info->offset=(*offset); if (OpenPixelCache(image,ReadMode,exception) == MagickFalse) return(MagickFalse); *offset+=cache_info->length+page_size-(cache_info->length % page_size); return(MagickTrue); } if ((cache_info->mode != ReadMode) && ((cache_info->type == DiskCache) || (cache_info->type == MapCache)) && (cache_info->reference_count == 1)) { LockSemaphoreInfo(cache_info->semaphore); if ((cache_info->mode != ReadMode) && ((cache_info->type == DiskCache) || (cache_info->type == MapCache)) && (cache_info->reference_count == 1)) { int status; /* Usurp existing persistent pixel cache. */ status=rename_utf8(cache_info->cache_filename,filename); if (status == 0) { (void) CopyMagickString(cache_info->cache_filename,filename, MaxTextExtent); *offset+=cache_info->length+page_size-(cache_info->length % page_size); UnlockSemaphoreInfo(cache_info->semaphore); cache_info=(CacheInfo *) ReferencePixelCache(cache_info); if (image->debug != MagickFalse) (void) LogMagickEvent(CacheEvent,GetMagickModule(), "Usurp resident persistent cache"); return(MagickTrue); } } UnlockSemaphoreInfo(cache_info->semaphore); } /* Clone persistent pixel cache. */ clone_image=(*image); clone_info=(CacheInfo *) clone_image.cache; image->cache=ClonePixelCache(cache_info); cache_info=(CacheInfo *) ReferencePixelCache(image->cache); (void) CopyMagickString(cache_info->cache_filename,filename,MaxTextExtent); cache_info->type=DiskCache; cache_info->offset=(*offset); cache_info=(CacheInfo *) image->cache; status=OpenPixelCache(image,IOMode,exception); if (status != MagickFalse) status=ClonePixelCacheRepository(cache_info,clone_info,exception); *offset+=cache_info->length+page_size-(cache_info->length % page_size); clone_info=(CacheInfo *) DestroyPixelCache(clone_info); return(status); } /* %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % % % % % + Q u e u e A u t h e n t i c P i x e l C a c h e N e x u s % % % % % % % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % QueueAuthenticPixelCacheNexus() allocates an region to store image pixels as % defined by the region rectangle and returns a pointer to the region. This % region is subsequently transferred from the pixel cache with % SyncAuthenticPixelsCache(). A pointer to the pixels is returned if the % pixels are transferred, otherwise a NULL is returned. % % The format of the QueueAuthenticPixelCacheNexus() method is: % % Quantum *QueueAuthenticPixelCacheNexus(Image *image,const ssize_t x, % const ssize_t y,const size_t columns,const size_t rows, % const MagickBooleanType clone,NexusInfo *nexus_info, % ExceptionInfo *exception) % % A description of each parameter follows: % % o image: the image. % % o x,y,columns,rows: These values define the perimeter of a region of % pixels. % % o nexus_info: the cache nexus to set. % % o clone: clone the pixel cache. % % o exception: return any errors or warnings in this structure. % */ MagickPrivate Quantum *QueueAuthenticPixelCacheNexus(Image *image, const ssize_t x,const ssize_t y,const size_t columns,const size_t rows, const MagickBooleanType clone,NexusInfo *nexus_info,ExceptionInfo *exception) { CacheInfo *cache_info; MagickOffsetType offset; MagickSizeType number_pixels; Quantum *pixels; RectangleInfo region; /* Validate pixel cache geometry. */ assert(image != (const Image *) NULL); assert(image->signature == MagickSignature); assert(image->cache != (Cache) NULL); cache_info=(CacheInfo *) GetImagePixelCache(image,clone,exception); if (cache_info == (Cache) NULL) return((Quantum *) NULL); assert(cache_info->signature == MagickSignature); if ((cache_info->columns == 0) && (cache_info->rows == 0)) { (void) ThrowMagickException(exception,GetMagickModule(),CacheError, "NoPixelsDefinedInCache","`%s'",image->filename); return((Quantum *) NULL); } if ((x < 0) || (y < 0) || (x >= (ssize_t) cache_info->columns) || (y >= (ssize_t) cache_info->rows)) { (void) ThrowMagickException(exception,GetMagickModule(),CacheError, "PixelsAreNotAuthentic","`%s'",image->filename); return((Quantum *) NULL); } offset=(MagickOffsetType) y*cache_info->columns+x; if (offset < 0) return((Quantum *) NULL); number_pixels=(MagickSizeType) cache_info->columns*cache_info->rows; offset+=(MagickOffsetType) (rows-1)*cache_info->columns+columns-1; if ((MagickSizeType) offset >= number_pixels) return((Quantum *) NULL); /* Return pixel cache. */ region.x=x; region.y=y; region.width=columns; region.height=rows; pixels=SetPixelCacheNexusPixels(cache_info,WriteMode,®ion,nexus_info, exception); return(pixels); } /* %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % % % % % + Q u e u e A u t h e n t i c P i x e l s C a c h e % % % % % % % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % QueueAuthenticPixelsCache() allocates an region to store image pixels as % defined by the region rectangle and returns a pointer to the region. This % region is subsequently transferred from the pixel cache with % SyncAuthenticPixelsCache(). A pointer to the pixels is returned if the % pixels are transferred, otherwise a NULL is returned. % % The format of the QueueAuthenticPixelsCache() method is: % % Quantum *QueueAuthenticPixelsCache(Image *image,const ssize_t x, % const ssize_t y,const size_t columns,const size_t rows, % ExceptionInfo *exception) % % A description of each parameter follows: % % o image: the image. % % o x,y,columns,rows: These values define the perimeter of a region of % pixels. % % o exception: return any errors or warnings in this structure. % */ static Quantum *QueueAuthenticPixelsCache(Image *image,const ssize_t x, const ssize_t y,const size_t columns,const size_t rows, ExceptionInfo *exception) { CacheInfo *cache_info; const int id = GetOpenMPThreadId(); Quantum *q; assert(image != (const Image *) NULL); assert(image->signature == MagickSignature); assert(image->cache != (Cache) NULL); cache_info=(CacheInfo *) image->cache; assert(cache_info->signature == MagickSignature); assert(id < (int) cache_info->number_threads); q=QueueAuthenticPixelCacheNexus(image,x,y,columns,rows,MagickFalse, cache_info->nexus_info[id],exception); return(q); } /* %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % % % % % % Q u e u e A u t h e n t i c P i x e l s % % % % % % % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % QueueAuthenticPixels() queues a mutable pixel region. If the region is % successfully initialized a pointer to a Quantum array representing the % region is returned, otherwise NULL is returned. The returned pointer may % point to a temporary working buffer for the pixels or it may point to the % final location of the pixels in memory. % % Write-only access means that any existing pixel values corresponding to % the region are ignored. This is useful if the initial image is being % created from scratch, or if the existing pixel values are to be % completely replaced without need to refer to their pre-existing values. % The application is free to read and write the pixel buffer returned by % QueueAuthenticPixels() any way it pleases. QueueAuthenticPixels() does not % initialize the pixel array values. Initializing pixel array values is the % application's responsibility. % % Performance is maximized if the selected region is part of one row, or % one or more full rows, since then there is opportunity to access the % pixels in-place (without a copy) if the image is in memory, or in a % memory-mapped file. The returned pointer must *never* be deallocated % by the user. % % Pixels accessed via the returned pointer represent a simple array of type % Quantum. If the image type is CMYK or the storage class is PseudoClass, % call GetAuthenticMetacontent() after invoking GetAuthenticPixels() to % obtain the meta-content (of type void) corresponding to the region. % Once the Quantum (and/or Quantum) array has been updated, the % changes must be saved back to the underlying image using % SyncAuthenticPixels() or they may be lost. % % The format of the QueueAuthenticPixels() method is: % % Quantum *QueueAuthenticPixels(Image *image,const ssize_t x, % const ssize_t y,const size_t columns,const size_t rows, % ExceptionInfo *exception) % % A description of each parameter follows: % % o image: the image. % % o x,y,columns,rows: These values define the perimeter of a region of % pixels. % % o exception: return any errors or warnings in this structure. % */ MagickExport Quantum *QueueAuthenticPixels(Image *image,const ssize_t x, const ssize_t y,const size_t columns,const size_t rows, ExceptionInfo *exception) { CacheInfo *cache_info; const int id = GetOpenMPThreadId(); Quantum *q; assert(image != (Image *) NULL); assert(image->signature == MagickSignature); assert(image->cache != (Cache) NULL); cache_info=(CacheInfo *) image->cache; assert(cache_info->signature == MagickSignature); if (cache_info->methods.queue_authentic_pixels_handler != (QueueAuthenticPixelsHandler) NULL) { q=cache_info->methods.queue_authentic_pixels_handler(image,x,y,columns, rows,exception); return(q); } assert(id < (int) cache_info->number_threads); q=QueueAuthenticPixelCacheNexus(image,x,y,columns,rows,MagickFalse, cache_info->nexus_info[id],exception); return(q); } /* %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % % % % % + R e a d P i x e l C a c h e M e t a c o n t e n t % % % % % % % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % ReadPixelCacheMetacontent() reads metacontent from the specified region of % the pixel cache. % % The format of the ReadPixelCacheMetacontent() method is: % % MagickBooleanType ReadPixelCacheMetacontent(CacheInfo *cache_info, % NexusInfo *nexus_info,ExceptionInfo *exception) % % A description of each parameter follows: % % o cache_info: the pixel cache. % % o nexus_info: the cache nexus to read the metacontent. % % o exception: return any errors or warnings in this structure. % */ static inline MagickOffsetType ReadPixelCacheRegion( const CacheInfo *restrict cache_info,const MagickOffsetType offset, const MagickSizeType length,unsigned char *restrict buffer) { register MagickOffsetType i; ssize_t count; #if !defined(MAGICKCORE_HAVE_PREAD) if (lseek(cache_info->file,offset,SEEK_SET) < 0) return((MagickOffsetType) -1); #endif count=0; for (i=0; i < (MagickOffsetType) length; i+=count) { #if !defined(MAGICKCORE_HAVE_PREAD) count=read(cache_info->file,buffer+i,(size_t) MagickMin(length-i, (MagickSizeType) SSIZE_MAX)); #else count=pread(cache_info->file,buffer+i,(size_t) MagickMin(length-i, (MagickSizeType) SSIZE_MAX),(off_t) (offset+i)); #endif if (count <= 