]> granicus.if.org Git - fortune-mod/blob - .travis.yml
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[fortune-mod] / .travis.yml
1 addons:
2     apt:
3         packages:
4             - asciidoc
5             - cmake
6             - cpanminus
7             - dbtoepub
8             - docbook-xsl
9             - docbook-xsl-ns
10             - gcc
11             - libperl-dev
12             - librecode-dev
13             - make
14             - perl
15             - valgrind
16             - xsltproc
17             - xz-utils
18             - zip
19 before_install:
20     - cpanm local::lib
21     - eval "$(perl -Mlocal::lib=$HOME/perl_modules)"
22     - cpanm App::Docmake Code::TidyAll::Plugin::ClangFormat Code::TidyAll::Plugin::Flake8 Code::TidyAll::Plugin::TestCount File::Find::Object List::Util Path::Tiny Perl::Critic Perl::Tidy Test::Code::TidyAll Test::Differences Test::RunValgrind Test::Trap
23 cache:
24     directories:
25         - $HOME/perl_modules
26         - $HOME/tidyall_d
27 dist: focal
28 install:
29     # Required to avoid default travis "cpanm ." booboo.
30     - true
31 language: perl
32 os: linux
33 perl:
34     - "5.30"
35 script:
36     - "perl -ln -i -E 'print unless /^\\[ClangFormat\\]$/../^$/' fortune-mod/.tidyallrc"
37     - "export FORTUNE_TEST_TIDY=1"
38     - "perl CI-testing/continuous-integration-testing.pl"
39     - "rm -fr B"