]> granicus.if.org Git - zziplib/blob - docs/cpp2markdown-1.py
[zziplib] / docs / cpp2markdown-1.py
1 #! /usr/bin/env python
2 import pygments.lexers.compiled as lexer
3 import optparse
4 import re
5 from pygments.token import Token
6 import logging
8 logg = logging.getLogger(__name__)
10 FileComment = "FileComment"
11 FileInclude = "FileInclude"
12 FunctionComment = "FunctionComment"
13 FunctionPrototype = "FunctionPrototype"
15 # use the markdown lexer to identify elements
16 # then filter only those we want. The returned
17 # token list is more global flagging the role
18 # of each token for the manual generation.
19 class CppToMarkdown:
20     def __init__(self):
21         self.alldefinitions = 0
22         self.internaldefs = ["static"]
23         self.filecomment_done = ""
24         self.fileinclude_done = ""
25         self.filecomment_text = ""
26         self.fileinclude_text = ""
27         self.comment_text = ""
28         self.function_text = ""
29         self.nesting = 0
30     def split_copyright(self, text):
31         # there are two modes - the copyright starts in the first line
32         # and the source description follows or the other way round.
33         lines = text.split("\n")
34         if len(lines) <= 2:
35             return "", text
36         introtext = [lines[0]]
37         copyright = [lines[0]]
38         check1 = re.compile(r"^\s[*]\s+[(][c][C][)]")
39         check2 = re.compile(r"^\s[*]\s+\b[Cc]opyright\b")
40         empty1 = re.compile(r"^\s[*]\s*$")
41         state = "intro"
42         for i in xrange(1,len(lines)-1):
43             line = lines[i]
44             if state == "intro":
45                 if empty1.match(line):
46                     introtext += [ line ]
47                     continue
48                 if check1.match(line) or check2.match(line):
49                     state = "copyrightfirst"
50                     copyright += [ line ]
51                 else:
52                     state = "introtextfirst"
53                     introtext += [ line ]
54             elif state == "copyrightfirst":
55                 if empty1.match(line):
56                     state = "introtextlast"
57                     introtext += [ line ]
58                 else:
59                     copyright += [ line ]
60             elif state == "introtextfirst":
61                 if check1.match(line) or check2.match(line):
62                     state = "copyrightlast"
63                     copyright += [ line ]
64                 else:
65                     introtext += [ line ]
66             elif state == "copyrightlast":
67                 copyright += [ line ]
68             elif state == "introtextlast":
69                 introtext += [ line ]
70             else:
71                 logg.fatal("UNKNOWN STATE %s", state)
72         introtext += [lines[-1]]
73         copyright += [lines[-1]]
74         logg.debug("@ COPYRIGHT\n %s", copyright)
75         logg.debug("@ INTROTEXT\n %s", introtext)
76         return "\n".join(copyright), "\n".join(introtext)
77     def commentblock(self, text):
78         prefix = re.compile(r"(?s)^\s*[/][*]+([^\n]*)(?=\n)")
79         suffix = re.compile(r"(?s)\n [*][/]\s*")
80         empty = re.compile(r"(?s)\n [*][ \t]*(?=\n)")
81         lines1 = re.compile(r"(?s)\n [*][ ][\t]")
82         lines2 = re.compile(r"(?s)\n [*][ ]")
83         lines3 = re.compile(r"(?s)\n [*][\t][\t]")
84         lines4 = re.compile(r"(?s)\n [*][\t]")
85         text = suffix.sub("\n", text)
86         text = prefix.sub("> \\1\n", text)
87         text = empty.sub("\n", text)
88         text = lines1.sub("\n     ", text)
89         text = lines2.sub("\n", text)
90         text = lines3.sub("\n         ", text)
91         text = lines4.sub("\n     ", text)
92         return text
93     def functionblock(self, text):
94         empty = re.compile(r"(?s)\n[ \t]*(?=\n)")
95         text = "    " + text.replace("\n", "\n    ")
96         text = empty.sub("", text) 
97         return text
98     def functionname(self, text):
99         check1 = re.compile(r"^[^()=]*(\b\w+)\s*[(=]")
100         found = check1.match(text)
101         if found:
102             return found.group(1)
103         check2 = re.compile(r"^[^()=]*(\b\w+)\s*$")
104         found = check2.match(text)
105         if found:
106             return found.group(1)
107         return ""
108     def run(self, filename):
109         filetext = open(filename).read()
110         for line in self.process(filetext, filename):
111             print line
112     def process(self, filetext, filename=""):
113         section_ruler = "-----------------------------------------"
114         copyright = ""
115         for token, text in self.parse(filetext):
116             if token == FileInclude:
117                 yield "## SOURCE " + filename.replace("../", "")
118                 yield "    #" + text.replace("\n", "\n    ")
119             elif token == FileComment:
120                 yield "### INTRODUCTION"
121                 copyright, introduction = self.split_copyright(text)
122                 yield self.commentblock(introduction)
123             elif token == FunctionPrototype:
124                 name = self.functionname(text)
125                 yield section_ruler
126                 yield "### " + name
127                 yield '<a id="%s"></a>' % name
128                 yield "#### NAME"
129                 yield "    " + name
