]> granicus.if.org Git - zziplib/blob - testbuilds.py
initial testbuilds.py and testbuilds/opensuse15-build.dockerfile
[zziplib] / testbuilds.py
1 #! /usr/bin/env python3
2 """ Testcases for zziplib build system """
4 __copyright__ = "(C) Guido Draheim, all rights reserved"""
5 __version__ = "0.13.70"
7 import subprocess
8 import os.path
9 import time
10 import datetime
11 import unittest
12 import shutil
13 import inspect
14 import types
15 import logging
16 import re
17 from fnmatch import fnmatchcase as fnmatch
18 from glob import glob
19 import json
20 import sys
22 if sys.version[0] == '3':
23     basestring = str
24     xrange = range
26 logg = logging.getLogger("TESTING")
27 _python = "/usr/bin/python"
29 SAVETO = "localhost:5000/zziplib"
30 IMAGES = "localhost:5000/zziplib/image"
31 CENTOS = "centos:7.7.1908"
32 UBUNTU = "ubuntu:14.04"
33 OPENSUSE = "opensuse/leap:15.0"
35 DOCKER_SOCKET = "/var/run/docker.sock"
37 def decodes(text):
38     if text is None: return None
39     if isinstance(text, bytes):
40         encoded = sys.getdefaultencoding()
41         if encoded in ["ascii"]:
42             encoded = "utf-8"
43         try: 
44             return text.decode(encoded)
45         except:
46             return text.decode("latin-1")
47     return text
48 def sh____(cmd, shell=True):
49     if isinstance(cmd, basestring):
50         logg.info(": %s", cmd)
51     else:    
52         logg.info(": %s", " ".join(["'%s'" % item for item in cmd]))
53     return subprocess.check_call(cmd, shell=shell)
54 def sx____(cmd, shell=True):
55     if isinstance(cmd, basestring):
56         logg.info(": %s", cmd)
57     else:    
58         logg.info(": %s", " ".join(["'%s'" % item for item in cmd]))
59     return subprocess.call(cmd, shell=shell)
60 def output(cmd, shell=True):
61     if isinstance(cmd, basestring):
62         logg.info(": %s", cmd)
63     else:    
64         logg.info(": %s", " ".join(["'%s'" % item for item in cmd]))
65     run = subprocess.Popen(cmd, shell=shell, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
66     out, err = run.communicate()
67     return out
68 def output2(cmd, shell=True):
69     if isinstance(cmd, basestring):
70         logg.info(": %s", cmd)
71     else:    
72         logg.info(": %s", " ".join(["'%s'" % item for item in cmd]))
73     run = subprocess.Popen(cmd, shell=shell, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
74     out, err = run.communicate()
75     return decodes(out), run.returncode
76 def output3(cmd, shell=True):
77     if isinstance(cmd, basestring):
78         logg.info(": %s", cmd)
79     else:    
80         logg.info(": %s", " ".join(["'%s'" % item for item in cmd]))
81     run = subprocess.Popen(cmd, shell=shell, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
82     out, err = run.communicate()
83     return decodes(out), decodes(err), run.returncode
84 def background(cmd, shell=True):
85     BackgroundProcess = collections.namedtuple("BackgroundProcess", ["pid", "run", "log" ])
86     log = open(os.devnull, "wb")
87     run = subprocess.Popen(cmd, shell=shell, stdout=log, stderr=log)
88     pid = run.pid
89     logg.info("PID %s = %s", pid, cmd)
90     return BackgroundProcess(pid, run, log)
94 def _lines(lines):
95     if isinstance(lines, basestring):
96         lines = lines.split("\n")
97         if len(lines) and lines[-1] == "":
98             lines = lines[:-1]
99     return lines
100 def lines(text):
101     lines = []
102     for line in _lines(text):
103         lines.append(line.rstrip())
104     return lines
105 def grep(pattern, lines):
106     for line in _lines(lines):
107        if re.search(pattern, line.rstrip()):
108            yield line.rstrip()
109 def greps(lines, pattern):
110     return list(grep(pattern, lines))
112 def download(base_url, filename, into):
113     if not os.path.isdir(into):
114         os.makedirs(into)
115     if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(into, filename)):
116         sh____("cd {into} && wget {base_url}/{filename}".format(**locals()))
117 def text_file(filename, content):
118     filedir = os.path.dirname(filename)
119     if not os.path.isdir(filedir):
120         os.makedirs(filedir)
121     f = open(filename, "w")
122     if content.startswith("\n"):
123         x = re.match("(?s)\n( *)", content)
124         indent = x.group(1)
125         for line in content[1:].split("\n"):
126             if line.startswith(indent):
127                 line = line[len(indent):]
128             f.write(line+"\n")
