]> granicus.if.org Git - shadow/blob - man/useradd.8.xml
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[shadow] / man / useradd.8.xml
1 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
2 <!--
3    Copyright (c) 1991 - 1994, Julianne Frances Haugh
4    Copyright (c) 2007 - 2009, Nicolas François
5    All rights reserved.
7    Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
8    modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
9    are met:
10    1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
11       notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
12    2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
13       notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
14       documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
15    3. The name of the copyright holders or contributors may not be used to
16       endorse or promote products derived from this software without
17       specific prior written permission.
30 -->
31 <!DOCTYPE refentry PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook V4.5//EN"
32   "http://www.oasis-open.org/docbook/xml/4.5/docbookx.dtd" [
33 <!ENTITY CREATE_HOME           SYSTEM "login.defs.d/CREATE_HOME.xml">
34 <!ENTITY GID_MAX               SYSTEM "login.defs.d/GID_MAX.xml">
35 <!ENTITY MAIL_DIR              SYSTEM "login.defs.d/MAIL_DIR.xml">
37 <!ENTITY PASS_MAX_DAYS         SYSTEM "login.defs.d/PASS_MAX_DAYS.xml">
38 <!ENTITY PASS_MIN_DAYS         SYSTEM "login.defs.d/PASS_MIN_DAYS.xml">
39 <!ENTITY PASS_WARN_AGE         SYSTEM "login.defs.d/PASS_WARN_AGE.xml">
40 <!ENTITY SYS_GID_MAX           SYSTEM "login.defs.d/SYS_GID_MAX.xml">
41 <!ENTITY SYS_UID_MAX           SYSTEM "login.defs.d/SYS_UID_MAX.xml">
42 <!ENTITY UID_MAX               SYSTEM "login.defs.d/UID_MAX.xml">
43 <!ENTITY UMASK                 SYSTEM "login.defs.d/UMASK.xml">
44 <!ENTITY TCB_AUTH_GROUP        SYSTEM "login.defs.d/TCB_AUTH_GROUP.xml">
45 <!ENTITY TCB_SYMLINKS          SYSTEM "login.defs.d/TCB_SYMLINKS.xml">
46 <!ENTITY USE_TCB               SYSTEM "login.defs.d/USE_TCB.xml">
48 ]>
49 <refentry id='useradd.8'>
50   <!--  $Id$ -->
51   <refmeta>
52     <refentrytitle>useradd</refentrytitle>
53     <manvolnum>8</manvolnum>
54     <refmiscinfo class="sectdesc">System Management Commands</refmiscinfo>
55   </refmeta>
56   <refnamediv id='name'>
57     <refname>useradd</refname>
58     <refpurpose>create a new user or update default new user information</refpurpose>
59   </refnamediv>
60   <refsynopsisdiv id='synopsis'>
61     <cmdsynopsis>
62       <command>useradd</command>
63       <arg choice='opt'>
64         <replaceable>options</replaceable>
65       </arg>
66       <arg choice='plain'><replaceable>LOGIN</replaceable></arg>
67     </cmdsynopsis>
68     <cmdsynopsis>
69       <command>useradd</command>
70       <arg choice='plain'>-D </arg>
71     </cmdsynopsis>
72     <cmdsynopsis>
73       <command>useradd</command>
74       <arg choice='plain'>-D </arg>
75       <arg choice='opt'>
76         <replaceable>options</replaceable>
77       </arg>
78     </cmdsynopsis>
79   </refsynopsisdiv>
81   <refsect1 id='description'>
82     <title>DESCRIPTION</title>
83       <para>
84         When invoked without the <option>-D</option> option, the
85         <command>useradd</command> command creates a new user account using
86         the values specified on the command line plus the default values from
87         the system. Depending on command line options, the
88         <command>useradd</command> command
89         will update system files and may also create the new user's home
90         directory and copy initial files.
91       </para>
92       <para>
93         By default, a group will also be created for the new user (see
94         <option>-g</option>, <option>-N</option>, <option>-U</option>, and
95         <option>USERGROUPS_ENAB</option>).
