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mpers.awk: use stdint.h instead of inttypes.h
[strace] / mpers.awk
1 #!/bin/gawk
2 #
3 # Copyright (c) 2015 Elvira Khabirova <lineprinter0@gmail.com>
4 # Copyright (c) 2015-2016 Dmitry V. Levin <ldv@altlinux.org>
5 # Copyright (c) 2015-2018 The strace developers.
6 # All rights reserved.
7 #
8 # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
9 # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
10 # are met:
11 # 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
12 #    notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
13 # 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
14 #    notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
15 #    documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
16 # 3. The name of the author may not be used to endorse or promote products
17 #    derived from this software without specific prior written permission.
18 #
30 function array_get(array_idx, array_member, \
31                    array_return)
32 {
33         array_return = array[array_idx, array_member]
34         if ("" == array_return) {
35                 printf("%s: index [%s] without %s\n",
36                        FILENAME, array_idx, array_member) > "/dev/stderr"
37                 exit 1
38         }
39         return array_return
40 }
41 function norm_idx(idx)
42 {
43         return sprintf("%016s", idx)
44 }
45 function array_seq(array_idx)
46 {
47         if ((array_idx, "seq") in array)
48                 return array[array_idx, "seq"]
49         index_seq++
50         array[array_idx, "seq"] = index_seq
51         return index_seq
52 }
53 function enter(array_idx,
54                item)
55 {
56         if (array_idx in called) {
57                 printf("%s: index loop detected:", FILENAME) > "/dev/stderr"
58                 for (item in called)
59                         printf(" %s", item) > "/dev/stderr"
60                 print "" > "/dev/stderr"
61                 exit 1
62         }
63         called[array_idx] = 1
64 }
65 function leave(array_idx, to_return)
66 {
67         delete called[array_idx]
68         return to_return
69 }
70 function update_upper_bound(idx, val, \
71                             count)
72 {
73         count = array[idx, "count"]
74         if (count == "")
75                 count = 1
76         array[idx, "count"] = count * val
77         array[idx, "upper_bound"] = array[idx, "upper_bound"] "[" val "]"
78 }
79 function what_is(what_idx, \
80                  item, loc_diff, location, prev_location, prev_returned_size, \
81                  special, to_return, type_idx, enc, i)
82 {
83         enter(what_idx)
84         special = array_get(what_idx, "special")
85         if (special == "base_type") {
86                 enc = array_get(what_idx, "encoding")
87                 if (enc == 5) { # signed
88                         printf("int%s_t ",
89                                8 * array_get(what_idx, "byte_size"))
90                 } else if (enc == 7) { # unsigned
91                         printf("uint%s_t ",
92                                8 * array_get(what_idx, "byte_size"))
93                 } else { # float, signed/unsigned char
94                         printf("%s ", array_get(what_idx, "name"))
95                 }
96                 returned_size = array_get(what_idx, "byte_size")
97         } else if (special == "enumeration_type") {
98                 returned_size = array_get(what_idx, "byte_size")
99                 printf("uint%s_t ", 8 * returned_size)
100         } else if (special == "pointer_type") {
101                 printf("mpers_ptr_t ")
102                 returned_size = array_get(what_idx, "byte_size")
103         } else if (special == "array_type") {
104                 type_idx = array_get(what_idx, "type")
105                 what_is(type_idx)
106                 to_return = array[what_idx, "upper_bound"]
107                 if ("" == to_return)
108                         to_return = "[0]"
109                 returned_size = array[what_idx, "count"] * returned_size
110                 return leave(what_idx, to_return)
111         } else if (special == "structure_type") {
112                 print "struct {"
113                 prev_location = 0
114                 location = 0
115                 returned_size = 0
116                 prev_returned_size = 0
117                 for (i = 1; i <= parents_cnt; i += 1) {
118                         if (array_parents[aparents_keys[i]] == what_idx) {
119                                 location = array_get(aparents_keys[i], "location")
120                                 loc_diff = location - prev_location - \
121                                         prev_returned_size
122                                 if (loc_diff != 0) {
123                                         printf("unsigned char mpers_%s_%s[%s];\n",
124                                                "filler", array_seq(aparents_keys[i]), loc_diff)
125                                 }
126                                 prev_location = location