129     else:
130         f.write(content)
131     f.close()
132 def shell_file(filename, content):
133     text_file(filename, content)
134     os.chmod(filename, 0o770)
135 def copy_file(filename, target):
136     targetdir = os.path.dirname(target)
137     if not os.path.isdir(targetdir):
138         os.makedirs(targetdir)
139     shutil.copyfile(filename, target)
140 def copy_tool(filename, target):
141     copy_file(filename, target)
142     os.chmod(target, 0o750)
144 def get_caller_name():
145     frame = inspect.currentframe().f_back.f_back
146     return frame.f_code.co_name
147 def get_caller_caller_name():
148     frame = inspect.currentframe().f_back.f_back.f_back
149     return frame.f_code.co_name
150 def os_path(root, path):
151     if not root:
152         return path
153     if not path:
154         return path
155     while path.startswith(os.path.sep):
156        path = path[1:]
157     return os.path.join(root, path)
158 def docname(path):
159     return os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(path))[0]
161 class ZZiplibBuildTest(unittest.TestCase):
162     def caller_testname(self):
163         name = get_caller_caller_name()
164         x1 = name.find("_")
165         if x1 < 0: return name
166         x2 = name.find("_", x1+1)
167         if x2 < 0: return name
168         return name[:x2]
169     def testname(self, suffix = None):
170         name = self.caller_testname()
171         if suffix:
172             return name + "_" + suffix
173         return name
174     def testdir(self, testname = None):
175         testname = testname or self.caller_testname()
176         newdir = "tmp/tmp."+testname
177         if os.path.isdir(newdir):
178             shutil.rmtree(newdir)
179         os.makedirs(newdir)
180         return newdir
181     def rm_testdir(self, testname = None):
182         testname = testname or self.caller_testname()
183         newdir = "tmp/tmp."+testname
184         if os.path.isdir(newdir):
185             shutil.rmtree(newdir)
186         return newdir
187     def makedirs(self, path):
188         if not os.path.isdir(path):
189             os.makedirs(path)
190     def user(self):
191         import getpass
192         getpass.getuser()
193     def ip_container(self, name):
194         values = output("docker inspect "+name)
195         values = json.loads(values)
196         if not values or "NetworkSettings" not in values[0]:
197             logg.critical(" docker inspect %s => %s ", name, values)
198         return values[0]["NetworkSettings"]["IPAddress"]    
199     def local_system(self):
200         distro, version = "", ""
201         if os.path.exists("/etc/os-release"):
202             # rhel:7.4 # VERSION="7.4 (Maipo)" ID="rhel" VERSION_ID="7.4"
203             # centos:7.3  # VERSION="7 (Core)" ID="centos" VERSION_ID="7"
204             # centos:7.4  # VERSION="7 (Core)" ID="centos" VERSION_ID="7"
205             # centos:7.7.1908  # VERSION="7 (Core)" ID="centos" VERSION_ID="7"
206             # opensuse:42.3 # VERSION="42.3" ID=opensuse VERSION_ID="42.3"
207             # opensuse/leap:15.0 # VERSION="15.0" ID="opensuse-leap" VERSION_ID="15.0"
208             # ubuntu:16.04 # VERSION="16.04.3 LTS (Xenial Xerus)" ID=ubuntu VERSION_ID="16.04"
209             # ubuntu:18.04 # VERSION="18.04.1 LTS (Bionic Beaver)" ID=ubuntu VERSION_ID="18.04"
210             for line in open("/etc/os-release"):
211                 key, value = "", ""
212                 m = re.match('^([_\\w]+)=([^"].*).*', line.strip())
213                 if m:
214                     key, value = m.group(1), m.group(2)
215                 m = re.match('^([_\\w]+)="([^"]*)".*', line.strip())
216                 if m:
217                     key, value = m.group(1), m.group(2)
218                 # logg.debug("%s => '%s' '%s'", line.strip(), key, value)
219                 if key in ["ID"]:
220                     distro = value.replace("-","/")
221                 if key in ["VERSION_ID"]:
222                     version = value
223         if os.path.exists("/etc/redhat-release"):
224             for line in open("/etc/redhat-release"):
225                 m = re.search("release (\\d+[.]\\d+).*", line)
226                 if m:
227                     distro = "rhel"
228                     version = m.group(1)
229         if os.path.exists("/etc/centos-release"):
230             # CentOS Linux release 7.5.1804 (Core)
231             for line in open("/etc/centos-release"):
232                 m = re.search("release (\\d+[.]\\d+).*", line)