130                 yield "#### SYNOPSIS"
131                 yield self.functionblock(text)
132             elif token == FunctionComment:
133                 if text:
134                     yield "#### DESCRIPTION"
135                     yield self.commentblock(text)
136             else:
137                 if text:
138                     yield "#### NOTES"
139                     print token, text.replace("\n", "\n  ")
140         if copyright:
141             yield section_ruler
142             yield "### COPYRIGHT"
143             yield self.commentblock(copyright)            
144     def isexported_function(self):
145         function = self.function_text.strip().replace("\n"," ")
146         logg.debug("@ --------------------------------------") 
147         logg.debug("@ ALLDEFINITIONS %s", self.alldefinitions)
148         if function.startswith("static ") and self.alldefinitions < 3:
149             logg.debug("@ ONLY INTERNAL %s", function)
150             return False
151         if not self.comment_text:
152             if not self.alldefinitions:
153                 logg.info("@ NO COMMENT ON %s", function)
154                 return False
155             else:
156                 logg.warn("@ NO COMMENT ON %s", function)
157         text = self.comment_text
158         if text.startswith("/**"): return True
159         if text.startswith("/*!"): return True
160         if text.startswith("///"): return True
161         if text.startswith("//!"): return True
162         if self.alldefinitions >= 1:
163             if text.startswith("/*"): return True
164             if text.startswith("//"): return True
165         if self.alldefinitions >= 2:
166             return True
167         logg.debug("@ NO ** COMMENT %s", self.function_text.strip())
168         defs = self.function_text
169         return False
170     def parse(self, filetext):
171         c = lexer.CLexer()
172         for token, text in c.get_tokens(filetext):
173             logg.debug("|| %s %s", token, text.replace("\n", "\n |"))
174             # completion
175             if token != Token.Comment.Preproc and self.fileinclude_done == "no":
176                     yield FileInclude, self.fileinclude_text
177                     if self.filecomment_text:
178                         yield FileComment, self.filecomment_text
179                     self.fileinclude_done = "done"
180             # parsing
181             if token == Token.Comment.Multiline:
182                 if not self.filecomment_done:
183                     self.filecomment_done = "done"
184                     self.filecomment_text = text
185                     # wait until we know it is not a function documentation
186                     self.comment_text = text
187                 else:
188                     self.comment_text = text
189             elif token == Token.Comment.Preproc and "include" in text:
190                 if not self.fileinclude_done:
191                     self.fileinclude_done = "no"
192                     self.fileinclude_text += text
193                     self.comment_text = ""
194             elif token == Token.Comment.Preproc and self.fileinclude_done == "no":
195                 if not "\n" in self.fileinclude_text:
196                     self.fileinclude_text += text
197                 self.comment_text = ""
198             elif token == Token.Comment.Preproc:
199                     self.comment_text = ""
200                     self.function_text = ""
201             elif token == Token.Operator and text == "=":
202                 if not self.nesting and self.function_text.strip():
203                     if self.isexported_function():
204                         yield FunctionPrototype, self.function_text
205                         yield FunctionComment, self.comment_text
206                 self.comment_text = ""
207                 self.function_text = ""
208             elif token == Token.Punctuation and text == ";":
209                 self.comment_text = ""
210                 self.function_text = ""
211             elif token == Token.Punctuation and text == "{":
212                 if not self.nesting and self.function_text.strip():
213                     if self.isexported_function():
214                         yield FunctionPrototype, self.function_text
215                         yield FunctionComment, self.comment_text
216                 self.comment_text = ""
217                 self.function_text = ""
218                 self.nesting += 1
219             elif token == Token.Punctuation and text == "}":
220                 self.nesting -= 1
221                 self.comment_text = ""
222                 self.function_text = ""
223             else:
224                 if not self.nesting:
225                     self.function_text += text
226                 else:
227                     pass # yield "|",text
230 if __name__ == "__main__":
231     _o = optparse.OptionParser()
232     _o.add_option("-v", "--verbose", action="count", default=0)
233     _o.add_option("-a", "--all", action="count", default=0,
234                   help="include all definitions in the output (not only /**)")
235     opt, args = _o.parse_args()
237     logg.addHandler(logging.StreamHandler())
238     if opt.verbose:
239         logg.setLevel(logging.WARN - 10 * opt.verbose)
241     c = CppToMarkdown()
242     if opt.all:
243         c.alldefinitions = opt.all
244     for arg in args:
245         c.run(arg)