// This may look like C code, but it is really -*- C++ -*- // // Copyright Bob Friesenhahn, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003 // // Simple demo program for Magick++ // // Max run-time size 60MB (as compared with 95MB for PerlMagick) under SPARC Solaris // #include #include #include #include using namespace std; using namespace Magick; int main( int /*argc*/, char ** argv) { // Initialize ImageMagick install location for Windows InitializeMagick(*argv); try { string srcdir(""); if(getenv("SRCDIR") != 0) srcdir = getenv("SRCDIR"); // Common font to use. string font = "Helvetica"; list montage; { // // Read model & smile image. // cout << "Read images ..." << endl; Image model( srcdir + "model.miff" ); model.label( "Magick++" ); model.borderColor( "black" ); model.backgroundColor( "black" ); Image smile( srcdir + "smile.miff" ); smile.label( "Smile" ); smile.borderColor( "black" ); // // Create image stack. // cout << "Creating thumbnails..." << endl; // Construct initial list containing seven copies of a null image Image null; null.size( Geometry(70,70) ); null.read( "NULL:black" ); list images( 7, null ); Image example = model; // Each of the following follow the pattern // 1. obtain reference to (own copy of) image // 2. apply label to image // 3. apply operation to image // 4. append image to container cout << " add noise ..." << endl; example.label( "Add Noise" ); example.addNoise( LaplacianNoise ); images.push_back( example ); cout << " add noise (blue) ..." << endl; example.label( "Add Noise\n(Blue Channel)" ); example.addNoiseChannel( BlueChannel, PoissonNoise ); images.push_back( example ); cout << " annotate ..." << endl; example = model; example.label( "Annotate" ); example.density( "72x72" ); example.fontPointsize( 18 ); example.font( font ); example.strokeColor( Color() ); example.fillColor( "gold" ); example.annotate( "Magick++", "+0+20", NorthGravity ); images.push_back( example ); cout << " blur ..." << endl; example = model; example.label( "Blur" ); example.blur( 0, 1.5 ); images.push_back( example ); cout << " blur red channel ..." << endl; example = model; example.label( "Blur Channel\n(Red Channel)" ); example.blurChannel( RedChannel, 0, 3.0 ); images.push_back( example ); cout << " border ..." << endl; example = model; example.label( "Border" ); example.borderColor( "gold" ); example.border( Geometry(6,6) ); images.push_back( example ); cout << " channel ..." << endl; example = model; example.label( "Channel\n(Red Channel)" ); example.channel( RedChannel ); images.push_back( example ); cout << " charcoal ..." << endl; example = model; example.label( "Charcoal" ); example.charcoal( ); images.push_back( example ); cout << " composite ..." << endl; example = model; example.label( "Composite" ); example.composite( smile, "+35+65", OverCompositeOp); images.push_back( example ); cout << " contrast ..." << endl; example = model; example.label( "Contrast" ); example.contrast( false ); images.push_back( example ); cout << " convolve ..." << endl; example = model; example.label( "Convolve" ); { // 3x3 matrix const double kernel[] = { 1, 1, 1, 1, 4, 1, 1, 1, 1 }; example.convolve( 3, kernel ); } images.push_back( example ); cout << " crop ..." << endl; example = model; example.label( "Crop" ); example.crop( "80x80+25+50" ); images.push_back( example ); cout << " despeckle ..." << endl; example = model; example.label( "Despeckle" ); example.despeckle( ); images.push_back( example ); cout << " draw ..." << endl; example = model; example.label( "Draw" ); example.fillColor(Color()); example.strokeColor( "gold" ); example.strokeWidth( 2 ); example.draw( DrawableCircle( 60,90, 60,120 ) ); images.push_back( example ); cout << " edge ..." << endl; example = model; example.label( "Detect Edges" ); example.edge( ); images.push_back( example ); cout << " emboss ..." << endl; example = model; example.label( "Emboss" ); example.emboss( ); images.push_back( example ); cout << " equalize ..." << endl; example = model; example.label( "Equalize" ); example.equalize( ); images.push_back( example ); cout << " explode ..." << endl; example = model; example.label( "Explode" ); example.backgroundColor( "#000000FF" ); example.implode( -1 ); images.push_back( example ); cout << " flip ..." << endl; example = model; example.label( "Flip" ); example.flip( ); images.push_back( example ); cout << " flop ..." << endl; example = model; example.label( "Flop" ); example.flop(); images.push_back( example ); cout << " frame ..." << endl; example = model; example.label( "Frame" ); example.frame( ); images.push_back( example ); cout << " gamma ..." << endl; example = model; example.label( "Gamma" ); example.gamma( 1.6 ); images.push_back( example ); cout << " gaussian blur ..." << endl; example = model; example.label( "Gaussian Blur" ); example.gaussianBlur( 0.0, 1.5 ); images.push_back( example ); cout << " gaussian blur channel ..." << endl; example = model; example.label( "Gaussian Blur\n(Green Channel)" ); example.gaussianBlurChannel( GreenChannel, 0.0, 1.5 ); images.push_back( example ); cout << " gradient ..." << endl; Image gradient; gradient.size( "130x194" ); gradient.read( "gradient:#20a0ff-#ffff00" ); gradient.label( "Gradient" ); images.push_back( gradient ); cout << " grayscale ..." << endl; example = model; example.label( "Grayscale" ); example.quantizeColorSpace( GRAYColorspace ); example.quantize( ); images.push_back( example ); cout << " implode ..." << endl; example = model; example.label( "Implode" ); example.implode( 0.5 ); images.push_back( example ); cout << " level ..." << endl; example = model; example.label( "Level" ); example.level( 0.20*QuantumRange, 0.90*QuantumRange, 1.20 ); images.push_back( example ); cout << " median filter ..." << endl; example = model; example.label( "Median Filter" ); example.medianFilter( ); images.push_back( example ); cout << " modulate ..." << endl; example = model; example.label( "Modulate" ); example.modulate( 110, 110, 110 ); images.push_back( example ); cout << " monochrome ..." << endl; example = model; example.label( "Monochrome" ); example.quantizeColorSpace( GRAYColorspace ); example.quantizeColors( 2 ); example.quantizeDither( false ); example.quantize( ); images.push_back( example ); cout << " motion blur ..." << endl; example = model; example.label( "Motion Blur" ); example.motionBlur( 0.0, 7.0,45 ); images.push_back( example ); cout << " negate ..." << endl; example = model; example.label( "Negate" ); example.negate( ); images.push_back( example ); cout << " normalize ..." << endl; example = model; example.label( "Normalize" ); example.normalize( ); images.push_back( example ); cout << " oil paint ..." << endl; example = model; example.label( "Oil Paint" ); example.oilPaint( ); images.push_back( example ); cout << " ordered dither 2x2 ..." << endl; example = model; example.label( "Ordered Dither\n(2x2)" ); example.randomThreshold( Geometry(2,2) ); images.push_back( example ); cout << " ordered dither 3x3..." << endl; example = model; example.label( "Ordered Dither\n(3x3)" ); example.randomThreshold( Geometry(3,3) ); images.push_back( example ); cout << " ordered dither 4x4..." << endl; example = model; example.label( "Ordered Dither\n(4x4)" ); example.randomThreshold( Geometry(4,4) ); images.push_back( example ); cout << " ordered dither red 4x4..." << endl; example = model; example.label( "Ordered Dither\n(Red 4x4)" ); example.randomThresholdChannel( Geometry(4,4), RedChannel); images.push_back( example ); cout << " plasma ..." << endl; Image plasma; plasma.size( "130x194" ); plasma.read( "plasma:fractal" ); plasma.label( "Plasma" ); images.push_back( plasma ); cout << " quantize ..." << endl; example = model; example.label( "Quantize" ); example.quantize( ); images.push_back( example ); cout << " quantum operator ..." << endl; example = model; example.label( "Quantum Operator\nRed * 0.4" ); example.quantumOperator( RedChannel,MultiplyEvaluateOperator,0.40 ); images.push_back( example ); cout << " raise ..." << endl; example = model; example.label( "Raise" ); example.raise( ); images.push_back( example ); cout << " reduce noise ..." << endl; example = model; example.label( "Reduce Noise" ); example.reduceNoise( 1.0 ); images.push_back( example ); cout << " resize ..." << endl; example = model; example.label( "Resize" ); example.zoom( "50%" ); images.push_back( example ); cout << " roll ..." << endl; example = model; example.label( "Roll" ); example.roll( "+20+10" ); images.push_back( example ); cout << " rotate ..." << endl; example = model; example.label( "Rotate" ); example.rotate( 45 ); example.transparent( "black" ); images.push_back( example ); cout << " scale ..." << endl; example = model; example.label( "Scale" ); example.scale( "60%" ); images.push_back( example ); cout << " segment ..." << endl; example = model; example.label( "Segment" ); example.segment( 0.5, 0.25 ); images.push_back( example ); cout << " shade ..." << endl; example = model; example.label( "Shade" ); example.shade( 30, 30, false ); images.push_back( example ); cout << " sharpen ..." << endl; example = model; example.label("Sharpen"); example.sharpen( 0.0, 1.0 ); images.push_back( example ); cout << " shave ..." << endl; example = model; example.label("Shave"); example.shave( Geometry( 10, 10) ); images.push_back( example ); cout << " shear ..." << endl; example = model; example.label( "Shear" ); example.shear( 45, 45 ); example.transparent( "black" ); images.push_back( example ); cout << " spread ..." << endl; example = model; example.label( "Spread" ); example.spread( 3 ); images.push_back( example ); cout << " solarize ..." << endl; example = model; example.label( "Solarize" ); example.solarize( ); images.push_back( example ); cout << " swirl ..." << endl; example = model; example.backgroundColor( "#000000FF" ); example.label( "Swirl" ); example.swirl( 90 ); images.push_back( example ); cout << " threshold ..." << endl; example = model; example.label( "Threshold" ); example.threshold( QuantumRange/2.0 ); images.push_back( example ); cout << " threshold random ..." << endl; example = model; example.label( "Random\nThreshold" ); example.randomThreshold( Geometry((size_t) (0.3*QuantumRange), (size_t) (0.85*QuantumRange)) ); images.push_back( example ); cout << " unsharp mask ..." << endl; example = model; example.label( "Unsharp Mask" ); // radius_, sigma_, amount_, threshold_ example.unsharpmask( 0.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.05); images.push_back( example ); cout << " wave ..." << endl; example = model; example.label( "Wave" ); example.matte( true ); example.backgroundColor( "#000000FF" ); example.wave( 25, 150 ); images.push_back( example ); // // Create image montage. // cout << "Montage images..." << endl; for_each( images.begin(), images.end(), fontImage( font ) ); for_each( images.begin(), images.end(), strokeColorImage( Color("#600") ) ); MontageFramed montageOpts; montageOpts.geometry( "130x194+10+5>" ); montageOpts.gravity( CenterGravity ); montageOpts.borderColor( "green" ); montageOpts.borderWidth( 1 ); montageOpts.tile( "7x4" ); montageOpts.compose( OverCompositeOp ); montageOpts.backgroundColor( "#ffffff" ); montageOpts.font( font ); montageOpts.pointSize( 18 ); montageOpts.fillColor( "#600" ); montageOpts.strokeColor( Color() ); montageOpts.compose(OverCompositeOp); montageOpts.fileName( "Magick++ Demo" ); montageImages( &montage, images.begin(), images.end(), montageOpts ); } Image& montage_image = montage.front(); { // Create logo image cout << "Adding logo image ..." << endl; Image logo( "logo:" ); logo.zoom( "45%" ); // Composite logo into montage image Geometry placement(0,0,(montage_image.columns()/2)-(logo.columns()/2),0); montage_image.composite( logo, placement, OverCompositeOp ); } for_each( montage.begin(), montage.end(), depthImage(8) ); for_each( montage.begin(), montage.end(), matteImage( false ) ); for_each( montage.begin(), montage.end(), compressTypeImage( RLECompression) ); cout << "Writing image \"demo_out.miff\" ..." << endl; writeImages(montage.begin(),montage.end(),"demo_out_%d.miff"); // Uncomment following lines to display image to screen // cout << "Display image..." << endl; // montage_image.display(); } catch( exception &error_ ) { cout << "Caught exception: " << error_.what() << endl; return 1; } return 0; }