96       </para>
97   </refsect1>
99   <refsect1 id='options'>
100     <title>OPTIONS</title>
101     <para>The options which apply to the <command>useradd</command> command are:
102     </para>
103     <variablelist remap='IP'>
104       <varlistentry>
105         <term>
106           <option>-b</option>, <option>--base-dir</option>
107           <replaceable>BASE_DIR</replaceable>
108         </term>
109         <listitem>
110           <para>
111             The default base directory for the system if <option>-d</option>
112             <replaceable>HOME_DIR</replaceable> is not specified.
113             <replaceable>BASE_DIR</replaceable> is
114             concatenated with the account name to define the home directory. 
115             If the <option>-m</option> option is not used,
116             <replaceable>BASE_DIR</replaceable> must exist.
117           </para>
118           <para>
119             If this option is not specified, <command>useradd</command>
120             will use the base directory specified by the
121             <option>HOME</option> variable in
122             <filename>/etc/default/useradd</filename>, or
123             <filename>/home</filename> by default.
124           </para>
125         </listitem>
126       </varlistentry>
127       <varlistentry>
128         <term>
129           <option>-c</option>, <option>--comment</option>
130           <replaceable>COMMENT</replaceable>
131         </term>
132         <listitem>
133           <para>
134             Any text string. It is generally a short description of the
135             login, and is currently used as the field for the user's full
136             name.
137           </para>
138         </listitem>
139       </varlistentry>
140       <varlistentry>
141         <term>
142           <option>-d</option>, <option>--home</option>
143           <replaceable>HOME_DIR</replaceable>
144         </term>
145         <listitem>
146           <para>
147             The new user will be created using
148             <replaceable>HOME_DIR</replaceable> as the value for the user's
149             login directory. The default is to append the
150             <replaceable>LOGIN</replaceable> name to
151             <replaceable>BASE_DIR</replaceable> and use that as the login
152             directory name. The directory <replaceable>HOME_DIR</replaceable>
153             does not have to exist but will not be created if it is missing.
154           </para>
155         </listitem>
156       </varlistentry>
157       <varlistentry>
158         <term>
159           <option>-D</option>, <option>--defaults</option>
160         </term>
161         <listitem>
162           <para>
163             See below, the subsection "Changing the default values".
164           </para>
165         </listitem>
166       </varlistentry>
167       <varlistentry>
168         <term>
169           <option>-e</option>, <option>--expiredate</option>
170           <replaceable>EXPIRE_DATE</replaceable>
171         </term>
172         <listitem>
173           <para>
174             The date on which the user account will be disabled. The date is
175             specified in the format <emphasis remap='I'>YYYY-MM-DD</emphasis>.
176           </para>
177           <para>
178             If not specified, <command>useradd</command> will use the
179             default expiry date specified by the <option>EXPIRE</option>
180             variable in <filename>/etc/default/useradd</filename>, or
181             an empty string (no expiry) by default.
182           </para>
183         </listitem>
184       </varlistentry>
185       <varlistentry>
186         <term>
187           <option>-f</option>, <option>--inactive</option>
188           <replaceable>INACTIVE</replaceable>
189         </term>
190         <listitem>
191           <para>
192             The number of days after a password expires until the account is
193             permanently disabled. A value of 0 disables the account as soon
194             as the password has expired, and a value of -1 disables the
195             feature.
196           </para>
197           <para>
198             If not specified, <command>useradd</command> will use the
199             default inactivity period specified by the
200             <option>INACTIVE</option> variable in
201             <filename>/etc/default/useradd</filename>, or -1 by default.
202           </para>
203         </listitem>
204       </varlistentry>
205       <varlistentry>
206         <term>
207           <option>-g</option>, <option>--gid</option>
208           <replaceable>GROUP</replaceable>
209         </term>
210         <listitem>
211           <para>
212             The group name or number of the user's initial login group. The
213             group name must exist. A group number must refer to an already
214             existing group.