0) { count=0; if (errno != EINTR) break; } } return(i); } static MagickBooleanType ReadPixelCacheMetacontent(CacheInfo *cache_info, NexusInfo *nexus_info,ExceptionInfo *exception) { MagickOffsetType count, offset; MagickSizeType extent, length; RectangleInfo region; register ssize_t y; register unsigned char *restrict q; if (cache_info->metacontent_extent == 0) return(MagickFalse); if (IsPixelAuthentic(cache_info,nexus_info) != MagickFalse) return(MagickTrue); offset=(MagickOffsetType) nexus_info->region.y*cache_info->columns+ nexus_info->region.x; length=(MagickSizeType) nexus_info->region.width* cache_info->metacontent_extent; extent=length*nexus_info->region.height; region=nexus_info->region; y=0; q=(unsigned char *) nexus_info->metacontent; switch (cache_info->type) { case MemoryCache: case MapCache: { register unsigned char *restrict p; /* Read meta-content from memory. */ if ((cache_info->columns == nexus_info->region.width) && (extent == (MagickSizeType) ((size_t) extent))) { length=extent; region.height=1UL; } p=(unsigned char *) cache_info->metacontent+offset* cache_info->metacontent_extent; for (y=0; y < (ssize_t) region.height; y++) { (void) memcpy(q,p,(size_t) length); p+=cache_info->metacontent_extent*cache_info->columns; q+=cache_info->metacontent_extent*nexus_info->region.width; } break; } case DiskCache: { /* Read meta content from disk. */ LockSemaphoreInfo(cache_info->file_semaphore); if (OpenPixelCacheOnDisk(cache_info,IOMode) == MagickFalse) { ThrowFileException(exception,FileOpenError,"UnableToOpenFile", cache_info->cache_filename); UnlockSemaphoreInfo(cache_info->file_semaphore); return(MagickFalse); } if ((cache_info->columns == nexus_info->region.width) && (extent <= MagickMaxBufferExtent)) { length=extent; region.height=1UL; } extent=(MagickSizeType) cache_info->columns*cache_info->rows; for (y=0; y < (ssize_t) region.height; y++) { count=ReadPixelCacheRegion(cache_info,cache_info->offset+extent* cache_info->number_channels*sizeof(Quantum)+offset* cache_info->metacontent_extent,length,(unsigned char *) q); if (count != (MagickOffsetType) length) break; offset+=cache_info->columns; q+=cache_info->metacontent_extent*nexus_info->region.width; } if (IsFileDescriptorLimitExceeded() != MagickFalse) (void) ClosePixelCacheOnDisk(cache_info); UnlockSemaphoreInfo(cache_info->file_semaphore); break; } case DistributedCache: { /* Read metacontent from distributed cache. */ LockSemaphoreInfo(cache_info->file_semaphore); for (y=0; y < (ssize_t) region.height; y++) { count=ReadDistributePixelCachePixels(cache_info->server_info,®ion, length,(unsigned char *) q); if (count != (MagickOffsetType) length) break; q+=cache_info->metacontent_extent*nexus_info->region.width; region.y++; } UnlockSemaphoreInfo(cache_info->file_semaphore); break; } default: break; } if (y < (ssize_t) region.height) { ThrowFileException(exception,CacheError,"UnableToReadPixelCache", cache_info->cache_filename); return(MagickFalse); } if ((cache_info->debug != MagickFalse) && (CacheTick(nexus_info->region.y,cache_info->rows) != MagickFalse)) (void) LogMagickEvent(CacheEvent,GetMagickModule(), "%s[%.20gx%.20g%+.20g%+.20g]",cache_info->filename,(double) nexus_info->region.width,(double) nexus_info->region.height,(double) nexus_info->region.x,(double) nexus_info->region.y); return(MagickTrue); } /* %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % % % % % + R e a d P i x e l C a c h e P i x e l s % % % % % % % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % ReadPixelCachePixels() reads pixels from the specified region of the pixel % cache. % % The format of the ReadPixelCachePixels() method is: % % MagickBooleanType ReadPixelCachePixels(CacheInfo *cache_info, % NexusInfo *nexus_info,ExceptionInfo *exception) % % A description of each parameter follows: % % o cache_info: the pixel cache. % % o nexus_info: the cache nexus to read the pixels. % % o exception: return any errors or warnings in this structure. % */ static MagickBooleanType ReadPixelCachePixels(CacheInfo *cache_info, NexusInfo *nexus_info,ExceptionInfo *exception) { MagickOffsetType count, offset; MagickSizeType extent, length; RectangleInfo region; register Quantum *restrict q; register ssize_t y; if (IsPixelAuthentic(cache_info,nexus_info) != MagickFalse) return(MagickTrue); offset=(MagickOffsetType) nexus_info->region.y*cache_info->columns+ nexus_info->region.x; length=(MagickSizeType) cache_info->number_channels*nexus_info->region.width* sizeof(Quantum); extent=length*nexus_info->region.height; region=nexus_info->region; y=0; q=nexus_info->pixels; switch (cache_info->type) { case MemoryCache: case MapCache: { register Quantum *restrict p; /* Read pixels from memory. */ if ((cache_info->columns == nexus_info->region.width) && (extent == (MagickSizeType) ((size_t) extent))) { length=extent; region.height=1UL; } p=cache_info->pixels+offset*cache_info->number_channels; for (y=0; y < (ssize_t) region.height; y++) { (void) memcpy(q,p,(size_t) length); p+=cache_info->number_channels*cache_info->columns; q+=cache_info->number_channels*nexus_info->region.width; } break; } case DiskCache: { /* Read pixels from disk. */ LockSemaphoreInfo(cache_info->file_semaphore); if (OpenPixelCacheOnDisk(cache_info,IOMode) == MagickFalse) { ThrowFileException(exception,FileOpenError,"UnableToOpenFile", cache_info->cache_filename); UnlockSemaphoreInfo(cache_info->file_semaphore); return(MagickFalse); } if ((cache_info->columns == nexus_info->region.width) && (extent <= MagickMaxBufferExtent)) { length=extent; region.height=1UL; } for (y=0; y < (ssize_t) region.height; y++) { count=ReadPixelCacheRegion(cache_info,cache_info->offset+offset* cache_info->number_channels*sizeof(*q),length,(unsigned char *) q); if (count != (MagickOffsetType) length) break; offset+=cache_info->columns; q+=cache_info->number_channels*nexus_info->region.width; } if (IsFileDescriptorLimitExceeded() != MagickFalse) (void) ClosePixelCacheOnDisk(cache_info); UnlockSemaphoreInfo(cache_info->file_semaphore); break; } case DistributedCache: { /* Read pixels from distributed cache. */ LockSemaphoreInfo(cache_info->file_semaphore); for (y=0; y < (ssize_t) region.height; y++) { count=ReadDistributePixelCachePixels(cache_info->server_info,®ion, length,(unsigned char *) q); if (count != (MagickOffsetType) length) break; q+=cache_info->number_channels*nexus_info->region.width; region.y++; } UnlockSemaphoreInfo(cache_info->file_semaphore); break; } default: break; } if (y < (ssize_t) region.height) { ThrowFileException(exception,CacheError,"UnableToReadPixelCache", cache_info->cache_filename); return(MagickFalse); } if ((cache_info->debug != MagickFalse) && (CacheTick(nexus_info->region.y,cache_info->rows) != MagickFalse)) (void) LogMagickEvent(CacheEvent,GetMagickModule(), "%s[%.20gx%.20g%+.20g%+.20g]",cache_info->filename,(double) nexus_info->region.width,(double) nexus_info->region.height,(double) nexus_info->region.x,(double) nexus_info->region.y); return(MagickTrue); } /* %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % % % % % + R e f e r e n c e P i x e l C a c h e % % % % % % % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % ReferencePixelCache() increments the reference count associated with the % pixel cache returning a pointer to the cache. % % The format of the ReferencePixelCache method is: % % Cache ReferencePixelCache(Cache cache_info) % % A description of each parameter follows: % % o cache_info: the pixel cache. % */ MagickPrivate Cache ReferencePixelCache(Cache cache) { CacheInfo *cache_info; assert(cache != (Cache *) NULL); cache_info=(CacheInfo *) cache; assert(cache_info->signature == MagickSignature); LockSemaphoreInfo(cache_info->semaphore); cache_info->reference_count++; UnlockSemaphoreInfo(cache_info->semaphore); return(cache_info); } /* %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % % % % % + S e t P i x e l C a c h e M e t h o d s % % % % % % % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % SetPixelCacheMethods() sets the image pixel methods to the specified ones. % % The format of the SetPixelCacheMethods() method is: % % SetPixelCacheMethods(Cache *,CacheMethods *cache_methods) % % A description of each parameter follows: % % o cache: the pixel cache. % % o cache_methods: Specifies a pointer to a CacheMethods structure. % */ MagickPrivate void SetPixelCacheMethods(Cache cache,CacheMethods *cache_methods) { CacheInfo *cache_info; GetOneAuthenticPixelFromHandler get_one_authentic_pixel_from_handler; GetOneVirtualPixelFromHandler get_one_virtual_pixel_from_handler; /* Set cache pixel methods. */ assert(cache != (Cache) NULL); assert(cache_methods != (CacheMethods *) NULL); cache_info=(CacheInfo *) cache; assert(cache_info->signature == MagickSignature); if (cache_info->debug != MagickFalse) (void) LogMagickEvent(TraceEvent,GetMagickModule(),"%s", cache_info->filename); if (cache_methods->get_virtual_pixel_handler != (GetVirtualPixelHandler) NULL) cache_info->methods.get_virtual_pixel_handler= cache_methods->get_virtual_pixel_handler; if (cache_methods->destroy_pixel_handler != (DestroyPixelHandler) NULL) cache_info->methods.destroy_pixel_handler= cache_methods->destroy_pixel_handler; if (cache_methods->get_virtual_metacontent_from_handler != (GetVirtualMetacontentFromHandler) NULL) cache_info->methods.get_virtual_metacontent_from_handler= cache_methods->get_virtual_metacontent_from_handler; if (cache_methods->get_authentic_pixels_handler != (GetAuthenticPixelsHandler) NULL) cache_info->methods.get_authentic_pixels_handler= cache_methods->get_authentic_pixels_handler; if (cache_methods->queue_authentic_pixels_handler != (QueueAuthenticPixelsHandler) NULL) cache_info->methods.queue_authentic_pixels_handler= cache_methods->queue_authentic_pixels_handler; if (cache_methods->sync_authentic_pixels_handler != (SyncAuthenticPixelsHandler) NULL) cache_info->methods.sync_authentic_pixels_handler= cache_methods->sync_authentic_pixels_handler; if (cache_methods->get_authentic_pixels_from_handler != (GetAuthenticPixelsFromHandler) NULL) cache_info->methods.get_authentic_pixels_from_handler= cache_methods->get_authentic_pixels_from_handler; if (cache_methods->get_authentic_metacontent_from_handler != (GetAuthenticMetacontentFromHandler) NULL) cache_info->methods.get_authentic_metacontent_from_handler= cache_methods->get_authentic_metacontent_from_handler; get_one_virtual_pixel_from_handler= cache_info->methods.get_one_virtual_pixel_from_handler; if (get_one_virtual_pixel_from_handler != (GetOneVirtualPixelFromHandler) NULL) cache_info->methods.get_one_virtual_pixel_from_handler= cache_methods->get_one_virtual_pixel_from_handler; get_one_authentic_pixel_from_handler= cache_methods->get_one_authentic_pixel_from_handler; if (get_one_authentic_pixel_from_handler != (GetOneAuthenticPixelFromHandler) NULL) cache_info->methods.get_one_authentic_pixel_from_handler= cache_methods->get_one_authentic_pixel_from_handler; } /* %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % % % % % + S e t P i x e l C a c h e N e x u s P i x e l s % % % % % % % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % SetPixelCacheNexusPixels() defines the region of the cache for the % specified cache nexus. % % The format of the SetPixelCacheNexusPixels() method is: % % Quantum SetPixelCacheNexusPixels(const CacheInfo *cache_info, % const MapMode mode,const RectangleInfo *region,NexusInfo *nexus_info, % ExceptionInfo *exception) % % A description of each parameter follows: % % o cache_info: the pixel cache. % % o mode: ReadMode, WriteMode, or IOMode. % % o region: A pointer to the RectangleInfo structure that defines the % region of this particular cache nexus. % % o nexus_info: the cache nexus to set. % % o exception: return any errors or warnings in this structure. % */ static inline MagickBooleanType AcquireCacheNexusPixels( const CacheInfo *restrict cache_info,NexusInfo *nexus_info, ExceptionInfo *exception) { if (nexus_info->length != (MagickSizeType) ((size_t) nexus_info->length)) return(MagickFalse); nexus_info->mapped=MagickFalse; nexus_info->cache=(Quantum *) MagickAssumeAligned(AcquireAlignedMemory(1, (size_t) nexus_info->length)); if (nexus_info->cache == (Quantum *) NULL) { nexus_info->mapped=MagickTrue; nexus_info->cache=(Quantum *) MapBlob(-1,IOMode,0,(size_t) nexus_info->length); } if (nexus_info->cache == (Quantum *) NULL) { (void) ThrowMagickException(exception,GetMagickModule(), ResourceLimitError,"MemoryAllocationFailed","`%s'", cache_info->filename); return(MagickFalse); } return(MagickTrue); } static inline void PrefetchPixelCacheNexusPixels(const NexusInfo *nexus_info, const MapMode mode) { if (mode == ReadMode) { MagickCachePrefetch((unsigned char *) nexus_info->pixels,0,1); return; } MagickCachePrefetch((unsigned char *) nexus_info->pixels,1,1); } static Quantum *SetPixelCacheNexusPixels(const CacheInfo *cache_info, const MapMode mode,const RectangleInfo *region,NexusInfo *nexus_info, ExceptionInfo *exception) { MagickBooleanType status; MagickSizeType length, number_pixels; assert(cache_info != (const CacheInfo *) NULL); assert(cache_info->signature == MagickSignature); if (cache_info->type == UndefinedCache) return((Quantum *) NULL); nexus_info->region=(*region); if ((cache_info->type == MemoryCache) || (cache_info->type == MapCache)) { ssize_t x, y; x=nexus_info->region.x+(ssize_t) nexus_info->region.width-1; y=nexus_info->region.y+(ssize_t) nexus_info->region.height-1; if (((nexus_info->region.x >= 0) && (x < (ssize_t) cache_info->columns) && (nexus_info->region.y >= 0) && (y < (ssize_t) cache_info->rows)) && ((nexus_info->region.height == 1UL) || ((nexus_info->region.x == 0) && ((nexus_info->region.width == cache_info->columns) || ((nexus_info->region.width % cache_info->columns) == 0))))) { MagickOffsetType offset; /* Pixels are accessed directly from memory. */ offset=(MagickOffsetType) nexus_info->region.y*cache_info->columns+ nexus_info->region.x; nexus_info->pixels=cache_info->pixels+cache_info->number_channels* offset; nexus_info->metacontent=(void *) NULL; if (cache_info->metacontent_extent != 0) nexus_info->metacontent=(unsigned char *) cache_info->metacontent+ offset*cache_info->metacontent_extent; PrefetchPixelCacheNexusPixels(nexus_info,mode); return(nexus_info->pixels); } } /* Pixels are stored in a cache region until they are synced to the cache. */ number_pixels=(MagickSizeType) nexus_info->region.width* nexus_info->region.height; length=number_pixels*cache_info->number_channels*sizeof(Quantum); if (cache_info->metacontent_extent != 0) length+=number_pixels*cache_info->metacontent_extent; if (nexus_info->cache == (Quantum *) NULL) { nexus_info->length=length; status=AcquireCacheNexusPixels(cache_info,nexus_info,exception); if (status == MagickFalse) { nexus_info->length=0; return((Quantum *) NULL); } } else if (nexus_info->length != length) { RelinquishCacheNexusPixels(nexus_info); nexus_info->length=length; status=AcquireCacheNexusPixels(cache_info,nexus_info,exception); if (status == MagickFalse) { nexus_info->length=0; return((Quantum *) NULL); } } nexus_info->pixels=nexus_info->cache; nexus_info->metacontent=(void *) NULL; if (cache_info->metacontent_extent != 0) nexus_info->metacontent=(void *) (nexus_info->pixels+number_pixels* cache_info->number_channels); PrefetchPixelCacheNexusPixels(nexus_info,mode); return(nexus_info->pixels); } /* %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % % % % % % S e t P i x e l C a c h e V i r t u a l M e t h o d % % % % % % % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % SetPixelCacheVirtualMethod() sets the "virtual pixels" method for the % pixel cache and returns the previous setting. A virtual pixel is any pixel % access that is outside the boundaries