-*- coding: utf-8 -*- Changes with Apache 2.5.0 *) mod_http2: new "bucket beam" technology to transport buckets across threads without buffer copy. *) http: Respond with "408 Request Timeout" when a timeout occurs while reading the request body. [Yann Ylavic] *) scoreboard/status: Keep workers' previous Client, VHost and Request values when idle, like in 2.4.18 and earlier. [Yann Ylavic] *) mod_proxy_ajp: Add "secret" parameter to proxy workers to implement legacy AJP13 authentication. PR 53098. [Dmitry A. Bakshaev ] *) mpm_event: Don't take over scoreboard slots from gracefully finishing threads. [Stefan Fritsch] *) mod_status: Display the process slot number in the async connection overview. [Stefan Fritsch] *) mod_include: add the