215           </para>
216           <para>
217             If not specified, the behavior of <command>useradd</command>
218             will depend on the <option>USERGROUPS_ENAB</option> variable
219             in <filename>/etc/login.defs</filename>. If this variable is
220             set to <replaceable>yes</replaceable> (or
221             <option>-U/--user-group</option> is specified on the command
222             line), a group will be created for the user, with the same
223             name as her loginname. If the variable is set to
224             <replaceable>no</replaceable> (or
225             <option>-N/--no-user-group</option> is specified on the
226             command line), useradd will set the primary group of the new
227             user to the value specified by the <option>GROUP</option>
228             variable in <filename>/etc/default/useradd</filename>, or
229             100 by default.
230           </para>
231         </listitem>
232       </varlistentry>
233       <varlistentry>
234         <term>
235           <option>-G</option>, <option>--groups</option>
236           <replaceable>GROUP1</replaceable>[<emphasis remap='I'>,GROUP2,...</emphasis>[<emphasis remap='I'>,GROUPN</emphasis>]]]
237         </term>
238         <listitem>
239           <para>
240             A list of supplementary groups which the user is also a member
241             of. Each group is separated from the next by a comma, with no
242             intervening whitespace. The groups are subject to the same
243             restrictions as the group given with the <option>-g</option>
244             option. The default is for the user to belong only to the
245             initial group.
246           </para>
247         </listitem>
248       </varlistentry>
249       <varlistentry>
250         <term><option>-h</option>, <option>--help</option></term>
251         <listitem>
252           <para>Display help message and exit.</para>
253         </listitem>
254       </varlistentry>
255       <varlistentry>
256         <term>
257           <option>-k</option>, <option>--skel</option>
258           <replaceable>SKEL_DIR</replaceable>
259         </term>
260         <listitem>
261           <para>
262             The skeleton directory, which contains files and directories
263             to be copied in the user's home directory, when the home
264             directory is created by <command>useradd</command>.
265           </para>
266           <para>
267             This option is only valid if the <option>-m</option> (or
268             <option>--create-home</option>) option is specified.
269           </para>
270           <para>
271             If this option is not set, the skeleton directory is defined
272             by the <option>SKEL</option> variable in
273             <filename>/etc/default/useradd</filename> or, by default,
274             <filename>/etc/skel</filename>.
275           </para>
276           <para>
277             If possible, the ACLs and extended attributes are copied.
278           </para>
279         </listitem>
280       </varlistentry>
281       <varlistentry>
282         <term>
283           <option>-K</option>, <option>--key</option>
284           <replaceable>KEY</replaceable>=<replaceable>VALUE</replaceable>
285         </term>
286         <listitem>
287           <para>
288             Overrides <filename>/etc/login.defs</filename> defaults
289             (<option>UID_MIN</option>, <option>UID_MAX</option>,
290             <option>UMASK</option>, <option>PASS_MAX_DAYS</option>
291             and others).
292           <para>
293           </para>
294             Example: <option>-K </option><replaceable>PASS_MAX_DAYS</replaceable>=<replaceable>-1</replaceable>
295             can be used when creating system account to turn off password
296             ageing, even though system account has no password at all.
297             Multiple <option>-K</option> options can be specified, e.g.:
298             <option>-K </option>
299             <replaceable>UID_MIN</replaceable>=<replaceable>100</replaceable>
300             <option>-K </option>
301             <replaceable>UID_MAX</replaceable>=<replaceable>499</replaceable>
302           </para>
303           <!--para>
304             Note: <option>-K </option>
305             <replaceable>UID_MIN</replaceable>=<replaceable>10</replaceable>,<replaceable>UID_MAX</replaceable>=<replaceable>499</replaceable>
306             doesn't work yet.
307           </para-->
308         </listitem>
309       </varlistentry>
310       <varlistentry>
311         <term><option>-l</option>, <option>--no-log-init</option></term>
312         <listitem>
313           <para>
314             Do not add the user to the lastlog and faillog databases.
315           </para>
316           <para>
317             By default, the user's entries in the lastlog and faillog
318             databases are resetted to avoid reusing the entry from a previously
319             deleted user.