of the image cache. % % The format of the SetPixelCacheVirtualMethod() method is: % % VirtualPixelMethod SetPixelCacheVirtualMethod(Image *image, % const VirtualPixelMethod virtual_pixel_method,ExceptionInfo *exception) % % A description of each parameter follows: % % o image: the image. % % o virtual_pixel_method: choose the type of virtual pixel. % % o exception: return any errors or warnings in this structure. % */ static MagickBooleanType SetCacheAlphaChannel(Image *image,const Quantum alpha, ExceptionInfo *exception) { CacheInfo *cache_info; CacheView *image_view; MagickBooleanType status; ssize_t y; assert(image != (Image *) NULL); assert(image->signature == MagickSignature); if (image->debug != MagickFalse) (void) LogMagickEvent(TraceEvent,GetMagickModule(),"%s",image->filename); assert(image->cache != (Cache) NULL); cache_info=(CacheInfo *) image->cache; assert(cache_info->signature == MagickSignature); image->alpha_trait=BlendPixelTrait; status=MagickTrue; image_view=AcquireVirtualCacheView(image,exception); /* must be virtual */ #if defined(MAGICKCORE_OPENMP_SUPPORT) #pragma omp parallel for schedule(static,4) shared(status) \ magick_threads(image,image,1,1) #endif for (y=0; y < (ssize_t) image->rows; y++) { register Quantum *restrict q; register ssize_t x; if (status == MagickFalse) continue; q=GetCacheViewAuthenticPixels(image_view,0,y,image->columns,1,exception); if (q == (Quantum *) NULL) { status=MagickFalse; continue; } for (x=0; x < (ssize_t) image->columns; x++) { SetPixelAlpha(image,alpha,q); q+=GetPixelChannels(image); } status=SyncCacheViewAuthenticPixels(image_view,exception); } image_view=DestroyCacheView(image_view); return(status); } MagickPrivate VirtualPixelMethod SetPixelCacheVirtualMethod(Image *image, const VirtualPixelMethod virtual_pixel_method,ExceptionInfo *exception) { CacheInfo *cache_info; VirtualPixelMethod method; assert(image != (Image *) NULL); assert(image->signature == MagickSignature); if (image->debug != MagickFalse) (void) LogMagickEvent(TraceEvent,GetMagickModule(),"%s",image->filename); assert(image->cache != (Cache) NULL); cache_info=(CacheInfo *) image->cache; assert(cache_info->signature == MagickSignature); method=cache_info->virtual_pixel_method; cache_info->virtual_pixel_method=virtual_pixel_method; if ((image->columns != 0) && (image->rows != 0)) switch (virtual_pixel_method) { case BackgroundVirtualPixelMethod: { if ((image->background_color.alpha_trait == BlendPixelTrait) && (image->alpha_trait != BlendPixelTrait)) (void) SetCacheAlphaChannel(image,OpaqueAlpha,exception); if ((IsPixelInfoGray(&image->background_color) == MagickFalse) && (IsGrayColorspace(image->colorspace) != MagickFalse)) (void) TransformImageColorspace(image,RGBColorspace,exception); break; } case TransparentVirtualPixelMethod: { if (image->alpha_trait != BlendPixelTrait) (void) SetCacheAlphaChannel(image,OpaqueAlpha,exception); break; } default: break; } return(method); } /* %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % % % % % + S y n c A u t h e n t i c P i x e l C a c h e N e x u s % % % % % % % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % SyncAuthenticPixelCacheNexus() saves the authentic image pixels to the % in-memory or disk cache. The method returns MagickTrue if the pixel region % is synced, otherwise MagickFalse. % % The format of the SyncAuthenticPixelCacheNexus() method is: % % MagickBooleanType SyncAuthenticPixelCacheNexus(Image *image, % NexusInfo *nexus_info,ExceptionInfo *exception) % % A description of each parameter follows: % % o image: the image. % % o nexus_info: the cache nexus to sync. % % o exception: return any errors or warnings in this structure. % */ MagickPrivate MagickBooleanType SyncAuthenticPixelCacheNexus(Image *image, NexusInfo *nexus_info,ExceptionInfo *exception) { CacheInfo *cache_info; MagickBooleanType status; /* Transfer pixels to the cache. */ assert(image != (Image *) NULL); assert(image->signature == MagickSignature); if (image->cache == (Cache) NULL) ThrowBinaryException(CacheError,"PixelCacheIsNotOpen",image->filename); cache_info=(CacheInfo *) image->cache; assert(cache_info->signature == MagickSignature); if (cache_info->type == UndefinedCache) return(MagickFalse); if (IsPixelAuthentic(cache_info,nexus_info) != MagickFalse) return(MagickTrue); assert(cache_info->signature == MagickSignature); status=WritePixelCachePixels(cache_info,nexus_info,exception); if ((cache_info->metacontent_extent != 0) && (WritePixelCacheMetacontent(cache_info,nexus_info,exception) == MagickFalse)) return(MagickFalse); return(status); } /* %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % % % % % + S y n c A u t h e n t i c P i x e l C a c h e % % % % % % % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % SyncAuthenticPixelsCache() saves the authentic image pixels to the in-memory % or disk cache. The method returns MagickTrue if the pixel region is synced, % otherwise MagickFalse. % % The format of the SyncAuthenticPixelsCache() method is: % % MagickBooleanType SyncAuthenticPixelsCache(Image *image, % ExceptionInfo *exception) % % A description of each parameter follows: % % o image: the image. % % o exception: return any errors or warnings in this structure. % */ static