# Build Icinga 2 on Windows The Icinga Project is providing Windows MSI packages under https://packages.icinga.com/windows/ > **Note:** > This is a developer documentation on how to build Icinga 2 on Windows! Also see [INSTALL.md](INSTALL.md) for Linux build instructions. ## Requirements * 32 or 64-bit system * Visual Studio >= 14 2015 * CMake >= 2.6 * OpenSSL >= 1.0.1 * Flex and Bison ## Install Requirements **Visual Studio** Download from [visualstudio.com](https://www.visualstudio.com/en/downloads/) The Community Edition is available for free, and is what we use to build. Workloads to install: * C++ Desktop * .NET Desktop **OpenSSL for Icinga** See our [openssl-windows GitHub project](https://github.com/Icinga/openssl-windows). You will need to install a binary dist version to 'C:\\Program Files\\OpenSSL'. There is a Powershell script to help you downloading: `.\tools\win32\download-openssl.ps1` **Chocolatey** A simple package manager for Windows, please see [install instructions](https://chocolatey.org/install). **Git** Best to use Chocolatey, see [package details](https://chocolatey.org/packages/git). ``` choco install git ``` **Flex / Bison** Best to use Chocolatey, see [package details](https://chocolatey.org/packages/winflexbison3). ``` choco install winflexbison3 ``` **CMake** Best to use Chocolatey, see [package details](https://chocolatey.org/packages/cmake) or download from: [cmake.org](https://cmake.org/download/) ``` choco install cmake ``` **WIX** Best to use Chocolatey, see [package details](https://chocolatey.org/packages/wixtoolset). ``` choco install wixtoolset ``` **Boost** Download third party Windows binaries from: [boost.org](http://www.boost.org/users/download/) For example: `https://dl.bintray.com/boostorg/release/1.65.1/binaries/boost_1_65_1-msvc-14.1-64.exe` *Warnings:* * Must match your Visual Studio version! * CMake might not support the latest Boost version (we used CMake 3.10 and Boost 1_65_1) Run the installer exe. ## Build Icinga 2 Run with VC Native x64 Command Prompt: ``` powershell .\tools\win32\configure.ps1 powershell .\tools\win32\build.ps1 powershell .\tools\win32\test.ps1 ``` See these scripts for details. ## AppVeyor We are building [Icinga 2 with AppVeyor](https://ci.appveyor.com/project/icinga/icinga2) for testing and CI integration. Please check `appveyor.yml` for our instructions.