320           </para>
321         </listitem>
322       </varlistentry>
323       <varlistentry>
324         <term>
325           <option>-m</option>, <option>--create-home</option>
326         </term>
327         <listitem>
328           <para>
329             Create the user's home directory if it does not exist. 
330             The files and directories contained in the skeleton directory
331             (which can be defined with the <option>-k</option> option)
332             will be copied to the home directory.
333           </para>
334           <para>
335             By default, if this option is not specified and
336             <option>CREATE_HOME</option> is not enabled, no home
337             directories are created.
338           </para>
339         </listitem>
340       </varlistentry>
341       <varlistentry>
342         <term>
343           <option>-M</option>
344         </term>
345         <listitem>
346           <para>
347             Do no create the user's home directory, even if the system
348             wide setting from <filename>/etc/login.defs</filename>
349             (<option>CREATE_HOME</option>) is set to
350             <replaceable>yes</replaceable>.
351           </para>
352         </listitem>
353       </varlistentry>
354       <varlistentry>
355         <term>
356           <option>-N</option>, <option>--no-user-group</option>
357         </term>
358         <listitem>
359           <para>
360             Do not create a group with the same name as the user, but
361             add the user to the group specified by the <option>-g</option>
362             option or by the <option>GROUP</option> variable in
363             <filename>/etc/default/useradd</filename>.
364           </para>
365           <para>
366             The default behavior (if the <option>-g</option>,
367             <option>-N</option>, and <option>-U</option> options are not
368             specified) is defined by the <option>USERGROUPS_ENAB</option>
369             variable in <filename>/etc/login.defs</filename>.
370           </para>
371         </listitem>
372       </varlistentry>
373       <varlistentry>
374         <term>
375           <option>-o</option>, <option>--non-unique</option>
376         </term>
377         <listitem>
378           <para>Allow the creation of a user account with a duplicate (non-unique) UID.</para>
379           <para>
380             This option is only valid in combination with the
381             <option>-u</option> option.
382           </para>
383         </listitem>
384       </varlistentry>
385       <varlistentry>
386         <term>
387           <option>-p</option>, <option>--password</option>
388           <replaceable>PASSWORD</replaceable>
389         </term>
390         <listitem>
391           <para>
392             The encrypted password, as returned by <citerefentry>
393             <refentrytitle>crypt</refentrytitle><manvolnum>3</manvolnum>
394             </citerefentry>. The default is to disable the password.
395           </para>
396           <para>
397             <emphasis role="bold">Note:</emphasis> This option is not
398             recommended because the password (or encrypted password) will
399             be visible by users listing the processes.
400           </para>
401           <para>
402             You should make sure the password respects the system's
403             password policy.
404           </para>
405         </listitem>
406       </varlistentry>
407       <varlistentry>
408         <term>
409           <option>-r</option>, <option>--system</option>
410         </term>
411         <listitem>
412           <para>
413             Create a system account.
414           </para>
415           <para>
416             System users will be created with no aging information in
417             <filename>/etc/shadow</filename>, and their numeric
418             identifiers are chosen in the
419             <option>SYS_UID_MIN</option>-<option>SYS_UID_MAX</option>
420             range, defined in <filename>/etc/login.defs</filename>, instead of
421             <option>UID_MIN</option>-<option>UID_MAX</option> (and their
422             <option>GID</option> counterparts for the creation of groups).
423           </para>
424           <para>
425             Note that <command>useradd</command> will not create a home
426             directory for such an user, regardless of the default setting
427             in <filename>/etc/login.defs</filename>
428             (<option>CREATE_HOME</option>). You have to specify the
429             <option>-m</option> options if you want a home directory for a
430             system account to be created.
431           </para>
432         </listitem>
433       </varlistentry>
434       <varlistentry>
435         <term>
436           <option>-s</option>, <option>--shell</option>
437           <replaceable>SHELL</replaceable>
438         </term>
439         <listitem>
440           <para>
441             The name of the user's login shell. The default is to leave this
442             field blank, which causes the system to select the default login
443             shell specified by the <option>SHELL</option> variable in
444             <filename>/etc/default/useradd</filename>, or an empty string
445             by default.