233                 if m:
234                     distro = "centos"
235                     version = m.group(1)
236         logg.info(":: local_system %s:%s", distro, version)
237         if distro and version:
238             return "%s:%s" % (distro, version)
239         return ""
240     def with_local_ubuntu_mirror(self, ver = None):
241         """ detects a local ubuntu mirror or starts a local
242             docker container with a ubunut repo mirror. It
243             will return the extra_hosts setting to start
244             other docker containers"""
245         rmi = "localhost:5000/mirror-packages"
246         rep = "ubuntu-repo"
247         ver = ver or UBUNTU.split(":")[1]
248         return self.with_local(rmi, rep, ver, "archive.ubuntu.com", "security.ubuntu.com")
249     def with_local_centos_mirror(self, ver = None):
250         """ detects a local centos mirror or starts a local
251             docker container with a centos repo mirror. It
252             will return the setting for extrahosts"""
253         rmi = "localhost:5000/mirror-packages"
254         rep = "centos-repo"
255         ver = ver or CENTOS.split(":")[1]
256         return self.with_local(rmi, rep, ver, "mirrorlist.centos.org")
257     def with_local_opensuse_mirror(self, ver = None):
258         """ detects a local opensuse mirror or starts a local
259             docker container with a centos repo mirror. It
260             will return the extra_hosts setting to start
261             other docker containers"""
262         rmi = "localhost:5000/mirror-packages"
263         rep = "opensuse-repo"
264         ver = ver or OPENSUSE.split(":")[1]
265         return self.with_local(rmi, rep, ver, "download.opensuse.org")
266     def with_local(self, rmi, rep, ver, *hosts):
267         image = "{rmi}/{rep}:{ver}".format(**locals())
268         container = "{rep}-{ver}".format(**locals())
269         out, err, ok = output3("docker inspect {image}".format(**locals()))
270         image_found = json.loads(out)
271         if not image_found:
272            return {}
273         out, err, ok = output3("docker inspect {container}".format(**locals()))
274         container_found = json.loads(out)
275         if container_found:
276             container_status = container_found[0]["State"]["Status"]
277             logg.info("::: %s -> %s", container, container_status)
278             latest_image_id = image_found[0]["Id"]
279             container_image_id = container_found[0]["Image"]
280             if latest_image_id != container_image_id or container_status not in ["running"]:
281                 cmd = "docker rm --force {container}"
282                 sx____(cmd.format(**locals()))
283                 container_found = []
284         if not container_found:
285             cmd = "docker run --rm=true --detach --name {container} {image}"
286             sh____(cmd.format(**locals()))
287         ip_a = self.ip_container(container)
288         logg.info("::: %s => %s", container, ip_a)
289         return dict(zip(hosts, [ ip_a ] * len(hosts)))
290     def with_local_mirror(self, image):
291         """ attach local centos-repo / opensuse-repo to docker-start enviroment.
292             Effectivly when it is required to 'docker start centos:x.y' then do
293             'docker start centos-repo:x.y' before and extend the original to 
294             'docker start --add-host mirror...:centos-repo centos:x.y'. """
295         hosts = {}
296         if image.startswith("centos:"):
297             version = image[len("centos:"):]
298             hosts = self.with_local_centos_mirror(version)
299         if image.startswith("opensuse/leap:"):
300             version = image[len("opensuse/leap:"):]
301             hosts = self.with_local_opensuse_mirror(version)
302         if image.startswith("opensuse:"):
303             version = image[len("opensuse:"):]
304             hosts = self.with_local_opensuse_mirror(version)
305         if image.startswith("ubuntu:"):
306             version = image[len("ubuntu:"):]
307             hosts = self.with_local_ubuntu_mirror(version)
308         return hosts
309     def add_hosts(self, hosts):
310         return " ".join(["--add-host %s:%s" % (host, ip_a) for host, ip_a in hosts.items() ])
311         # for host, ip_a in mapping.items():
312         #    yield "--add-host {host}:{ip_a}"
313     def local_image(self, image):
314         """ attach local centos-repo / opensuse-repo to docker-start enviroment.