127                                 returned = what_is(aparents_keys[i])
128                                 prev_returned_size = returned_size
129                                 printf("%s%s;\n", array[aparents_keys[i], "name"], returned)
130                         }
131                 }
132                 returned_size = array_get(what_idx, "byte_size")
133                 loc_diff = returned_size - prev_location - prev_returned_size
134                 if (loc_diff != 0) {
135                         printf("unsigned char mpers_%s_%s[%s];\n",
136                                "end_filler", array_seq(item), loc_diff)
137                 }
138                 printf("} ATTRIBUTE_PACKED ")
139         } else if (special == "union_type") {
140                 print "union {"
141                 for (i = 1; i <= parents_cnt; i += 1) {
142                         if (array_parents[aparents_keys[i]] == what_idx) {
143                                 returned = what_is(aparents_keys[i])
144                                 printf("%s%s;\n", array[aparents_keys[i], "name"], returned)
145                         }
146                 }
147                 printf("} ")
148                 returned_size = array_get(what_idx, "byte_size")
149         } else if (special == "typedef") {
150                 type_idx = array_get(what_idx, "type")
151                 return leave(what_idx, what_is(type_idx))
152         } else if (special == "member") {
153                 type_idx = array_get(what_idx, "type")
154                 return leave(what_idx, what_is(type_idx))
155         } else {
156                 type_idx = array_get(what_idx, "type")
157                 what_is(type_idx)
158         }
159         return leave(what_idx, "")
160 }
161 BEGIN {
162         match(ARCH_FLAG, /[[:digit:]]+/, temparray)
163         default_pointer_size = temparray[0] / 8
164         print "#include <stdint.h>"
165 }
166 /^<[[:xdigit:]]+>/ {
167         match($0, /([[:alnum:]]+)><([[:alnum:]]+)/, matches)
168         level = matches[1]
169         idx = norm_idx(matches[2])
170         array[idx, "idx"] = idx
171         parent[level] = idx
172 }
173 /^DW_AT_data_member_location/ {
174         if (!match($0, /\(DW_OP_plus_uconst:[[:space:]]+([[:digit:]]+)\)/, temparray))
175                 match($0, /([[:digit:]]+)/, temparray)
176         array[idx, "location"] = temparray[1]
177 }
178 /^DW_AT_name/ {
179         match($0, /:[[:space:]]+([[:alpha:]_][[:alnum:]_[:space:]]*)/, \
180                 temparray)
181         array_names[idx] = 1
182         array[idx, "name"] = temparray[1]
183 }
184 /^DW_AT_byte_size/ {
185         match($0, /[[:digit:]]+/, temparray)
186         array[idx, "byte_size"] = temparray[0]
187 }
188 /^DW_AT_encoding/ {
189         match($0, /[[:digit:]]+/, temparray)
190         array[idx, "encoding"] = temparray[0]
191 }
192 /^DW_AT_type/ {
193         match($0, /:[[:space:]]+<0x([[:xdigit:]]*)>$/, temparray)
194         array[idx, "type"] = norm_idx(temparray[1])
195 }
196 /^DW_AT_upper_bound/ {
197         match($0, /[[:digit:]]+/, temparray)
198         update_upper_bound(parent[level - 1], temparray[0] + 1)
199 }
200 /^DW_AT_count/ {
201         match($0, /[[:digit:]]+/, temparray)
202         update_upper_bound(parent[level - 1], temparray[0])
203 }
204 /^Abbrev Number:[^(]+\(DW_TAG_/ {
205         if (match($0, /typedef|union_type|structure_type|pointer_type\
206 |enumeration_type|array_type|base_type|member/, temparray)) {
207                 array_special[idx] = temparray[0]
208                 array[idx, "special"] = temparray[0]
209                 if ("pointer_type" == temparray[0])
210                         array[idx, "byte_size"] = default_pointer_size
211                 if (level > 1 && "member" == temparray[0])
212                         array_parents[idx] = parent[level-1]
213         }
214 }
215 END {
216         parents_cnt = asorti(array_parents, aparents_keys)
218         for (item in array_special) {
219                 if (array[item, "special"] == "pointer_type") {
220                         mpers_ptr_t = \
221                                 "uint" 8 * array_get(item, "byte_size") "_t"
222                         print "#ifndef mpers_ptr_t_is_" mpers_ptr_t
223                         print "typedef " mpers_ptr_t " mpers_ptr_t;"
224                         print "#define mpers_ptr_t_is_" mpers_ptr_t
225                         print "#endif"
226                         break
227                 }
228         }
229         for (item in array_names) {
230                 if (array[item, "name"] == VAR_NAME) {
231                         type = array_get(item, "type")
232                         print "typedef"
233                         what_is(type)
234                         name = array_get(type, "name")
235                         print ARCH_FLAG "_" name ";"
236                         print "#define MPERS_" \
237                                 ARCH_FLAG "_" name " " \
238                                 ARCH_FLAG "_" name
239                         break
240                 }
241         }
242 }