446           </para>
447         </listitem>
448       </varlistentry>
449       <varlistentry>
450         <term>
451           <option>-u</option>, <option>--uid</option>
452           <replaceable>UID</replaceable>
453         </term>
454         <listitem>
455           <para>
456             The numerical value of the user's ID. This value must be unique,
457             unless the <option>-o</option> option is used. The value must be
458             non-negative. The default is to use the smallest ID value
459             greater than 999 and greater than every other user. Values
460             between 0 and 999 are typically reserved for system accounts.
461           </para>
462         </listitem>
463       </varlistentry>
464       <varlistentry>
465         <term>
466           <option>-U</option>, <option>--user-group</option>
467         </term>
468         <listitem>
469           <para>
470             Create a group with the same name as the user, and
471             add the user to this group.
472           </para>
473           <para>
474             The default behavior (if the <option>-g</option>,
475             <option>-N</option>, and <option>-U</option> options are not
476             specified) is defined by the <option>USERGROUPS_ENAB</option>
477             variable in <filename>/etc/login.defs</filename>.
478           </para>
479         </listitem>
480       </varlistentry>
481       <varlistentry>
482         <term>
483           <option>-Z</option>, <option>--selinux-user</option>
484           <replaceable>SEUSER</replaceable>
485         </term>
486         <listitem>
487           <para>
488             The SELinux user for the user's login. The default is to leave this
489             field blank, which causes the system to select the default SELinux
490              user.
491           </para>
492         </listitem>
493       </varlistentry>
494     </variablelist>
496     <refsect2 id='changing_the_default_values'>
497       <title>Changing the default values</title>
498       <para>
499         When invoked with only the <option>-D</option> option,
500         <command>useradd</command> will display the current default values.
501         When invoked with <option>-D</option> plus other options,
502         <command>useradd</command> will update the default values for the
503         specified options. Valid default-changing options are:
504       </para>
505       <variablelist remap='IP'>
506         <varlistentry>
507           <term>
508             <option>-b</option>, <option>--base-dir</option>
509             <replaceable>BASE_DIR</replaceable>
510           </term>
511           <listitem>
512             <para>
513               The path prefix for a new user's home directory. The
514               user's name will be affixed to the end of
515               <replaceable>BASE_DIR</replaceable> to form the new user's
516               home directory name, if the <option>-d</option> option is not used
517               when creating a new account.
518             </para>
519             <para>
520               This option sets the <option>HOME</option> variable in
521               <filename>/etc/default/useradd</filename>.
522             </para>
523           </listitem>
524         </varlistentry>
525         <varlistentry>
526           <term>
527             <option>-e</option>, <option>--expiredate</option>
528             <replaceable>EXPIRE_DATE</replaceable>
529           </term>
530           <listitem>
531             <para>The date on which the user account is disabled.</para>
532             <para>
533               This option sets the <option>EXPIRE</option> variable in
534               <filename>/etc/default/useradd</filename>.
535             </para>
536           </listitem>
537         </varlistentry>
538         <varlistentry>
539           <term>
540             <option>-f</option>, <option>--inactive</option>
541             <replaceable>INACTIVE</replaceable>
542           </term>
543           <listitem>
544             <para>
545               The number of days after a password has expired before the
546               account will be disabled.
547             </para>
548             <para>
549               This option sets the <option>INACTIVE</option> variable in
550               <filename>/etc/default/useradd</filename>.
551             </para>
552           </listitem>
553         </varlistentry>
554         <varlistentry>
555           <term>
556             <option>-g</option>, <option>--gid</option>
557             <replaceable>GROUP</replaceable>
558           </term>
559           <listitem>
560             <para>
561               The group name or ID for a new user's initial group (when
562               the <option>-N/--no-user-group</option> is used or when the
563               <option>USERGROUPS_ENAB</option> variable is set to
564               <replaceable>no</replaceable> in
565               <filename>/etc/login.defs</filename>. The named
566               group must exist, and a numerical group ID must have an
567               existing entry.