MagickBooleanType SyncAuthenticPixelsCache(Image *image, ExceptionInfo *exception) { CacheInfo *cache_info; const int id = GetOpenMPThreadId(); MagickBooleanType status; assert(image != (Image *) NULL); assert(image->signature == MagickSignature); assert(image->cache != (Cache) NULL); cache_info=(CacheInfo *) image->cache; assert(cache_info->signature == MagickSignature); assert(id < (int) cache_info->number_threads); status=SyncAuthenticPixelCacheNexus(image,cache_info->nexus_info[id], exception); return(status); } /* %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % % % % % % S y n c A u t h e n t i c P i x e l s % % % % % % % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % SyncAuthenticPixels() saves the image pixels to the in-memory or disk cache. % The method returns MagickTrue if the pixel region is flushed, otherwise % MagickFalse. % % The format of the SyncAuthenticPixels() method is: % % MagickBooleanType SyncAuthenticPixels(Image *image, % ExceptionInfo *exception) % % A description of each parameter follows: % % o image: the image. % % o exception: return any errors or warnings in this structure. % */ MagickExport MagickBooleanType SyncAuthenticPixels(Image *image, ExceptionInfo *exception) { CacheInfo *cache_info; const int id = GetOpenMPThreadId(); MagickBooleanType status; assert(image != (Image *) NULL); assert(image->signature == MagickSignature); assert(image->cache != (Cache) NULL); cache_info=(CacheInfo *) image->cache; assert(cache_info->signature == MagickSignature); if (cache_info->methods.sync_authentic_pixels_handler != (SyncAuthenticPixelsHandler) NULL) { status=cache_info->methods.sync_authentic_pixels_handler(image, exception); return(status); } assert(id < (int) cache_info->number_threads); status=SyncAuthenticPixelCacheNexus(image,cache_info->nexus_info[id], exception); return(status); } /* %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % % % % % + S y n c I m a g e P i x e l C a c h e % % % % % % % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % SyncImagePixelCache() saves the image pixels to the in-memory or disk cache. % The method returns MagickTrue if the pixel region is flushed, otherwise % MagickFalse. % % The format of the SyncImagePixelCache() method is: % % MagickBooleanType SyncImagePixelCache(Image *image, % ExceptionInfo *exception) % % A description of each parameter follows: % % o image: the image. % % o exception: return any errors or warnings in this structure. % */ MagickPrivate MagickBooleanType SyncImagePixelCache(Image *image, ExceptionInfo *exception) { CacheInfo *cache_info; assert(image != (Image *) NULL); assert(exception != (ExceptionInfo *) NULL); cache_info=(CacheInfo *) GetImagePixelCache(image,MagickTrue,exception); return(cache_info == (CacheInfo *) NULL ? MagickFalse : MagickTrue); } /* %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % % % % % + W r i t e P i x e l C a c h e M e t a c o n t e n t % % % % % % % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % WritePixelCacheMetacontent() writes the meta-content to the specified region % of the pixel cache. % % The format of the WritePixelCacheMetacontent() method is: % % MagickBooleanType WritePixelCacheMetacontent(CacheInfo *cache_info, % NexusInfo *nexus_info,ExceptionInfo *exception) % % A description of each parameter follows: % % o cache_info: the pixel cache. % % o nexus_info: the cache nexus to write the meta-content. % % o exception: return any errors or warnings in this structure. % */ static MagickBooleanType WritePixelCacheMetacontent(CacheInfo *cache_info, NexusInfo *nexus_info,ExceptionInfo *exception) { MagickOffsetType count, offset; MagickSizeType extent, length; RectangleInfo region; register const unsigned char *restrict p; register ssize_t y; if (cache_info->metacontent_extent == 0) return(MagickFalse); if (IsPixelAuthentic(cache_info,nexus_info) != MagickFalse) return(MagickTrue); offset=(MagickOffsetType) nexus_info->region.y*cache_info->columns+ nexus_info->region.x; length=(MagickSizeType) nexus_info->region.width* cache_info->metacontent_extent; extent=(MagickSizeType) length*nexus_info->region.height; region=nexus_info->region; y=0; p=(unsigned char *) nexus_info->metacontent; switch (cache_info->type) { case MemoryCache: case MapCache: { register unsigned char *restrict q; /* Write associated pixels to memory. */ if ((cache_info->columns == nexus_info->region.width) && (extent == (MagickSizeType) ((size_t) extent))) { length=extent; region.height=1UL; } q=(unsigned char *) cache_info->metacontent+offset* cache_info->metacontent_extent; for (y=0; y < (ssize_t) region.height; y++) { (void) memcpy(q,p,(size_t) length); p+=nexus_info->region.width*cache_info->metacontent_extent; q+=cache_info->columns*cache_info->metacontent_extent; } break; } case DiskCache: { /* Write associated pixels to disk. */ LockSemaphoreInfo(cache_info->file_semaphore); if (OpenPixelCacheOnDisk(cache_info,IOMode) == MagickFalse) { ThrowFileException(exception,FileOpenError,"UnableToOpenFile", cache_info->cache_filename); UnlockSemaphoreInfo(cache_info->file_semaphore); return(MagickFalse); } if ((cache_info->columns == nexus_info->region.width) && (extent <= MagickMaxBufferExtent)) { length=extent; region.height=1UL; } extent=(MagickSizeType) cache_info->columns*cache_info->rows; for (y=0; y < (ssize_t) region.height; y++) { count=WritePixelCacheRegion(cache_info,cache_info->offset+extent* cache_info->number_channels*sizeof(Quantum)+offset* cache_info->metacontent_extent,length,(const unsigned char *) p); if (count != (MagickOffsetType) length) break; p+=cache_info->metacontent_extent*nexus_info->region.width; offset+=cache_info->columns; } if (IsFileDescriptorLimitExceeded() != MagickFalse) (void) ClosePixelCacheOnDisk(cache_info); UnlockSemaphoreInfo(cache_info->file_semaphore); break; } case DistributedCache: { /* Write metacontent to distributed cache. */ LockSemaphoreInfo(cache_info->file_semaphore); for (y=0; y < (ssize_t) region.height; y++) { count=WriteDistributePixelCachePixels(cache_info->server_info,®ion, length,(const unsigned char *) p); if (count != (MagickOffsetType) length) break; p+=cache_info->metacontent_extent*nexus_info->region.width; region.y++; } UnlockSemaphoreInfo(cache_info->file_semaphore); break; } default: break; } if (y < (ssize_t) region.height) { ThrowFileException(exception,CacheError,"UnableToWritePixelCache", cache_info->cache_filename); return(MagickFalse); } if ((cache_info->debug != MagickFalse) && (CacheTick(nexus_info->region.y,cache_info->rows) != MagickFalse)) (void) LogMagickEvent(CacheEvent,GetMagickModule(), "%s[%.20gx%.20g%+.20g%+.20g]",cache_info->filename,(double) nexus_info->region.width,(double) nexus_info->region.height,(double) nexus_info->region.x,(double) nexus_info->region.y); return(MagickTrue); } /* %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % % % % % + W r i t e C a c h e P i x e l s % % % % % % % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % WritePixelCachePixels() writes image pixels to the specified region of the % pixel cache. % % The format of the WritePixelCachePixels() method is: % % MagickBooleanType WritePixelCachePixels(CacheInfo *cache_info, % NexusInfo *nexus_info,ExceptionInfo *exception) % % A description of each parameter follows: % % o cache_info: the pixel cache. % % o nexus_info: the cache nexus to write the pixels. % % o exception: return any errors or warnings in this structure. % */ static MagickBooleanType WritePixelCachePixels(CacheInfo *cache_info, NexusInfo *nexus_info,ExceptionInfo *exception) { MagickOffsetType count, offset; MagickSizeType extent, length; RectangleInfo region; register const Quantum *restrict p; register ssize_t y; if (IsPixelAuthentic(cache_info,nexus_info) != MagickFalse) return(MagickTrue); offset=(MagickOffsetType) nexus_info->region.y*cache_info->columns+ nexus_info->region.x; length=(MagickSizeType) cache_info->number_channels*nexus_info->region.width* sizeof(Quantum); extent=length*nexus_info->region.height; region=nexus_info->region; y=0; p=nexus_info->pixels; switch (cache_info->type) { case MemoryCache: case MapCache: { register Quantum *restrict q; /* Write pixels to memory. */ if ((cache_info->columns == nexus_info->region.width) && (extent == (MagickSizeType) ((size_t) extent))) { length=extent; region.height=1UL; } q=cache_info->pixels+offset*cache_info->number_channels; for (y=0; y < (ssize_t) region.height; y++) { (void) memcpy(q,p,(size_t) length); p+=cache_info->number_channels*nexus_info->region.width; q+=cache_info->columns*cache_info->number_channels; } break; } case DiskCache: { /* Write pixels to disk. */ LockSemaphoreInfo(cache_info->file_semaphore); if (OpenPixelCacheOnDisk(cache_info,IOMode) == MagickFalse) { ThrowFileException(exception,FileOpenError,"UnableToOpenFile", cache_info->cache_filename); UnlockSemaphoreInfo(cache_info->file_semaphore); return(MagickFalse); } if ((cache_info->columns == nexus_info->region.width) && (extent <= MagickMaxBufferExtent)) { length=extent; region.height=1UL; } for (y=0; y < (ssize_t) region.height; y++) { count=WritePixelCacheRegion(cache_info,cache_info->offset+offset* cache_info->number_channels*sizeof(*p),length,(const unsigned char *) p); if (count != (MagickOffsetType) length) break; p+=cache_info->number_channels*nexus_info->region.width; offset+=cache_info->columns; } if (IsFileDescriptorLimitExceeded() != MagickFalse) (void) ClosePixelCacheOnDisk(cache_info); UnlockSemaphoreInfo(cache_info->file_semaphore); break; } case DistributedCache: { /* Write pixels to distributed cache. */ LockSemaphoreInfo(cache_info->file_semaphore); for (y=0; y < (ssize_t) region.height; y++) { count=WriteDistributePixelCachePixels(cache_info->server_info,®ion, length,(const unsigned char *) p); if (count != (MagickOffsetType) length) break; p+=cache_info->number_channels*nexus_info->region.width; region.y++; } UnlockSemaphoreInfo(cache_info->file_semaphore); break; } default: break; } if (y < (ssize_t) region.height) { ThrowFileException(exception,CacheError,"UnableToWritePixelCache", cache_info->cache_filename); return(MagickFalse); } if ((cache_info->debug != MagickFalse) && (CacheTick(nexus_info->region.y,cache_info->rows) != MagickFalse)) (void) LogMagickEvent(CacheEvent,GetMagickModule(), "%s[%.20gx%.20g%+.20g%+.20g]",cache_info->filename,(double) nexus_info->region.width,(double) nexus_info->region.height,(double) nexus_info->region.x,(double) nexus_info->region.y); return(MagickTrue); }