315             Effectivly when it is required to 'docker start centos:x.y' then do
316             'docker start centos-repo:x.y' before and extend the original to 
317             'docker start --add-host mirror...:centos-repo centos:x.y'. """
318         if os.environ.get("NONLOCAL",""):
319             return image
320         hosts =  self.with_local_mirror(image)
321         if hosts:
322             add_hosts = self.add_hosts(hosts)
323             logg.debug("%s %s", add_hosts, image)
324             return "{add_hosts} {image}".format(**locals())
325         return image
326     def local_addhosts(self, dockerfile):
327         image = ""
328         for line in open(dockerfile):
329             m = re.match('[Ff][Rr][Oo][Mm] *"([^"]*)"', line)
330             if m: 
331                 image = m.group(1)
332                 break
333             m = re.match("[Ff][Rr][Oo][Mm] *(\w[^ ]*)", line)
334             if m: 
335                 image = m.group(1).strip()
336                 break
337         logg.debug("--\n-- '%s' FROM '%s'", dockerfile, image)
338         if image:
339             hosts = self.with_local_mirror(image)
340             return self.add_hosts(hosts)
341         return ""
342     def drop_container(self, name):
343         cmd = "docker rm --force {name}"
344         sx____(cmd.format(**locals()))
345     def drop_centos(self):
346         self.drop_container("centos")
347     def drop_ubuntu(self):
348         self.drop_container("ubuntu")
349     def drop_opensuse(self):
350         self.drop_container("opensuse")
351     def make_opensuse(self):
352         self.make_container("opensuse", OPENSUSE)
353     def make_ubuntu(self):
354         self.make_container("ubuntu", UBUNTU)
355     def make_centos(self):
356         self.make_container("centos", CENTOS)
357     def make_container(self, name, image):
358         self.drop_container(name)
359         local_image = self.local_image(image)
360         cmd = "docker run --detach --name {name} {local_image} sleep 1000"
361         sh____(cmd.format(**locals()))
362         print("                 # " + local_image)
363         print("  docker exec -it "+name+" bash")
364     #
365     # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #
366     #
367     def test_100(self):
368         logg.info("\n  CENTOS = '%s'", CENTOS)
369         self.with_local_centos_mirror()
370     def test_201_opensuse15_build_dockerfile(self):
371         if not os.path.exists(DOCKER_SOCKET): self.skipTest("docker-based test")
372         testname=self.testname()
373         testdir = self.testdir()
374         name="opensuse15-zziplib"
375         dockerfile="testbuilds/opensuse15-build.dockerfile"
376         addhosts = self.local_addhosts(dockerfile)
377         savename = docname(dockerfile)
378         saveto = SAVETO
379         images = IMAGES
380         cmd = "docker build . -f {dockerfile} {addhosts} --tag {images}:{testname}"
381         sh____(cmd.format(**locals()))
382         cmd = "docker rm --force {testname}"
383         sx____(cmd.format(**locals()))
384         #
385         cmd = "docker rmi {saveto}/{savename}:latest"
386         sx____(cmd.format(**locals()))
387         cmd = "docker tag {images}:{testname} {saveto}/{savename}:latest"
388         sh____(cmd.format(**locals()))
389         cmd = "docker rmi {images}:{testname}"
390         sx____(cmd.format(**locals()))
391         self.rm_testdir()
394 if __name__ == "__main__":
395     from optparse import OptionParser
396     _o = OptionParser("%prog [options] test*",
397        epilog=__doc__.strip().split("\n")[0])
398     _o.add_option("-v","--verbose", action="count", default=0,
399        help="increase logging level [%default]")
400     _o.add_option("-p","--python", metavar="EXE", default=_python,
401        help="use another python execution engine [%default]")
402     _o.add_option("-l","--logfile", metavar="FILE", default="",
403        help="additionally save the output log to a file [%default]")
404     _o.add_option("--xmlresults", metavar="FILE", default=None,
405        help="capture results as a junit xml file [%default]")
406     opt, args = _o.parse_args()
407     logging.basicConfig(level = logging.WARNING - opt.verbose * 5)
408     #
409     _python = opt.python
410     #
411     logfile = None
412     if opt.logfile:
413         if os.path.exists(opt.logfile):
414            os.remove(opt.logfile)
415         logfile = logging.FileHandler(opt.logfile)
416         logfile.setFormatter(logging.Formatter("%(levelname)s:%(relativeCreated)d:%(message)s"))
417         logging.getLogger().addHandler(logfile)
418         logg.info("log diverted to %s", opt.logfile)
419     xmlresults = None
420     if opt.xmlresults:
421         if os.path.exists(opt.xmlresults):
422            os.remove(opt.xmlresults)
423         xmlresults = open(opt.xmlresults, "w")
424         logg.info("xml results into %s", opt.xmlresults)
425     #
426     # unittest.main()
427     suite = unittest.TestSuite()
428     if not args: args = [ "test_*" ]
429     for arg in args:
430         for classname in sorted(globals()):
431             if not classname.endswith("Test"):
432                 continue
433             testclass = globals()[classname]
434             for method in sorted(dir(testclass)):
435                 if "*" not in arg: arg += "*"
436                 if arg.startswith("_"): arg = arg[1:]
437                 if fnmatch(method, arg):
438                     suite.addTest(testclass(method))
439     # select runner
440     if not logfile:
441         if xmlresults:
442             import xmlrunner
443             Runner = xmlrunner.XMLTestRunner
444             Runner(xmlresults).run(suite)
445         else:
446             Runner = unittest.TextTestRunner
447             Runner(verbosity=opt.verbose).run(suite)
448     else:
449         Runner = unittest.TextTestRunner
450         if xmlresults:
451             import xmlrunner
452             Runner = xmlrunner.XMLTestRunner
453         Runner(logfile.stream, verbosity=opt.verbose).run(suite)