568             </para>
569             <para>
570               This option sets the <option>GROUP</option> variable in
571               <filename>/etc/default/useradd</filename>.
572             </para>
573           </listitem>
574         </varlistentry>
575         <varlistentry>
576           <term>
577             <option>-s</option>, <option>--shell</option>
578             <replaceable>SHELL</replaceable>
579           </term>
580           <listitem>
581             <para>
582               The name of a new user's login shell.
583             </para>
584             <para>
585               This option sets the <option>SHELL</option> variable in
586               <filename>/etc/default/useradd</filename>.
587             </para>
588           </listitem>
589         </varlistentry>
590       </variablelist>
592     </refsect2>
593   </refsect1>
595   <refsect1 id='notes'>
596     <title>NOTES</title>
597     <para>The system administrator is responsible for placing the default
598       user files in the <filename>/etc/skel/</filename> directory (or any
599       other skeleton directory specified in
600       <filename>/etc/default/useradd</filename> or on the command line).
601     </para>
602   </refsect1>
604   <refsect1 id='caveats'>
605     <title>CAVEATS</title>
606     <para>
607       You may not add a user to a NIS or LDAP group. This must be
608       performed on the corresponding server.
609     </para>
611     <para>
612       Similarly, if the username already exists in an external user
613       database such as NIS or LDAP, <command>useradd</command> will deny
614       the user account creation request.
615     </para>
617     <para>
618       Usernames must start with a lower case letter or an underscore,
619       followed by lower case letters, digits, underscores, or dashes.
620       They can end with a dollar sign.
621       In regular expression terms: [a-z_][a-z0-9_-]*[$]?
622     </para>
623     <para>
624       Usernames may only be up to 32 characters long.
625     </para>
626   </refsect1>
628   <refsect1 id='configuration'>
629     <title>CONFIGURATION</title>
630     <para>
631       The following configuration variables in
632       <filename>/etc/login.defs</filename> change the behavior of this
633       tool:
634     </para>
635     <variablelist>
636       &CREATE_HOME;
637       &GID_MAX; <!-- documents also GID_MIN -->
638       &MAIL_DIR;
640       &PASS_MAX_DAYS;
641       &PASS_MIN_DAYS;
642       &PASS_WARN_AGE;
643       &SYS_GID_MAX; <!-- documents also SYS_GID_MIN -->
644       &SYS_UID_MAX; <!-- documents also SYS_UID_MIN -->
645       &TCB_AUTH_GROUP;
646       &TCB_SYMLINKS;
647       &UID_MAX; <!-- documents also UID_MIN -->
648       &UMASK;
649       &USE_TCB;
651     </variablelist>
652   </refsect1>
654   <refsect1 id='files'>
655     <title>FILES</title>
656     <variablelist>
657       <varlistentry>
658         <term><filename>/etc/passwd</filename></term>
659         <listitem>
660           <para>User account information.</para>
661         </listitem>
662       </varlistentry>
663       <varlistentry>
664         <term><filename>/etc/shadow</filename></term>
665         <listitem>
666           <para>Secure user account information.</para>
667         </listitem>
668       </varlistentry>
669       <varlistentry>
670         <term><filename>/etc/group</filename></term>
671         <listitem>
672           <para>Group account information.</para>
673         </listitem>
674       </varlistentry>
675       <varlistentry condition="gshadow">
676         <term><filename>/etc/gshadow</filename></term>
677         <listitem>
678           <para>Secure group account information.</para>
679         </listitem>
680       </varlistentry>
681       <varlistentry>
682         <term><filename>/etc/default/useradd</filename></term>
683         <listitem>
684           <para>Default values for account creation.</para>
685         </listitem>
686       </varlistentry>
687       <varlistentry>
688         <term><filename>/etc/skel/</filename></term>
689         <listitem>
690           <para>Directory containing default files.</para>
691         </listitem>
692       </varlistentry>
