-*- coding: utf-8 -*- Changes with Apache 2.5.0 *) mod_http2: slave connections have conn_rec->aborted flag set when a stream has been reset by the client. *) mod_http2: merge of some 2.4.x adaptions re filters on slave connections. Small fixes in bucket beams when forwarding file buckets. Output handling on master connection uses less FLUSH and passes automatically when more than half of H2StreamMaxMemSize bytes have accumulated. Workaround for http: when forwarding partial file buckets to keep the output filter from closing these too early. *) mod_http2: elimination of fixed master connectin buffer for TLS connections. New scratch bucket handling optimized for TLS write sizes. File bucket data read directly into scratch buffers, avoiding one copy. Non-TLS connections continue to pass buckets unchanged to the core filters to allow sendfile() usage. *) mod_http2/mod_proxy_http2: h2_request.c is no longer shared between these modules. This simplifies building on platforms such as Windows, as module reference used in logging is now clear. *) mod_proxy, mod_ssl: Handle SSLProxy* directives in sections, allowing per backend TLS configuration. [Yann Ylavic] *) core: explicitly exclude 'h2' from protocols announced via an Upgrade: header as commanded by http-wg. [Stefan Eissing] *) http: Respond with "408 Request Timeout" when a timeout occurs while reading the request body. [Yann Ylavic] *) scoreboard/status: Keep workers' previous Client, VHost and Request values when idle, like in 2.4.18 and earlier. [Yann Ylavic] *) mod_proxy_ajp: Add "secret" parameter to proxy workers to implement legacy AJP13 authentication. PR 53098. [Dmitry A. Bakshaev ] *) mpm_event: Don't take over scoreboard slots from gracefully finishing threads. [Stefan Fritsch] *) mod_status: Display the process slot number in the async connection overview. [Stefan Fritsch] *) mod_include: add the