693       <varlistentry>
694         <term><filename>/etc/login.defs</filename></term>
695         <listitem>
696           <para>Shadow password suite configuration.</para>
697         </listitem>
698       </varlistentry>
699     </variablelist>
700   </refsect1>
702   <refsect1 id='exit_values'>
703     <title>EXIT VALUES</title>
704     <para>
705       The <command>useradd</command> command exits with the following values:
706       <variablelist>
707         <varlistentry>
708           <term><replaceable>0</replaceable></term>
709           <listitem>
710             <para>success</para>
711           </listitem>
712         </varlistentry>
713         <varlistentry>
714           <term><replaceable>1</replaceable></term>
715           <listitem>
716             <para>can't update password file</para>
717           </listitem>
718         </varlistentry>
719         <varlistentry>
720           <term><replaceable>2</replaceable></term>
721           <listitem>
722             <para>invalid command syntax</para>
723           </listitem>
724         </varlistentry>
725         <varlistentry>
726           <term><replaceable>3</replaceable></term>
727           <listitem>
728             <para>invalid argument to option</para>
729           </listitem>
730         </varlistentry>
731         <varlistentry>
732           <term><replaceable>4</replaceable></term>
733           <listitem>
734             <para>UID already in use (and no <option>-o</option>)</para>
735           </listitem>
736         </varlistentry>
737         <varlistentry>
738           <term><replaceable>6</replaceable></term>
739           <listitem>
740             <para>specified group doesn't exist</para>
741           </listitem>
742         </varlistentry>
743         <varlistentry>
744           <term><replaceable>9</replaceable></term>
745           <listitem>
746             <para>username already in use</para>
747           </listitem>
748         </varlistentry>
749         <varlistentry>
750           <term><replaceable>10</replaceable></term>
751           <listitem>
752             <para>can't update group file</para>
753           </listitem>
754         </varlistentry>
755         <varlistentry>
756           <term><replaceable>12</replaceable></term>
757           <listitem>
758             <para>can't create home directory</para>
759           </listitem>
760         </varlistentry>
761         <varlistentry>
762           <term><replaceable>13</replaceable></term>
763           <listitem>
764             <para>can't create mail spool</para>
765           </listitem>
766         </varlistentry>
767       </variablelist>
768     </para>
769   </refsect1>
771   <refsect1 id='see_also'>
772     <title>SEE ALSO</title>
773     <para>
774       <citerefentry>
775         <refentrytitle>chfn</refentrytitle><manvolnum>1</manvolnum>
776       </citerefentry>,
777       <citerefentry>
778         <refentrytitle>chsh</refentrytitle><manvolnum>1</manvolnum>
779       </citerefentry>,
780       <citerefentry>
781         <refentrytitle>passwd</refentrytitle><manvolnum>1</manvolnum>
782       </citerefentry>,
783       <citerefentry>
784         <refentrytitle>crypt</refentrytitle><manvolnum>3</manvolnum>
785       </citerefentry>,
786       <citerefentry>
787         <refentrytitle>groupadd</refentrytitle><manvolnum>8</manvolnum>
788       </citerefentry>,
789       <citerefentry>
790         <refentrytitle>groupdel</refentrytitle><manvolnum>8</manvolnum>
791       </citerefentry>,
792       <citerefentry>
793         <refentrytitle>groupmod</refentrytitle><manvolnum>8</manvolnum>
794       </citerefentry>,
795       <citerefentry>
796         <refentrytitle>login.defs</refentrytitle><manvolnum>5</manvolnum>
797       </citerefentry>,
798       <citerefentry>
799         <refentrytitle>newusers</refentrytitle><manvolnum>8</manvolnum>
800       </citerefentry>,
801       <citerefentry>
802         <refentrytitle>userdel</refentrytitle><manvolnum>8</manvolnum>
803       </citerefentry>,
804       <citerefentry>
805         <refentrytitle>usermod</refentrytitle><manvolnum>8</manvolnum>
806       </citerefentry>.
807     </para>
808   </refsect1>
809 </refentry>